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John German | 58

tesroD ,retsehcroD

nwot eht revo sweiv htiw secarret suoicaps owt gniyojne esuohtnep gninnuts A .edisyrtnuoc dna

.smoorhtab 2 ,smoordeb 3 ,nehctik dettfi detnioppa-llew htiw aera gnivil nalp nepo yraropmetnoC C – REE .dlohesaeL .egreicnoc ruoh-42 .secaps gnikrap dnuorgrednu eruces 2

000,526£ :ecirP ediuG

ecfifO yrubdnuoP | 451152 50310 | ku.oc.nospmasdnasdnomys@sgp

tesroD ,htuomyeW

sweiv aes cimaronap ralucatceps gniyojne tnemtrapa roofl tsrfi lufthgiled A .daetsgniR dna yaB htuomyeW ssorca

C – REE .dloheerF fo erahS .smoorhtab 2 ,smoordeb 2 ,nehctik dettfi ,moor noitpeceR

000,543£ :ecirP ediuG

ecfifO yrubdnuoP | 451152 50310 | ku.oc.nospmasdnasdnomys@sgp

tesroD ,yrubdnuoP

.erauqS rehtoM neeuQ gnimrahc eht nihtiw detacol eceipretsam larutcetihcra nA

etavirp suoicaps htiw sesuohtnep dna stnemtrapa moordeb 3 dna 2 fo noitcelloc suoiruxul A B – REE .dlohesaeL .secaps gnikrap dnuorgrednU .secarret

tesremoS ,rekoC tsaE

.gnittes teiuq a ni gniltsen ,esuoh detsil l edarG a fo gniw lufituaeb A

.egaraG .smoor rewohs/htab 2 ,smoordeb 4/3 ,moor tsafkaerb/nehctik ,smoor noitpecer 2/1 .)ah 55.0( seca 63.1 tuobA .nedraG .gnikraP

000,058£ :morF secirP

ecfifO yrubdnuoP | 451152 50310 | ku.oc.nospmasdnasdnomys@sgp 000,595£ :ecirP ediuG

ecfifO enrobrehS | 884418 53910 | ku.oc.nospmasdnasdnomys@wahsnikawa

tesroD ,sigeR emyL

larutaN gnidnatstuO fo aerA na ni ecnediser ’stfarC & strA‘ lanoitpecxe nA .weiv edisyrtnuoc dna latsaoc detavele enfi htiw ytuaeB

.sdnuorg dna nedraG .smoorhtab 3 ,smoordeb 6 ,moor tsafkaerb/nehctik ,smoor noitpecer 4 D - REE .)ah 84.0( serca 2.1 tuobA

noveD ,notfiL

ll edarG emosdnaH .redrob llawnroC/noveD eht ot esolc mraf lanoitpecxe nA .sgnidliub mraf elitasrev dna egattoc ,exenna ,esuohmraf detsil

.)ertneC egatireH dnuorgriaF selgniD( noitcartta tsiruot dna laicremmoc morf emocni defiisreviD .)ah 36.17( serca 771 tuobA .dnaldoow dna erutsap decnef gniR .egatnorf reviR

South East

The country lanes of Kent meander through lavender fields, apple orchards, vineyards and hop fields; such natural features come together to form this rich countryside tapestry commonly dubbed as the Garden of England. Whilst the rural backdrop is renowned for its quintessentially English beauty, the expanding market town of Ashford can be considered a continental gateway, due to the International Passenger Station, the nearby Channel Tunnel Terminal and high-speed commuter service to London. The infrastructure in this part of Kent includes access to both the M20 and M2 motorways, providing fast links to the M25 and channel ports. Sussex and Hampshire benefit from the arguably unbeatable combination of proximity to both the capital and the coast. One can enjoy the delights of the southern shoreline, like the sandy beaches at West Wittering, the chalky cliffs of Beachy Head and the extensive sailing facilities of Chichester Harbour. For sporting enthusiasts, there are international polo events at Cowdray Park in Midhurst, and Goodwood hosts a number of world-renowned motor and horse racing events, including The Festival of Speed and Glorious Goodwood.

A short distance across the Solent is the Isle of Wight, only ninety minutes to London, hosting world-class yachting facilities, stunning coastlines and a great climate, definitely creates an enviable lifestyle.

Bodiam Castle, East Sussex

semahT-no-notlaW ,kraP doowruB

nevele revo tsuj si emoh ylimaf lanoitpecxe siht ,dnaldoow otno gnikcaB .erca na fo 8.0 gnihcaorppa gnittes lufrednow a ni yllartnec deltsen emoh gnidnatstuo nA C - REE .noitidnoc emoh wohs ni detneserp llits si dna dlo sraey

000,059,4£ :ecirP ediuG

emirP sdohcruC | 555855 23910 | moc.sdohcruc@emirp

yeseloM tsaE

detaeh ,moor draillib dezis-lluf a htiw emoh ylimaf dehcated gnitnahcne nA denil-eert suoigitserp a no detacol si hcihw ,yregnaro tf54 dna loop gnimmiws C - REE .ecalaP truoC notpmaH dna semahT reviR eht morf stnemom ,daor a fo dne eht sdrawot etatse evisulcxe siht fo traeh eht ni denoitisop yllartneC snedrag depacsdnal gnicaf ylretsew tsgnoma noitisop cas ed luc retfa thguos gnihcaorppa serusaem emoh ylimaf elbatpada dna elbixefl ,lanoitpecxe siht

semahT-no-notlaW ,kraP doowruB

Centrally positioned in the heart of this exclusive estate towards the end of a sought after cul de sac position amongst westerly facing landscaped gardens this exceptional, flexible and adaptable family home measures approaching 9,000 sq ft with indoor swimming pool and leisure facilities. The seven distinct reception rooms are a real entertainers dream just ideal for family living. The first floor layout is perfect for a growing family with an au-pair/teenagers facility, if required. EER - C

000,005,3£ :ecirP ediuG

egdirbyeW ,lliH s'egroeG tS

ni detautis ,seitilicaf rewohs dna gnignahc ,anuas htiw loop gnimmiws roodni gnidulcni ,seitilicaf evisnetxe htiw emoh ylimaf moordeb 6 .tf.qs000,8 lanoitpecxe nA .esruoC floG lliH s'egroeG tS otno yltcerid gnikcab ,serca 330.1 yletamixorppa fo sdnuorg depacsdnal erutam

000,005,5£ :ecirP ediuG

emirP sdohcruC | 555855 23910 | moc.sdohcruc@emirp

semahT-no-notlaW ,kraP yelhsA

suolubaf siht ,noitacol dedrager ylhgih siht ni sdlefi gniyalp loohcs otno gnikcaB liated ot noitnetta suolucitem htiw dednetxe ylevisnetxe neeb sah emoh ylimaf C - REE .loop gnimmiws roodtuo na serutaef dna sedivorp dna tnemhsibrufer etelpmoc ot tcejbus neeb sah emoh laitnatsbus sihT htiw .tf.qs005,8 rednu tsuj ot gnidnetxe noitadommocca suoicaps yllufituaeb C - REE .myg dna seitilicaf gnignahc ,moor maets ,anuas ,loop roodni

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