Organ donation
Donation of organs from the body can only be considered before death occurs and is only possible when a patient is in certain hospital areas such as the Intensive Care Unit or the Emergency Department.
For more information on Organ and Tissue donation: www.organdonation.nhs.uk 0800 432 0559
Tissue donation
When a relative/friend dies at home or in hospital it may be possible for them to donate tissues for transplant or research. Donated tissues such as skin, bone, tendons and heart valves can dramatically improve people’s lives and eye donation can restore sight.
Most people can be considered for tissue donation after death. There are some age limitations for some tissues and some medical exclusion criteria.
Donation can take place within 24 hours after someone dies and donation is subject to Coroner’s consent in relevant cases. If the patient had expressed a wish to donate or they or their family would like to discuss this further, please provide the leaflet available on the ward or call NHS Blood and Transplant Tissue Donation on 0800 432 0559 to speak to a specialist nurse.
NHS Blood and Transplant: www.nhsbt.nhs.uk
A referral should be made by a clinician for all patients directly after a patient has died within 24 hours. A specialist nurse may then contact the family to explore options and discuss content before any donation takes place.
For more information on Organ and Tissue donation: www.organdonation.nhs.uk www.nhsbt.nhs.uk
0800 432 0559
Please Note. Usually answer phone system. Leave a message stating your name and contact telephone number and await a return call. Be prepared to answer questions relating to the details of the patient including medical history.
Under the Human Tissue Act, written consent must be given from the deceased before death. Consent cannot be given by anyone else after their death.
There are a number of establishments across the UK who accept body donations for medical science.
The family are responsible for contacting the agreed medical school to inform them of the patient’s death as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made by the school to collect the deceased. If a body is donated to medical science then no funeral arrangements will be necessary though registration and collection of the death certificate takes place in the normal way.
Human Tissue Authority: www.hta.gov.uk
NHS Blood and Transplant: www.nhsbt.nhs.uk