4,5,6 Grades childrens booklet 4.28.13

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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together.

Pleasing God


1 Samuel 7:5-10:27 BIBLE STORY SUMMARY:

God displays His presence and power through Samuel at Mizpah when thePhilistines are defeated by the Lord’s thunderous confusion. Yet when Sam uel’s sons serve in the temple and begin to pervert justice, the Israelite leaders ask for a king like the neighboring countries. When just a young man, Saul sets out one day with one of his father’s servants to find some donkeys that have wondered off. After a couple days of poor luck, Saul and the servant decide to seek the advice of a prophet of God even though they don’t know his name. At first Samuel is hurt by the Israelite demand for a king, taking it as a rejection of his leadership. When the Lord informs him ahead of Saul’s coming, he swallows his pride and installs Saul as king. Saul is humbled at first but in submission accepts Samuel’s anointing with oil when three specific signs are foretold and then come true. He then returns home. Later when a formal process is established to select the king in front of the elder leadership of Israel, Saul is found to be hiding. When he is brought before the elders, they shout, “Long live the King!” Again Saul returns home, awaiting the Lord’s leading and filling in his life. LESSON FOCUS:

The Israelites were dissatisfied with the acts of men (Samuel’s sons and neighboring armies) and incorrectly sought a solution that made sense in the world’s eyes. We should instead notice difficulties in the world, but should turn to God for thesolution. Our goal should be to please God, like Saul, who was anointed king because of what God saw in him, not what men saw in him. WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT GOD:

God is sovereign; even when Israel wanted a king of their own, God was the one to select the man who was in authority over them. The Lord is patient and kind; when His people rejected His authority, He was slow to judgment, instituting the kingdom of Israel. RESPONSE:

To live humbly before the Lord, seeking the path He lays out for me and the strength to walk along it. BIBLE MEMORY VERSE:

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. ~ Colossians 3:17

Samuel Anoints Saul This Week’s Memory Verse: And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17

Copyright 2009 Berean Baptist Church 309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306 952.432.7168

April 28, 2013

d Rea l mue a S 1 -8:3 7:15

Monday - Godly Example

Say Yo Mem ur or y Ver se!

Saturday - Crossword Puzzle

(Answer ID # 1093791)

Complete the puzzle. Fill in the Blanks:


Samuel __________ as ___________ over ___________ all the ________ of his __________.



Samuel was Israel’s  King  Spiritual Leader  Wise Man

4 5


Who did Samuel appoint as judges? 7


_______________ and __________________ Why did he appoint them? ____________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Were his sons Godly men?

 Yes

 No

How do you know? __________________________________________ How can you tell if someone follows God? _________________________________________________________ How can you show others that you follow God? _________________________________________________________

Down 1. Samuel appointed his sons as __________ 3. These people gathered to tell Samuel something 4. One of Samuel’s sons was named ______ 6. The Israelites told Samuel to give them a ______

Across 2. When Saul left, God changed his _______ 5. Saul had been out looking for his Father’s ________ 7. This man was who God chose to be King 8. They wanted a king because every other _____ had one.

d Rea l mue 1 Sa

Friday - Returning the Ark

Tuesday - Everyone is doing it!

Rea d 1 Sa mue l 8:49

(Answer ID # 1093791)

Complete the puzzle. Who gathered together? _____________________________ Samuel told Saul several things that were going to happen when he left. Write down 2 of the signs: 1) ________________________________________ 2) ________________________________________

What does it say happened when Saul left Samuel? ________________________________________________________ If God can make all these things happen, imagine what he can do in your life! God is awesome!!! What is something you need God’s help with? ________________________________________________________ God wants to be a part of all of our life, not just when we have troubles. Do you let Him be involved in your whole life?

Where did they gather? ______________________________ Who did they approach? ______________________________

Draw a picture of what they wanted

Why did they want a king? __________________________________ Did this please Samuel? ____________________________________ Was it pleasing to God? Why or Why not? ______________________________________________________ Think of a time when you wanted to do something because “everyone else was doing it.” Is it more honoring to God to do something because others are doing it or because God wants you to do it? _______________________________________________________

d Rea l mue 1 Sa

Wednesday - Saul’s Lost Donkeys

Whose donkeys were lost? ______________________ Saul’s dad told him to: ______________________________________

Thursday - God’s Plan Unfolding

Rea d 1 Sa mue l 9:15 -19

What did God reveal to Samuel? _______________________________________________________ What did God say to Samuel when he saw Saul?

Do you think this was an easy job or a hard job?  Easy  Hard  Impossible

“This is the ______________ I _______________ to you ____________; _____________ will ____________ My ___________.”

What do you think Saul thought when Samuel said “today you are to eat with me… As for the donkeys you lost, they have been found?” _______________________________________________________ Saul and his servant went through a lot of land. Did they find the donkeys?

 Yes

 No

How would you feel at this point? ________________________________________________________ Who did Saul’s servant suggest they go talk to? ____________________ Who was this man of God?  Abijah  Joel  Samuel

That’s what I call AWESOME! Write about another awesome thing God has done, either in the Bible or in your own life. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

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