4,5,6 grades 6.1.14

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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together. SCRIPTURE PASSAGE:

Acts 2:1-41

The Holy Spirit God’s Power In My Life


Jesus told His disciples they would become His witnesses, going into all the world to tell others about Him. The disciples spent several days in prayer preparing for the Holy Spirit to come. Ten days after Jesus returned to heaven, the Holy Spirit came to live in the hearts of Jesus’ disciples. The Holy Spirit gave them power to become bold witnesses for Jesus. LESSON FOCUS:

To understand that Jesus will give me His power, through the Holy Spirit, to live for Him each day and to be His witness. To understand that sin in my life keeps the Holy Spirit from filling me with His power. WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT GOD:

The Holy Spirit fills me with God’s power to live for Jesus each day. LET’S TALK ABOUT WHAT WE LEARNED: Just before Jesus returned to heaven, what did He tell His disciples would happen? (They would receive the Holy Spirit’s power. They would become His witnesses.) Where were they to go after He ascended to heaven? (They were to go to Jerusalem and wait for the gift.) What did they do while they waited? (They prayed.) On the 50th day after Jesus died, what happened to the group in the upper room? (They heard sound like a violent wind and tongues of fire came down and rested on each one of them.) What was happening? (God gave them the gift of the Holy Spirit.)

Why was Jerusalem filled with so many people? They came from all around to celebrate Pentecost.) What did Peter tell the crowd that gathered outside the house? (He told them about Jesus and that they needed to repent and be baptized.) How many people were baptized that day? (3,000) How did Peter become such a powerful witness for Jesus? (God sent the promised gift of the Holy Spirit.)

Will you ask God for His power to turn from sin and live for Jesus? Will you ask God for His power to tell others that Jesus came to die for their sin? Copyright 2008 Berean Baptist Church 309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306 952.432.7168

The Holy Spirit Gives Me Power to Live for Jesus

Pentecost—Powerful Witnesses This Week’s Memory Verse: Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in Me. In My Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so. I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you. I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going. Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we don’t know where You are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answer, “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:1-6

June 1, 2014

Read Acts 1:8-14

Monday—Waiting Ten Days

Saturday—This Weeks Puzzle

It had been a very important and surprising day. Jesus met them at a mountain in Galilee and then He disappeared into the sky. The two visitors told them that Jesus would come again. Now they were to wait. They probably tried to remember the last things He had told them. (See also Matthew 25:19-20)

Say Your verse!

Can you remember the last things that Jesus told them?  Do not leave Jerusalem  Stay in Bethlehem  I will be your witnesses  You will receive power  Wait for the gift God promised  You will be baptized with the Holy Spirit Jesus walked among them for 40 days. And, we know their wait for the gift ended on Pentecost (the 50th day). Does the time they waited for the gift seem like a long time?

 

Seems like a little time to wait Seems like a long time to wait

What does the Bible say they did while they were waiting?

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ What would you have been praying for if you had been there?

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

Across 2. What did the disciples do while they were waiting? 4. Where did Jesus tell them to wait? 5. Who defended the disciples? 7. How many languages did they speak? 8. How long did the disciples wait for the gift? Down 1.

What made the difference in Peter’s life?

3. What did the disciples hear as the Holy Spirit came upon them? 6. What was the name of the feast that was happening in the city? 7. What did the disciples see as the Holy Spirit upon them?

Read John 14:16-17 Isaiah 40:28-31 2 Cor 2:9

Fill in the blanks below with the following words: Courage Jesus Spirit confusion Peter power wisdom Holy faith Savior


__________ yet he knew that they needed to hear about the ____________ . _________ of the Holy Spirit gave him _____________ and ______________ to say the right things. 3000 people also listened to the ____________ ____________ that day and placed their ____________ in ______________. was faced with a crowd and

How did Peter and the others prepare for the time of telling others about Jesus?

   

Prayer Sleeping Singing

Playing Sports What are we to do if we want the Spirit of truth to strengthen us? (John 14:16) A ___

___ the F ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Through prayer we can ask Jesus and our Father God for the power of the Spirit just like the disciples did in the upper room. For 10 days the disciples were together. Maybe they looked up an old Scripture like Isaiah 40:28-31. Mark the items they were depending on from this passage that you, too, would like to depend on today.

     

Tuesday—Lots of Languages

Friday—Pray for Power

The Lord God is everlasting God does not get tired or weary God gives strength to weary God increases power to the weak God renews those who hope in Him God helps us soar, walk, run

Read Acts 2:1; 5-15

This was already a very special day in Jerusalem. People from far and near came to thank God for the good harvest He had given them. Because they came from so many different places, they all spoke different languages. Many people could not understand each other. After looking at verses 9 and 10, how many different languages do you think were spoken in town during this time? 8 9  10  11  12  13  14  15 Can you speak another language?  Yes  A little  No Would you like to go to another country if you didn’t speak the language?  Yes  No It would be hard to read signs, talk with people or find your way if you got lost. What would you say if you saw a stranger speaking English and many others speaking a different language at the same time?

    

Let’s get out of here! God is at work! What does this mean? Look at those drunk people! This is amazing!

 _______________________ Look ahead at verse 41 in chapter 2, How many people do you think gathered to hear the many languages?

_____________________________________ Who stood up to defend the disciples when others had questions and made fun of them?

_____________________________________ Would you have done that?  Yes  No  I’d feel too shy

Read Acts 1:14 2:1-4

Wednesday—The Power of the Spirit Fill in the blanks below with the following words: Prayer gift


They returned to the upper room to

power Jesus know


_________ to be together

_________ had instructed them, waiting for the _________, waiting in ________. They didn’t _________ how long, but we know it was a _______ wait for the gift of _____________ that had waiting as

Thursday—Peter Speaks Boldly

Read Matthew 26:73-75 Acts 2:14-17, 36—38

There was a huge crowd, there were over a dozen languages being spoken all at once. They were proclaiming the wonders of God in many different languages. There were some other people who were mocking them. There was a lot of confusion. This morning of Pentecost must have been pretty stressful for Peter. It might even have reminded him of a stressful night about six weeks earlier. What night can you think of that was hard for Peter? (Matthew 26)


been promised. On Pentecost, where were they?

  

In the temple.

    


In a park.

In a house. What were they doing? Walking Running

Not so good He denied knowing Jesus

not drunk, as you suppose. No, this is what was spoken by the prophet

Blowing wind A thundering trumpet

They saw what seemed to be

t ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

that separated and came to rest on each of

them. What do you think they thought when they started talking in different languages?


___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ this to you; listen C ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___, these men are

A pillar of fire

___ ___ ___


Let me e


Of f

   

Was Peter bold on this day of Pentecost?  Yes  Very Bold  Not really What did Peter tell the crowd?

Praying What sound did they hear?

  

What kind of witness was he then?


J ___ ___ ___: “In the last days G ___ ___ says, I will p ___ ___ ___ out my S ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ on a ___ ___ people.” What do you think made the difference in Peter’s life between the night he betrayed Jesus and the day of Pentecost? The ___

___ ___ y ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ t

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