Summer Navigator 2013

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The NAVIGATOR is published three times a year to help our church family stay connected with current activities, events, and ministry opportunities. We hope you will join us in connecting with Christ and one another, strengthening fellow believers, and serving those in our community and around the world.

What’s Inside...


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Adult Bible Fellowships Sundays, 8:30, 9:50, and 11:15am At a large church like Berean, adults are looking for places of genuine community and connection. We encourage you to check out our Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs). To the right is a listing of classes offered. For class descriptions, please visit our website or the Guest Center. Questions? Contact Becky Hay at 952.223.1809.


Sundays at Berean Worship Services

Children’s Sunday School

CLASSIC SERVICE 8:30am, Worship Center

8:30, 9:50, and 11:15am

Worship in a traditional format with classic hymns and congregational songs from 1900 - 2012. Led by choir and supporting band or orchestra. This service also features special music by soloists, ensembles, and the handbell choir.

Nursery care is provided for infants through age three. We also offer Bible-based curriculum with stories, songs, and play time for ages 18 months through Kindergarten.


8:30, 9:50, and 11:15am

9:50 and 11:15am, Worship Center

A contemporary service with edgier, modern worship music played by a worship team and band. This is a creative service which uses illustrations, special lighting, and compelling music to support the message in a way that is relevant.

Junior & Senior High

Children attend part of the worship service with their parents. When indicated, children are dismissed and escorted downstairs for their age-appropriate lesson. We encourage all families to model worship for your children in this way.

9:50am Large group, age-appropriate worship that includes singing, prayer, a Bible sermonette, stories, and fun.

Sundays, 9:50-11am Trek: Junior High, Room 113 Horizon: Senior High, Room 114

8:30 and 11:15am

On Sunday mornings we encourage students to strive to live a life that reflects the life of Christ.

Children meet in a large group setting which encourages them to build friendships and apply God’s word in their lives. Children then break into small groups to discuss the week’s lesson.



Branches (all ages) Led by Dennis Petersen & Doug Anderson in Room 218. Crossroads (middle-age to empty nesters) Led by Tim Larson, Russ Young, Roger Smith, and David Koch in Room 115. Cornerstone (parents of elementary-aged children) Led by Michael & Gina Stewart in Room 116.

Discovery (senior adults) Led by Paul Siewert, Don Fensterman, Genny Moellring, Ken Hoglund and Bob Fallt in Room 208. Radical Living (parents of teens and young adults) Led by Duane & Sarah Spangler, and George Edwards in Room 209. Sojourners (all ages) Led by Walt Burris and Keith Nelson in Room 210. Conquerors (senior adults) Led by Ron Arnett and Merlyn Pettit in Room 212. NEW Women’s Summer Fellowship (all ages) Led by Melissa Collier and Jill Styer in Room 218. Koinonia (all ages) Led by Lane Pearson in Room 115. Connections (all ages, children welcome) Led by John Dekkenga and Doug Weeks in Room 116. HomeWorks (parents of children and adolescents) Led by Eric & Ruth Larson, and Brian Petry in Room 117.

If you desire to grow spiritually and connect with other believers, an ABF is the place for you. All classes open to visitors!

11:15am Kingdom Impact (all ages) Led by Scott Countryman, Dave Phillips, and Jim Raymo in Room 116. Mosaic (20’s and 30’s) Meets in Room 209.


All-Church Events SUMMER JAM

Students entering grades 7-9

Age 4 to Grade 6

Share the joy of new life in Christ—join us as we display the hope we have in Jesus as we host “Back in Time: Been There, Do That” Children and students are invited to come and bring friends as we tell the Good News of Jesus to our neighbors. Enjoy an action-packed week focusing on Bible stories, drama, worship music, memorizing Bible verses, outdoor carnival, and more.

Join Epic Student Ministries for an action-packed week. Students will play outrageous games, participate in energetic worship, and listen to dynamic speakers present the Gospel message. We encourage junior highers to invite their friends!

JULY 22-26 6:30-8:30PM

VBS Volunteer Opportunities

Summer Jam Volunteers Needed!

Pre-registration begins July 14 at Registration on first evening begins at 6pm.

