Portfolio of Qiwei Li, UC Berkeley, M.Arch 2 + M.LArch 2 2022

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The Polysemy in Landscape and Architecture Portfolio of Qiwei Li 2013-2023 M. Arch + M. LArch | UC Berkeley

01 'FLOATING' JEDDAH CENTRAL OCEANARIUM AND CORAL FARM Professional Project at SOM 2021 to Current My role: from competiton to DD Phase, Rhino modle, rendering, presentation layout, Grasshopper generation Site: Jeddah, Saudi Area: 40000 m2

The Jeddah Central Oceanarium is a world-class destination located on Jeddah’s spectacular coral shoreline, inspiring visitors to experience and learn about marine life of the Red Sea. - Offers captivating experiences of Jeddah’s local oceanic heritage - Exhibits coastal, coral, and sea life unique to any other in the world

- Provides the opportunity to meet hundreds of Red Sea species otherwise inaccessible to visitors - Is a symphony of becautiful architecture, state-of-theart exhibition design, engaging interactives, and compelling stories that entwine together in choreographed harmony.

01.3 'SHAPING THE FUTURE OF RIYADH' RIYADH NORTH POLE URBAN DESIGN Professional Project at SOM 2021.06 to 2022.01 My role: Rhino modle, rendering, presentation layout, Grasshopper generation, slider preparing Site: RIYADH URBAN DESIGN

The history of architecture in Saudi Arabia has been predominantly derived from its geographyand climate. and reflects the beauty of the Arabian culture. We have developed an approachthat respects the identity, character and authenticity while also introducing new forms ofarchitecture and urbanism that is focused on a sustainable future. We propose a future forwardvision that is immersed in nature, technology and elevating the human experience. in Riyadh, the summers are long, sweltering, and arid; the winters are cool and dry; and it ismostly clear year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 49°to 110°F.An environmentally focused approach to design is paramount, with climate, nature andcomfort as the fundamental drivers for archi-

tectural design. We developed a strategic approachwhich leverages passive techniques and reinforces them using sustainable materials andtechnologiesThis combines architecture with natural space and expresses the unique geologof the region.

01.1 'NEW CITY' SYDNEY CBD OFFICE TOWER Professional Project at SOM 2022 to Current My role: from SD to DD Phase, Rhino modle, rendering, presentation layout, Grasshopper generation Site: SYDNEY Area: 155,000 m2

The $3 billion project, called Central Place Sydney, is located in the heart of the citv's Tech Central innovation hub. This tower emphasized the need to "create experiences that people can't get at home or online. We are competing with the screen, which is an incredibly powerful magnet for our attention. Central Place incorporates innovative solutions such as using black soldier fly larvae to convert food waste into carbon-reduced compost, providing on-site pet minding services, and offering fresh air and open spaces for the workforce. In addition to its sustainability features, Central Place Sydney prioritizes employee well-being and engagement. Internal cafes and meditation spaces will foster social

interaction and offer moments of relaxation. The design departs from traditional office blocks, embracing communal aspects and providing access to light and views. By creating a vibrant and flexible environment, the development aims to attract companies in cutting-edge fields, positioning itself as a catalyst for job creation.

02 'FROM POLITICS TO AESTHETICS' TIAN'AN MEN CENTRAL PARK Acadamic Project Spring 2018 individual work Site: Beijing, China Building Area: 240000m2

Picture 1: <The last of the twelve volumes of kang xi's southern patrol>, WANG Yun (1632-1717) It depicts the grand scene of the emperor and his entourage returning to Beijing palace from south to north (left to right) along the imperial road and the axis.


Picture 2: <A panorama of rivers and mountains>, WANG Ximeng (1096-1120) Through the long scroll , it depicts the magnificent mountains and rivers of China.


