Art deco design catalog issu

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ART DECO Art Deco style was prevalent during the 1920s

Art Deco is characterized by the use of geo-

and 1930s. Prior to this movement, World War

metric patterns, circles, zigzags, squares, bright

I had occurred and by the end of Art Deco,

colors and often exotic themes from the cultures

World War II started. The Art Deco movement

of ancient Egypt, Mesoamerica, East Asia and

got its name and emerged after the Paris Ex-

sub-Saharan Africa. The main purpose of this

position Internationale des Arts Decoratifs et

style was to put behind the movement of Art

Industriels Modernes, a modern exhibition that

Noveau and create a projection of the new and

was described as the outcome of combining the

the present. Moreover, this happened because

decorative frenzy with Neo-classical and Cub-

of the industrial development of that era and

ist elements. These ingredients created a new

the need to experience a modern life. Art Deco

stylized gesture to be the hallmark of the Art

style was applied to many things, including

Deco style. Many countries developed a style

architecture, fashion, and graphic design.

of Art Deco. These included France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Italy, England and the United States.

Opposite:William Van Alen,Chrysler Building, 1929


Architecture One of the key applications of Art Deco was architecture. Art Deco architects in America took the squares, circles, and triangles of plane geometry and merged them with the cone, cube, and sphere of solid geometry to create their own sacred geometry. As a result of new materials and methods of construction, there

“Art Deco was the most fashionable international design in modern art.�

was a huge improvement of new structures. Additionally, large silhouettes started to be seen in the skyline of New York City. These large silhouettes were named skyscrapers.

Edward Durell Stone, Radio City Hall, 1932


Wirt C. Rowland, Guardian Building, 1929

William F. Lamb, Empire State, 1931

New York City landmarks such as the Chrysler

Two years later, the Empire State was built,

Building, built in 1929 by William Van Alen,

designed by William F. Lamb. This Art Deco

were admired not only for their height but also

landmark of New York City is one of the tall-

for their decorative ornaments in the exterior

est buildings in the United States. Likewise, the

and interior. In addition, the Chrysler Building

Rockefeller Center, Radio City Music Hall and

was recognized for its structure and the deco-

Guardian Building are known for their Art

ration towards the spine of the building as the

Deco style.

tallest in the world.




Art Deco style was applied to fashion. The

The idea of the “flapper�, a fashionable young

female figure was glorified at this time, due

woman intent on enjoying herself and flouting

to the radical change in its appearance and

conventional standards orf behavior, was in-

wardrobe. New trends included the use of gold

troduced during this era. The characteristic look

thread, pearls, short skirts, short hair, and geo-

of a flapper was short hair, a mid-length dress,

metric prints.

makeup, hats or headbands and high heels.

Common features of the dresses were beads, sequins, lace, chiffon, fringes, satin, shiny and shimmery fabric. The use of cloche hats was the most iconic of the decade. Magazine covers from Vogue and Vanity Fair depicted the latest styles. Designers like Coco Chanel and Paul Poiret created clothing that enhanced the lifestyle of women. Designer Paul Poiret was a significant exponent of the Art Deco. Poiret’s exoticized tendencies were expressed through his use of vivid color combinations and enigmatic silhouettes such as his iconic “lampshade” tunic and his “harem” trousers, or pantaloons. Coco Chanel enabled women to dance and move with ease. Her simplistic designs allowed for comfort and fashion at the same time. The “Ribbon Dress” is an example of Chanel’s approach to fashion and freedom.

Top: Paul Poiret, Dress, 1925 Bottom: Gabriel Chanel, Ribbon Dress, 1924


GRaphic design

A.M. Cassandre, Dubo Dubon Dubonnet, 1932


In addition to fashion, graphic design played

The style was associated with extravagance

an important role in the Art Deco style. Posters

that combined simplicity and modernity. Type

were adapted to reach a wide range of audi-

also played an important role. The official let-

ences to promote consumerism. Art Deco only

tering on most signs and buildings at the 1925

focused on style rather than an ideology; be-

Exposition was, Peignot. Designed by A. M.

cause of this, designers had the opportunity to

Cassandre, it became one of the typographic

experiment with imagery and type.

emblems of the age.

Cassandre also designed many Deco advertising pieces like those for Grand Sport, Au Bucheron and Dubonnet aperitif. These designs show how the use of geometry and lines attracted the audience. In the Au Bucheron campaign, diagonal lines lead the audience to the brand name. The gold background and the black figure contrasts to show the movement and power in the design. The Dubonnet campaign demonstrates the simple and creative way Casandre was able to represent the concept and translate it into a design. He played with the letters of Dubonnet and the concept of a glass of wine.

Top:A.M. Cassandre, Grand Sport, 1925 Bottom:A.M. Cassandre, Au Bรปcheron, 1923



Art Deco, a decorative style of the 1920s is still present nowadays. Some houses are using the architectural and interior design elements of Art Deco. Contemporary fashion designer Adrianna Papell creates Art Deco gowns at affordable prices. In addition, The Three Graces Left: Adrianna Papell, Art deco beaded gown, 2015 Right: The Three Graces Jewelry, Art Deco Collection, 2002


jewelry offers a wide range of jewelry designs inspired by Art Deco.

The movie poster for the 2013 Baz Luhrmann remake of The Great Gatsby shows line patterns and Art Deco style type in gold. Overall, Art Deco made a mark in history inspiring others to recreate the elegance and luxury that this style represented. It not only impacted the 1920s, but it continues to influence art and design.

LIKE MINDED STUDIO, The Great Gatsby ,2013


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