Summer Jam needs your help! Last year over 75 volunteers were the love of God to several hundred students. And we’re doing it again! With so many students, the potential to change lives is staggering. We are currently looking for volunteers who love teens and are passionate about reaching them for Jesus. For more information, contact Jesse Manning at 952.223.1837 or

Over 400 helpers are needed each evening. Service opportunities include: carnival helpers, food servers, kitchen help, room helpers, salvation invitation counselors, drama helpers, story tellers, set-up and take-down crew, and more. You are also encouraged to visit our prayer headquarters during VBS to intercede on behalf of the program helpers and children. For more information, contact Bethany Opsata, VBS Director, at 763.786.3508.

PICTORIAL DIRECTORY Berean will be creating a new pictorial directory this fall! Please look for information in the bulletin and on our website for registering for your photo session. Those who register for their photo session online will receive a $10.00 coupon toward any picture order. Sessions will run August 13 - September 21. For questions, call 952.223.1855 or

Our 50th Year Our 50th year celebration continues with these events!

July 4 (Independence Day) September 2 (Labor Day)

STATE OF THE CHURCH Sunday, June 9, 12:30pm, Gym

Join us for a light lunch and brief annual business meeting following the third service. Celebrate the past year at Berean and get an update about the Lead Pastor search!


We will take part in this community tradition and join the parade! If you are interested in joining the float committee, please contact Crissy Krukowski at 952.223.1828 or



Sunday, August 11, Crystal Lake Beach We continue our celebrations with a picnic and baptism at Crystal Lake Beach following morning services. Bring a dish to share (12 servings) and your own beverages. Berean will provide hamburgers, hotdogs, and paper goods. Potluck sign-ups will be held in the Commons on July 28 and August 4. We will also have our 3rd annual volleyball tournament so start forming your teams and practicing!! More info at:


Help and support for those who are hurting. Are you, or someone you know, finding life to be challenging? Would you like to meet with a Christian friend for encouragement, prayer, and support? Our trained Stephen Ministers meet confidentially, one-on-one, with those who are facing issues such as grief, family issues, job loss, marriage issues, chronic illness, and much more.

Want to help those who are hurting? Every day you see people who are hurting; those who have lost a loved one, have experienced a recent job loss, are going through a divorce, or are experiencing any of life’s struggles. You can be God’s representative and bring His love to them by providing encouragement and support. Berean offers training to give you the tools to be more effective in helping those around you who are experiencing difficulty. Classes begin in September. For more information about this vital ministry or to arrange to have someone meet with you, contact Kari Peterson at 952.223.1848 or

Caring Ministries PASTORAL CARE Hospital Visits

If you wish to be visited by a pastor or would like to be listed for prayer support, please contact Pastor Brent Birdsall at 952.223.1806 or

Emergency If you have an emergency or crisis after office hours and need to speak with a Pastor, please call our Pastoral Emergency Phone at 952.484.0844.

Pastoral Appointments Please contact the ministry staff person with whom you would like to consult, or contact the Church Office at 952.432.7168. If assistance is needed beyond the scope of pastoral counsel, referrals are provided to professional Christian counselors.

CANCER SUPPORT GROUP 2nd Tuesdays, 7pm, Room 210

JOIN OUR PRAYER TEAM! Would you enjoy serving on our Prayer Team? Our Prayer Team members meet with those seeking prayer and comfort after each service. The time commitment is small, but the rewards are great! If you have the gift of intercession and want to be a part of this exciting ministry, please contact Kari Peterson at 952.223.1848 or

MARRIAGE MENTORS At Berean we equip Marriage Mentors to be key players in building strong marriages and preventing marital problems by coaching couples with the skills and tools necessary to build more successful relationships. Marriage Mentors meet with married couples and engaged couples. Our mentors are trained to know when and how to refer a couple to a licensed, professional counselor, if needed. If you would like a Marriage Mentor or to join the ranks of the Marriage Mentors, please contact Pastor Brent Birdsall at 952.223.1806.

The Berean Foundation provides encouragement and guidance in long-term giving to special ministries. It helps in the drafting of wills and the designation of legacy giving. It is a deeply committed agency for memorial giving, endowments, and grants. Each year, the Foundation awards a $3,000 college scholarship. The Troy Olson Memorial Scholarship is awarded each year to a student who is a Christian and regularly attends Berean. For more information, contact Paul Siewert at

This group is for those whose lives have been touched by cancer. Meet others with similar experience to find support and understanding. For more information, contact Jake and Beth Chaya at 952.431.5763.

