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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together. SCRIPTURE PASSAGE:


God knew of Herod’s plan to kill Jesus. He warned the Magi not to return to Herod, and they obeyed. God also warned Joseph to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt and to stay there. When the time was right, God spoke to Joseph again, telling him to return to Israel with Mary and Jesus. Joseph again listened to God and obeyed. LESSON FOCUS:

To understand that God knows what is best for me, and He will speak to me. To learn that I must listen to God and obey immediately. WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT GOD:


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Who came from the east to worship Jesus? (The Magi.) Who told them to go to Bethlehem and why? (Herod told them to go because he wanted them to report back to him.) Did the Magi return to Herod? (No, they obeyed God and took another route home. What did Herod do when they did not return? (He was furious. He ordered the killing of all boys, 2 years old and younger.) God spoke to Joseph in a dream about this. What did He tell Joseph to do? (Escape to Egypt.) How did Joseph respond? (Without delay, he got up and took Mary and Jesus to Egypt.) What happened while Joseph, Mary, and Jesus were in Egypt? (Herod died. God again spoke to Joseph and told him it was safe to return to Israel.) What was Joseph’s response each time God spoke to him? (He immediately obeyed God each time.)

Will you ask God for listening ears? Will you choose to obey God when He speaks to you?

Jesus The Savior of the World God Speaks To Me

Escape to Egypt This Week’s Memory Verse: I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.

Copyright 2008 Berean Baptist Church 309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306 952.432.7168

Isaiah 48:17

January 5, 2014

Read Matthew 2:11-12

The new star amazed the wise men. They followed it after learning what it stood for. God helped them understand His plan for the new King. Their reaction was more than just amazement; they went out of their way to find the new King. When they found Him, they bowed, worshiped, and gave Him valuable gifts. They kept listening for God’s voice. How did God warn them?

______________________________________ What did He tell them to do?

______________________________________ How did they react?

______________________________________ Can you write down something that God has taught you through His word?

______________________________________ ______________________________________ Are you ready to obey Him through faith?

 

Yes No

Saturday—Listening to God

Monday—The Magi Listen

How can you show your obedience to God?

__________________ __________________

s d z u x d u s n k s m a h t w n h f g m o d m v w o i j v

v o j l b x t m h j l j n o x c f r l i c i m a t o b k z e

angels Herod voice

w k n j b m s i i l j d g m c p a h x s f s h d j s d w m n

z v a r t l c r z g f u e b c h h z h w h t i q y t u u s d

p i v l e z d u r w m f l b h s g e u x i i p x x s e k a l

r f c g f a n y v j e n s v k m p p g a a a e f b g b a r n

y h t t b b g n i n e t s i l h b f f o s p i r a o x s m x

Egypt listening wisdom

z u j h z y d b b o j s t h e r o u j y d m f g r z p c s x

a s z n e c o k x y d b v r i t m o c x b n e w x y r f i s

i m e l j c r m u c i t d e k p e x t r b g g j s x b s t j

d j c j h z e a e e t s t p y g e i z h i p y k v o i c e u

i n x e h z h g g f h i n o o g s p p t h i x r e o p l n g

faith magi understand

c f a z w p d i d j m n k g b l r e z b a o i n o f s s e t

g t w t i i o d z f b g x q g g m h s v j n f p x l c a i y

j r f y s b s k d c l r g l i a q r u l a y x p k z g j t y

glory obey

i a g e e r v d c t v l c x x l k d p y r h v t c a d q t g

c y x y w x e k o p j v k r v p l v c t u z f s s t w b d r

i s u x g x x d o m c r s f q y q v j x h n h n o f t o m a

x q z g k o l n n z n u m s f o x x v u q k y l v d s f n t

n y m u i d z i z u j y r j r j t g t j q u d m a e i w a a

God shepherds

Friday—Herod’s Evil Desires Herod got lost in his own evil desires. Can you find your way through this maze?

Tuesday—Herod’s Plans Fail These verses are very sad for parents to read. Herod’s cruelty is hard to believe. Did his plan surprise God?

 

Yes No

Read Matthew 2:12-18

What verse tells you this?


What was Herod’s attitude when he figured out what happened?

_________________________ Herod’s plan was for death. At first, whom did he intend to kill?

   

One child The new King The wise men Lots of babies

When Herod found out he was tricked, whom did he intend to kill?

   

Ten babies The new King All baby boys two years old and younger Mary and Joseph

Herod’s plan brought about death and sorrow. God’s plan is for eternal life through salvation, it brings joy.

_____________________ Whose plan will you count on? ______________________ Whose plans were successful?

Have you memorized your verse for this week?

Read Matthew 1:18-2:23

     

Wednesday—Joseph Listens! How many times did God speak to Joseph?


Thursday—I Will Listen And Respond How did God speak to and direct people in the stories of these past weeks?

Read Isaiah 48:17 and 50:4-5


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The shepherds?


Look up the verses and write down what God said to Joseph. (1:20-21)

The magi?

______________________________________ ______________________________________ (2:13)

______________________________________ (2:19)

______________________________________ What ways do you think the Lord speaks to people today?

______________________________________ Who is the author of wisdom according to Isaiah 48:17?


______________________________________ (2:22)


How many times did Joseph respond quickly?


How many times did Joseph respond after taking some time to think about what God had said?


How many times did Joseph ignore God’s instructions?


Read Isaiah 50:4-5 to hear how God helps us hear and understand His Word. God wakens our ears to listen, He gives us listening ears, and then we need to respond by opening our ears to hear Him. When we open our ears to hear Him, we are being obedient.

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