Mortuary identification requirements
• Death must have been verified and documented in the Hospital electronic patient record “Verification of Death”
by either a Doctor or a competent health professional prior to transfer to the mortuary department.
• Two ID bands.
• Complete Mortuary Transfer Sheet (attached to the deceased prior to removing the body from the clinical area).
• Any remaining jewellery must be noted on the transfer sheet.
• The nurse who signs the transfer sheet is responsible for ensuring that the two ID bands and the transfer sheet are correct.
• The porters collecting the deceased should check the details of the wristbands and sign the transfer sheet before removing the body from the ward.
• A body bag (available through the porters) should be used if the patient has a notifiable disease or fluid leakage not managed by padding. Attach ‘high risk’ label. PPE requirements should be followed.
• When a deceased patient is being transferred to the Mortuary, it must be done discreetly, in a respectful manner, maintaining privacy and dignity at all times.