CAREGIVER’S SUPPORT GROUP 2nd Mondays, 1pm 4th Thursdays, 7pm

Women, are you caring for a spouse, other loved one, or friend? It helps to have the support of Christians who can understand and share similar experiences. Berean Caregiver’s Support groups meet at The Garden in Burnsville. Questions? Call Ilse Phillips at 952.895.9043 or Judy Marks at 612.532.0308.

MILITARY SUPPORT Berean understands the challenges faced by those serving our country and their families, and we want to help. Our mission is Biblical and non-partisan. If you are connected to the military or would like to help a military family, we want to hear from you. Contact Lisa Martens at 817.966.6811 or Kari Peterson at

The Benevolent Fund provides emergency help to people in need at Berean and in our community. It is based on the Biblical incentive, “Whoever is kind to the needy honors God.” Proverbs 14:31. For more information, contact Vanessa Edwards, Benevolent Fund Director at 952.223.1821.


Children’s Ministries SUNDAY ACTIVITIES See page 3.

July 22-26, 6:30-8:30pm For more information, see page 4.


CHILDREN’S MINISTRY STAFF Paul Emanuelson - Pastor of Children’s Ministries 952.223.1819 • Bethany Gerber - Nursery Director 952.223.1833 • Becky Hay - Preschool Director and Wednesday Club Director 952.223.1809 • Kim Phillips - Elementary Director 952.223.1818 • Jane Pierson - Prime Time Director 952.223.1817•

June 12, 19, 26, July 10 & 17, August 7, 14, 21 – Girls June 19, July 17 & 31, August 7 & 21 – Boys Join other Prime Timers (5th & 6th Grade) for summer Bible Studies. We will study topics that help us build our relationships with Christ. Fun, fellowship, and food included! For more information, contact Jane Pierson.

PRIME TIME SUMMER EVENTS Sunday, June 23, 2-4:30pm

Water Wars: Bring your Super Soakers and we will provide the water balloons for an all-out Water War!

Friday, July 19, 5:30-10pm

Date TBD, 6:30-9pm, Room 210 This training is designed to help young people (age 11 and older) to become servant-helpers in Berean’s nurseries. We teach skills for comforting an anxious child, managing transition time, general first aid, and various nursery procedures. To register, contact Bethany Gerber.


Dinner & Movie on the Patio Night: Barbeque, games, and outdoor movie.

Sunday, August 18, 3pm Treasure Hunt: Join us as we search the church property to discover who has the best detective skills!

One-on-one special care for children with special needs is provided on Sunday mornings to mainstream children who need help coping with a classroom setting. We assign special companions when desired. Companions also help the other children realize the value placed on each and every child by our creator, God. Questions? Please contact Kim Phillips.

Teacher Orientation is for those teaching age 4 through grade 6 or helping in a preschool room. Please join us to receive teaching materials, meet other teachers and helpers, and receive important information about the upcoming year. For more information, contact Becky Hay.

This ministry provides an array of support options for families in every stage of adoption, orphan care, or foster care. We seek to champion the cause of children who are waiting to be part of Christ-centered forever families. Watch the Sunday bulletin for event information. Questions? Contact Karen Akslen at 651.452.0248 or Pastor Paul Emanuelson.

Berean Education C enter

The Berean Education Center (BEC) offers a variety of opportunities for children, including preschool and pre-kindergarten classes offered September through May. Preschool Plus offers preschool and day care and is available year-round for children 33 months through age 5, Monday-Friday, 6:30am-6pm. School-Age Care is for children attending Echo Park, kindergarten through 5th grade, offered during the school year and summer.

CLASS SCHEDULE FOR 2013-14 Threes: (Children must be age 3 by September 1, 2012) 9:30-11:55am, Tuesday & Thursday OR Monday & Wednesday Fours: (Children must be age 4 by September 1, 2012) 9:30-11:55am, Tuesday & Thursday OR Monday/Wednesday/Friday Pre-Kindergarten: (Children must be age 5 by March 31, 2013) 9:30-11:55am, Monday-Thursday


BEC provides a loving, Christian setting for children to grow physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. Please call Pam in the BEC office at 952.223.1814 for questions or a tour. Registration forms may be picked up at the BEC office or the Berean Guest Center.

2013! There are still openings for Summer

Epic Student Ministries Grad es 7-12 SUNDAY MORNING GROUPS Sundays, 9:50-11am Trek: Junior High, Room 113 Horizon: Senior High, Room 114

On Sunday mornings we encourage students to strive to live a life that reflects the life of Christ.


