What to do after a patient has died with an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) in situ
Good Practice Guidance - Discontinuation of ICD shock therapies towards the end of Life: A Practical Guide https://bhrs.com/discontinuation-of-icd-shock-therapies-towardsthe-end-of-life-a-practical-guide/
Ideally, the ICD should have been switched off when it was recognised that the person was dying. However, if due to unforeseen circumstances this is not the case or if this occurs out of normal working hours, please seek further advice as below: If a patient dies with a functioning ICD in situ, it needs to be turned off before it is removed.
Refer to HDFT policies on HDFT Policystat (intranet): “ICD deactivation at end of life” and “Magnet application in patients with ICD’s”.
Magnets are stored on the Resuscitation trolley:
• Emergency Department
• Intensive Care Unit
• Heart Centre
• Farndale Ward
• Out of Hours GP
It is necessary for the device to be removed after death regardless of how the body is to be disposed of. It is essential that the funeral directors are informed if a device is STILL in situ when the body is moved. It is essential that the device is removed if the body is cremated.
For further advice:
• Office Hours: Cardiac Physiologist: 01423 553323
• Resuscitation Department: 01423 555601
• Out of Hours (advice only): LGI switch: 0113 243 2799 ask for the On-call Cardiac Physiologist covering pacing or Cardiology Registrar