Winter 2014 - Looking to the Future - Berkeley Health

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The Magazine for Alumni and Friends

Winter 2014

A Conversation Between Deans


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Scholarship awardees for 2013–2014

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Berkeley public health students are changing the world. They’re addressing global problems like population growth and climate change. They’re working to eliminate inequities in health. And they’re proposing solutions to improve the health care system. By supporting the School of Public Health, you help students along their path to leadership through scholarships and fellowships. You expand their access to the best possible field placements. And you support up-to-date technology that allows them to conduct their research.

Winter 2014 The Magazine for Alumni and Friends FEATURES 3

Looking to the Future: A Conversation Between Deans

In September, Stefano Bertozzi took on the role of dean of the School of Public Health. He and his predecessor, Dean Emeritus Stephen Shortell, share perspectives on the challenges and opportunities of leadership and what the future holds for the School.

10 The Shortell Era: Defining Moments of the Past Decade Despite struggling with the country’s biggest economic recession since the Great Depression, leadership, faculty, staff, and students persevered to keep the School alive and thriving. Take a look back at the School’s greatest successes during Stephen Shortell’s time as dean.

16 Paging Dr. Data: Big Data goes to the Emergency Room In trauma care, decisions made in the first minutes and hours are critical. To help clinicians make informed judgments, a statistics expert and a trauma surgeon joined forces to build a predictive computer model that will answer the key question: Will the patient live or die?

20 A ffordable Care Comes to California California runs the biggest state insurance market in the country and is considered a bellwether for the Affordable Care Act. How is Covered California faring? Berkeley health policy experts are looking at the big picture.

23 SPOTLIGHT | Abhinaya Narayanan BA ’13

Riding the Bus for Transit Justice

25 SPOTLIGHT | Ilana Graetz PhD ’12

A Deeper Look at Electronic Health Records

26 FRESH PERSPECTIVE | Jesse Berns From UC Berkeley to a Syrian Refugee Camp: An Epidemiology Student’s Journey

DEPARTMENTS 28 The Campaign for the School of Public Health 38 A round the School 43 A lumni Notes 48 In Memoriam ONLINE EXCLUSIVE FEATURE

Mobile Health at Berkeley: Putting the Patient at the Center of Design Whether the goal is to manage chronic disease, increase exercise among the elderly, or track pesticide use in South Africa—Berkeley researchers approach the creation of mobile health apps from a user perspective.






Visual Strategies, San Francisco CONTRIBUTORS

Linda Anderberg, Jesse Berns, Michael S. Broder, Abby Cohn, Courtney Hutchison, Stephen Ornes, Sarah Yang PHOTOGRAPHY

Jim Block, cover, pp. 2–5, 7–8, 40, 41, 48;, p. 9; Peg Skorpinski, inside front cover, pp. 10–13, 32, 35, 41, 47, inside back cover; Michael S. Broder, p. 14;, pp. 16, 17, 19, 21, 38, 39; Abby Cohn, p. 23; Mohammed Jassim, pp. 26–27; Alain McLaughlin, pp. 28, 37 COMMUNICATIONS ADVISORY BOARD

Linda Anderberg, Michael S. Broder, William Dow, Mark B. Horton, Robin Mejia, Linda Neuhauser, Amani Nuru-Jeter, Stephen M. Shortell, Ann Stevens, Rob Tufel, David Tuller ON THE COVER: Dean Stefano Bertozzi

(left) with Professor and Dean Emeritus Stephen M. Shortell Berkeley Health is published annually by the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health for alumni and friends of the School. UC Berkeley School of Public Health Office of Marketing and Communications 417 University Hall #7360 Berkeley, CA 94720-7360 (510) 642-9572 © 2014, Regents of the University of California. Reproduction in whole or part requires written permission.

Read more on page 9, and go to Berkeley Health Online,, for the full feature story.

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Dean’s Message

Building on a Legacy I’m grateful to be writing to you as dean of the School of Public Health. UC Berkeley is simply an amazing environment with a rich community of people determined to improve the world. I’m inspired by the breadth and depth of the research and training that go on at the School every day. In my previous life as an academic in Mexico, the inaugural class of our training program in health economics graduated a year after I arrived. As you might imagine, this made for a very small group of alumni who immediately became my close colleagues, with whom I’m still in touch. What a contrast with the vast, interconnected Berkeley community I encounter now. I’m humbled to know that all of you are out there promoting global and local health, that you are the future employers and colleagues of our current students, and that you will partner with me in making the School even stronger than it is today. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank my predecessor, Dean Emeritus Stephen Shortell, who played a vital role in the accomplishments of the School over the past 11 years. I encourage you to read more about the School’s many milestones during his tenure beginning on page 8. I also had the opportunity to sit down with Steve during my first few weeks on campus to talk “dean to dean”—you can find that conversation opposite this letter. Along with the change of leadership at the School, there have been other important transitions in recent months: Nicholas Dirks succeeded Robert Birgeneau as Berkeley chancellor in June 2013, Janet Napolitano was selected as UC president in July 2013, and Susan Desmond-Hellmann MD, MPH ’88 will step down as UCSF chancellor in March. Transitions are a time of opportunity—for instance, the School can contribute to Chancellor Dirks’s Global University intiative to expand research and service opportunities in global


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public health. I’m also looking forward to partnering with other UC leaders to strengthen the School’s multidisciplinary ties across the campus and across the bay with UCSF. Transitions can also bring some stress and uncertainty. One of my top priorities is working with faculty, students, and staff to help smooth the process so people remain satisfied and productive in their work. I’m also committed to embarking on a collaborative strategic planning process to shape a vision for the School we’d like to see 10 or 20 years from now. I look forward to getting input from you, our alumni and supporters, during this process. One of the things that drew me to the School of Public Health is the world-class faculty. Again, I have Steve to thank for many of my academic colleagues—he recruited 21 during his time as dean. As I meet them, I realize more and more that the faculty members here are so much of what makes the School one of the best places in the world to get a public health education. I’d like to thank in particular Professor Ralph Catalano, who recently agreed to serve as executive associate dean. I’m looking forward to benefiting from his wise counsel in the areas of academic affairs and school management. I hope you will read in this issue of Berkeley Health about some of the work of our faculty members, alumni, and students tackling pressing and emerging issues around the globe—including in the areas of “Big Data” and health care reform. I think you will find it as inspiring as I did. Sincerely,

Stefano Bertozzi MD, PhD Dean and Professor of Health Policy and Management

Looking to the Future

A Conversation Between Deans

DR. STEFANO BERTOZZI began his service as dean of at the UC Berkeley School of Public Health in September 2013, succeeding Dean Emeritus Stephen Shortell. Previously Bertozzi was at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, where he directed the HIV program and led a team that managed the foundation’s portfolio of grants in HIV vaccine development, biomedical prevention research, diagnostics, and strategies for introduction and scaling-up of interventions. He serves on the scientific advisory boards for the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, the National Institute of Health’s Office of AIDS Research, and the World Health Organization’s HIV Program. Prior to joining the Gates Foundation, Bertozzi worked at the Mexican National Institute of Public Health as director of its Center for Evaluation Research and Surveys. He has also held positions with UNAIDS and the World Bank and was the last person to lead the WHO Global Program on AIDS before it metamorphed into UNAIDS. He holds a bachelor’s degree in biology and a PhD in health policy and management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He earned his medical degree at UC San Diego, and trained in internal medicine at UC San Francisco. B E R K E L E Y H E A LT H W I N T ER 2 014


Looking to the Future

Stephen Shortell: Stef, let me officially welcome you to Berkeley. On behalf of our faculty, staff, students—all of our community—we’re absolutely delighted you’re here. Stefano Bertozzi: Thanks, Steve. Shortell: Let me start by asking, what attracted you to become dean at Berkeley? You had a key leadership position at Gates and you’ve done a lot of fantastic things in your career. What was the attraction to this particular position at this point in time?

“ I think there’s no question the strength of this school is its faculty, and I’ve been very fortunate and privileged to be able to recruit twenty-one of them over the years, and they’re just outstanding.” —Stephen Shortell

Bertozzi: It starts with the extraordinary environment. The Bay Area—Berkeley in particular—is just a fabulous place to be. The School of Public Health is housed within the finest public university in the world. That is very exciting because of the growing need to bring other disciplines and expertise into the rapidly changing world of public health. People naturally think of the overlap between medicine and public health, but here we can highlight the huge shared mission with other parts of the University: humanities, social sciences, physical sciences, other professional schools and the Lawrence Berkeley Labs. And that’s an amazing opportunity. I was also drawn to this amazing school. It’s one of the world’s top schools of public health. It has extraordinary faculty. I think there are many things that you should be extremely proud of during your leadership, but I’d say that perhaps the most important is the people that you’ve managed to recruit while you’ve been dean. My impression is that the people that you’ve brought in over the last eleven years are really transforming this place and bringing new and different depths to the faculty. The reputation of the School and the University attracts extraordinary students and I’ve already seen that in our undergraduate major, in our graduate students, and in our fellows and postdocs. Shortell: Yes, we’re fortunate, being at Berkeley, that we’re able to draw on the resources of the entire campus and able to contribute to those as well. And I think there’s no question the strength of this school is its faculty, and I’ve been very fortunate and privileged to be able to recruit twenty-one of them over the years, and they’re just outstanding. And when I go elsewhere, to schools and other kinds of forums, the first thing they talk about in regards to our school is our faculty. Let me ask you another question: From your vantage point, what do you see as the major public health problems that we need to address? As you look externally, what are your initial thoughts on how to position the School even more so to address the challenges of this century? Bertozzi: Well, as you know, I have much more experience in the global sphere than I do in the domestic sphere. But some of the global challenges are also very relevant domestically. So I would say that health inequity and health disparities are not only global problems. Of the high-income countries, the United States has the greatest amount of health disparity. We are far less equal in terms of health status than we should be given our resources, and that’s even more astonishing given the extraordinary amount of money that we spend. You would think that with the amount of money that we spend, we would not only have the best mean and median health status in the world—we deserve it for the money we spend—but also that we would have far less health disparity,


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and we have neither of those. Another challenge I see is the persistence of the traditional diseases of developing countries and poverty with the overlap of what some people historically called the diseases of wealth, or more privileged, and among them obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. Shortell: It’s double jeopardy. Bertozzi: As an example, Mexico has perhaps the world’s worst epidemic of diabetes and competes with the U.S. to be the most obese country. We share health problems with Mexico and will change the health of both populations faster if we collaborate on developing solutions. These will certainly require innovation in many overlapping areas of public health: technology development, behavior change, and community engagement to name a few. I had also been working extensively with the Gates Foundation in China, and you can’t do that without every day being aware of the extraordinary environmental challenges and their relationship to health. In poorer settings, the indoor environment is also a very big determinant of health. The School is looked to for its expertise on a broad spectrum of issues related to the environment and health, an area I look forward to learning more about. Shortell: I think we are also learning from developing countries and low-resource settings about more efficient and effective ways that we can deliver health care services in our own country. Community health workers are one example. They are used heavily, as you know, in Africa and even Asia, and we’re beginning to transport these innovations back into our system here, because we have to learn how to deliver care in lower-cost settings using different kinds of health professionals. I also want to ask, what are your preliminary thoughts in terms of your short-term goals or ambitions for the School, and then anything longer term as well? Bertozzi: I do need some time to get to know the School better. It’s already clear to me that there is no need to push the reset button; we need to build on the School’s prodigious strengths—which means I need to better understand what those strengths are. It’s also very clear to me that Berkeley is a shared-governance, shared-leadership environment. I need to understand the aspirations of the faculty, staff, and students, and then help to coalesce those around common goals.

“ We share health problems with Mexico and will change the health of both populations faster if we collaborate on developing solutions.” —Stefano Bertozzi

There are exciting things happening that will need further nurturing. The online program is just one of those. This is an extremely exciting time in the world of virtual education. The School can have an enormous global impact in terms of development of human resources because we can use these new tools to do at-scale things we could previously only do in small groups. I’m not worried that there is competition between the physically present, bricks-and-mortar, people-to-people interactive environment and the virtual environment, because I believe that each will strengthen the other. We will bring the virtual into the bricks-and-mortar and we will increasingly capture the richness of the physical world in the virtual one. Shortell: Exactly. Bertozzi: I met with the Public Health Alumni Association, and I’m excited about the idea of working with them to

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Looking to the Future

strengthen the connection between the skills and knowledge that our students obtain on campus and the work environment we’re preparing them for. Our alumni are in a broad spectrum of work environments, and they can serve as representatives of the labor force for our students. I also think that the transition from your leadership to mine occurs at a time when Berkeley is transitioning an enormous amount of its administrative infrastructure and staff support. So I think one of my top priorities is working with the staff and with the faculty and the students to help that transition to be as non-disruptive as possible, and in a way that makes people satisfied in their work.

“ I certainly recognize that fundraising is not a short-term game. These are relationships you build for years, and often decades.” —Stefano Bertozzi Shortell: I think that’s very important to recognize. The campuswide changes will have a significant impact on all of us—faculty, staff, and students—and we all need to work on helping to implement these changes as effectively and constructively as possible. Bertozzi: Another thing that’s worth mentioning is a project that you’ve agreed to help me with, and I expect to work together with you and others on, and that’s the as-yet unfinished project of getting a building for the School. Shortell: I’m sorry I left you that one. That was one thing on my punch list I had hoped to get done but did not. But you will be the hero! Bertozzi: Well, I’d like to think that we will be heroes together. Shortell: Yes, collectively we will all be, because it will take a team to do it. Bertozzi: Not only will it take a team, but I certainly recognize that fundraising is not a short-term game. These are relationships you build for years, and often decades. And so it’s a question of working with the groundwork and the platforms that you’ve built to get us over that finish line, and I know that I can count on your support.

internal/within the School bucket, which we’ve talked about some already. Then there’s the cross-campus relationships bucket, which, at a place like Berkeley, can take a lot of time. It’s a very academically entrepreneurial campus. And I think that’s largely good, but it means there’s ten, fifteen ideas a day that crop up. Some suck your energy and go nowhere; some are the ones that pay off. And then the third bucket is the external bucket. Fundraising is the big part of that, but there’s also accrediting bodies, various other forums, the external reputation of the School, and related considerations. So as you think about those three buckets, it would be interesting to hear your thoughts—you’ve talked a little bit about some of them already—on how you see those playing out for yourself, particularly this first year, as you get your feet on the ground. Bertozzi: Well, I think we’ve spoken about the internal stuff and some of the challenges and opportunities. In the short term, managing the administrative transition is going to be a very high priority internally. I think that any change in leadership is an opportunity to say, let’s take stock of where we are, let’s think about where we’d like to be ten years from now, and let’s start a path for getting there. With respect to the rest of the campus, I need to learn a lot more about that. What is really encouraging to me is that my initial interaction with different parts of the campus has been not only very welcoming, but eager to strengthen collaborations. I’ve met with many of the deans and it’s clear there are lots of exciting things to explore. With respect to the broader community, you had mentioned fundraising. I would say that another important part of the broader community is that we want to influence policy in public health—we want to do that locally, we want to do that in the state, we want to do that nationally, we want to do it globally—and becoming more purposeful in strengthening our ability to have that policy impact is something that is a long-term process. The School already does a lot in these arenas, but I think that schools of public health generally need to develop a greater sense of accountability for the impact that we have on health policies, and ultimately, on the health of the population.