July 22-26, 6:30-8:30pm


An action-packed week for students entering grades 7-9. Students play outrageous games, worship with an intense band, and hear from the Epic Student Ministries staff as the Gospel is presented in a contemporary and relevant way. Contact Jesse Manning to volunteer.

Attend this training to prepare for your part in an exciting year of ministry ahead. Contact any staff member to join this year’s team.


Join Student Ministries in praying for our students and leaders who are participating in mission trips this summer. Junior High Mission Trips: South Dakota: June 16-21 Chicago: August 3-9 Senior High Mission Trips: Chicago SEMP: June 24-29 Dominican Republic: July 13-19

Saturday, August 24, 9am


Sunday, September 8, 6:30pm Junior High: Room 113 Senior High: Room 114 Meet our Student Ministries staff and hear our vision for the upcoming year. Meet your student’s teacher and small group leader.

Save the Date!

JH & SH FALL RETREATS October 17-20, 2013 Josh Hansen - Senior High Director 952.223.1849 • Jesse Manning - Pastor of Student Ministries and Junior High Director 952.223.1837 • Jenny Munson - Student Ministries Assistant 952.223.1847 •

Check out the Epic Junior High and Senior High pages on our website to stay connected and view our winter calendar of fun events and activities.

“We exist to make disciples by spiritually impacting the students in our church and community, developing within them a passion to be disciples who make disciples.”


Adult Ministries MEN PRAY

Senior Adults

May 31 - September 27 Fridays, 6:30-7:30am, Room 114


All men invited! Every other Saturday, 8:30am


“The Master’s Toolbox” is a men’s sexual purity group. For more information, contact Dave at 651.246.0462.

The Conquerors class is led by Ron Arnett and Merlyn Pettit in Room 210.

Wednesdays, 7am, Jensen’s Cafe in Burnsville

The Discovery class is an energetic fellowship desiring to advance Christian community, prayer, and meaningful Bible study. Meets in Room 208.

(Use Entrance 4) Join other men for prayer and breakfast, led by Pastor Roger Thompson. For more information, contact Pastor Roger at 952.223.1826 or visit:


Led by Dennis Petersen.

Thursdays, 7am, Perkins in Lakeville

Berean has a team of volunteers who make visits to seniors and shut-ins to share encouragement and care. If you know someone who would enjoy regular visits, or if you’d like to join our team of volunteers, contact Marge Sanborn at 952.435.9051 or

Sundays, 9:50am

Led by Denny Kirkwold.

CONNECT GROUPS Would you like to connect with a small group at Berean? Are you interested in starting or leading a Connect Group? Our new Connect Groups will be launching this fall, but you can get more information now by visiting the Connect page on our website or by contacting Lori Anderson at

ADULT MINISTRIES STAFF Brent Birdsall - Pastor of Adult Ministries 952.223.1806 • Becky Hay - Adult Ministries Associate 952.223.1809 • Kari Peterson - Adult Ministries Executive Assistant and Stephen Ministry & Care Coordinator 952.223.1848 •

On the first Sunday of each month, a nurse offers free blood pressure checks in the North Commons between 10:15-10:45am.

HOME TOUCH A weekly mailing of devotional insights and fun word games. To receive this mailing, contact Kari Peterson.

Young Adults The name “G412” comes from 1 Timothy 4:12, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers.” Our desire is to be so contagious in our faith that we would affect and lead others. We are disciples in various stages of life, whether a student, employed, living at home, or on your own.

Sundays, 11:15am, Room 209

YOUNG ADULT STAFF Kyle Nelson - Director of G412 320.266.4995 •


We are followers of Christ in various stages of early adulthood, whether you are single or married, with or without children. Come be a part of what God is making.

Stay up-to-date on activities and announcements by joining the Facebook groups “Mosaic” or “G412.”

Women’s Ministry New for summer! SOAP - WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Scripture Observation Application Prayer SOAP is a simple Bible study method. Grab your friends and SOAP with us this summer! Everything you need is online at:


Read your Bible! Journal your thoughts! Read what other women have journaled on our daily blog!

Lori Anderson - Director of Women’s Ministry and Director of Connect Groups 952.223.1831 • Mendie Skarp - Women’s Ministry Associate 952.223.1807 •

Share with friends!



