With great pride and excitement, I introduce to you the inaugural edition of the BMCC Membership Directory. This comprehensive publication is a reflection of the strength, diversity, and collaboration within our esteemed network of members, representing a wide spectrum of businesses and organisationsacrossvariousindustriesinMalaysiaandtheUK.
Morethanasimplecompilationofnamesandcontacts,thisdirectoryisavaluableresourcedesigned toconnectyoutothevibrantBritish-Malaysianbusinesscommunityanditsexpansivenetwork.Inside, you will find essential information about our members, including contact details and descriptions of theiractivities
To offer deeper insights, we’ve included a breakdown of the sectors and industries our members represent This feature benefits both our members and prospective collaborators, in navigating the opportunities within the BMCC network Whether you are seeking a specific product or service, exploringstrategicpartnerships,orconnectingwithindustryleaders,thisdirectorywillbeyourguide
AtBMCC,wetakeprideinofferingourmembersunparallelednetworksandengagementopportunities, enhancedbrandvisibility,aunitedindustryvoice,andtheroleofatrustedfacilitatoroftradebetween theUKandMalaysia
Iextendmyheartfeltgratitudetoallourmembersandpartnersfortheircontinuedsupportandactive participation within the Chamber, particularly those who contribute to our events, committees, and networks Specialthanksalsogotoouradvertisersandpremiummembers,whosecontributionshave elevatedthequalityandreachofthispublication,makingitaccessibletoabroaderaudience
We are confident that this directory will serve as a catalyst for new opportunities, strengthen existing relationships, and reinforce BMCC’s position as the leading voice of the British-Malaysian business community.
Iinviteyoutotakethetimetoexplorethesepagesandunlocktheimmensepotentialwithinourvibrant networkofmembers.
100% visibility on BMCC platforms and stand out as a top-tier member!
Elevate your brand as a corporate sponsor with priority event invitations.
Engage with stakeholders and grow your influence.
Showcase your organisation’s impact across our network.
Priority listings in BMCC e-Directory and on all platforms.
Established in 1963, the British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (BMCC) has been driven by the sole ordinanceofadvancingbilateraltraderelationsbetweentheUnitedKingdomandMalaysia.Formorethan sixdecades,theBMCChasbeenacatalystinprovidingbusinesseswithnetworkingplatforms,branding& exposure,internationaltradeservices,andindustryadvocacy.Today,theBMCChasfirmlyrooteditselfas oneofSoutheastAsia’smostprolificChambers
The BMCC is part of the Global Chamber Network, comprising British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) members and business groups that are located across all continents of the world and directly linked to Chambers of Commerce in every region of the UK. The BMCC is also member of the Britain in Southeast Asia (BiSEA) network, a group of 8 British Chambers and Business Councils across the Southeast Asian region,aimedatprovidingchannelsforbusinessestoreachintoSoutheastAsiamarketsandtheregion
TobeakeypartnerinfosteringUK-Malaysiantradebyservingourexpansivenetworkofmembersvia comprehensivehigh-qualityservicesandsolutionsrepresentingtheinterestsofBritishandMalaysian businesscommunitiesandtoactasthefacilitatorofbilateral-tradebetweenourtwonations
Step1: FirstContact
Letusknowyourneeds,and ourBMCCmembership teamwillrecommendthe mostsuitabletierforyour organisationandexplain theentitledbenefits thoroughly
Step2: Register
Step3: Payment
Signupwithuseasilyby completingaformwith basicinformationabout yourorganisation.Youcan dothiseitherduringyour initialcontactorlater,after dueconsideration. Yourapplicationwillbe processedoncepaymentis madeusingthemost convenientmethodforyou.
Step4: Welcome!
YouarenowaBMCC member!Wewillintroduce youtoourothermembers, andyoucanstartbuilding connections Beginenjoyingyourbenefits rightawayorcontactusfor potentialcollaborations
The BMCC Education Committee (3 to 18 Years) consists of members from British international schools, private schoolsandeducation-relatedcompaniesservingtheeducationalneedsofchildrenbetweentheagesof3to18 yearsold
Theobjectiveofthecommitteeistoserveasanadvocacyplatformtodiscussissuesandconcernsaffectingthe education sector such as approval of hiring for teachers and QTS qualifications. The committee aims to highlight these concerns as a collective industry voice to relevant regulators, policymakers, and stakeholders in the government
Chair DeputyChair
AnthonyPartington CEO XCLEducationGroup
InternationalSchoolPartnership(TenbySchools Penang)*
TheInternationalSchool@ParkCity XCLEducationGroup*
The BMCC Higher Education Committee serves as a platform for members to advocate the issues and concerns affecting the higher education sector This is being done primarily through a joint working group that was set up between the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) and BMCC in 2021 The committee, which consists of members fromvariousUKandMalaysianuniversitiesandeducation-basedcompanies
The committee also provides a platform for members to share their best practices, build relationships and form strategicallianceswithkeystakeholdersintheindustrytosupportitsadvocacyroleonbehalfoftheChamber Key focus areas of the committee are digitalisation of the education sector; mental wellness amongst staff and students;andgovernmentpolicyoninternationalstudentsandpost-graduateemployment
Heriot-WattUniversityMalaysia* InternationalUniversityofMalaya-Wales KaplanFinancial LancasterUniversity LearningCurveGroup* Management&ScienceUniversity NewcastleUniversityMedicineMalaysia
SunwayUniversity* Talentbank
TheInstituteofCharteredAccountantsinEngland &Wales TribalGroup* UniversitiKLBMI UniversitiMalaya UniversityofManchester UniversityofNottinghamMalaysia* UniversityofReadingMalaysia UniversityofStrathclyde
The BMCC Built Environment Committee comprise of member companies from construction, architecture, engineering,propertydevelopers,consultants,andbuildingmaterialsuppliers
Key areas of focus are on the exchange of best industry practices between the UK and Malaysia, rising prices in building materials, and engagement with relevant government stakeholders such as the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL)andtheConstructionIndustryDevelopmentBoard(CIDB)
Chair DeputyChair
MartinHaegerMBE Director HLDesignGroup
EusoffeChua ChiefCommercialOfficer GamudaLand
SPSetia Savills(M)* SimeDarbyProperty TechSol* TonyGee&Partners Turner&Townsend(M)
UniversitiMalaya VisionOneMultimedia
The BMCC Healthcare Committee serves as an advocacy platform for the members to network and have discussions on areas that can advance the healthcare industry in Malaysia The committee currently consists of members from across the healthcare sector with members from hospitals, pharmaceuticals, medical device manufacturers,suppliers,digitalhealthcarecompaniesandmedicaluniversities KeyareasoffocusincludeTalent development and retention among medical professionals; Healthcare policies and regulatory framework; and Digitalhealthcaretechnologies
yLoh nalManagingDirector Pacific) Mumford
NewcastleUniversityMedicineMalaysia OwenMumford* PantaiHospitalKualaLumpur
ReckittBenckiser(Malaysia)* Smith&NephewOperations* SunwayMedicalCentre*
The BMCC Energy Committee is a platform for members to discourse, collaborate, and exchange information on opportunities, gaps, and business challenges while contributing to the development of sustainable energy solutions Committed to advancing Malaysia’s energy industry in oil & gas, renewable energy, power, and utilities, the committee also aims to support Malaysia’s sustainable energy transition through collaboration with the governmentandindustriesinstrategicareas.
The committee is focused on advocating decarbonisation, hydrogen economy, carbon capture, and decommissioning,inlinewiththegovernment’s2050NetZeroCarbonaspiration.
Chair DeputyChair
TheEnergyIndustriesCouncil (EIC)
DrLeonRosario RegionalPresident(ASEAN) RicardoAsiaLtd
The sustainability agenda is a top area of interest for the Chamber and its members The BMCC Sustainability Network was formed to allow our members to share and exchange experiences, voice challenges faced in the areasofEnvironmental,Social,andGovernance(ESG),andidentifykeyareaswherewecancollectivelyadvocate
The network’s focus include initiatives in the adoption of 100% renewable electricity in their facility and practicing sustainabilityfromtheimplementationofcarbonoffsettourbanfarming Additionally,theirfocusrevolvesaround thesocialaspectofESGsuchasgenderandinclusion,fairlivingwages,andmodernslavery
arathMartin niorPolicyConsultant CAAsiaPacific
MySustainESG NXSDesign&Build
TheInternationalSchool@ParkCity Trowers&Hamlin
The BMCC Talent Network Group is a platform established by the chamber to address one of the top concerns faced by businesses in Malaysia – talent scarcity The network aims to build conversations to foster cooperation andunderstandingbetweenbusinessesandkeystakeholderstoresolvethischallenge
Additionally, the network engages in discussions on talent development issues and shares its efforts towards addressingtalentscarcity Thesediscussionsaremeanttogeneratejointrecommendationsandidentifyinitiatives thatcanbeimplementedinlinewithMalaysia’shumancapitalpolicies
NicChambers ManagingDirector MichaelPage
ACCAAsiaPacific activpayroll
BAESystems* bp
CharteredInstituteofPersonneland Development(CIPD)
Ernst&YoungConsulting GlaxoSmithKline(GSK)* Haleon
SukhbirSingh ChiefOperatingOfficer M&NManagement Consultants
LondonStockExchangeGroup M&NManagementConsultants(M)* MalaysiaDigitalEconomyCorporation
PricewaterhouseCooper* Smith+Nephew
Xinergee ExperientalLearning(FLIPlacement)
The BMCC DEI Network is a community of professionals from diverse sectors, who share a common passion for advocatingandpromotingdiversity,equity,andinclusion
TheDEINetworkbringstogetherdifferentperspectives,exchangebestpractices,andexperiencestodrivepositive change in their respective organisation and businesses as a whole The group is committed to being a game changersintheworkforcebypromotingDEIinitiativesandcreatingamoreinclusiveandequitableenvironment
As we work towards these goals, the network aims to inspire others to join the movement and drive positive changetowardsamorediverse,equitable,andinclusivesociety
NatashaZulkifli StakeholderDirector
AbdullahChan ACCAAsiaPacific* Arup bp
Ernst&YoungConsulting* GlaxoSmithKline(GSK)* IntermoversMalaysia Mazars Medizee MottMacDonald(M)
SharathMartin SeniorPolicyConsultant
NexusInternationalSchool PricewaterhouseCoopers StandardCharteredBankMalaysia SunwayUniversity Synthomer* TOPBeratenMalaysia UniversitiMalaya WeirMineralsMalaysia
In2022,theBMCCmadeitsinauguralstampintheNorthernRegionofMalaysiawithanetworkingeventatEastern & Oriental Hotel, Penang Once an important trading hub with British colonial buildings, Penang has developed rapidlyovertheyearstobecomeoneofMalaysia’svitaleconomicstateswithahigh-incomeeconomywithfocus onmanufacturing,constructionandservices
The key objective of BMCC’s outreach into Johor and Penang is to connect and establish healthy business relationshipswithlike-mindedorganisationsaswellastodiscoverhowtheBMCCcanstrengthenBritish-Malaysia ties within the southern and northern regions The BMCC looks to establish a relevant presence to facilitate bilateral-trade and investment in such sectors by addressing members’ value proposition and business matchmaking
Description: ABE Global is a non-profit awarding organisation established in 1973. They focus on providing high-quality business and leadership education to empower individuals and communities. They offer various qualifications, courses, and degree pathways with flexible learning options. ABE also conducts research and provides policy recommendations to support education systems and businesses. They are regulated by Ofqual in the UK and recognised by authorities in many countries, includingMalaysia'sMQA.
ContactInformation:E:info@abeuk.com P:+442083292930
Description: ACCA is a leading global professional accountancy body with over 208,000 members and 503,000 students. They promote a fairer society and work with businesses, governments, and educational institutions. ACCA professionals are highly sought-after and trusted by organisations across various industries They stay current with emerging trends and legal requirements to help shapetheirmembers'careers
Address: Suite 1501, Level 15 Centrepoint, North Tower, Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:myinfo@accaglobalcom P:1800813882
Description: Advance HE experts collaborate with governments, sector agencies, and individual institutionstosupportsustainableimprovementbysharingglobalpracticesandbuildinginternational networks. Their purpose is to assist governments and universities in implementing higher education (HE)strategiesforthebenefitofstudents,staff,andsociety.TheybringtogetherHE-focusedexpertise in leadership, governance, teaching and learning, and equality, diversity, and inclusion to help institutions deliver world-leading teaching, research, and scholarship, and to achieve their civic missionandenhancestudentoutcomes.
ContactInformation:E:kristian.rumble@advance-he.ac.uk P:+443300416201
Want to learn today’s most in-demand finance skills without an existing finance background or take the skills you do know now to the next level?
The CGMA Finance Simplified pathway offers a convenient and flexible way to learn, master and get recognised for top finance skills. This fully online pathway systematically teaches and assesses your knowledge of each skill while you learn at your pace Upon completing the pathway, you will earn 10 skills certificates that you can use to expand your portfolio, access more impactful roles and add more value to your career.
Learn more and register your interest today at:
Description: CIMA, founded in 1919, is the world's leading professional body for management accountants In partnership with the American Institute of CPAs, they formed the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants to serve the needs of accountants globally They offerprofessionaldevelopment,research,andsupport,whileupholdingethicalstandards Together, theyempoweraccountantswiththeskillsandknowledgetomeetcurrentandfuturechallenges
ContactInformation:E:seasia@aicpa-cimacom P:+60330992535
Description: The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educationalopportunities Theysupportpeaceandprosperitybybuildingconnections,understanding and trust between people in the UK and countries worldwide They do this through their work in arts and culture, education, and the English language They work with people in over 200 countries and territories and are on the ground in more than 100 countries In 2021–22 they reached 650 million people
Address: Ground Floor, West Block, Wisma Golden Eagle Realty, 142C Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@britishcouncilorgmy P:+60327237900
Description: BSI is a leading business improvement and standards company with a century-long history of positive impact They partner with over 77,500 clients globally, leveraging expertise in key sectorslikeautomotive,aerospace,andhealthcaretohelporganisationsachievetheirgoals BSIalso addressescriticalsocietalissues,empoweringorganisationstogrowwithconfidenceandcontribute toafairerandmoresustainableworld
Address:Suite 29.01 Level 29, The Gardens North Tower, Mid Valley City Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info.malaysia@bsigroup.com P:+60392129638
Description: Charterhouse Hartamas is an international sixth form college offering A-level preparation in a dynamic learning environment. As an Asian edition of a prestigious British public school, it blends heritage with a modern outlook. The school's values and traditions are rooted in its Britishcounterpart,whileembracingacontemporaryapproach.Itseducationalethos,"Study,Create, andInspire"isreflectedinitscurriculumandlearningspaces.
ContactInformation:E:info@charterhouse-htms.edu.my P:+60327025270
Description:CIPDistheprofessionalbodyforexpertsinpeopleatwork Formorethan100years,CIPD has championed better work and working lives by setting professional standards for HR and people development,aswellasdrivingpositivechangeintheworldofwork WithhubsintheUK,Ireland,the Middle East, and Asia, CIPD is the career partner of choice for almost 160,000 members around the world It is the only body globally that can award Chartered status to individual HR and L&D professionals, and its independent research and insights make it a trusted adviser to governments andemployers
ContactInformation:E:cipd@cipdasia P:+6563384528
Description: AtCity&Guilds,thebeliefisinthepowerofskillstobuildsuccessfulcareers,businesses, and economies. Alongside ILM, Kineo, The Oxford Group, Digitalme, and Gen2, they offer a broad and imaginative range of products and services that help people achieve their potential through workbasedlearning.TheGroup’spurposeremainsthesametodayasitwas140yearsago–tohelppeople, organisations,andeconomiesdeveloptheirskillsforgrowth.
Address: Unit 39-02, Tingkat 39, East Wing, Q Sentral, No 2A, Jalan Stesen Sentral 2, 50470 Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:enquirymalaysia@cityandguildscom P:+60392131644
Description: The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) helps individuals develop their management andleadershipskillsthroughqualifications,events,andnetworkingopportunities Theyofferresources and support across the UK and Asia-Pacific, enabling professionals to enhance their careers and connectwithothersintheirfield CMIistheonlyorganisationauthorisedtoawardCharteredManager and Chartered Management Consultant status, maintaining high standards for the profession They alsoprovidevaluableinsightsandresourcesfortheirglobalmembershipcommunity
Address: Level 7, Oasis Wing, Brunsfield Oasis Tower 3, No2, Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Oasis Square, Oasis Damansara,47301PetalingJaya,Selangor,Malaysia
Description: Epsom College in Malaysia is a co-educational boarding and day school offering a British education Located at Bandar Enstek, it follows the British National Curriculum and provides a traditional boarding experience The school emphasises academic excellence within a structured, family-like environment, fostering a strong sense of community As an extension of the prestigious EpsomCollegeintheUK,itaimstoprovideahigh-qualityBritisheducationtostudentsinMalaysia
ContactInformation:E:admissions@epsomcollege.edu.my P:+6062404188/+60162267831 (WhatsApp)
Description: Garden International School (GIS) Kuala Lumpur offers one of the most comprehensive international British curriculum programmes in Asia. Renowned for its academic excellence, GIS is the largest private co-educational international school in Malaysia, with over 2,200 students. Consistently ranked among the top international schools in Asia, GIS adheres to the international curriculum of England and Wales. The school’s syllabus is based on the national British curriculum, tailored to meet theglobalexpectationsoftheinternationalcommunity.
ContactInformation:E:enquiry@gardenschooledumy P:+60362096888
Description: With a history dating back to 1821, Heriot-Watt University has a long tradition of excellence and a proven track record in educating, inspiring, and challenging the professionals of tomorrow. It is recognised as one of the top UK universities for business and industry, boasting an established reputation for world-class teaching and practical, leading-edge research. The Malaysia campus brings high-quality British education within easy reach of students in the South East Asia regionandbeyond.
ContactInformation:E:hwum@hw.ac.uk P:+60388943888
Description: Founded in the UK in 1880, ICAEW is a leading professional membership organisation headquartered in London, with offices internationally, including Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Vietnam, and Indonesia. ICAEW Chartered Accountants are globally recognised as leaders in accountancy, finance, and business. Ninety-eight of the world’s top 100 global brands employ ICAEW Chartered Accountants, and 78% of FTSE 100 companies have an ICAEW Chartered Accountant on their board. ICAEW is a member of Chartered Accountants Worldwide (CAW), which unites 11 chartered accountancybodies,representingover1.6millionmembersandstudentsworldwide.
ContactInformation:E:malaysia@icaew.com P:+60321716022
Description: IDP Education is a global leader in student placement and English language testing services. It operates as the world's largest placement firm, with a network of over 70 offices across 24 countries,facilitatingstudentplacementsinAustralia,theUS,Canada,theUK,andsoon,NewZealand. IDPisapart-ownerofIELTS,incollaborationwiththeBritishCouncilandCambridgeESOLexaminations. IDPhasbeenservingMalaysiasince1970.
Address:6thFloor,WestBlock,WismaGoldenEagleRealty,JalanAmpang50450KualaLumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:infokualalumpur@idpcom P:+60327879786
Description: IGB International School (IGBIS), located near Kuala Lumpur, provides a high-quality internationaleducationforstudentsfromEarlyYearstoGrade12.AsanIBWorldSchool,theyofferthe IB Diploma Programme and are candidates for the Primary and Middle Years Programmes. IGBIS fosters a holistic learning environment with experienced educators, empowering students to become lifelong learners They also offer extensive extracurricular programmes for students, parents, and the community
ContactInformation:E:enquiries@igbisedumy P:+60361454688
Description: Inspiring Learning has been a leader in outdoor adventure education and children’s holiday camps for over 4-decades, the experience gained has resulted in award-winning delivery across the UK for hundreds of thousands of children and young people annually. Now operating globally; with established locations in Europe and Asia. Everything is centred on creating meaningful, dynamic, inspiring, and tangible outcomes. The impactful and expansive provision ranges from holidaydaycampstoresidentialschooltrips,employeedevelopmenttowholeteamcustomerservice training, family activity consultancy for the holiday sector to accredited life skills programmes and apprenticeshipsforyoungpeople.
Address: Unit No 2001, Level 20, Menara Centara, No. 360 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:susan.evans@inspiring-learning.com P:+447866752933
Description:TheInternationalSchoolsPartnership(ISP)isagrowingnetworkofschoolsin10countries, including Malaysia ISP schools in Malaysia include Tenby Schools and Asia Pacific School, which offer both national and international streams These schools provide education for students aged 3 to 18 andarededicatedtobeingthepreferrededucationalchoiceintheirlocalcommunities
Address: Unit 71, Level 7, Surian Tower, No 1, Jalan PJU 7/3, Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:ispseamyadmin@ispschoolscom P:+60374997688
Description: Owned by two prestigious universities, the International University of Malaya-Wales (IUMW) was established in 2012 through a mutual partnership between the University of Malaya (UM) and the University of Wales, UK Since its inception, the university has experienced significant growth and remains dedicated to developing students who are prepared to contribute to the next industrial revolution
Address:AdministrationWing,1stFloor,BlockA,CityCampus,JalanTunIsmail,50480KualaLumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:enquiry@iumwedumy P:+60123449661(WhatsApp) Website:iumwedumy
Description:Withahistoryspanningover35years,INTIInternationalUniversities&Collegesservesasa beaconofeducationalexcellence,havingproducedover86,000graduatesacrossitsfourcampuses INTI International University offers a wide range of programmes at the pre-university, undergraduate andpostgraduatelevels INTIhasbeenranked516inQSGlobalUniversityRanking2025
ContactInformation:E:vco@newintiedumy P:+6067982000
Description: Kaplan is a leading provider of education and training in the UK, offering programmes in accountancy, finance, vocational qualifications, and degrees They combine decades of experience with online learning technologies and expert support to help students succeed Kaplan provides flexible learning options, including classroom courses, home study, and online learning, and also deliversprofessionaltrainingtobusinesses
Address: D-22-03, Menara Suezcap 1, KL Gateway, 2, Jalan Kerinchi, Gerbang Kerinchi Lestari, 59200 KualaLumpur,Malaysia
Description: King Henry VIII College is an international day and boarding school located in the technology hub of Cyberjaya. Catering to students aged 3 to 18, the school follows the British curriculum, with students taking IGCSE and A Levels before progressing to universities worldwide. The college is renowned for its academic excellence, pastoral care, and commitment to providing opportunitiesforpersonaldevelopment.
ContactInformation:E:enquiries@kinghenryviiiedumy P:+60388009888
Description:KTJistheregion'spremierinternationalschoolforchildrenaged3to19years,established by the Negeri Sembilan Royal Family in 1989 For the past 30 years, it has maintained a reputation as one of the leading British-style, co-educational boarding schools in Malaysia KTJ operates as a registered charity, with all proceeds channelled back into the school This enables the institution to offeroutstandingboarding,learning,andsportsfacilities,supportedbyhighlyqualifiedanddedicated teachingstaff Theschool'saimistoproduceambitious,well-rounded,andconsiderateglobalcitizens
ContactInformation:E:registrar@ktjedumy P:+6068505555
Description: Lancaster University is a top-ranked UK research university with a strong international reputation They offer a range of programmes across various disciplines and have a partnership with SunwayUniversityinMalaysia,offeringdual-awardprogrammes Together,theyestablishedtheFuture CitiesResearchInstitute,focusingonresearchindigitalandsustainablecities Lancasteriscommitted to providing a world-class education and research environment, fostering innovation and collaboration to address global challenges Their dedication to academic excellence and impactful researchhasearnedthemnumerousaccoladesandrecognition
Address: Lancaster University Office, 12th Floor, Sunway University, 5, Jalan Universiti, Bandar Sunway, 47500PetalingJaya,Selangor,Malaysia
Description: Learning Curve Group (LCG) is a UK-based training and education provider that helps individualsandorganisationsachievesuccessthroughlearning.TheyhaveexpandedtoKualaLumpur aspartoftheirglobalstrategy,offeringonlinequalificationsandlearningsolutions.LCGiscommitted to transforming lives through learning and providing accessible and user-friendly learning experiences. With a strong focus on innovation and quality, LCG supports the development of online learning content and resources, helping organisations create effective learning and development programmes
ContactInformation:E:training@learningcurvegroupcouk P:+44(0)01388777129/+60192606677
Description:MABECSwasestablishedin1985toassiststudentsinMalaysiainfindingsuitableplacesat universitiesintheUnitedKingdom.Itwasoneofthefirstadvisoryandstudentplacementagenciesto be set up in the country and the region, with a continued focus on specialist counselling for higher studyoptionsintheUK.Sinceitsinception,studentscounselledbyMABECShavebeenabletopursue degree studies at every university in the UK, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels By working closely with educational institutions in Malaysia, MABECS has guided many thousands of students,helpingthemtofindthemostsuitablecoursesanduniversitiesfortheirfurtherstudies
Address: B-07-03 Block, B West, PJ8, 23, Jalan Barat, Seksyen 8 Petaling Jaya, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:enquiries@mabecscom P:+60379567655/7439
Description: Management and Science University (MSU) curates its academic and co-curricular programmes on the foundation of preparing students for the acquisition of relevant meta and soft skills An enriching learning experience, featuring a variety of global mobility activities alongside the cultivation of an entrepreneurial mindset and cultural competency, further defines the university’s vibrant ecosystem The Global Mobility Programme (GMP), Global Leadership Programme (GLP), and GlobalInternshipProgrammeprovideopportunitiesforglobalexposureandenhancedacademicand non-academicexperiencesforstudents
Description: Manchester Worldwide (S.E. Asia) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the University of Manchester. The University has maintained a presence in Singapore through Manchester Worldwide (S.E. Asia), formerly known as Manchester Business School, since 1992, offering part-time Master's programmes to students across the South East Asia region. The current alumni network includes over 12,000 alumni in Singapore and Malaysia, and 500,000 alumni globally. The programmes offered include the Manchester Global MBA, Manchester Global Executive MBA, MSc Financial Management, andMAEducationalLeadershipinPractice
ContactInformation:E:mbaenquiries@manchesteredusg P:+6562260784
Description: Marlborough College Malaysia is a fully coeducational, independent British boarding anddayinternationalschoollocatedinIskandarPuteri,oneofthetopschoolsinMalaysia Theschool is situated on a secure 90-acre estate on the southern tip of Malaysia, 20km from the Singapore border The campus offers a spacious and picturesque environment designed to enrich the developmentofitspupils
ContactInformation:E:admissions@marlboroughcollege.my P:+6075602200
Description: Melewar Learning Resources Sdn Bhd provides English language learning and training services to university-bound students, undergraduates, working professionals, and any other learners aged 16 years and above. Additionally, Melewar Learning Resources offers English language learning servicestointernationalstudentsandlearnersaged18to45yearswhoholdastudentvisa.
ContactInformation:E:info@directenglish.edu.my P:+60320224128/+60320224138
Description: Newcastle University exists for the public benefit to advance education, learning and research.Ourobjectiveistobuildonthiscorepurposeand,indoingso,providenewknowledgeand creative solutions that make a positive impact. We aim to work collaboratively with our many externalpartnerstoshapebrighterfutures,growtheeconomyandchampionsocialjustice.
ContactInformation:E:enquiries@ncl.edu.my P:+6075553800
Description: Nexus International School Malaysia is an internationally minded community which focuses on nurturing learners to become globally responsible and educated citizens Their method is the Nexus Way where they provide a learning environment that is innovative, progressive, and grounded in trust, compassion, and respect Nexus is internationally accredited for its effective approachtowardslearning Theirinnovativemethodshavegarneredrecognitionssuchas‘Mastering’ statusforthedeliveryoftheIPC,andmanymore
ContactInformation:E:admissions@nexus.edu.my P:+60388893868/+60176066255(WhatsApp)
Description: ORCHID LEADERSHIP Coaching & Consultancy Ltd supports managers and business ownersgloballyinbecomingpowerfulandimpactfulleaders,helpingtorevealtheleaderwithineach individual The company serves corporate leaders, executives, education leaders, and international schoolownersthroughtailoredcoachingprogrammes,training,andconsultancyservices
ContactInformation:E:karen@orchidleadershipcoachingandconsultancyltdcom P:+60168572890
Description: QS Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) offers unrivalled data, expertise, and solutions for the global higher education sector. At QS, they collaborate with universities and business schools to identify, shape, and deliver higher education strategies that assist each institution in achieving its goalsandaspirations.
Address:Unit No. 25-8, Level 25, Q Sentral, 2A, Jalan Stesen Sentral 2, KL Sentral, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:tusupport@qs.com P:+60322719188
Description:St.John'sInternationalSchool(SJIS)isaprivateinternationalschoolincollaborationwith the La Salle Brothers Malaysia, offering a holistic education in a diverse and respectful environment. SJISemphasisesacademicexcellence,sports,andextracurricularactivities,whilepromotingvaluesof respect and responsibility. Located within the historic St. John's Institution building, SJIS provides a uniquelearningenvironmentthatblendsheritagewithamoderninternationaloutlook.
Description: Stonyhurst International School Penang is a prestigious international school offering a Britisheducationtostudentsaged3to18. AsabranchoftherenownedStonyhurstCollegeintheUK,it upholdsa430-yearlegacyofacademicexcellenceandholisticdevelopment.LocatedinPenang,the schoolprovidesamodernlearningenvironmentwithstate-of-the-artfacilities,includingsciencelabs, a sports complex, and a performing arts centre. Stonyhurst International School fosters intellectual curiosity,moralintegrity,andsocialresponsibilityinitsstudents,preparingthemtobecomesuccessful global citizens. They offer a comprehensive curriculum that blends academic rigor with character development,nurturingwell-roundedindividualsreadytomakeapositiveimpactontheworld.
