East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
Lister Hospital
Following a Bereavement A practical guide for family and friends during the pandemic
Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1 Bereavement Office opening hours ................................................................................ 2 What needs to be done - an overview.......................................................................... 3 Registering the death ....................................................................................................................... 6 Tell Us Once Service ....................................................................................................................... 7 Hertford Registration Service ................................................................................................. 9 The Coroner ............................................................................................................................................. 10 Issue of the Medical Certificate under the Coroner’s authorisation............................................................................................................... 10 Coroner’s Post Mortem .............................................................................................................. 10 Personal property ...............................................................................................................................11 Funerals ........................................................................................................................................................ 12 Funeral Directors .............................................................................................................................. .12 Funerals Abroad ................................................................................................................................ .12 Donating the body or organs .............................................................................................. 13 One-time payments and allowances ......................................................................... 13 Who you should inform................................................................................................................ 15 Further support and advice ................................................................................................... 16 East & North Hertfordshire Hospital’s Charity ............................................... 18 Notes ................................................................................................................................................................ 19
When someone dies there are many decisions and arrangements that have to be made. We appreciate that you may be experiencing additional distress as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. Whilst it is impossible to cover every detail, we have tried to provide help and advice in this booklet on the main issues to be faced when arranging a funeral.
This booklet has been prepared to help you in these first difficult days following your loss.
Information contained in this booklet may need some explanation. The Bereavement Officers will be able to help you with this.
We offer you our condolences at this sad time. If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Please do not attend the Bereavement Office in person. During the ongoing restrictions, there are no face to face appointments in the Bereavement Office or Registry Office. You can telephone the Bereavement Office on the next working day - or the afternoon if a death has occurred in the early morning. The Bereavement Officer will explain the process of what happens next. Registration of Death takes place over the phone with Hertfordshire Registration Service.
BEREAVEMENT OFFICE ADDRESS Bereavement Office Lister Hospital Corey’s Mill Lane, Stevenage, Herts SG1 4AB BEREAVEMENT OFFICE OPENING HOURS The Bereavement Office is open for telephone enquiries and appointments from 9am - 4pm Monday to Friday. (closed from 12pm - 1pm for lunch)
Please note: The Bereavement Office is closed at weekends and during public holidays. The office will not be attended until the next normal working day. It is possible for you to leave a message on our confidential voicemail system during these times.
TELEPHONE NUMBERS Lister Bereavement Office: Caroline Green 01438 284208 Kevyn Hopkins-Hall 01438 284185 Clare Urbani 01438 288463
Please note: If your call goes through to the voicemail service, it is because we are already talking to another family on the phone. We understand this may be frustrating, but the Bereavement Service is extremely busy and we appreciate your patience.
Lister Hospital main switchboard number Chaplaincy Office PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison) Office Hertfordshire Coroner’s Office
01438 314333 01438 285138 01438 285811 01707 292792
WHAT HAS TO BE DONE AFTER A DEATH - AN OVERVIEW The rest of this booklet explains each stage of the process in more detail. 1. Please telephone the Bereavement Office on the next working day so that a Bereavement Officer can advise you on what will happen next. Please do not attend the Bereavement Office in person. We prefer for you to make the first contact with us so that we can advise you at a time that you feel ready to receive the information. 2. When you speak to the Bereavement Officer, he or she will then ideally be your designated point of contact for any updates and to answer any questions you may have. 3. The Bereavement Officer will ask you some standard questions about your relative’s hospital stay which include: • If they had any trips, falls or injuries • If they had an operation within the past 3 months These questions are to determine whether or not a discussion needs to take place with the Coroner’s Office (see page 10). The Bereavement Officer will also ask you: • Which funeral director will be appointed • Whether arrangements will be made for a cremation or a burial 4. You can contact your chosen funeral director to make some provisional arrangements (see page 12) 5. Once the doctor has completed the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD), the Bereavement Officer will email it to the Hertfordshire Registration Service. Your named Bereavement Officer will telephone you to explain what the doctor has written as the cause of death and will ask you to telephone the Hertfordshire Registrars on the next working day on 0300 123 4045 to register the death over the phone. 3
6. If the Coroner is involved (see item 3) he will review the medical information provided by the doctor and make a decision on whether a post mortem examination is required or if a doctor can issue a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death. (page 10) 7. If a post mortem is required this should usually take place within 5 working days. The Coroner’s Officer will inform you of the findings of the post mortem (see page 10) 8. If a post mortem is NOT required and a hospital doctor can issue a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death, then the Bereavement Officer will co-ordinate this process but it must be under the instruction of the Coroner’s Office (See page 5) 9. Hertfordshire Registration Service will telephone you to register the death ONLY AFTER the Coroner has given permission to do so. 10. Once the Coroner gives permission, the Registrar will assist you with obtaining the Death Certificate, (plus any extras you need). Each Death Certificate costs £11.00. 11. If the Coroner is not involved, your designated Bereavement Officer will email the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) to the Hertfordshire Registration Service (page 5).You will then need to contact the Registrar who assist you with obtaining the Death Certificate(s).
