4,5,6 grades 2 23 14

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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together. SCRIPTURE PASSAGE:


Matthew 9:1-8, Mark 2:1-12, Luke 5:17-26 BIBLE STORY SUMMARY:

Jesus gave men the desire to bring their paralyzed friend to Him for healing. He saw the faith of the men and the faith of the paralyzed man. Jesus made the man well and forgave his sin. These men had faith in Jesus, and their lives were changed! LESSON FOCUS:

To understand that God gives me the desire to bring my friends to Jesus. To understand that prayer is the most important way to bring my friends to Jesus. WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT GOD:

God gives me the desire to bring my friends to Jesus. LET’S TALK ABOUT WHAT WE LEARNED:


When Jesus arrived at His hometown, Capernaum, who came to see Him? (Pharisees, teachers of the law, and crowds of people.) 2. Why did they come? (They came to hear Jesus preach the word.) 3. There was a special group of men with a paralyzed friend. Why did they come to see Jesus? (They had faith that Jesus could heal their friend.) 4. What happened when they arrived at the house? (There were very large crowds and they could get near Jesus.) 5. What did they do? (They didn’t give up. They persisted and took the man to the roof, made a hole, and lowered him right in front of Jesus.) 6. What did Jesus say to the man? (“Your sins are forgiven”) 7. What were the people thinking when Jesus said this? (Some were very angry, they thought Jesus was blaspheming.) 8. What did Jesus do to prove He had the power to forgive sin? (He healed the man and he could walk.) 9. Why did Jesus forgive the man’s sin? (Because of his faith!) Have you received the gift of forgiveness from Jesus? Will you begin to pray for one friend, that he or she will receive Jesus’ forgiveness and begin walking with Jesus? Copyright 2008 Berean Baptist Church 309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306 952.432.7168

the One I Must Follow

God Gives Me The Desire To Bring My Friends to Jesus Through The Roof To Jesus This Week’s Memory Verse: I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. Ephesians 1:17 February 23, 2014

Read Matt 9:1-2 Mark 2:1-2 Luke 5:17

Monday—Jesus Teaches At Home

Saturday—This Weeks Puzzle

Jesus had been traveling all over the land teaching people about God’s kingdom. He had the power to heal many and He was becoming well known. What was the name of His hometown as a boy? (Matthew 2:22-23)

N ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ What was the name of His hometown as a young man? (Mark 2:1)

Say Your verse!

The following puzzle uses the letters below each column once each to fill in the boxes. Can you find the answer ?

C ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (This week’s memory verse will help you solve this puzzle.) How many  10 How many  10

people came to see Him there?  not very many  50  a lot people could fit in your house?  not very many  50  a lot

 5000  5000

Some special people traveled a long way to see Him. Who were they?

P___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ and t ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ of the l ___ ___ (Luke 5:17)

What are some reasons that these people came to see Jesus?

     

To see Him

    

To be healed

To hear Him preach To eat a meal To see Him heal people To find fault with Him To get out of work or school To see Him walk on water To argue with Jesus To argue with the Pharisees To take a break

What did Jesus want that day? (Mark 2:2)

P ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ the W ___ ___ ___


Read Luke 5:26


The people couldn’t see the paralyzed man’s heart being healed by Jesus. So, in order to prove to the people that He had power to forgive sin and heal hearts, what did Jesus tell the paralyzed man to do?

___ ___ , take your ___ ___ ___ and ___ ___

home.” Jesus healed the paralyzed man’s legs. The paralyzed man could now walk. The people were amazed and they praised God! What did the people say about this day?

______________________________________ Have you asked Jesus for forgiveness of your sins?

  

Tuesday—True Friends

Friday—Praying For My Friends

Yes No I want to talk about this with my parents or Pastor Paul.

After a big crowd filled the house, people kept coming. There wasn’t even room to get in. Would you have stayed if you came too late to get a spot inside?

   

Read Mark 2:1-5

Yes If I could see Jesus If I could hear Jesus No

There was a group of men who arrived after the crowd had grown large. Why do you think they arrived after the crowd?

   

They were fishing all night They slept in late that morning They couldn’t leave work They had to walk slow to carry a friend

Do you have friends that need Jesus’ gift of forgiveness? List their names below.

Their friend was

_________________ _________________


_________________ _________________

One of the best ways to bring friends to Jesus is by praying for them. Will you begin praying for them each day this week and next week too?

   

Yes I’ll try No I’ll write it down so that I can remember

p ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Write down what that means.

If would be hard to carry a friend a long way from his house to the house where Jesus was, especially if there were crowds of people trying to get there too. These men went out of their way to help their friend. They showed true friendship because they put their friend’s needs higher than their own. Can you write down the name of someone that you know who needs your special friendship?


Read Luke 5:17-20

Thursday—Jesus Knows


There they were—the group of men who were carrying their paralytic friend finally arrived at the house where Jesus was teaching. The power of the Lord was present, and Jesus was healing the sick. They were so close, yet they could not get their friend in the house to see Jesus. Did they give up and go home? Yes  They thought about it  No way Finish the picture below. Make it look like the house where Jesus was preaching the day the lame man’s friends brought him to see Jesus.

Read Mark 2:5-12

Do you think it got noisy as they were tearing open the roof?

  


  



Probably not Do you think it got dirty with parts of the roof falling to the floor? Maybe Probably not

The Pharisees and teachers of the law did not like what Jesus said. They were thinking angry thoughts. What were they thinking?

    

Only God can forgive sins. Who does He think He is? Why does He talk like that? He is blaspheming! He doesn’t even care about us.

Did Jesus know what they were thinking?

   The friends did not give up, instead they got creative. Their plan involved a lot of work, it wouldn’t be easy. How long do you think it took to do the following things? open the roof  5 min.  15 min.  45 min.  3 hours lower their friend  5 min.  15 min.  45 min.  3 hours repair the roof  5 min.  15 min.  45 min.  3 hours What was it that kept them so determined to get their friend to Jesus?


Yes No Maybe

Jesus knew their hearts. He knew what they were thinking. Jesus knows your heart, too. What does Jesus see when He looks at your heart? Does He see your faith? Will you write a prayer to God and ask Him to increase your faith?

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

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