4,5,6 grades 1 26 14

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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together. SCRIPTURE PASSAGE:

Matthew 4:17-22; Mark 1:14-20, 2:13-17; Luke 5:1-11, 27-29, 6:12-16



Jesus called the fishermen, saying, “Come, follow Me.” He promised that He would make them fishers of men. Jesus also called, “Come, follow Me,” to Matthew, the tax collector. Peter, Andrew, James, John and Matthew left everything to follow Jesus, who came to save sinners. LESSON FOCUS:

To understand that Jesus calls to me, “Come, follow Me.” To understand that following Jesus means that I will choose each day to do the things that Jesus does. WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT GOD:

God asks me to become a follower of Jesus. LET’S TALK ABOUT WHAT WE LEARNED:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

When Jesus returned to Galilee and began preaching, what was His message? (Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.) What does it mean to repent? (It means to turn away from sin and turn in obedience to God.) What did Jesus say to Peter and Andrew? (Come, follow me.) What did Jesus say He would help them do? (He would help them become fishers of men.) What did Jesus ask Peter to do after He preached to the crowds? (Put out into the deep water and let down the nets.) Why didn’t Peter really want to do this? (He had been out all night and caught nothing.) What did Peter do? (He obeyed Jesus and did as He asked.)

Will you choose to turn away from sin and turn toward Jesus, Doing the things He does? Will you begin today asking God to help you be an obedient follower of Jesus each day?

Copyright 2008 Berean Baptist Church 309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306 952.432.7168

the One I Must Follow

God Asks Me to Become a Follower of Jesus

Jesus Calls, “Come, Follow Me” “Come, follow Me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19

January 26, 2014

Read Matthew 4:12-17 and Mark 1:14—15

Monday—Repent Jesus returned to Galilee and started His preaching after spending 40 days and nights in the desert. Jesus began preaching with the same message that John the Baptist had been giving to the people. Can you remember John’s message?

(Matthew 3:2)

“R ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ for the k ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ of h ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ is n ___ ___ ___ .” Jesus wanted people to know how important it was for them to repent. Check off the correct items below that are about repentance.

     

To give back To go over To go backwards To ask forgiveness To turn from sin To obey God

Repentance means that we turn away from sin and turn to obedience to God. How can we actually do that in our lives? It really isn’t that hard to do. Start doing the things that Jesus would do and acting the way Jesus would act. Today, can you think of some things that you could do that would be what Jesus would do?

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Jesus needed helpers in His ministry. How important do you think repentance would be for these special followers? (Circle your answer) Not very Maybe Kinda Important SUPER Important

Saturday—This Weeks Puzzle

Say Your verse!

Can you find the fallen message? Each letter lines up with one of the squares above it.

Read Matthew 9:9—13

Friday—Matthew Follows Jesus Not all of Jesus’ disciples were fishermen. What was Matthew?  doctor  writer tax collector  pastor

In Jesus’ day, tax collectors had bad reputations. They were very disliked by everyone. Did Jesus hate Matthew?  yes  not sure no  Jesus later died for him

Tuesday—The First Followers As Jesus was walking one day, He saw some men fishing in the sea of Galilee. Can you tell me their

Read Matthew 4:18—22

S ___ ___ ___ ___ , who was called P ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ , and his brother A ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ . names?

What did Jesus tell them to do? When Jesus saw Matthew, what did He tell him to do?  be nice  stop cheating Follow Him  Give up everything Before Matthew, Peter, Andrew, James, and John could follow Jesus, what did they have to do first?

T ___ ___ ___ from their old ways (fishing and tax collecting) and t ___ ___ ___ to obeying G ___ ___. Each one of these men repented. They turned from their old ways and turned to being obedient to God. They became great men of God. Are you willing to turn from sin each day?

 

   

Stop throwing your nets in the lake Come and eat some fish with Me

k they Do you thin He tood what Follow Me, I will make you fishers of men unders meant?

Don’t go out into the deep water

 Yes  Not sure When did they do what He said? bably ________________________  Pro  Not Really What other brothers did Jesus see?

J ___ ___ ___ ___ and J ___ ___ ___ What was their job?




When did they do what Jesus said?


Things to turn away from:

Thing to turn towards:

________________ ________________ ________________

_________________ _________________ _________________

Their dad was in the boat with them, but the Bible doesn’t tell us what he was thinking or feeling. Can you guess how he must have felt?

Read Luke 5:1-7

Can you imagine being with Jesus along the side of that big lake with the crowds getting bigger and bigger? Would you be excited if Jesus got into your boat? When Jesus got into Simon Peter’s boat, He asked him to go out into the water a little bit then He sat down and taught the people from the boat. When He finished teaching, Jesus had a special lesson for Peter. What did He tell him to do?

   

Repair the nets Let down your nets Put on your life vest Put out into deep water

How many fish had Peter caught from the whole night before?


Thursday—Peter Repents

Wednesday—A Special Lesson


5 0

Obediently, Peter put out into deep water and let down his nets. Peter did what Jesus asked probably thinking he would still not catch anything. But, soon the nets were overflowing fish. What would Peter have missed out on if he had decided not to put out into deep water and let down his nets?

____________________________________ ____________________________________ Peter learned that Jesus brought the fish—he just needed to be obedient. Because of this miracle, he would be able to understand that Jesus would bring people to know God—Peter would just need to follow Jesus.

What do you think Peter was thinking about when he saw how full the nets were?

     

Read Luke 5:8-11 and 31-32

I am going to be rich Who is this man? I can’t believe my eyes My arms hurt I am sinful It’ll be hard to repair the nets

After the shock of the miracle wore off, Peter could clearly see his sinfulness in comparison to Jesus’ holiness. Peter knew something needed to be done. He did not feel worthy of being next to Jesus. He told Jesus to go away from him. Paul wrote about sinfulness in Romans 3:23. He wrote,

s ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ short of the g ___ ___ ___ ___ of God.” “For all have

and fall

Jesus did not go away. He told Peter and his friends not to be afraid. Peter realized his sinfulness. Who did Jesus come to help?

s ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ to r ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ . Jesus came to call

What did Jesus tell them they would now be catching instead of fish?

___ ___ ___ Jesus wants you to be a fisher of men too. Can you think of some people that don’t know Jesus. Write down their names and begin praying for them today.

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