Pre-K--Child Care Program Plan

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Pre-K Revised 2011 CHILD CARE PROGRAM PLAN Berean Education Center is licensed by the Department of Human Services to serve children 33 months to 12 years old. The total enrollment at BEC is approximately 110 children, (license capacity 85 children at a time). Day Care hours are 6:30 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday. Preschool, Pre-K hours are: AM class - 9:30 - 11:55, PM class 12:35 - 3:00. BEC is dedicated to support and augment the training in the home which we believe was ordained by God to be carried out by loving parents (Deut. 6:7). Our qualified staff are here to offer expert guidance for each child to grow physically, mentally,. emotional, socially, and spiritually in a loving setting. BEC is a center with a Christian staff committed to the principles of love and excellence. Our experienced teachers will reflect God's love through social and emotional values and units appropriate to your child's age. Your child will always be supervised by a skilled teacher or teacher assistant who will give him/her the freedom to explore his/her room filled with educational toys and preschool learning materials. The Berean Education Center will seek to model and educate toward basic Christian principles in the following areas: 1. developing a positive self-concept in relation to God and others; 2. appreciation of God's creation; 3. discipline: 4. pre-reading skills; 5. pre-math skills; 6. large and small motor development; 7. art and music appreciation and involvement. BEC is committed to work hand in hand with you for your child's growth and development. We regard discipline as a part of the total relationship between staff member and her group of children. We believe that when children engage in an enjoyable activity, discipline problems are at a minimum. Harsh or threatening methods will not be used. Instead, encouragement and praise will be used along with firm and loving correction and guidance. Conferences are held twice a year. During this conference time your child's teacher will inform you of your child's emotional, intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual progress. This information will be documented and in your child's file. This child care program plan is available for review by parents upon request.

Pre-Kindergarten Daily Schedule 1

12:35 – Arrival and Welcome 12:35 – 12:55 – Learning Centers Open 12:55 – 1:00 – Clean-up 1:00 – 1:20 – Opening: Show N’ Share Day’s Pledge to the Flags Songs Calendar Weather 1:20 – 1:25 – Bathroom Break 1:25 – 1:35 – Prayer and Snack 1:35 – 1:55 – Story Time/Theme Related Emphasis 1:55 – 2:15 – Outdoor Play or Gym 2:15 – 2:20 – Bathroom Break 2:20 – 2:35 – Bible Story and Verse & Bible Songs 2:35 – 2:50 – Art and Craft Time – Academic Time 2:50 – 2:55 – Clean-up Time 2:55 – 3:00 – Closing and Dismissal

Physical Development GOALS

The Pre-K child will develop large muscle, fine motor and basic coordination skills because of the activities in the classroom. OBJECTIVES •

To plan activities daily that allow the children to use gross and fine motor skills.

To teach the children how to hold a pencil correctly.

To teach the childen how to hold a scissors correctly and how to cut with the scissors.

To teach the children how to hold a paint brush.

To help the children learn how to stay in the lines when coloring.

ACTIVITIES Gym activities: hopping, skipping, jumping, throwing a ball, catch a ball, running, climbing.

Tracing Puzzles Games

Circle games Dressing themselves in outdoor clothes Relays Drawing objects Coloring Blocks Cutting Music with movement to it

Intellectual Development GOALS To create an atmosphere of learning where each Pre-K student can grow academically at his/her own pace - thus preparing the Pre-K student for Kindergarten. OBJECTIVES To talk about one alphabet letter a week. To incorporate reading and math readiness activities when lesson planning. To incorporate Kindergarten readiness activities daily when lesson planning. To use fun learning activities daily. To encourage good listening habits. To work on following directions. To encourage good working habits in school. To teach the children how to print their name correctly. Using upper case and lower case letters in the appropriate place. To introduce the children how to print their name correctly. Using upper case and lower case letters in the appropriate place. To introduce the children to the alphabet letter sounds. To encourage children to learn their telephone number and address. To teach children to count to 20. To teach children how to recognize the written numbers 1-10. To teach the Pre-K children to recognize a circle, square, oval, triangle, and rectangle. To plan and implement science units such as, bugs, bees, and seasons. To teach the children to recognize the basic colors; red, white, orange, brown, green, blue, black, yellow, purple. ACTIVITIES • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Alphabet flash cards Alphabet songs Table activities relating to academic themes. Calendar - learning names of the months, days of the week. Count the days Units on numbers, shapes, alphabet, seasons. Learning centers pertaining to our academic theme. Storybooks Role-playing Simple homework relating to our theme of the day. Finger plays Field trips Special speakers

Social Development GOALS

Each child will learn that they are special, their peers are also special. The children will learn and implement good manners.


