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Private health insurance
from Rowcroft BSF
To raise a concern or make a complaint, please discuss your concern in the first instance with a member of staff. If the staff member is unable to resolve the matter, please contact the Modern Matron or one of her deputies who will arrange to meet with you to discuss the issue further. If you are still unhappy there are a range of options open to you, including raising the matter with our CEO or trustees. Further information can be found in our compliments, complaints or concerns leaflet on our website at www.rowcrofthospice.org.uk
Although our care is provided free of charge, most private health insurers will make a payment to the hospice under the terms of a private health insurance policy. Rowcroft Hospice is a registered charity and generates most of its funds by charitable means so any available income from private health insurance helps us to maintain our highquality care. Please let us know if this is applicable to you. If you wish us to make a claim on your behalf, please ask a member of staff for assistance.