ContactInformation:E:admissions@stonyhurstpenangedumy P:04-2879800
Description: Sunway University, originally known as Sunway College, was established with the conviction that higher education is crucial to national progress The institution began its journey in 1987,officiallyinauguratedbythelateSultanSalahuddinAbdulAzizShahAlhajIbniAlmarhumSultan Hisamuddin Alam Shah Alhaj, the Sultan of Selangor Darul Ehsan In a short period, the university's student enrolment exceeded the capacity of its initial premises, prompting the development of a new, purpose-built campus in Bandar Sunway This new campus boasts a comprehensive range of modernacademicandresidentialfacilitiestoaccommodateitsgrowingcommunity
ContactInformation:E:info@sunwayedumy P:+60374918622
Description:TheInternationalSchoolsPartnership(ISP)isagrowingnetworkofschoolsin10countries, including Malaysia ISP schools in Malaysia include Tenby Schools and Asia Pacific School, which offer both national and international streams These schools provide education for students aged 3 to 18 andarededicatedtobeingthepreferrededucationalchoiceintheirlocalcommunities
Address: Unit 71, Level 7, Surian Tower, No 1, Jalan PJU 7/3, Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:ispseamyadmin@ispschoolscom P:+60374997688
Description:TheAliceSmithSchoolsisahighlyregardedBritishinternationalschoolinAsiawithtwo campuses in Kuala Lumpur They provide a high-quality education to students from preschool through secondary levels, offering GCSEs and A Levels As a not-for-profit foundation, they are committed to educational excellence and have a long history of serving a diverse international community TheAliceSmithSchoolisrecognisedforitsoutstandingacademicachievementsandits commitment to providing a well-rounded education that prepares students for success in a globalisedworld
ContactInformation:E:klass@alice-smithedumy P:+60321483674
Description:The British International School of Kuala Lumpur is a leading institution in Kuala Lumpur, offering exceptional education to children aged 3 to 17 As an independent, co-educational school, it provides outstanding education from Early Years through to Secondary School The school offers a unique experience that goes beyond basic academic fundamentals As part of the British Schools Foundation (BSF), BSKL is connected to a network of elite schools across Asia, South America, Europe, andtheUSA
ContactInformation:E:info@britishschooledumy P:+60377277775
Description:TheInternationalSchool@ParkCity(ISP)openedinSeptember2011andislocatedinthe highlyacclaimedtownshipofDesaParkCity(www.desaparkcity.com).Theschoolcatersforstudents aged 3 to 18 years old from Nursery through to A-Levels. ISP, which is a member of FOBISIA, was graded as ‘Outstanding’ across all eight standards in a recent accreditation inspection report. With students from more than 50 countries, ISP is a place where internationally-minded and culturally aware students are encouraged to pursue both academic excellence and personal development, thusenablingthemtotakealeadingroleintomorrow'sglobalcommunity.
ContactInformation:E:info@isp.edu.my P:+60362808880 Website:www.isp.edu.my
Description: Tribal Group is a pioneering world leader in education software and services The company ' s portfolio includes Student Information Systems, a wide range of education services covering quality assurance, peer review, benchmarking and improvement, and student surveys that offerleadingglobalbenchmarksforstudentexperience.TribalGroupcollaborateswithadiversearray of organisations, including universities, colleges, polytechnics, English language institutions, private training providers, schools, government agencies, and employers across more than 55 countries. Committed to enhancing education and learning, Tribal Group's mission is to empower the world of educationwithproductsandservicesthatsupportstudentsuccess.
Address: Horizon Penthouse, 1 Powerhouse, No. 1 Persiaran Bandar Utama, Bandar Utama, 47800 PetalingJaya,Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:guy.perring@etioglobal.org P:+60322973765 Website:www.tribalgroup.com
Description: Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) is a private university owned by MARA Managed by UniversitiTeknikalMARASdnBhd,aMARAgroupcompany,UniKLwasestablishedon20August2008, asthefirstentrepreneurialTechnicalUniversityinMalaysia Currently,UniKLoperatesfrom13branch institutes,offeringvariousfoundation,diploma,undergraduate,andpostgraduateprogrammeswith morethan22,372students
ContactInformation:E:enquiries@unikledumy P:+60361841000
Description: The Universiti Malaya (UM), Malaysia's first university, became a public institution on 1 January 1962 after the Universiti Malaya Act was passed in 1961 Today, UM is supported by two academies, 14 faculties, three institutes, and two academic centres, covering disciplines such as medicine,science,technology,socialsciences,andhumanities ItisalsohometoMalaysia'sfirstand largest teaching hospital, UMMC UM is committed to advancing research through its Research Cluster and several centres of excellence In 2024, UM ranked 60th in the QS World University Rankings,makingitthetopuniversityinMalaysiaandthirdinSoutheastAsia
ContactInformation:E:corporate@umedumy P:+60379677022
Description: The University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM) is a leading international university and thefirstBritishuniversitytoestablishacampusinMalaysia Withadiversestudentbodyandawide rangeofacademicprogrammes,UNMoffersavibrantlearningenvironment Theyarerecognisedfor theirhigh-qualityteachingandresearch,andtheirprogrammesareidenticaltothoseofferedatthe UniversityofNottinghamintheUK UNMprovidesstudentswithopportunitiesforglobalexposureand preparesthemforsuccessinanincreasinglyinterconnectedworld
ContactInformation:E:regs@nottinghamacuk P:+60389248000
Description: The University of Reading Malaysia (UoRM) offers students the best of both worlds: a prestigiousUKdegreefromtheUniversityofReading,deliveredfromtheirinternationalbranchcampus in EduCity@Iskandar, Malaysia, saving 60% of the cost compared with spending 3 years at their campusintheUK UoRMhasalong-establishedreputationforthequalityofitsteachingandresearch, andisconsistentlyrankedTop100intheworldforInternationalOutlookintheTimesHigherEducation World University Rankings 2022 The programmes offered at the Malaysia Campus are focused on professionaldisciplineswithexcellentgraduateemploymentprospects
ContactInformation:E:myenquiry@readingedumy P:+6072686205/1800186867(Tollfree)
Description:UniversityofStrathclydeisaleadinginternationaltechnologicaluniversity,inspiredbyits founding mission, that is socially progressive and makes a positive difference to the lives of its students,tosociety,andtotheworld Fromitsfoundationastheplaceofusefullearning,theytakeitas their responsibility to research, teach, and be of benefit to society – to reach outside the University to maketheworldbetter-educated,sustainable,prosperous,healthy,fair,andsecure
ContactInformation:E:corporatecomms@strath.ac.uk P:+441415524400
Imagine a school where your child’s potential isn’t just nurtured it’s celebrated Sri KDU International Schools (SKIS), with campuses in Klang, Kota Damansara, and Subang Jaya, offer more than just an education. They provide a transformative journey that prepares students for success in every aspect of life,fromacademicstothearts,sports,andbeyond.
At SKIS, students aren’t just taught they’re inspired Across all campuses, academic achievement is a hallmark Whether it’s students at Kota DamansaraachievingstellarIGCSEresults,SubangJayagraduatesearning spots at world-renowned universities, or Klang students excelling in public speaking and science, SKIS ensures every child is equipped to excel. Personalised learning pathways and innovative programmes like Unifrog andleadershipworkshopspreparestudentsnotjustforexams,butforlife
If your child dreams of performing under the spotlight, SKIS provides the perfect platform From dazzling productions like Shrek the Musical at Kota Damansara to Subang Jaya’s thriving creative arts programme with showcases like Peter Pan theatre, and Klang’s enriching music curriculum, the performing arts are a cornerstone of the SKIS experience. Annual concerts, showcases, and global collaborations ignite creativityandbuildconfidenceineverystudent
Forthesportsenthusiast,SKISisagatewaytoexcellence Imagineyourchild breakingrecordsinswimming,competinginnationaltrackandfieldevents, or leading their team to victory in basketball With expert coaching and a robust sports programme across all campuses, SKIS fosters resilience, discipline,andteamwork skillsthatlastalifetime.
AtSKIS,educationextendsbeyondtheclassroom.Parentsarewelcomedas partners in their child’s journey through initiatives like advisory boards and community events Students engage in meaningful projects, from sustainability initiatives to leadership camps, fostering a sense of purpose andglobalresponsibility
At SKIS, we believe that every child deserves to feel safe, supported, and valued. With state-of-the-art facilities, passionate educators, and a commitment to holistic development, we create an environment where students thrive Whether exploring science in a new lab, performing on stage, or competing in a tournament, your child will be part of a vibrant, inclusivecommunity
SriKDUInternationalSchoolsdon’tjusteducate theyinspire.Theydon’tjust prepare students for the future they prepare them to lead it. If you’re looking for a school where your child’s potential will be unleashed and celebrated,looknofurther
Description: UWEIES is wholly owned by the University of the West of England, Bristol, and is an educational services company In addition to supporting recruitment to the university in the UK, the company also delivers courses across the Asia Pacific, including supporting 7,000 students on UWE degree programmes Furthermore, the company provides corporate training opportunities, educational activities for young people, and outsourced provisions for other educational organisations Thecompanyhas80employeeslocatedin14countriesthroughouttheregion
Address: SS15 Courtyard, Level 12B, Unit S-14, 03, Jalan SS15/4G, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:uweiesasiapacific@uweacuk P:+60356132699
Description: XCL Education is a large and trusted education group in Malaysia offering a diverse range of schools and learning pathways They operate international schools like Sri KDU and XCL International School, which follow an enhanced British curriculum, as well as national curriculum schools like REAL Schools and Sekolah Sri KDU. XCL also has a network of early childhood centres calledREALKids.Theyarecommittedtoprovidinghigh-qualityeducationthatpreparesstudentsfor thechallengesofthe21stcentury,focusingonholisticdevelopmentandlifelonglearningskills.
Address:Suite17-01&02,Level17,VerticalCorporateTowerB,Avenue10,TheVertical,BangsarSouth City,No.8JalanKerinchi,59200KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:contact@xcledu.com P:+60323301049
Description:AditiTrusteesisaBritishtrustandfiduciaryfirmbasedinLabuan,Malaysia,regulatedby the Labuan Financial Services Authority. They provide wealth management services, including trust and estate planning, to private clients, high-net-worth families, and corporates. With experience in both traditional private client relationships and corporate services, they offer a tailored approach to managingwealthandunderlyingbusinesses.
Address: Office Suite 1626, Level 16 (A), Main Office Tower, Financial Park Complex Labuan, Jalan Merdeka,87000Labuan,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:office@adititrustees.com P:+6087584844
Description:BluestarAMGisafinancialplanningandassetmanagementfirmwithastrongfocuson clientinterests.OperatingprimarilyinMainlandChinaandacrossAsia,theyofferexpertiseinfinancial planning, asset management, and investment property. They prioritise client interests above all else, providing unbiased advice with integrity. Their stringent internal compliance process ensures proceduresareregularlymonitoredandreviewed.
ContactInformation:E:malaysia@bluestar-amg.com P:+60326336800
Description: Brighton helps insurance businesses focus on their core objectives by handling essential technical services With offices in Kuala Lumpur, Labuan, and Singapore, they offer compliance, reporting, accounting, and regulatory support With over a decade of experience, Brighton's team of professionals delivers cost-effective administration services, allowing clients to concentrate on their corebusinessgoals
ContactInformation:E:enquiry@brightonasia P:+6087442899
Description: DDCAP Group™ is a market intermediary and financial technology provider that responsibly connects the global Islamic financial market. With over 20 years of experience, DDCAP offers award-winning asset facilitation services and systems solutions to its clients. The company works with over 300 clients worldwide, providing a diverse range of Sharia’a compliant instruments, products, and asset classes in both the primary and secondary markets. Headquartered in London, DDCAPwasproudtoreceiveapprovalin2018toopenitsfirstofficeinSouthEastAsia,locatedinKuala Lumpur.
ContactInformation:E:ddgi@ddgikl.com P:+60326152662
Description: Hebden Consulting Ltd is a fee-based independent financial advisory firm regulated in London and Malaysia The firm specialises in tax, investments, trusts, private banking, retirement, and wealthplanning ItsclientsincludebothUKandinternationalexpatriates
ContactInformation:E:info@hebdenconsultingcom P:+60392123523
Description: HSBC Bank Malaysia is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organisations. They serve more than 42 million customers through four global businesses: Wealth and Personal Banking, Commercial Banking, Global Banking and Markets. Their network covers 62 countriesandterritoriesinEurope,Asia,theMiddleEastandAfrica,NorthAmerica,andLatinAmerica. With around 6,000 offices worldwide, they aim to be where the growth is, connecting customers to opportunities, enabling businesses to thrive and economies to prosper, and ultimately helping peopletofulfiltheirhopesandrealisetheirambitions.
Description:JerseyFinancepromotesJerseyasaleadinginternationalfinancialcentre Withexpertise in wealth management, funds, and capital markets, Jersey also specialises in areas like Islamic finance and fintech. They connect intermediaries with Jersey-based financial service providers, offeringinformationandfacilitatingintroductionstosupportpotentialtransactions.
ContactInformation:E:malaysia@jerseyfinance.je P:+441534836000
Description:LondonStockExchangeGroup(LSEG)isaleadingglobalfinancialmarketsinfrastructure and data provider, supporting sustainable growth and stability in the financial system They offer expertise in data and analytics, indices, capital formation, and risk management across various asset classes Headquartered in the UK, LSEG operates in 70 countries, with a significant presence in Asia Pacific LSEG plays a vital role in connecting markets and facilitating global investment, contributingtotheoverallhealthandefficiencyoftheworld'sfinancialsystem.
ContactInformation:E:brand@lseg.com P:+60327281600
Description:MelbourneCapitalGroupisanaward-winningindependentfinancialservicescompany providing personalised wealth management solutions for individuals and corporations. They offer expertise in international investments, estate planning, retirement planning, and insurance. With a focusonclientneedsandgoals,MelbourneCapitalGroupdevelopstailoredstrategiesandleverages itsextensivenetworktodelivereffectivesolutions.Theircommitmenttoexcellencehasearnedthem recognitionasatopadvisorfirmintheindustry.
Address: UOA Corporate Tower, Lobby B, Avenue 10, The Vertical, 8, Jalan Kerinchi, Bangsar South, 59200KualaLumpur,Malaysia
Description:StandardCharteredBank,amemberoftheStandardCharteredGroup,wasestablished in Malaysia in 1875 As Malaysia’s oldest operating bank, Standard Chartered leads the way through product innovation, consistent and strong growth performance and sustainability initiatives The Bankprovidesacomprehensiverangeoffinancialsolutionstocorporates,institutionsandindividuals through its network of branches across Malaysia The Bank has an Islamic banking subsidiary, Standard Chartered Saadiq; a global shared services centre, Standard Chartered Global Business Services;asalesarm,PriceSolutionsandanoffshorefacilityinLabuan StandardCharteredemploys over7,000employeesinallitsMalaysianoperations
Address: Level 25, Equatorial Plaza, Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:P:+60376829989 Website:sc.com/my
Description: XINERGEE Wealth and Family Office Advisory offers a new approach to financial planning for individuals and business owners. Their unique Financial Fitness Programme provides a comprehensive path to enhance financial well-being, focusing on areas like education planning and familyprotection.Withateamofinternationalexperts,XINERGEEhelpsclientsachievegreaterfinancial security through restructuring and investment strategies. They are committed to promoting financial literacyandempoweringclientstomanageandgrowtheirwealtheffectively.
Address:D-03-09PlazaBukitJalil(AuroraPlace),No.1,PersiaranJalil1,BandarBukitJalil,57000Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:xinergee.official@gmail.com P:+60102019655 Website:www.xinergee.com
Description:AstraZenecaisaglobal,innovation-drivenbiopharmaceuticalcompanythatfocuseson thediscovery,development,andcommercialisationofprescriptionmedicines.Theirprimaryareasof focusincludecardiovascular,metabolic,respiratory,inflammation,autoimmune,oncology,infection, and neuroscience diseases. In Malaysia, AstraZeneca is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies and is committed to continued innovation, fostering close customer relationships, developingtheirpeople,andmaintaininganethicallyresponsibleapproachtobusiness.Theiraimis tomakeasignificantdifferenceinthelivesofpatientsandhealthcareprofessionals.
Address: The Bousteador, Level 12, No. 10, Jalan PJU 7/6, Mutiara Damansara, 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:contactazmedical@astrazeneca.com P:+60376243888
Description:Chemopharm is a leading distributor of scientific and healthcare products in the region. Theyspecialiseinprovidingawiderangeoflaboratorysupplies,equipment,andsoftwaresolutionsfor various scientific and medical fields, including life sciences, diagnostics, and process industries. Establishedin1975,thegrouphasextensiveexperienceandaimstoprovidetailoredsolutionstomeet thespecificneedsofitscustomersacrosstheregion.Theyofferproductsfromrenownedbrandsand providecomprehensivesupportandservices.
ContactInformation:E:enquiry@chemopharm.com P:+60378726000
Description: GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is a science-led global healthcare company with a special purposetoimprovethequalityofhumanlifethroughvaccines,specialityandgeneralmedicinesthat are founded on research and development. Backed by its 300-year legacy of helping transform the health,lives,andfutureofmillionsofpeoplearoundtheworld,today,GSKoperatesinmorethan150 countries including major research and development centres in the United Kingdom, the United States, Spain, Belgium, and China. GSK Malaysia started its first operations in October 1958 and has beenoperatinginMalaysiaforover63years.
Address: HZ.01, Horizon Penthouse, 1 Powerhouse 1, Persiaran Bandar Utama, Bandar Utama, 47800 PetalingJaya,Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:P:+60320379808 Website:www.gsk.com
Description: Haleon is a world-leading consumer health company with a clear purpose: to deliver better everyday health with humanity The company ' s leading brands are grounded in science, innovation, and human understanding, earning the trust of millions of consumers globally. With a robust portfolio of brands, Haleon is well-positioned to make a significant impact in a growing and increasinglyrelevantsector.
Address: Lot 89, Jalan Enggang, Ampang/Hulu Kelang Industrial Estate, 68000 Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia
Description: International SOS is in the business of saving lives, protecting global workforces from health and security threats We deliver customised health, security risk management and wellbeing solutions to fuel growth and productivity of organisations In the event of extreme weather, an epidemic or a security incident, we provide real-time, actionable insights and immediate on-thegroundresponse,offeringqualitydeliverablesandpeaceofmind Bypartneringwithus,organisations canfulfiltheirDutyofCareresponsibilitiesbyprotectingtheirpeople,theircompanyreputation,aswell assupportingtheircompliancereportingneedswhileempoweringbusinessresilience,continuityand sustainability.
ContactInformation:E:marketing.msia@internationalsos.com P:+60327873000
Description: As a global provider of premium healthcare services, KPJ strives to maintain a patientcentred environment focused on compassionate care. KPJ Healthcare Berhad is Malaysia's leading provider of private healthcare services, with more than 26 specialist hospitals located throughout the nationandsomeoverseas.
ContactInformation:E:marketing@kpjhealthcommy P:+60326716222
Description: Medizee is an official brand of My Heal Sdn Bhd, with the tagline “Medical Care Made Easy”EstablishedinJuly2020duringtheglobalCOVID-19pandemic,Medizeeisdesignedtopromote healthy living through a lifestyle-enhancing management service Medizee connects end-users with certified medical practitioners, offering convenient medical consultation bookings, text, audio, and video consultations, as well as e-prescriptions and signed soft copies of medications Prescribed medicationsaredeliveredtohomesbye-Pharmacypartners
Address: Unit 1005043, Block J, 129 Offices, Jaya One, 72A, Jln Profesor Diraja Ungku Aziz, Seksyen 13, 46200PetalingJaya,Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:karpana@medizeecommy P:+60122425160
Description: Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur is a leading healthcare provider committed to clinical excellenceandqualityservice.TheyholdaccreditationsfromMSQHandJCI,andarerecognisedasa Baby Friendly Hospital and a preferred hospital by WHO. Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur offers a wide range of medical services, innovative treatments, and a commitment to patient care, solidifying its positionasatrustedhealthcareinstitutioninMalaysia.
ContactInformation:E:my.phkl.marketing@pantai.com.my P:+60322960888
Description: Smith & Nephew Operations is a global medical technology company dedicated to improving people's lives They design and manufacture a diverse range of innovative products and solutions that help healthcare professionals restore patients' health and mobility Smith & Nephew's portfolio includes advanced wound care products, orthopaedic implants, and sports medicine devices Withacommitmenttoresearchanddevelopment,theycontinuetopushtheboundariesof medical technology, enabling healthcare providers to deliver better patient outcomes and improve quality of life Smith & Nephew Operations is a trusted partner for healthcare professionals worldwide, supporting their mission to enhance patient care and restore people to their fullest potential
Address: Plot 332, Persiaran Cassia Selatan 8, Batu Kawan Industrial Park, Mukim 13, 14110 Seberang PeraiSelatan,PulauPinang,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:MalaysiaEnquiry@smith-nephewcom P:03-22431200
Description: Established in November 1999, Sunway Medical Centre is an accredited private hospital locatedinMalaysia'sfirstfullyintegratedgreentownshipofSunwayCity.AccreditedbytheAustralian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS), the hospital is affiliated with the Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine & Health Sciences, Monash University Malaysia, University of Cambridge, Royal Papworth Hospital, and Harvard Medical School. These affiliations support the hospital's commitment to meetingthedemandsofclinicalcare,education,andresearch.
ContactInformation:E:smc@sunway.com.my P:+60374919191
Description:The Kuaya aims to change cultural norms with respect to the acceptance of psychiatry, psychology,psychotherapeuticandcoachingservicesasanessentialfactionofwellbeingforchildren, adolescents and adults in a modern Malaysia It is designed to deliver the best of proven western methodologies for psychological wellbeing, in conjunction with renowned Asian care and warmth, recognisedworldwideassettingthestandardinhospitality.TheKuayainpartnershipwithTheSoke,UK willbelaunchingtheirnewmentalhealthandwellnesscentreinKualaLumpuronOctober2025.
HLAP Ltd. is one of Asia’s leading Insurance and Reinsurance broking companies, with an experienced team providing broking, risk management / consultancy services and access to all major global markets to individuals, enterprises and large multinational corporations.
HLAP operates across insurance markets in Asia and around the world to provide clients with substantial or complex insurance and risk management services for Aviation, Marine and Cargo, Project and Engineering, Terrorism and Political Violence, Renewable Energy, Specie to Treaty insurance placements.
For more information, please visit our website or feel free to call Lee Warner at +6012-3880169 or via email to lee@hlap.com.my.
No. 2, Lorong Titiwangsa 5 Off Jalan Pahang
53200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Tel: +603-4027 6600
Fax: +603-4023 6828
Description: ABAC® Center of Excellence, powered by CRI Group, is a leading certification body specialising in anti-bribery and anti-corruption management systems They are accredited by the UKASandprovideISO37001trainingandcertification ISO37001isaninternationallyacceptedstandard for preventing, detecting, and reporting bribery, and is a powerful tool for organisations in corruption litigation proceedings ABAC® operates globally with a network of certified professionals in ethics, compliance,auditing,andinvestigation
ContactInformation:E:info@abacgroupcom P:+60321815058
Description: At activpayroll, the company specialises in navigating global complexities to help businessesthrive.Asaworld-leadingpartneringlobalpayroll,HR,andmobilitysolutions,activpayroll’s commitment to clarity, data security, and compliance is integral to its operations. The firm seamlessly manages processes across international borders, supporting businesses in over 150 countries. With advanced technology and global specialists, activpayroll ensures that payroll and HR processes are not only efficient but also serve as a strength for business growth. Partnering with activpayroll means havingsupporteverystepoftheway.
Address:Suite8-1,8thFloor,BlockB,PlazaZurich,No.12JalanGelenggang,BukitDamansara,50490 KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:manish.mehta@activpayroll.com P:+60358705360 Website:www.activpayroll.com
Description: ADP is a comprehensive global provider of cloud-based human capital management (HCM) solutions that unite HR, payroll, talent, time, tax, and benefits administration, and a leader in business outsourcing services, analytics, and compliance expertise. ADP’s unmatched experience, deep insights, and cutting-edge technology have transformed human resources from a back-office administrative function to a strategic business advantage. For over 70 years, we’ve led the way in defining the future of business solutions. ADP is proud to be named the 2023 Fortune® World's Most AdmiredCompanies™listagainfor18consecutiveyears.
Address:UnitC-12-4,Level12,BlockC,MeganAvenueII,12JalanYapKwanSeng50450KualaLumpur, WilayahPersekutuanKualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:roylee@adpcom P:+60321683645 Website:wwwadpcom
Description: ARCHER BAHARI is a team of experienced professionals dedicated to helping companies attract and retain top talent. With over 30 years of experience, they provide innovative solutions for staff attraction and HR management, ensuring companies remain competitive. They assist organisations in understanding their employees, building a strong employer brand, and becoming a "TopEmployerofChoice."
Address:B2-3-5PublikaSolarisDutamas,No 1JalanDutamas1,50480KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@archerbaharicom P:+60329350044
Description: Beard RBCM specialises in risk, business continuity, and value management. They help organisations of all sizes design, implement, and monitor comprehensive risk management frameworks, ensuring alignment with local regulations and best practices. With over 20 years of experience across Europe and Asia, they help organisations navigate the increasing complexities of regulatoryandbusinesspressures.
Address: Lot 2410 Rumah Frangipani, Taman Halcyon, Batu 9, Si Rusa, 71050 Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:ben@beardrbcmcom P:+60123819380
Description:Beyondisacompanythathelpsbusinessesandindividualsnavigatethecomplexitiesof relocating and establishing themselves in Malaysia. They provide expert guidance and support on all aspects of setting up a business, including immigration, company registration, and accounting. Beyond also offers valuable consultancy services to embassies and trade commissions, ensuring clientsreceivehigh-qualityadviceandassistance.
Address:Unit1-17-1,MenaraBangkokBank@BerjayaCentralPark,No.105JalanAmpang,50450Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:admin@bch.my P:+60321818383
Description:DeloitteTaxMalaysia,amarketleaderinprofessionalservices,hasalargenetworkoftax professionals across eight locations in the country. As part of the Deloitte Southeast Asia network, they offer a comprehensive range of tax services, including business tax advisory, international tax, taxaudit,andservicesforspecialisedindustriessuchasfinancialservicesandenergy.Withastrong focus on client service and industry expertise, Deloitte Tax Malaysia helps businesses navigate complex tax regulations and optimise their tax positions. They are committed to providing valuable insightsandsolutionstohelpbusinessessucceedinMalaysia'sdynamiceconomicenvironment.
Address: Level 16, Menara LGB, 1, Jalan Wan Kadir, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, 60000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:mytax@deloitte.com P:+60376108888
Description:EYisaglobalorganisationthatprovidesassurance,consulting,strategy,andtaxservices to clients around the world They use data and technology to help businesses grow and operate effectively Committedtobuildingabetterworkingworld,EYfosterstrustincapitalmarketsandhelps clientsaddresscomplexchallenges Withteamsinover150countries,theyofferdiverseperspectives and local expertise to deliver exceptional client service EY is dedicated to asking better questions to findinnovativesolutionsforthecomplexissuesfacingbusinessesandsocietytoday
Address: Level 23A, Menara Milenium, Jalan Damanlela, Pusat Bandar Damansara, 50490 Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:eymalaysia@myeycom P:+60374958000
Description: HernanCres offers professional services to companies seeking to operate and expand both locally and internationally, with a focus on Malaysia and India. The firm assists clients in strengthening their trade, finance, and logistics functions by delivering quality, flexible services grounded in thorough research and a deep understanding of both local and international environments.
ContactInformation:E:jenny@hcres-int.com P:+60362429442
Description:HKAisaleadingindependentproviderofconsulting,expert,andadvisoryservicesforthe construction, manufacturing, process, and technology industries. The new HKA brand combines the formerConstructionClaims&ConsultingGroupofHillInternationalanditsassociatedsubsidiaries.
ContactInformation:E:enquiries@hka.com P:+60322740917
Description: HLAP Ltd is one of Asia’s leading Insurance and Reinsurance Broking Company with access to all the major global markets and having experienced team providing broking, risk management and consultancy services to individuals, enterprises and large multinational corporations.HLAPoperatesacrosstheinsurancemarketsinAsiaandinternationallytoprovideclients withsubstantialorcomplexinsuranceandriskmanagementservicesfromAviation,MarineandCargo, ProjectandEngineering,TerrorismandPoliticalViolence,RenewableEnergy,SpecietoTreatyinsurance placements.
ContactInformation:E:lee@hlap.com.my P:+60123880169
Description:IMSMisaleadinginternationalISOconsultancyspecialisinginover13standardsacross various industries, including quality, environmental, and health & safety. They offer bespoke consulting services, performance improvement, and system analysis. IMSM is committed to highquality service, demonstrated by their 5-star rating from the European Foundation for Quality Management.Withaglobalnetworkandaclientbaseofover15,000businesses,IMSMprovidesfixedfee consultancy services without long-term contracts, utilising IRCA-qualified consultants. They are dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes achieve success through ISO compliance and best practices.
ContactInformation:E:enquiries@imsm.com P:+60383208059
Description: The M&N Group is a leading advisory and consultancy firm in Malaysia, specialising in helpingmultinationalcorporationsandprivateclientsnavigatetheMalaysianmarket.Theyassistwith operations, expansion, and investment strategies, leveraging their strong network and relationships with government and industry leaders The M&N Group also offers expertise in digital tourism and talentdevelopment,helpingclientsadapttotheevolvingbusinesslandscapeandachievetheirgoals inMalaysia
ContactInformation:E:enquiry@mngroupcommy P:+60320959911/+60320951267
Description:Mazarsisaninternational,integrated,andindependentorganisationspecialisinginaudit, accountancy, tax, legal, and advisory services With an integrated partnership worldwide, Mazars bringstogethertheexpertiseof20,000professionalsacross86countries Thefirmassistsclientsofall sizes, from SMEs and mid-caps to global players, as well as start-ups and public organisations, throughouteverystageoftheirdevelopment AtMazars,theattributesofbeingDiscerning,Knowledgeintensive,Agile,andSustainabledefinethemodernfirmandreflectitscommitmenttobeingatrusted advisertoitsclients
Address:WismaGoldenEagleRealty,11thFloor,SouthBlock,No,142-AJalanAmpang,50450Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:contact@mazarsmy P:+60327025222
Description:MustaphaRajisafirmofCharteredAccountantsbasedinPetalingJaya,well-established indeliveringawiderangeofprofessionalservicestoadiverseportfolioofbusinessandprivateclients. The firm offers innovative solutions through a creative and practical approach that combines technical knowledge, extensive experience, and professional understanding across various industry sectors, including manufacturing, trading, banking, technology, engineering, construction, pharmaceuticals,andhealthbusinesses.