For a long time, buildings and roads are the most significant factors that determine the urban form. The development of many modern cities has taken the form of a sprawling grid and simple rows of buildings, especially Beijing. This project is located in Tian’an Men Square, which is the center of Beijing. From the Qing Dynasty to the present, the events in Tiananmen Square are collectivist, not individual, just like the May 4th Movement in 1919, the founding ceremony in 1949, and the National Emblem of the People's Republic of China in 1989. My design is to give Tian’an Men Square back to the people, not only to commemorate the great men and heroes.

As depicted in the first picture of Tiananmen Square, the symmetry of the axis reflects the imperial power, majesty, and prohibition. The second picture depicts a poetic, free, natural aesthetics. So the square, as a symbol of power, is designed to be an open park with the flavor of everyday life. The project is not a monument to power, but a return of the square which symbolised the centralisation of power in the past to the citizens.

Function and Section The park is divided into different parts from serving different people, the northern part of the site (the side facing Tiananmen Square) is planned to serve tourists, and the open square space provides visitors with a wider view. It also provides an open space for large celebrations, with the southern side of the site (the side facing the Old City) serving mainly local residents and providing them with public facilities.

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New building

Existing building


Monument to the People's Heroes

National Museum

The Great Hall of the People


Tian'an Men

Great Hall of the People

The Chairman Mao Memorial Hall

Zheng Yangmen

Qian Men


Duan Men

Tian‘An Men Rostrum The Forbidden City


Great Hall of the Peo

Section 36


Tiananmen : The Gate of Forbidden City

Monument to the People's Heroes

National Museum

Monument to the People's Heroes

Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall

Zheng yanmeng


n of Site 37

5:00 AM

Viewing the Flag Raising Ceremony from Tian’an Men

7:00 PM

Playing at Tian’an Men Square after Work and School

Dailylife at Tian'

I chose different activities in Tiananmen in four time periods. When t Tiananmen Square, the Monument to the People's Heroes, the Chairman city became the protagonists. Every


8:00 AM

Doing Morning Exercises at Tian’an Men Square in the Morning

10:00 AM

Going to a Concert at Tian’an Men Square in the Evening

'an Men Square

the Anmen Square was transformed into this way, the Forbidden City, n Mao Memorial Hall became the background, and ordinary people in the yone can find themselves in the city.


03 'TWO FACES OF A CITY' RECONSTRUCTION PLAN OF URBAN VILLAGES Acadamic Project Fall 2016 Individual Work Instructor: Guangxin Wang Award: The best design at fourth grade Site: Baofusi Street, Haidian District, Beijing Area: 38000 m2

Urban villages are often regarded as hidden hazards of urban development due to the incomplete infrastructure, the insufficient order and the high density. But at the same time, the existence of such has solved numerous problems in many cities due to their intractable process of urbanization. Urban villages in the metropolitan provide the newcomers with convenient transportation and allow them with a considerable amount of savings. New urban areas continue to expand to the surrounding areas in Beijing. The original urban edge of the village slowly surrounded by tall buildings. This unprecedented speed of urbanization makes these issues more and more prominent and severe. In the reconstruction project of Baofusi urban village, the functional space of the commercial complex is organized into two parts. By elevating the exhibition halls and office buildings to symbolize capital and power, the design also releases the ground floor to the public, which can create a decent and peaceful space for the citizens. And the separated retail space not only offers the

space for the original residents with a new mode and better condition of earning money, but also maintains and increases the activity intensity of this area. Therefore, by incorporating landscape into architectural design, I want to make the urban environment more open to the citizens. What I hope to achieve in this project is to build a synergy between the landscape and the architecture, which includes not only to meet the functional requirement and to have an impressive form, but also to have positive influences on people’s daily life, even to become a part of their life.

Spatial Arrangement

STEP 1: Density determination EXHIB ITION COMMERCIAL S T R E E T



STEP 2: Algorithm of Den

[1] Arrange the Function The north side is a venue including commercial buildings which need the passenger's flow along the street. On the east side of the site, convenient transportation area is suitable to sit offices.

