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Arranging a Funeral
Arranging a Funeral
You can contact a Funeral Director 24 hours a day, including weekends. Your chosen Funeral Director can make the necessary arrangements and can also advise you on all the procedures and documents you will need as well as the timing of the funeral service. They will come to your house if you prefer. Your own Minister, Priest or religious leader and the Hospital Chaplaincy Service may also be of great help during this difficult time.
Most Funeral Directors belong to their National Association, which has regulations that must be followed. Patient Affairs can give you a list of local Funeral Directors. Funerals are expensive although basic costs tend to be similar. However, the final cost can vary considerably. Do not be afraid to mention your budget. Financial help may be available if you receive benefits, or if the deceased has no next of kin. Contact the DSS before making any arrangements. If the person who has died was a War Pensioner, you may be able to get a grant from: War Pensions Branch, DSS, Norcross, Blackpool, FY5 3WP. Telephone: 0800 1692277