4,5,6 grades 6.8.14

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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together. SCRIPTURE PASSAGE:

Acts 2:1-41

The Holy Spirit God’s Power In My Life

BIBLE STORY SUMMARY: The Holy Spirit made Peter and John powerful witnesses for Jesus and gave them the power to heal the lame beggar. When Peter and John were arrested and thrown in jail, the Holy Spirit gave them courage to be obedient to Jesus. Peter, John, and the other believers continued to ask God for His power to be bold and courageous witnesses for Jesus. LESSON FOCUS: To understand that the Holy Spirit gives me power and courage to live for Jesus each day. To understand that my sin puts out the Holy Spirit’s power to work in my life. WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT GOD: The Holy Spirit cannot fill me with His power and courage when I allow sin in my life. LET’S TALK ABOUT WHAT WE LEARNED: Why were Peter and John going to the temple? (They were going to worship and pray.) Who was sitting at the gate called Beautiful? (A man who had been crippled since birth – more than 40 years.) What did the man ask them for? (He asked

The Holy Spirit Gives Me Courage to Live for Jesus

them for money.)

What did Peter have that was worth more than money? (Peter had Jesus’ power to heal.) What did Peter say to the man? (“Silver or gold I do not have; but what I have, I will give you. In the name of Jesus, walk.”) What did the man do? (Peter helped him to his feet and began walking. Then he went to the temple walking, leaping, and praising God!) What did the crowds to when they saw the man? (They were amazed and wondered how he could walk.) What did Peter do when the crowd gathered around the man? (He spoke with power. He told them that Jesus made the man well. He told them to repent and turn to God.) Where did Peter get the courage to tell everyone about Jesus? (The Holy Spirit gave him power and courage.)

Will you begin today asking God to give you His power and courage to turn away from sin and follow Jesus? Will you also ask God to give you His power, through the Holy Spirit, to have the courage to be obedient to Jesus each day? Copyright 2008 Berean Baptist Church 309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306 952.432.7168

Peter Speaks With Courage This Week’s Memory Verse: Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in Me. In My Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so. I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you. I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going. Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we don’t know where You are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answer, “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:1-6

June 8, 2014

Read Acts 3:1-5

Monday—From Fearful to Courageous

Saturday—This Weeks Puzzle

The disciples watched Jesus ascend into heaven. They waited for and received the mighty power of the Holy Spirit. With the power of the Holy Spirit in him, Peter turned from a fearful man who denied Jesus three times into a courageous man who proclaimed the need to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus.

Say Your verse!

On this day, Peter and John were going to the temple. Why do you think they were going to there?

   

To chase away the money changers To worship To obey their parents To pray

When they were just about to enter the temple, who spoke to them?

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ What was this man’s problem?

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ What did he want from Peter and John?

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ Whey they saw him and heard him, what did they do?

    

Walked on the other side of the street Looked at him Tried to ignore him Made fun of him Talked to him






Fill in the boxes with the letters to remember how Peter and John spoke to the crowds of people.

Read Acts 4:1-15 And 18:21

   

Friday—Speaking With Courage While Peter and John were talking to the crowd, the priests and Sadducees came up to them. Did the religious leaders reward them for healing a crippled man?

Yes Yes with a party No, ignored them

Pretty good A little Like a baby Not at all

What did Peter say to the man when he asked him for money? “We don't have any

Read Acts 3:6-8

S ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ or g ___ ___ ___,” but what I have I give you.” When Peter told him to walk in the name of Jesus Christ, he did not jump up right away. Peter helped him up. What would you have done?

No, put them in jail

If you had to spend the night in jail, how would you sleep?

   

Tuesday—More Valuable than Silver and Gold

How would you feel?  Nervous  Worried

 Powerful  Glad  _________ _________

Rubbed my ears to see if I heard right

    

Jumped up Kneeled before standing Asked if Peter was joking Thanked him Been too shocked to move

When they were questioned in the morning, Peter and John spoke with

When Peter helped him stand up, the man

C ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ , even though they were u ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ And o ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ men. (4:13)

___ ___ ___ and a ___ ___ ___ ___ ___. When they went into the temple courts, the man was w ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ and j ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ God!

The religious leaders were not ready for such a powerful answer and they decided not to punish them. But, the religious leaders did tell them to quit talking about Jesus. With help from your parents (if needed) rewrite verses 4:18-19 in your own words as if you were there in place of Peter or John.

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

felt the strength come back to his


Peter’s gift to the crippled man was more valuable than silver or gold. Can you think of some things that are more valuable to you than money?

__________________ ________________ __________________ ________________ __________________ ________________

Read Acts 3:8-11 & 16

Wednesday—Using The Gift The lame man was more than excited. He was

W ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ and J ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ and P ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ God in the temple courts. Many people were filled with wonder and amazement when they saw him. If you saw someone excited, would you go over to see what caused all the commotion?

   


     

What does it feel like?

Probably I’d watch from the side

No What question would you want to ask the man?

Thursday—Power to Be Bold Have you ever had to stand in front of a large crowd of people like . . .

  

Read Acts 3:11-12, 16 And 4:12

All the kids in school? All the people in church? All of your relatives?

If you had to sing for them, or give a speech, would you want to prepare and practice before the meeting?

    

For sure A lot A little No big deal I’d be too nervous to give a speech

Why couldn’t you walk? Who did this?

Peter was glad for a chance to tell everyone that by

Peter and John didn’t know that the lame man would be there that day. They didn’t even know that the lame man would be healed. They didn’t know they would be in front of the big crowd. Do you think they prepared and practiced what they needed to say to the crowd?  Yes  No

f ___ ___ ___ ___ , in the n ___ ___ ___ of J ___ ___ ___ ___ this man was made strong.

Peter wasn’t always bold for the Lord. Can you write down a night when he was afraid to speak up for Jesus?

How do you know Peter and John? Have you always been this way? Who are you?

They were amazed and then Peter “pointed them to Jesus.” Have you ever “pointed” one of your friends to Jesus? (circle your answer)


I think so

No yet

Fill in the blanks if you answered YES. Who? _________________________________ When and where?___________________________

_____________________________________ Who gave Peter and John the power to be bold and speak to all those people?

_______________________ (Acts 1:8 or Romans 15:13)

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