Shortell: Absolutely, and you have my commitment and time on that.

Virtually everybody who enters public health practice or the academy does so because they want to have an impact on the health of the population, and we need to continuously question how we can have greater impact. If we’re training people less than optimally for today’s health challenges, we need to modify our training. If we are researching less important problems in terms of ultimate impact then, over time, we need to focus on the most important problems.

Let me switch gears a little bit. One of the ways I used to think about this job is in three buckets. One of these is the

Shortell: We can’t afford to sub-optimize; we can’t afford to not address the biggest challenges. That’s what we’re aiming


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Looking to the Future

for. That’s what we have to make sure that we continue to support our faculty, staff, and students to do, absolutely. Bertozzi: It seems to me that our academic incentive systems should have more positive incentives for working on problems that will have greater impact. And we should figure out how to do that. It’s obviously not an issue just for the School—it’s an issue for the profession. Shortell: Exactly right. In a way, I think we have an advantage at Berkeley, because the culture here is such, you can study anything you want, you just better be damn good. The University’s not going to restrict us in our decisions. And team-based science is growing here as well. There is a growing recognition on campus as they review and work with our faculty that team science is what public health is about. You need multiple disciplines to deal with these problems. So this is something I have found has been really reinforcing in terms of what we’re trying to do here. Bertozzi: One of the casualties of the current reward system is that it differentially rewards individual effort. If we are trying to tackle very big problems, they’re unlikely to be addressable by an individual faculty member. Shortell: Exactly, and it often takes time. In many cases, you’ve got to collect primary data, it may take three or four years before the publications are going to bubble up. Bertozzi: I think you’re exactly right. In many ways, the Human Genome Project was a “line in the sand” project that created a new way of working and a new way of recognizing intellectual contribution, and a new way of a shared collective approach to something. Just as there is increasing discussion about “big science” that requires new forms of collaboration, we need to have a dialogue about “big public health.” Shortell: One last question, for today at least: Tell us a little bit about any hobbies you have, your family life, what you like to do when you’re not working. What would you like to share with us? Bertozzi: Because we’ve lived in lots of places, I have my childhood, or actually my great-grandfather’s childhood home in Italy that is still in the family—and my father was the only member of his family that left Italy. So we still have strong connections back there. I was born in a place called Cortina d’Ampezzo—it’s where the 1956 Winter Olympics were held—and I still have family there, and my grandfather’s family came from Piedmont, or Piemonte in Italian.


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“ Just as there is increasing discussion about ‘big science’ that requires new forms of collaboration, we need to have a dialogue about ‘big public health.’ ” —Stefano Bertozzi So our old family farmhouse is about a third of the way from Milan to Torino. We lived eleven years in Mexico, and my kids grew up there. So we built a house in Mexico when were down there, and we get down there as often as we can. It’s in Cuernavaca near the National Institute of Public Health. And here in the U.S., what we really like to do is get outdoors. We’ve been in Seattle for the past four years, and I have to say the western side of this continent is hard to beat for extraordinary natural spaces. Last summer we spent a week up at the Georgia Strait, which is in British Columbia, about as far north as you can go in Puget Sound, and it was just spectacular. You sit and watch the bald eagles fish in front of you. It’s just an amazing place. Shortell: And so is Berkeley! We are all fortunate to be living in a very beautiful part of the world. I know I speak for all of us in the School that you will have our full support as you lead us to ever greater opportunities to improve the public’s health. Bertozzi: Thanks so much, Steve. I have felt that support since my my first visit to campus. It is an honor to be able to join this team.

Online Exclusive Feature

Mobile Health at Berkeley: Putting the Patient at the Center of Design BY COURTNEY HUTCHISON | Often referred to as mobile health or mHealth, the use of mobile applications to enhance medical and public health practice has grown exponentially over the past decade. As apps become an increasingly important part of research and care, an intense focus on user input has become a hallmark of the many mHealth initiatives pioneered by Berkeley faculty and students. Go to Berkeley Health Online to read more about:

Crohnology.MD: Tracking health data benefits patients and doctors For Nikolai Kirienko BA ’12, the most powerful tool to fight his Crohn’s disease was not a pill or procedure—it was his smart phone.

BingoWALK: Bringing board games to the streets

MSpray: Mobile pesticide tracking in South Africa When Professor Brenda Eskenazi set out to study the health effects of indoor pesticide spraying in South Africa, she ran into a data roadblock: incomplete and inaccurate paperwork. Some quick thinking, a team of Berkeley researchers, smart phones, and geo-tagging enabled her to save her research.

If you’re just reading our print magazine, you’re only getting part of the story. Berkeley Health Online is your gateway to enhanced magazine content, online exclusive feature stories, and your classmates’ latest news. Visit us and bookmark

Keeping seniors physically active is one of the most powerful—and the most challenging—interventions in eldercare. Could a mobile game make walking a fun, manageable, and social experience for the elderly?

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Shortell Era 2013

BY LINDA ANDERBERG | Dean Stephen Shortell served as the School’s ninth dean from July 2002 to June 2013, a period marked by challenge and resilience. During this time, UC Berkeley and the School of Public Health experienced some of the most severe budget shortfalls in the history of the University. “By far the greatest challenge was dealing with the financial cutbacks during the period of 2008 to 2010,” says Shortell about his time as dean. But the hardships only made the accomplishments more remarkable. Under Shortell’s leadership and with the contributions of faculty, staff, students, and key advisers, the School emerged from the global recession stronger, more focused, and prepared to address the emerging health challenges of the 21st century and beyond. Without question, one of Shortell’s defining achievements over the past 11 years was the successful recruitment of 21 faculty members across all disciplines in public health. Together with professors already in place, these scholars form the face and the future of the School.


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The School celebrates Stephen Shortell’s 11 years of service as dean at a reception held at Alumni House.

“When I was first considering the School, one of the things that impressed me most was the extraordinary faculty,” says Dean Stefano Bertozzi, who began serving as the School’s 10th dean in September 2013. “The people Dean Shortell brought in during his tenure have the potential to be transformational.” Some of the faculty members were brought on board to replace retirements or other separations, while others filled new positions on the growing faculty. The successful recruitment of Barbara Laraia and Kristine Madsen in 2011 reinvigorated the School’s Public Health Nutrition program—an area that had previously been without full-time faculty for several years. “Faculty are the lifeblood of any School and I am extremely proud of each of the 21 faculty members that I and my

Defining Moments of a Transformational Decade

colleagues had the privilege of recruiting over the past eleven years,” says Shortell. “It has been great to see their careers develop at Berkeley.” Many of the professors recruited under Shortell’s tenure have already risen to positions of leadership within the School. Associate professor Lisa Barcellos, who joined the School in 2003, chairs the School’s Committee on Teaching Excellence, and Henry J. Kaiser Professor of Health Economics William Dow, also a Shortell recruit, is the current head of the Division of Health Policy & Management. The two of them served as faculty representatives on the Dean Search Committee last year. “A powerful comparative advantage of the UC Berkeley School of Public Health compared to other major schools is its close intellectual linkage with the larger campus—in my case the relationships with other social scientists on campus have been a tremendous asset,” says Dow. “This is something that Steve Shortell helped to sell me on when he first recruited me, and I appreciate how hard he worked to continue to strengthen these ties.” The School’s student body has continued to impress and, importantly, it has grown substantially more diverse. When Shortell became dean in 2002, underrepresented minorities made up only 9 percent of the student body. By 2012, that figure had increased to 25 percent. “A primary motivator was to better meet the needs of California, one of the most diverse states in the country,” says Shortell, with regard to the focus on diversity in enrollment. “Another was to reduce inequities in access to higher education, and increase the opportunities to improve public health by drawing on the skills of all people who are qualified to do graduate-level work.”


Professor Emeritus Sheldon Margen speaks at the naming ceremony for the Sheldon Margen Public Health Library.

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“ Many of us felt at the time that an undergrad major would stimulate interest in public health among the students. And I think it has done that.” Shortell credits the joint efforts of students, staff and faculty members for this success. “And in particular, director of diversity Abby Rincón and the Center for Public Health Practice have played an important role in this increase,” he says.

The changing face of student education A number of advancements in student education, large and small, occurred during the past 11 years. Many involved increased collaboration with others on the Berkeley campus, including the establishment of a concurrent degree program with the Graduate School of Journalism in 2011. But two advancements stand out in particular as cutting edge, visionary, and truly exemplary of the Shortell era: The reestablishment of the undergraduate major in public health and the creation of the On-Campus/Online Professional MPH Degree Program. The School had been without an undergraduate major for decades before the development of a new undergraduate program in 2003. Under the leadership of Professor Steve Selvin, the major was reinstituted, with the goals of increasing the School’s presence on the UC Berkeley campus and enhancing the School’s training offerings. “Many of us felt at the time that an undergrad major would stimulate interest in public health among the students,” said Professor Bill Satariano, who chairs the Undergraduate Management Committee. “And I think it has done that.” The major was immediately popular among the undergraduate students, and in fact one of the biggest challenges the program faced was how to keep up with the growth in demand. “The enrollment limit was first intended to be 100 students, which at that time was considered enough to meet demand; however, since then it has grown to 350,” says Tony Soyka, who has served as the academic adviser for the program since its inception. “We’ve also added courses to keep up, the latest being a very popular biostatistics course.” Since 2003, more than 1,200 students have graduated with bachelor’s degrees in public health. Soyka plans to work with Satariano and Bertozzi to secure more financial support for the program to be able to offer additional courses and internships for hopefully an increasing number of students. “I believe it’s an ideal undergraduate major,” says Satariano. “It’s multidisciplinary and addresses important topics, such


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2005 The School’s Volunteer Mobilization Day was established in 2005 to give incoming public health graduate students the opportunity to be involved directly with the Berkeley community and begin their leadership training as soon as they arrive. Before the start of each academic year, new students spend the afternoon performing public service at nonprofit organizations throughout Berkeley.

as the relationship between science and policy. It really is a great program.” The impetus to create a largely online degree program was similar—to enhance the School’s training offerings. But this degree would be designed mainly for professionals already working in the field of public health to continue to work in their fields while receiving training from UC Berkeley. “Given the state is no longer going to provide additional funding to increase our enrollment, the only way to meet the severe shortage of trained public health professionals in the state—and nationwide—is by developing this kind of program,” says Shortell. The On-Campus/Online Professional MPH Program, established in 2011, was UC Berkeley’s first largely online degree program, so the School and its leaders were operating in uncharted territory for the campus. To lead the effort, Shortell and then executive associate dean Tom

Rundall chose Dr. Nap Hosang, a 25-year clinical veteran of Kaiser Permanente, who had been chairing the School’s Interdisciplinary MPH program. “When we learned Nap was interested, we felt we had lucked out,” says Shortell. “He has a wonderful combination of being being a creative thinker with the ability to execute.” “I had planned to retire from clinical practice in 2010,” says Hosang. “When Dean Shortell asked me to spearhead the program, we saw it as an opportunity to refine our pedagogy with twenty-first century digital capability.” From the beginning, Shortell and Hosang had a vision of a degree option that was as highly valued as the on-campus degree programs. “Our greatest challenge was the approval process. It was burdened by inevitable resistance to change and fear on the part of the seasoned faculty members that this endeavor could negatively impact our UC brand,” says Hosang. “We took those brand concerns very seriously, and we wanted to demonstrate that high quality online public health education is possible. After lengthy discussions, eighty percent of the School’s faculty voted in favor of proceeding with our plan.” To develop a high quality program, the School partnered with UC Berkeley Extension, the campus’s continuing education branch, which began testing online learning in the mid 1990s. The program admits students three times per year. The first cohort, admitted for the Spring 2012 semester, was intentionally kept small.

“In the first year, we had greater than 80 percent satisfaction from the students with the curriculum offered,” Hosang says. Just over 100 students are currently enrolled in the program, and the first cohort of students will graduate in May 2014. As the program moves forward, Hosang would like to add electives and areas of concentration, increase global enrollment, and explore a possible hybrid on-campus/online doctoral program. The program will also offer more workshops and tools for faculty members who want to learn how to teach effectively online. “If we want to stay relevant, we must make this transition,” says Hosang. “These new adult learners are increasingly digitally competent, and our teaching is still mostly analog. It’s a challenge for seasoned classroom instructors who are on the other side of the digital divide, but we must embrace a new and possibly better process of knowledge transfer for the next generation of Berkeley graduates.” Shortell agrees. “I expect that our experience with the online program will feed back positively into our on-campus classes, and the distinctions between the two in the future will become increasingly blurred,” he says.

A successful fundraising campaign In 2008, the School launched The Campaign for the School of Public Health as part of a larger campuswide effort, The Campaign for Berkeley. The School set an ambitious goal of $110 million. The global economic recession hit almost simultaneously, and California made deep cuts to education


Three deans converge as Dean Stephen Shortell talks with former deans Joyce Lashof (center) and Patricia Buffler at an event honoring the legacy of Earl Warren Hall, which housed the School of Public Health from 1955 until the building’s demolition in 2007.

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An installation on Dwinelle Plaza features portraits and quotes from members of the Cal community expressing their pride and gratitude. The exhibit was unveiled at the kickoff event for The Campaign for Berkeley.

funding. The School was facing severe budget cuts and an uncertain future while trying to raise the most money in its 66-year history. “Many thought this was a ‘stretch’ goal we could not reach,” says Shortell.

