4,5,6 grades 2 2 14

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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together. SCRIPTURE PASSAGE:



When the wedding host ran out of wine, Jesus turned water into wine. Jesus revealed His glory through this miracle. His new disciples put their faith in Him after seeing His glory. LESSON FOCUS:

To become an empty jar ready for Jesus to fill with His Living Water. To cultivate a thirst for Jesus. WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT GOD:

God wants to change my life and make me more like Jesus. LET’S TALK ABOUT WHAT WE LEARNED:

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

When Jesus and the disciples were at the wedding, what happened? (They ran out of wine. Jesus performed His first miracle.) What was the first miracle Jesus did? (He turned water into wine—the very best wine.) A miracle is something only God can do. Why did Jesus do this miracle? (He did this to reveal His glory to His disciples . He wanted them to understand He was the Promised One from heaven who came to take away sin. Jesus also cared about and wanted to help His friends.) Jesus wants to fill us like He filled the empty jars. What does He want to fill us up with? (He wants to fill us with Living Water, His Holy Spirit.) How can you become like an empty jar so Jesus can fill you up? (Pray and ask Jesus to give you a big desire to know Him better and love Him more..)

Will you begin praying today that Jesus will give you a big desire to know Him better? Will you ask God to change your life and make you more like Jesus?

Copyright 2008 Berean Baptist Church 309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306 952.432.7168

the One I Must Follow

God Reveals The Glory Of His Son

Jesus Turns Water Into Wine This Week’s Memory Verse: If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

February 2, 2014

Read John 2:1-11

Saturday—This Weeks Puzzle

Monday—A Wedding Celebration

Jesus was teaching His new disciples many things. Some of these new things were probably hard for them to understand. After they had been traveling just a few short days, they arrived at the town of Cana in Galilee. Jesus, His mother, Mary, and the disciples were invited to a wedding! The wedding would last for several days and many people were invited.

Say Your verse!

Do you like to go to parties and celebrations?

    

Yes A lot No They are OK Not very much

When you are learning hard things, do you like to take a break? (Circle your choice)


A lot

It’s OK

Not very much


Maybe Jesus’ disciples thought this wedding would be a break from all their learning, but God had something special for them to see and learn. They were about to see Jesus do His first miracle! Have you ever been to a birthday party when they ran out of cake or ice cream or pop?

 


No If you answered yes, how did that make you feel?

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ What verse tells us that something ran out?

_________________________ What was it they ran out of at this wedding? _____________

The path to the center of this maze is difficult. The path to a changed life is much easier – you need to simply rely on Jesus Christ to be the Lord of your life.

Read John 2:11, 15:12-14

Friday—Jesus Changes Lives What are some of the best things about this miracle?

 Jesus helped the people  People had wine to drink  The party was fun  _________________

 the servants believed in Him  God’s glory was revealed The host wasn’t embarrassed The disciples had faith in Jesus

At the wedding feast, Jesus changed water into wine. Why did Jesus come to earth? (You can check more than one.)

    

To change people

Tuesday—Mary Tells Jesus

The wedding feast had begun and now there was no more wine for the guests. This would cause big problems for the families of the bride and groom. It would be embarrassing and some of the guests might even become angry. Who decided to tell Jesus that there was no more wine?

    

Host Bride Servant Mary A disciple

To change towns

Do you think Jesus’ mother had seen Him perform a miracle before this wedding? (John 2:11)

To change hearts To change others To change me

   

When Jesus changes your life, He makes you brand new! The old sinful ways are gone and you start becoming more and more like Jesus. Can you think of something that would be part of your old self?


Can you think of some thing that would be part of your new self?

______________________________________ Have you memorized this weeks verse? Fill in the missing words below. If a

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ is in C ___ ___ ___ ___ ___. He is a n ___ ___ c ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___: the o ___ ___ has gone, the n ___ ___ has come!

Read John 2:3-5 & 1John 4:14

Yes Little ones Lots of them No

Who else could Mary have gone to and told them about the problem?

 

The host The servants

 

The bride The other

 

The groom The disciples

Mary didn’t know how Jesus would solve the problem. How do we know she trusted Him to save the day? (John 2:5)

_____________________________________ Mary knew Jesus was to be the Savior of the world, and she took the problem her friends were having to Him. Can you think of a problem that some of your friends have that you could take to Jesus?

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ Will you trust Him to come up with the right solution?

Read John 2:6-7 & 7:38

Wednesday—Living Water

Thursday—The Best Wine

Jesus knew that it wasn’t time yet for the whole world to know of His ability to perform miracles, yet He wanted to help these people.

When the jars were full of water, Jesus told them

How many stone jars did Jesus see? 2 4 6 8 How many gallons did each jar hold? 2 5 10 20


It was probably pretty hard work! What do you think that they were thinking about?

    

We don’t need any more water, we are out of wine! What does He want us to get this water for? I’m really tired, I want to sit down. I’m glad I can help. I’ll fill them until they overflow. If you thought of yourself like you were a 20 or 30 gallon jar, how full would you want to be?

  

Empty 1/2 full Full

What does Jesus want to fill you with? (John 7:38-39)

_____________________________________ Jesus wants to fill you with Living Water, What is this Living Water? It is the

H ___ ___ ___

S ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Read John 2:8-11

d ___ ___ ___ some ___ ___ ___ and t___ ___ ___ it to the m ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ of the b ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___. to

They carried the water to put into the jars, yet when they dipped it out, what was it?

____________________________________ How do you think they knew what was in the jars?

  

They looked twice They smelled it They put their finger in to taste it

What were they thinking? What did they think about Jesus?

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________ When the master of the banquet tasted the wine, what did he think about it?

     

It was water It was average It was OK It was the worst It was wine It was the best

Jesus changed the water into wine, and He changed it into the very best wine. It was a miracle. It is the same way when Jesus changes a person. When Jesus changes your life. He makes it better than ever!

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