MEDICAL CERTIFICATE OF CAUSE OF DEATH (This is the certificate written by the hospital doctor and is emailed to the Registrar)
When a patient dies in hospital Certain formalities must be dealt with following the death of a relative or friend. Once the doctor has completed the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD), the Bereavement Officer will email it to the Hertfordshire Registration Service.
To enable a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death to be completed, Bereavement Officers must follow a standard procedure. Please be aware that this process can take a few working days, depending upon the circumstances.
The Registrar will complete the Registration of Death with you over the phone.
The Bereavement Officer will contact the doctor to come and complete the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death. Doctors are not always able to attend the Bereavement Office immediately when requested; some hours may pass before they can attend to complete the certificate.
On completion of the medical certificate, the Bereavement Officer email it to the Hertfordshire Registration Service.
The Death Certificate This is a certified copy of the entry in the register of deaths, The Register Office will email you a link so you can apply and pay securely online for the number of death certificates you require. You will need to consider how many certificates you require as banks, building societies and insurance companies require certified copies (otherwise known as “originals”). There is a fee for each Death Certificate you require. The fee is currently £11 per certificate.
All deaths must be registered with Hertfordshire Registration Service, even if the deceased lived in another county.
The Registrar cannot register a death until the doctor has completed a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death.
You will need to tell the Registrar: • • • •
The date and place of death and the deceased’s usual address The deceased’s full name and maiden name if appropriate The deceased’s date and place of birth The deceased’s occupation, the name and occupation of the spouse or registered civil partner if applicable
• •
Whether the deceased was receiving a pension or allowance from public funds The deceased’s marital status and date of birth of the surviving spouse or registered civil partner
This is a certificate that the Registrar needs to provide to the funeral director for the burial or cremation to go ahead. The Green Form/Certificate will be emailed by the Registrar to your chosen Funeral Director.
TELL US ONCE SERVICE The Registrar will email you a link so you are able to access the Tell Us Once Service (see below). Hertfordshire Registration Service provides assistance with the National ‘Tell Us Once’ Service when you register a death within Hertfordshire. They can start the process by notifying the Dept for Work and Pensions (DWP) with an entry to the database. The Registrar will then provide you with a unique reference number for the deceased person and a link to access the DWP ‘Tell Us Once’ website.
When you visit the DWP website, have the deceased’s National Insurance number to quote along with the unique reference number and continue to follow the instructions so that all central and local government and council departments that can be informed of the death.
Which organisations will be notified? If you decide to use the ‘Tell Us Once’ service, the following departments and organisations will be notified. Council services • Council housing • Housing and council tax benefit • Council tax • Libraries • Blue badges • Adult social care (including attendance allowance) • Collection of payments for council services • Electoral services Government organisations • Department for Work and Pensions • HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) • Identity and Passport Service • Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) • Ministry of Defence, Service Personnel and Veterans Agency
There is no charge for using the Tell Us Once service.
The information that is given will be treated securely and confidentially. The organisations that are contacted will use the information to update records, to end services, benefits and credits provided, as appropriate, or to start up services. They may use the information in other ways, but only as the law allows.
Visit www.gov.uk/tell-us-once or Telephone the DWP on: 0800 731 0469 for more information 8
Hertfordshire Registration Service Opening Times Mon: 9am – 4:30pm Tue: 9am – 4:30pm Wed: 9am – 4:30pm
Thur: 9am – 4:30pm Fri: 9am – 4:30pm
Tel: 0300 123 4045 This Telephone Number incorporates the whole of Hertfordshire Registration Service.
THE CORONER Coroners are independent judicial officers who inquire into deaths, which appear to be of unknown cause or have occurred suddenly, if the deceased underwent surgery or if they had any recent falls or injuries prior to death. ISSUE OF THE MEDICAL CERTIFICATE UNDER THE CORONER’S AUTHORISATION A referral to the Coroner does not necessarily mean a post mortem will be required.
