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Immediately after death

Immediately after a death

When a death occurs in one of our hospitals you may be present or a member of the ward staff will contact the patient’s first point of contact. If you wish, you, your family and friends can come to hospital and spend time with your loved one if it is safe to do so.

At this time you can also request to see a hospital chaplain. The chaplaincy and spiritual care service offers multi-faith or non-faith specific support for all. A member of staff on the ward where your relative or friend has died can contact the service for you. Alternatively, you can contact the service directly by using the contact details below:

Barnet Hospital: 020 8216 4355 Royal Free Hospital: 020 7830 2742 Email: rf.chaplaincy@nhs.net

The person who has died will remain in the safe care of our dedicated staff at the hospital where they died, unless we advise you otherwise.

If someone dies at Chase Farm Hospital they will be transferred to our dedicated facility at Barnet Hospital, but only once you have been notified and have had an opportunity to spend time with them on the ward where they died. All subsequent procedures and communication will be completed by the bereavement service at Barnet Hospital.

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