Jrs book 1 9 joseph in palace

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Dear Parents, We hope the following summary of the Sunday School lesson will help you in discussing the lesson with your children and in working through this booklet together. SCRIPTURE PASSAGE: Genesis 39-40

Joseph The One Who Chose to Obey

BIBLE STORY SUMMARY: God revealed to Pharaoh what He was about to do in two dreams. He provided Joseph to interpret the dreams, and Joseph was elevated to the highest position in the land after Pharaoh. God provided for Joseph to make preparations to save lives during the famine. LESSON FOCUS:  Joseph was faithful to God even when he had to wait and suffer.  God has a plan for my life, but He has to prepare me for His work first. WHAT I LEARN ABOUT GOD: God speaks through and does His work through those who trust Him and are obedient to Him. LET’S TALK ABOUT WHAT WE’VE LEARNED: What did the cupbearer do for Joseph when he was released from prison? (He forgot about Joseph and Joseph remained in prison for two more years.)

What were Pharaoh’s dreams about? (There would be seven good years of harvest and seven years of famine.) How did Pharaoh come to understand the meaning of the dreams? (After no one could tell Pharaoh the meaning, the cupbearer remembered Joseph in prison. Pharaoh then asked Joseph to interpret the dreams.)

When Pharaoh asked Joseph to interpret his dreams, what did Joseph say to him? (I can’t do it, but God will give you the answer you desire.) Why did Joseph stay in prison so long? (It was part of God’s plan to prepare him for the work He would have him do in Egypt.) During all the long, hard years what to Joseph do? (He remained obedient to God each day.) Will you choose to obey God and serve Him each day, even when He allows you to suffer? Will you allow God to change your life and prepare you for the work He has planned for you?

See you on Sunday!

Copyright 2003 Berean Baptist Church 309 E. Co. Rd. 42 Burnsville, MN 55306 952-432-7168

God Makes His Plan Known

Joseph in Pharaoh’s Palace This Week’s Memory Verse: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24

November 16, 2003

Monday – Pharaoh’s Dreams Read: Genesis 41:1-8 Our lesson last week ended with the cupbearer forgetting his promise to help get Joseph out of prison. How many years after this happened did Pharaoh have a dream?  1  2  4  11

Saturday – This Week’s Puzzle

Joseph in the Palace

How do you think Joseph mush have felt? ____________________________ Again, God used dreams to impact Joseph’s life. This time Pharaoh had two dreams. In the first dream there were 7 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ and ___ ___ ___ cows and 7 ___ ___ ___ ___ and ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ cows. What happened to the cows? ___________________________________________________ The second dream was about 7 heads of grain that were ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ and ___ ___ ___ ___ and 7 heads of grain that were ___ ___ ___ ___ and ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ . What happened to the grain? ___________________________________________________ Pharaoh woke up troubled from his dreams. Who did he call on to help him figure out the meaning of the dreams.  wise men and magicians  Joseph and the prison guards Were they able to help him figure out the meaning of the dreams?  yes  no  I’m not sure

Solve the cryptogram above by guessing letters and matching them up with the numbers so that you can fill in all of the blanks.

Don’t forget to memorize this week’s verse after you are done with the puzzle above.

Friday – God’s Plan Read: Genesis 41:33-57 Even though today’s reading is long, it’s good to hear of God’s plan and how God used Joseph in His plan. Why do you think God wanted Pharaoh to know about His plan? ___________________________________________________ Pharaoh needed a wise man. What kind of man was he looking for? “ … ___ ___ ___ in ___ ___ ___ ___ is the ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ of ___ ___ ___” (v. 38) Who did Pharaoh select to put in charge of the land of Egypt? ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ What kind of job do you think this was going to be?  hard  easy  big  small  boring  demanding Was Joseph obedient? Did he take part in God’s plan?  yes  no Joseph was obedient to God through very difficult times. Now, Joseph could clearly see how God would use those difficult times for good and accomplish His plans. What did Joseph say about his life now? (v. 52) “God has made me ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ in the land of my suffering.”

Tuesday – Understanding Hard Things

Wednesday – Placing God First

Read: Genesis 41:8-13

Read: Genesis 41:14-17, 25 and 28

Have you ever had a bad dream and needed to tell someone about it?

Joseph was summoned from the dungeon. WOW! What do you think it was like living in the dungeon? Draw a picture of it in the frame below.

 once in a while  a lot Who did you want to tell? ___________________________ Pharaoh wanted to know what his dream meant, but nobody he knew understood what the dreams meant. Who remembered that Joseph could interpret dreams?

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When Pharaoh asked Joseph to tell him what his dreams meant what did Joseph say?


b ___

___ ___


“I ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ do it … but ___ ___ ___ will give ___

Who gave Joseph the ability to interpret dreams? ___ ___ ___ When you need help understanding hard things, who will you look to?     

God Mom and Dad Friends the Bible a Sunday School teacher

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ the answer he desires.” Who did Joseph give the credit to? ___________________ Joseph wanted to make sure that God got the credit for what God would do through Joseph. Giving credit to God is placing Him first. Did Pharaoh get angry when Joseph placed God first?  yes  no Please reread these verses and see how many times Joseph told Pharaoh who his source of knowledge was ?  one  three  five Who is your source of knowledge?


Thursday – God’s Plans for You Read: Genesis 41:17-32 Pharaoh told Joseph about his dreams. Did God help Joseph understand ?  right away  after a while  not at all What did the dreams mean? Seven years of ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ abundance would come throughout the land of ___




___ and then

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ years of ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ would follow them. Joseph saw God’s plan in the dream. God was telling Pharaoh what he was going to do and Pharaoh could plan for the years ahead. Do you think God had a part for Joseph to play in His plan?  yes  no Does He have a part for you to play in His plan?  yes  no Can you list one or two things that you could do in God’s plan this week? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

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