Address:E-33-05,Dataran3TwoNo 2,Jalan19/1,46300PetalingJaya,Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:mraj@mustapharajcom P:+60378415500 Website:wwwmustapharajcom
Description:The ESG Report & Assurance Statement enhances transparency, boosts company value, and reassures stakeholders of a business's commitment to responsibility and ethical practices By achieving compliance and showcasing sustainability efforts, it demonstrates a firm’s dedication to ethical business practices The ESG Advisory Service partners with clients to guide them on a progressive journey towards sustainability, ensuring they can capitalise on the benefits of implementinganESGstrategy Additionally,theESG-relatedservicesunlockfinancingadvantagesand expandgrowthopportunities Fromdatacollectiontopracticeimplementation,theseservicesprovide essentialtoolsforadvancingESGinitiativesanddrivingsustainablebusinesspractices
Description: PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is a global network of firms providing assurance, tax, and advisory services to clients across various industries. With a presence in 150 countries, PwC leverages its expertise and global reach to deliver valuable solutions and build public trust. In Malaysia, PwC has a long history of contributing to the nation's growth, working with multinational corporations,publicsectorentities,andlocalcompaniestoaddresstheirbusinesschallenges.
Address: Level 10, Menara TH 1 Sentral, Jalan Rakyat, Kuala Lumpur Sentral, 50706 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:my info@pwc.com P:+60321731188
Description:Ricardo is a global strategic engineering and environmental consultancy specialising in thetransport,energy,andscarceresourcessectors Itsworkextendsacrossarangeofmarketsectors, including passenger cars, commercial vehicles, rail, defence, motorsport, energy, and the environment The company is proud to have a client list that includes transport operators, manufacturers,energycompanies,financialinstitutions,andgovernmentagencies
ContactInformation:E:info@ricardocom P:+60377313946
Description:TogetherwithitsassociatesinMalaysia,theyprovideprofessionalservicesrelatingtoTax Consulting & Compliance, Audit & Assurance, Business Process Outsourcing, Business Strategies, System and Control Review, Corporate Recovery & Insolvency, Financial & Tax Due Diligence, Risk Management&InternalAudit,CorporateFinance,BusinessConsulting&SupportServices,Operational DataEngineering,andBusinessSetups.RSMTaxConsultants(Malaysia)Sdn.Bhd.isamemberfirmof RSM International and is ranked among the world’s top audit, tax, and consulting networks. RSM International has firms in 120 countries, a combined staff of over 64,000 and 820 offices across the Americas,Europe,MENA,AfricaandAsiaPacific.
Address: 5th Floor, Penthouse, Wisma RKT, Block A, No. 2, Raja Abdullah, Off Jln Sultan Ismail, 50300 KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:roberteo@rsmmalaysia.my P:+60326102888
Description: Our award-winning platform revolutionises the way businesses manage their finances, while fostering growth, stability, and sustainability. By addressing the core challenges faced by multinational corporations when it comes to managing their value chain financing, we contribute to the overall health of the finance industry by acting as the technological bridge between financial services and corporates, empowering businesses to navigate complex financial landscapes with confidence.
ContactInformation:E:info@tasconnect.com P:+6569793058
Description:TOPBeratenMalaysiaisapreferredchoiceforbusinesssupportservicesinMalaysia With offices in Penang and Kuala Lumpur, the firm is a multi-lingual boutique consultancy known for its creative, entrepreneurial approach Leveraging its expertise and international network, TOP Beraten supports the European business and expatriate community in Malaysia and beyond The firm assists with legal matters, government compliance, accounting and payroll services, and human resources Its founding values of transparency, open-mindedness, and a personal approach guide all its operations
Address:13A-03,VidaBukitCeylon,No 1DJalanCeylon,50200KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:support@topberatenmy P:+60327326084
Description:TraTaxisanindependenttaxadvisoryfirmandtheexclusiveMalaysianmemberofWTS Global, a Tier 1 Global Tax Network. Rated within the Top 10 in Malaysia for Transactional Taxation by InternationalTaxReview,andamongtheTop11forIndirectTaxation,TraTaxisconsistentlyrecognised as a Recommended Firm in Malaysia by World Tax. The firm caters to a diverse clientele, including SMEs,Fortune500companies,expatriates,andhigh-net-worthindividuals.
Address: Unit 13 - 11, Level 13, Tower A The Vertical, Avenue 3 Bangsar South City, 8 Jalan Kerinchi BangsarSouth,Bangsar,59200KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:corp@tratax.my P:+60322421887
Description: Here at Vistra, their purpose is progress As a close ally to their clients, their role is to remove the friction that arises from the complexity of global business They partner with companies andprivatecapitalmanagersthroughoutthecorporateandprivatecapitallifecycle FromHRandtax to legal entity management and regulatory compliance, they quietly resolve the operational and administrative frustrations that hinder business growth With over 9,000 experts in more than 50 markets, they can accelerate progress, improve processes, and reduce risk, wherever their clients' ambitionsmaylead.
Address: Unit 30-01, Level 30, Tower A, Vertical Business Suite Avenue 3, Bangsar South, No.8, Jalan Kerinchi,59200KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:P:+60327839191 E:malaysia@vistra.com Website:www.vistra.com
Description: Amanah Raya Berhad, established in 1921 and owned by the Minister of Finance Incorporated,isMalaysia'sleadingtrusteecompany.Theyspecialiseintrust,estateadministration,will writing, and custody services. AmanahRaya-Kenedix REIT Manager, a partially owned subsidiary, focusesonmanagingAmanahRayaREIT'sinvestmentstrategies.
ContactInformation:E:info@akrmcommy P:+60323800606
Description: Since 2012, The Berkeley Group has established international offices and marketing suites in Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai, Bangkok, and other locations. These international offices are designed to provide local support for partners and offer dedicated service to customers in key markets. The team possesses local expertise and extensive knowledge of the UK property market, enablingthemtoassistandsupportcustomersinfindingpropertiesthatmeettheirrequirements.
ContactInformation:E:info@berkeleygroup.sg P:+6569226150
Description: Eco World International Berhad, listed on Bursa Malaysia, is a property developer with projects in the UK and Australia They focus on creating livable and lifestyle-oriented developments TheirprojectsincludeLondonCityIsland,anartsandculturaldestination,andWardianLondon,known for its modern architecture and landscaping Eco World International emphasises design and accessibilityinitsdevelopments
Address: Unit No. 19-01, Menara The Stride, Bukit Bintang City Centre, No. 2, Jalan Hang Tuah, 55100 KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:ewi@ecoworldinternational.com P:+60321104255
Description:WidelyrecognisedasoneofMalaysia’sleadingpropertydevelopers,GamudaLandhasa strong track record of building sustainable townships for over two decades Throughout the years, GamudaLandhasthrivedonitsdevelopmentprinciplesasaresponsibletown-makerthroughmindful master planning and quality execution. The company’s vision for vibrant, smart, and sustainable townships has led to success in Malaysia and international markets, including Vietnam, Singapore, Australia,andtheUnitedKingdom.Allinternationaldevelopmentswillbegreenbuildingcertified,while developmentsinMalaysiawillobtaintheGreenBuildingIndex(GBI)certification.
Address:Menara Gamuda, PJ Trade Centre, No.8 Jalan PJU 8/8A, Bandar Damansara Perdana, 47820 PetalingJaya,Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@gamudaland.com.my P:+60374913200
Description: Founded in 1971, Ian Scott International (ISI) is one of London’s leading property consultancyfirms Locatedinthecity'svibrantWestEnd,thefirmhasoverfourdecadesofexperience in facilitating property transactions for retail and leisure clients across London, the UK, and Europe Building on its success, ISI is now expanding its real estate business into the Asia Pacific region, with Malaysia chosen as its key hub due to its central location and strong economic and diplomatic ties withcountriessuchasSingapore,China,Japan,SouthKorea,HongKong,Indonesia,Thailand,Vietnam, thePhilippines,theUnitedArabEmirates,andIndia
ContactInformation:E:enquiry@ianscottcommy P:+60386874567
Description: IJM Land Berhad has emerged as one of Malaysia’s leading property developers with sprawling townships, integrated developments, residential and commercial properties, as well as industrial parks in strategic growth areas across the country. In the United Kingdom, IJM Land is the developerofthemuchsought-afterRoyalMintGardensprojectincentralLondon.
ContactInformation:E:ijmland.hq@ijm.com P:+60379858288
Description: JLLAPS, a member of the Global JLL Network, provides comprehensive commercial real estate services in Malaysia They offer expertise in office and retail leasing, property sales and acquisition, international residential sales, and research & consultancy JLLAPS leverages its global network to deliver high-quality service and innovative solutions to clients, helping them achieve their realestategoals
Address:Unit 72, Level 7, Menara 1 Sentrum 201, Jalan Tun Sambanthan, Kuala Lumpur Sentral, 50470 KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:myinfo@apjllcom P:+60322600700
Description: Knight Frank is a leading global real estate consultancy with a strong reputation for quality and integrity They offer comprehensive services in both residential and commercial property, advisingawiderangeofclientsfromindividualstomajordevelopers Withaglobalnetworkofoffices and experienced professionals, Knight Frank is committed to providing exceptional service and exceedingclientexpectations Theirlonghistoryintheindustry,datingbackto1896,reflectstheirdeep understanding of the property market and their dedication to client success They are known for their innovativeapproachandtheirabilitytoadapttothechangingneedsoftherealestatelandscape
Address:Level10,MenaraSouthpoint,MedanSyedPutraSelatan,MidValleyCity,59200KualaLumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:enquiry@my.knightfrank.com P:+60322899688
Description:Rahim & Co is one of Malaysia's largest real estate consultancy firms, with a nationwide network and a strong focus on local expertise. They provide a wide range of real estate services, adhering to international standards while offering personalised advice. Rahim & Co is exploring a strategic partnership with Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) to further enhance its capabilities and expanditsreachintherealestatesector.
ContactInformation:E:kl@rahim-co.com P:+60326919922
Description:RedBeanConsultancyisaUK-basedpropertyconsultancyfirmwithastrongpresence in Malaysia They specialise in assisting Malaysian investors with UK property investments, offering expert guidance and comprehensive services throughout the entire investment process Their services include property sourcing, due diligence, legal and financial advice, and property management WithadeepunderstandingofboththeUKandMalaysianpropertymarkets,RedBean Consultancyprovidestailoredsolutionstomeettheuniqueneedsofeachclient Theyarecommitted to delivering transparent and professional advice, helping investors make informed decisions and achievetheirinvestmentgoalsintheUKpropertymarket
ContactInformation:E:shelvintan@redbeanccom P:+60122857618
Description: S P Setia is a leading property developer in Malaysia with a diversified portfolio that extends beyond residential and commercial projects While property development remains their core business, S P Setia also operates in construction, infrastructure, and wood-based manufacturing This integrated approach allows them to achieve greater efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and innovation acrosstheirprojects SPSetiaiscommittedtocreatingsustainablecommunitiesanddeliveringhighquality developments that enhance the lives of their customers They are recognised for their innovativedesigns,commitmenttoquality,anddedicationtobuildingthrivingcommunities
Address: Setia Corporate Tower, 5A Jalan Setia Nusantara U13/17, Seksyen U13, Setia Eco Park, 40170 ShahAlam,Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:corp@spsetiacom P:+60333448800
Description: Savills is a global real estate company with over 160 years of experience, providing expertise in commercial and residential property. With a presence in over 70 countries, they offer comprehensive services and leverage global insights to help clients make informed property decisions Savills assists a diverse range of clients, from corporations and investors to individuals, in achievingtheirrealestategoals
Address:Level6,CorporateTower9,PavilionDamansaraHeights,No3JalanDamanlela,PusatBandar Damansara,50490KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:jamieduncan@savillscommy P:+60379316352
Description:Sime Darby Property is Malaysia's largest property developer by land bank, with a long historyofcreatingsustainablecommunities Theyhavedevelopednumeroustownshipsandhavea globalpresence,includinginvolvementintheBatterseaPowerStationprojectinLondon SimeDarby Property is a multi-award-winning company, recognised for its excellence and contributions to the Malaysian property landscape They are committed to building thriving communities and creating spacesthatenhancepeople'slives
ContactInformation:E:property.communications@simedarbyproperty.com P:+60379495000
Description: Sunway Group was established in 1974, Sunway Group is one of Malaysia’s largest conglomerates with core interests in real estate, construction, education and healthcare, with a unique build-own-operate business model. Their 16,000-strong team across 50 locations worldwide is committed to transformative growth and sustainable progress through their 13 business divisions including real estate, construction, retail, hospitality, leisure, healthcare, education, trading, manufacturing,buildingmaterials,andRealEstateInvestmentTrust(REIT).
ContactInformation:E:corporate@sunway.com.my P:+60356398889 Website:www.sunway.com.my
Description: Dedicated to sustainable development, Arup is a collective of designers, consultants and experts working globally Founded to be humane and excellent, we collaborate with our clients and partners using imagination, technology, and rigour to shape a better world We offer a broad range of professional services that combine to make a real difference to the communities in which we work We provide engineering and advisory services necessary to every stage of a project, from inception to completion and after; from vision, strategy and business case through planning, engineeringandprojectimplementationtooperationalreadinessandassetmanagement
Address: Level26,1Powerhouse,No 1,PersiaranBandarUtama,BandarUtama,47800PetalingJaya, Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:kualalumpur@arupcom P:+60377352223
Description:Automation&ControlSystemsSdnBhdisasystemintegratorwithcorecompetenciesin retrofit works for turbine and engine control/governing systems, vibration monitoring, AVR/Excitation systems, and SCADA. Complemented by an electronic and mechanical-hydraulic governors repair andoverhaulworkshop,theyalsoprovidecableconditionmonitoringservices.
Address:No16, Jalan Tiram Sejahtera 3, Taman Perindustrian Tiram Sejahtera, 81800 Ulu Tiram, Johor, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:autocs@controlsystemscommy P:+6078630338 Website:wwwautocscommy
Description: Charlton Martin provides expert construction contract consultancy services globally, specialisingindisputeresolutionandclaimsmanagementforvariousindustries,includingengineering andenergy Theirservicesrangefromcontractadviceandclaimsanalysistoexpertwitnesstestimony and training With consultants holding both construction and legal qualifications, they offer practical andinformedsolutions CharltonMartinoperatesinMalaysia,HongKong,andSingapore
Address: A-3A-1, Northpoint Office Building, No 1, Medan Syed Putra Utara, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:malaysia@charltonmartincom P:+60322875175 Website:wwwcharltonmartincom
Description:TheCyberviewstorybeganinOctober1996whentheyfirsttookontheroleoflandowner. Aftermorethanadecadeinthiscapacity,theywereproudtohavebeengivenanewmandatebythe Malaysian Government to lead the development of Cyberjaya, one of Malaysia’s pioneering cybercities. This marked the start of their journey to establish a Global Tech Hub that empowers the technology community with a comprehensive ecosystem, fostering creation, innovation, and global businessexpansionwithinthetechnologyindustry.
ContactInformation:E:ccm@cyberviewcommy P:+60383156111
Description: HL Design Group is an award-winning international design studio founded in 1994, specialisinginmasterplanning,architecture,interiordesign,andenvironmentalsignage.Overthepast three decades, HL Design Group has developed an illustrious portfolio across Asia, with notable projects in Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, Fiji, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, and China Their diverse expertise spans various project typologies, including retail, commercial, residential, and urbanregeneration
ContactInformation:E:info@hlarchitecturenet P:+60321626223
Description: Impetus Alliance Advisors is a leading corporate advisory and investment firm based in Malaysia They provide strategic and management consultancy services, specialising in property investmentanddevelopment Withateamofexperiencedprofessionalsandadeepunderstandingof the Malaysian market, Impetus Alliance Advisors assists clients in making informed investment decisions and achieving their business objectives They offer a range of services, including corporate advisory,projectmanagement,andprivateequityinvestment,cateringtobothlocalandinternational clients ImpetusAllianceAdvisorsiscommittedtodeliveringhigh-qualityadviceandsolutions,helping clientsnavigatethecomplexitiesofthebusinessworldandachievesustainablegrowth
Description: MRCB is a leading urban property developer in Malaysia, known for its integrated commercialandresidentialprojects,particularlyaroundtransportationhubslikeKLSentral Theyhave alargeprojectpipelineandalsospecialiseinengineeringandconstruction,withinvolvementinmajor infrastructure projects such as LRT3 and MRT2 MRCB's diverse portfolio also includes facilities management and security services, making them a key player in Malaysia's urban development and infrastructurelandscape
Address:Level30,MenaraAllianzSentral,No 203,JalanTunSambanthan,KualaLumpurSentral,50470 KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:corpcomms@mrcbcom P:+60327868080/+60328597014
Description: Mott MacDonald Malaysia is a leading engineering, management, and development consultancy with a strong global presence. They offer a wide range of services, including infrastructuredesign,environmentalmanagement,andprojectmanagement,acrossvarioussectors such as transportation, energy, water, and buildings. With a commitment to sustainable development and innovation, Mott MacDonald Malaysia delivers impactful solutions that address local challenges and contribute to the nation's growth. Their expertise and client-focused approach makethematrustedpartnerforbothpublicandprivatesectororganisationsinMalaysia
ContactInformation:E:adminMLY@mottmaccom P:+60392122929
Description:NXSisaninteriordesignfirmthatcreatesfunctionalandaestheticallypleasingspacesfor businessesandindividuals.Theyofferafull-serviceapproach,fromdesignandconsultancytoproject management and fit-out. Their multidisciplinary team has experience in designing various spaces, includinghomes,corporateoffices,andimmersiveexperiences.NXSalsocreatesarangeofproducts fordifferentlivingareas,showcasingtheircommitmenttoprovidingcomprehensivedesignsolutions.
ContactInformation:E:nurnazar@nxsdesignmy P:+60327794143
Description:OIG is principally engaged in construction, interior fit-out, renovation, and refurbishment works. The company provides a range of procurement solutions to meet clients' needs, including Traditional, Design & Build, and Management Contracting models. Over the past five years, OIG has delivered more than 40 Design & Build projects, utilising dedicated teams to add value and drive improvements.
Address:Lot2,Level9,MenaraGreatEastern2,No 50,JalanAmpang,50450KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@oigroupcommy P:+60320223833
Description:Plus Three Consultants are, first and foremost, a company of professionals dedicated to advising and assisting organisations within the construction and infrastructure industry on complex commercialandcontractualmatters
Address:SuiteB-3A-12,BlockB,PlazaMont’Kiara,No 2,JalanKiara,Mont’Kiara,50480,KualaLumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:kl@plus3international P:+60362010996
Description:Ourbusinessoperationconsistsofacompleteinhousesetuptodeliverthebestquality, timeline and commercial platforms to our corporate clients We specialize in Project Management, Technical peer reviews, Commercial management, Coordination with trade vendors, Supervision and Construction execution We have the credit facilities and project funding abilities to manage each individualprojectcashflowandanenormouspooloftradevendors’technicalexperienceandproduct support Our commendable deliverables by client are professionally demonstrated in driving compliances as part of our business process discipline in Authorities submission for uniform building bylaw
Address:No3,JalanBPU6,BandarPuchongUtama,47100Puchong,SelangorDarulEhsan Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@sicreationzcom P:+60358911528
Description: Conveniently located in Kuala Lumpur, TechSol provides geotechnical support and specialistadvicetocontractors,consultants,lawyersandinsurancecompaniesthroughoutSoutheast Asia
ContactInformation:E:techsol@techsolcocom P:+60123868835
Description:TonyGeeandPartnersLLPoffersspecialistengineeringconsultancyservicestotheglobal construction industry. Established in 1974, the firm is renowned for delivering high-calibre engineering design solutions, particularly for unique and challenging projects. As a multi-award-winning, ownermanaged business, Tony Gee and Partners LLP maintains a streamlined management structure with shortlinesofcommunication,ensuringapromptresponsetoclients'needs.
ContactInformation:E:malaysia@tonygeecom P:+60362061332
Description:Turner&Townsendisaglobalconsultancybusinessspecialisinginprojectmanagement, cost management, and management consultancy services With over 2,400 employees across a network of 53 offices, Turner & Townsend operates as a single, integrated worldwide consultancy, managed through seven geographical regions The company is wholly or, in a few cases, majority owned, with no franchises or alliances Turner & Townsend continually invests in its infrastructure, ensuringclientsbenefitfromconsistentmobilisation,applicationofknowledgeadvantage,innovation, andworld-classbestpractices
Address:28-A,level28,AxiataTower,No9,JalanStesenSentral5,KualaLumpurSentral,50470Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:malaysia@turntowncom P:+60322741100
Description: YTL Corporation Berhad is a major Malaysian company with international operations in varioussectors,includingutilities,construction,propertydevelopment,andhotels Theyarelistedon the Kuala Lumpur and Tokyo stock exchanges and have a significant market capitalisation YTL is committed to providing high-quality products and services at competitive prices, and has built a large customer base over its 30-year history They are a key player in Malaysia's infrastructure developmentandhaveastrongpresenceintheglobalmarket
ContactInformation: P:+60320380888
Description:bp's presence in Malaysia spans over half a century The company ' s strong footprint in the country includes global business services, innovation, and engineering, and bp Castrol operations. With a workforce of approximately 1,000 employees, bp supports operations in over 60 countries across the Asia-Pacific region, Australasia, Angola, South Africa, the United States, and the United Kingdom. bp's total investments in Malaysia, including partner shares, exceed USD 2.5 billion, makingitoneofthelargestBritishinvestorsinthecountry.
Address:Level9,Tower5,Avenue7,TheHorizon,BangsarSouthCity,No8JalanKerinchi,59200Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:generalquery@se1.bp.com P:+60322818181/+60397758181
Description: EM&I is a global organisation providing Asset Integrity, Inspection and specialised Repair & Maintenance services to the Oil, Gas and Renewable Energy Industries. We band our services as: Integrity Engineering Services; Pressure Systems Management Services; Hull Management Services; RepairManagementServices;andHazardousAreasEquipmentServices.
Address:Unit30-01,Level30,TowerA,VerticalBusinessSuite,Avenue3,BangsarSouth,No.8,Jalan Kerinchi,59200KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@emialliance.com P:+60174130262
Description: Established in 2018 and endorsed by MDEC, ENHEROES is an energy start-up aiming to redefinetheIntellectualSustainabilityBusinessaroundEnergy&NaturalResourcesIndustry.
Description: Fulkrum Technical Resources is a leading provider of quality assurance and quality control(QA/QC)servicesfortheenergyindustry.Theyspecialiseininspectionandexpediting,ensuring the integrity and compliance of equipment and materials used in energy projects. With a global network of experienced inspectors and a commitment to technical excellence, Fulkrum Technical Resources helps clients mitigate risks, maintain project schedules, and ensure the safe and efficient operation of energy assets. Their expertise spans various sectors within the energy industry, including oilandgas,renewables,andpowergeneration.FulkrumTechnicalResourcesisdedicatedtoproviding reliableandcost-effectivesolutionsthatmeettheevolvingneedsoftheenergysector.
ContactInformation:E:fulkrum@fulkrum.com P:+60350332529
Description:Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad is Malaysia's first listed independent oil and gas exploration and production company. Their key activities are centred on monetising producing oilfields and expandingtheirportfolioofdevelopmentandproducingassetsintheirgeographicalfocusareas:the UnitedKingdom,Malaysia,Australia,andVietnam.Asanoperatorofoffshoreoilandgas-producing fields, their efforts are directed at safely enhancing value from the assets in which they hold economicinterests.Theirgrowthstrategyinvolvesleveragingopportunitieswithintheirexistingasset portfolioandmakingqualityacquisitionsonaselectivebasis.
Address: 2nd Floor, Syed Kechik Foundation Building, Jalan Kapas, Bangsar, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@hibiscuspetroleum.com P:+60320921300
Description: ion Ventures is an international developer, expert adviser, and partner for the growth of renewable generation, clean electrification schemes and optimised, flexible power infrastructure ion Ventures has a core focus on clean energy and flexibility technology and its integration into energy systems AsanexperiencedteamwithademonstrabletrackrecordinEuropeandAsia,ionVenturesis positioned to advise on and actively participate in the development of commercial solutions and operationalassets,optimisedtothespecificconditionsnowandanticipatedinfuture
Description:OPITOisaglobal,not-for-profitorganisationthatsetsskillsandstandardsfortheenergy industry They work in over 50 countries to develop a safe and skilled workforce through training, qualifications, and workforce development solutions OPITO is committed to improving safety and competencyintheenergysector,includingoilandgas,hydrogen,andrenewables
ContactInformation:E:asia-pacificenquiries@opitocom P:+60321061775
Description:AtScore,weepitomisehands-onglobalengineering.Wearethefuture-focusedleaderin advancedtechnologyservices.Fromglobalvalveandemissionsmanagementtoaerospacesolutions, we ' re here to boost your daily efficiency and ensure lasting success. Score is part of D2Zero, a company focused on decarbonising traditional energy sources whilst accelerating the transition to renewableenergy.
ContactInformation:E:klu-sales@score-group.com P:+60321616641
Description: Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemical companies, employing around 94,000 people in over 70 countries and territories The company leverages advanced technologies andadoptsinnovativeapproachestocontributetoasustainableenergyfuture
Address:MenaraShell,No 211,JalanTunSambanthan,50470KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:generalpublicenquiries-my@shellcom P:+60320959144
Description: Subsea 7 is a leading provider of seabed-to-surface engineering and construction services for the offshore energy industry With extensive experience and a strong track record, they deliver safe and reliable solutions for clients in both oil and gas and renewable energy sectors
Subsea 7 leverages its expertise and technology to design and execute complex projects, working collaboratively with clients to meet their specific needs They are a trusted partner in the energy industry,knownfortheircommitmenttosafety,innovation,andlong-lastingclientrelationships
ContactInformation:E:s7malaysia@subsea7com P:+60321747777
Description:TheEIC'sjourneybeganinLondonin1943with13oilandgascompanies Sincethen,ithas significantly expanded its range of products and services and established offices globally Today, the EICsupportsover650membercompaniesacrossallenergysectors.
ContactInformation:E:info@the-eic.com P:+60327253600
We secure organisational data throughout its lifecycle with managed and professional services, consulting, and technology. Contact us to discover how we can help you simplify the delivery of data security.
Operating globally, HANDD has implemented its data security approach for over 1,000 customers in 27 countries. This includes major players in finance, insurance, manufacturing, healthcare, and the public sector
All organisations possess sensitive data, and for a long time, our industry has placed excessive emphasis on the underlying infrastructure HANDD customers benefit immediately by implementing security directly at the data layer +603 2935 9801 info@handd com my www handd com my
Description:AirITisaleadingproviderofmanagedITservicesforbusinessesintheUK Withafocus on delivering reliable and secure technology solutions, Air IT offers a comprehensive range of services, including IT support, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and business intelligence They work with organizations of all sizes, helping them optimize their IT infrastructure and enhance operational efficiency Air IT's team of experienced professionals is committed to providing proactive support and innovative solutions that empower businesses to thrive in the digital age They are a trusted partnerforbusinessesseekingtoleveragetechnologyforgrowthandsuccess
Address: Suite 1501, Level 15 Centrepoint, North Tower, Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:enquiries@airitcouk P:02081766813
Description: AssetData.io is one of the fastest-growing SaaS asset management and maintenance platforms. With a specialised and passionate team based in Malaysia and Indonesia, they continuously build and enhance their platform to address modern business challenges. Their focus is onbeingtimeandcost-efficientwhilepromotingsustainability.
Address: Level 20, Menara 1 Sentrum, 201, Jalan Tun Sambanthan, Brickfields, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@assetdata.io Website:wwwassetdataio
Description: Clarivate's bold mission is to help customers solve some of the world's most complex problems by providing actionable information and insights that reduce the time from new ideas to life-changinginventionsintheareasofscienceandintellectualproperty.
Address:Unit1A-1-2,GBS@Mahsuri,No.1APersiaranMahsuriBayanBaru,11900BayanLepas,Pulau Pinang,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:shaun.leecw@clarivate.com P:+60125177215
Description:AtCQS,webelieveindeliveringhigh-valueservicestotheirclients CQSareatechnology services company laser-focused on delighting their clients They have built advanced solutions for global Investment Banks, delivering deep analytics and automated actions in Event-Driven Architecture,DataLakes,GenerativeAI,AdvancedMonitoring,robotsandautomationknow-how
Address:AuroraPlace,2-07-01,HoHupTower,PlazaBukitJalil,No1,PersiaranJalil1,57000Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:Jonathan@cqsworld P:+60126183396
Description: The team at DCS One Holdings consists of Decisioning Experts who deliver world-class, personalised customer engagement solutions for their clients Recognised as a Pega specialised partner in 1:1 Customer Engagement, Communications & Media, and Financial Services, they have achieved these distinctions by leveraging extensive experience with Pega’s AI and Decisioning capabilities TheirexpertiseincludesMarketing,IntelligentAutomation,andCustomerServiceSolutions Their mission is to simplify personalised customer engagement for clients, creating brilliant customer experiencesthatdelivermeasurableresults
Description: Endava, is a leading global provider of digital acceleration, agile development, and intelligent automation services. Endava Malaysia is the company’s first delivery operation centre in South-EastAsiaandahubforfutureexpansionintheregion.Itsstrategyistobecomeamajorplayer in providing technology to organisations in trading, mining and logistics, payments, and insurance sectorsintheAPACregion.
ContactInformation:E:info.malaysia@endava.com P:+60145193290
Description: Established in 2018 and endorsed by MDEC, ENHEROES is an energy start-up aiming to redefinetheIntellectualSustainabilityBusinessaroundEnergy&NaturalResourcesIndustry.
Description: FDM is an award-winning global business and technology consultancy powering the peoplebehindtechandinnovationforover30years.Theycollaboratewithworld-leadingcompanies to identify the expertise they need, exactly when they need it.They have successfully helped launch nearly25,000careersgloballytodateandareatrustedpartnertoover300companiesworldwide.FDM has 5,000+ employees worldwide, with over 90 nationalities working together as a team. From their originsinBrighton,UK,FDMnowhas18centreslocatedacrossEurope,NorthAmericaandAsia-Pacific andisontheFTSE4GoodIndex.