The School needed private philanthropic support more than ever. Under the guidance of Patricia Hosel, assistant dean for external relations and development, the Campaign moved forward. “Thanks to Pat Hosel’s tireless energy, Don Francis’s leadership of the Campaign Steering Committee, the work of the Policy Advisory Council, faculty members, alumni, and others, we ended up exceeding our goal,” says Shortell. After the 2007 demolition of Warren Hall, the School of Public Health’s historic home, the School was scattered across seven buldings on campus and numerous off-campus sites. Administrative offices and some faculty moved to University Hall. Although giving was strong in areas of research and student and faculty support, a lead gift for a new building remained elusive.


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“Unfortunately the ‘ultimate prize,’ sufficient funding for our new home, escaped us,” Shortell says. “But we are all working with Dean Bertozzi to help make this a reality as quickly as possible.” External funds for research reached record highs under Shortell’s leadership. The School also funded two endowed faculty chairs under the Hewlett Challenge, the Edward E. Penhoet Distinguished Endowed Chair in Global Health and Infectious Disease and the Leonard D. Schaeffer Endowed Chair in Health Economics and Policy. Giving to support student scholarship was also very strong under the Campaign. The Kalmanovitz Foundation donated $1 million in support of doctoral students. Notably, Kaiser Permanente made a signature gift of $5 million to found the Kaiser Permanente Public Health Scholars Program, which provides financial aid to 15 students a year who plan careers in improving the health of underserved and vulnerable populations. This allowed the School to expand enrollment for the first time in well over a decade, without impacting the School’s declining budget. “Investing in the training of these future leaders is a critical step toward addressing the growing health challenges in California and the nation,” said Raymond J. Baxter, senior vice president for community benefit, research, and health policy at Kaiser Permanente, at the time of the program’s

inception. To date, 83 students have been supported at the School as Kaiser Permanente Public Health Scholars. Thanks to the generosity of private donors, at the close of the Campaign, the School had raised over $116 million, exceeding the initial goal by $6 million. “It demonstrated, for the first time, the School’s ability to raise a significant amount of money—it’s the most we’ve done over that amount of time,” says Shortell. “So that sends a very positive message to all stakeholders interested in the School. The success of the Campaign meant a lot for our students and faculty. It enables us to maintain and enhance our role as one of the leading Schools of Public Health in the world and provides a great foundation for our future achievements.” Ken Taymor, who has chaired the School’s Policy Advisory Council since 2004, credits the success of the Campaign, and the School as a whole, to Shortell’s leadership. “Steve’s leadership was essential to the School thriving over the past decade,” Taymor says. “We are all fortunate to have had the benefit of his energy and expertise during what was a very challenging time for universities nationwide.”

Milestones of the Shortell Era 2002 Stephen M. Shortell begins service as the School’s ninth dean.

2003 The School reestablishes an upper-division undergraduate major in public health.

2005 The first Berkeley-Barcelona Advanced Health Leadership Forum convenes, bringing health leaders from around the globe. (It is now called the Global Health Leadership Forum.)

2007 The School establishes the Center for Global Public Health and the Center for Exposure Biology.

2008 The School launches The Campaign for the School of Public Health, with a goal of $110 million. The Center for Health Leadership is formed with the help of donor support.

2009 Two more centers are established: The Berkeley Center for Health Technology and the Berkeley Center for Green Chemistry.

2011 2011

Kaiser Permanente Public Health Scholars are joined by Dean Shortell and representatives of Kaiser Permanente and the East Bay Community Foundation at an annual reception held in the scholars’ honor.

The School establishes the first-ever online degree program on the UC Berkeley campus, the On-Campus/Online Professional MPH Degree Program.

2013 The Campaign for the School of Public Health comes to a successful close, having raised over $116 million in 5 years.

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Paging Dr. Data Big Data Goes to the Emergency Room BY STEPHEN ORNES | For doctors who treat trauma patients, prediction is key: Will a patient die in the next 30 minutes? Why or why not? What about the next six hours? And after that? What’s the best treatment? How might the patient respond to that treatment in the best- and worst-case scenarios? Then what? These are mortal questions: Trauma kills more people between the ages of 1 and 44 than any other cause. Decisions made in those first few minutes and hours post-injury have the potential to save lives and speed recovery. Clinicians make critical judgments informed by hard-earned experience, best practice guidelines, and intuition. But those decisions are fraught with uncertainty.


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This is where Alan Hubbard comes in. Hubbard, an associate professor of biostatistics at the School of Public Health, has been collaborating with Dr. Mitchell Cohen, a trauma surgeon at San Francisco General Hospital, to develop a predictive computer model for the prognosis of trauma patients. The model will predict the answer to one question—will the patient live or die?—but it could go much deeper. Clinicians might also consult it to determine the likely outcomes for different treatment options. The basic idea is akin to weather forecasting: Dump in all available data, and predict the immediate future. Time is of the essence to trauma patients, and that urgency is built into the model, which can adjust its predictions over time. In addition, it’s smart: The more data it analyzes, the better it learns to predict outcomes. Such a tool could customize treatment to patients’ own characteristics, rather than how they compare to an average patient.

astronomers probe the secrets of deep space by studying the flood of data pouring in from telescopes; geneticists can home in on pathologic genetic mutations by surveying entire genomes of many people. But the work by Hubbard and his team represents the first time researchers have taken such a deep and systematic approach to the messy world of trauma care. From the moment they’re whisked through the doors, patients are measured, tested, and watched. These nearly continuous observations produce a lot of data. But even after a particular patient’s ordeal ends, those data become valuable in the hands of statisticians like Hubbard. These numbers quantify an individual’s experience. But when combined with data from many other patients, they can reveal the critical measurements, or indicators, that most accurately predict whether a patient is improving or not.

The doctor in the data

It’s easier said than done: ER patient data are messy. A patient’s condition can change in a heartbeat; as a result, measurements become more or less important at different times. Hubbard says an accurate model of care must accommodate not only changing variables—but also changing significance.

Welcome to science in the Information Age. Projects in a wide spectrum of disciplines use statistical tools to separate value from noise in enormous data sets. Retail giants predict the buying patterns and interests of their future consumers;

“Practitioners shouldn’t be making the same decisions at every point in time because the dynamics of the patient— and the process—change over time,” says biostatistician Iván Diaz PhD ’13, who worked on the project as a doctoral

“That is what personalized medicine is all about,” says Hubbard.

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Paging Dr. Data

student at Berkeley and is now a postdoctoral fellow at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Hubbard says the model will help doctors identify which critical measurements to watch, and when. “We don’t believe that outcomes will depend on only one particular variable,” he says. “It’s going to be a combination of values. That’s why we’re useful. There’s information there that we don’t think the physicians are using at this point.” The right combination of measurements that will best predict outcomes, he says, isn’t obvious. It hides in the data.

The surgeon and the statisticians Hubbard, whose research spans a number of disparate areas, calls himself a statistical “jack of all trades.” But his projects frequently involve “high-dimensional data,” where one or more of many variables might be responsible for a particular outcome. He doesn’t take every collaboration; instead, he looks for projects where the outcomes might actually be used. When Cohen approached him in 2010, Hubbard had never thought about working on data for trauma care. But the project offered him a chance to use statistics to answer questions that clinicians really cared about.

“ New techniques are born out of necessity, and they’re the only way to handle these big data sets.” “Care of acute trauma is one area where evidence-based medicine is difficult to do because it’s just chaos,” he says. “The practice is informed not so much by the quantitative evaluation of data using statistics, but more a priori principles. There’s little validation of the approaches taken to acute trauma, and there’s a vast difference in treatment from one trauma unit to another.” Cohen, who is also an associate professor of surgery at the UCSF Department of Surgery, had been laying the groundwork for this project for years before he found Hubbard. “We treat patients in the Emergency Department through the Operating Room and into the Intensive Care Unit,” he says, “but we make big decisions on the sickest patients in the hospital with inadequate data.” In a paper published in the journal Critical Care in 2010, Cohen and his colleagues analyzed high-dimensional data from patients in the ICU. Using an approached called hierarchical clustering, they found 10 patient “states,” each connected to the likelihood of certain outcomes. Patients passed


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through different states as treatment progressed: In one state, they were more susceptible to infections; in another, the risk of death was higher. Knowing how patients fit into these groups could help clinicians make treatment decisions. Cohen wanted to similarly transform trauma patient data into a robust forecaster of outcome. But he knew he needed help: Trauma data was particularly unruly. “I work in the messiest research environment,” he says. “Our research is done at three in the morning on Saturday that happens to be Christmas Eve in a place where a patient is bleeding to death on the floor.” A number of prediction algorithms already existed, but he thought they were simplistic, failing to capture the complexity and dynamic nature of trauma care. When he sat down with Hubbard and his team, though, Cohen knew they could help. Their “computational abilities were the perfect marriage for what we wanted to do,” Cohen remembers. “They really took the time to learn how we think, and what our problems are. They spent the time to get it, rather than just applying the statistics to the data.” At their first meeting, Cohen outlined two goals. First, he wanted a model that could predict the likely medical outcome for a patient at a given time. Second, he wanted to identify the specific variables that, at a given time, could predict a patient’s outcome. For the second goal, identifying variables, Hubbard would call on his past work on causal inference. For predicting outcomes, Diaz knew immediately what they needed: An algorithm called SuperLearner.

Letting the data speak Diaz refers to professor of biostatistics Mark van der Laan, creator of the SuperLearner, as “the brain behind all these methods.” In van der Laan’s lab at Berkeley, researchers strive to improve the use of statistics to arrive at meaningful conclusions. Van der Laan has a beef with modern statistical methods: “The current practice of statistics often fails to learn the truth from data,” he wrote in his lab’s online mission statement. Many statisticians are limited by their allegiance to particular models, he says. Conventional estimation procedures like least squares, or linear or logistic regression are applied erroneously to high-dimensional data sets. No one model can pull meaningful information or value from these data sets, he says. He likens the practice of trying to apply one simple model to big data to picking the highest-achieving student in a class on the first day. SuperLearner doesn’t use one method: It

“ I work in the messiest research environment. Our research is done at three in the morning on Saturday that happens to be Christmas Eve in a place where a patient is bleeding to death on the floor.” consults a built-in library of different approaches to find the optimal strategy. Then, it uses some data to “train” the algorithms, and other data to evaluate the trained algorithms. “Then you say, okay, now I know which algorithm is doing the best, so choose that one,” says van der Laan. The most successful approach might be one type of regression— or it might be a weighted average of many approaches. SuperLearner identifies and selects the best tool at a given point in time. In terms of its use with patient data, the SuperLearner uses patient data to train itself on the best-fit algorithms, and then uses those algorithms to make predictions on other patients. “New techniques are born out of necessity, and they’re the only way to handle these big data sets,” says van der Laan. In a paper published earlier this year in the Journal of Trauma Acute Care Surgery, the researchers tested the SuperLearnerbased system at different time intervals on data from trauma patients. And during each time interval they tested, up to six hours, the system more accurately predicted patient outcomes than existing models.

The future of trauma care SuperLearner, says Diaz, was a perfect fit for what Cohen wanted to do with trauma patient data. “Severe trauma is a process that varies over time,” he says. “When I first started talking about this stuff and presenting it to my world, old-timer luminaries in our field and clinical trauma people said, ‘You’re trying to replace people with

computers,’ ” recalls Cohen. “And I say, ‘No, no, no, we’re trying to model the clinical gestalt you’ve developed over 30 years of sitting at a bedside.’ ” Experienced clinicians can look at a patient’s vital signs and just know that something’s not right, and more often than not, they’re right, Cohen says. Of course, it’s one thing to design a predictor in theory— and another to make it a life-saving reality. That’s why doctoral student Anna Decker MA ’11, an integral member of Hubbard’s research team, is now working with the medical staff at San Francisco General Hospital to implement the technology that can predict outcomes. The researchers don’t yet know how clinicians will interface with the model when it’s up and running. Perhaps they’ll consult an app on a tablet computer that changes color according to predicted outcomes; perhaps patients will be hooked up to a smart monitor that automatically measures the most critical variables at that time. But what researchers do know is that the model will continue to evolve, getting smarter and better as it acquires new data. Cohen and Hubbard both say that the tool represents the thought-process of a well-trained clinicians, who already knows that patients’ conditions change rapidly and need to be treated accordingly. They’re trying to quantify—and even boost—the keen sense of a well-seasoned clinician. “What we’re trying to do,” says Cohen, “is to model that intuition.”

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Affordable Care Comes to California BY ABBY COHN | Like many Californians, 61-year-old Mary Gaynor of Berkeley is waiting to see if the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a good prescription for her health. The unemployed graphic artist has struggled for decades to get treatment for a litany of maladies. But with major provisions of President Obama’s health care overhaul having just taken effect, Gaynor hopes she and millions of other uninsured Americans finally have access to reliable and steady health coverage. “I’m part of a population that desperately needs Obama­ care,” says Gaynor. Unable to work, she subsists on general assistance stipends and relies on the kindness of a friend to pay for one of her medications. “I’m all for it,” she says of the ACA. Not everyone, of course, shares Gaynor’s enthusiasm. A political lightning rod, the ACA is the country’s biggest health care reform since Medicare. Although it became law in 2010 and was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2012, it faced backlash from Republican lawmakers that sparked a government shutdown in early October 2013. The rocky rollout of the website that same month provided easy ammunition for critics. And when the President’s statement that no one would have to give up his or her preferred health plan turned out to have exceptions, it further eroded some Americans’ confidence in the new law. In California, the state’s new health insurance marketplace, Covered California, had a comparatively smooth start when


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it began enrolling the first wave of uninsured Californians expected to benefit from the ACA. Covered California is envisioned as a one-stop shop for a variety of standardized health insurance plans. The exchange reported almost 1 million visits to its web site,, in its first week of operation. As the program launched, callers initially flooded both the call center and website. From October through December, more than 500,000 individuals enrolled in health plans. “The response to Covered California has been nothing short of phenomenal,” says Peter V. Lee, the organization’s executive director. The insurance policies are marketed at four levels of coverage—bronze, silver, gold, or platinum—and include such mandatory benefits as preventive care, prescription drugs, and hospital stays. Under the new law, insurers are prohibited from denying or canceling coverage because of pre-existing conditions or new illnesses.

All told, an estimated 2.6 million lower-income Californians qualify for financial assistance to buy Covered California insurance plans, and an additional 2.7 million people could benefit from guaranteed insurance purchased through the marketplace or privately. Another 1.4 million people are newly eligible for Medi-Cal, thanks to California’s widened access of its health care program for lower-income residents. The Golden State is considered a bellwether for the ACA and its ability to pull off a sweeping expansion of affordable health coverage. One of the first states to embrace the law, California runs the biggest state insurance market in the country. (Because some states declined to set up health exchanges for political reasons and others were unable to do so, the federal government is operating many of the marketplaces.) “There are a lot of eyes focused on California and how it works out,” says Professor William Dow, who heads the Health Policy and Management Division at the School of Public Health. The School of Public Health has taken a lead in analyzing the ACA and how it will shape health care. One of the most significant efforts united the School’s policy experts, government officials, and leaders of private health care organizations to create a new vision for more affordable and effective health care in California.