If the person who has died had any recent operations or significant injuries MUST be reported to the Coroner. If the treating doctor(s) can give a clear cause of death then the Coroner may allow the doctor to issue the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death. This is at the discretion of the Coroner’s Office though, depending on the circumstances leading to the death.
In these cases, a delay of 1 to 2 working days is usually incurred as the Bereavement Office have to wait for the Coroner’s authorisation before we can release the certificate to the Registrar.
When doctors are unable to issue a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death they are required to inform the Coroner. They will be instructed by the Coroner how to proceed.
If the Coroner instructs the doctor not to issue a certificate then a post mortem examination will take place to establish the cause of death.
The Coroner does not require consent from the next of kin for this and it is part of a legal process.
The Coroner’s Officer, a representative of the Coroner, will keep you informed throughout the process of when the post mortem will take place and when you are going to be able to register the death.
The Bereavement Office will also be able to help with any queries you may have regarding this.
PERSONAL PROPERTY It is always preferable that you take your relative’s property home with you at the earliest opportunity; however, we understand that this may not always be possible. If your relative’s property is brought to the Bereavement Office, your designated Bereavement Officer will check through the contents and ask if you would: • •
prefer to collect it from us at the hospital (by appointment only) or, we could ask your chosen Funeral Director to return the belongings to you - most Funeral Directors are happy to provide this service, but occasionally it is not possible.
IMPORTANT: If there are any property items that went missing / were misplaced on the ward where your relative was a patient, please contact that ward directly and speak to the nerse in charge or the matron so this can be investigated.
FUNERALS Unless there are religious or cultural reasons for holding a funeral quickly there is no need to hurry. You can take the time you need to make sure the funeral is arranged in a way that will be special to you. Contact a funeral director of your choice who will be able to advise and discuss the funeral arrangements with you. Contact details of our sponsors are provided within this booklet. However, you are under no obligation to choose from the selection provided. Funeral arrangements cannot be completed until you have been informed that the death does not have to be reported to the Coroner. If the Coroner is involved this may affect the date when the funeral can be held. A will may have been made by the deceased, which may include requests about his or her funeral arrangements. FUNERAL DIRECTORS The hospital is not able to recommend a particular funeral director. There are no universal standards that apply to funeral directors, however some are members of professional organisations, which operate a code of conduct. The National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD) and the Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF) are examples of these. A funeral director should be expected to give you a written quotation, which may not be exceeded without permission. This includes an estimate for a standard funeral, as well as any additional services. FUNERALS ABROAD If the person is to be removed out of England or Wales (this includes, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Eire), The funeral director will make representation on your behalf to the appropriate agencies and advise you of the necessary documentation. 12
Tissue and corneal donation may be possible up to 48 hours after death and can benefit many recipients. If this is something that you would like further information on then please speak to a ward nurse or doctor who can contact the Tissue Co-ordinator.
Some people may have previously given their written consent and made arrangements for their body to be used for medical research and teaching purposes. If so, relatives should get in touch with the relevant medical school / anatomy organisation who will then liaise with the hospital staff.
Further information on body donation can be obtained by visiting www.hta.gov.uk.
This may be subject to on-going COVID restrictions.
ONE-TIME PAYMENTS AND ALLOWANCES Bereavement Payment If your husband, wife or civil partner has died you may be able to get a Bereavement Payment: a one-off, lump-sum payment of £2,000 which is tax-free. You may be able to claim Bereavement Payment if: • You were under state pension age when they died • Your husband, wife or civil partner has paid enough National Insurance contributions • Your husband, wife or civil partner died as a result of an illness or accident caused by their job or working conditions Bereavement Allowance (Previously Widow’s Pension) If you’re widowed you may be able to claim Bereavement Allowance, the taxable weekly benefit paid to you for up to 52 weeks from the date of death of your husband, wife or civil partner. You may be able to claim Bereavement Allowance if: • Your husband, wife or civil partner had paid enough National Insurance Contributions 13
• Your husband, wife or civil partner died as a result of an illness or accident caused by their job or working conditions • You’re a widow, widower or surviving civil partner aged 45 or over when your husband, wife or civil partner died • You’re under state pension age • You’re not bringing up children Widowed Parent’s Allowance You might be able to claim Widowed Parent’s Allowance if you’re widowed under State Pension age and have at least one dependent child. You may also be able to claim if you’re pregnant and your husband has died, or you’re pregnant after fertility treatment and your civil partner has died. You can get Widowed Parent’s Allowance until you stop being entitled to Child Benefit. Funeral Payment If you’re on a low income and need help to pay for a funeral you’re arranging, you may be able to get a Funeral Payment from the Social Fund. You might have to repay some or all of it from the estate of the person who died. You may be eligible for a Funeral Payment from the Social Fund if you or your partner are in receipt of certain benefits or tax credits. This is only a guide. For further information and how to apply for bereavement benefits visit www.gov.uk or telephone the DWP Bereavement Service on 0800 731 0469.
