People to inform There are various people or companies who may need to be informed of the death, below is a list to help you: q Bank q Building society q Insurance company q Private, work or service pensions
q Social services (home help, meals on wheels etc) q Telephone company q Local gas company q Local electricity company
q Solicitor (if applicable)
q District council (council tax)
q Landlord (if living in rented accommodation)
q Local registration department (electoral role)
q Local housing department (if receiving housing benefit or council tax benefit)
q D.V.L.A (driving licence)
q Mortgage provider
q Delivery services e.g. grocer, newsagents, milkman etc
q House insurance q Employer q Trade union q Inland Revenue q Post office (re-directing mail)
q Passport office q Credit card company
q Season tickets (claim any refunds due) q Membership of associations or clubs (claim any refunds due)