Toolconference workshop Agnelo Iasanth

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Incentives and its effect on initiative’s motivation to participate long-term in City Making: A Serious Gaming Study

Agnelo Iasanth Rotterdam, 5th April 2018

Questions that this workshop will help address: 1. What are the different types of incentives required by the participants to participate long-term in City Making?
 2. What are the different degrees of utilization of the incentives in a City Making process, based on the perception of the participants? 3. What are the incentives that the participants value the most for long term participation in City Making?

What is in it for the participants?

• To learn more about the different incentives involved for the participants to be able to participate long-term in City-Making. • To understand the motivation behind the city-council or the private social enterprises handing out incentives for the different initiatives.

Serious Game: Defined as "The set of rules governing the play of the game and the scenario setting the game environment act to constrain behaviours in the game so that the game activity simulates a more complex system" - (Greenblat & Duke, 1975) • The format can be a board game, a paper based game, a negotiation game, a computer based game, a web based game, etc.,

i2 (Incentives for Initiatives) Negotiation Game

TOTAL PLAY TIME: 40 minutes • Sit in groups of 6 across 5 tables (With atleast one public servant or social entrepreneur in the group).

1. Each group is presented with a case of an Initiative. Read the description of the Initiative - 5 min

2. Think about what the different stakeholders bring to this collaboration to make this initiative sustain successfully. (By filling out the stakeholder map) - 5 min

3.a. Now, communicate with each other as an initiative. Pick up the incentive cards that you as the initiative need, to participate long-term in city making. Motivate the choice (Answer the questions behind the cards) - 10 min

3.b. Pick up the incentive cards that you as a public servant can give to the initiative for them to participate long-term in city making. Motivate the choice (Answer the questions behind the cards) - 10 min

4. Prioritise the order of the incentive cards picked up, based on their importance and place it on the podium paper provided to you - 5 min

5. Every single group pitches for 2 minutes each (The Initiative - 1 min and the Public Servant - 1 min) and the final collection of results.

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