4,5,6 Grades childrens booklet 4.14.13

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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together.

Pleasing God

SCRIPTURE PASSAGE: 1 Samuel 2:11-3:18


Hannah rejoices in the birth of her son Samuel, and in the timing that she senses of the Lord, she returns with Elkanah to offer him to the Lord for service at the Tabernacle. Eli’s sons have grown up in the shadow of religious activity, but have not gained any sense of awe or reverence for God; they know of the Lord, but they do not know Him. They subvert others’ faith in God by evil acts like stealing meat that was intended to be offered to the Lord. They are willing to use force against those who try to honor God’s requirements for sacrifices. In contrast, Samuel was ministering before the Lord, supported by his mother’s encouraging actions, i.e. yearly robe, advise and love as she presented it to him. During this time, Eli permits his sons’ wicked acts. When Samuel is about 12, he hears the voice of the Lord calling him at night. He perceives it to be Eli, but then relies on Eli’s wisdom to acknowledge and respond to the Lord. Even though the Lord’s word to him is difficult to deliver, he faithfully and respectfully responds. LESSON FOCUS:

To realize that when others around us are giving in to temptation, we can grow in ‘stature and in favor with the Lord and with men’ (2:26). To understand that our standing with the Lord is not dependent on things like heritage (our parents’ relationship with the Lord), or our religious activity (how often we attend church), but on how our hearts are tuned to God. WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT GOD:

God draws us to Himself, sometimes reaching us in still quiet times, sometimes encouraging us with and through the advice of other godly people in our lives. RESPONSE:

To be selflessly keeping the focus of my life on the Lord, avoiding the temptations toward evil around us. God has a call on my life, am I listening? BIBLE MEMORY VERSE:

He will keep you strong to the end . . . . God, who has called you into fellowship with His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful. 1 Corinthians 1:8-9 Copyright 2009 Berean Baptist Church 309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306 952.432.7168

Samuel Listens to the Voice of the Lord This Week’s Memory Verse: He will keep you strong to the end . . . God, who has called you into fellowship with His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful. 1 Corinthians 1:8-9

April 14, 2013

Monday - Dishonoring God

d Rea l mue a S 1 -15 2:11

Fact Finder:

Say Yo Mem ur or y Ver se!

Saturday - Crossword Puzzle!

What were Eli’s Son’s Names? 1

 Samuel  Phinehas

 Hophni  David



What kind of Men were they? ________________________________ What was the right way for the priests to get food that allowed? (draw an arrow to the correct picture)




Boiling the meat

Raw Meat

How would Hophni and Phinehas take the meat? (draw an arrow to the picture)


Apply it! God was not pleased with Eli’s sons because they were disobeying Him. What is something that God has provided for you and allowed you to do? _______________________________________________________ How have you disappointed God (sinned) by disobeying God? _______________________________________________________ Our goal is to always please God!!!!

Down: 1. What was one of Eli’s Sons named? 3. There are good and bad ____ for our actions. 4. What was Eli’s other son named? 5. Whose parents brought him to the temple to grow up in the Lord’s presence?

Across: 2. The Bible says Eli’s sons were _________ men. 4. Eli was a ________. 6. Samuel's mom was _______. 7. What kind of meat did Hophni and Phinehas take from the worshippers?

d Rea l mue a S 1 & -17 5 1 : 3 26 8& 2 : 2

Friday - Own Your Faith

Tuesday - Standing Firm Fact Finder: What was Samuel doing? _____________________

Fact Finder: How did Samuel feel about telling Eli about what the Lord had told him?

Where was he?

Rea d 1 Sa mue l 2:18 -21 & 26

 With his mom and dad  In Jail  At the temple with Eli

Why do you think the Lord gave Hannah 3 more sons and 2 daughters? ________________________________________________________ Shy




Did Samuel tell Eli?  Yes, all of it  No, none of it  Some of it

What was Samuel Like? “the boy ___________ and continued to ________ in ___________ and with the ____________ _______

What did Eli say? “He is the ____________; ___________ Him do

with _____________. “

_________ is ___________ in ________________ eyes.”

Eli’s sons were wicked. Did Samuel copy them? _______________

Was God pleased with Samuel? _____________________

Apply it! There are lots of things that go on around us that are displeasing to God. Write down 3 things you can think of:

Apply it! God wasn’t pleased with Samuel because his parents followed him. He was pleased because Samuel followed Him. Do your parents follow Jesus?  Yes  No Have you decided to follow Jesus?  Yes  No Is that a decision your parents can make for you? _________

God wants us to follow Him!

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Like Samuel, you need to please God and stand up for what is right! Name 3 ways that you can do that: __________________ ____________________ _________________

d Rea l mue a S 1 9 0-3 2:3

Wednesday -

Good vs. Bad Consequences

Fact Finder: A man of God came and spoke to Eli about all the wrong things his sons were doing and Eli was doing (circle one - nothing/something) to stop them. There were some pretty big consequences. List some of the consequences in the following verses: V. 31 - ___________________________________________________ V. 33 - ___________________________________________________ V.35 - ___________________________________________________

Thursday - Listening to God’s Voice

Rea d 1 Sa mue l 3:213

Fact Finder: Who was calling for Samuel? ___________________ Who did Samuel think it was? __________________ How many times did Samuel go to Eli? 5 1 3  10 Finally, what did Eli tell Samuel to say? “Speak, ________, for _______ ____________ is ______________” In your own words, write what God told Samuel in verses 11-13. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

One thing the Lord says is : Those who _______________ me, I will ___________, but those who _____________ me _____________ be _______________________.” Apply it! There are negative consequences for wrong actions! And there are also good results for right actions! Name good actions that will result in positive consequences. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Apply it! Have you ever thought God was trying to tell you something?  Yes  No  I don’t know Did you stop to listen? ________ Often God speaks through the Bible, through parents. Godly friends, and Sunday school teachers. Draw a picture of each of these things and pray, asking God to help you hear His voice.

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