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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together.


SCRIPTURE PASSAGE: 1 Kings 3:16-28, 4:29-34; Proverbs 1:1-10

BIBLE STORY SUMMARY: After God established a kingdom for Solomon, he served in the manner of his father David. His example was instrumental for the people of Israel. Solomon’s wisdom (seeing the world as God would, and acting accordingly) was also known around the region. One example of his ability to perceive the truth is listed in 1 Kings 3:16 - 28 where his ruling restores a “kidnapped” child back to his mother. Furthermore, Solomon also grew to realize that wisdom isn’t valuable in itself, but is a gift of God to be used for the glory of God. He recorded many of the proverbs including Proverbs 1, which encourages us to realize that we should all aspire to attain wisdom and that the fear of the Lord is at its root. A key element of the book of Proverbs is wisdom, and it is listed 41 times and developed through the theme of “fear of the Lord”. Here “fear of the Lord” is noted as a loving reverence for God that includes submission to His lordship and the commands of His word (Ecc. 12:13, 14).

LESSON FOCUS: We are not born with knowledge (accumulation of facts); we learn facts and understanding from our parents, our teachers, and even our friends. Similarly wisdom (understanding how to properly use the knowledge we have been given) does not come naturally, we must work at it. Solomon teaches us by his actions and his proverbs that our wisdom comes when we live reverently (in fear) unto the Lord.

Solomon’s Great Wisdom

WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT GOD: God sees what is happening in the world around me correctly (without my personal wants and desires) and is always ready to give me wisdom and help to understand the truth.

RESPONSE: To do my best to see the world around me as God does and to order my actions accordingly.

Wisdom from the Lord, used for the lord

To notice in every part of my day how I can live reverently for Jesus.


What does it mean to fear the Lord? To have a healthy respect and reverence for the Lord as Creator, all powerful, completely holy, most loving God. Are you asking God for wisdom each day? Do you resist foolishness? Can you tell me some ways that God is awesome? Some ways that a boy or girl could show Him reverence today?

This Week’s Memory Verse: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His precepts have good understanding. To Him belongs eternal praise. Psalm 111:10

Copyright 2009 Berean Baptist Church 309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306 952.432.7168

June 9, 2013

Read 1 Kings 3:5-9

Monday—Solomon asks for... What did the Lord say to Solomon in a dream?

Solomon's Wisdom

What did Solomon ask for? “So give _______ _________ a ____________ heart to _________ your people and to ___________ between ________ and _______.” This is a fancy way of asking for: A. Money B. Fame C. Wisdom D. Respect What would you have asked for? ___________________________________________

Why do you think Solomon asked for wisdom instead of anything else? ________________________________ ___________________________________________

Solomon knew he needed all the help he could get!

Across 2. What the woman was doing when the other one switched their sons 5. This is what they were going to use to cut the baby in half 6. God appeared to Solomon in a _______ 9. The Israelites held Solomon in ____ because they knew his wisdom was from God 10. One thing Solomon could have asked for Down 1. Solomon had lots of this from God 2. Solomon's wisdom was as measureless as the ______ on the seashore 3. Who gave Solomon his wisdom? 4. This is what one of the women did and it was Solomon's job to figure out which one 6. What happened to one woman's baby 7. This is what Solomon threatened to cut in half 8. This is how many women claimed to be the baby's mommy

Read 1 Kings 3:28 & 4:29-31

Friday—Solomon’s Great Wisdom

Draw a line from the word to it’s correct definition:


Seeing the world through God’s eyes and living accordingly


The assembly of facts

Godly Wisdom

The appropriate use of knowledge

The Bible says that all of Israel held King Solomon in awe. Why? Because _____________________ ______________________________________. Fill in the blanks: “God gave __________ wisdom and very _______ _________ and a breadth of ____________________ as measureless as the ________ on the ______________. How hard do you think it would be to count the sand on the seashore? __ Pretty easy __ Hard, but I could do it __ So hard I wouldn’t try __Impossible Do you want to have wisdom like Solomon had? Why or why not? ____________________________________



Tuesday—Wisdom Put to the Test! How many women came to King Solomon? Solomon's Wisdom _____

Read 1 Kings 3:17-21

They had quite a remarkable story! Circle the right words to complete the story: When she was (asleep/awake), her (baby boy/baby girl) died. When I was (sleeping/brushing my hair), she came and took my (baby boy/baby girl) and put her dead baby next to me. When I woke up to (feed/change his diaper) my baby was dead! But when I looked closer, I realized that it (was/wasn’t) my baby! She had switched her (dead/living) baby with my living baby and I want my baby back! Solomon had to figure out what to do. What would you have Across done youtheknew woman’s side of the story?their ________ 2. if What womanthis was doing when the other one switched sons ____________________________________________ 5. This is what they were going to use to cut the baby in half 6. God appeared to Solomon in a _______ 9. The held Solomon in ____ because theywith knew a hisproblem Have youIsraelites ever had two people come to you wisdom was from God and10. you had to help solve it? One thing Solomon could have asked for ______________________ Down 1. Solomon had lots of this from God 2. Solomon's wisdom was as measureless as the ______ on the seashore 3. Who gaveyou Solomon hisyou wisdom? What would do if needed wisdom in 4. This is what one of the women did and it was Solomon's job to a tough situation? figure out which one *Pray *AsktoGod what He wants to do 6. What happened one woman's baby 7. This is what Solomon threatened to cut in half *Read Scripture *Ask your parents for wisdom 8. This is how many women claimed to be the baby's mommy

Read 1 Kings 3:22-25

Wednesday—Solomon’s Solution How did the second woman reply to the first woman’s story?

No! The _____________ one is my ________; the _________ ______ is yours!

Who do you think was telling the truth? ___________________ If you were King Solomon, how would you have tried to find out who was telling the truth? _________________________ ____________________________________________

Thursday—Mystery Solved

Read 1 Kings 3:26-27

What happened when King Solomon gave that order? _____________________ ____________________________________________ What did the first woman say? “Please, my ______, ______ her the _________ baby! Don’t _______ him!” What did the second woman say? “_________ I _____ you shall have _______. _______ him in ________. Whose baby was alive? ___ The first woman ___ The second woman How can you tell? _______________________________

What did King Solomon do? Then the King said, “Bring me a _________.” So they _________ a _________ for the _________. He then _________ an order: “__________ the _________ child in _______ and give ________ to one and ________ to the other.”

What Was King solomon’s ruling?

Give the living baby to ____ _____ _______. Do not kill him; she is his _________.

How do you think the people watching were feeling? What about the two women? How were they feeling?

Does this seem like a wise solution or a foolish solution?

Ask God for His wisdom in difficult situations: ________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

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