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About St. Michael’s Hospice
About St. Michael’s Hospice
Care at St. Michael’s Hospice is provided to patients and families entirely free of charge. As an independent provider of palliative care, we are able to offer a level of service over and above that found in a more traditional clinical setting. We rely on voluntary donations to allow us the opportunity to provide specialist care to all those in need of our service. Details of the many ways you can get involved to help can be found by calling our fundraising team on 01256 848 848, emailing them at fundraising@stmichaelshospice.org.uk or visiting our website www.stmichaelshospice.org.uk
Donations in lieu of flowers at the time of bereavement
Being able to honour a loved one whilst showing your appreciation of Hospice care is a great benefit to many families. One way to show your appreciation is to ask friends and family to consider making a donation in lieu of flowers to St. Michael’s Hospice. We would also be delighted to accept donations of flowers after a funeral service. This can be arranged by the funeral directors.
Personalised Gift Aid envelopes
We are able upon request to provide you with personalised donation envelopes, for use at the funeral and/or wake. All donations received are recorded by us and we will write to the next of kin to acknowledge the total we have received.
If this is something you wish to consider and need our support, please ask a member of staff for more information or email fundraising@stmichaelshospice.org.uk
In Memoriam Giving
For friends and family who are unable to attend the funeral, the creation of an online memoriam allows a feeling of connection. With social media an ever increasing part of everyday life, online memoriam pages are easily shared across the country and around the world.
We recommend using a service provided by Just Giving, this can be found at: www.justgiving.com or Much Loved at www.muchloved.com
Remembrance Services
St. Michael’s Hospice offers an opportunity for family and friends to gather for a time of reflection and prayer, honouring the memory of loved ones who have died. You are very welcome to attend our remembrance services which take place twice a year. You can find out more information on the date and location of the services by visiting our ‘Upcoming Events’ on St. Michael’s Hospice website at www.stmichaelshospice.org.uk
Memory Tree
Dedicating a leaf on our memory tree can be a way to let your memories of a loved one live on. Our Memory Tree is located very close to the main reception at St. Michael’s Hospice and you would be welcome to visit at any time taking time to reflect on those special memories. For more details on dedicating a leaf on our tree, please visit stmichaelshospice.org.uk