1 minute read
Further useful points
Further useful points
• Contact the insurance company or agent about any insurance policies. • A widow may be entitled to a widow’s benefit or an increase in benefit. Your local DWP office can provide further information about this.
• All pensions and allowance books belonging to your relative should be returned to the issuing office. Any unpaid amount due before the date of death should be claimed.
• If you relative was in a ‘Pay As You Earn’ (PAYE) scheme, you may be entitled to a tax rebate. Please contact Inland Revenue (details at the end) and ask to speak to the local inspector of taxes for advice. You can also contact your relatives employer as there may be an insurance scheme or help from union funds. • If you shared a house or flat with your relative, it may be necessary to transfer it to another name. Please contact your solicitor or the Citizen’s Advice Bureau for further information and queries. • If you are a relative and were living with the deceased, you may be entitled to housing benefit. Your local
Council Office can provide further information. • Any season tickets and club membership cards belonging to your relative should be returned and refunds claimed.
• Your relative’s driver’s licence should be sent to the
DVLA. Full information on how to surrender (give up) a licence is available on their website: www.gov.uk/ giving-up-your-driving-licence.
• You can contact the Citizens Advice Bureau for practical help or general advice. There are a number of different offices in Birmingham; the details of the City
Centre branch are listed in the contact details section of this booklet.
• Finding a solicitor – You can telephone the Birmingham
Law Society on 0121 227 8700, they can recommend someone who can help with your circumstances.