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Henry Adams | 20

tesremoS ,notgnillihC rewoL

gnireffo noisrevnoc nrab dehcatta htiw esuohmraf naigroeG detsil II edarG A .emocni lanoitidda gnitareneg rof ro ecnediser ylimaf a sa epocs eguh

– yranarG ehT .smoor rewohs/htab 3 ,smoordeb 4 ,nehctik ,smoor noitpecer 2 – esuoH peehS .erotS .egaraG .smoor rewohs/htab 2 ,smoordeb 3 ,moor tsafkaerb/nehctik ,moor noitpecer .nedraG

noveD ,yrubdiS

,sgnidliub mraf nredom dna selbats htiw mraf nairtseuqe/laitnediser liuqnart A .tsaoC eht dna htuomdiS ot esolc detautis

.egarag elbuoD .smoor rewohs/htab 3 ,smoordeb 4 ,moor tsafkaerb/nehctik ,smoor noitpecer 2 .)ah 58.02( serca 25.15 tuoba lla nI .egatnorf maerts htiw dnaldoow dna dnalerutsaP .nedraG E - REE

000,057£ :ecirP ediuG

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ecfifO retsnimxA | 22133 79210 | ku.oc.nospmasdnasdnomys@notgnimlliwr

tesroD ,yrubstobbA

egalliv eht fo traeh eht ni egattoc dehctaht dna enots detsiL II edarG gninnuts A .eniltsaoC cissaruJ egatireH dlroW eht ot esolc

dna egarag elbuod ,smoor rewohs/htab 2 ,smoordeb 3 ,nehctik detfarcdnah ,smoor noitpecer 2 .)ah 61.0( serca 64.0 tuoba lla nI .snedrag evisnetxe ,sweiv edisyrtnuoc gnihcaer raf ,gnikrap

000,057£ :ecirP ediuG

ecfifO yrubdnuoP | 451152 50310 | ku.oc.nospmasdnasdnomys@tsewd

tesremoS ,notretsiM

lufthgiled dna exenna na htiw ,nrab a yllanigiro ,ytreporp doirep laudividni nA .sdnuorg

,ynoclab derevoc htiw moor nedrag/oiduts ,moor tsafkaerb/nehctik ,smoor noitpecer 3 .gnikraP egarag elbuoD .moor tew htiw exenna oidutS .smoor rewohs/htab 2 ,smoordeb 4/3 E - REE .)ah 98.0( serca 91.2 tuoba lla nI .ekal dna dnaldoow ,nedraG

000,009£ :ecirP ediuG

ecfifO retsnimaeB | 001368 80310 | ku.oc.nospmasdnasdnomys@yeffahccc

tesroD ,hceerC

htiw noitacol retfa thguos tsom a ni detautis ytreporp nairtseuqe gninnuts A .selbats dna skcoddap ,gnikrap ,snedrag

.moor kcat ,gnilbatS .smoor rewohs/htab 2 ,smoordeb 3 ,moor gninid/nehctik ,smoor noitpecer 2 E – REE .)ah 65.0( serca 4.1 tuoba lla nI

tesroD ,retsehcroD

revo sweiv enfi htiw secarret foor egral owt htiw esuohtnep yruxul gninnuts A .dnoyeb dna nwot ytnuoc eht

eruces dnuorgrednU .smoor rewohs/htab 2 ,smoordeb 2 ,moor noitpecer/nehctik nalp nepo ,llaH C-REE .dlohesaeL .ssecca tfiL .gnikrap

South East

The country lanes of Kent meander through lavender fields, apple orchards, vineyards and hop fields; such natural features come together to form this rich countryside tapestry commonly dubbed as the Garden of England. Whilst the rural backdrop is renowned for its quintessentially English beauty, the expanding market town of Ashford can be considered a continental gateway, due to the International Passenger Station, the nearby Channel Tunnel Terminal and high-speed commuter service to London. The infrastructure in this part of Kent includes access to both the M20 and M2 motorways, providing fast links to the M25 and channel ports. Sussex and Hampshire benefit from the arguably unbeatable combination of proximity to both the capital and the coast. One can enjoy the delights of the southern shoreline, like the sandy beaches at West Wittering, the chalky cliffs of Beachy Head and the extensive sailing facilities of Chichester Harbour. For sporting enthusiasts, there are international polo events at Cowdray Park in Midhurst, and Goodwood hosts a number of world-renowned motor and horse racing events, including The Festival of Speed and Glorious Goodwood.

