The loss of a loved one can be a distressing time. This leaflet aims to provide some practical advice following a bereavement.
Registering the Death
When someone dies, the doctor who looked after them will need to complete a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (Death Certificate). Sometimes they are required to discuss the death with the Coroner’s Office prior to writing the Death Certificate. When the Death Certificate is complete the Hospice will electronically send this onto the Medical Examiner’s Office (MEO).
You will receive a phone call from the MEO to confirm you can make an appointment to register the death.
You will need to attend a death registration appointment in person at the office you have selected.
To book an appointment visit the website: www.surreycc.gov.uk/birthdeath-and-ceremonies/death
Or you can call 0300 200 1002 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays. Emergencies only at all other times)
The register offices for Surrey are in Camberley, Guildford, Leatherhead, Reigate or Weybridge.
Unless the death has been referred to the coroner, it is a legal requirement to register the death within five days.

Who can register the death?
A relative of the deceased
The person who is arranging the funeral
A person present at the death
the Registrar needs to know
The Registrar will ask you to provide the following information:
Date and place of death
Name and surname of the deceased - this should be the name they were known as at the time of their death. You should also establish if they are known by any other name currently or previously.
Gender of the deceased
Maiden surname of woman who has been married or civil partnership
Place of birth - town and county or only country if born outside UK.
Marital status - this will be the marital status of the deceased at the time of his or her death.
Spouse/civil partner’s name and surname
Spouse/civil partner’s occupation
Usual address
It would be helpful if you are able to locate the deceased’s NHS number, which can be found on their NHS card or prescription (however this is not essential).
It is essential that all information, names including spelling and dates are correct, as this is a legal document. If there are any errors in the registration, you will be required to apply for a formal correction, which will incur a charge.
Date of birth
Practical support and information for the bereaved
What the Registrar will give you
The registrar will:
Issue the Certificate for Burial or Cremation [known as the Green Form] and email it directly to the Funeral Director, unless the coroner has issued an Order for Burial or a Certificate for Cremation already.
Register you for the Tell Us Once service and give you a reference number, enabling you to inform multiple local and central government departments of the death in one contact.
How much does it cost?
There is no charge for the death registration itself or the Tell Us Once registration.
Death Certificates
No death certificates are issued free of charge. The cost for each death certificate is £11. Payment can be made by debit/credit card. This information is correct when going to print but may be subject to change.
The Registrar will ask you to check all the information that they have recorded in the register. This is a legal document and therefore it is important that the registration is accurate.
You will need copies of the death certificate to give to organisations such as banks, building societies, mortgage companies, insurance companies and solicitors.

Funeral arrangements
Your loved one may have left specific instructions about their funeral and they might have discussed it or left instructions in their will.
Most people appoint a Funeral Director to make arrangements for the funeral and they can be contacted for advice even prior to registration. We do however advise that you do not book a firm date until you have received the Death Certificate.
We are not able to recommend individual Funeral Directors but can give you information about directors in the local area, you can also contact the National Association of Funeral Directors www.nafd.org.uk.
All Funeral Directors should be able to give you a detailed estimate of all charges, which can vary considerably and remember to check if your loved one had a funeral plan in place.
They will also be able to guide you through how to organise donations to a charity in lieu of flowers as many families and friends now choose to do.
Help with funeral costs
If you are on a low income and need help to pay for a funeral you can find out more information on the government website at www. gov.uk/funeral-payments.

Practical support and information for the bereaved