Address:UnitC-12-4,Level12,BlockCMeganAvenueII12,JalanYapKwanSeng50450KualaLumpur, Malaysia
Description: Glue Up is an all-in-one engagement management CRM designed to transform membership management. It integrates events, community, email, and other powerful digital tools to streamlineandenhanceengagement.
Description: HANDDisanindependentspecialistindataprotection,distinguishedbyitsrolebeyond merely supplying software With a carefully curated range of industry-leading products and roundthe-clockspecialistsupport,HANDDservesasatrustedpartnerincombatingdatalossandensuring compliance HANDD's expertise extends to 45% of FTSE 100 companies, where it excels in protecting data, detecting threats to networks and systems, and responding swiftly The firm's comprehensive knowledge and unparalleled expertise encompass more than simple Managed File Transfer (MFT) HANDD secures the entire data journey, offering consultancy, technical design, installation, training, andongoingsupport
Address: Unit No 33-09 Tower A, Menara UOA Bangsar, No 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, 59000 Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@handd.com.my P:+60329359801
Description: Infobip is a global cloud communications platform that helps businesses connect with customers across their entire journey. They offer a wide range of solutions, including omnichannel engagement, identity verification, and contact centre solutions, all accessible through a single platform.Withoveradecadeofexperienceandapresenceinmorethan75officesworldwide,Infobip enablesbusinessestoenhancecustomercommunications,drivegrowth,andbuildloyalty.
Address:Suite 27-2, Level 27, Integra Tower, The Intermark, 328, Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur City Centre,50400KualaLumpur,Malaysia
Description: Informed Solutions provides enterprise technology platforms and services that support large-scale digital transformation. Their clients include globally recognised public and private sector brands operating across various sectors such as Civil Defence, Healthcare, Sustainable Environment andLandAssetManagement,andDigitalDemocracy.Themulti-Queen’sAward-winningdataandAIpowered platforms and services developed by Informed Solutions help make the world a safer, greener, healthier, and smarter place. These solutions are used by millions of people every day in a connected,convergedworld
ContactInformation:E:blaisehammond@informedcom P:+442034422000
Description:Kagool is a leading global specialist in data and analytics and ERP, offering consultancy andbest-of-breedintegrationsolutions.Thecompanyempowersclientsthroughcloudplatformsand emerging technologies by understanding complex challenges, enabling them to make informed decisionsandacceleratepotentialbusinessvalue.
ContactInformation:E:info@kagool.com P:+60321175123
Description: As the world’s leading market intelligence agency, Mintel provides unique insights into globalandlocaleconomiesthroughanalysisofconsumers,markets,newproducts,andcompetitive landscapes Since 1972, its predictive analytics and expert recommendations have empowered clients to make faster, more informed business decisions The purpose is to support businesses and individualsinachievinggrowth
ContactInformation:E:hello@mintelcom P:+60378902515
Description: The company is a manufacturer of modular switching and instrumentation for use in electronic test and simulation Their products are used for testing electronic assemblies and components across various industries, including automotive, aerospace, semiconductor, communications, medical, and industrial automation These products are specified in test systems installedworldwideandarerenownedfortheirexcellentqualityandreliability
ContactInformation:E:admin@pickeringtestcom P:+441255687900
Description: Robust HPC is an expert team specialising in providing HPC and AI supercomputing infrastructure to accelerate CFD, FEA, seismic, deep learning training, and other computational simulations. Robust HPC offers on-premise solutions with end-to-end system integration and managed services, as well as high power density data centre co-location with fully managed IT operations.CustomerscanalsorunsimulationsontheirHPCcloud,whichispoweredbyover40,000 CPUcoresandmorethan100NVIDIAT4/V100/A100GPUsglobally
ContactInformation:E:info@robusthpccom P:+60376280256
Description:BMP Technologies Malaysia, established in 2013, specialises in contract manufacturing of printing and filter components. They offer a range of media conversion services, including pleating, laser cutting, and filter assembly. BMP invests in advanced converting equipment to provide highquality and cost-effective automated processes. They offer various filter assembly methods like clippingandultrasonicweldingtomeetcustomerspecifications.
Address:No3295&3296,JalanPekelilingTanjung27/4,KawasanPerindustrianIndahpura,81000Kulai, Johor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@bmpmalaysiacom P:+6076606088
Description: Bowers Metrology Limited specialises in providing a comprehensive range of precision measuring solutions for highly competitive and demanding shop-floor environments With a track recordofrapidandsustainedgrowth,Bowershasestablisheditselfastheworld'sleadingboregauge manufacturer,bothintermsofproductionvolumeandthebreadthofitsproductrange
ContactInformation:E:sales@bowersgroupcouk P:+441276469866
Description:TheoriginalBritishmotoroil,DuckhamsisaniconicBritishlubricantbrandestablishedin 1899 It has a prestigious motorsports heritage stretching back 125 years, having sponsored drivers in Formula1,Formula3,FormulaFord,theWorldRallyChampionships,andnowthePorscheCarreraCup GreatBritain,andtheThailandBricSuperbikeChampionships Thebrandiscurrentlyavailableinmore than20countriesacrossEurope,theMiddleEastandAsia
Address: 1-17-1, Menara Bangkok Bank @ Berjaya Central Park, No. 105, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala LumpurMalaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@duckhams-oils.com P:+60321818383
Description: Dyson is a global technology company renowned for its innovative and design-driven householdappliances.Foundedin1987,Dysonhasrevolutionisedtheindustrywithitsiconicproducts, includingvacuumcleaners,handdryers,bladelessfans,andhairdryers Withastrongemphasison research and development, Dyson engineers continually push the boundaries of technology to createhigh-performingandenergy-efficientproductsthatimproveeverydaylife Theircommitment to quality and design has earned them a loyal customer base worldwide Dyson operates internationally,withasignificantpresenceinMalaysia,wheretheymanufacturekeycomponentsfor theirproducts
ContactInformation:E:peifangloh@dysoncom P:+6075999333
Description: Fluorocarbon is a high-performance material science business They assist global engineering companies in maintaining their competitive advantage and develop solutions to their technical challenges They design and formulate composite polymer materials and coatings to meet specific operating requirements: high-temperature, high-pressure, low-friction, etc They sell semifinishedmaterialandmachinedcomponents
Address:Suite 2802, 28th Floor, Menara Zurich, No 15, Jalan Dato' Abdullah Tahir, 80300 Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Description:JohnsonMattheyisagloballeaderinsustainabletechnologies,developingproductsthat improveenvironmentalqualityandhumanhealth Theyusetheirexpertiseinchemistryandmaterials tocreatetailoredsolutionsfortheircustomers,helpingthemaddresschallengesrelatedtoairquality, resource sustainability, and urbanisation Johnson Matthey also assists with scaling up production fromlaboratorytocommerciallevels,ensuringtheircustomersarepreparedforfuturechallenges
Address: PT 3349, Jalan Permata 1/2, Arab-Malaysian Industrial Park, 71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
Description: Established in 1986, Press Metal is an integrated aluminium producer with the largest smeltingcapacityinSoutheastAsia.ListedontheMainMarketofBursaMalaysia,PressMetalisoneof the top 30 companies by market capitalisation. The company is recognised for its sustainable practices and was admitted to the FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia Index in 2022. The Group’s principal business activities include the manufacturing and trading of primary, value-added, and extrusion aluminiumproducts.
Address:Suite61&62,SetiaAvenue,No 2,JalanSetiaPrimaSU13/S,SetiaAlamSeksyenU13,40170 ShahAlam,Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:corpcomm@pressmetalcom P:+60333622188
Description:Since1885,RoyalSelangorhasproducedawiderangeofpewterware,fromtablewareto personal accessories. The company continually pushes the boundaries of pewter through collaborationswithorganisationssuchastheBritishMuseumandtheV&A,aswellaspartnershipswith award-winningdesignerslikeErikMagnussen,ViewportStudio,andNickMunro.Itisalsorenownedfor bespoke commissions for Dom Pérignon and Veuve Clicquot. Headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Royal SelangorhasaretailpresenceinLondonandmajorcitiessuchasBeijingandMelbourne.Itsproducts arealsocarriedbyHarrods,Selfridges,andotherleadingUKstores.
ContactInformation:E:info@royalselangor.com P:+60341456000
Description: Synthomer is a global specialty chemical company with a strong presence in Asia, particularlyinMalaysia.Theyarealeadingsupplierofnitrilelatex,akeycomponentinnitrilegloves, andalsoproducewater-basedemulsionpolymersforvariousapplications.Synthomerhasinvested significantly in Malaysia over the years and holds numerous market leadership positions globally. Theircommitmenttoinnovationandsustainablepracticesmakesthemakeyplayerinthechemical industry,contributingtotheproductionofessentialmaterialsusedinvarioussectors
Address:Unit16-2,Level16,UOADamansaraII,No6ChangkatSemantan,DamansaraHeights50490 KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:infoasia@synthomercom P:+60320807200
Description: Weir Minerals are specialists in delivering and supporting slurry equipment solutions, including pumps, hydrocyclones, valves, screen machines and screen media, rubber, and wearresistant linings for global mining and mineral processing, the power sector, and general industry The strength of their products lies in the superiority of their hydraulic designs and wear, corrosion, andabrasion-resistantmaterials Inslurrypumping,processing,andcontrolapplications wherethe cost of ownership often outweighs capital cost as a priority they help customers address issues such as longevity, capacity, operational efficiency, and maintenance Weir Minerals is there for its customersandtheiroperationseverystepoftheway
Description: EQ is the latest chapter in the legacy of one of Kuala Lumpur’s most iconic hospitality names. Known as Hotel Equatorial in 1973, it earned a distinguished reputation as a premier five-star destination. EQ reopened in March 2019 after redevelopment, as a grand 52-storey tower - a central feature of Kuala Lumpur’s Golden Triangle. EQ offers 440 luxurious guestrooms and suites with breathtaking city views. Its proximity to the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre makes it a preferred choiceforeventattendees.
ContactInformation:E:info@kulequatorialcom P:+60327897777
Description: Four Seasons Hotel KL offers stunning cityscape views and unrivalled access to all the excitement of this buzzing capital The 65-storey mixed-use tower includes 242 private residences, 27 servicedapartments,anda209-keyFourSeasonsHotelthatoffersluxuryhospitalityservices.
ContactInformation:E:enquiries.kualalumpur@fourseasons.com P:+60323828888
Description: Overlooking the iconic Petronas Twin Towers and adjacent to the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur is one of the finest hotels in the city Strategically locatedintheheartoftheaction,itiswithinwalkingdistanceoftheGoldenTriangleshopping,dining, andentertainmentdistrict
ContactInformation:E:kualalumpur.grand@hyatt.com P:+60321821234
Description: The ultimate lifestyle hotel, Hilton Kuala Lumpur showcases stylish rooms and suites, gastronomicalexcellence,anelegantspa,andmagnificenteventspacesintheheartofthevibrantKL Sentralarea,towering35floorshigh
ContactInformation:E:kuala-lumpur@hilton.com P:+60322642264
Description:Holiday Villa Hotels & Resorts, based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is an international hotel brandproudlyoperating27hotelsacross6countries.Ourdiverseportfolioincludescityhotels,beach resorts, and pool villas, with a comprehensive room inventory of 5,940 rooms. Holiday Villa Hotels & Resortsoperatesthroughvariousbusinessmodelswiththeiresteemedpartnersthroughjointventures, managementservices,orlicensingagreements(similartofranchises)-allowingthemtoexpandtheir global presence and cultivate lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with partners who share their unwaveringcommitmenttogoodinternationalstandardsofhospitalityservices
ContactInformation:E:corpmktg@holidyavillacommy P:+60321622922
Description:TheKualaLumpurConventionCentreisapurpose-builteventfacilityintheheartofKuala Lumpur,offeringarangeofflexiblespacesforconventionsandexhibitions Itfeaturesalargeexhibition hall,aPlenaryHall,aGrandBallroom,andvariousmeetingrooms TheCentreisequippedwithmodern amenities and technology, and its professional team provides world-class service and excellent culinaryofferings
Description: Set amidst the blooming gardens of KLCC Park and the towering heights of the Petronas Twin Towers, Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur, offers stunning views. Guests can indulge their senses withavarietyofcuisinesshowcasedacrosseightinnovativediningoutlets.Escapetheurbanbustleof Kuala Lumpur at The Spa, which offers rejuvenating facials, body treatments, and award-winning Signature Therapies for holistic well-being. Guests can also take a dip in the infinity-edge pool overlooking the spectacular city skyline or enjoy the magnificent display of the KLCC Lake Symphony FountainattheEsplanadeKLCC
ContactInformation:E:mokul-sales@mohgcom P:+60323808888
Description:Setinthecountry’smostprominenthistoricsiteandoccupyingthetopfloorsofMerdeka 118, the tallest skyscraper in Asia Pacific, Park Hyatt Kuala Lumpur provides unrivalled views from the city’s highest point Revel in a refined and distinctive experience inspired by Malaysia’s rich cultural heritage and the artful tapestry of Kuala Lumpur’s past and present, imbued with a sense of tranquillity
Description:Pavilion Hotel Kuala Lumpur, managed by Banyan Tree, is an urban oasis located in the heartofKualaLumpur.Featuring25exquisitelyfurnishedroomsandsuitessituatedabovetheawardwinning Pavilion Kuala Lumpur mall, the hotel offers discerning travellers a sophisticated respite from thehustleandbustleofthecity.
ContactInformation:E:pavilionhotel-kualalumpur@banyantree.com P:+60321172888
Description: Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur is a luxury hotel located in the heart of Malaysia's vibrant capital.Withitsprimelocationandimpeccableservice,itoffers662exquisiterooms&suites,providing an exceptional experience for both leisure and business travellers. Guests are treated to a diverse culinaryjourneyfeaturingbothinternationalfareandlocalspecialities.Thehotelboastsversatileevent spacesformemorablegatherings,alongwithanexpansiveoutdoorpoolandawell-equippedfitness centre Committed to sustainable practices, it minimises environmental impact while celebrating the colourful joys of life and Asian heritage, embodying warm hospitality and luxurious comfort for discerningtravellers
ContactInformation: E:kualalumpur@shangri-lacom P:+60320322388
Description: Sunway Resort is a 5-star luxury hotel in Sunway City Kuala Lumpur, offering 477 ecofriendly rooms with state-of-the-art technology. It boasts Malaysia's first Gordon Ramsay Bar & Grill andisconvenientlylocatednearKLIAandthecitycentre. Partofanintegratedcomplexwithhotels,a themepark,andashoppingmall,SunwayResortprovidesacomprehensiveexperienceforbusiness and leisure travelers It also offers extensive meeting and event facilities, making it ideal for conferences,exhibitions,andothergatherings
ContactInformation:E:corporate@sunwaycommy P:+60374928000 Website:wwwsunwayhotelscom
Description:TheRuMaHotelandResidencesisahotelthatcapturesalltheintimacyofahome,runby an accomplished host A stay will inspire you to uncover the city's origins and colonial heritage in a contemporaryandluxurioussettingthatexudesthesoothingqualitiesofatrueUrbanResort You'llbe charmedbyahostandaguestexperienceunlikeanyintheregiontoday "Hostmanship"themantraof thehotel,centresarounditsguestsatitsverycore OnceyouarriveatTheRuMayouenteraworldthat revolvesaroundyou
ContactInformation:E:information@therumacom P:+60327780888 Website:wwwtherumacom SunwayResortHotel
Description: Abdullah Chan & Co is a corporate law firm located in the central business district of Kuala Lumpur Their areas of practice include Banking and Finance, Capital Markets, Corporate AdvisoryandGovernance,InvestmentFunds,IslamicFinance,MergersandAcquisitions,PrivateClients, PrivateEquity,ProjectDevelopmentandFinance,RealEstate,andVentureCapital
Address:L31,UBNTower,JalanP Ramlee,50540KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:office@abdullahchanmy P:+60323000610
Description:HenryGohisaleadingfirmandpioneerinintellectualpropertyprotectioninMalaysiaand the region Consistently recognised by peers as one of the top IP agencies in the country, Henry Goh offersintellectualpropertyservicestoadiverserangeofclients,fromindividualsandsmallbusinesses tomultinationalsandFortune500companies
ContactInformation:E:malaysia@henrygohcom P:+60397718688
Description: Jeeva Partnership (JP) is an established boutique legal firm with a core practice in Corporate,Company,IntellectualProperty,Employment,andConstructionDisputes.JPhasassociates around the world and serves as the sole representative of two large networks of law firms and accountants. The principal partners, Mr Jeevaretnam and Dato' Shamesh, are leading litigation lawyerswhofrequentlyappearintheAppellateandHighCourts.Inadditiontotheirlegalpractice,the principalpartnersarequalifiedtrainersaccreditedbyHRDF.JPoperatesinPenangandKualaLumpur.
Address: D-22-03, Menara Suezcap 1, KL Gateway, 2, Jalan Kerinchi, Gerbang Kerinchi Lestari, 59200 KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:jkl@jeevaretnamcommy P:+60379323962
Description: Ling & Theng Book specialises in real estate and conveyancing, business and corporate law,commercialandcivillitigation,andestateplanning.Thefirmmanagesabroadspectrumoflegal services, including property transactions, business agreements, contract disputes, and estate distribution.Renownedforitsexpertiseinrealestate,thefirmprovidestailoredsolutionsandmaintains strongconnectionswithmajorbanks.Ling&ThengBookdeliverspracticallegalsupporttobusinesses and individuals, ensuring professionalism, attention to detail, and added value through its extensive networkandcommitmenttoclientsuccess.
ContactInformation:E:ltbkajang@ltb.legal P:+60387441155
Description: Luther Corporate Services, part of Luther law firm, provides a one-stop shop for businesses' regulatory and administrative needs in Malaysia They offer services such as corporate secretarial support, accounting, payroll, tax compliance, and more. Luther Corporate Services assists clients throughout their entire business lifecycle, from company formation to dissolution, ensuring compliance and smooth operations. They help businesses navigate the complexities of Malaysian regulationsandprovideongoingsupportforvariousadministrativefunctions.
ContactInformation:E:malaysia@luther-services.com P:+60321660085
Description: Marks & Clerk is a leading global intellectual property firm specialising in patents, trademarks, designs, and copyright. They have extensive experience in drafting and prosecuting patent applications across various technical fields, including software, medical devices, and chemistry. Marks & Clerk also provides services such as patentability searches, infringement advice, andassistancewithlicensingagreements.Theirexpertisehelpsbusinessesprotectandmanagetheir intellectualpropertyassets,enablinginnovationandgrowthinacompetitiveglobalmarket.
Address: Unit 6, Level 20, Tower A, Menara UOA Bangsar, 5 Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, Taman Bangsar, 59000KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:malaysia@marks-clerk.com.my P:+60322838986
Description:N.J.Akers&Co.isalawfirmspecialisinginintellectualproperty(IP)law.Thefirmadvises and assists clients in the procurement and enforcement of IP rights, including patents, trade marks, anddesigns,withintheUK,Europe,andgloballythroughitsnetworkofassociatelawfirms.Itprovides supportonvariousmatters,suchasassertingrightsagainstinfringers,advisingontheinfringementof third-party rights, licensing IP rights, and the acquisition or divestiture of IP rights. The firm handles all types of technology, including chemicals and pharmaceuticals, healthcare products, oil and gas, renewableenergy,andgeneralengineering
ContactInformation:E:info@njakerscom P:+441872266810
Description:RaslanLoong,Shen&EowtracesitsoriginstotheestablishmentofRaslanLoongin1995 The firm is highly regarded for its work in Corporate and Commercial transactions, Mergers and Acquisitions, Capital Markets, Banking and Finance, Real Estate and Property, Intellectual Property, as well as Technology and Telecommunications It is consistently commended and ranked highly by key international legal directories The firm advises on major domestic, cross-border, and international transactionsacrossawiderangeofsectors
ContactInformation:E:caesarloong@rlselaw P:+60362052775/+60362052778
Description:Skrine is one of the oldest, largest, and most awarded legal firms in Malaysia, renowned for its global reputation and a wide range of highly-regarded practice groups The firm is led by 50 partners and over 110 lawyers Skrine is the exclusive Malaysian member of Lex Mundi, a network of leadingindependentlawfirmsinover160jurisdictions,andthePacificRimAdvisoryCouncil,anetwork of30top-tierindependentmemberlawfirms
Address:Level8,WismaUOADamansara,50JalanDungun,DamansaraHeights,50490,KualaLumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:skrine@skrine.com P:+60320813999 Website:www.skrine.com
Description:Tay&Partnersisafull-servicecommerciallawfirmestablishedin1989.Withmorethan30 lawyersandofficesinKualaLumpurandJohorBahru,thefirmservesthelegalneedsofclientsacross abroadspectrumofindustrysectors.TheseincludeMalaysiancompanies,multinationals,institutional private equity investors, venture capital funds, banks, investment banks, financial institutions, governmentorganisations,andstatutorybodies.
ContactInformation:E:mail@taypartnerscommy P:+60320501888
Description: Trowers & Hamlins LLP offers a world of specialist legal expertise, acting as a trusted advisor across various sectors, industries, and geographies The firm's clients rely on its deep understandingofthelawcoupledwithaclearcommercialperspective
ContactInformation:E:enquiries@trowerscom P:+60327173800
Description: 39 Essex Street is a barristers' chambers specialising in commercial law with over 120 barristers, including 40 Queen's Counsel They have offices in London, Singapore, and Kuala Lumpur, offering their expertise across multiple jurisdictions Their barristers are experts in various legal areas, such as commercial law, construction, and fraud, and often serve as advocates and arbitrators in internationaldisputes Theywerenamed'InternationalArbitrationChambersoftheYear'attheLegal 500UKAwards2014
Description: ABAC® Center of Excellence, powered by CRI Group, is a leading certification body specialising in anti-bribery and anti-corruption management systems They are accredited by the UKASandprovideISO37001trainingandcertification ISO37001isaninternationallyacceptedstandard for preventing, detecting, and reporting bribery, and is a powerful tool for organisations in corruption litigation proceedings ABAC® operates globally with a network of certified professionals in ethics, compliance,auditing,andinvestigation
ContactInformation:E:info@abacgroupcom P:+60321815058
Description: Abdullah Chan & Co is a corporate law firm located in the central business district of Kuala Lumpur Their areas of practice include Banking and Finance, Capital Markets, Corporate AdvisoryandGovernance,InvestmentFunds,IslamicFinance,MergersandAcquisitions,PrivateClients, PrivateEquity,ProjectDevelopmentandFinance,RealEstate,andVentureCapital
ContactInformation:E:office@abdullahchan.my P:+60323000610
Description: ABE Global is a non-profit awarding organisation established in 1973 They focus on providing high-quality business and leadership education to empower individuals and communities They offer various qualifications, courses, and degree pathways with flexible learning options ABE also conducts research and provides policy recommendations to support education systems and businesses They are regulated by Ofqual in the UK and recognised by authorities in many countries, includingMalaysia'sMQA
ContactInformation:E:info@abeukcom P:+442083292930
Description: ACCA is a leading global professional accountancy body with over 208,000 members and 503,000 students They promote a fairer society and work with businesses, governments, and educational institutions ACCA professionals are highly sought-after and trusted by organisations across various industries They stay current with emerging trends and legal requirements to help shapetheirmembers'careers
Address: Suite 1501, Level 15 Centrepoint, North Tower, Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:myinfo@accaglobalcom P:1800813882
Description: At activpayroll, the company specialises in navigating global complexities to help businessesthrive.Asaworld-leadingpartneringlobalpayroll,HR,andmobilitysolutions,activpayroll’s commitment to clarity, data security, and compliance is integral to its operations. The firm seamlessly manages processes across international borders, supporting businesses in over 150 countries. With advanced technology and global specialists, activpayroll ensures that payroll and HR processes are not only efficient but also serve as a strength for business growth. Partnering with activpayroll means havingsupporteverystepoftheway.
Address: Suite 8-1, 8th Floor, Block B, Plaza Zurich, No.12 Jalan Gelenggang, Bukit Damansara, 50490 KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:manish.mehta@activpayroll.com P:+60358705360
Description: ADP is a comprehensive global provider of cloud-based human capital management (HCM) solutions that unite HR, payroll, talent, time, tax, and benefits administration, and a leader in business outsourcing services, analytics, and compliance expertise. ADP’s unmatched experience, deep insights, and cutting-edge technology have transformed human resources from a back-office administrative function to a strategic business advantage. For over 70 years, we’ve led the way in defining the future of business solutions. ADP is proud to be named the 2023 Fortune® World's Most AdmiredCompanies™listagainfor18consecutiveyears.
Address:UnitC-12-4,Level12,BlockC,MeganAvenueII,12JalanYapKwanSeng50450KualaLumpur, WilayahPersekutuanKualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:roylee@adpcom P:+60321683645
Description:AditiTrusteesisaBritishtrustandfiduciaryfirmbasedinLabuan,Malaysia,regulatedby the Labuan Financial Services Authority. They provide wealth management services, including trust and estate planning, to private clients, high-net-worth families, and corporates. With experience in both traditional private client relationships and corporate services, they offer a tailored approach to managingwealthandunderlyingbusinesses.
Address: Office Suite 1626, Level 16 (A), Main Office Tower, Financial Park Complex Labuan, Jalan Merdeka,87000Labuan,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:office@adititrusteescom P:+6087584844
Description: Advance HE experts collaborate with governments, sector agencies, and individual institutionstosupportsustainableimprovementbysharingglobalpracticesandbuildinginternational networks Their purpose is to assist governments and universities in implementing higher education (HE)strategiesforthebenefitofstudents,staff,andsociety TheybringtogetherHE-focusedexpertise in leadership, governance, teaching and learning, and equality, diversity, and inclusion to help institutions deliver world-leading teaching, research, and scholarship, and to achieve their civic missionandenhancestudentoutcomes
ContactInformation:E:kristianrumble@advance-heacuk P:+443300416201
Description:AhmadTeawasfoundedonapassionforextraordinaryteaandapromisemadebytheir chairman to never sell any tea he would not drink at home As a family-owned tea company with 37 years of experience, supported by four generations of tea expertise, they operate with an innovative, responsive,andcreativecompanyculture,nevercompromisingonqualityandtaste Delightinginthe experience of quality tea, they invite others to discover a transformative world of flavour, craftsmanship, and gentleness. They hope that their love for tea will inspire others to share in that passion.
ContactInformation:E:info@ahmadtea.com P:+442380278900
Description:AirITisaleadingproviderofmanagedITservicesforbusinessesintheUK Withafocus on delivering reliable and secure technology solutions, Air IT offers a comprehensive range of services, including IT support, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and business intelligence They work withorganisationsofallsizes,helpingthemoptimisetheirITinfrastructureandenhanceoperational efficiency AirIT'steamofexperiencedprofessionalsiscommittedtoprovidingproactivesupportand innovative solutions that empower businesses to thrive in the digital age They are a trusted partner forbusinessesseekingtoleveragetechnologyforgrowthandsuccess
ContactInformation:E:enquiries@airitcouk P:+02081766813
Description: CIMA, founded in 1919, is the world's leading professional body for management accountants In partnership with the American Institute of CPAs, they formed the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants to serve the needs of accountants globally They offerprofessionaldevelopment,research,andsupport,whileupholdingethicalstandards Together, theyempoweraccountantswiththeskillsandknowledgetomeetcurrentandfuturechallenges.
ContactInformation:E:seasia@aicpa-cima.com P:+60330992535
Description: Amanah Raya Berhad, established in 1921 and owned by the Minister of Finance Incorporated,isMalaysia'sleadingtrusteecompany Theyspecialiseintrust,estateadministration,will writing, and custody services AmanahRaya-Kenedix REIT Manager, a partially owned subsidiary, focusesonmanagingAmanahRayaREIT'sinvestmentstrategies
ContactInformation:E:info@akrmcommy P:+60323800606
Description: ARCHER BAHARI is a team of experienced professionals dedicated to helping companies attract and retain top talent With over 30 years of experience, they provide innovative solutions for staff attraction and HR management, ensuring companies remain competitive They assist organisations in understanding their employees, building a strong employer brand, and becoming a "TopEmployerofChoice"
Address:B2-3-5PublikaSolarisDutamas,No 1JalanDutamas1,50480KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@archerbaharicom P:+60329350044
Description:ThelargestindependentbookdistributorinSoutheastAsia,theyofferanextensiverange of books from renowned names in international English language publishing Their related products include Art & Design, General Trade, Illustrated, Academic and Professional, Schools, and Children’s books,cateringtothediscerningcustomer
ContactInformation:E:customersvc@apdkl.com P:+60378776063
Description: Dedicated to sustainable development, Arup is a collective of designers, consultants and experts working globally Founded to be humane and excellent, we collaborate with our clients and partners using imagination, technology, and rigour to shape a better world We offer a broad range of professional services that combine to make a real difference to the communities in which we work We provide engineering and advisory services necessary to every stage of a project, from inception to completion and after; from vision, strategy and business case through planning, engineeringandprojectimplementationtooperationalreadinessandassetmanagement
Address: Level26,1Powerhouse,No 1,PersiaranBandarUtama,BandarUtama,47800PetalingJaya, Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:kualalumpur@arupcom P:+60377352223
Description:AstraZenecaisaglobal,innovation-drivenbiopharmaceuticalcompanythatfocuseson thediscovery,development,andcommercialisationofprescriptionmedicines Theirprimaryareasof focusincludecardiovascular,metabolic,respiratory,inflammation,autoimmune,oncology,infection, and neuroscience diseases In Malaysia, AstraZeneca is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies and is committed to continued innovation, fostering close customer relationships, developingtheirpeople,andmaintaininganethicallyresponsibleapproachtobusiness.Theiraimis tomakeasignificantdifferenceinthelivesofpatientsandhealthcareprofessionals.
Address: The Bousteador, Level 12, No. 10, Jalan PJU 7/6, Mutiara Damansara, 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:contactazmedical@astrazeneca.com P:+60376243888
Description: AssetData.io is one of the fastest-growing SaaS asset management and maintenance platforms. With a specialised and passionate team based in Malaysia and Indonesia, they continuously build and enhance their platform to address modern business challenges. Their focus is onbeingtimeandcost-efficientwhilepromotingsustainability.