The Golden State is considered a bellwether for the ACA and its ability to pull off a sweeping expansion of affordable health coverage. One of the first states to embrace the law, California runs the biggest state insurance market in the country. Called the Berkeley Forum, the group made a dramatic proposal—to fundamentally restructure how health care is delivered and financed by pulling away from the traditional fee-for-service model of health care. Fee-for-service pays providers for each treatment or procedure rendered. In its place, the Berkeley Forum, which included presidents and CEOs of major health insurers and delivery systems such as Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield of California, Kaiser Permanente, and Sutter Health, recommended a “rapid shift” to coordinated care for patients along with risk-adjusted global budgets to pay for it.

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Affordable Care

Under such a scheme, health plans and providers would agree on fixed spending targets that are adjusted for the underlying health of their patient populations and would reward doctors and hospitals for quality care and patient satisfaction. Providers also would be encouraged to participate in integrated systems that coordinate care for patients across a spectrum of health-care providers and facilities. The group’s call for change was spurred by concern over the soaring cost of health care and the state’s ability to care for millions of newly insured Californians. By 2022, employerbased insurance premiums are expected to represent almost a third of a family’s median household income. “Something has to change. We can’t continue to spend more and more of our income on health care,” says Liora Bowers MPH ’11, who, along with Professor Richard Scheffler, is among the report’s lead authors.

“ What’s really important about this report as much as the data and the findings is who is saying it.” The Berkeley Forum predicts its interventions—which also include measures such as increased physical activity by patients and greater reliance on nurse practitioners and honoring patient wishes for palliative care—would save the state some $110 billion in health care costs over the next decade. That translates into $802 in yearly savings per household. Professor and Dean Emeritus Stephen Shortell says the recommendations reveal a willingness by key industry players to transform how health care services are financed and provided. “What’s really important about this report as much as the data and the findings is who is saying it,” says Shortell, who served as the Berkeley Forum’s chair. On other fronts, the School hosted a series of lectures on the ACA and its impact, and across the Berkeley campus, researchers are studying the new law from a variety of angles. For instance, the UC Berkeley Labor Center predicted that 3.1 to 4 million Californians would remain uninsured after the ACA’s full implementation. Researchers say those numbers could be mitigated by outreach and enrollment efforts targeting Latinos and other groups that tend to be uninsured. Undocumented immigrants, including an estimated 2.5 million in California, are not covered by the ACA. Nonetheless, Dow predicts that the ACA “is going to improve the lives of people, improve their access to health care, and improve some dimensions of health.”


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Dr. Mark B. Horton, former director of the California Department of Public Health and a member of the School’s Policy Advisory Council, agrees. “I come at this, first of all, from a social justice perspective,” he says. “What the ACA does here in California and most other states is come close to closing the gap in access to quality health care. There’s no question this will have an impact on the health of our population.” But Dow and Horton remain concerned about the program’s long-term price tag. The ACA is budgeted to cost $1.7 trillion over the next decade. “It is fully paid for on paper, but whether or not this all plays out as projected remains to be seen,” says Dow. Despite the intense focus and continual political wrangling, many people have only a hazy understanding of the law. A November 2013 survey by the University of Southern California and the Los Angeles Times revealed that while 50 percent of California voters support the Affordable Care Act, 42 percent say they lack information on the law. “We’re aware that it’s a complex issue,” says Covered California spokeswoman Anne F. Gonzales. The organization is responding with a statewide education campaign that includes television ads and other marketing strategies. Up to 16,000 enrollment counselors speaking 13 different languages are being trained to help California consumers shop and sign up for health plans. Statewide, many health providers are anticipating a new landscape. For LifeLong Medical Care, a nonprofit founded in Berkeley that provides health and social services to underserved residents like Mary Gaynor in Alameda, Contra Costa, and Marin counties, the ACA could translate into Medi-Cal coverage for roughly half of the organization’s estimated 12,000 uninsured patients. Some of those clients now wait months for specialty care at Alameda County’s overcrowded Highland Hospital. With Medi-Cal, they would have access to a broader network of providers to treat diabetes, heart conditions, and other serious health problems. “It gives them a card in their pocket,” says Marty Lynch, executive director and CEO at LifeLong. “It’s a big, big advantage of Obamacare.” To handle an increased demand for services at its 10 primary care health centers, LifeLong hopes to hire more staff and expand clinic hours. The ACA is “definitely a step in the right direction,” says Lucinda Bazile MPH ’94, regional director of LifeLong’s Contra Costa Health Centers and past president of Berkeley’s Public Health Alumni Association board of directors. “For people who haven’t had health insurance in their life, this is a great opportunity to get access to care and, we hope, access to prevention.”

Spotlight | Abhinaya Narayanan

Riding the Bus for Transit Justice BY ABBY COHN | Clipboard in hand, Abhinaya Narayanan BA ’13 spent a summer riding the bus lines that are lifelines for Oakland’s poorest and most marginalized residents. She learned the 18-line’s twists and turns heading into downtown Oakland and became a regular on the route that rumbles past the kaleidoscope of auto repair shops, corner markets, and food trucks on bustling International Boulevard. But most importantly, Narayanan got to know the people who rely on those buses for their daily—and very basic—needs. “No one asks riders about their experiences,” says Narayanan, who devoted last year’s summer months to doing just that. The 21-year-old Narayanan, who earned her bachelor’s degree in public health and integrative biology in August, spoke with low-income grandmothers, stroller-pushing moms, high school students, and others. Their stories helped produce a first-of-its-kind health impact assessment published this past spring by the Alameda County Public Health Department. The 58-page report, Getting on Board for Health, spells out the consequences of recent service cuts and fare hikes by local bus operator AC Transit based on a survey of 417 transit-dependent passengers. It reveals a heavy toll. Eighty-three percent of those surveyed reported struggling to get to work, school, and other important destinations, resulting in heightened stress, missed medical appointments, and greater social isolation. More than two-thirds of the passengers were low-income and rode the bus daily. Many expressed fear that longer wait times left them vulnerable to crime at bus stops. “When bus service is cut, an individual’s access to their job, to a grocery store to buy healthy food, or even to a hospital to get medical services is directly impacted,” says Narayanan, who helped design and test the survey. She joined the project while doing community organizing for the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE), one of the local nonprofits that collaborated on the study. The Getting on Board report was submitted to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission in hopes of

Abhinaya Narayanan

persuading regional planners to boost funding for local bus services. In July 2013, planning officials adopted a long-range blueprint for transportation and housing in the Bay Area that failed to increase that funding but committed to identifying more funding for local transit service in coming years, says Zoë Levitt, a county health impact assessment coordinator who helped author the report. In Narayanan’s bus travels, the public health undergraduate came to see how access to convenient, affordable transportation is both a health and social justice concern. “Public transit, especially for a community like Oakland, is critically important,” says Narayanan, who grew up in an affluent Los Angeles suburb that didn’t have public bus lines. The daughter of physicians, Narayanan has always been interested in medicine, but credits her Berkeley education with awakening her passion for public health and community organizing. “It really opened my eyes to seeing that I was a product of the community and resources I was born into,” she says. Narayanan, who had started as a molecular and cell biology major, then decided to turn to the wider lens of public health.

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Riding the Bus

“I didn’t expect to find something I’d have this much passion about,” she admits. She later added a minor in global poverty and practice and a second major in integrative biology. For Narayanan, the link between academics and real-world experience was transformative. Classes in community health, epidemiology, and other public health topics gave her the scientific grounding to understand and interpret the observations she was making in the field. “Without the major, I wouldn’t have seen the connection between community-level issues and health,” she says. At Berkeley, Narayanan also plunged into volunteerism. Along with her involvement with ACCE, she served as the student director of Oakland Community Builders, a servicelearning group on campus that links Berkeley students to community internships that foster social justice. She also taught low-income Oakland high school students about the risks of STDs and HIV and trained fellow Berkeley students to become health educators through the Peer Health Exchange program. On the international front, Narayanan raised funds with another nonprofit organization, Asha, to support educational programs for underserved children in India.

“ Schools, transit, housing, violence— they're all public health issues. Every sort of issue around social justice revolves around health.” All those contributions didn’t go unnoticed. This past spring, UC Berkeley recognized Narayanan with the Mather Good Citizen Award, presented annually to a graduating senior for outstanding service to the campus and community. “Building a more just society, that is her vocation,” says Sean Burns, director of student programs at the campus’s Blum Center for Developing Economies and Narayanan’s nominator for the award. At the Blum Center, Narayanan also joined with lecturer Khalid Kadir and fellow students to design a course focused on critically examining institutions that manage and direct international development and poverty alleviation efforts. “When Abhinaya speaks, she speaks from the heart,” says Kadir. Not surprisingly, Narayanan has big ambitions for her future. Since graduating, she became the manager of workforce development at the California Academy of Family Physicians, where she will focus on health policy for funding graduate medical education in primary care. Eventually, she hopes


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to return to school for an MD and an MPH. With her feet planted in the medical and public health worlds, she wants to help communities organize and shape policy that improves the health of individuals and entire populations. “Schools, transit, housing, violence—they’re all public health issues,” she says. “Every sort of issue around social justice revolves around health.” For Narayanan, the bus project was a defining opportunity. “It was really exciting for me as an undergraduate to work with people in the community and to translate their experience into public health practice,” she says. Among the stories that Narayanan heard on board the buses was one from a grandmother who described how her daughter was in danger of losing her job. Late buses, the grandmother explained, were making her daughter chronically tardy for work. Mothers with small children relayed how drivers, apparently anxious to keep to their schedules or concluding their buses were already full, sometimes passed them by when they were waiting at a bus stop with a stroller. Working with ACCE, Narayanan helped organize a stroller march last summer responding to fears that AC Transit was considering a ban on baby buggies aboard its buses. The bus operator denied such plans but the protest led to discussions to clarify an existing stroller policy. Speaking to riders—and getting them to open up—was a learning process for Narayanan. As a college student from a privileged background, “I was an outsider,” she says. “I had never done anything like this before.” As Narayanan became a regular on the buses, “I got more in touch with the experience of being a rider myself. That’s when the words started flowing.” That’s also when Narayanan realized that the issue of bus service intersected with much that was taking place in riders’ lives. The service cuts, she maintains, reflect a wider disinvestment by society in low-income communities. “To make real change you have to be willing to be political, to step on some toes and fight the status quo,” she says. “But, one common point many can agree on is a person’s right to be healthy. I think health can be a rallying point for disparate groups to come together to make change.”

Spotlight | Ilana Graetz PhD ’12

A Deeper Look at Electronic Health Records BY MICHAEL S. BRODER | Medical records are finally catching up with the digital age. As of 2012, 69 percent of U.S. primary care physicians were using EHRs—a leap from 46 percent in 2009. “When you think of health care, which is inherently information-intensive, you need ways to process it better, and computers can help,” says Ilana Graetz, an assistant professor at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, who graduated from Berkeley’s Health Services and Policy Analysis (HSPA) doctoral program in 2012. Before moving to Tennessee last fall, Graetz had worked for nine years as a research associate and data analyst at Kaiser Permanente Northern California, an early adopter of EHRs. Much of her research at Kaiser focused on use of EHRs and how it affects primary care teams. Through her work at Kaiser, Graetz met Professors Stephen Shortell and Thomas Rundall, who introduced her to the HSPA program at Berkeley. When she entered the program, Graetz already knew that she wanted to continue working with Shortell and Rundall and focus on EHRs for her dissertation. “It was nice having a project in mind and being able to think about how to apply the theories that I was learning to this question of how EHRs change care delivery,” she says. “I had a lot of data to play with going through all my statistics and study design classes.” The data were collected using surveys sent to physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician’s assistants working at Kaiser during the organization’s implementation of EHRs. Clinicians using EHRs were asked about the availability and timeliness of relevant medical information; agreement among clinicians about treatment goals and each party’s roles and responsibilities; and their use of EHRs for eight specific clinical activities during their patient visits. Drawing on these data, a study by Graetz and colleagues found a positive association between care coordination and use of EHRs: Clinicians who had been using EHRs for more than six months were more likely to report having timely access to relevant clinical information and agreement on roles and responsibilities. For her dissertation, Graetz decided to examine how primary care team cohesion affects this association. She focused on coordination of care across delivery sites—for example,

when a patient leaves the hospital for a primary care setting. Graetz found that teams that were already working well together showed a great improvement in care coordination with the EHR. However, teams that were not working together well saw no improvement at all. “I really expected that that everyone would benefit from the EHR, and that maybe the teams that were working better would benefit more,” says Graetz. “It’s a bigger effect than what I anticipated.” She speculates that although all of the clinicians in the study had the same formal training in use of the technology, members of less cohesive teams might have had less support from their professional networks in learning and navigating the new system and sharing best practices. Recently, Graetz has been looking at EHR use and its association with clinical care processes and disease control in patients with diabetes. A study she coauthored found that EHR use was associated with improved drug treatment intensification, monitoring, and physiologic control among patients with diabetes. A more recent study, not yet published, looks at the effect of team cohesion on these patient outcomes. Though her research shows that EHRs have the potential to increase the quality of care, Graetz keeps her expectations focused and realistic. “People are very optimistic about all of the ways EHRs are going to fix the health care system,” she says, “but I tend to be a little bit more cautious about it, because it’s not a magic bullet. It’s not enough to just have it—you have to be using it in a way that’s helpful.”

Ilana Graetz


Fresh Perspective

From UC Berkeley to a Syrian Refugee Camp An Epidemiology Student’s Journey BY JESSE BERNS | Last year I pursued a summer internship at the CDC, because I wanted to learn about how to best operationalize my field epidemiology career aspirations. I knew the CDC would offer extraordinary training opportunities. But I was also drawn there because of its location in Atlanta, in the South, close to my home. I make no excuses about my upbringing. I am an unabashed Southerner, a second-generation small-town Floridian from a southern outpost of America’s Bible belt. I missed collard greens and corn bread. I missed ‘y’all’s’ and Southern hospitality and waffle houses. I missed home dearly, and the CDC was the nearest large public health entity to that home and my family whom I love deeply. Fortunately for me, the CDC is also home to a center that provides the globe with one of the best, if not the best, emergency response epidemiologic methodology. Basia Tomczyk DrPH ’99, MPH ’94 was recommended to me in the fall of 2012 as a possible mentor by Dr. Ndola Prata, scientific director (now director) of the School’s Bixby Center for Population, Health and Sustainability. Dr. Prata’s kind e-mail to Dr. Tomczyk facilitated several phone interviews and later an in-person interview, paving the way for an intern­ship position.

