1 minute read
You will be kept up to date on the progress of the investigation and be asked if there is anything you would like to be considered as part of the investigation. After the investigation and final report has been signed off, the Trust will make arrangements to meet with you to further discuss the findings of the investigation.
You may find it helpful to get independent advice about taking part in investigations and other options open to you. Some people will also benefit from having an independent advocate to accompany them to meetings etc. Please see details of independent organisations that may be able to help, later in this booklet. You are welcome to bring a friend, relative or advocate with you to any meetings.
Where the death of a patient is associated with an unexpected or unintended incident during a patient’s care, staff must follow the Duty of Candour Regulation/Policy (www.cqc.org.uk/guidance-providers/regulationsenforcement/regulation-20-duty-candour). AvMA (Action Against Medical Accidents) (www.avma.org.uk) has produced information for families on Duty of Candour which is endorsed by the Care Quality Commission.