Address: Level 20, Menara 1 Sentrum, 201, Jalan Tun Sambanthan, Brickfields, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Description:Automation&ControlSystemsSdnBhdisasystemintegratorwithcorecompetenciesin retrofit works for turbine and engine control/governing systems, vibration monitoring, AVR/Excitation systems, and SCADA Complemented by an electronic and mechanical-hydraulic governors repair andoverhaulworkshop,theyalsoprovidecableconditionmonitoringservices
Address: No16, Jalan Tiram Sejahtera 3, Taman Perindustrian Tiram Sejahtera, 81800 Ulu Tiram, Johor, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:autocs@controlsystemscommy P:+6078630338
Description:AvisMalaysia,establishedin1972,isknownforitshigh-qualityserviceandcommitmentto customersatisfaction.Theyofferarangeofcarrentalandleasingoptions,withafocusoncontinuous improvement and employee empowerment. With locations across Malaysia, including major airports and city centres, Avis provides both local and international mobility services. They are dedicated to providing the ultimate Avis experience, upholding their "We Try Harder®" standards through a strong companycultureandvision
Address:Level2,EONHeadOfficeComplex,No2,PersiaranKerjaya,GlenmarieIndustrialPark,Section U1,40150ShahAlam,Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:customerservice@aviscommy P:+60378037555 Website:wwwaviscommy
Description:BAESystemsofferssomeoftheworld’smostadvancedtechnologysolutionsindefence, aerospace,andsecurity.Withaskilledworkforceof82,500employeesacrossmorethan40countries, theycollaboratewithcustomersandlocalpartnerstodelivermilitarycapabilities,protectpeopleand national security, and secure critical information and infrastructure. BAE Systems is the largest supplier to the Malaysian Armed Forces, employing over 500 people in Malaysia through its operations,whichincludeacyber-engineeringcentreandanavalgunsjointventure,BHIC-Bofors.
ContactInformation:E:learn@baesystems.com P:+60327309475
Description: Beard RBCM specialises in risk, business continuity, and value management. They help organisations of all sizes design, implement, and monitor comprehensive risk management frameworks, ensuring alignment with local regulations and best practices. With over 20 years of experience across Europe and Asia, they help organisations navigate the increasing complexities of regulatoryandbusinesspressures.
Address: Lot 2410 Rumah Frangipani, Taman Halcyon, Batu 9, Si Rusa, 71050 Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:ben@beardrbcm.com P:+60123819380
Description: Since 2012, The Berkeley Group has established international offices and marketing suites in Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai, Bangkok, and other locations These international offices are designed to provide local support for partners and offer dedicated service to customers in key markets The team possesses local expertise and extensive knowledge of the UK property market, enablingthemtoassistandsupportcustomersinfindingpropertiesthatmeettheirrequirements
ContactInformation:E:info@berkeleygroup.sg P:+6569226150
Description:Beyondisacompanythathelpsbusinessesandindividualsnavigatethecomplexitiesof relocating and establishing themselves in Malaysia. They provide expert guidance and support on all aspects of setting up a business, including immigration, company registration, and accounting. Beyond also offers valuable consultancy services to embassies and trade commissions, ensuring clientsreceivehigh-qualityadviceandassistance.
Address:Unit1-17-1,MenaraBangkokBank@BerjayaCentralPark,No105JalanAmpang,50450Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:admin@bchmy P:+60321818383
Description:BluestarAMGisafinancialplanningandassetmanagementfirmwithastrongfocuson clientinterests.OperatingprimarilyinMainlandChinaandacrossAsia,theyofferexpertiseinfinancial planning, asset management, and investment property. They prioritise client interests above all else, providing unbiased advice with integrity. Their stringent internal compliance process ensures proceduresareregularlymonitoredandreviewed.
ContactInformation:E:malaysia@bluestar-amg.com P:+60326336800
Description:BMP Technologies Malaysia, established in 2013, specialises in contract manufacturing of printing and filter components They offer a range of media conversion services, including pleating, laser cutting, and filter assembly BMP invests in advanced converting equipment to provide highquality and cost-effective automated processes. They offer various filter assembly methods like clippingandultrasonicweldingtomeetcustomerspecifications.
Address:No3295&3296,JalanPekelilingTanjung27/4,KawasanPerindustrianIndahpura,81000Kulai, Johor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@bmpmalaysia.com P:+6076606088
Description: Bowers Metrology Limited specialises in providing a comprehensive range of precision measuring solutions for highly competitive and demanding shop-floor environments. With a track recordofrapidandsustainedgrowth,Bowershasestablisheditselfastheworld'sleadingboregauge manufacturer,bothintermsofproductionvolumeandthebreadthofitsproductrange.
ContactInformation:E:sales@bowersgroupcouk P:+441276469866
Description:bp's presence in Malaysia spans over half a century. The company ' s strong footprint in the country includes global business services, innovation, and engineering, and bp Castrol operations. With a workforce of approximately 1,000 employees, bp supports operations in over 60 countries across the Asia-Pacific region, Australasia, Angola, South Africa, the United States, and the United Kingdom. bp's total investments in Malaysia, including partner shares, exceed USD 2.5 billion, makingitoneofthelargestBritishinvestorsinthecountry.
Address:Level9,Tower5,Avenue7,TheHorizon,BangsarSouthCity,No8JalanKerinchi,59200Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:generalquery@se1.bp.com P:+60322818181/+60397758181 Website:wwwbpcom
Description: Brighton helps insurance businesses focus on their core objectives by handling essential technical services With offices in Kuala Lumpur, Labuan, and Singapore, they offer compliance, reporting, accounting, and regulatory support With over a decade of experience, Brighton's team of professionals delivers cost-effective administration services, allowing clients to concentrate on their corebusinessgoals
ContactInformation:E:enquiry@brightonasia P:+6087442899
Description: The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educationalopportunities.Theysupportpeaceandprosperitybybuildingconnections,understanding and trust between people in the UK and countries worldwide. They do this through their work in arts and culture, education, and the English language. They work with people in over 200 countries and territories and are on the ground in more than 100 countries. In 2021–22 they reached 650 million people.
Address: Ground Floor, West Block, Wisma Golden Eagle Realty, 142C Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@britishcouncilorgmy P:+60327237900
Description: The British Theatre Playhouse, established in Singapore in 2004, produces high-quality theatrewithastrongBritishconnection TheyhaveaUKbranchofficetocollaboratewithBritishtalent and have presented successful productions across Asia and the UK Known for maintaining West End standards, their shows often feature prominent UK stage and screen actors, bringing a taste of London'stheatrescenetointernationalaudiences
ContactInformation:E:info@britishtheatreplayhousecom P:+6564494855
Description: BSI is a leading business improvement and standards company with a century-long history of positive impact They partner with over 77,500 clients globally, leveraging expertise in key sectorslikeautomotive,aerospace,andhealthcaretohelporganisationsachievetheirgoals BSIalso addressescriticalsocietalissues,empoweringorganisationstogrowwithconfidenceandcontribute toafairerandmoresustainableworld
Address:Suite 2901 Level 29, The Gardens North Tower, Mid Valley City Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:infomalaysia@bsigroupcom P:+60392129638
Description: Charlton Martin provides expert construction contract consultancy services globally, specialisingindisputeresolutionandclaimsmanagementforvariousindustries,includingengineering andenergy Theirservicesrangefromcontractadviceandclaimsanalysistoexpertwitnesstestimony and training With consultants holding both construction and legal qualifications, they offer practical andinformedsolutions CharltonMartinoperatesinMalaysia,HongKong,andSingapore
Address: A-3A-1, Northpoint Office Building, No 1, Medan Syed Putra Utara, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:malaysia@charltonmartincom P:+60322875175
Description: Charterhouse Hartamas is an international sixth form college offering A-level preparation in a dynamic learning environment. As an Asian edition of a prestigious British public school, it blends heritage with a modern outlook. The school's values and traditions are rooted in its Britishcounterpart,whileembracingacontemporaryapproach.Itseducationalethos,"Study,Create, andInspire,"isreflectedinitscurriculumandlearningspaces
ContactInformation:E:info@charterhouse-htmsedumy P:+60327025270
Description:Chemopharm is a leading distributor of scientific and healthcare products in the region. Theyspecialiseinprovidingawiderangeoflaboratorysupplies,equipment,andsoftwaresolutionsfor various scientific and medical fields, including life sciences, diagnostics, and process industries Establishedin1975,thegrouphasextensiveexperienceandaimstoprovidetailoredsolutionstomeet thespecificneedsofitscustomersacrosstheregion Theyofferproductsfromrenownedbrandsand providecomprehensivesupportandservices
Address:No 20,JalanSS2/66,47300PetalingJaya,Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:enquiry@chemopharmcom P:+60378726000
Description:CIPDistheprofessionalbodyforexpertsinpeopleatwork.Formorethan100years,CIPD has championed better work and working lives by setting professional standards for HR and people development,aswellasdrivingpositivechangeintheworldofwork.WithhubsintheUK,Ireland,the Middle East, and Asia, CIPD is the career partner of choice for almost 160,000 members around the world. It is the only body globally that can award Chartered status to individual HR and L&D professionals, and its independent research and insights make it a trusted adviser to governments andemployers.
ContactInformation:E:cipd@cipd.asia P:+6563384528
Description:AtCity&Guilds,thebeliefisinthepowerofskillstobuildsuccessfulcareers,businesses, and economies Alongside ILM, Kineo, The Oxford Group, Digitalme, and Gen2, they offer a broad and imaginative range of products and services that help people achieve their potential through workbasedlearning.TheGroup’spurposeremainsthesametodayasitwas140yearsago–tohelppeople, organisations,andeconomiesdeveloptheirskillsforgrowth.
Address: Unit 39-02, Tingkat 39, East Wing, Q Sentral, No. 2A, Jalan Stesen Sentral 2, 50470 Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:enquiry.malaysia@cityandguilds.com P:+60392131644
Description: Clarivate's bold mission is to help customers solve some of the world's most complex problems by providing actionable information and insights that reduce the time from new ideas to life-changinginventionsintheareasofscienceandintellectualproperty.
Address:Unit1A-1-2,GBS@Mahsuri,No.1APersiaranMahsuriBayanBaru,11900BayanLepas,Pulau Pinang,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:shaun.leecw@clarivate.com P:+60125177215
Description: The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) helps individuals develop their management andleadershipskillsthroughqualifications,events,andnetworkingopportunities.Theyofferresources and support across the UK and Asia-Pacific, enabling professionals to enhance their careers and connectwithothersintheirfield.CMIistheonlyorganisationauthorisedtoawardCharteredManager and Chartered Management Consultant status, maintaining high standards for the profession. They alsoprovidevaluableinsightsandresourcesfortheirglobalmembershipcommunity.
Address: Level 7, Oasis Wing, Brunsfield Oasis Tower 3, No2, Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Oasis Square, Oasis Damansara,47301PetalingJaya,Selangor,Malaysia
Description:Constellar,headquarteredinSingapore,connectsbusinessesandcommunitiestocreate opportunities for sustainable growth. They organise influential trade and consumer events, fostering innovation and collaboration across industries. With a growing presence in China and Malaysia, Constellar aims to be a global leader in connecting international markets to Asia, helping businesses expandtheirreachandtapintonewopportunities.Theyofferadiverseportfolioofeventsandprovide platformsforbusinessestoconnectandthriveintheAsianmarket.
Address: Lot 1008, Level 10, Tower 2, Faber Towers, Jalan Desa Bahagia, Taman Desa, 58100 Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:mifb@constellarco P:+60379891133
Description:AtCQS,webelieveindeliveringhigh-valueservicestotheirclients CQSareatechnology services company laser-focused on delighting their clients They have built advanced solutions for global Investment Banks, delivering deep analytics and automated actions in Event-Driven Architecture,DataLakes,GenerativeAI,AdvancedMonitoring,robotsandautomationknow-how
Address:AuroraPlace,2-07-01,HoHupTower,PlazaBukitJalil,No1,PersiaranJalil1,57000Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:Jonathan@cqsworld P:+60126183396 Website:wwwcqsworld
Description:CrownWorldwideGroupoffersadiverserangeofservicesthroughitsvariouscompanies. Crown World Mobility focuses on assignment management, while Crown Relocations handles global relocations. Crown Records Management specialises in information management and archiving. CrownFineArtprovidesexperthandlingandmovingoffineart.Thegroupalsooffersservicesinwine collectionmanagement,oilandgasequipmentlogistics,andluxurygoodswarehousing.
Address:Lot7,JalanDelima1/1,SubangHi-techIndustrialPark,BatuTiga,40000ShahAlam,Selangor, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:malaysia@crownrelocom P:+60360620388
Description:TheCyberviewstorybeganinOctober1996whentheyfirsttookontheroleoflandowner. Aftermorethanadecadeinthiscapacity,theywereproudtohavebeengivenanewmandatebythe Malaysian Government to lead the development of Cyberjaya, one of Malaysia’s pioneering cybercities This marked the start of their journey to establish a Global Tech Hub that empowers the technology community with a comprehensive ecosystem, fostering creation, innovation, and global businessexpansionwithinthetechnologyindustry
ContactInformation:E:ccm@cyberviewcommy P:+60383156111
Description: Cycle & Carriage Bintang Berhad began its journey with Mercedes-Benz in 1951. Established in 1899, Cycle & Carriage has consistently adapted and evolved through a steadfast commitment to excellence in products and services and operational efficiency. With a 120-year heritage,theyunderstandwhatmakestheMercedes-Benzexperienceexceptional.
ContactInformation:E:customercare@cyclecarriagecommy P:1800228000
Description: The team at DCS One Holdings consists of Decisioning Experts who deliver world-class, personalised customer engagement solutions for their clients. Recognised as a Pega specialised partner in 1:1 Customer Engagement, Communications & Media, and Financial Services, they have achieved these distinctions by leveraging extensive experience with Pega’s AI and Decisioning capabilities.TheirexpertiseincludesMarketing,IntelligentAutomation,andCustomerServiceSolutions. Their mission is to simplify personalised customer engagement for clients, creating brilliant customer experiencesthatdelivermeasurableresults.
Description: DDCAP Group™ is a market intermediary and financial technology provider that responsibly connects the global Islamic financial market. With over 20 years of experience, DDCAP offers award-winning asset facilitation services and systems solutions to its clients. The company works with over 300 clients worldwide, providing a diverse range of Sharia’a compliant instruments, products, and asset classes in both the primary and secondary markets. Headquartered in London, DDCAPwasproudtoreceiveapprovalin2018toopenitsfirstofficeinSouthEastAsia,locatedinKuala Lumpur.
ContactInformation:E:ddgi@ddgiklcom P:+60326152662
Description:DeloitteTaxMalaysia,amarketleaderinprofessionalservices,hasalargenetworkoftax professionals across eight locations in the country. As part of the Deloitte Southeast Asia network, they offer a comprehensive range of tax services, including business tax advisory, international tax, taxaudit,andservicesforspecialisedindustriessuchasfinancialservicesandenergy.Withastrong focus on client service and industry expertise, Deloitte Tax Malaysia helps businesses navigate complex tax regulations and optimise their tax positions. They are committed to providing valuable insightsandsolutionstohelpbusinessessucceedinMalaysia'sdynamiceconomicenvironment.
Address: Level 16, Menara LGB, 1, Jalan Wan Kadir, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, 60000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:mytax@deloittecom P:+60376108888
Description:TheoriginalBritishmotoroil,DuckhamsisaniconicBritishlubricantbrandestablishedin 1899. It has a prestigious motorsports heritage stretching back 125 years, having sponsored drivers in Formula1,Formula3,FormulaFord,theWorldRallyChampionships,andnowthePorscheCarreraCup GreatBritain,andtheThailandBricSuperbikeChampionships.Thebrandiscurrentlyavailableinmore than20countriesacrossEurope,theMiddleEastandAsia.
Address: 1-17-1, Menara Bangkok Bank @ Berjaya Central Park, No 105, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala LumpurMalaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@duckhams-oilscom P:+6076606088 Website:duckhamscom
Description: Dyson is a global technology company renowned for its innovative and design-driven householdappliances Foundedin1987,Dysonhasrevolutionisedtheindustrywithitsiconicproducts, includingvacuumcleaners,handdryers,bladelessfans,andhairdryers Withastrongemphasison research and development, Dyson engineers continually push the boundaries of technology to createhigh-performingandenergy-efficientproductsthatimproveeverydaylife Theircommitment to quality and design has earned them a loyal customer base worldwide Dyson operates internationally,withasignificantpresenceinMalaysia,wheretheymanufacturekeycomponentsfor theirproducts
ContactInformation:E:peifang.loh@dyson.com P:+6075999333 Website:www.dyson.com
Description: Eco World International Berhad, listed on Bursa Malaysia, is a property developer with projects in the UK and Australia. They focus on creating livable and lifestyle-oriented developments. TheirprojectsincludeLondonCityIsland,anartsandculturaldestination,andWardianLondon,known for its modern architecture and landscaping. Eco World International emphasises design and accessibilityinitsdevelopments.
Address: Unit No 19-01, Menara The Stride, Bukit Bintang City Centre, No 2, Jalan Hang Tuah, 55100 KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:ewi@ecoworldinternationalcom P:+60321104255 Website:wwwecoworldinternationalcom
Description:ECOTINT(M)SdnBhdanditsrelatedcompanieshavebeenmajorplayersinthewindow filmindustrysince2000,specialisinginconverting,installing,andimportingwindowfilmproductsfor the automotive and building sectors. From the outset, ECOTINT established itself as a recognised brand with its trademark tagline, 'Your Smarter Window Film'. The company opened its first Ecotint ShoppeinTaipanBusinessCentre,USJSubangJaya,Selangor,Malaysia,andhassinceexpandedits franchiseoperationsthroughoutMalaysiaandSoutheastAsia.
Address: No. 10-1, Jalan USJ 9/5R, Taipan Business Center, UEP Subang Jaya, 47620 Subang Jaya, Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:enquiry@ecotintcom P:+60380231612 Website:wwwecotintcom
Description: EM&I is a global organisation providing Asset Integrity, Inspection and specialised Repair & Maintenance services to the Oil, Gas and Renewable Energy Industries We band our services as: Integrity Engineering Services; Pressure Systems Management Services; Hull Management Services; RepairManagementServices;andHazardousAreasEquipmentServices
Address:Unit30-01,Level30,TowerA,VerticalBusinessSuite,Avenue3,BangsarSouth,No 8,Jalan Kerinchi,59200KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@emialliance.com P:+60174130262
Description: Endava, is a leading global provider of digital acceleration, agile development, and intelligent automation services Endava Malaysia is the company’s first delivery operation centre in South-EastAsiaandahubforfutureexpansionintheregion Itsstrategyistobecomeamajorplayer in providing technology to organisations in trading, mining and logistics, payments, and insurance sectorsintheAPACregion
ContactInformation:E:info.malaysia@endava.com P:+60145193290
Description: Established in 2018 and endorsed by MDEC, ENHEROES is an energy start-up aiming to redefinetheIntellectualSustainabilityBusinessaroundEnergy&NaturalResourcesIndustry
Address:1120A,Damansaralntan,No 1,JalanSS20/27,47470PetalingJaya,Selangor,Malaysia
Description: EnviroSolutions & Consulting (ESC) is the leading Environment, Safety, and Sustainability consultancy in Asia Their international and multidisciplinary teams are uniquely equipped with local knowledge and global expertise to address your complex sustainability challenges They deliver comprehensive, integrated, and client-focused solutions to cover a multitude of technical disciplines Leveraging their established professional relationships with regulatory authorities, whilst drawing on their deep local and legislative insights, they are committed to successfully managing your environment,safety,andsustainabilityprojectneeds
Address:WeWorkMercu2,Level40,No 3JalanBangsar,KLECOCity,59200KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:enquiries@envirosccom P:+60378905901
Description: Epsom College in Malaysia is a co-educational boarding and day school offering a British education Located at Bandar Enstek, it follows the British National Curriculum and provides a traditional boarding experience The school emphasises academic excellence within a structured, family-like environment, fostering a strong sense of community As an extension of the prestigious EpsomCollegeintheUK,itaimstoprovideahigh-qualityBritisheducationtostudentsinMalaysia
ContactInformation:E:admissions@epsomcollegeedumyP:+6062404188/ +60162267831(WhatsApp)
Website:wwwepsomcollegeedumy EpsomCollegeMalaysia
Description: EQ is the latest chapter in the legacy of one of Kuala Lumpur’s most iconic hospitality names. Known as Hotel Equatorial in 1973, it earned a distinguished reputation as a premier five-star destination. EQ reopened in March 2019 after redevelopment, as a grand 52-storey tower - a central feature of Kuala Lumpur’s Golden Triangle. EQ offers 440 luxurious guestrooms and suites with breathtaking city views. Its proximity to the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre makes it a preferred choiceforeventattendees
ContactInformation:E:info@kulequatorialcom P:+60327897777
Description:EYisaglobalorganisationthatprovidesassurance,consulting,strategy,andtaxservices to clients around the world They use data and technology to help businesses grow and operate effectively Committedtobuildingabetterworkingworld,EYfosterstrustincapitalmarketsandhelps clientsaddresscomplexchallenges Withteamsinover150countries,theyofferdiverseperspectives and local expertise to deliver exceptional client service EY is dedicated to asking better questions to findinnovativesolutionsforthecomplexissuesfacingbusinessesandsocietytoday
Address: Level 23A, Menara Milenium, Jalan Damanlela, Pusat Bandar Damansara, 50490 Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:eymalaysia@myeycom P:+60374958000
Description: FDM Group is a leading global professional services provider with a focus on IT and businessconsulting.Theyofferauniquegraduateprogramthatcombinesintensivetrainingwithrealworld experience, placing talented individuals with their clients across various sectors. FDM Group specializes in areas such as application development, cybersecurity, and data services. With a commitment to developing and launching careers, FDM Group provides a valuable talent pipeline for businesses while offering graduates a structured pathway into the professional world. They are a trusted partner for organizations seeking skilled and adaptable IT professionals, contributing to the growthandinnovationofthedigitaleconomy
Address:Unit C-12-4, Level 12, Block C Megan Avenue II 12, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng 50450 Kuala Lumpur WP KualaLumpurMalaysia
ContactInformation:E:PR@fdmgroupcom Website:fdmgroupcom
Description: FLIP is a unique platform offering internship placement opportunities to high school students by connecting the students with the employers registered on our AI-driven digital platform Weaimtoreducemismatchoftalentbyprovidingshortinternshipexposuresofprospectivecareersto high school students Our stakeholders are education institutions and corporations across various industries
ContactInformation:E:info@fliplacement.com P:+60166171259
Description: Fluorocarbon is a high-performance material science business. They assist global engineering companies in maintaining their competitive advantage and develop solutions to their technical challenges. They design and formulate composite polymer materials and coatings to meet specific operating requirements: high-temperature, high-pressure, low-friction, etc. They sell semifinishedmaterialandmachinedcomponents.
Address:Suite 28.02, 28th Floor, Menara Zurich, No. 15, Jalan Dato' Abdullah Tahir, 80300 Johor Bahru, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@fluorocarbon.co.uk P:+44(0)8452502100
Description: Four Seasons Hotel KL offers stunning cityscape views and unrivalled access to all the excitement of this buzzing capital. The 65-storey mixed-use tower includes 242 private residences, 27 servicedapartments,anda209-keyFourSeasonsHotelthatoffersluxuryhospitalityservices.
ContactInformation:E:enquiries.kualalumpur@fourseasons.com P:+60323828888
Description: Fulkrum Technical Resources is a leading provider of quality assurance and quality control(QA/QC)servicesfortheenergyindustry Theyspecialiseininspectionandexpediting,ensuring the integrity and compliance of equipment and materials used in energy projects With a global network of experienced inspectors and a commitment to technical excellence, Fulkrum Technical Resources helps clients mitigate risks, maintain project schedules, and ensure the safe and efficient operation of energy assets Their expertise spans various sectors within the energy industry, including oilandgas,renewables,andpowergeneration FulkrumTechnicalResourcesisdedicatedtoproviding reliableandcost-effectivesolutionsthatmeettheevolvingneedsoftheenergysector
ContactInformation:E:fulkrum@fulkrumcom P:+60350332529
Description:WidelyrecognisedasoneofMalaysia’sleadingpropertydevelopers,GamudaLandhasa strong track record of building sustainable townships for over two decades. Throughout the years, GamudaLandhasthrivedonitsdevelopmentprinciplesasaresponsibletown-makerthroughmindful master planning and quality execution. The company’s vision for vibrant, smart, and sustainable townships has led to success in Malaysia and international markets, including Vietnam, Singapore, Australia,andtheUnitedKingdom.Allinternationaldevelopmentswillbegreenbuildingcertified,while developmentsinMalaysiawillobtaintheGreenBuildingIndex(GBI)certification
Address:Menara Gamuda, PJ Trade Centre, No8 Jalan PJU 8/8A, Bandar Damansara Perdana, 47820 PetalingJaya,Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@gamudalandcommy P:+60374913200
Description: Garden International School (GIS) Kuala Lumpur offers one of the most comprehensive international British curriculum programmes in Asia Renowned for its academic excellence, GIS is the largest private co-educational international school in Malaysia, with over 2,200 students Consistently ranked among the top international schools in Asia, GIS adheres to the international curriculum of England and Wales. The school’s syllabus is based on the national British curriculum, tailored to meet theglobalexpectationsoftheinternationalcommunity.
ContactInformation:E:enquiry@gardenschool.edu.my P:+60362096888
Description: In Malaysia, Giant is synonymous with everyday low prices, wide variety, and great value, offering a vibrant and comprehensive shopping environment A pioneer in modern supermarket shopping, Giant, which celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2014, has set the pace for the industry with innovative marketing, impressive store design, attractive pricing, and extensive variety Ranked by InterbrandasMalaysia'sMostValuableBrandin2007(11thplace)and2008(12thplace),Giantwasalso awardedthetitlesof‘TopRetailerinMalaysia’and‘BestoftheBest’attheAsiaPacificRetailers'Awards fortwoconsecutiveyearsin2007and2008
Address:MezzanineFloorGiantHypermarketShahAlamStadiumLot2,PersiaranSukan,Seksyen13, 40100ShahAlam,Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:DFIcontactus@DFIretailgroup.com P:+60377239393
Description: GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is a science-led global healthcare company with a special purposetoimprovethequalityofhumanlifethroughvaccines,specialityandgeneralmedicinesthat are founded on research and development. Backed by its 300-year legacy of helping transform the health,lives,andfutureofmillionsofpeoplearoundtheworld,today,GSKoperatesinmorethan150 countries including major research and development centres in the United Kingdom, the United States, Spain, Belgium, and China. GSK Malaysia started its first operations in October 1958 and has beenoperatinginMalaysiaforover63years.
Address: HZ.01, Horizon Penthouse, 1 Powerhouse 1, Persiaran Bandar Utama, Bandar Utama, 47800 PetalingJaya,Selangor,Malaysia
Description: Glue Up is an all-in-one engagement management CRM designed to transform membership management. It integrates events, community, email, and other powerful digital tools to streamlineandenhanceengagement.
Description: Overlooking the iconic Petronas Twin Towers and adjacent to the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur is one of the finest hotels in the city Strategically locatedintheheartoftheaction,itiswithinwalkingdistanceoftheGoldenTriangleshopping,dining, andentertainmentdistrict
ContactInformation:E:kualalumpurgrand@hyattcom P:+60321821234
Description:HalalDevelopmentCorporationBerhad(HDC)spearheadsthedevelopmentofMalaysia's integratedandcomprehensivehalalecosystemandinfrastructure,aimingtopositionMalaysiaasthe mostcompetitiveleaderintheglobalhalalindustry.Establishedon18September2006,HDCservesas the central coordinator that promotes participation and facilitates the growth of industry players withinMalaysia’shalalecosystem.ItalsoactsastheSecretariatofMajlisPembangunanIndustriHalal Malaysia.AsanagencyundertheMinistryofInvestment,TradeandIndustry(MITI),HDCistheworld’s firstgovernment-backedhalalindustrydevelopmentcorporation
Address:502,Level5,KPMGTower,FirstAvenue,PersiaranBandarUtama,47800PetalingJaya, Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:halalevent@hdcglobalcom P:+60379655555
Description: Haleon is a world-leading consumer health company with a clear purpose: to deliver better everyday health with humanity The company ' s leading brands are grounded in science, innovation, and human understanding, earning the trust of millions of consumers globally With a robust portfolio of brands, Haleon is well-positioned to make a significant impact in a growing and increasinglyrelevantsector
Address: Lot 89, Jalan Enggang, Ampang/Hulu Kelang Industrial Estate, 68000 Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia
Description: HANDDisanindependentspecialistindataprotection,distinguishedbyitsrolebeyond merely supplying software With a carefully curated range of industry-leading products and roundthe-clockspecialistsupport,HANDDservesasatrustedpartnerincombatingdatalossandensuring compliance. HANDD's expertise extends to 45% of FTSE 100 companies, where it excels in protecting data, detecting threats to networks and systems, and responding swiftly. The firm's comprehensive knowledge and unparalleled expertise encompass more than simple Managed File Transfer (MFT). HANDD secures the entire data journey, offering consultancy, technical design, installation, training, andongoingsupport.
Address: Unit No. 33-09 Tower A, Menara UOA Bangsar, No 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, 59000 Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@handd.com.my P:+60329359801
Description: Hebden Consulting Ltd is a fee-based independent financial advisory firm regulated in London and Malaysia. The firm specialises in tax, investments, trusts, private banking, retirement, and wealthplanning.ItsclientsincludebothUKandinternationalexpatriates.
