4,5,6 Grades 9-16-12

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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and working through this booklet together. SCRIPTURE PASSAGE:

1 King 16:29-17:8; 19:4; 2 Kings 1:8; James 5:17-18


BIBLE STORY SUMMARY: After the reign of kings David and Solomon, godly kings who served the people in a godhonoring manner, many other kings lived for selfish gain, and gave in to the temptation to do many things that were evil in the sight of the Lord. The people of God were split into northern and southern kingdoms. When Asa was the king of Judah (the southern kingdom), Ahab became king of Israel (the northern kingdom) and did more evil than any of the kings before him. Elijah was sent as the Lord’s messenger and prophet to confront Ahab and the lifestyle that had become prevalent in Israel; that of treating God as if He were just another one of the many pretend gods that they worshipped. Appearing as if from nowhere, Elijah declared the coming draught as the instrument that God would use to return the peoples hearts to Him. As soon as Elijah pronounced it, he had to flee to the location that the Lord directed for his safety. There, God provided for Elijah’s nourishment, both food and water, in miraculous fashion. He provided water from a brook with bread and meat from ravens twice daily. The Lord provided this miraculous nourishment to prepare him for the pending encounter with Ahab before the people of Israel.

LESSON FOCUS: There are times when the Lord gives us opportunities to speak boldly for Him amidst the wanton disregard for His ways. When we do, He faithfully provides in remarkable ways. WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT GOD: God is holy and will bring about justice in His timing. God watches out for us and provides in remarkable ways. RESPONSE: We need to be ready to speak out boldly for the Lord when He prompts us to do so and careful to live righteously at all times. We should be watching for the Lord’s provision in our lives and praising Him for His remarkable supply.

God’s Spokesman To Ahab

This Week’s Memory Verse: Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, “We have seen remarkable things today.” Luke 5:26

Copyright 2008 Berean Baptist Church 309 E County Road 42 Burnsville, Minnesota 55306 952.432.7168

September 16, 2012

Read 1 Kings 16:29-31

Monday—More Evil Than Good

Saturday—This Weeks Puzzle

Who was the King of Israel?

Say Your verse!

___ ___ ___ ___ How long did he reign? Do the math to figure it out.

50—45 + 20—3 = _______ Years In the eyes of the Lord, did Ahab do more evil, or more good than any king before him? Write you answer in big letters in the box:

Ahab didn’t think it was a big deal to commit sins against God. How do you think God felt about that?

______________________________________ ______________________________________

Across 2. What is it called when it doesn't rain for a long time? 5. Who was the king that Elijah went to talk to?

Is God still sad about our sins (wrong things we do)? Circle your answer.

7. Who was the prophet God sent to talk to Ahab? Down 1. Where did Elijah go so he would be safe from Ahab? 3. Elijah loved and served the on true ____________. 4. What brought food to Elijah? 6. What false god did the king and his wife worship?

Read 1 Kings 17:1 James 5:17-18

Friday—Elijah’s Boldness For God

Tuesday—Worshipping False Gods

Read 1 Kings 16:31-32

Who did Elijah tell that it would not rain?

___________________________ Have you ever had to talk to someone who you were maybe a little nervous to talk to ? Tell about it:

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Who gave Elijah the strength to talk to Ahab?

_______________________________________ There are times when God wants us to stand up for what is right even though people might not be happy about it. What is something God wants you to be bold about?

_______________________________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

Use the clues below to figure out who Ahab married.

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What was the name of the god that Jezebel and Ahab worshipped?

___ ___ ___ ___ This god was not the true god. Today people don’t always worship a statue of a false god, but they might worship other things more than they worship the one true God. Check off what you think some people worship, and see if you can come up with some additional items!

 Sports  Money  Video Games  Actors  Athletes  ____________  ____________  ____________

Read 1 Kings 17:1

Wednesday—Top Story: No Rain For Years To Come! Elijah was a: A. King

B. Priest

C. Prophet

What did Elijah tell Ahab would happen in Israel?

____________ ____________ nor _______________ in the _____________ few _____________ _____________ at my ______________.” “ . . . There will be

Thursday—God Provides Elijah knew that Ahab would not be happy with him after he delivered the bad news. He also had great faith in God. Unscramble the messed up words to find out what God did for Elijah:

Read 1 Kings 17:2-6

“Hide in the eirkth

__________ nevair ________” “Rnkid __________ from the oorbk__________.” “I have ordered averns _________ to defe ______ you.”

Why was it a big deal that there would be no rain?

______________________________________ ______________________________________ How do you think Ahab felt when he heard the news?

   

Sad Mad

Do you think Elijah was grateful for God’s provision?

  

Definitely Probably I don’t think so

Excited Disappointed

Why did God decide to do this to Israel?

_______________________________________ There are often consequences for our sin. Write about a consequence you had for something you did wrong.

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

List some ways that God provides for you.

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

Pray about it! Take a few minutes and thank God for all He does for you!

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