The children will learn how to share time, toys and attention.

The children will learn to sit and listen to their peers and teachers during group time.

The children will learn to raise their hand and wait to be called on.

The children will learn to line-up orderly. They will learn they do not need to be the first person in the line.

The children will learn to play by themselves and with friends at school.

The children will learn that all peers at school are their friends. (Share friends)

The children will learn how to use appropriate behavior when presented with different situations, positive or negative.

The children will learn how to be good listeners on Field Trips.

The children will learn how to say "Thank you," "Please," "Excuse me," I'm sorry,” etc.

The children will learn to wait for their classmates before going to another activity.

The children will learn how to clean up after snack and playtime and table activities.

Emotional Development GOALS • • • • •

Each child will feel comfortable and loved unconditionally. To help each Pre-K student feel good about themselves. To make this an ongoing theme throughout the daily program. To help each Pre-K student learn how to deal with changes in the classroom appropriately. To help each child feel like I'm, me, I'm special. There is no one else like me.

OBJECTIVES • • • • • • • • • • • • •

We will offer daily activities that allow the children to make choices. Each child will feel important to his peers and teachers. Each child will receive at least one verbal stroke a day. Daily activities will be offered that allow children to be successful. Goals will be set that are obtainable for the children. Standards will fit the age group. To use Bible stories that impress the fact that God made each of us special. To teach the children that they do not have to be good at everything. I can make mistakes. Each child will learn that his/her family is important. Each child will have two special events during the year. Birthday and V.I.P. week To teach the children that they have different feelings and that God created them that way. To allow the children to be creative daily.

ACTIVITIES The children will be encouraged to participate in group activities and games. • • • • • •

Group time Sharing Bathroom break Snack time Field trips Lining up Table activities

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Playtime Circle games Looking at books by themselves Music and Movement

Spiritual Development GOALS

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16 The Pre-K student will learn the meaning of this verse and how it applies to them. All activities in the classroom will mirror a Christian atmosphere. OBJECTIVES • • • • • • •

The children will see God's love for them because of teachers’ lives. The children will learn about Creation and how God made each one of them special. To talk about God daily and apply it to the children so they understand. To have a Bible story every day. To memorize a verse each week. To share my love for Christ with the families of the Pre-k students. To have special Bible units. (Lord’s prayer, Christmas, Easter, Creation) that are understandable for the children and teach them how to use these Christian teachings in their everyday lives.

ACTIVITIES • • • • •

Prayer before snack, at Bible time, and at the end of the day Memorize Bible verses Read stories from the Bible Christian songs Scripture songs

Pre-Kindergarten Themes for the Year Making Friends God Made Me Special

Colorful Autumn Focus On Colors Fire Safety Columbus Day - Nature Apples and Pumpkins Harvest Time Critters Alphabet Discovering Dinosaurs Pilgrims and Native Americans Thanksgiving – We Give Thanks Shapes Winter Animals Christmas – Christ Is Born Our Senses Numbers Martin Luther King Day Winter Wonderland Totally Tropical Aquatic Life Valentines – God Loves Us! Presidents Day Community Helpers Dental Health Circus Fun Windy Days Creation St. Patrick’s Day Spring Is Sprung April Showers Easter – He Is Risen! Nutrition Down on the Farm Mom and Dad Are Special Creepy Crawlies! Let It Fly! Graduation Week

Pre-Kindergarten – Field Trips

Fall: Apple Orchard/Pumpkin Patch

Winter: Children’s Theater

Spring: Nature Center

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