4,5,6 Grades 2-10-13

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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together. SCRIPTURE PASSAGE:

Ezra & Nehemiah

Nehemiah 2:11-3:32 BIBLE STORY SUMMARY:

Nehemiah goes to Jerusalem and takes a nighttime tour of the walls in secret. He had not told anyone what he was doing. After surveying what needed to be done, he called together the priests and nobles and officials, and he called them to all work together to rebuild the walls. He also told them how God had been with him and had given them favor with the king. They all agreed and began to build the wall. Their enemies tried to discourage them, but they all worked hard together and made great progress. LESSON FOCUS:

Following God often means enlisting the help of others.

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We need to follow God’s timing when we are doing His work. God calls leaders to help people do what is right and to accomplish things for Him.

Nehemiah Encounters Resistance


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God works through people, and often that means people in groups. It is God who brings people together to do things as groups.


We need to be ready to share our skills and abilities with others in Jesus’ name so that we can lighten the load and burden of other Christians and to build bridges of relationship to non-believers.

This Week’s Memory Verse: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12

Copyright 2009 Berean Baptist Church 309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306 952.432.7168

February 10, 2013

Read Ephesians 6:12

Monday—Scripture is Important

Ephesians 6:12—

_________ is _______ against _______ and ________ , but ________ the rulers, against the ________, against the ______ of this ________ _________ and _________ the _________ forces of evil in the _________ _________. For our

When we face resistance like Nehemiah did, scripture will give us the words we need. God told the Israelites in Deuteronomy 20:4—

________ you ______ is the ________ ________ goes with _______ to ________ for ________ against your ___________ to __________ you _____________. For the


Nehemiah remembered that God was with them. Do you remember that God is always with you?

4. What did Nehemiah always do before he made a decision? 5. What were they rebuilding? 7. Who's the main dude in our story? 8. Who was his enemy in this week's lesson? Down 1. What city was the wall protecting? 2. It took 52 __________ to rebuild the wall? 3. Who helped them build it so fast? 6. What did their enemies do to try to discourage them?

Read Nehemiah 6:15-16

Tuesday—Bring It To God First

Friday– With God’s Help

Who became angry when he heard Nehemiah was rebuilding the wall?

How many days did it take to build the wall? __________________________

Read Nehemiah 4:1-4

_____________________ What did he do to try to stop them?


What did their enemies think when they heard this? “all the ________

_____________ were _______________ and ______________ ____________________. “

their self-

Who had helped the Israelites build the wall?

_____________________________ Do you think the Israelites could have built the wall in 52 days without the help of God?

_____________________________ Do   

we need God’s help? Always Sometimes Never

What did Nehemiah say when he faced this ridicule?

_____________ us, O our _________________, for we are _____________ . Turn their ______________ back _________ their ________ _____________ .” “

Who was the first person Nehemiah talked to when he faced this hard time?  His mom  The Israelites  God  His Enemies Who is the first person you talk to when you have a hard trial?

What is a big project in your life that you need God’s help with?


_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

Talk to God about your problem:

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

Read Nehemiah 4:6-9

Wednesday—Coming Up With A Plan! What happened after they got the wall built to half its height?

______________________________ Put a

by the event that happened first, and a

by the event

that happened next.

_____ They posted guards day and night _____ They prayed to God They prayed and then came up with a plan! What is something you need to come up with a plan for?

____________________________________ What will you do about it first?


Thursday—Back Each Other Up What did Nehemiah say to the Israelites?

Read Nehemiah 4:14-16

“Don’t be _____________ of them.

___________ the _____________ , who is ________________ and _________________ and _______________ for your ____________ , your _______________ and your ________________ . . .” Who frustrated the enemies plot?

_____________________________ What did half the men do?

_____________________________ What did the other half do?

_____________________________ Draw a picture of it!

What is a Godly way to handle your uation?


______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

God has given us people in our lives who will stand up for us and help us. Can you think of someone in your life who will help you?

________________________________ Who can you be that kind of friend to?


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