Begins September 10 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 9:30-11:30am, Room 114

Bible Studies - Jeri Price 952.432.2641 • Community - Cheryl Larges 651.688.0137 • Event Designer - Heather Forsberg 952.431.9775 •

MOPS (Mother of Preschoolers) is a program designed to nurture mothers of children pre-birth through kindergarten. MOPS is a wonderful way to find community and be encouraged on your mothering journey. Our meetings include brunch, speakers, occasional crafts, and small group discussions. Questions? Contact Jacki Lebak at

MOPS SUMMER PLAYDATES Wednesdays, June - August, 9:30am

Calling all moms with kids! Come have fun at local parks throughout the summer! For mothers and kids of all ages. For a schedule and list of locations, visit

WOMEN’S SUMMER FELLOWSHIP Sundays, beginning June 2 9:50am, Room 218

WOMEN’S ADVOCATE Do you suffer from the pain of an abusive relationship? There is a way of hope through Christ. Call for a safe, confidential resource. Contact Melinda Taylor at 952.935.2588.

Attention married women who come to church alone!

You are not alone! Come meet other women who attend Berean without their husbands. We will spend June and July reading and discussing The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian. This biblically based book will guide us in becoming the wives God desires us to be. We’ll fellowship, support and encourage each other, and intercede together in prayer for our husbands. Questions? Contact Melissa Collier at 612.309.9324 or Jill Styer at 612.597.8969.


Worship Ministries PICNIC IN THE PARK AND BAPTISM Sunday, August 11, Crystal Lake Beach

SERVE ON SUNDAYS Use your spiritual gifts to by serving with Worship Ministries.

Baptism is the external expression of our inward and personal faith. It declares “Jesus is Lord” in a public and visible fashion, announcing to everyone that we have surrendered to a new authority in our lives.

Guest Center:

You might have questions about why we baptize by immersion, if you should be re-baptized as an adult, or even if baptism is a requirement for salvation. These questions and more will be answered in the pre-requisite class, held July 14 or immediately following services on August 11. Register for the outdoor baptism on Sunday, July 14 or by contacting Tanner Pinkerman.


Volunteers help direct newcomers to classes and give them information about Berean. If you have the gift of hospitality, we are always looking to add friendly, energetic people to our team. Contact Tanner Pinkerman. Men and women are needed to assist with many aspects of creating an environment of worship. Contact Marc Rolando at

Greeters: We are always on the lookout for bright, happy faces to welcome guests and regular attenders into our church. Contact Tanner Pinkerman.

Communion Preparers/Servers: Consider joining the “Summer Singers” choir! This group will provide music during the 8:30am Sanctuary worship service from June-August. For more information, contact Clare Boyer.

TECHNICAL ARTS TEAM Most of our ministries rely on the use of technical support in the form of sound, lyrical support, lighting, and video transmission. We could use you on our team! We will provide training on the equipment and ask for involvement one to two times per month. This is a ministry for all ages! Questions? Contact Tanner Pinkerman.

DRAMA Our drama ministry enhances the theme of Vacation Bible School as well as videos and skits for sermon illustrations and announcements. If you are gifted in the dramatic arts or interested in video production, please contact Dana Ward.


Rehearsal: Thursdays, 7-9pm The worship team assists in leading worship during the contemporary services. This team is open to those age 16 or older who are comfortable singing parts and are able to improvise. Instrumentalists/vocalists must be able to practice on their own time and come prepared for rehearsal. The worship team leads during both contemporary services, and in special worship services throughout the year. If you are interested in auditioning for the worship team, contact Tanner Pinkerman.

RESUMING IN THE FALL Children’s Choirs, Handbell Choir, and Sanctuary Choir will resume in the fall. For Children’s Choirs, please contact Mary Beth Eiter at For all others, please contact Clare Boyer (see staff ).


The Lord’s Table is celebrated monthly as a congregation. Individuals are needed to prepare and serve the elements. Contact Rob Sink at

Parking Lot Attendants:

We need bold and brave Berean-ites to serve in the parking lot to help direct traffic in and out of Berean before, after, and between services. Contact Kay Larson.