ContactInformation:E:info@hebdenconsulting.com P:+60392123523
Description:HenryGohisaleadingfirmandpioneerinintellectualpropertyprotectioninMalaysiaand the region Consistently recognised by peers as one of the top IP agencies in the country, Henry Goh offersintellectualpropertyservicestoadiverserangeofclients,fromindividualsandsmallbusinesses tomultinationalsandFortune500companies
ContactInformation:E:malaysia@henrygoh.com P:+60397718688
Description: With a history dating back to 1821, Heriot-Watt University has a long tradition of excellence and a proven track record in educating, inspiring, and challenging the professionals of tomorrow It is recognised as one of the top UK universities for business and industry, boasting an established reputation for world-class teaching and practical, leading-edge research The Malaysia campus brings high-quality British education within easy reach of students in the South East Asia regionandbeyond
ContactInformation:E:hwum@hwacuk P:+60388943888
Description: HernanCres offers professional services to companies seeking to operate and expand both locally and internationally, with a focus on Malaysia and India. The firm assists clients in strengthening their trade, finance, and logistics functions by delivering quality, flexible services grounded in thorough research and a deep understanding of both local and international environments.
ContactInformation:E:jenny@hcres-intcom P:+60362429442
Description:Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad is Malaysia's first listed independent oil and gas exploration and production company. Their key activities are centred on monetising producing oilfields and expandingtheirportfolioofdevelopmentandproducingassetsintheirgeographicalfocusareas:the UnitedKingdom,Malaysia,Australia,andVietnam.Asanoperatorofoffshoreoilandgas-producing fields, their efforts are directed at safely enhancing value from the assets in which they hold economicinterests.Theirgrowthstrategyinvolvesleveragingopportunitieswithintheirexistingasset portfolioandmakingqualityacquisitionsonaselectivebasis
Address: 2nd Floor, Syed Kechik Foundation Building, Jalan Kapas, Bangsar, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@hibiscuspetroleumcom P:+60320921300
Description: The ultimate lifestyle hotel, Hilton Kuala Lumpur showcases stylish rooms and suites, gastronomicalexcellence,anelegantspa,andmagnificenteventspacesintheheartofthevibrantKL Sentralarea,towering35floorshigh
Address:No 3,JalanStesenSentral,50470KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:kuala-lumpur@hiltoncom P:+60322642264
Description:HKAisaleadingindependentproviderofconsulting,expert,andadvisoryservicesforthe construction, manufacturing, process, and technology industries. The new HKA brand combines the formerConstructionClaims&ConsultingGroupofHillInternationalanditsassociatedsubsidiaries.
ContactInformation:E:enquiries@hka.com P:+60322740917
Description: HL Design Group is an award-winning international design studio founded in 1994, specialisinginmasterplanning,architecture,interiordesign,andenvironmentalsignage Overthepast three decades, HL Design Group has developed an illustrious portfolio across Asia, with notable projects in Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, Fiji, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, and China Their diverse expertise spans various project typologies, including retail, commercial, residential, and urbanregeneration
ContactInformation:E:info@hlarchitecturenet P:+60321626223
Description: HLAP Ltd is one of Asia’s leading Insurance and Reinsurance Broking Company with access to all the major global markets and having experienced team providing broking, risk management and consultancy services to individuals, enterprises and large multinational corporations HLAPoperatesacrosstheinsurancemarketsinAsiaandinternationallytoprovideclients withsubstantialorcomplexinsuranceandriskmanagementservicesfromAviation,MarineandCargo, ProjectandEngineering,TerrorismandPoliticalViolence,RenewableEnergy,SpecietoTreatyinsurance placements
Address:No 2,LorongTitiwangsa5,OffJalanPahang,53200KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:lee@hlapcommy P:+60123880169
Description:Holiday Villa Hotels & Resorts, based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is an international hotel brandproudlyoperating27hotelsacross6countries.Ourdiverseportfolioincludescityhotels,beach resorts, and pool villas, with a comprehensive room inventory of 5,940 rooms. Holiday Villa Hotels & Resortsoperatesthroughvariousbusinessmodelswiththeiresteemedpartnersthroughjointventures, managementservices,orlicensingagreements(similartofranchises)-allowingthemtoexpandtheir global presence and cultivate lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with partners who share their unwaveringcommitmenttogoodinternationalstandardsofhospitalityservices
ContactInformation:E:corpmktg@holidyavillacommy P:+60321622922
Description: HSBC Bank Malaysia is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organisations. They serve more than 42 million customers through four global businesses: Wealth and Personal Banking, Commercial Banking, Global Banking and Markets. Their network covers 62 countriesandterritoriesinEurope,Asia,theMiddleEastandAfrica,NorthAmerica,andLatinAmerica. With around 6,000 offices worldwide, they aim to be where the growth is, connecting customers to opportunities, enabling businesses to thrive and economies to prosper, and ultimately helping peopletofulfiltheirhopesandrealisetheirambitions.
Description: Founded in 1971, Ian Scott International (ISI) is one of London’s leading property consultancyfirms.Locatedinthecity'svibrantWestEnd,thefirmhasoverfourdecadesofexperience in facilitating property transactions for retail and leisure clients across London, the UK, and Europe. Building on its success, ISI is now expanding its real estate business into the Asia Pacific region, with Malaysia chosen as its key hub due to its central location and strong economic and diplomatic ties withcountriessuchasSingapore,China,Japan,SouthKorea,HongKong,Indonesia,Thailand,Vietnam, thePhilippines,theUnitedArabEmirates,andIndia
ContactInformation:E:enquiry@ianscottcommy P:+60386874567
Description: Founded in the UK in 1880, ICAEW is a leading professional membership organisation headquartered in London, with offices internationally, including Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Vietnam, and Indonesia ICAEW Chartered Accountants are globally recognised as leaders in accountancy, finance, and business Ninety-eight of the world’s top 100 global brands employ ICAEW Chartered Accountants, and 78% of FTSE 100 companies have an ICAEW Chartered Accountant on their board ICAEW is a member of Chartered Accountants Worldwide (CAW), which unites 11 chartered accountancybodies,representingover1.6millionmembersandstudentsworldwide.
ContactInformation:E:malaysia@icaew.com P:+60321716022
Description: IDP Education is a global leader in student placement and English language testing services. It operates as the world's largest placement firm, with a network of over 70 offices across 24 countries,facilitatingstudentplacementsinAustralia,theUS,Canada,theUK,andsoon,NewZealand. IDPisapart-ownerofIELTS,incollaborationwiththeBritishCouncilandCambridgeESOLexaminations. IDPhasbeenservingMalaysiasince1970.
Address:6thFloor,WestBlock,WismaGoldenEagleRealty,JalanAmpang50450KualaLumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info.kualalumpur@idp.com P:+60327879786
Description: IGB International School (IGBIS), located near Kuala Lumpur, provides a high-quality internationaleducationforstudentsfromEarlyYearstoGrade12.AsanIBWorldSchool,theyofferthe IB Diploma Programme and are candidates for the Primary and Middle Years Programmes. IGBIS fosters a holistic learning environment with experienced educators, empowering students to become lifelong learners. They also offer extensive extracurricular programmes for students, parents, and the community.
ContactInformation:E:enquiries@igbisedumy P:+60361454688
Description: IJM Land Berhad has emerged as one of Malaysia’s leading property developers with sprawling townships, integrated developments, residential and commercial properties, as well as industrial parks in strategic growth areas across the country In the United Kingdom, IJM Land is the developerofthemuchsought-afterRoyalMintGardensprojectincentralLondon
ContactInformation:E:ijmlandhq@ijmcom P:+60379858288
Description:Impetus Alliance Advisors is a leading corporate advisory and investment firm based in Malaysia They provide strategic and management consultancy services, specialising in property investmentanddevelopment Withateamofexperiencedprofessionalsandadeepunderstandingof the Malaysian market, Impetus Alliance Advisors assists clients in making informed investment decisions and achieving their business objectives They offer a range of services, including corporate advisory,projectmanagement,andprivateequityinvestment,cateringtobothlocalandinternational clients ImpetusAllianceAdvisorsiscommittedtodeliveringhigh-qualityadviceandsolutions,helping clientsnavigatethecomplexitiesofthebusinessworldandachievesustainablegrowth
Description:IMSMisaleadinginternationalISOconsultancyspecialisinginover13standardsacross various industries, including quality, environmental, and health & safety. They offer bespoke consulting services, performance improvement, and system analysis. IMSM is committed to highquality service, demonstrated by their 5-star rating from the European Foundation for Quality Management.Withaglobalnetworkandaclientbaseofover15,000businesses,IMSMprovidesfixedfee consultancy services without long-term contracts, utilising IRCA-qualified consultants. They are dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes achieve success through ISO compliance and best practices.
ContactInformation:E:enquiries@imsm.com P:+60383208059
Description: Infobip is a global cloud communications platform that helps businesses connect with customers across their entire journey. They offer a wide range of solutions, including omnichannel engagement, identity verification, and contact centre solutions, all accessible through a single platform.Withoveradecadeofexperienceandapresenceinmorethan75officesworldwide,Infobip enablesbusinessestoenhancecustomercommunications,drivegrowth,andbuildloyalty.
Address:Suite 27-2, Level 27, Integra Tower, The Intermark, 328, Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur City Centre,50400KualaLumpur,Malaysia
Description:Informa Markets connects buyers and sellers, supporting the flow of business and trade acrossmorethanadozenspecialistmarkets.Theirplatformsfacilitatebusinessinteractions,enabling companiestomeet,discoverproducts,trade,andgrowthroughmajorexhibitions,virtualevents,online marketplaces,andspecialistcontentanddataservices.
Address:Suite 5-01, Level 5, Sunway VISIO Tower, Lingkaran SV, Sunway Velocity, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:informamarkets@informacom P:+60397712688
Description: Informed Solutions provides enterprise technology platforms and services that support large-scale digital transformation Their clients include globally recognised public and private sector brands operating across various sectors such as Civil Defence, Healthcare, Sustainable Environment andLandAssetManagement,andDigitalDemocracy Themulti-Queen’sAward-winningdataandAIpowered platforms and services developed by Informed Solutions help make the world a safer, greener, healthier, and smarter place These solutions are used by millions of people every day in a connected,convergedworld.
ContactInformation:E:blaise.hammond@informed.com P:+442034422000
Description: Inspiring Learning has been a leader in outdoor adventure education and children’s holiday camps for over 4-decades, the experience gained has resulted in award-winning delivery across the UK for hundreds of thousands of children and young people annually. Now operating globally; with established locations in Europe and Asia. Everything is centred on creating meaningful, dynamic, inspiring, and tangible outcomes. The impactful and expansive provision ranges from holidaydaycampstoresidentialschooltrips,employeedevelopmenttowholeteamcustomerservice training, family activity consultancy for the holiday sector to accredited life skills programmes and apprenticeshipsforyoungpeople.
Address: Unit No 2001, Level 20, Menara Centara, No. 360 Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:susan.evans@inspiring-learning.com P:+447866752933
Description:IntermoversisapartnerandshareholderofUnigroupWorldwideUTSbasedinWeesp,The Netherlands,whichboastsover1,200officesandbranchesinmajorcities.AsFIDI-FAIMcertifiedmovers with affiliations to IAM (formerly HHGFAA), BAR, FEMA, PAIMA, and LACMA, Intermovers offers a comprehensive range of services. These include international and domestic relocations, office and factory relocations, art and antique packaging and shipping, storage and warehousing, document storage, exhibition and project management, interstate transportation, customs brokerage, internationalmarineinsurance,andthespecialcratingandshippingofpetsandcars
Address:Lot7,JalanPerusahaan4,KawasanPerindustrianBatuCaves,68100BatuCaves,Selangor, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@intermoverscom P:+60361877777/+60193808888(WhatsApp)
Description: International SOS is in the business of saving lives, protecting global workforces from health and security threats. We deliver customised health, security risk management and wellbeing solutions to fuel growth and productivity of organisations. In the event of extreme weather, an epidemic or a security incident, we provide real-time, actionable insights and immediate on-thegroundresponse,offeringqualitydeliverablesandpeaceofmind.Bypartneringwithus,organisations canfulfiltheirDutyofCareresponsibilitiesbyprotectingtheirpeople,theircompanyreputation,aswell assupportingtheircompliancereportingneedswhileempoweringbusinessresilience,continuityand sustainability
ContactInformation:E:marketingmsia@internationalsoscom P:+60327873000
Description: Owned by two prestigious universities, the International University of Malaya-Wales (IUMW) was established in 2012 through a mutual partnership between the University of Malaya (UM) and the University of Wales, UK Since its inception, the university has experienced significant growth and remains dedicated to developing students who are prepared to contribute to the next industrial revolution
Address:AdministrationWing,1stFloor,BlockA,CityCampus,JalanTunIsmail,50480KualaLumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:enquiry@iumwedumy P:+60123449661(WhatsApp)
Description:Withahistoryspanningover35years,INTIInternationalUniversities&Collegesservesasa beaconofeducationalexcellence,havingproducedover86,000graduatesacrossitsfourcampuses. INTI International University offers a wide range of programmes at the pre-university, undergraduate andpostgraduatelevels.INTIhasbeenranked516inQSGlobalUniversityRanking2025.
ContactInformation:E:vco@newintiedumy P:+6067982000
Description: ion Ventures is an international developer, expert adviser, and partner for the growth of renewable generation, clean electrification schemes and optimised, flexible power infrastructure. ion Ventures has a core focus on clean energy and flexibility technology and its integration into energy systems.AsanexperiencedteamwithademonstrabletrackrecordinEuropeandAsia,ionVenturesis positioned to advise on and actively participate in the development of commercial solutions and operationalassets,optimisedtothespecificconditionsnowandanticipatedinfuture.
Description: Jeeva Partnership (JP) is an established boutique legal firm with a core practice in Corporate,Company,IntellectualProperty,Employment,andConstructionDisputes.JPhasassociates around the world and serves as the sole representative of two large networks of law firms and accountants. The principal partners, Mr Jeevaretnam and Dato' Shamesh, are leading litigation lawyerswhofrequentlyappearintheAppellateandHighCourts.Inadditiontotheirlegalpractice,the principalpartnersarequalifiedtrainersaccreditedbyHRDF.JPoperatesinPenangandKualaLumpur.
Address: D-22-03, Menara Suezcap 1, KL Gateway, 2, Jalan Kerinchi, Gerbang Kerinchi Lestari, 59200 KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:jkl@jeevaretnamcommy P:+60379323962
Description:JerseyFinancepromotesJerseyasaleadinginternationalfinancialcentre Withexpertise in wealth management, funds, and capital markets, Jersey also specialises in areas like Islamic finance and fintech They connect intermediaries with Jersey-based financial service providers, offeringinformationandfacilitatingintroductionstosupportpotentialtransactions
ContactInformation:E:malaysia@jerseyfinanceje P:+441534836000
Description: JLLAPS, a member of the Global JLL Network, provides comprehensive commercial real estate services in Malaysia. They offer expertise in office and retail leasing, property sales and acquisition, international residential sales, and research & consultancy. JLLAPS leverages its global network to deliver high-quality service and innovative solutions to clients, helping them achieve their realestategoals.
Address:Unit 7.2, Level 7, Menara 1 Sentrum 201, Jalan Tun Sambanthan, Kuala Lumpur Sentral, 50470 KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:my.info@ap.jll.com P:+60322600700
Description:JohnsonMattheyisagloballeaderinsustainabletechnologies,developingproductsthat improveenvironmentalqualityandhumanhealth Theyusetheirexpertiseinchemistryandmaterials tocreatetailoredsolutionsfortheircustomers,helpingthemaddresschallengesrelatedtoairquality, resource sustainability, and urbanisation Johnson Matthey also assists with scaling up production fromlaboratorytocommerciallevels,ensuringtheircustomersarepreparedforfuturechallenges
Address: PT 3349, Jalan Permata 1/2, Arab-Malaysian Industrial Park, 71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
Description:Kagool is a leading global specialist in data and analytics and ERP, offering consultancy andbest-of-breedintegrationsolutions Thecompanyempowersclientsthroughcloudplatformsand emerging technologies by understanding complex challenges, enabling them to make informed decisionsandacceleratepotentialbusinessvalue
ContactInformation:E:info@kagoolcom P:+60321175123
Description: KaplanisaleadingproviderofeducationandtrainingintheUK,offeringprogrammesin accountancy, finance, vocational qualifications, and degrees. They combine decades of experience with online learning technologies and expert support to help students succeed. Kaplan provides flexible learning options, including classroom courses, home study, and online learning, and also deliversprofessionaltrainingtobusinesses.
Description: Key Risk Consulting Asia is a leading provider of comprehensive business risk solutions, including the strategic management of intellectual property, due diligence, and other business intelligence,fraudandcorporateinvestigations,crisiscontainment,andrecoveryservicesinAsia They haveon-the-groundoperationalcapabilitiesinMalaysia,Indonesia,thePhilippines,Thailand,Vietnam, thePeople’sRepublicofChina,andMyanmar KeyRiskConsultingconductsawidevarietyofbusiness riskassignmentsforclientsacrossmultiplejurisdictionswithintheAsiaregion
Address: Level 23-1 Premier Suite, One Mont Kiara, No 1 Jalan Kiara, Mont Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:robert.youill@keyriskconsultingasia.com P:+60327856866
Description: King Henry VIII College is an international day and boarding school located in the technology hub of Cyberjaya. Catering to students aged 3 to 18, the school follows the British curriculum, with students taking IGCSE and A Levels before progressing to universities worldwide. The college is renowned for its academic excellence, pastoral care, and commitment to providing opportunitiesforpersonaldevelopment.
ContactInformation:E:enquiries@kinghenryviiiedumy P:+60388009888
Description: The New Malaysia has brought both new hopes and new challenges This situation requiresfreshstrategicthinking,innovativeplans,andnovelideas TheKingsleyStrategicInstitute(KSI) aims to provide strategic advice, high-level executive briefings, international conferences, policy roundtables, and national summits In line with the revived Malaysia Inc concept to foster closer public-privatesectorcooperation,KSIorganisestop-levelexclusivebriefingsandpolicydialoguesand providespolicyinputstothegovernmentderivedfrompolicyanalysis KSIservesasabridgebetween thegovernmentandbusiness
ContactInformation:E:info@kasiasia P:+60364199698
Description:KLKudosDesignoffersPR&Communicationsservicestocorporateclientsacrossabroad range of industries. Their core business centres on providing well-designed, effective corporate messaging and branding material, including digital content creation, client presentations, internal communications,corporatereports,andpressinformation.Theyalsoprovidehighlyprofessionalevent management services for client exhibitions, corporate seminars, gala dinners and press briefing sessions. Their client portfolio spans engineering services, oil & gas, manufacturing, business consultancy, hospitality, and financial services from the Malaysian and international markets. Clients have included Microlink Solutions, OMESTI Group, Crif Asia, Flowcrete International, Aker Solutions, ExxonMobil,andtheMarriottGroup
ContactInformation:E:klkudos@gmailcom P:+60123736659
Description: Knight Frank is a leading global real estate consultancy with a strong reputation for quality and integrity. They offer comprehensive services in both residential and commercial property, advisingawiderangeofclientsfromindividualstomajordevelopers.Withaglobalnetworkofoffices and experienced professionals, Knight Frank is committed to providing exceptional service and exceedingclientexpectations.Theirlonghistoryintheindustry,datingbackto1896,reflectstheirdeep understanding of the property market and their dedication to client success. They are known for their innovativeapproachandtheirabilitytoadapttothechangingneedsoftherealestatelandscape
Address:Level10,MenaraSouthpoint,MedanSyedPutraSelatan,MidValleyCity,59200KualaLumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:enquiry@myknightfrankcom P:+60322899688
Description:KTJistheregion'spremierinternationalschoolforchildrenaged3to19years,established by the Negeri Sembilan Royal Family in 1989. For the past 30 years, it has maintained a reputation as one of the leading British-style, co-educational boarding schools in Malaysia. KTJ operates as a registered charity, with all proceeds channelled back into the school. This enables the institution to offeroutstandingboarding,learning,andsportsfacilities,supportedbyhighlyqualifiedanddedicated teachingstaff.Theschool'saimistoproduceambitious,well-rounded,andconsiderateglobalcitizens.
ContactInformation:E:registrar@ktj.edu.my P:+6068505555
Description: As a global provider of premium healthcare services, KPJ strives to maintain a patientcentred environment focused on compassionate care KPJ Healthcare Berhad is Malaysia's leading provider of private healthcare services, with more than 26 specialist hospitals located throughout the nationandsomeoverseas
ContactInformation:E:marketing@kpjhealthcommy P:+60326716222
Description:TheKualaLumpurConventionCentreisapurpose-builteventfacilityintheheartofKuala Lumpur,offeringarangeofflexiblespacesforconventionsandexhibitions.Itfeaturesalargeexhibition hall,aPlenaryHall,aGrandBallroom,andvariousmeetingrooms.TheCentreisequippedwithmodern amenities and technology, and its professional team provides world-class service and excellent culinaryofferings.
Description: Lancaster University is a top-ranked UK research university with a strong international reputation. They offer a range of programmes across various disciplines and have a partnership with SunwayUniversityinMalaysia,offeringdual-awardprogrammes.Together,theyestablishedtheFuture CitiesResearchInstitute,focusingonresearchindigitalandsustainablecities.Lancasteriscommitted to providing a world-class education and research environment, fostering innovation and collaboration to address global challenges. Their dedication to academic excellence and impactful researchhasearnedthemnumerousaccoladesandrecognition.
Address: Lancaster University Office, 12th Floor, Sunway University, 5, Jalan Universiti, Bandar Sunway, 47500PetalingJaya,Selangor,Malaysia
Description: Learning Curve Group (LCG) is a UK-based training and education provider that helps individualsandorganisationsachievesuccessthroughlearning.TheyhaveexpandedtoKualaLumpur aspartoftheirglobalstrategy,offeringonlinequalificationsandlearningsolutions.LCGiscommitted to transforming lives through learning and providing accessible and user-friendly learning experiences. With a strong focus on innovation and quality, LCG supports the development of online learning content and resources, helping organisations create effective learning and development programmes.
ContactInformation:E:training@learningcurvegroup.co.uk P:+44(0)01388777129/+60192606677
Description: Leonardo Malaysia provides advanced technology solutions for defense and security needs across various domains, including air, land, sea, space, and cyberspace. They offer a comprehensive portfolio of products and services, ranging from helicopters and aeronautics to unmanned systems and satellite technology. Leonardo Malaysia partners with governments, armed forces, and private entities to enhance global security and contribute to sustainable development. They also provide support and training services to ensure customers maximise the value of their systems.
ContactInformation:E:aiyyappan.bhuvanarueben@leonardo.com P:+60122147831
Description: Ling & Theng Book specialises in real estate and conveyancing, business and corporate law,commercialandcivillitigation,andestateplanning.Thefirmmanagesabroadspectrumoflegal services, including property transactions, business agreements, contract disputes, and estate distribution.Renownedforitsexpertiseinrealestate,thefirmprovidestailoredsolutionsandmaintains strongconnectionswithmajorbanks.Ling&ThengBookdeliverspracticallegalsupporttobusinesses and individuals, ensuring professionalism, attention to detail, and added value through its extensive networkandcommitmenttoclientsuccess.
ContactInformation:E:ltbkajang@ltb.legal P:+60387441155
Description: Live & Inspire Group of Companies collaborates with people across the region to build brands and communities Their work spans digital initiatives, brand development, and community workshops and activities Clients engage them to enrich their brand presence and connect with communities
ContactInformation:E:contactus@liveandinspirecom P:+60361503850
Description:LondonStockExchangeGroup(LSEG)isaleadingglobalfinancialmarketsinfrastructure and data provider, supporting sustainable growth and stability in the financial system They offer expertise in data and analytics, indices, capital formation, and risk management across various asset classes Headquartered in the UK, LSEG operates in 70 countries, with a significant presence in Asia Pacific LSEG plays a vital role in connecting markets and facilitating global investment, contributingtotheoverallhealthandefficiencyoftheworld'sfinancialsystem
ContactInformation:E:brand@lsegcom P:+60327281600
Description:WithrootsintheCityofLondonspanninghundredsofyears,LondonTeaExchangeoffers one of the widest selections of single-estate premium teas from around the world. The unique tea collectionsaresourceddirectlyfromoverfortycountriesandincludesomeoftherarestteasglobally, manyofwhichareexclusivetoLondonTeaExchange.Theaimistocreateluxurytearoomsworldwide, offering unrivalled attention to detail in a traditional yet vibrant setting, where high-quality premium teascanbeenjoyedandwhereclientsreceiveanexceptionalhospitalityexperience.Theatmosphere will embody luxury, ideal for purchasing corporate gifts, while also providing a variety of options for friendsandfamily
ContactInformation:E:customerservices@londonteaexchangecouk P:+442037780812
Description: Luther Corporate Services, part of Luther law firm, provides a one-stop shop for businesses' regulatory and administrative needs in Malaysia They offer services such as corporate secretarial support, accounting, payroll, tax compliance, and more Luther Corporate Services assists clients throughout their entire business lifecycle, from company formation to dissolution, ensuring compliance and smooth operations They help businesses navigate the complexities of Malaysian regulationsandprovideongoingsupportforvariousadministrativefunctions
Address:UnitNo L25-1,Level25,TSLAWTower,No 39,JalanKamuning,55100KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:malaysia@luther-servicescom P:+60321660085
Description: The M&N Group is a leading advisory and consultancy firm in Malaysia, specialising in helpingmultinationalcorporationsandprivateclientsnavigatetheMalaysianmarket.Theyassistwith operations, expansion, and investment strategies, leveraging their strong network and relationships with government and industry leaders. The M&N Group also offers expertise in digital tourism and talentdevelopment,helpingclientsadapttotheevolvingbusinesslandscapeandachievetheirgoals inMalaysia.
ContactInformation:E:enquiry@mngroup.com.my P:+60320959911/+60320951267
Description:MABECSwasestablishedin1985toassiststudentsinMalaysiainfindingsuitableplacesat universitiesintheUnitedKingdom.Itwasoneofthefirstadvisoryandstudentplacementagenciesto be set up in the country and the region, with a continued focus on specialist counselling for higher studyoptionsintheUK.Sinceitsinception,studentscounselledbyMABECShavebeenabletopursue degree studies at every university in the UK, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. By working closely with educational institutions in Malaysia, MABECS has guided many thousands of students,helpingthemtofindthemostsuitablecoursesanduniversitiesfortheirfurtherstudies.
Address: B-07-03 Block, B West, PJ8, 23, Jalan Barat, Seksyen 8 Petaling Jaya, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:enquiries@mabecs.com P:+60379567655/7439
Description: Malaysia Aviation Group (MAG) is a global aviation organisation with subsidiaries and equity investments structured into four distinct business segments: Air Transportation Services, Ground Services, Aircraft Leasing, and Talent Development In addition to enhancing transparency and governance, these business segments are designed to provide greater flexibility in pursuing collaborative opportunities for raising capital, making the subsidiaries more competitive and responsive ThisapproachstrengthensMAG'spositioninthemarket
Address: Level 4, East Wing, Administration Building, Southern Support Zone, KLIA, 64000 Sepang, Selangor,Malaysia
Description:Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) is a government agency responsible for developing and promoting Malaysia's digital economy. They advise on ICT policies and standards, and oversee the MSC Malaysia initiative, which encourages both local and international tech companies to invest and innovate in Malaysia. MDEC plays a crucial role in driving digital transformation and adoption across various sectors in Malaysia, contributing to the nation's economicgrowthandcompetitivenessintheglobaldigitallandscape.
ContactInformation:E:clic@mdec.com.my P:Local:1800888338/International:+60383153000
Description: The organisation attracts, motivates, and retains the talent needed for Malaysia to becomeahigh-incomeeconomy.Theyalsoensurethesuccessfuldeliveryofmajornationalinitiatives on talent across the human capital development spectrum, including but not limited to talent and leadershipdevelopmentprogrammesinMalaysia,aswellastoaddresscriticalskillgapsandtrackthe impactofthesekeytalentinitiatives.
Address:Level16,SurianTower,No1,JalanPJU7/3,MutiaraDamansara,47810PetalingJaya,Selangor, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:helpdesk@myxpats.com.my P:+60378397171
Description: The Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) is the government's principal promotionagencyundertheMinistryofInternationalTradeandIndustry(MITI),taskedwithoverseeing and driving investments into Malaysia’s manufacturing and services sectors. Since commencing operations in 1967, MIDA serves as the primary point of contact for investors seeking to capitalise on Malaysia’svibranteconomy,world-classinfrastructure,andbusiness-friendlyenvironmenttoestablish theirprofitcentresinAsia.
Description: MRCB is a leading urban property developer in Malaysia, known for its integrated commercialandresidentialprojects,particularlyaroundtransportationhubslikeKLSentral Theyhave alargeprojectpipelineandalsospecialiseinengineeringandconstruction,withinvolvementinmajor infrastructure projects such as LRT3 and MRT2 MRCB's diverse portfolio also includes facilities management and security services, making them a key player in Malaysia's urban development and infrastructurelandscape
Address:Level30,MenaraAllianzSentral,No 203,JalanTunSambanthan,KualaLumpurSentral,50470 KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:corpcomms@mrcbcom P:+60327868080/+60328597014
Description: Management and Science University (MSU) curates its academic and co-curricular programmes on the foundation of preparing students for the acquisition of relevant meta and soft skills An enriching learning experience, featuring a variety of global mobility activities alongside the cultivation of an entrepreneurial mindset and cultural competency, further defines the university’s vibrant ecosystem The Global Mobility Programme (GMP), Global Leadership Programme (GLP), and GlobalInternshipProgrammeprovideopportunitiesforglobalexposureandenhancedacademicand non-academicexperiencesforstudents
Description: Manchester Worldwide (S.E. Asia) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the University of Manchester. The University has maintained a presence in Singapore through Manchester Worldwide (S.E. Asia), formerly known as Manchester Business School, since 1992, offering part-time Master's programmes to students across the South East Asia region. The current alumni network includes over 12,000 alumni in Singapore and Malaysia, and 500,000 alumni globally. The programmes offered include the Manchester Global MBA, Manchester Global Executive MBA, MSc Financial Management, andMAEducationalLeadershipinPractice.