Jesse Berns


The CDC is a massive organization. The imposing skylines of the Clifton and Chamblee campuses dot the horizon from miles in every direction. These beacons of public health were alternately beckoning

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and repelling me as I drove onto campus that first morning. My fear was not of the CDC or what it represented, but of the prospect of sitting in a cubicle—a fate I place just above death. The CDC is just that: cubicles. But it is also the nerve center of both U.S. and international public health. There are some of the most eloquent, intelligent people I have ever met. There are courses to be taken, mentorship to be had, and all manner of opportunity to enhance your trade as a public health professional. My favorite, the unanimous love of good science, was tangible. I wanted to stay without payment just to be around the brilliant scientists and the general aura of being around those who were changing the world in very real, measurable ways. I loved the CDC and would be honored to go back at any time for any length of time. I was very fortunate to have Dr. Tomczyk, one of those brilliant, world-changing epidemiologists, as my preceptor at the CDC and as a mentor throughout the summer. She tasked me with several key emergency response topics specific to reproductive health and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). For Dr. Tomczyk, I worked on literature reviews for a reproductive health and SGBV CDC protocol and assisted in the design of SGBV indicators for a large, multinational refugee-centric SGBV guideline. These tasks allowed me to understand more fully just how acute and protracted emergencies are monitored and evaluated at the facility, camp, regional, and national level. I had worked for many years in and around conflict and refugee settings, and I was familiar with the responding agencies, but I was absolutely clueless as to how they were set up, funded, monitored, and evaluated. In late June 2013, I was approached by a member of the Division of Global Disease Detection and Emergency Response (DGDDER) senior staff regarding an additional project separate from my internship at CDC. This CDC staff

member, Dr. Richard Garfield, was informed by Dr. Tomczyk that I had worked internationally in low-resource settings quite extensively. Dr. Garfield had a Syrian refugee project overview in Iraq that he needed designed, implemented, and analyzed. I jumped at the chance to work with Syrian refugees. This project was what I had hoped would be available and precisely the public health specialty I wanted as a career. I spent the duration of the summer designing all materials for what would be known as the Iraq Access to Care Study. In Atlanta cafés and CDC offices I began to compile materials pertaining to the study. The database template, Domiz Camp, Iraq codebook, training modules for staff, logistics materials, operations materials, and analysis syntax all began Then, to the field, where days and nights passed in a flurry to accrue under the guidance of Dr. Garfield and DGDDER of data collection team supervision. As soon as data entry staff. Key research questions assessed in the study included was complete at our Duhok mobile office, I was rushed by how, when, and what type of medical services were needed car to Erbil, WHO headquarters, for a debriefing. That same by Syrian refugees displaced in Iraq. Questions were evening, I was on a flight out of Iraq, back to UC Berkeley also designed to assess pediatric vaccination availability, and back to reality. I returned to SFO via Dubai, rushed via reproductive health service need, and the prevalence of BART to my epidemiologic methods class, and it all became a high-risk behaviors. surreal experience that I have yet to fully analyze. One Tuesday in late July 2013, I was notified by Dr. Garfield I remember a little Syrian girl, a spitting image of me at five that the Iraq study was ‘a go.’ Five days later I was on an years old, rushing to play with me one day in Domiz camp. Emirates flight to Iraq, racing over oceans and mountains This girl, already a veteran of a brutal war, wanted nothing and icebergs towards to the unknown. but to be a child again. But her innocence was lost. The playIraq was hot and dry and foreign in ways unimaginable to ing was a way to forget, for the moment, she was in a refugee most in the West. Burqa-clad women zipped by on the rear camp in the desert in blazing heat, sharing a tent with at of scooters as their cigarette-smoking men sped them to least 10 other refugees, deprived of food, proper health care, an unknown destination. Market spice shops spilled turand many other essential services. meric and sage and spices foreign to me in kaleidoscopes That girl, and 2 million others just like her, still in those of color as I walked by with my interpreter, Dr. Mohammed camps surrounding a nation that is fast becoming the Jassim. Men stared at me around every corner and in every greatest humanitarian crisis of our time, are suffering while tea shop. I was foreign, and obviously so. The World Health I sip a $4 coffee and type this from my fancy computer on a Organization vest and badge adorned my shoulders as I campus filled with privileged people doing things that are made my way from the villages to the refugee camp and unimaginable to refugees. My heart pangs when I think back again. about this disparity. I feel responsible for her now, if only a Days flew by in the Iraqi high country of Duhok province. little bit, as I have her family’s health care services informaThose first days were filled with a series of stakeholder tion in my possession. My internship may be over, but my job meetings, including several with the local government. I met has just begun. with the Iraqi press; my solemn statements regarding Syrian refugee study specifics interpreted into a wild array of Jesse Berns is a second-year MPH student in the Epidemiology/ hand gestures, foreign language, photo flashes, and fervent Biostatistics program. writing. I conducted roughly one week of training for a staff of 40, using the same highly animated translator, Dr. Jassim.

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The Campaign for the School of Public Health

From the

Campaign Chair Dear Alumni and Friends, This will be the last time I write to you as the School’s campaign chair, a role I’ve had the pleasure of filling since 2008. So I’m very pleased to go out on a high note and share with you the success of the School’s campaign and the larger Campaign for Berkeley, both of which came to a close on December 31, 2013. Thanks to you, The Campaign for the School of Public Health achieved and exceeded its monetary goals and will have a transformative and longlasting impact on the School’s ability to educate students, conduct ground-breaking research, and improve the health of people around the world. The level of participation in this campaign has truly impressed me—6,300 individual and organizational donors have contributed over $116 million in support of the School. Each gift reflects a commitment to the School’s future and its power to transform lives and make a better world.

The Campaign for the School of Public Health An unprecedented success story


donors supported the School


Giving toward student scholarship, research, and programs was especially strong. More than $13 million will support students in their public health training, primarily through fellowships and scholarships, but also through enhanced programmatic offerings, such as the establishment and expansion of the Center for Health Leadership. Thanks in large part to our preeminent faculty members, the School has had unparalleled success in obtaining external research funding throughout


endowed faculty chairs were established

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graduate fellowships were created

the Campaign. The year 2009 saw a record-breaking $30 million going to research, and in 2013 we raised $7.5 million for research. Because of you, our School is in a strong position to make an impact on public health, today and in the future. But I would be remiss if I did not stress to you that our role as supporters of the School does not end with this campaign. For instance, despite carrying out first-class training and innovative and vital research, the School of Public Health still does not have a permanent home. Work to secure a leadership gift for a new building is ongoing, but support for the day-to-day functioning of the School during this time continues to be of vital importance. This is incredibly important for the future of this great school. We must build on the momentum of our success and help the School continue to pursue its mission. I know you will persevere, as will I, in this important endeavor. But before we do, please take a moment to consider and be proud of what we’ve accomplished together. It is truly impressive, and it is all thanks to you. Sincerely,

Donald P. Francis MD, DSc Chair The Campaign for the School of Public Health


other endowments strengthened faculty and student support

$ 116

million was raised

DEAN’S CIRCLE The School of Public Health Dean’s Circle is a community of individual committed bene­ factors who share in and support the dean’s vision for the School’s future by making annual leadership gifts. The following list reflects gifts received from July 1, 2012, to June 30, 2013

$100,000 & Above Bill & Melinda Gates Kathy Kwan & Alan Eustace Betty & Gordon Moore

$25,000 to $99,999 Michael Mack Dennis Patterson Brian Pennix & Camille Rosati Pennix Steven Presser Mario Rosati & Danelle Storm Rosati Joel Simon Kirk Smith & Joan Diamond

$10,000 to $24,999 Colette Auerswald Amy Bassell-Crowe & Jeff Crowe Pat & Richard Buffler Jack Colford Cathy & Jim Koshland Dayton & Naheed Misfeldt Ed & Camille Penhoet Lisa & John Pritzker Leonard & Pam Schaeffer Steven & Sally Schroeder

$5,000 to $9,999 Eunice Childs Lorraine & Jerry Factor David & Ellen Feigal Mike Hannigan Arlene Kasa

Carolyn Klebanoff & Fred Cohen Merle Lustig & Ronald Glass Kent Olson & Donna Follart Janet Perlman & Carl Blumstein Leighton & Carol Read Bobbie Singer Anthony Stayner & Elizabeth Cross Ann Stevens & Richard Glaser Rachel & Stephen Warner Harvey & Rhona Weinstein

$1,000 to $4,999 Mary Adèr Ramona Anderson Stacey Baba & Jim Vokac John Balmes & Sherry Katz Grace Bardine Raymond Baxter & Aida Alvarez Tom Beach & Barbara Peterson Lawrence Bergner & Shoshanna Sofaer Joan & Howard Bloom Tom & Jill Boyce Jeffrey & Cathy Brown Warren Browner Terri & John Carlson Ray & June Catalano George & Eleanor Cernada Jerome & Moonhie Chin Nilda Chong Kenny Chung Linda & Jamie Clever Roberta & Len Cohn Charlie Crane & Wendy Breuer Margaret Deane Pat Evans Phyllis Friedman Wallace Gee Julie Gerberding & David Rose James & Patricia Harrison Paul & Lois Hofmann David & Katherine Hopkins The Hosel Family Nancy Hult & Sidney Ganis Jeff Hunter Susan Ivey & Peter Bernhard David & June Jeppson Kenneth Kaiser Jeffrey Kang & Brenda Lee-Kang Justin Kappel Michael & Kimberly Kappel Nancy Karp Susan & Harvey Kayman Nate Kramer Lance & Jalyn Lang Yvette Leung & Liwen Mah Mel Levine & Connie Bruck Dick & Susie Levy

Virginia & Frank Lew Judy Li & David Roland Hanmin Liu & Jennifer Mei Elizabeth Martini Malcolm McGinnis & Irene Searles Arthur McIntyre Robert Meenan Arnold Milstein & Nancy Adler William & Kitty Moeller Robert & Joan Montgomery Anjali Morris Jeff Newman Naoki Nitta Nora Norback & Darrel Hess Roberta O’Grady Nan & Chris Orman Lisa & Roger Ota Artist Parker Leland & Kristine Peterson Gerald Pier Mary Pittman & David Lindeman Bob Porter Mary Potter Darwin & Donna Poulos Arthur Reingold & Gail Bolan Lois Rifkin Richard & Dana Sankary Julie Schmittdiel & Jason Ku Thomas & Mary Schwartz Betty Seabolt Steve & Nancy Selvin Edmund Seto Stephen & Susan Shortell Nancy & Robert Shurtleff Shannon & John Siegfried Jonathan Spanier Maury Spanier Robert & Patti Spear Herbert & Marcia Steinhardt Charles & Patricia Steinmann Jim Strand John & Gail Swartzberg Paul & Andrea Swenson Pat & Ken Taylor Ken Taymor & Beth Parker H.C. & Bung-Fung Torng Rob Tufel & Michael Sasso Judith Tuller Eric Vittinghoff Margaret Warton & Steve Benting Dave & Kathryn Werdegar Joan Wheelwright John & Roxana Yau Blanca Zapata

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The Campaign for the School of Public Health

Honor Roll The School of Public Health gratefully acknowledges the following individuals and organizations for their generous contributions from July 1, 2012, to June 30, 2013. INDIVIDUALS Partners ($500 to $999) Anonymous Kathleen Bedford & Andrew Robbins Chhaganbhai & Sarojben Bhakta Claire & Ralph Brindis Betty Calfee Charles & Gretchen Carlson Po-Shen Chang & Julie Craig-Chang Carol & Ron Clazie Pablo Collins Hana & Meir Dan-Cohen Vivian Fernandez & James Roybal Michael & Sandra Fischman William Flynn Debbie Freund & Thomas Keisner Mike Gallivan & Douglas Rice David Gan Edward Gastaldo Robin Gillies Bill & Vickie Hagbom Kim Harley Thomas Hazlet Bob & Emily Heller John & Leta Hillman Mark Horton & Mary Ann Miller Sophia Hur Dick Jackson & Joan Guilford Laura & Richard Jacobs Yunkyung Kim Julia Klees Alison Klurfeld Laurence Kolonel Denise Koo Carrie & Pat Lee Steve Lipton Ying Lu & Weizhao Zhou Anthony Marfin & Amy Bode Mary & Raymond Murakami Josephine Namboze Linda Neuhauser & Craig Buxton Mary & Craig Noke Diana Obrinsky Eileen & Mark Pearl David Satcher


Sandra Schwarcz Dana Seeley-Hayse & Tom Hayse Karen Shore Judith Stewart Jill Suttie & Donald Arbitblit Rajesh Vedanthan & Sujatha Srinivasan Eileen & Jim Vohs John Williams Brian Wong & Cindy Gok Sue & Chris Woodward Thomas Zimmerman Friends ($250 to $499) Barbara Abrams & Gary Root Richard & Carlene Anderson Marilyn Barkin Marina Baroff Barry & Susan Baskin Lucinda & Ronald Bazile P. Robert Beatty Jeffrey & Amy Belkora Peter & Alice Berglas David Berrigan Julie Brown Merrill Buice Washington & Paula Burns Raymond & Grace Chan Shawn Chandler Charlotte Chang & James Lastoskie Nancy Chapman Colb & Andrew Colb Ariela & Matthew Chick Isabella Chu Michael & Nan Criqui Louise Detwiler James & Dorothy Devitt Ronald Dieckmann & Patricia Gates Jacquolyn Duerr & Alberto Balingit John & Marlene Eastman Molly & Kevin Efrusy Jacqueline Erbe & Andrew Talbot Tamar & Joe Fendel Nancy & Ed Fineman Carol & James Floyd Jane Garcia & Chris Kiteas