Determine the location

Determine the direction

[2] Different Levels in Functions Traditionally, the urban complex is the combination of tower and podium composition, the bottom of the podium will make the public space become more rare. My strategy is to overhead some places like business, exhibition, making the ground all open, and sending the space back to the city and residents.

[3] Modular and Decentralized Floor Space The traditional shops are arranged in rows, which is single. Hence, I separate them, and creat some interesting and diverse space.



n n

nsity Distribution

STEP 3: Open Space Design

[1] Extract the Path

[1] Landscape Design

Abstract t ship between buildings, pedestrians, and the path into a simplest unit by geometric methods.

The commercial value of the inside is not high, so the inside of the site designed a lake, which can not only attract people to enter the community, tourists and residents can also wake around the lake, watch exhibitions, and have a good rest.

[2] Apply to the Site The abstracted points (buildings and their entrances), and the lines (pedestrian paths) are applied to the site, and a large number of simulations are carried out by using a computer processing, resulting in countless permutations.

[2] Two Kind of Circulations [3] SELECT THE RESULTS In all the permutations, using the extracted line (pedestrian path) to calculate the most efficient way of arrangement, through this arrangement to recalculate the location of the building and the direction of the entrance.

For the tourists who want to enter the community for resting, walking, watching the exhibition, there is a vision-wide and sceneryrich tour route For the people who want to go to their office or go shopping, there is a highly efficient and diverse-choices path















Ground Floor Plan 0




1. Entrence of Community Center 2. Entrence of Office 3. Lake 4. Platform



1 5 4

Community Center Second Floor Plan

1. reading room 2. handmaking room 3. exhibition hall 4. craft shop 5. gallery





Office Building Second Floor Plan 1. lecture hall 2. product display center 3. meeting room 4. coworking space


SPEAKER: This is the best place in the city to express my ideas and thought!

VISITOR: Look! This exhibition is about one of my favorite architect Le Corbusier.

PEDESTRIAN: Different people are speaking here every day.

Public Podium

This is a place for public speaking where people can express their opinions and feelings about various things like the social issues, policy, and interest. At the same time, other people could also communicate and comment. 8

VISITO roast du is very d

P E D E S T R I A N : The exhibition hall is like a city living room!

Community Hall & City Museum

Over the ground, the city hall provides a place for the community. People visiting the exhibition space could have varies space experiences and obation all-round knowledge about the city.

Commercial Street & Lake

The lake park is close to the c can enjoy the convenience of the park.

View from the tall buildings in the west, showing the small streets, two large scale public buildings, and a lake in this site.

VISITOR: This is the most creative place in the city, where I can meet many interesting people.

EMPLOYEE: I love to work at this office building, confortable!

VISITOR: I hear this roast duck restaurant is very delicious!

OR: I hear this uck restaurant delicious!

e Park

commercial street, the public f shopping and the beauty of


Office buildings are built on top of the site. White-collars can enjoy both the convenience of the city and the relex brought by the park.

Art Studio

Previous art studios have been updated and attracted more people to visit, creating the community's cultural atmosphere. 9

04 'MERGE ARCHITECTURE IN LANDSCAPE' HOUSING AND THE RECOVERY OF LOST RIPARIAN LANDSCAPES ON INTERNATIONAL BOULEVARD Acadamic Project Fall 2019 Individual Work Instructor: René Davids Site: Internationa Blvd, Oakland, CA International Boulevard in Oakland passes through some of the most ethnically diverse neighborhoods in the Bay Area, a cultural richness not reflected in the existing residential fabric which consists mainly of small apartment buildings and single-family houses on the side streets, many of them overcrowded. What interests me most around the sites is the relationship between the house price and the natural view. the House prices on the Oakland hills with excellent view, quiet surroundings, cleaner air are high. International blvd is on the flatlands in the middle area between the mountain and the ocean with lower house prices People living near International Blvd suffer from the traffic noise,not very clean air and no views. Hence, my proposal is to create a more habitable place for the inhabitants architecture and landscape design.