ContactInformation:E:mbaenquiries@manchester.edu.sg P:+6562260784
Description: Set amidst the blooming gardens of KLCC Park and the towering heights of the Petronas Twin Towers, Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur, offers stunning views. Guests can indulge their senses withavarietyofcuisinesshowcasedacrosseightinnovativediningoutlets.Escapetheurbanbustleof Kuala Lumpur at The Spa, which offers rejuvenating facials, body treatments, and award-winning Signature Therapies for holistic well-being. Guests can also take a dip in the infinity-edge pool overlooking the spectacular city skyline or enjoy the magnificent display of the KLCC Lake Symphony FountainattheEsplanadeKLCC
ContactInformation:E:mokul-sales@mohgcom P:+60323808888
Description: Marks & Clerk is a leading global intellectual property firm specialising in patents, trademarks, designs, and copyright They have extensive experience in drafting and prosecuting patent applications across various technical fields, including software, medical devices, and chemistry Marks & Clerk also provides services such as patentability searches, infringement advice, andassistancewithlicensingagreements Theirexpertisehelpsbusinessesprotectandmanagetheir intellectualpropertyassets,enablinginnovationandgrowthinacompetitiveglobalmarket
Address: Unit 6, Level 20, Tower A, Menara UOA Bangsar, 5 Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, Taman Bangsar, 59000KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:malaysia@marks-clerkcommy P:+60322838986
Description: Marlborough College Malaysia is a fully coeducational, independent British boarding anddayinternationalschoollocatedinIskandarPuteri,oneofthetopschoolsinMalaysia.Theschool is situated on a secure 90-acre estate on the southern tip of Malaysia, 20km from the Singapore border The campus offers a spacious and picturesque environment designed to enrich the developmentofitspupils
ContactInformation:E:admissions@marlboroughcollegemy P:+6075602200
Families from 44 countries around the world trust Marlborough College Malaysia (MCM) for its unique blend of academic excellence and award-winning pastoral and boarding care. The College has been named International School of the Year in the Tes Awards for International Schools 2024, and has been listed as one of the top 100 schools globally for four consecutive years (Spear’s Index 2024) as well as beingnamedoneofthetop10bestprivateschoolsinSouthEastAsiabyCarfaxEducation
LocatedinJohorBahru,MCMisjust20minutesfromtheSingaporeborderandprovidesanoutstanding Britisheducationforpupilsaged3-18 Itsnot-for-profitstatusmeansthattheCollegeisfullycommitted to ensuring pupils receive the best educational experience possible by continually reinvesting surplus funds. As the only sister school to Marlborough College UK, pupils belong to a community steeped in traditionwithasharedhistoryspanningover175yearsofholisticeducationandacademicexcellence
The College has been an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School ince 2014. Over the past five years, students have achieved outstanding sults,withanaveragepointscoreof35fortheIBDiploma,equivalentto urAgradesatALevelandsignificantlysurpassingtheglobalaverage.
With an educational approach that goes beyond mere knowledge acquisitionandexamination,pupilsatMarlboroughCollegeMalaysiaare encouraged to become open-minded learners with a growth mindset. SixthFormstudentsareequippedwiththenecessaryleadershipskillsand confidencetoexcelatuniversityandbeyond
Boarding is popular at the College and pupils enjoy a British boarding school experience without the challenge of making the long journey to the UK. Boarders benefit from academic support outside of regular lessons. A significant number of teaching staff and their families live on campus and teachers are readily available in the boarding house to offer dedicated assistance with homework while visiting tutors offer subject specific help during evenings and weekends As well as this, the 90-acre campus features outstanding facilities including a beautiful lake for water sport activities, organic farm, forest schoolarea,rugbyandfootballpitchesandanOlympicsizedswimmingpoolwhichareallavailablefor boarderstouse24/7.
Master of MCM, Mr Simon Burbury said, “Those living on-site at Marlborough College Malaysia are part of a close-knit community that creates a wonderful buzz Children in a boarding community have near 24/7 access to pastoral and academic guidance. They enjoy a kind of guided or scaffolded route to independence, which reallydoesofferthebestpossiblepreparationforlifebeyondschool, whetherthatbeatuniversityortheworldofwork”
Even when students finish their education at MCM, they are fully supported in whatever and wherever they choose to go next. A joint networking platform for the alumni of Marlborough College UK and MarlboroughCollegeMalaysiacalled‘MCConnect’enablesMarlburianstheopportunitytofindamentor, post jobs, request work experience or simply search for other alumni in a similar field or location With over10,000membersfromaroundtheworld,thiscommunityprovidesavastnetworkofopportunitiesfor alumnitoengageandcollaboratewithlike-mindedindividuals
Marlborough College Malaysia is a perfect blend of academic excellence and holistic development creating a supportive and enriching learning environment for its pupils To find out more about Marlborough College Malaysia or to book a personal tour please email admissions@marlboroughcollegemyorvisit wwwmarlboroughcollegemalaysiaorg
Description:Mazarsisaninternational,integrated,andindependentorganisationspecialisinginaudit, accountancy, tax, legal, and advisory services. With an integrated partnership worldwide, Mazars bringstogethertheexpertiseof20,000professionalsacross86countries.Thefirmassistsclientsofall sizes, from SMEs and mid-caps to global players, as well as start-ups and public organisations, throughouteverystageoftheirdevelopment.AtMazars,theattributesofbeingDiscerning,Knowledgeintensive,Agile,andSustainabledefinethemodernfirmandreflectitscommitmenttobeingatrusted advisertoitsclients
Address:WismaGoldenEagleRealty,11thFloor,SouthBlock,No,142-AJalanAmpang,50450Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:contact@mazarsmy P:+60327025222
Description: Medizee is an official brand of My Heal Sdn Bhd, with the tagline “Medical Care Made Easy”EstablishedinJuly2020duringtheglobalCOVID-19pandemic,Medizeeisdesignedtopromote healthy living through a lifestyle-enhancing management service Medizee connects end-users with certified medical practitioners, offering convenient medical consultation bookings, text, audio, and video consultations, as well as e-prescriptions and signed soft copies of medications Prescribed medicationsaredeliveredtohomesbye-Pharmacypartners
Address: Unit 1005043, Block J, 129 Offices, Jaya One, 72A, Jln Profesor Diraja Ungku Aziz, Seksyen 13, 46200PetalingJaya,Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:karpana@medizeecommy P:+60122425160
Description:MelbourneCapitalGroupisanaward-winningindependentfinancialservicescompany providing personalised wealth management solutions for individuals and corporations They offer expertise in international investments, estate planning, retirement planning, and insurance With a focusonclientneedsandgoals,MelbourneCapitalGroupdevelopstailoredstrategiesandleverages itsextensivenetworktodelivereffectivesolutions Theircommitmenttoexcellencehasearnedthem recognitionasatopadvisorfirmintheindustry
Address: UOA Corporate Tower, Lobby B, Avenue 10, The Vertical, 8, Jalan Kerinchi, Bangsar South, 59200KualaLumpur,Malaysia
Description: Melewar Learning Resources Sdn Bhd provides English language learning and training services to university-bound students, undergraduates, working professionals, and any other learners aged 16 years and above Additionally, Melewar Learning Resources offers English language learning servicestointernationalstudentsandlearnersaged18to45yearswhoholdastudentvisa
ContactInformation:E:info@directenglishedumy P:+60320224128/+60320224138
Description: Michael Page is a leading professional recruitment consultancy specialising in the recruitmentofpermanent,contract,andtemporarypositionsonbehalfoftheworld’stopemployers
Operating across 155 offices in 35 countries, they have been connecting jobseekers and employers sincetheirestablishmentinLondonin1976 Withover30yearsofexperience,MichaelPagecontinues toexcelinbringingtalentandopportunitiestogetherglobally
Address:Level 6, Corporate Tower 3A, Pavilion Damansara Heights, Jalan Damanlela, Off Lebuhraya Sprint,50490KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:enquiries@michaelpage.com.my P:+60323024000
Description: Middlesex University’s regional office in Kuala Lumpur provides guidance, support, and comprehensive information on application procedures, travel arrangements, visas, accommodation, andmore Thistailoredin-countryadviceandsupportwillassistindividualsinmakingthemostoftheir timewithMiddlesexUniversity
Description: Milestone Production provides a dedicated team of professionals committed to turning ideas into successful events. Serving as a resource for event planning, management, and production, the company works in partnership with clients to develop each event from conception to execution. Thegoalistocreatemagicalmomentsthatimpressandhelpclientsachievetheirdreams.
Address:JayaOne,TheSchoolUnit100–7.051,BlockJ,JlnProfesorDirajaUngkuAziz,Seksyen13,46200 PetalingJaya,Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:hannah@milestone-productioncom P:+60122821502
Description: Mint provides services to international and private schools by organising fairs to help schools promote themselves to parents in Kuala Lumpur, Penang, and Johor Bahru. Mint represents Method International UK in organising the International and Private School Education Forum (IPSEF) in Kuala Lumpur. The company also publishes two key resources: 1) Education Destination Malaysia: GuidetoInternational&PrivateSchools,adefinitiveguideforparentsoninternationalschools,and2) Show Directories for Sureworks, the organiser of higher education and further studies fairs in Kuala Lumpur.
ContactInformation:E:enquiry@mint-communications.asia P:+60379860070
Description: As the world’s leading market intelligence agency, Mintel provides unique insights into globalandlocaleconomiesthroughanalysisofconsumers,markets,newproducts,andcompetitive landscapes Since 1972, its predictive analytics and expert recommendations have empowered clients to make faster, more informed business decisions The purpose is to support businesses and individualsinachievinggrowth
ContactInformation:E:hello@mintelcom P:+60378902515
Description: Mott MacDonald Malaysia is a leading engineering, management, and development consultancy with a strong global presence. They offer a wide range of services, including infrastructuredesign,environmentalmanagement,andprojectmanagement,acrossvarioussectors such as transportation, energy, water, and buildings. With a commitment to sustainable development and innovation, Mott MacDonald Malaysia delivers impactful solutions that address local challenges and contribute to the nation's growth. Their expertise and client-focused approach makethematrustedpartnerforbothpublicandprivatesectororganisationsinMalaysia.
ContactInformation:E:adminMLY@mottmaccom P:+60392122929
Description:MustaphaRajisafirmofCharteredAccountantsbasedinPetalingJaya,well-established indeliveringawiderangeofprofessionalservicestoadiverseportfolioofbusinessandprivateclients. The firm offers innovative solutions through a creative and practical approach that combines technical knowledge, extensive experience, and professional understanding across various industry sectors, including manufacturing, trading, banking, technology, engineering, construction, pharmaceuticals,andhealthbusinesses.
ContactInformation:E:mraj@mustapharaj.com P:+60378415500 Website:www.mustapharaj.com
Description:The ESG Report & Assurance Statement enhances transparency, boosts company value, and reassures stakeholders of a business's commitment to responsibility and ethical practices By achieving compliance and showcasing sustainability efforts, it demonstrates a firm’s dedication to ethical business practices The ESG Advisory Service partners with clients to guide them on a progressive journey towards sustainability, ensuring they can capitalise on the benefits of implementinganESGstrategy Additionally,theESG-relatedservicesunlockfinancingadvantagesand expandgrowthopportunities Fromdatacollectiontopracticeimplementation,theseservicesprovide essentialtoolsforadvancingESGinitiativesanddrivingsustainablebusinesspractices
Address:No 131A,JalanGentingKlang,53300Setapak,Selangor,Malaysia
Description:N.J.Akers&Co.isalawfirmspecialisinginintellectualproperty(IP)law.Thefirmadvises and assists clients in the procurement and enforcement of IP rights, including patents, trade marks, anddesigns,withintheUK,Europe,andgloballythroughitsnetworkofassociatelawfirms.Itprovides supportonvariousmatters,suchasassertingrightsagainstinfringers,advisingontheinfringementof third-party rights, licensing IP rights, and the acquisition or divestiture of IP rights. The firm handles all types of technology, including chemicals and pharmaceuticals, healthcare products, oil and gas, renewableenergy,andgeneralengineering
ContactInformation:E:info@njakerscom P:+441872266810
Description: The National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM) is a non-profit charity dedicated to providing comprehensive cancer-related services Founded in 1966, NCSM offers support to patients, caregivers, and the public through various programmes, including cancer screening, nuclear medicine,andachildren'shome Theyarefundedentirelybypublicdonationsandplayavitalrolein raisingcancerawarenessandprovidingessentialservicestothoseaffectedbycancerinMalaysia
Address:No 66,JalanRajaMudaAbdulAziz,50300KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:contact@cancerorgmy P:+60326987300
Description: Newcastle University exists for the public benefit to advance education, learning and research Ourobjectiveistobuildonthiscorepurposeand,indoingso,providenewknowledgeand creative solutions that make a positive impact We aim to work collaboratively with our many externalpartnerstoshapebrighterfutures,growtheeconomyandchampionsocialjustice
ContactInformation:E:enquiries@ncledumy P:+6075553800
Description: Nexus International School Malaysia is an internationally minded community which focuses on nurturing learners to become globally responsible and educated citizens. Their method is the Nexus Way where they provide a learning environment that is innovative, progressive, and grounded in trust, compassion, and respect. Nexus is internationally accredited for its effective approachtowardslearning.Theirinnovativemethodshavegarneredrecognitionssuchas‘Mastering’ statusforthedeliveryoftheIPC,andmanymore.
ContactInformation:E:admissions@nexusedumy P:+60388893868/+60176066255(WhatsApp)
Description:NXSisaninteriordesignfirmthatcreatesfunctionalandaestheticallypleasingspacesfor businessesandindividuals Theyofferafull-serviceapproach,fromdesignandconsultancytoproject management and fit-out Their multidisciplinary team has experience in designing various spaces, includinghomes,corporateoffices,andimmersiveexperiences NXSalsocreatesarangeofproducts fordifferentlivingareas,showcasingtheircommitmenttoprovidingcomprehensivedesignsolutions
ContactInformation:E:nurnazar@nxsdesign.my P:+60327794143
Description: OCS Malaysia is a leading provider of integrated facilities management solutions, specialisingincleaning,security,maintenance,andsupportservices.Theyoffertailoredsolutionsfor businesses across various industries, with a focus on innovation and sustainability. OCS Malaysia is committed to delivering high-quality services and building strong customer relationships, making thematrustedpartnerforbusinessesnationwide.
Address:Unit1001,Level10,Tower2A,UOABusinessPark,No.1,JalanPengaturcaraU1/51A,40150Shah Alam,Selangor,Malaysia ContactInformation:E:customer-relation.my@ocs.com P:+60355693400 Website:ocs.com/my
Description:OIG is principally engaged in construction, interior fit-out, renovation, and refurbishment works. The company provides a range of procurement solutions to meet clients' needs, including Traditional, Design & Build, and Management Contracting models. Over the past five years, OIG has delivered more than 40 Design & Build projects, utilising dedicated teams to add value and drive improvements.
Address:Lot2,Level9,MenaraGreatEastern2,No.50,JalanAmpang,50450KualaLumpur,Malaysia ContactInformation:E:info@oigroup.com.my P:+60320223833 Website:oigroup.com.my
Description:OPITOisaglobal,not-for-profitorganisationthatsetsskillsandstandardsfortheenergy industry. They work in over 50 countries to develop a safe and skilled workforce through training, qualifications, and workforce development solutions. OPITO is committed to improving safety and competencyintheenergysector,includingoilandgas,hydrogen,andrenewables.
Address:17W108WeWork,Level17EquatorialPlaza,JalanSultanIsmail,50250KualaLumpur,Malaysia ContactInformation:E:asia-pacific.enquiries@opito.com P:+60321061775 Website:opito.com
Description: ORCHID LEADERSHIP Coaching & Consultancy Ltd supports managers and business ownersgloballyinbecomingpowerfulandimpactfulleaders,helpingtorevealtheleaderwithineach individual. The company serves corporate leaders, executives, education leaders, and international schoolownersthroughtailoredcoachingprogrammes,training,andconsultancyservices.
ContactInformation:E:karen@orchidleadershipcoachingandconsultancyltdcom P:+60168572890
Description: Owen Mumford is a global leader in medical device design and manufacturing. They developinnovativeproductsforvarioustherapyareas,includingdiabetesandmultiplesclerosis,and also create custom solutions for pharmaceutical and diagnostic companies. Owen Mumford's devices are used by patients and healthcare professionals worldwide to improve treatment and quality of life Their commitment to innovation helps advance healthcare practices and improve patientoutcomes
Address:No 21,JalanBioteknologi3,KawasanPerindustrianSiLC,79200Nusajaya,Johor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:myinfo@owenmumfordcom P:+6075539617
Description: Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur is a leading healthcare provider committed to clinical excellenceandqualityservice.TheyholdaccreditationsfromMSQHandJCI,andarerecognisedasa Baby Friendly Hospital and a preferred hospital by WHO. Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur offers a wide range of medical services, innovative treatments, and a commitment to patient care, solidifying its positionasatrustedhealthcareinstitutioninMalaysia.
ContactInformation:E:my.phkl.marketing@pantai.com.my P:+60322960888
Description:Setinthecountry’smostprominenthistoricsiteandoccupyingthetopfloorsofMerdeka 118, the tallest skyscraper in Asia Pacific, Park Hyatt Kuala Lumpur provides unrivalled views from the city’s highest point. Revel in a refined and distinctive experience inspired by Malaysia’s rich cultural heritage and the artful tapestry of Kuala Lumpur’s past and present, imbued with a sense of tranquillity.
Description:Pavilion Hotel Kuala Lumpur, managed by Banyan Tree, is an urban oasis located in the heartofKualaLumpur Featuring25exquisitelyfurnishedroomsandsuitessituatedabovetheawardwinning Pavilion Kuala Lumpur mall, the hotel offers discerning travellers a sophisticated respite from thehustleandbustleofthecity
ContactInformation:E:pavilionhotel-kualalumpur@banyantree.com P:+60321172888
Description: Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas (PTP) is Malaysia's premier transhipment port, strategically located in the Malacca Straits. With natural deep water access and no tide restrictions, PTP accommodatesmegacontainervesselsandoffersefficientshippingroutes.AsamemberoftheMMC Group,PTPprovidesstate-of-the-artfacilitiesandservesasakeygatewayfortradeinSouthMalaysia andtheIskandarMalaysiaeconomicregion.
Address:CentralPlanningandPerformanceOfficeBuilding,PelepasFreeZoneArea,Pelabuhan TanjungPelepas,JalanPelabuhanTanjungPelepas,TST507,81560GelangPatah,Johor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:ccm@ptpcommy P:+6075042222
Description: The company is a manufacturer of modular switching and instrumentation for use in electronic test and simulation Their products are used for testing electronic assemblies and components across various industries, including automotive, aerospace, semiconductor, communications, medical, and industrial automation These products are specified in test systems installedworldwideandarerenownedfortheirexcellentqualityandreliability
ContactInformation:E:admin@pickeringtestcom P:+441255687900
Description:Plus Three Consultants are, first and foremost, a company of professionals dedicated to advising and assisting organisations within the construction and infrastructure industry on complex commercialandcontractualmatters.
Address: Suite B-3A-12, Block B, Plaza Mont’ Kiara, No. 2, Jalan Kiara, Mont’ Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:kl@plus3.international P:+60362010996 Website:www.plus3.international
Description: Established in 1986, Press Metal is an integrated aluminium producer with the largest smeltingcapacityinSoutheastAsia ListedontheMainMarketofBursaMalaysia,PressMetalisoneof the top 30 companies by market capitalisation The company is recognised for its sustainable practices and was admitted to the FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia Index in 2022 The Group’s principal business activities include the manufacturing and trading of primary, value-added, and extrusion aluminiumproducts.
Address:Suite61&62,SetiaAvenue,No.2,JalanSetiaPrimaSU13/S,SetiaAlamSeksyenU13,40170 ShahAlam,Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:corpcomm@pressmetal.com P:+60333622188
Description: PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is a global network of firms providing assurance, tax, and advisory services to clients across various industries. With a presence in 150 countries, PwC leverages its expertise and global reach to deliver valuable solutions and build public trust. In Malaysia, PwC has a long history of contributing to the nation's growth, working with multinational corporations,publicsectorentities,andlocalcompaniestoaddresstheirbusinesschallenges.
Address: Level 10, Menara TH 1 Sentral, Jalan Rakyat, Kuala Lumpur Sentral, 50706 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:my info@pwccom P:+60321731188
Description: Puncak Niaga Holdings Berhad (PNHB) is a leading provider of integrated water and wastewater solutions in Malaysia. They operate and maintain water treatment facilities and are involvedinthesupplyanddistributionoftreatedwaterinSelangor,KualaLumpur,andPutrajaya.PNHB alsohasapresenceintheoilandgassector,undertakingoffshoreinstallationandconstructionwork.
ContactInformation:E:hrm@puncakniagacommy P:+60355228589
Description: QS Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) offers unrivalled data, expertise, and solutions for the global higher education sector. At QS, they collaborate with universities and business schools to identify, shape, and deliver higher education strategies that assist each institution in achieving its goalsandaspirations.
Address:Unit No. 25-8, Level 25, Q Sentral, 2A, Jalan Stesen Sentral 2, KL Sentral, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:tusupport@qscom P:+60322719188 Website:wwwqscom
Description: R7 is a leading provider of moving and logistics services in Malaysia, known for its commitment to quality and efficiency They offer a wide range of solutions, including international moving,corporaterelocation,andlogisticsservices Withastrongdomesticandinternationalnetwork, R7facilitatesseamlesstransitionsforindividualsandbusinessesalike Theyarededicatedtoproviding reliableandefficientservice,ensuringasmoothandstress-freemovingexperience
Address: C-1-25, 8 Avenue Business Centre, Jalan 8/1, Seksyen 8, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@r7intlcom P:+60379317788
Description:Rahim & Co is one of Malaysia's largest real estate consultancy firms, with a nationwide network and a strong focus on local expertise They provide a wide range of real estate services, adhering to international standards while offering personalised advice Rahim & Co is exploring a strategic partnership with Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) to further enhance its capabilities and expanditsreachintherealestatesector
Address:Level10,MenaraPerak,No 24,JalanPerak,50450KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:kl@rahim-cocom P:+60326919922
Description:RaslanLoong,Shen&EowtracesitsoriginstotheestablishmentofRaslanLoongin1995 The firm is highly regarded for its work in Corporate and Commercial transactions, Mergers and Acquisitions, Capital Markets, Banking and Finance, Real Estate and Property, Intellectual Property, as well as Technology and Telecommunications It is consistently commended and ranked highly by key international legal directories The firm advises on major domestic, cross-border, and international transactionsacrossawiderangeofsectors
ContactInformation:E:caesar.loong@rlse.law P:+60362052775/+60362052778 Website:rlse.law
Description: Reckitt Benckiser Malaysia is a leading consumer goods company dedicated to providinginnovativehealth,hygiene,andnutritionproductstoMalaysianconsumers Asasubsidiary of the global Reckitt Benckiser group, they offer a wide range of well-known brands that are trusted householdnames ReckittBenckiserMalaysiaiscommittedtoimprovingthehealthandwell-beingof individuals and families through its high-quality products and responsible practices They are a significant contributor to the Malaysian economy, with a strong manufacturing presence and a commitment to sustainable development Reckitt Benckiser Malaysia strives to make a positive impactonsocietybypromotinghygiene,wellness,andaccessiblenutritionforall
Address:Level17,Menara1Sentrum,No 201,JalanTunSambanthan,50470KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:carelinemy@reckittcom P:+60377191000
Description:RedBeanConsultancyisaUK-basedpropertyconsultancyfirmwithastrongpresence in Malaysia They specialise in assisting Malaysian investors with UK property investments, offering expert guidance and comprehensive services throughout the entire investment process Their services include property sourcing, due diligence, legal and financial advice, and property management WithadeepunderstandingofboththeUKandMalaysianpropertymarkets,RedBean Consultancyprovidestailoredsolutionstomeettheuniqueneedsofeachclient Theyarecommitted to delivering transparent and professional advice, helping investors make informed decisions and achievetheirinvestmentgoalsintheUKpropertymarket
ContactInformation:E:shelvin.tan@redbeanc.com P:+60122857618
Description:Ricardo is a global strategic engineering and environmental consultancy specialising in thetransport,energy,andscarceresourcessectors Itsworkextendsacrossarangeofmarketsectors, including passenger cars, commercial vehicles, rail, defence, motorsport, energy, and the environment The company is proud to have a client list that includes transport operators, manufacturers,energycompanies,financialinstitutions,andgovernmentagencies
ContactInformation:E:info@ricardocom P:+60377313946
Description: Robust HPC is an expert team specialising in providing HPC and AI supercomputing infrastructure to accelerate CFD, FEA, seismic, deep learning training, and other computational simulations. Robust HPC offers on-premise solutions with end-to-end system integration and managed services, as well as high power density data centre co-location with fully managed IT operations.CustomerscanalsorunsimulationsontheirHPCcloud,whichispoweredbyover40,000 CPUcoresandmorethan100NVIDIAT4/V100/A100GPUsglobally
ContactInformation:E:info@robusthpccom P:+60376280256
Description: Rockwood Furniture has been in the business since 1988 in KL and over that time have developedareputationastheteakwoodfurniturespecialists.Forreclaimedteakfurniture,refurbished classics and restoration works. We have a few pieces that we consider our " range " products that we will carry multiple items in stock but most of our items are one-off. Some are new, some are old. RockwoodFurniturehasgotsomethingtosuiteveryone.
ContactInformation:E:sales@rockwoodfurniture.com.my P:+60377337794(Whatsapp)
Description: Rolls-Royce is a global leader in power systems for aviation, marine, and industrial applications They are a major provider of aero engines for civil and defense aircraft, and their technology is also used in marine and nuclear applications With a long-standing presence in Malaysia, Rolls-Royce serves a diverse range of clients, including airlines, armed forces, and ship owners They are a key contributor to Malaysia's industrial development and a founding member of theAerospaceMalaysiaInnovationCentre
Address:RegusTheIntermark,41/FVistaTower,TheIntermark,JalanTunRazak50400KualaLumpur, Malaysia
Description:Since1885,RoyalSelangorhasproducedawiderangeofpewterware,fromtablewareto personal accessories The company continually pushes the boundaries of pewter through collaborationswithorganisationssuchastheBritishMuseumandtheV&A,aswellaspartnershipswith award-winningdesignerslikeErikMagnussen,ViewportStudio,andNickMunro Itisalsorenownedfor bespoke commissions for Dom Pérignon and Veuve Clicquot Headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Royal SelangorhasaretailpresenceinLondonandmajorcitiessuchasBeijingandMelbourne Itsproducts arealsocarriedbyHarrods,Selfridges,andotherleadingUKstores
ContactInformation:E:info@royalselangorcom P:+60341456000
Description:TogetherwithitsassociatesinMalaysia,theyprovideprofessionalservicesrelatingtoTax Consulting & Compliance, Audit & Assurance, Business Process Outsourcing, Business Strategies, System and Control Review, Corporate Recovery & Insolvency, Financial & Tax Due Diligence, Risk Management&InternalAudit,CorporateFinance,BusinessConsulting&SupportServices,Operational DataEngineering,andBusinessSetups.RSMTaxConsultants(Malaysia)Sdn.Bhd.isamemberfirmof RSM International and is ranked among the world’s top audit, tax, and consulting networks. RSM International has firms in 120 countries, a combined staff of over 64,000 and 820 offices across the Americas,Europe,MENA,AfricaandAsiaPacific.
Address: 5th Floor, Penthouse, Wisma RKT, Block A, No. 2, Raja Abdullah, Off Jln Sultan Ismail, 50300 KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:roberteo@rsmmalaysia.my P:+60326102888
Description: S P Setia is a leading property developer in Malaysia with a diversified portfolio that extends beyond residential and commercial projects While property development remains their core business, S P Setia also operates in construction, infrastructure, and wood-based manufacturing This integrated approach allows them to achieve greater efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and innovation acrosstheirprojects SPSetiaiscommittedtocreatingsustainablecommunitiesanddeliveringhighquality developments that enhance the lives of their customers They are recognised for their innovativedesigns,commitmenttoquality,anddedicationtobuildingthrivingcommunities
Address: Setia Corporate Tower, 5A Jalan Setia Nusantara U13/17, Seksyen U13, Setia Eco Park, 40170 ShahAlam,Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:corp@spsetiacom P:+60333448800
Description:AtSamadhiRetreatstheyaimtodelivertranscendentexperiences.Uniquesettingswhere thestressesofeverydaylifearesurrenderedattheirdoorsandguestscantransitiontoarelaxedstate ofmind.Beitauniquelocationinafar-flungdestinationorahistoricalbuildinginacity,ourproperties are true to their sense of place They have a deeply rooted respect for their immediate environment, peopleandcultures–deliveringuniqueandunparalleledexperiencestoallwhostepintotherealmof Samadhi While Samadhi Retreats is made up of a collection of award-winning properties and restaurants, their expansion was never motivated by profit but rather from a genuine desire to allow gueststoexperienceSamadhiforaslongaspossible
ContactInformation:E:reservations@samadhiretreatscom P:+60322800408
Description: Savills is a global real estate company with over 160 years of experience, providing expertise in commercial and residential property. With a presence in over 70 countries, they offer comprehensive services and leverage global insights to help clients make informed property decisions. Savills assists a diverse range of clients, from corporations and investors to individuals, in achievingtheirrealestategoals.
Address:Level6,CorporateTower9,PavilionDamansaraHeights,No.3JalanDamanlela,PusatBandar Damansara,50490KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:jamieduncan@savillscommy P:+60379316352
Description:SBAWorldwideCICprovidesadviceandsupporttoindividualsandbusinessesofallsizes, helping them develop new skills, grow, and succeed. They offer training, personal development programmes, and expert guidance to individuals and businesses across the region. As a member of the National Enterprise Network, SBA Worldwide CIC benefits from a strong network and valuable resources,enablingthemtoeffectivelysupporttheirclientsinachievingtheirgoals.
ContactInformation:E:contact@sbacicorg P:+441458254331
Description:AtScore,weepitomisehands-onglobalengineering Wearethefuture-focusedleaderin advancedtechnologyservices Fromglobalvalveandemissionsmanagementtoaerospacesolutions, we ' re here to boost your daily efficiency and ensure lasting success Score is part of D2Zero, a company focused on decarbonising traditional energy sources whilst accelerating the transition to renewableenergy
ContactInformation:E:klu-sales@score-groupcom P:+60321616641
Description: Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur is a luxury hotel located in the heart of Malaysia's vibrant capital.Withitsprimelocationandimpeccableservice,itoffers662exquisiterooms&suites,providing an exceptional experience for both leisure and business travellers. Guests are treated to a diverse culinaryjourneyfeaturingbothinternationalfareandlocalspecialities.Thehotelboastsversatileevent spacesformemorablegatherings,alongwithanexpansiveoutdoorpoolandawell-equippedfitness centre. Committed to sustainable practices, it minimises environmental impact while celebrating the colourful joys of life and Asian heritage, embodying warm hospitality and luxurious comfort for discerningtravellers.
