1,2,3 Grades 9-16-12

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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together.



1 Kings 16:29-17:8, 19:4, 2 Kings 1:8; James 5:17-18 BIBLE STORY SUMMARY: After the reign of kings David and Solomon, godly kings who served the people in a god-honoring manner, many other kings lived for selfish gain, and gave in to the temptation to do many things that were evil in the sight of the Lord. The people of God were split into northern and southern kingdoms. When Asa was the king of Judah (the southern kingdom), Ahab became king of Israel (the northern kingdom) and did more evil than any of the kings before him. Elijah was sent as the Lord’s messenger and prophet to confront Ahab and the lifestyle that had become prevalent in Israel; that of treating God as if He were just another one of the many pretend gods that they worshipped. Appearing as if from nowhere, Elijah declared the coming draught as the instrument that God would use to return the peoples hearts to Him. As soon as Elijah pronounced it, he had to flee to the location that the Lord directed for his safety. There, God provided for Elijah’s nourishment, both food and water, in miraculous fashion. He provided water from a brook with bread and meat from ravens twice daily. The Lord provided this miraculous nourishment to prepare him for the pending encounter with Ahab before the people of Israel.

God’s Spokesman to Ahab

LESSON FOCUS: There are times when the Lord gives us opportunities to speak boldly for Him amidst the wanton disregard for His ways. When we do, He faithfully provides in remarkable ways. WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT GOD:

God Remarkably Provides

This Week’s Memory Verse:

God is holy and will bring about justice in His timing.

Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God.

God watches out for us and provides in remarkable ways. RESPONSE: We need to be ready to speak out boldly for the Lord when He prompts us to do so and careful to live righteously at all times. We should be watching for the Lord’s provision in our lives and praising Him for His remarkable supply.

They were filled with awe and said, “We have seen remarkable things today.” Luke 5:26

Copyright 2008 Berean Baptist Church 309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306 952.432.7168

September 16, 2012

Monday—King Ahab

Read 1 Kings 16:29-32

As the story of Elijah begins, who are the king and queen of Israel? ___ ___ ___ ___ and

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Saturday—This Week’s Puzzle

In our story this week, God remarkably provides Elijah with everything he needs. God gave him courage to confront Ahab, a safe place to hide, food to eat in a most unusual way, and water to drink when other rivers were drying up. Let’s remember that God remarkably provides!

How does the Bible describe King Ahab?

 He loved God and followed His ways.  He was a lazy king who didn’t help the Israelites.  He did more evil in the eyes of the god than any other king before him.


 He was a generous king who gave the Israelites everything they wanted.

1. This person's name means "Yahweh is God."

In verse 31, we read that Ahab committed terrible sins that he considered trivial (unimportant). Have you ever done something wrong where you felt it didn’t matter?

4. Ahab and Jezebel worshipped this idol.

 Yes

7. ____________ was the queen of Israel.

 Sometimes  No Jezebel came from a country that worshipped a false god. What was the name of this idol?


8. Elijah was remembered for wearing a garment made of this. Down 2. Who built an altar for the idol Baal?

Ahab built an altar and temple to worship Baal. Which picture shows how God felt? (Circle your answer)

3. God ordered the ____________ to feed Elijah. 5. Elijah wore a belt of ____________. 6. Elijah hid in safety at the ___________ Ravine.

Friday—God Provides

Read 1 Kings 17:6

(v.3) (v.6) (v.6)

God sees all things and provides exactly what we need at just the right time. God knew what Elijah would need. What ways did God provide for Elijah?

______________. God sent ravens to deliver ___________ and __________. God provided a __________ for Elijah to drink from.

Tuesday—Elijah Boldly Confronts Ahab

Read 1 Kings 16:32-33, 17:1

The Bible doesn’t tell us very much about Elijah’s childhood. We do know that he was a prophet for God. Elijah’s name means, “Yahweh is God.” In James 5:17, it says that he was “a man like us.”

God provided Elijah with a safe place to

How many times each day did the ravens deliver food to Elijah? (circle one loaf for each time the ravens delivered food)

Read 2 Kings 1:8. Draw a picture in the box of what you think EliAcross jah looked like. 1. This person's name means "Yahweh is God." 4. Ahab and Jezebel worshipped this idol.

Draw a happy face next to the things you are glad that God provides: His word, the Bible

Read 2 Kings 19:14. How does Elijah 7. ____________ was the queen of describe himself? Israel. “I have been very

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ for the LORD God Almighty.

8. Elijah was remembered for wearing a

My family A pet that has died A skinned knee Rainy days Medicine when I am sick

Godgarment prompted Elijah to speak boldly to Ahab about his sinful ways. Re-read 1 Kings 17:1. made of this. What message did Elijah deliver to Ahab?

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___, lives, whom I serve, there will be neither ___ ___ ___ nor ___ ___ ___ ___ in the next 2. Who built an altar for the idol Baal? ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ except at my ___ ___ ___ ___.” “AsDown the LORD, the God of

3. God ordered the ____________ to feed Elijah.

How do you think Ahab felt after receiving this message?

 5.Upset Elijah wore a belt of ____________.  Angry

6. Elijah hid in safety at the

 ___________ Fearful Ravine. Will you thank God right now for all that He provides for you? Thank you God, for providing me with


 All of the above.

Wednesday—God Gives Instruction

Thursday—Elijah Obeys God

God has important things to say to us. What instructions did God have for Elijah?

Elijah was a prophet. Sometimes prophets had to deliver difficult and unhappy messages. What happened to all the prophets except Elijah? Read 1 Kings 19:14 and circle the correct answer.

Read 1 Kings 17:1-4

Check four that are in verse #3.

 Buy some new clothes  Leave here  Hide in the Kerith Ravine

 Turn eastward  Pack food for the journey  Dring from the brook

For his safety, Elijah needed to leave Ahab’s kingdom. When do you think Elijah left for safety?

Read 1 Kings 17:1-5

A. They moved away to another country. B. They became shepherds of camels and sheep. C. They were put to death with the sword. God called on Elijah to deliver a difficult message to Ahab. How do you think Elijah felt about doing this for God?


He couldn't wait to share the message with Ahab.

 After a long time


He wanted another prophet to deliver the message instead.

 When he felt like it


He was afraid that he would be killed just like the other prophets.

 Right Away God even has amazing instructions for His creatures! Let’s look at what He says in verse #4; “I have ordered the

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ to

___ ___ ___ __ you.”

Even though Elijah feared for his life, he chose to obey God. Have you ever been afraid to do something important? (circle one) YES NO Will you choose to obey God no matter how afraid you may feel?

 Yes  Maybe

If you needed food as Elijah did, would you accept food delivered by ravens?

 No

 Yes  Maybe

Review James 5:17-18. Elijah prayed earnestly that it would not rain for a few years. How long did the land go without rain or dew?

 No way

 3.5 weeks  3.5 months  3.5 years  30.5 years

Say this weeks memorization verse two times and think about how God’s instructions are remarkable.

Do you want God to help you to obey Him? Just ask Him! God promises to hear our prayers.

___________________________________ _________________________________________ Dear God,

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