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Theresa & Michael Gasman Bob & Pat Gerdsen Carol Giblin Laurel & Michael Gothelf Marian & Roger Gray Larry Green & Judith Ottoson Marty & Joyce Griffin Wenting Guo Joseph Guydish Susan Haber David Harrington & Denise Abrams John & Sachie Hayakawa Glenn & Jan Hildebrand Nina Holland Bethelen Johnson & Edmond Powers Walt Keller Deniz Kursunoglu Nicole Kurzbard Andrew Lan Geoffrey & Kay Lang Andrew & Nora Lau Hung-Po & Janet Liu Kelsey Liu Kate Lorig Michelle Berlin Lowe & Robert Lowe David Mark Stuart & Judith Marylander Caroline McCall & Eric Martin Gavin McQuiston Thomas & Margaret Merzbacher William Neuman Elizabeth & Robert Nobmann Mary O’Connor & Emil Brown Kara O’Keefe & Massimiliano Poletto Nitika & Madhukar Pai Carol Parlette Alissa Perrucci Paul Poling & Veronica Jordan Denise & Michael Prince Brian & Tacy Quinn Valerie Randolph & Donald Fenbert Brian Raymond David Rempel & Gail Bateson Ann Rojas & Jeffrey Jacobs Nancy & Jason Rosenthal Thomas Rundall & Jane Tiemann Sidney & Sally Saltzstein Jan Schilling Gregg Schnepple Art & Mary Jo Shartsis Jessica Siegel & Stephen Tsoneff Barton & Kathy Simmons Bob Simon Martyn Smith & Jeeva Roche-Smith Usha & Bharat Srinivasan Karen Starko Sheila Stewart & Charles Wilson Sharon & Raymond Sugiyama Peter Szutu & Janice Eldred Susan Tanner JoAnn Ten Brinke Barbara & Alfredo Terrazas June Tester & Amin Azzam Diane Tokugawa & Alan Gould

Feng Tsai Mark & Maritza Vukalcic Lesley & Carl Walter Michael Weiss Eric & Marni Welch Patricia & Phillip West Kathie & Paul Westpheling Hans & Sandra Wiik Margaret & Robert Wilson Christopher Wong Susan Yeazel & Richard Seegers Amanda Yin Ruth & Percy Young Kathy Yu & David Su Joey Zhou & Ququan Liu Supporters ($150 to $249) Don Allari Nancy Altemus Victor & Karen Alterescu Ann-Marie Askew Richard Bailey Dean Baker Keith & Gail Bandel Cecilia Barbosa Lisa & Michael Barcellos Kevin Barnett & Alison Neurin Michael Bates John Beare Harvey & Bonnie Bichkoff Priscilla Branch Ken & Donna Briney James & Judith Brown Robert Cajina Maria Camargo Vegas Barbara Campbell Fe Cardona Catherine Carpenter Scott Chasalow & Margret van Vuuren Dolores & Samuel Clement Stephanie Cohen Simon & Janet Cohn James & Elizabeth Connor Carol & S. Bruce Copeland Myrna Cozen Susan Cummins Peter & Gwen Dailey David Dassey Kathy De Riemer Alice & Robert Diefenbach Leonard Doberne & Cheryl Tau Hellan & Bradley Dowden Larry Drapkin & Mori Rubin Garold & Joyce Faber Robin & Mark Fine Michael Fischetti & Marilyn Winkleby Kari Fisher Loma Flowers Orcilia Forbes Eric & Michele Fretz Connie Gee Marilyn & Nat Goldhaber Erica & Barry Goode Nina & Richard Green Nina Grove & Ken Johnson Karen & Richard Gunderson Al & Yvonne Hearne Keith Hermanstyne Arnell Hinkle & John Wolfe

Carolyn Hoke-Van Orden & Frank Van Orden Alan & Harriet Hollett Estie & Mark Hudes Margaret Hudson Nathalie Hughes Joseph Hummel Alan Hyden & Laura Sueoka Bob & Beverly Isman John & Robin Jaques Patricia Jones Mark Kaplan Janice Kim Clement & Donna Kwong Sandra Lane Frances & Ronald Ledford Tong & Shan Lee Fernanda Lessa & Ronaldo Pinto Descartes Li Rui Li & Gang Wang Adrienne & Van Horn Lieu Jennifer Lin Toni Long Leslie Louie & Dave Bowen Mary Luckett Bob & Sharlene Lund Christiana & Charles MacFarlane Frank & Waneka MacKison Harry & Claire Manji Karen Martz Brigid McCaw Alan & Margaret McKay Norma McKinzie George & Joanne McKray Sara McMenamin & Joel Kosakoff Bessanderson McNeil Rosa Medina Anne & Dick Melbye Jane Merschen Francine Miller & Daniel McLaughlin Robert & Faith Miller Michiko Moriguchi Anitha Mullangi Edward Murphy & Miriam Eisenhardt Victoria Nelson Beata & Harlen Ng Mark Nicas & Jennifer McNary Donata Nilsen Gary & Peggy Noble Barbara Norrish Luna Okada & Wynn Sheade Nobuko Okano Mary O’Leary Perkins & Arthur Perkins Gil Omenn & Martha Darling Valentine Paredes Richard & Martha Pastcan Karen Peifer Lesley & Jayson Pereira Therese Pipe David & Verna Pryor Richard & Julia Quint Christine Rammler John & Judith Ratcliffe Loren Rauch & Heather Kuiper Kenneth Renwick & Trish Rowe Dorothy Rice Gordon Robbins

Whit Robbins Corinne Rocca Gloria Roman Austin & Annette Ross Nicholas Ross Sheryl Ruzek & James Griesemer Lisa Safaeinili Jose Salazar Gopal & Andrea Sankaran Gregory Sarna Catherine Schaefer Robert Schlegel & Janet Fogel William Seavey Donna Seid Takeo Shirasawa Jing Shui Mary Simonson Jacqueline Smith Lester & Pauline Smith Randall Smith Lorraine Smookler Karen Sokal-Gutierrez Michael Stacey Laurence & Ann Sykes William & Carolyn Talley Irene & Marsh Tekawa Mary Haven Thompson Claudine Torfs Tien Tran John Troidl

DECADE CLUB Elaine Adamson & Edward Gould M. Bridget Ahrens & Jean Szilva Rodrick & Pam Alston Adele Amodeo Ramona Anderson Richard & Carlene Anderson Richard Bailey Dean Baker Marina Baroff Elaine Base Lucinda & Ronald Bazile John Beare Lawrence Bergner & Shoshanna Sofaer Joan & Howard Bloom Lynda Bradford Claire & Ralph Brindis Claude Brown Jeffrey & Cathy Brown Julie Brown Pat & Richard Buffler Evelyn Caceres-Chu & Albert Chu Betty Calfee Barbara Campbell Charles & Gretchen Carlson Raymond & Grace Chan Po-Shen Chang & Julie Craig-Chang Patricia & Scott Charles Eunice Childs Carol & Ron Clazie Dolores & Samuel Clement Linda & Jamie Clever

Laura Trupin Sandra Tye Phuong Vu & Sang Doan Barry & Susan Wainscott Buzz & Jan Wiesenfeld Barbara Wismer Sandra Witt Channing Wong Howard & Susie Woo Michelle Yamamoto Danya Zhang & Sen Ji Contributors ($1 to $149) Mary Abeyta-Behnke & Donald Behnke Elaine Adamson & Edward Gould Anita Addison Georgette Adjorlolo-Johnson Dorothy Aeschliman Pulkit Agarwal Jenny Ahern & Yohance Edwards M. Bridget Ahrens & Jean Szilva Rodrick & Pam Alston Beth Altshuler Melissa Amacher Richard & Sue Ames Adele Amodeo Gary & Maria Anderson Henry & Virginia Anderson John & Eleanor Anderson

Laura & Calvin Anderson Max Anderson Katharine Go Ang & David Ang Anonymous Brad & Elizabeth Appelbaum Karina Arambula & Andy Capdarest Carl Ashizawa & Rebecca Honma-Ashizawa N.B. Attico Suzanne August-Schwartz Margaret Aumann William Babbitt Claude Babcock Marion Bacciocco Kent Badger Katherine Baer Anna Bagniewska Debbie Bain Brickley & Jason Brickley Alice Baker Shelly Ball Jennifer Balogh Hoang Banh Howard Barkan & Annette Blackman-Barkan Monica Barr Robert Barr David Barrows Karen Bartley Elaine Base

Sheila Baxter Gerald & Pamela Beck Robert & Meg Beck Lucie Bedard Catherine Bender Valerie Bengal Mary Ann & Ed Benik Lester & Evelyn Bennett David Berke Muriel Beroza Leonard Berry Pamela Berven Thomas Blair & Keramet Reiter Rebecca Blankenburg & Steven Lieske Gladys & Clifford Block Therese Bouchez Liora & Gabriel Bowers Robert & Christie Brackbill Anne Bracker & Jefferson Singer Russ & Kara Braun Joe Brazie Donald Brecker & Ann Darling Tisha Brewster & David Walton Rachel Broadwin & Larry Heath Betty Brown Claude Brown Dennis & Kay Brown Marcia Brown-Machen & Terry Machen Nora Brusuelas

Linda Bryant Katherine Bryon Hayley Buchbinder Gertrude & William Buehring Sally & Graham Bullock Alexandre & Sylvie Bureau Marciana Burke Michael Butler Evelyn Caceres-Chu & Albert Chu Phillip Calhoun Louie & Glennda Campos Megan Canon Jim Carpenter & Hope Friedman Sarah & Timothy Carroll Edward & Joann Cavenaugh Ephrem Chan Helen Chan & Wilson Huang Agatha Chang Albert & Yvonne Chang Sophia Chang & Anson Lowe Roger Chapman Patricia & Scott Charles Helen Chase Melody & Richard Chasen Benjamin Chen Lillian Chen Lisa Chen Susan Chen & Gail Husson Daniel Chesir

Recognizing individuals who have given for the past 10 years consecutively Ashley & Kenneth Coates Seymour Cohen Carol & S. Bruce Copeland Larry & Constance Cowper Dale Danley Margaret Deane Marlene Dehn Louise Detwiler James & Dorothy Devitt John & Marlene Eastman Lorraine & Jerry Factor Robin & Mark Fine Gerald & Linda Finer Michael & Sandra Fischman Carol & James Floyd Constance Fraser Katharine & Daniel Frohardt-Lane Mike Gallivan & Douglas Rice Wallace Gee Daniel Gentry & Patrick Dunn Carol Giblin Marian & Roger Gray Linda Greenberg & Hiroshi Motomura Elizabeth Hibbard Glenn & Jan Hildebrand Marisa Hildebrand David & Katherine Hopkins Pat & Harold Hosel David Hoskinson Estie & Mark Hudes Alma & Ian Kagimoto Arlene Kasa

Leanne & Richard Kaslow Julia Klees Laurence Kolonel Cathy & Jim Koshland Kathryn Kotula Clement & Donna Kwong Andrew Lan Bruce Lane Frances & Ronald Ledford Kelvin & Brenda Lee Carl Lester Virginia & Frank Lew Michelle Berlin Lowe & Robert Lowe Bob & Sharlene Lund J. Michael Mahoney Shirley Main David & Anne Manchester David Mark Elizabeth Martini Karen Martz Robert Meenan Mark Mendell Meredith Minkler & Jerry Peters Mark & Nancy Munekata Mary & Raymond Murakami Ralph & Jane Myhre Linda Neuhauser & Craig Buxton Beata & Harlen Ng Joel & Phyllis Nitzkin Mary & Craig Noke Mary O’Connor & Emil Brown Roberta O’Grady Afolabi & Mojirola Oguntoyinbo

David & Mary O’Neill Alan Oppenheim & Alice Salvatore Artist Parker Ed & Camille Penhoet Janet Perlman & Carl Blumstein Mary Pittman & David Lindeman Adam Polis Darwin & Donna Poulos Savitri Purshottam Irene Reed Lois Rifkin Jean & Francis Riley Gordon Robbins Whit Robbins Anthony & Barbara Rooklin Lisa Sadleir-Hart & Thomas Hart Sidney & Sally Saltzstein Gopal & Andrea Sankaran Linda Smith Schermer & Harry Schermer Jan Schilling Steven & Sally Schroeder Donna Seid Takeo Shirasawa Stephen & Susan Shortell Nancy & Robert Shurtleff Jessica Siegel & Stephen Tsoneff Bob Simon Bobbie Singer Esmond Smith Kirk Smith & Joan Diamond Lorraine Smookler Krikor & Caline Soghikian

Robert & Patti Spear Usha & Bharat Srinivasan Susan Standfast & Theodore Wright Edith & Guy Sternberg Marilyn & William Stocker John & Gail Swartzberg Paul & Andrea Swenson Laurence & Ann Sykes Ken Taymor & Beth Parker Marilyn Teplow Mary Haven Thompson Pamela Thompson Rik Thompson Diane Tokugawa & Alan Gould Claudine Torfs John Troidl Laura Trupin Feng Tsai Sandra Tye Eric Vittinghoff Eileen & Jim Vohs Harvey & Rhona Weinstein Michael Weiss Dave & Kathryn Werdegar Kathie & Paul Westpheling John Williams Michael Williams Barbara Wismer Brian Wong & Cindy Gok Channing Wong Kara Wright & T. James Lawrence Kathy Yu & David Su

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The Campaign for the School of Public Health Jonathan Chevrier Tiffany Chia Audrey Chiang Peter & Elisa Chiu Eric Chow Noel & Judith Chrisman Monte Cimino Michael & Jan Clar Sherrill Clark Ashley & Kenneth Coates Louis & Margaret Coccodrilli Seymour Cohen Paul & Susan Conforti Won Cook Kitty Corbett & Craig Janes Patrick Corcoran

Emily Cotter Larry & Constance Cowper Patricia & Roger Crawford David Crouch James & Evelyn Crouch Juliette Cubanski Barbara & Patrick Cullinane Emer Cunningham Loring & Ann Dales Helena & James Daly Lois Damiani Aubrey Daquiz David Dauphine Rena David & Walter Meyers Robert Davidson Joel Davis

Laurel & Stuart Davis Robert & Merle Davis Stephen Davis & Chris Laszcz-Davis Barbara & Alain de Janvry Sylvia de Trinidad & Andrew Young Julianna Deardorff Mara Decker Patricia & David DeFehr Marlene Dehn Alma DeLeon Debra DeZarn Maureen Dion-Perry & Edward Perry Doris & Carl Disbrow H. Denny & Martha Donnell

William & Chika Dow Erin Dugan & Brian Purcell Gordon Dugan Kathryn Duke & Niels Kjellund Kent & Irent Dunlap Kathleen Dunphy Jennifer Eames Jacob Eapen & Shirley Jacob Kate Earnhart Zohreh Eftekhari Jose Eguia Ellen Eisen Richard Emmons & Barbara Voorhees-Emmons Marsha Epstein Frederick & Jean Erdtman Susan Erickson & Thomas Daniel

Heidi Fancher Bette & Jim Felton Lydia Feng Soledad & Christian Ferguson Flora Fernandez Maria Fernandez Sammy Feuerlicht & Susanne Simpson Gerald & Linda Finer William Finzer Johnna Flood Stewart & Lillian Fong E. Lynn Fraley & Kenneth Lindahl Ellen Frank Marian Franklin Constance Fraser

Annual Scholarship Tea brings together scholarship awardees and sponsors Students Divya Vohra, Janelle Downing, Irene Headen, and Maria Gianfrancesco mingle with sponsors and fellow scholars.