My strategy is that, first, daylighting the water under the ground makes the creek cross the site. Second, creating topography, like a hill on the site provides people living around could have a great view to see the mountain and the ocean when they step to the hill. At the same time, they could have a lovely public park with trees and. Third, introducing some public places like a gallery, auditorium, library under the hill could give them more public activities.Thus no matter where people live in the area all of them will have the chance to enjoy the charming comfortable and pleasant public place.

Site Analysis What interests me most around the sites is the relationship between the house price and the natural view. the House prices on the Oakland hills with excellent view, quiet surroundings, cleaner air are high. International blvd is on the flatlands in the middle area between the mountain and the ocean with lower house prices People living near International Blvd suffer from the traffic noise,not very clean air and no views.

Natural View

House Price

Redwood Regional Park


Bay Area

International Blvd

Space Arrangment

Create Topography & Daylight the Creek




Plateform & View

Long Section Research Creating topography, like a hill on the site provides people living around could have a great view to see the mountain and the ocean when they step to the hill. Hence, I try to analyze and draw the long section to find a way to mix the landscape and architecture.

2 KM

300 M

Section 1-1

Section 2-2 13





First Floor Plan 14




1 3





1.hotel 2.lecture hall 3.library 4.galery 5.auditorium

Ground Floor Plan 15

Axonometric from

Axonometric Fro


m North & West

om North & East




'BRIDGESCAPE' UPTOWN REC CENTER IN OAKLAND Acadamic Project Fall 2021 Team Work with Lucy Zhou Instructor: Sarah Hirschman Site: 2150 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, CA

This design addresses both of these concerns with the design of a new Rec Center for Uptown Oakland. The building will serve as an incubator/outlet for small-scale cannabis entrepreneurs as well as an on-site growing facility in a twist on the farm-to-table schema. By keeping all production (and some consumption) inhouse, the supply chain will be shortened and alleviate the security concerns (and costs) associated with transportation. More broadly, the Rec Center will propose a new model for community-based wellness and leisure activities, filling in programmatic gaps between, the East Bay Regional Parks system, and the Oakland Parks, Recreation & Youth Development department. The design will closely examine messaging surrounding recreational activities and speculate on how a building

might contribute to an inclusive notion of self-care and wellness for all ages, abilities, interests, and means. This design is creating a cannabis entertainment center in downtown Oakland, which will be a landmark that attracts both residents and tourists to the site for relaxation and recreational activities.

Site Analysis A major West Coast port city, Oakland is the largest city in the East Bay region of the San Francisco Bay Area. Oakland is the center of the transportation system in the American West. Its motorway network is one of the best in the world. In addition, the Port of Oakland is one of the best and most beautiful natural deepwater harbors globally.

Site View

The site has excellent views of the Golden Gate Bridge to the northwest, downtown San Francisco to the west, and Downtown Oakland to the south.


Oakland is a transportation hub on the west coast of the United States. The site is located in Oakland's Downtown, surrounded by four freeways, and there are many cannabis shops.


From Program to Form: Bridgescape In program research, the first step is to classify different programs. The second step is to analyze the connection between these classified programs, some of them are mutual influence, and some are one-way influence.

1) Classfication

3) Arrangement

Finally, the third step is to generate a diagram from the current results, which ultimately forms the shape of a bridge. The bridge can be a landscape that becomes a part of the Oakland city skyline.



Bridge as Lanscape


2) The Connection of Influences


- Architecture as a City Icon -

Structure Design In structure design, our modle include three parts: reinforced concrete core-tube for vertical transportation, steel structure floor for "cloud", and vertical steel structure tower.