WHO YOU SHOULD INFORM Financial Organisations • General insurance companies for home, car, travel or medical • Private pension providers • Life insurance companies • Banks and building societies • Mortgage provider • Hire purchase or loan companies • Credit card providers and any store cards Utilities and household contacts • Landlord or local authority if they rented a property • Any private organisation/agency providing home help • Utility companies if accounts were in the deceased’s name • Royal Mail – if mail needs re-directing • TV/internet companies with which the deceased had subscriptions • Mobile phone contract provider When you contact any of the above organisations, ask to be directed to their bereavement department so that you get to speak to the right person who can help you.
FURTHER SUPPORT AND ADVICE Sometimes it helps to talk to someone who is not directly involved with you or your family’s grief. Below are some organisations that may be able to provide you with some help and useful advice: CRUSE Bereavement Care Adult Helpline (Herts area) Children & Young People (Herts area) Cruse National Helpline www.cruse.org.uk
01707 278389 01707 264293 0808 808 1677
WAY Widowed and Young www.widowedandyoung.org.uk Age UK www.ageuk.org.uk
0800 169 6565
116 123
Citizens Advice Bureau www.citizensadvice.org.uk
03444 111 444
Winston’s Wish www.winstonswish.org
08088 020 021
Childhood Bereavement Network 020 7843 6309 www.childhoodbereavementnetwork.org.uk The Compassionate Friends www.tcf.org.uk
0345 123 2304
www.griefencounter.org.uk 0808 802 0111 (Supporting bereaved children and their families) Stand by Me Bereavement Support www.standby.me CHUMS (Bedfordshire) Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing Service for Children and Young People www.chums.uk.com 16
01525 863924
Stop Mail If someone you know has died, the amount of unwanted marketing post being sent to them can be greatly reduced which helps to stop painful daily reminders. By registering with the free service www.stopmail.co.uk the names and addresses of the deceased are removed from mailing lists, stopping most advertising mail within as little as six weeks. If you cannot access the internet you can call 0808 168 9607, where you will be asked for very simple information that will take only a few minutes to complete. Alternatively, ask the bereavement team for a leaflet that can be returned in the post. This free of charge service provided by the Bereavement Support Network will actively reduce the unwanted marketing mail but also can help reduce the likelihood of identity theft following the death of someone close. The information is not used for any other purpose and you only have to complete this once. Additionally to Stop Mail a comparable service can also be accessed from the Bereavement Register or Deceased Preference Service if you would prefer to use them. Bereavement Support Network www.bereavementsupport.co.uk Is a free of charge online resource that provides clear advice and information following the death of someone close. From help with arranging a funeral, to what to do if there is no money, the website has been designed to give you guidance and support in a clear and easy to understand format. You can also find a lot of practical information and advice online by visiting: www.gov.uk/after-a-death You can also contact your local religious organisation for support or obtain advice from your General Practitioner (GP) or Practice Nurse.
Remember a loved one We understand that you are probably going through the most difficult time of your life. Losing a loved one is always very painful. Please accept our sincere condolences at this sad time. We are grateful to you for taking the time to read about your hospital’s charity which helps to improve the care and treatment of patients. When the time is right, you may like to make a donation to the hospital charity or fundraise in memory of your loved one. There are many ways you can remember your loved one and leave a lasting legacy in their name. We can help with setting up a fundraising tribute page or can provide donation envelopes. Alternatively, to make a donation online please visit www.enhhcharity.org.uk For information on setting up a tribute page or to request donation envelopes, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01438 285182 or email charity.enh-tr@nhs.net
enhhcharity 18
Registered Charity Number 1053338
Reference: Lister Hospital Bereavement Book Review Date: December 2022 Publication Date: December 2020
Part of J.J Burgess & Sons
INDEPENDENT FAMILY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Serving the Hoddesdon community for over 25 years
24 Hour Personal Service The Rainbow Chapel of Rest Funerals arranged in all areas
If a death occurs please contact us at any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
01992 447171
RAINBOW HOUSE, 64 HIGH STREET, HODDESDON, HERTS EN11 8ET 194x135 Pepper and Phillips adv - Lister Hospital Bereavement Booklets 13-7-20.indd 1
13/07/2020 10:17
Published by RNS Publications © Tel: 01253 832400 R19