3's Preschool--Child Care Program Plan

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3’s preschool Revised 2011 CHILD CARE PROGRAM PLAN Berean Education Center is licensed by the Department of Human Services to serve children 33 months to 12 years old. The total enrollment at BEC is approximately 110 children, (license capacity 85 children at a time). Day Care and School Age hours are 6:30 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday. Preschool, Pre-K hours are: AM class - 9:30 - 11:55, PM class 12:35 - 3:00. BEC is dedicated to support and augment the training in the home which we believe was ordained by God to be carried out by loving parents (Deut. 6:7). Our qualified staff are here to offer expert guidance for each child to grow physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually in a loving setting. BEC is a center with a Christian staff committed to the principles of love and excellence. Our experienced teachers will reflect God's love through social and emotional values and units appropriate to your child's age. Your child will always be supervised by a skilled teacher and/or teacher assistant who will give him/her the freedom to explore his/her world filled with educational toys and preschool learning materials. The Berean Education Center will seek to model and educate toward basic Christian principles in the following areas: 1. developing a positive self-concept in relation to God and others; 2. appreciation of God's creation; 3. discipline; 4. pre-reading skills; 5. pre-math skills; 6. large and small motor development; 7. art and music appreciation and involvement; BEC is committed to work hand in hand with you for your child's growth and development. We regard discipline as a part of the total relationship between each staff member and her group of children. We believe that when children engage in an enjoyable activity, discipline problems are at a minimum. Harsh or threatening methods will not be used. Instead, encouragement and praise will be used along with firm and loving correction and guidance. Conferences are held twice a year. During this conference time your child's teacher will inform you of your child's emotional, intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual progress. This information will be documented and in your child's file. This child care program plan is available for review by parents upon request.

Social Development Goals 1

Develop coping skills

Develop recognition of the rights and needs of others

Develop desire to be friendly and helpful

Develop interest and awareness in persons outside his/her immediate family

Learn to cope with frustrations and learn how to handle them in a positive way

Objectives •

Each child takes turns and shares with others

Play happily with others

Help children use words instead of physical aggression in dealing with others

Help each child have a chance for independent decisions within limits

Help children to widen acquaintances of adults and children

Listen to others when they are talking

Have fun!!!

Activities •

Group times and unit times

Show and Tell

House keeping


Dramatic play area

Block area

Special activities set up at the tables

Free Art


Cooperative activities

Clean-up time


Spiritual Development Goals •

Develop a positive self concept in relationship to God and others.

Develop a relationship with God.

Understand God’s love.

Realize God made each person special & loves each one.

To give each child consistent, firm, loving control.

Develop a sense of belonging to God’s family.

Objectives •

Learn about God’s love.

Learn about God’s world.

Model Christian principles.

Learn about Jesus, God’s son. (His birth, death, resurrection) His miracles

Understanding of the meaning of Christmas, (Jesus birth.)

Understanding of Easter, (the resurrection)

Activities •

• • • •

Bible verses Christian music (age appropriate) Daily devotions Bible stories (Old & New Testament) Daily praying – encouraging child-led prayers

Physical Development 3

Goals •

Develop large muscles

Develop small muscles

Develop coordination

Develop opportunities for self-help/success

Develop cooperative play

Objectives •

Provide adequate space for physical activities

Have fun

Provide activities where the children can be active, enthusiastic and try new things

Provide activities where the small muscles can be developed

To let the children take care of their own personal needs [hanging up coats, bathroom, washing hands, etc..]

Activities • In-room exercise •

Running, jumping, bouncing balls in the gym, kicking soccer balls, ride the teetertotter, play with parachute, walking the balance beam

• •

Outside play - sliding, swinging, sand play, running and playing games Puzzles Manipulatives Coloring Cutting • “Pinching/squeezing” toys Painting • Movement/motion activities

• • • •

Intellectual Development Goals •

Stimulate interest in learning

Learn about the world around us 4

Learn basic skills upon which he/she may build at his/her own pace

Provide creative atmoshere

Objectives •

Recognize name, colors, shapes

Develop an interest in books and reading through storytelling

Have fun while learning

Learn “one to one” relationships

Learn about seasons and holidays

Learn likes and differences

Provide adventure with defined limits

Provide new experiences for learning while keeping some familiar experiences

Learn cause and effect


Color and shape games

Stories and books

Exploration at the science table/science experiments

Color day’s

Guessing games

Flannel board activities

Daily attendance and group times

Sequencing activities

Emotional Development Goals •

Encourage communication skills

Help each child develop a good self-image

Provide a loving, happy, safe, calm atmosphere in the classroom 5

Help each child with separation from parents

Help each child think of other people’s needs and rights

Provide atmosphere where each child is loved and respected

Provide an atmosphere where each child can be different

Help each child verbally express emotions

Objectives •

To be flexible in providing for each child’s needs

To increase self-image

Let each child take care of his/her needs as much as he/she can

Let each child stretch a little farther in taking care of own needs

Provide opportunities for each child to help in the classroom

Provide varied activities for each child’s interests and abilities

Activities •

First day of class is a “Break in” time, parents and children come to class together

Happy Birthday / Helpers of the day

Show and Tell

Teacher interaction during free play in helping children


9:30 - 9:50

Free Play

9:50 - 9:55


9:55 – 10:05

Opening circle (set up for snack) Bible/Devotional Time 6

10:05 – 10:15

Bathroom break

10:20 – 10:30

Snack & quiet book time

10:30 – 10:45

Story, learning time

10:45 – 10:50

Prepare to go outside (or gym)

10:50 – 11:10

Play outside (or gym)

11:10 – 11:15

Get situated in room (call to their seat for art)

11:15 – 11:35

Art Project/and/or Free Art (including clean-up)

11:35 – 11:45

Music (singing, instruments, dancing, etc.)

11:45 – 11:55

Show and Tell (pass out take home items)




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