If the patient is to be referred as a Coroner’s case, early release may not be possible.
In hours
• Follow usual procedures, contact Medical Examiner’s Office and Mortuary as soon as aware
Out of hours (OOH)
Please note: Registration of death can only take place at the Register Office within office working hours, Monday - Friday. Rather than providing incorrect paperwork, it may be more appropriate to consider raising an urgent case for the Medical Examiner’s Office to progress on the next working day.
If early release is to go ahead:
• Inform the Clinical Site Manager.
• Inform mortuary staff via switchboard.
• Verify the death.
• Complete personal care of deceased.
• Doctor to complete Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) and cremation form. OOH MCCD book and cremation forms are kept in Site Co-ordinators Office.
• Hospital release form to give family. This must be completed by the family and handed to their funeral director. If OOH, these are available from the Clinical Site Manager.
• Transfer deceased to Mortuary.
• Release deceased from Mortuary.
• Follow usual procedures for Ripon Hospital
Please note: Registration of death can only take place at the Register Office within office working hours, Monday - Friday. Rather than providing incorrect paperwork, it may be more appropriate to raise an urgent case for the Medical Examiner’s Team/GP to progress on the next working day.
• Contact OOH GP to discuss