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Annual Memorial Service
Each year in October, The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust organises a memorial service. The last few years this has been held at Green Acres Burial Park. This is organised by the Bereavement Midwife Advisors and the bereavement team who are volunteers. A candle is lit for each baby and families are invited to lay a flower on the memorial bench or take a pebble to remember their baby. Each year we make the service a little different but it is a time for remembering and reflecting. You will be sent an invitation if you consented to be on the mailing list. If you want more information please contact the Bereavement Midwife Advisors on 01279 962694.
We have a book of remembrance which we encourage parents to contribute to in the lasting memory of your baby,
This will be available to view at the memorial service.
Where to Find Further Support
Once you go home the Bereavement Midwife Advisors will contact you. The team will let the GP know you have been in hospital and are now at home. Contact your GP if you are concerned about your physical health. The GP is best placed to share any concerns about your recovery and can help and advise you both physically and emotionally.
Bereavement Midwife Advisors
The service is now available Monday to Sunday, 08.00 - 16.00. Outside of these hours you can email Kate and Rebecca on paht.maternitybereavement@nhs.net or please call Labour Ward on 01279 973203.
Bereavement Team (main hospital)
The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust
01279 82 7090
Child Bereavement UK
Support line 0800 028 8840
Email: support@childbereavemnetuk.org www.childbereavementuk.org
Tommy’s Charity www.tommys.org
Twins and Multiple Birth Bereavement Support Group
Provides general and specialist advice
0800 138 0509 www.tamba.org.uk
Winston’s Wish
Charity for bereaved children
Helpline: 0808 802 0021 www.winstonswish.org.uk
ARC (Antenatal Results and Choice)
345 City Road
London, EC1V 1LR
Tel: 020 7713 7356 (Head Office)
This is a National Charity providing non-directive support and information to bereaved parents throughout and after antenatal screening and testing. Helpline is open Monday to Friday, 10.00am-5.30pm.
Call 0845 077 2290 or 0207 713 7486 from a mobile.
Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society SANDS
0207 436 5881
Email: helpline@uk-sands.org www.uk-sands.org
Petals Counselling based at Addenbrookes Hospital
0300 688 0068 www.petalscharity.org
The Miscarriage Association
Helpline 01924 200799 www.miscarriageassociation.org.uk
Ref: Princess Alexandra Hospital - Following the Loss of your Baby
Review Date: July 2025
Publication Date: July 2023
Adapted from East Herts “Pregnancy Loss under 24 weeks booklet”