Chaoran Guo, who received the Tehwei Hu Scholarship, meets Professor Emeritus Teh-wei Hu.

Dean Stefano Bertozzi meets Dean’s Circle member Lois Rifkin and her daughter, Laura Rifkin.


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Dan Lindheim meets Tanya Majumder and Robert Snyder, recipients of the Roselyn Lindheim Award in Environmental Design and Public Health.

School of Public Health Policy Advisory Council 2013–2014 Deborah Freund PhD, MPH President Claremont Graduate University

Lauren LeRoy PhD Former President & CEO Grantmakers in Health

John D. Golenski EdD CEO My Dutch Uncle

Richard M. Levy PhD Chairman of the Board Varian Medical Systems, Inc.

Teresa S. Carlson MPH ’84 Health Care Management Consultant (retired)

Mark B. Horton MD Consultant Public Health Institute Former Director California Department of Public Health

William E. Moeller MBA Operating Partner Linden LLC

Margaret Cary MD, MBA, MPH Special Assistant to the Chief Technology Officer Department of Veterans Affairs

Anthony B. Iton MD, JD, MPH ’97 Senior Vice President, Healthy Communities The California Endowment

Mary Jo Potter MA Senior Advisor BDC Advisors

Linda Hawes Clever MD, MACP Senior Physician California Pacific Medical Center Founder RENEW

Kenneth W. Kizer MD, MPH Director, Institute for Population Health Improvement UC Davis Health System

Kenneth S. Taymor JD (Chair) Executive Director Berkeley Center for Law, Business, and the Economy UC Berkeley School of Law Raymond J. Baxter PhD Senior Vice President, National Community Benefit Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.

Julie Frederick-Metos & Tim Metos Tristen Fredrickson Sarah & Bob Freedman Abe Froman Charles & Marilyn Froom Dan Funderburk Celeste Garamendi Carole & Carl Garner Megan Gaydos Liliane Geisseler Jack & Karen Geissert Daniel Gentry & Patrick Dunn Neil Gesundheit & Eleanor Levin Nancy Gilien Hildegard Gillem Martha Dominguez Glumaz Martha Goetsch & Linda Besant Annette Goggio Betty Goldblatt John Goldenring Sidra Goldman-Mellor Robert Goldrich & Andrea Mink-Goldrich Brenda Goldstein Sandi Goldstein & Kenneth Wilkinson Luz Gomez Pardini & David Pardini Aubree Gordon Helene Gordon & Alan Houser Wendi Gosliner & Michael Pierce Wendi Gosliner David & Laura Gottlieb Heather Gould & Teja Gerken Gloria & Alfonso Grace Ilana Graetz Howard Graves & Julie Baller Brent Green Hubert & Jean Green Linda Greenberg & Hiroshi Motomura

Nathaniel & Ella Greenhouse Dorinda Gregg Gail & Thomas Grogan William & Lynda Gross Valerie Gruber Sylvia & Simon Guendelman Robert Gunier & Andrea Saveri Richard Gustilo Nina Gutowski Anne Gwiazdowski & William Andersen Monica Hahn Thomas & Denise Hales Ellen Haller & Joanne Engel Rita Hamad Mary & Paul Hamer Eleanore Hammill Bernadine Han Barbara Hansen Robert & Martha Harrell Laura Harris William Harrison Sara Hartley Constance & Gregory Haslett Mary & Rich Hedrick Julia Heinzerling Susan Helmrich & Richard Levine Mary Henderson Denise Herd & Tyler Stovall Eric & Patt Herfindal Janis Hersh Dorith Hertz & Teven Laxer Elizabeth Hibbard Marisa Hildebrand Beverly & Hugh Hilleary Cynthia Hines Richard Hirsh & Cathy Neto Rose Hoban Arlen & Helen Hoh Calliope Holingue Sara Holtzapple

Mary Pittman DrPH ’87 President & CEO Public Health Institute

Steven A. Schroeder MD Distinguished Professor of Health and Health Care UCSF Department of Medicine Barbara Sandoval Terrazas M.P.H. ’76 Former Director, Planning, Development and Policy Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center, Inc. Rob Tufel MSW, MPH ’90 President Public Health Alumni Association Executive Director Cancer CAREpoint

J. Leighton Read MD General Partner Alloy Ventures

Farhad & Noor Hooda Sumi Hoshiko & Stuart Ozer Alan Houser Debbie Huang William Huen Erin Hughes Ben & Young Hur Rumana Hussain Sylvia Hutchison Carolina Ibarra Martha Ibarra Hilary Iskin Kiersten Israel-Ballard Betty Izumi & Geoff Koch James & Meryl Jackson Reginauld Jackson Mary & Kraig Jacobson Susan Jamerson Debbie Jan Karen Jansen Lorine Jay Christina Jeffery Marie Jenkins Erica Jimenez Steven Joffe & Elizabeth Haas Kathi Johnson & John Culver Ruth Johnson Kanwar Jolly Andrew Joseph Ngon Jue Susan Jun & Jeremy Fish Alma & Ian Kagimoto Kathleen Kahler & Brian Stack Leanne & Richard Kaslow Kristina Kastler Irene & Kiyoshi Katsumoto Dorothy Kay Paula Keebler William Keene Suzanne Kent Maria Kim

Ruth Kiskaddon & John Wright Amy Kistler Liz Klein & Jeremy Bruskotter Ruth Kletzing Nancy & Kenneth Klostermeyer Zoe Kornberg Kathryn Kotula Sarah Kuh Dorthy Kuhn Jane Kunde Ruby Kuritsubo Ellen & Frank Kushin Marilyn Kwan Amy Kyle James La Rue Mariah & Franquel Lafleur Bruce Lane Elizabeth Laposata Abiose Lasaki Serene Lau Shirley Lauri Cynthia Lavagetto Janet Leader & Clarence Braddock Richard Lechtenberg Diane Lee Kelvin & Brenda Lee Meredith Lee Sheryl Lee Karen Leesman & Robert Cullen Debbie Lei Heidi Lerner Carl Lester Michelle Leu Amy Levier Jane Liaw Maurine Lightwood Joanne Lin Lois Lindberg Jean & Robert Lindblom David Lindquist Agnes & Christian Lobscheid

Peggy Loper & Michael McShane Edward Low Yun Lu & Xiaopeng Xu Betty Lucas & Gordon Jackins Walter & Marsha Lucio Peter Lurie & Suzanne Raitt Marion & James Lyon Katherine Magwene Sheryl Magzamen Joseph & Lois Mailloux Shirley Main Beth Malinowski Michelle Manarina David & Anne Manchester Paul & Elene Manolis Grayson & Sally Marshall Jennifer Martinez Marty Martinson Rani Marx & Jim Kahn Nancy Masters & Paul Cohen Jill Mathews Marlon Maus Jana McAninch Robert & Darlene McCarthy Gary McCauley Sean McClellan Janet McDonald Marta McKenzie & Lawrence Chapter Paul Mead Mark Mendell Andrea Menefee Ruth & Harry Metzger Paul Meyer & Iris Colon James & Nancy Meyers Rei Miike Leslie Mikkelsen Andrew Miller Jenesse Miller Markell Miller Maria Minjares

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The Campaign for the School of Public Health Ray Minjares & Ryan Greene-Roesel Meredith Minkler & Jerry Peters Yasmina Mohan Leone Mohney H.C. & Lark Montgomery Lee Moore-Robert & Olivier Robert Pat & Ray Morris Hallie Morrow Cristina Munoz & David Edelman Agnes Nabasirye Ruth Nagano Jean & Antoinette Naples Abhinaya Narayanan Amalia & Carl Neidhardt Richard Neumaier Sami Newlan Chandrika Newman-Zager Russell Nickels Karen Nikolai Joel & Phyllis Nitzkin Audrey & James Nora Charlotte Noyes & Clark Watkins Jean Nudelman & Richard Bock Helen Nunberg Amani Nuru-Jeter Tanimu Nwaha Juno Obedin-Maliver Michelle Odden Marcellina Ogbu Afolabi & Mojirola Oguntoyinbo Eduardo Oliveira Douglas Oman David & Mary O’Neill Alan Oppenheim & Alice Salvatore Juliana Oronos Kathryn Orsini Valerie Ossipoff & William Myers Francesca Osuna Bev Ovrebo Emily Ozer & Tony Fields Susan Park & Dong Suh Melissa Parker Sara Parker Monique Parrish Padmini Parthasarathy John Partridge Seema Patel Emil Peinert Lewis Pepper & Moira Cunningham Geraldine Perry Scott Petersen Sarah & Zeno Pfau Marj Plumb & Tracy Weitz Jennifer & Matthew Plunkett Parvez & Dilna Pohowalla Adam Polis Katherine Pollard Iliana Ponce Savitri Purshottam Nancy Puttkammer & David Saxen Floreida Quiaoit Larry & Deborah Raff Deborah Raines Beesley & Charles Beesley Stephen Rauch Barbara Razey-Simmons & Charles Simmons


Claudia Reay Katherine & Devin Redmond Irene Reed Colleen Reid Kyndaron Reinier & David Henehan Larry & Carol Retchin Patricia & Pedro Reyes Liza Reynolds & Jason Landis Jeffrey Reynoso Michael Richards Allyson & Ralph Rickard Jean & Francis Riley Diane Rittenhouse & Charles Sakai Marilyn Robbie Jossens & Lawrence Jossens Annette & Wilfrid Roberge Sarah Roberts Scott Robinson & Debi Dobin Liz Rockett Alexandra Rodionova Trevor Rodriguez Beth Roemer Judith & Paul Rogers Michael & Sharon Rogers James Rogge Anthony & Barbara Rooklin Allan Rosenberg Elizabeth Rosenthal & Jorge Ibarra Shelley Ross-Larson Genevieve Roy Alice Royal Thelma Rubin Andrea Rudominer & Neal Gorenflo Elva Rust Jeanne Ryan William Ryan Jeffrey Sacks & Sue Binder Lisa Sadleir-Hart & Thomas Hart Marianne & Matthew Sadler Allyson Sage & Patrick Romano Catherine Christopher Sage Linnea Sallack Martha Sandy & Qi Dang Baljeet Sangha Kriselle Santos Clea Sarnquist & Tom Arnold Ingrid Sausjord Rosita Saw Leigh Sawyer & Gerald Quinnan Rachel Sax & James Hall Linda Smith Schermer & Harry Schermer Sunessa Schettler Joseph Schuchter Erika Schwilk & Shane Papke Harry & Monika Scott Katherine Scott Lynn Scuri & John Glaser Carol Seliger George & Linda Sensabaugh John & Karen Senteno Reiko Senteno Kristine Serbonich Shira Shafir & Ted Kroeber Megha Shah Barbara & Norman Shapiro Stephen & Caroline Shiboski

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Takeshi & Mizuho Shinomoto Miriam Shipp Dara Shulman Elizabeth Sigman Harry Silas Charles Silver Elana & Charles Silver Ruth Simerly Brooke Simmons Gary & Joanne Sims Renita Sinn Nicole Sirivansanti Janey Skinner Joan & David Skurnick Charlotte & Jim Smith Esmond Smith Margot Smith Merritt & Angela Smith Priya Smith Kristie Snider Robert Snyder Krikor & Caline Soghikian Sophia Song Louise Spangle & Alan Walfield Vernon & Paula Spaulding Joan Sprinson Susan Standfast & Theodore Wright Mark Stanley Martha & Robert Stebbins Alan & Sala Steinbach Nina Steinberg Sarah Steinman Bruce Steir & Yen Aeschliman Edith & Guy Sternberg Monica Stevens & Paul Healy Wayne Steward Michelle Stewart & Jeffrey Stockstad Marilyn & William Stocker Carly Strouse Kenneth Su Ahna Suleiman Mark & Nanelle Sullivan Aristotle Sun May & Jim Sung Dan Suruki Jeremy Sussman Christine Swanson Tricia Swartling & Chris Williams Louise Swig Samina Syed Katelyn Tambellini Judith Taylor Corinna & Bill Tempelis Marilyn Teplow Susan Thollaug & Michael Trulson Gregory & Bonita Thomas Meg Thompson Pamela Thompson Rik Thompson Nancy Thomson Robert Traxler Mary & Kenneth Tuckwell David Tuller Robert & Allene Tumelty Hei Tung Tung Michael & Barbara Turell Kazuo & Gail Unno Roberto Vargas

Diya Varma Karla Vasquez Dorothy & Clasten Vaughn Elizabeth Velten Wendy Verret Larry Vitale Lois von Husen Elspeth & D.A. Walker Karin Wallestad & David Madland Julia Walsh & Stephen Dell Andrea Wang Resa & Matthew Warner Chris & Ella Watson Christina Watson R. Berna Watson Jessica Watterson Patricia Weber Lien Chung Wei Nina Weil Morris & Audree Weiss Virginia & Wallace Wells Ben & Carolyn Werner Sarah Wheeler Sharon Wiener & Andrew Sproul Steve & Beth Wikle Michael Williams Helen Leabah Winter Terry & Terri Winter Sharon Witemeyer David Witt & Leslie Reiber Lauren Wong Otis & Teresa Wong Walter Wong Evaon Wong-Kim & Jean Kim Ron & Genevieve Wood Katherine Woodruff Paula Worby Miranda Worthen Kara Wright & T. James Lawrence Christopher Wu Stanley Wu Sauda Yerabati Mary & Melvyn Yokan Suzanne & John Young Nathan Yozwiak Karen Yu Stella Yu & Hingloi Hung Steven & Vicki Zatkin Courtney Zecher Marshall Zemon Carl & Gunilla Zenz Luoping Zhang Scott Zimmerman David Zimpfer Evelyn & Robert Zlomke Stephen Zoloth & Catherine Quimby Howard & Jane Zong Ann Zukoski & Mark Bartlett

IN MEMORY OF Eki and Nobuta Akahoshi and Seiko Baba Brodbeck by Stacey Baba & Jim Vokac Erma Anderson by Ramona Anderson Angelo Bardine by Grace Bardine

Herbert Bauer by Valerie Bengal Sally Bellows by Sara McMenamin & Joel Kosakoff Dorothy Worose Bengal by Valerie Bengal Henrik Blum by Anita Addison Richard Bailey Myrna Cozen Sylvia de Trinidad & Andrew Young Daniel Gentry & Patrick Dunn Annette Goggio Brent Green Rick Brown by Myrna Cozen William Bruvold by Charlotte Noyes & Clark Watkins Mr. & Mrs. C. V. Cardona by Fe Cardona Donald & Gertrude Chandler by Shawn Chandler Nancy Chapman by Roger Chapman Alfred Childs by Eunice Childs Bessanderson McNeil Larry Goldblatt by Betty Goldblatt William Griffiths by Robert Barr Glenn & Jan Hildebrand Harold Gustafson by George & Eleanor Cernada Riad Hamad by Rita Hamad D. Jerome Hansen by Barbara Hansen Marie Hatherell by Alice & Robert Diefenbach Alberta Parker Horn by Kenneth Kaiser David Hoskinson by Karen Jansen Ruth Huenemann by Doris & Carl Disbrow Alma & Ian Kagimoto Arlene Kasa Betty Lucas & Gordon Jackins Elizabeth & Robert Nobmann Mary & Kenneth Tuckwell Isolde Loewinger by Lorraine Smookler Connie Long by Michael & Sandra Fischman Kevin Mack by Tom Beach & Barbara Peterson Thomas Blair & Keramet Reiter Tom & Jill Boyce Hana & Meir Dan-Cohen Nina & Richard Green

GRADUATING CLASS GIFT Recognizing students and others who participated in this year’s Class Gift Campaign

At Commencement 2013, Kelsie Scruggs MPH ’13 and Kristina Kastler MPH ’13 present a check to Dean Stephen Shortell representing funds that the graduating class hopes to raise for the 2013 Class Gift Campaign.

