Jrs book 1 2 god judges sin

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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and in working through this booklet together. SCRIPTURE PASSAGES: Genesis 18–19:30; 2 Peter 2:6-10, 3:8-15

Abraham A Person of Faith

BIBLE STORY SUMMARY: God rewards Abraham by promising him a son; He judges the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah, but remembers Abraham and rescues Lot. LESSON FOCUS:  To understand that God rewards faithfulness, and He listens to us when we pray.  To understand that God punishes sin, and He will punish all sin someday. WHAT WE LEARNED ABOUT GOD: God is faithful and righteous. LET’S TALK ABOUT WHAT WE’VE LEARNED: What good news did the messengers have for Abraham? (Sarah would have a son, even in her old age.) What was Sarah’s reaction to this good news? (She laughed.) What did the messenger tell her? (Nothing is too hard for the Lord.)

What else did the messengers tell Abraham was about to happen? (The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was about to take place.) How did Abraham feel about the destruction of the city? (Terrible.) Why did God tell Abraham about this? (So Abraham would pray for Lot and his family.) How did God answer Abraham’s prayer? (God rescued Lot and his family.) What happened to Lot’s wife? (She loved the city more than she trusted God.

God Destroys Sodom

God Judges Sin This Week’s Memory Verse:

She looked back and became a pillar of salt.)

What will happen when Jesus comes back again to earth? (He will judge sin; the earth will be destroyed.) Why does He wait to come? (He is waiting for people to repent.) What does God want you to do while we wait for Him to come?) (He wants us to live holy and godly lives and He wants us to pray for the salvation of others.)

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one

Are you willing to live a clean, pure life?

can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the

Are you trusting Jesus to save you from sin?

power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young

Are you willing to pray for others to know Jesus and be saved from sin?

men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run

See you on Sunday!

Copyright 2003 Berean Baptist Church 309 E. Co. Rd. 42 Burnsville, MN 55306 952-432-7168

and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:28-31 September 15, 2013

Monday – Abraham Has Visitors Read: Genesis 18:1-10 On a warm day, Abraham was sitting by the door of his tent. How many messengers did he see standing nearby?  1

 3

Abraham not only greeted but he also offered

w ___

 5

 none

them, them

e ___

everlonging God, the Creator of the ends of the moon.

___ so

that they could be refreshed.

He will n____ g_________

What kinds of food did Sarah and Abraham prepare for them?


___ ___ ___ , a tender


___ ___ ,


Without looking at the front page of this booklet, can you circle the mistaken words in the first & last part of the verse, & can you fill in the missing words of this weeks portion of the verse ?

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the

___ ___ ___ to wash their

feet and something to

Saturday – This Week’s Puzzle

___ ___ ___ and

t________ or w___________, m

___ ___ ___ .

While these foods may not sound like a special meal to us today, the guests were happy to have such a nice refreshing meal. Do you like to be friendly to visitors too?  yes  no  usually What good news did they bring for Abraham and Sarah? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ What has been good news for you lately? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

and His u_________________________ no o____ can f________________. He gives weary to the strength and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men leap and fall; but those who forget about the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like geese; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be silly. Isaiah 40:28-31

Friday – Trusting and Praying


Read: 2 Peter 3:9 and 1 Timothy 2:1-4 Did God make promises to Abraham?  yes  no If yes, can you write some below? (Genesis 12:2-3) ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Did Abraham trust God as the great mighty provider?  yes  no Do you trust God as the great mighty provider?  yes  no In 1 Timothy 2:4 the Bible tells us that God desires all people to be




___ and come to a

k___ ___ ___ ___ of the


What is something you can do about this?


___ ___

___ ___

___ ___ ___ . ___ ___ . (James 5:16)

What things are happening in your life right now that you should be bringing to the Lord in prayer? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

Wednesday – Abraham Prays for Lot

Tuesday – Good News

Read: Genesis 18:16-23

Read: Genesis 18:7-15

What bad news did the visitors tell Abraham would happen to Sodom and Gomorrah?

Abraham and Sarah fixed a nice meal for the visitors and they must have enjoyed it. As they ate and talked, what did the visitors ask Abraham?




_________________________ (v. 9)


Abraham said that Sarah was in the



___ ___ . She was out of sight

Why were the cities about to be destroyed?

from the visitors.

Their ___ ___ ___ ___ were so grievous (terrible). (v. 20)

What surprising thing did they say about Sarah that would happen this same time next year? “Sarah your wife _______

When Abraham heard of the coming destruction of the cities where Lot lived, he was very worried for


f ___

___ _______ .” (v. 10) About how old were Sarah and Abraham?  20  40  60  80

 90

 100




and his

___ ___ ___ ___ .

He took his concerns to the Lord just like we can. Abraham prayed. Starting with the number 50, Abraham asked the Lord to spare the city if there were that many people who loved God lived there.

What was Sarah’s reaction? _____________________________

How many times did Abraham ask God not to destroy the city?  1  2  3  4  5  6  7

At this the messenger answered, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” Abraham and the messenger knew the answer to that question.

Did God answer Abraham’s prayer for Lot? (Genesis 19:29)  yes  no

What do you think, is anything too hard for the Lord?

Who should you be praying for today?



not sure


Thursday – Jesus Is Coming Again Read: Genesis 19:15-30 and 2 Peter 3:8-14 When the messengers (angels that looked like men) saw how sinful the town was, they told they would not be city was




___ to hurry and take his family so

___ ___ ___


___ ___ when the

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ . (Genesis 19:15)

2 Peter 3:9-11 calls the day Jesus returns “the _________ of the ___________ .” (v. 10) Jesus doesn’t want anyone to perish, but He wants everyone ____ ________ ____ ________________ . (2 Peter 3:9) Have you asked for forgiveness of your sins? Are you ready for Jesus to come?  yes  no If not, ask your parents or teacher about salvation through Jesus. Was all of Lot’s family spared?  yes  no If no, who wasn’t spared? _________________________ (Gen. 19:26) Lot’s wife didn’t obey the word of God that the visitors told them, she loved the city more than she trusted God. How can you show your trust in God? ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

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