Please speak with Clinical Site Manager, Matron or Mortuary Team if unsure.
It is preferable for the bereaved relatives to view the deceased on the ward (where possible). Viewing in the mortuary is also possible, however families may prefer to view once the person has been transferred to the funeral directors.
Family or Police contact the Hospital Members of staff must not inform relatives they can ‘view whenever they want’ as they could be required to wait, or even be turned away.
Out of hours’ viewings should only be for exceptional circumstances. These may include sudden deaths requiring police identification. Any relative requesting a viewing out of hours should be informed of the appointment system and given details of how to contact the Mortuary during the mortuary opening hours. In the event of a necessary out of hours viewing, then the Clinical Site Manager must be contacted in the first instance.
There are specific arrangements for deaths in Emergency Department, and for stillbirths, intrauterine deaths and miscarriages defined in the Procedure for the viewing of a deceased in Harrogate District Hospital Mortuary If relatives have physical contact with the deceased, they should be advised to use the hand sanitiser on leaving the department
Monday–Friday 8am- 4pm
Mortuary Staff via 01423 553391
Out of hours
Clinical Site Manager via switchboard
• Clinical Site Manager to request the Charge Hand Porter goes and checks the deceased is suitable and without a coroner/police viewing restriction and reports any issues and then makes appointment
• To consider if the family might want support from Chaplains
• On call mortuary staff c an be contacted via switchboard for advice
• Might ask a nurse from the ward, or the duty Matron, to accompany the bereaved relatives for the viewing.
Appointment time made with family or police Name, Address. DOD and DOB must be taken to confirm identity of deceased Request they report to the hospital main reception on arrival
Mortuary Staff or Charge hand Porter
• Identify the correct deceased from the Mortuary Register, white board and on fridge door.
• Check the details for any known risk of infection that might render viewing hazardous.
• Remove the deceased from the fridge, CHECK IDENTITY TAG against details given and place the tray on the viewing trolley.
• Move the trolley into position in the viewing room and drape with the covers provided.
• When informed meet the family at main reception and escort them to the waiting area of the viewing room
• Request family complete Viewing Identification Form unless Police ID. Using this form confirm the identification of the deceased for viewing against the ID band and mortuary transfer sheet of the deceased.
• Allow the relatives to enter the viewing room and provide support and assistance
• Escort the family back to main entrance.
• When informed, to meet the family at main reception and escort them to the waiting area of the viewing room. Charge Hand Porter will be present to admit in to the area.
• Request family complete Viewing Identification Form unless police ID. Using this form confirm the identification of the deceased for viewing against the ID band and mortuary transfer sheet of the deceased.
• Allow the relatives to enter the viewing room and provide support and assistance.
• Escort the family back to main entrance.
Mortuary Staff or Charge hand Porter
• Return the deceased immediately to its place in the refrigerator located by white board and fridge door.
• Record the date and time of the viewing in the appropriate section of the mortuary register.
• Ensure the department is secure.
The complete policy, Procedure for the viewing of a deceased in Harrogate District Hospital Mortuary can be found on the intranet