Medical Personnel:

A medical person is scheduled during all three worship services as a first responder in case of an emergency. We are looking for qualified healthcare professionals. Contact Marge Sanborn at 952.435.9051 or

Prayer Team:

Men and women are needed to serve in the Prayer Room. Volunteers will pray confidentially with those seeking prayer and comfort after each worship service. Contact Kari Peterson at

WORSHIP MINISTRIES STAFF Terry Foss - Worship Pastor 952.223.1829 • Ken Parker - Sanctuary Worship Pastor 952.223.1844 • Clare Boyer - Assistant Sanctuary Music Director 952.223.1824 • Kay Larson - Events Director 952.223.1835 • Tanner Pinkerman - Executive Assistant to Worship Ministries & Connections Coordinator 952.223.1825 • Dana Ward - Creative Arts Manager 952.223.1836 •

Local and Global Outreach It’s a lifestyle. A form of worship. We want to encourage Christ followers to live out their faith every day in tangible ways which transform our communities and ourselves in the process. Be sure to check out the Local and Global Outreach section on the Berean website and on Facebook!

SERVING MISSIONARY PARTNERS You can serve some of our global missionary partners without ever leaving your home! Opportunities exist to host missionary families when they visit Berean for a few nights, help them with technical assistance (such as creating Facebook accounts, websites, or newsletter templates), or collecting resources and supplies for their ministries. For more information, contact Elaine Tymchak.

HUI INITIATIVE First Foods - Did you know that the summer can be one of the hardest times for food shelves? They often turn people away because they have empty shelves. For this reason we are collecting food on July 7 and 14 for the 360 Communities Crisis Food Shelf. Bring all items to the Local Outreach Drop-off located across from the Main Office.

The Hui are an unreached Muslim people living in Asia, numbering over 12 million, and are believed to be the largest people group in the world without a single known Christian fellowship group. Berean has responded to the call to reach this group by praying for the Hui on a consistent basis. If you are interested in becoming involved with this initiative, join us for prayer on the first Sunday morning of every month at 11:15am in Room 218.

Children’s items - Give new or gently used puzzles, children’s board games, craft supplies for children’s projects, or sporting equipment for our summer activities with Somali children at Chancellor Manor.



PRAY. Pray for our Muslim neighbors during Ramadan, an Islamic month of fasting starting on July 8. Prayer guides will be available in June.

SERVE. Host a Japanese student in your home! Students will be studying at Bethel University and need homes for 2-4 weeks in July and August. Register for this opportunity by contacting Elaine Tymchak. If your family or small group is interested in serving together, visit for upcoming opportunities.


Berean supports over 50 missionaries and numerous ministries and special projects solely through offerings designated for Global Outreach. Please prayerfully consider designating a portion of your giving to Global Outreach in addition to your regular giving to Berean’s general budget.

Thank you!!

Burnsville has the one of the largest Somali refugee populations in the nation, and God has opened many doors for Berean to connect with our Muslim neighbors. You can serve them by volunteering: Summer Kid’s Activities - Get to know Somali kids in our neighborhood this summer! Helpers are needed for various summer outings and events that we facilitate for the kids. Events will happen at various times and locations. Interested? Contact Elaine Tymchak. National Night Out - Get to know your Somali neighbors on August 6, as we gather together to stand up against violence in our community and to connect further with each other. Interested? Contact Elaine Tymchak.

LOCAL AND GLOBAL OUTREACH STAFF Art Morrow - Executive Director of Outreach 952.223.1804 • Vanessa Edwards - Local Outreach Director 952.223.1821 • Elaine Tymchak - Global Outreach Manager 952.223.1813 •


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ive Sign up on our website today to rece or. igat Nav an electronic version of the Look for the GOING GREEN link.

Ministry Highlights Below are just a few of the things happening at Berean over the next few months. Mark your calendars and find out more throughout the Navigator!



Celebrate the past year at Berean and get an update about the Lead Pastor search! See page 4.

Join other men each Friday this summer for prayer and fellowship. See page 8.



Children are invited to join us as we tell the Good News of Jesus. This year’s theme is “Back in Time: Been There, Do That.” For ages 4 to grade 6. See page 4.

Learn more about this simple method of Bible study and get together with your friends to share with each other! See page 9.

Sunday, June 9

July 22-26

All summer!



Join other students enter grades 7-9 for an actionpacked week of games, worship, and dynamic speakers. Invite your friends! See page 4.

Following morning services, we will have a potluck picnic, volleyball tournament, and baptisms! See page 4.

July 22-26


Fridays at 6:30am

August 11

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