A short distance across the Solent is the Isle of Wight, only ninety minutes to London, hosting world-class yachting facilities, stunning coastlines and a great climate, definitely creates an enviable lifestyle.

Bodiam Castle, East Sussex

Oakley South East

xessuS tseW ,aeS yb maherohS

a rof laedi ,maherohS fo ertnec eht ni emoh moordeb owt ylevol a sreffo won dna noitarotser etelpmoc a enogrednu yltnecer sah emoh doirep tnecfiingam sihT .sreyub fo yteirav

dna nehctik dettfi ylwen htiw aera nalp nepo gnivil tnasaelp dna mraw a ot sdael yawllah ecnartne cirotsih A .tekram ytreporp maherohS eht ni lewej eurt a si ti dna ,dehsinfi yletalucammi si daoR weN .emoh eht fo retcarahc eht gniniater tslihw hcuot nredom a nevig neeb sah taht htab pot llor a htiw moorhtab doirep ylevol a sa llew sa ,aera gninid a siht gnikam ,hcaeB maherohS ot sdael teerts hgih eht no egdirbtooF yrreF rudA ehT .maherohS fo tcirtsid elbarised ylralucitrap a si siht ,sbup dna ,sefac ,sessenisub tnednepedni fo yteirav sti htiW D - REE .xessuS tseW erolpxe dna evil ot ecalp taerg

000,054£ :ecirP ediuG

nwodtliP ,seprahS elttiL

larur-imes eht ni detacol ,yrotsih fo eceip a esahcrup ot ytinutroppo citsatnaf A fo serca 8 yletamixorppa fo sgnidnuorrus suoirolg ni tes dna nwodtliP fo telmaH .snwal lamrof dna nedrag nehctik a ,dnaldoow gnirutaef dnal

ylrae eht morf gnitad esuoH tsaO etarapes a htiw esuohmraf remrof a saw flesti esuoh ehT won dna rehtegot denibmoc yllufliks neeb evah seitreporp owt ehT .snoitidda retal htiw ,s’0081 E - REE .ecaps gnivil evisnapxe htiw ytreporp retcarahc gninnuts a edivorp

000,005,2£ :ecirP ediuG

yrtnuoC dna nwoT seweL | 444784 37210 | moc.ytreporpyelkao@sewel

seweL ,teertS htroN

elitasrev fo .tf.qs 007,2 revo gninnaps ytreporp detsil II edarG euqinu A yltnerruc si dna devorpmi dna derotser yllacitehtapmys ,noitadommocca .sesimerp laicremmoc revo ettenosiam moordeb owt suoicaps a sa degnarra

teerts tsaE nwod sweiv eht dna ytreporp eht tuohguorht serutaef retcarahc ynam era erehT .ertnec nwot eht ni ytreporp a rof gnisirprus tsom era esruoC floG ehT dna liafliuC sdrawot

000,001,1£ :ecirP ediuG

yrtnuoC dna nwoT seweL | 444784 37210 | moc.ytreporpyelkao@sewel

seweL ,teertS hgiH revohtuoS

ht61 eht ot kcab gnitad ytreporp moordeb eerht detsil II edarG gnitnahcne nA noitacol ralupop tsom a ni ,’nnI sreniraM eerhT‘ eht fo trap demrof hcihw yrutnec .esuoH sevelC fo ennA morf yawa srood wef a tsuj teertS hgiH revohtuoS ni

nredom edisgnola serutaef retcarahc fo htlaew a htiw dehsibrufer yllufetsat neeb sah ytreporp ehT .noitadommocca dezis brepus sedivorp won dna setisiuqer yad

000,069£ :ecirP ediuG

seweL ,teertS hgiH

ehT .ertnec nwot eht ni thgir detacol yltcefrep esuohnwot detsil II edarG A ,sroofl evfi revo degnarra gnieb ,noitadommocca elitasrev yrev sreffo ytreporp .smoor noitpecer ro smoordeb sa degnarra eb dluoc smoor eht erehw

teertS hgiH eht revo swodniw wob gninnuts htiw serutaef retcarahc ynam sah ytreporp ehT eht ssorca sweiv tnatsid gnireffo raer eht ot swodniw hsas ,epacsdnal eht ssorca sweiv gnireffo .snwoD gnidnuorrus eht dna tsaoc eht sdrawot yellav

059,996£ :ecirP ediuG

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