- Reinforced concrete core-tube

- Floor 3 Steel Structure

- Floor 2 Steel Structure

- Floor 1 Steel Structure

- Tower Steel Structure


Conference Hall in the Cloud

Auditorium in the Cloud 28

Street View 29

Auditorium in the Cloud 30

Wall Section 31

Perspective Section


06 'LIVING WITH MOUNTAIN, RIVER, AND SKY' VISITOR CENTER DESIGN Acadamic Project Team Work With Liu Xiao Songkai liu Site: Tieshanping forest, jiangbei district, Chongqing Area: 1000 m2

The site is located on the mountain of Tieshanping National Forest Park in Chongqing, a place with beautiful scenery far from the city, and more than 100000 people come here every year for vacations and trips in order to connect the service space scattered on the mountain. With minimal interference with the natural environment, the project minimizes the space and determines the form of the building by surrounding environmental factors such as sunlight, wind, and scenery. In the process, I studied the impact of the weather changes over time on human behaviors, and thus determined the state of tourists that the building would serve for different travel purposes at different time periods.

In such a natural environment, people can get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy a moment of silence and relaxation, and so the design of the project is inspired by the scenery and climate changes in the four seasons of the year. And the reason why adapting the form of the building to the site is to ensure that the building is hidden in nature, The timber structure is adopted in design, and the advantages and disadvantages of the application of the wood structure and the design of the joint of the wood structure are further understood through the research and study.

'This project is not to destroy the structure of nature, but to integrate with the landscape'

Geograhoical Conncetion with Outside

Tieshanping National Forest Park

transportation scenic spot bridge

the Yangtze River

gueast resident ship port site 0

400 M

800 M

Space Arrangment According to the characteristics of the path and terrain, the form of the building adapts to the shape of the path, and the space is embedded in the mountain, thus the building is hidden in the mountains and forests, and keep the balance between the artificial construction and the natural landscape is maintained. Unlike architecture in cities, where the landscape is part of the building, the design aims to make the architecture as part of the landscape. restroom cafe exhibition craft shop workshop 120 ㎡


80 ㎡ 150 ㎡ 60 ㎡


Diving by Program

Moving by Route

Accomdating to Route

Shaping Roof

View, Window, and Landscape

56 424











1.lobby 2.souvenir shop 3.exhibition hall 4.courtyard 5.register room 6.rest area 7.modle exhibition hall 8.coworking space 9.storage 10.craft workshop 11.lecture hall

The design frames scenes to create a sequence of dynamic views from the buildings. The framing scenery interacts differently with each window and diversifies the relation-

Floor Plan

the soundings environment provides tranquil atmosphere

ships between the buildings' plan and people's views. Eventually, the design presents a more natural feature.










Section of Visitor


Finishing piece: spruce

Rigid insulation foam t=80mm

Rafter : 60X90mm Beam: Douglas fir 60 X150mm Beam: Douglas fir 120 X 210mm

Separating plate t=6mm Liquid waterproofing Rigid insulation foam t= 50mm

Bolt hole 30Φmm Frame: larch timber

Wooden fittings: Alaska cedar natural resin varnish finish

Wooden cap

Column: solid steel 400X40mm

1 Window Joint Detail


2 Window Joint







Center & Gallery

It is convenient to set the Gallery and Hiking center at the first half of the mountain road for the locals and tourists. The roof of these buildings is an open space to view the town, mountain, and river.

Trowel mortar t=15mm Concrete slab t=150mm

To ensure the landscape would not disturb by the new project, building areas for the resort are organized by new circle roads. The whole planning of the new areas and the form of housing are inspired by the NATURE. With window facing towards downhill, the curve roof

of the housing could restraint the accumulated snow in winter and also provide a high space for viewing and photograph. This project are wood structure merged into the landscape. Either “ floating” on top of the remains with new structures, or using earth construction to fit or change the shape of the terrain, they figure out featured landscape points for the castle resort directly.



Professional Works: Exhibition Venice Biennale China National Pavilion Reseacher and Exhibition Assistant 2017.02 - 2017.07 In Guizhou, Dimen village to research the Chinese traditional wood structure, build the digital model and 1:5 physical model, assist the exhibition set up in Venice Biennale China National Pavilion and organize the material for publication.

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