ContactInformation: E:kualalumpur@shangri-la.com P:+60320322388
Description: Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemical companies, employing around 94,000 people in over 70 countries and territories The company leverages advanced technologies andadoptsinnovativeapproachestocontributetoasustainableenergyfuture
Address:MenaraShell,No 211,JalanTunSambanthan,50470KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:generalpublicenquiries-my@shellcom P:+60320959144
Description:Sime Darby Property is Malaysia's largest property developer by land bank, with a long historyofcreatingsustainablecommunities Theyhavedevelopednumeroustownshipsandhavea globalpresence,includinginvolvementintheBatterseaPowerStationprojectinLondon SimeDarby Property is a multi-award-winning company, recognised for its excellence and contributions to the Malaysian property landscape They are committed to building thriving communities and creating spacesthatenhancepeople'slives
ContactInformation:E:propertycommunications@simedarbypropertycom P:+60379495000 Website:wwwsimedarbypropertycom
Description: Skrine is one of the oldest, largest, and most awarded legal firms in Malaysia, renowned for its global reputation and a wide range of highly-regarded practice groups The firm is led by 50 partners and over 110 lawyers Skrine is the exclusive Malaysian member of Lex Mundi, a network of leadingindependentlawfirmsinover160jurisdictions,andthePacificRimAdvisoryCouncil,anetwork of30top-tierindependentmemberlawfirms.
Address:Level8,WismaUOADamansara,50JalanDungun,DamansaraHeights,50490KualaLumpur, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:skrine@skrine.com P:+60320813999
Description: Smith & Nephew Operations is a global medical technology company dedicated to improving people's lives They design and manufacture a diverse range of innovative products and solutions that help healthcare professionals restore patients' health and mobility Smith & Nephew's portfolio includes advanced wound care products, orthopaedic implants, and sports medicine devices Withacommitmenttoresearchanddevelopment,theycontinuetopushtheboundariesof medical technology, enabling healthcare providers to deliver better patient outcomes and improve quality of life Smith & Nephew Operations is a trusted partner for healthcare professionals worldwide, supporting their mission to enhance patient care and restore people to their fullest potential
Address: Plot 332, Persiaran Cassia Selatan 8, Batu Kawan Industrial Park, Mukim 13, 14110 Seberang PeraiSelatan,PulauPinang,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:MalaysiaEnquiry@smith-nephewcom P:03-22431200 Website:wwwsmith-nephewcom
Description: Southdene Sdn Bhd is a well-established business consultancy firm based in Kuala Lumpur, offering a comprehensive range of management and advisory services With a focus on helping businesses achieve their strategic goals, Southdene provides expertise in areas such as market entry strategies, business process improvement, and financial advisory Their team of experienced consultants brings a wealth of knowledge and industry experience to help clients navigate challenges and capitalise on opportunities Southdene is committed to building long-term partnerships with clients, providing tailored solutions and support to drive sustainable growth and success.
Description: Sports Direct Malaysia is a leading sports retailer offering a wide range of sportswear, footwear, and equipment from top brands As part of the Frasers Group, they operate numerous stores across Malaysia, providing customers with access to high-quality products at competitive prices SportsDirectiscommittedtomakingsportsaccessibletoeveryone,cateringtoindividualsof all ages and skill levels They offer a diverse selection of products for various sports and activities, includingfootball,running,training,andswimming Withafocusoncustomersatisfactionandvalue, Sports Direct Malaysia empowers individuals to embrace an active lifestyle and achieve their sportinggoals
Address: Lots G1PT10A, Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall, No3, Jalan PJS 11/15, Sunway City, 47500 SubangJaya,Selangor,Malaysia
Description:St John'sInternationalSchool(SJIS)isaprivateinternationalschoolincollaborationwith the La Salle Brothers Malaysia, offering a holistic education in a diverse and respectful environment SJISemphasisesacademicexcellence,sports,andextracurricularactivities,whilepromotingvaluesof respect and responsibility Located within the historic St John's Institution building, SJIS provides a uniquelearningenvironmentthatblendsheritagewithamoderninternationaloutlook
Description:StandardCharteredBank,amemberoftheStandardCharteredGroup,wasestablished in Malaysia in 1875 As Malaysia’s oldest operating bank, Standard Chartered leads the way through product innovation, consistent and strong growth performance and sustainability initiatives The Bankprovidesacomprehensiverangeoffinancialsolutionstocorporates,institutionsandindividuals through its network of branches across Malaysia The Bank has an Islamic banking subsidiary, Standard Chartered Saadiq; a global shared services centre, Standard Chartered Global Business Services;asalesarm,PriceSolutionsandanoffshorefacilityinLabuan StandardCharteredemploys over7,000employeesinallitsMalaysianoperations
Address: Level 25, Equatorial Plaza, Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan KualaLumpur,Malaysia
Description: Stonyhurst International School Penang is a prestigious international school offering a Britisheducationtostudentsaged3to18 AsabranchoftherenownedStonyhurstCollegeintheUK,it upholdsa430-yearlegacyofacademicexcellenceandholisticdevelopment LocatedinPenang,the schoolprovidesamodernlearningenvironmentwithstate-of-the-artfacilities,includingsciencelabs, a sports complex, and a performing arts centre. Stonyhurst International School fosters intellectual curiosity,moralintegrity,andsocialresponsibilityinitsstudents,preparingthemtobecomesuccessful global citizens. They offer a comprehensive curriculum that blends academic rigor with character development,nurturingwell-roundedindividualsreadytomakeapositiveimpactontheworld.
ContactInformation:E:admissions@stonyhurstpenang.edu.my P:04-2879800 Website:www.stonyhurst.ac.uk
Description: Subsea 7 is a leading provider of seabed-to-surface engineering and construction services for the offshore energy industry With extensive experience and a strong track record, they deliver safe and reliable solutions for clients in both oil and gas and renewable energy sectors Subsea 7 leverages its expertise and technology to design and execute complex projects, working collaboratively with clients to meet their specific needs They are a trusted partner in the energy industry,knownfortheircommitmenttosafety,innovation,andlong-lastingclientrelationships
ContactInformation:E:s7malaysia@subsea7com P:+60321747777
Description: Sunway Group was established in 1974, Sunway Group is one of Malaysia’s largest conglomerates with core interests in real estate, construction, education and healthcare, with a unique build-own-operate business model. Their 16,000-strong team across 50 locations worldwide is committed to transformative growth and sustainable progress through their 13 business divisions including real estate, construction, retail, hospitality, leisure, healthcare, education, trading, manufacturing,buildingmaterials,andRealEstateInvestmentTrust(REIT).
ContactInformation:E:corporate@sunway.com.my P:+60356398889
Description: EstablishedinNovember1999,SunwayMedicalCentreisanaccreditedprivatehospital locatedinMalaysia'sfirstfullyintegratedgreentownshipofSunwayCity AccreditedbytheAustralian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS), the hospital is affiliated with the Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine & Health Sciences, Monash University Malaysia, University of Cambridge, Royal Papworth Hospital, and Harvard Medical School These affiliations support the hospital's commitment to meetingthedemandsofclinicalcare,education,andresearch
Address:No 5JalanLagoonSelatan,47500BandarSunway,Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:smc@sunwaycommy P:+60374919191
Description: Sunway Resort is a 5-star luxury hotel in Sunway City Kuala Lumpur, offering 477 ecofriendly rooms with state-of-the-art technology It boasts Malaysia's first Gordon Ramsay Bar & Grill andisconvenientlylocatednearKLIAandthecitycentre Partofanintegratedcomplexwithhotels,a themepark,andashoppingmall,SunwayResortprovidesacomprehensiveexperienceforbusiness and leisure travelers It also offers extensive meeting and event facilities, making it ideal for conferences,exhibitions,andothergatherings
ContactInformation:E:corporate@sunwaycommy P:+60374928000
Description: Sunway University, originally known as Sunway College, was established with the conviction that higher education is crucial to national progress The institution began its journey in 1987 when it was officially inaugurated by the late Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Alhaj Ibni AlmarhumSultanHisamuddinAlamShahAlhaj,theSultanofSelangorDarulEhsan Inashortperiod, the university's student enrolment exceeded the capacity of its initial premises, prompting the development of a new, purpose-built campus in Bandar Sunway This new campus boasts a comprehensive range of modern academic and residential facilities to accommodate its growing community
ContactInformation:E:info@sunwayedumy P:+60374918622
Description:Ourbusinessoperationconsistsofacompleteinhousesetuptodeliverthebestquality, timeline and commercial platforms to our corporate clients. We specialize in Project Management, Technical peer reviews, Commercial management, Coordination with trade vendors, Supervision and Construction execution. We have the credit facilities and project funding abilities to manage each individualprojectcashflowandanenormouspooloftradevendors’technicalexperienceandproduct support. Our commendable deliverables by client are professionally demonstrated in driving compliances as part of our business process discipline in Authorities submission for uniform building bylaw
ContactInformation:E:info@sicreationzcom P:+603-58911528 Website:wwwsicreationzcom
Description: Synthomer is a global specialty chemical company with a strong presence in Asia, particularlyinMalaysia Theyarealeadingsupplierofnitrilelatex,akeycomponentinnitrilegloves, andalsoproducewater-basedemulsionpolymersforvariousapplications Synthomerhasinvested significantly in Malaysia over the years and holds numerous market leadership positions globally Theircommitmenttoinnovationandsustainablepracticesmakesthemakeyplayerinthechemical industry,contributingtotheproductionofessentialmaterialsusedinvarioussectors.
Address:Unit16-2,Level16,UOADamansaraII,No6ChangkatSemantan,DamansaraHeights50490 KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info.asia@synthomer.com P:+60320807200 Website:www.synthomer.com
Description:Establishedin2010,Talentbankisanenablerintheemployabilityecosystem,dedicatedto producing career-ready candidates and helping them achieve better career opportunities By connectingthesecandidateswithindustryleaderswhovalueworld-classtalent,Talentbanksupports individualsinadvancingtheircareers
Address: B-0-19 & B-1-19, Plaza Damas 3, Jalan Sri Hartamas 1, Taman Sri Hartamas, 50480 Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:management@talentbankgroupcom P:+6012-3929239(Whatsapp)
Description:TAPRO is a dynamic firm dedicated to empowering businesses in the ASEAN region. They offer a range of services, including business development & marketing consulting, talent acquisition, and learning & development. With a client-centric approach, TAPRO provides customised solutions tailoredtoeachbusiness'suniqueneeds Theyarecommittedtodrivinggrowthandsuccessfortheir clients, making them a valuable partner for businesses in the region TAPRO's focus on people and dedicationtoexcellencesetsthemapartintheindustry,helpingbusinessesachievetheirfullpotential
ContactInformation:E:talent@taprocommy/training@taprocommy P:+60386006709/6710
Description: Our award-winning platform revolutionises the way businesses manage their finances, while fostering growth, stability, and sustainability By addressing the core challenges faced by multinational corporations when it comes to managing their value chain financing, we contribute to the overall health of the finance industry by acting as the technological bridge between financial services and corporates, empowering businesses to navigate complex financial landscapes with confidence
ContactInformation:E:info@tasconnectcom P:+6569793058
Description: Tay & Partners is a full-service commercial law firm established in 1989. With more than 30 lawyers and offices in Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru, the firm serves the legal needs of clients across a broad spectrum of industry sectors. These include Malaysian companies, multinationals, institutional private equity investors, venture capital funds, banks, investment banks, financial institutions,governmentorganisations,andstatutorybodies.
ContactInformation:E:mail@taypartnerscommy P:+60320501888
Description: Conveniently located in Kuala Lumpur, TechSol provides geotechnical support and specialistadvicetocontractors,consultants,lawyersandinsurancecompaniesthroughoutSoutheast Asia
ContactInformation:E:techsol@techsolcocom P:+60123868835
Description: TecQuipment designs and manufactures market-leading engineering teaching equipment used by Universities and Colleges around the world. Giving students at universities, colleges, schools, and training centres, real-life understanding to match the skill sets required for the engineering labour market. TecQuipment designs, manufactures, and supplies in excess of 450 high quality products for the global engineering educational market. To ensure the highest quality standards,TecQuipmentisISO9001accredited.TecQuipmentretainsthereputationofmarketleaderin thisindustrybyattentiontodetailandbusinessexcellence.
ContactInformation:E:sales@tecquipmentcom P:+441159722611
Description:TheInternationalSchoolsPartnership(ISP)isagrowingnetworkofschoolsin10countries, including Malaysia. ISP schools in Malaysia include Tenby Schools and Asia Pacific School, which offer both national and international streams. These schools provide education for students aged 3 to 18 andarededicatedtobeingthepreferrededucationalchoiceintheirlocalcommunities.
Address: Unit 7.1, Level 7, Surian Tower, No. 1, Jalan PJU 7/3, Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:ispseamyadmin@ispschools.com P:+60374997688
Description: Tex Cycle is a prominent waste management company based in Malaysia, specialising inwastedisposalservicesthroughoutthecountry Thecompanyprovidessolutionsforthetreatment, recovery,anddisposalofbothhazardousandnon-hazardouswaste
ContactInformation:E:info@texcyclecommy P:+60331703987
Description:TheAliceSmithSchoolsisahighlyregardedBritishinternationalschoolinAsiawithtwo campuses in Kuala Lumpur. They provide a high-quality education to students from preschool through secondary levels, offering GCSEs and A Levels. As a not-for-profit foundation, they are committed to educational excellence and have a long history of serving a diverse international community.TheAliceSmithSchoolisrecognisedforitsoutstandingacademicachievementsandits commitment to providing a well-rounded education that prepares students for success in a globalisedworld.
ContactInformation:E:klass@alice-smith.edu.my P:+60321483674
Description:The British International School of Kuala Lumpur is a leading institution in Kuala Lumpur, offering exceptional education to children aged 3 to 17. As an independent, co-educational school, it provides outstanding education from Early Years through to Secondary School. The school offers a unique experience that goes beyond basic academic fundamentals. As part of the British Schools Foundation (BSF), BSKL is connected to a network of elite schools across Asia, South America, Europe, andtheUSA.
ContactInformation:E:info@britishschool.edu.my P:+60377277775
Description:TheEIC'sjourneybeganinLondonin1943with13oilandgascompanies.Sincethen,ithas significantly expanded its range of products and services and established offices globally. Today, the EICsupportsover650membercompaniesacrossallenergysectors.
ContactInformation:E:info@the-eic.com P:+60327253600
Description:TheInternationalSchool@ParkCity(ISP)openedinSeptember2011andislocatedinthe highlyacclaimedtownshipofDesaParkCity(wwwdesaparkcitycom) Theschoolcatersforstudents aged 3 to 18 years old from Nursery through to A-Levels ISP, which is a member of FOBISIA, was graded as ‘Outstanding’ across all eight standards in a recent accreditation inspection report With students from more than 50 countries, ISP is a place where internationally-minded and culturally aware students are encouraged to pursue both academic excellence and personal development, thusenablingthemtotakealeadingroleintomorrow'sglobalcommunity
Address:No 1JalanIntisari,DesaParkCity,52200KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:info@ispedumy P:+60362808880
Description:The Kuaya aims to change cultural norms with respect to the acceptance of psychiatry, psychology,psychotherapeuticandcoachingservicesasanessentialfactionofwellbeingforchildren, adolescents and adults in a modern Malaysia It is designed to deliver the best of proven western methodologies for psychological wellbeing, in conjunction with renowned Asian care and warmth, recognisedworldwideassettingthestandardinhospitality.TheKuayainpartnershipwithTheSoke,UK willbelaunchingtheirnewmentalhealthandwellnesscentreinKualaLumpuronOctober2025.
Description: The Lost Food Project is Malaysia's pioneering food bank NGO, dedicated to sourcing quality, nutritious, in-date surplus food that would otherwise end up in landfill and redistributing it to those in need, regardless of religion, gender, age, disability, or ethnic group. The dedicated team, primarilycomposedofvolunteers,workscloselywithfoodmanufacturers,wholesalers,andretailersto rescue this food and minimise food waste. This effort also positively impacts the environment by reducing landfill and associated greenhouse gases. With the support of partners and funders, the organisationcurrentlyrescuesover30,000mealsperweek.
ContactInformation:E:info@thelostfoodprojectorg P:+60377277775
Description:TheRuMaHotelandResidencesisahotelthatcapturesalltheintimacyofahome,runby an accomplished host. A stay will inspire you to uncover the city's origins and colonial heritage in a contemporaryandluxurioussettingthatexudesthesoothingqualitiesofatrueUrbanResort.You'llbe charmedbyahostandaguestexperienceunlikeanyintheregiontoday."Hostmanship"themantraof thehotel,centresarounditsguestsatitsverycore.OnceyouarriveatTheRuMayouenteraworldthat revolvesaroundyou
ContactInformation:E:information@therumacom P:+60327780888
Description: THESELINA® is a Malaysian brand renowned for its high-quality, elegantly designed handbags that cater to modern women with international aspirations Each piece is crafted with meticulous attention to detail and features intricate, unique designs that showcase artisan heritage skills, such as embroidery THESELINA® combines a luxurious look and feel with affordability, ensuring thatquality,style,andfunctionarenevercompromised
Description:TonyGeeandPartnersLLPoffersspecialistengineeringconsultancyservicestotheglobal construction industry Established in 1974, the firm is renowned for delivering high-calibre engineering design solutions, particularly for unique and challenging projects As a multi-award-winning, ownermanaged business, Tony Gee and Partners LLP maintains a streamlined management structure with shortlinesofcommunication,ensuringapromptresponsetoclients'needs
ContactInformation:E:malaysia@tonygeecom P:+60362061332
Description:TOPBeratenMalaysiaisapreferredchoiceforbusinesssupportservicesinMalaysia With offices in Penang and Kuala Lumpur, the firm is a multi-lingual boutique consultancy known for its creative, entrepreneurial approach Leveraging its expertise and international network, TOP Beraten supports the European business and expatriate community in Malaysia and beyond The firm assists with legal matters, government compliance, accounting and payroll services, and human resources Its founding values of transparency, open-mindedness, and a personal approach guide all its operations
Address:13A-03,VidaBukitCeylon,No 1DJalanCeylon,50200KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:support@topberatenmy P:+60327326084
Description: Trans International Logistiks is a project management company offering comprehensive logisticalsolutions,specialisingincapitalexpenditureindustries BasedinMalaysia,theyoperateboth locally and internationally, providing services such as governmental affairs assistance, tax consultancy, and transportation management With a global network of experts, Trans International Logistiks effectively manages complex logistical challenges for projects worldwide, ensuring smooth and efficient operations for their clients They act as a single point of contact for all logistical needs, simplifyingtheprocessforbusinessesinvolvedincapital-intensiveprojects
ContactInformation:E:inquiry@tilogistikscom P:+60378731333
Description: Asian Tigers Mobility is a leading provider of international relocation solutions, moving thousands of families each year from around the globe to their new homes The company offers a comprehensive end-to-end mobility service, tailored to the specific needs of each transferee to ensureasmoothtransfer Committedtodeliveringtop-qualitymovinganddestinationservices,Asian Tigers Mobility operates with 30 offices across 14 countries and territories With a combined annual turnoverexceedingUS$115millionandateamofover1,500dedicated,professionalstaff,thecompany representsoneofthemostrobustrelocationgroupsinAsia
ContactInformation:E:info@asiantigers-malaysiacom P:+60355652200
Description:TraTaxisanindependenttaxadvisoryfirmandtheexclusiveMalaysianmemberofWTS Global, a Tier 1 Global Tax Network. Rated within the Top 10 in Malaysia for Transactional Taxation by InternationalTaxReview,andamongtheTop11forIndirectTaxation,TraTaxisconsistentlyrecognised as a Recommended Firm in Malaysia by World Tax. The firm caters to a diverse clientele, including SMEs,Fortune500companies,expatriates,andhigh-net-worthindividuals.
Address: Unit 13 - 11, Level 13, Tower A The Vertical, Avenue 3 Bangsar South City, 8 Jalan Kerinchi BangsarSouth,Bangsar,59200KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:corp@tratax.my P:+60322421887
Description: Tribal Group is a pioneering world leader in education software and services The company ' s portfolio includes Student Information Systems, a wide range of education services covering quality assurance, peer review, benchmarking and improvement, and student surveys that offerleadingglobalbenchmarksforstudentexperience TribalGroupcollaborateswithadiversearray of organisations, including universities, colleges, polytechnics, English language institutions, private training providers, schools, government agencies, and employers across more than 55 countries Committed to enhancing education and learning, Tribal Group's mission is to empower the world of educationwithproductsandservicesthatsupportstudentsuccess
Address: Horizon Penthouse, 1 Powerhouse, No. 1 Persiaran Bandar Utama, Bandar Utama, 47800 PetalingJaya,Selangor,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:guy.perring@etioglobal.org P:+60322973765
Description: Trowers & Hamlins LLP offers a world of specialist legal expertise, acting as a trusted advisor across various sectors, industries, and geographies. The firm's clients rely on its deep understandingofthelawcoupledwithaclearcommercialperspective.
ContactInformation:E:enquiries@trowers.com P:+60327173800
Description:Turner&Townsendisaglobalconsultancybusinessspecialisinginprojectmanagement, cost management, and management consultancy services. With over 2,400 employees across a network of 53 offices, Turner & Townsend operates as a single, integrated worldwide consultancy, managed through seven geographical regions. The company is wholly or, in a few cases, majority owned, with no franchises or alliances. Turner & Townsend continually invests in its infrastructure, ensuringclientsbenefitfromconsistentmobilisation,applicationofknowledgeadvantage,innovation, andworld-classbestpractices.
Address:28-A,Level28,AxiataTower,No.9,JalanStesenSentral5,KualaLumpurSentral,50470Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:malaysia@turntown.com P:+60322741100
Description: Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) is a private university owned by MARA Managed by UniversitiTeknikalMARASdnBhd,aMARAgroupcompany,UniKLwasestablishedon20August2008, asthefirstentrepreneurialTechnicalUniversityinMalaysia Currently,UniKLoperatesfrom13branch institutes,offeringvariousfoundation,diploma,undergraduate,andpostgraduateprogrammeswith morethan22,372students
ContactInformation:E:enquiries@unikledumy P:+60361841000
Description: The Universiti Malaya (UM), Malaysia's first university, became a public institution on 1 January 1962 after the Universiti Malaya Act was passed in 1961 Today, UM is supported by two academies, 14 faculties, three institutes, and two academic centres, covering disciplines such as medicine,science,technology,socialsciences,andhumanities ItisalsohometoMalaysia'sfirstand largest teaching hospital, UMMC UM is committed to advancing research through its Research Cluster and several centres of excellence In 2024, UM ranked 60th in the QS World University Rankings,makingitthetopuniversityinMalaysiaandthirdinSoutheastAsia
ContactInformation:E:corporate@umedumy P:+60379677022
Description: The University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM) is a leading international university and thefirstBritishuniversitytoestablishacampusinMalaysia Withadiversestudentbodyandawide rangeofacademicprogrammes,UNMoffersavibrantlearningenvironment Theyarerecognisedfor theirhigh-qualityteachingandresearch,andtheirprogrammesareidenticaltothoseofferedatthe UniversityofNottinghamintheUK UNMprovidesstudentswithopportunitiesforglobalexposureand preparesthemforsuccessinanincreasinglyinterconnectedworld
ContactInformation:E:regs@nottinghamacuk P:+60389248000
Description: The University of Reading Malaysia (UoRM) offers students the best of both worlds: a prestigiousUKdegreefromtheUniversityofReading,deliveredfromtheirinternationalbranchcampus in EduCity@Iskandar, Malaysia, saving 60% of the cost compared with spending 3 years at their campusintheUK.UoRMhasalong-establishedreputationforthequalityofitsteachingandresearch, andisconsistentlyrankedTop100intheworldforInternationalOutlookintheTimesHigherEducation World University Rankings 2022. The programmes offered at the Malaysia Campus are focused on professionaldisciplineswithexcellentgraduateemploymentprospects.
ContactInformation:E:my.enquiry@reading.edu.my P:+6072686205/1800186867(Tollfree)
Description:UniversityofStrathclydeisaleadinginternationaltechnologicaluniversity,inspiredbyits founding mission, that is socially progressive and makes a positive difference to the lives of its students,tosociety,andtotheworld.Fromitsfoundationastheplaceofusefullearning,theytakeitas their responsibility to research, teach, and be of benefit to society – to reach outside the University to maketheworldbetter-educated,sustainable,prosperous,healthy,fair,andsecure.
ContactInformation:E:corporatecomms@strath.ac.uk P:+441415524400
Description: UWEIES is wholly owned by the University of the West of England, Bristol, and is an educational services company In addition to supporting recruitment to the university in the UK, the company also delivers courses across the Asia Pacific, including supporting 7,000 students on UWE degree programmes Furthermore, the company provides corporate training opportunities, educational activities for young people, and outsourced provisions for other educational organisations Thecompanyhas80employeeslocatedin14countriesthroughouttheregion
Address: SS15 Courtyard, Level 12B, Unit S-14, 03, Jalan SS15/4G, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:uweiesasiapacific@uweacuk P:+60356132699
Description: Vision One Multimedia is an audio-visual system integrator specialising in providing comprehensive solutions for designing, installing, and maintaining audio and visual technology. Serving a diverse range of clients, including corporate offices, educational institutions, government agencies, and houses of worship, the company collaborates closely with clients to understand their requirements.VisionOneMultimediaoffersexpertiseindesigningAVsystemstailoredtotheintended purpose, space, and budget. They assist in selecting appropriate hardware and software, such as displays, speakers, microphones, and control systems, manage the physical installation, and ensure correct configuration and calibration The company also provides ongoing support and maintenance toensurethatallequipmentremainsuptodateandperformsoptimally
ContactInformation:E:sales@vision-onecommy P:+60378028931
Description: Here at Vistra, their purpose is progress As a close ally to their clients, their role is to remove the friction that arises from the complexity of global business They partner with companies andprivatecapitalmanagersthroughoutthecorporateandprivatecapitallifecycle FromHRandtax to legal entity management and regulatory compliance, they quietly resolve the operational and administrative frustrations that hinder business growth With over 9,000 experts in more than 50 markets, they can accelerate progress, improve processes, and reduce risk, wherever their clients' ambitionsmaylead
Address: Unit 30-01, Level 30, Tower A, Vertical Business Suite Avenue 3, Bangsar South, No8, Jalan Kerinchi,59200KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:P:+60327839191 E:malaysia@vistracom Website:wwwvistracom
Description: W1 is dedicated to British dining with a focus on London The venue brings the vibrant taste,atmosphere,andstyleofLondontoKualaLumpur London’sdiversefoodandbeveragescene serves as inspiration, featuring every style of cuisine and beverage available internationally The menuisconstantlytuned,tweaked,andupdated,reflectingthedynamicglobalinfluencesthatmake British dining exceptionally vibrant W1 offers a blend of traditional dishes, international adaptations, andremarkablecocktails
ContactInformation:E:andy@w1asia.com P:+60322015045
Description: Weir Minerals are specialists in delivering and supporting slurry equipment solutions, including pumps, hydrocyclones, valves, screen machines and screen media, rubber, and wearresistant linings for global mining and mineral processing, the power sector, and general industry. The strength of their products lies in the superiority of their hydraulic designs and wear, corrosion, andabrasion-resistantmaterials Inslurrypumping,processing,andcontrolapplications wherethe cost of ownership often outweighs capital cost as a priority they help customers address issues such as longevity, capacity, operational efficiency, and maintenance Weir Minerals is there for its customersandtheiroperationseverystepoftheway
Description: XCL Education is a large and trusted education group in Malaysia offering a diverse range of schools and learning pathways They operate international schools like Sri KDU and XCL International School, which follow an enhanced British curriculum, as well as national curriculum schools like REAL Schools and Sekolah Sri KDU XCL also has a network of early childhood centres calledREALKids Theyarecommittedtoprovidinghigh-qualityeducationthatpreparesstudentsfor thechallengesofthe21stcentury,focusingonholisticdevelopmentandlifelonglearningskills
Address:Suite17-01&02,Level17,VerticalCorporateTowerB,Avenue10,TheVertical,BangsarSouth City,No 8JalanKerinchi,59200KualaLumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:contact@xcleducom P:+60323301049
Description: XINERGEE Wealth and Family Office Advisory offers a new approach to financial planning for individuals and business owners Their unique Financial Fitness Programme provides a comprehensive path to enhance financial well-being, focusing on areas like education planning and familyprotection Withateamofinternationalexperts,XINERGEEhelpsclientsachievegreaterfinancial security through restructuring and investment strategies They are committed to promoting financial literacyandempoweringclientstomanageandgrowtheirwealtheffectively
Address:D-03-09PlazaBukitJalil(AuroraPlace),No 1,PersiaranJalil1,BandarBukitJalil,57000Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
ContactInformation:E:xinergee.official@gmail.com P:+60102019655
Description: YTLCorporationBerhadisamajorMalaysiancompanywithinternationaloperationsin varioussectors,includingutilities,construction,propertydevelopment,andhotels.Theyarelistedon the Kuala Lumpur and Tokyo stock exchanges and have a significant market capitalisation. YTL is committed to providing high-quality products and services at competitive prices, and has built a large customer base over its 30-year history. They are a key player in Malaysia's infrastructure developmentandhaveastrongpresenceintheglobalmarket.
ContactInformation: P:+60320380888
Description: 39 Essex Street is a barristers' chambers specialising in commercial law with over 120 barristers, including 40 Queen's Counsel They have offices in London, Singapore, and Kuala Lumpur, offering their expertise across multiple jurisdictions. Their barristers are experts in various legal areas, such as commercial law, construction, and fraud, and often serve as advocates and arbitrators in internationaldisputes. Theywerenamed'InternationalArbitrationChambersoftheYear'attheLegal 500UKAwards2014.