Ellen Haller & Joanne Engel Bernadine Han Sara Hartley Janis Hersh Susan Ivey & Peter Bernhard Bethelen Johnson & Edmond Powers Descartes Li Michael Mack Naoki Nitta Kent Olson & Donna Follart Janet Perlman & Carl Blumstein Paul Poling & Veronica Jordan Richard & Julia Quint Alan & Sala Steinbach Herbert & Marcia Steinhardt Ann Stevens & Richard Glaser Jeremy Sussman John & Gail Swartzberg June Tester & Amin Azzam Thomas Zimmerman

Larry Macupa by Linnea Sallack Kathy Malloy by Don Allari Walter Mangold by Larry & Constance Cowper Donald Minkler by Bill & Vickie Hagbom Gopal & Andrea Sankaran Joan & David Skurnick

Anonymous Alice Baker Monica Barr Nancy Berglas Chhaganbhai & Sarojben Bhakta Linda & Jamie Clever Aubrey Daquiz Joel Davis Zohreh Eftekhari Lydia Feng Johnna Flood Tristen Fredrickson Alisa Goldrich Robert Goldrich & Andrea Mink-Goldrich Wendi Gosliner Ilana Graetz Robert Gunier & Andrea Saveri Laura Harris Calliope Holingue Hilary Iskin Christina Jeffery Erica Jimenez Kristina Kastler Alison Klurfeld Richard Lechtenberg Meredith Lee Debbie Lei Michelle Leu Amy Levier Beth Malinowski

Toshiko Mizuha by Alan Hyden & Laura Sueoka

Ali Safaeinili by Lisa Safaeinili

Don Whorton by Diana Obrinsky

Dorothy Nyswander by John & Sachie Hayakawa Glenn & Jan Hildebrand

Sarah Samuels by Adele Amodeo Claire & Ralph Brindis Sally & Graham Bullock Mara Decker Soledad & Christian Ferguson Kari Fisher Arnell Hinkle & John Wolfe Janet Leader & Clarence Braddock Sheryl Lee Markell Miller Jean Nudelman & Richard Bock Sara Parker Geraldine Perry Joel Simon Mary Simonson Nina Steinberg

William Taylor by Judith Taylor

Warren Winkelstein by Lisa & Michael Barcellos David Berrigan James & Elizabeth Connor Susan Cummins Loring & Ann Dales Marlene Dehn David & Ellen Feigal Daniel Gentry & Patrick Dunn Erica & Barry Goode Helene Gordon & Alan Houser Pat & Harold Hosel Alan Houser Dick Jackson & Joan Guilford Debbie Jan Ruth Johnson Sheryl Magzamen Robert & Faith Miller Linda Neuhauser & Craig Buxton Nitika & Madhukar Pai Ed & Camille Penhoet Arthur Reingold & Gail Bolan George & Linda Sensabaugh Stephen & Susan Shortell Susan Standfast & Theodore Wright Dave & Kathryn Werdegar Ben & Carolyn Werner

Russell Watson by Christina Watson

Jesus Antonio Zapata by Blanca Zapata

Our Parents by Chhaganbhai & Sarojben Bhakta G. Nicholas Parlette by Carol Parlette Sally Anne Bradley Presser by Steven Presser Nicki Rafael by Channing Wong William Reeves by Deborah Raines Beesley & Charles Beesley Shirley Roach by Betty Seabolt Beryl Roberts by Elaine Base Guido J. Rosati by Cynthia Lavagetto Brian Pennix & Camille Rosati Pennix Mario Rosati & Danelle Storm Rosati Rachel & Stephen Warner Sarah Ruby by Joan & Howard Bloom Dennis & Kay Brown Carol Seliger Barbara & Norman Shapiro

Alfred Sasso by Rob Tufel & Michael Sasso W. McFate Smith by Jacqueline Smith Sandra Lurie Starr by Valerie Bengal William Stiles by Betty Calfee

Jennifer Martinez Sean McClellan Yasmina Mohan Agnes Nabasirye Abhinaya Narayanan Juliana Oronos Alberto Ortega-Hinojosa Francesca Osuna Scott Petersen Iliana Ponce Colleen Reid Jeffrey Reynoso Joseph Schuchter Brooke Simmons Robert Snyder Michael Stacey Carly Strouse Kenneth Su Ahna Suleiman Hei Tung Tung Roberto Vargas Diya Varma Karla Vasquez Larry Vitale Jessica Watterson Lien Chung Wei Lauren Wong Michelle Yamamoto Karen Yu Tenny Zhang Zhipeng Zhang

Sara-Mae Goldenberg Zemon by Marshall Zemon

IN HONOR OF Joan and Howard Bloom by Carol Seliger Patricia Buffler by Barbara Abrams & Gary Root Jenny Ahern & Yohance Edwards Lisa & Michael Barcellos Gladys & Clifford Block Joan & Howard Bloom Gertrude & William Buehring Patricia & Roger Crawford Julianna Deardorff Ellen Eisen Aubree Gordon Sylvia & Simon Guendelman Denise Herd & Tyler Stovall Nina Holland Kenneth Kaiser Amy Kyle Meredith Minkler & Jerry Peters Linda Neuhauser & Craig Buxton Amani Nuru-Jeter Emily Ozer & Tony Fields Frank Cardona by Fe Cardona Center for Environmental Research and Children’s Health by Eunice Childs

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The Campaign for the School of Public Health

Benjamin Ide Wheeler Society Recognizing donors who have expressed their intention to include the School of Public Health in their estate plans Simone Adams Paul Boumbulian Doris Brusasco Patricia & Richard Buffler Nilda Chong Paul & Susan Conforti Viola Egli Robert Frangenberg & Ingrid Lamivault Sergio Gerin Kenneth Kaiser A. Arlene Kasa Jogi & Tejbir Khanna Joan Lam Carol Langhauser Roberta O’Grady Pamela Peeke Therese Pipe Robert Porter Harper & Leonisa Puziss Ronald & Genevieve Roberto Stephen Schultz & Mary Pacey Bobbie Singer Barbara Whelan Estate gifts received from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 The Estate of David Hoskinson

Every effort has been made to provide a complete and accurate listing of individual donors and their gifts to the School of Public Health from July 1, 2012, to June 30, 2013. Should you discover a mistake or omission, please accept our apologies and contact us at (510) 6422299 or trini@berkeley. edu so that we can correct our records.


Center for Health Leadership by Eunice Childs Center for Occupational and Environmental Health by Eunice Childs Cathy & Jim Koshland Chin Long Chiang by Margaret Deane Ying Lu & Weizhao Zhou Marc Conant by Gavin McQuiston Brenda Eskenazi by Marilyn & Nat Goldhaber Alisa Goldrich by Robert Goldrich & Andrea Mink-Goldrich Ruth Ingraham by Robert & Joan Montgomery Callie Jaques by John & Robin Jaques Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health & Society Scholars Program by Debbie Freund & Thomas Keisner Donna Jordan by Bruce Steir & Yen Aeschliman Carrie Graham Lee by Pat Lee Kelsey Liu by Hung-Po & Janet Liu The Maternal and Child Health Program by Donald Brecker & `Ann Darling J. Michael McGinnis by Leonard Berry Dorinda Gregg Margaret Hudson Gil Omenn & Martha Darling Ron Paul by David Berke Edmond and Elizabeth Preston by Cathy & Jim Koshland Zak Sabry by Martha Dominguez Glumaz David Satcher by Gil Omenn & Martha Darling Pat & Ken Taylor Steve Selvin by William Flynn Nancy Selvin Stephen Shortell by William & Chika Dow Gail & Thomas Grogan George & Joanne McKray Jeff Newman Roberta O’Grady Douglas Oman Austin & Annette Ross Kirk Smith by Stephen & Susan Shortell David Starkweather by Pamela Berven Sandra Lurie Stein by Lawrence Bergner & Shoshanna Sofaer

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Ruth Stimson by David & Mary O’Neill Leland & Kristine Peterson Caitlin Suruki by Dan Suruki Cole William Tschetter by Abiose Lasaki The Vu & Le Family by Phuong Vu & Sang Doan Helen Wallace by Claude Brown Maxwell Witt by David Witt & Leslie Reiber Yang Zong by Howard & Jane Zong

ORGANIZATIONS Executive Circle ($100,000 & Above) Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Bristol-Myers Squibb US Pharmaceutical Group California Pacific Medical Center Consejo Nacional de Ciencia Techologia Consulado de Mexico Dartmouth College The David & Lucile Packard Foundation East Bay Community Foundation Eustace-Kwan Family Foundation Gilead Sciences Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation Health Net International Initiative for Impact Evaluation Janssen Research and Development Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. Kalmanovitz Charitable Foundation Marisla Foundation MemorialCare Health System Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Servicios de Salud de Zacatecas UBS Optimus Foundation Director’s Circle ($50,000 to $99,999) Abbott Laboratories The California Endowment Council for Education & Research on Toxics GlaxoSmithKline Merck & Co., Inc. Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research Novartis Pharma AG Novo Nordisk United Nations Foundation Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Leaders ($25,000 to $49,999) Blue Shield of California California HealthCare Foundation

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Genentech, Inc. Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc. The Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving University of Texas - El Paso Vertex Pharmaceuticals Benefactors ($10,000 to $24,999) Alere North America, Inc. Bessemer Trust Company Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Cenetron Diagnostics, Ltd. Eli Lilly & Company Global Fund for Women Harvard University Idenix Pharmaceuticals Illumina, Inc. The John and Lisa Pritzker Family Fund Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings The McKesson Foundation Monarch Healthcare OraSure Technologies, Inc. Pacific Biosciences PPD Development, LLC Quintiles Global CRO Ralphs Grocery Company Research Foundation of SUNY Roche 454 Life Sciences Roche Molecular Systems, Inc. The San Francisco Foundation Seamon Corporation University of Chicago University of Pittsburgh Patrons ($5,000 to $9,999) AbbVie, Inc. The Arnold P. Gold Foundation California Chronic Care Coalition Consulate General of Columbia Delta Dental Plan of California Give Something Back Hispanic Communications Network Infectious Diseases Society of America International Epidemiological Association The James Irvine Foundation Merle A. Lustig Trust Quest Diagnostics, Inc. Raymond Schinazi & Family Foundation Sanofi-Aventis Secretaria Nacional del Migrante de Ecuador Seracare Life Sciences, Inc. Skoll Foundation Sutter Health Care Tobira Therapeutics Advocates ($1,000 to $4,999) Aetna Foundation American Academy of Nursing Anthem Blue Cross of California The California Wellness Foundation Celera

Chevron Corporation DDL Diagnostic Laboratory Dextra Baldwin McGonagle Foundation Hyman-Levine Family Foundation Locks Law Firm Los Palos Gastroenterology, Inc. Permanente Medical Group, Inc. Peter B. Bernhard Irrevocable Trust Telecare Corporation UC Chinese Alumni Foundation Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Wells Fargo Foundation Partners ($500 to $999) California Pharmacists Association Intel Foundation KPMG Foundation Friends ($250 to $499) Brown & Toland Medical Group Goldman Sachs & Company Nova Fisheries, Inc. The Oregon Community Foundation See’s Candies Taste of the Himalayas Supporters ($150 to $249) Pfizer Foundation Thermo Fisher Scientific Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center The United Way of the Bay Area Contributors ($1 to $149) Ameriprise Financial AMN Healthcare Aureflam Corporation Episcopal Senior Communities Home Sweet Home Health Care Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Foundation Lantern Projects Lifelong Medical Care Lockheed Martin Corporation Foundation Meals on Wheels of San Francisco North & South of Market Adult Day Health On Lok Lifeways Richard W. Neumaier Trust Satellite Housing Senior Alternatives Walker Living Trust William & Jeanne Ryan Real Estate Account

MATCHING GIFTS Aetna Foundation Ameriprise Financial Bristol-Myers Squibb US Pharmaceutical Group The California Endowment California HealthCare Foundation Chevron Corporation Genentech, Inc. Goldman Sachs & Company Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation

The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation IBM Corporation Intel Foundation The James Irvine Foundation Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Foundation Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. KLA-Tencor KPMG Foundation Lockheed Martin Corporation Foundation Merck & Co, Inc. Pfizer Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Foundation The Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving SunnyDay Fitness Thermo Fisher Scientific The United Way of the Bay Area Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Wells Fargo Foundation

GIFTS IN KIND Acme Bread Company The Albatross Pub Alegria Antioche Olive Oil Soaps Ashkenaz P. Robert Beatty Berkeley Bowl Marketplace Berkeley Repertory Theatre Bette’s Oceanview Diner Harvey & Bonnie Bichkoff Michael Bird Cactus Taqueria Camino Capalbo’s Gift Baskets Catherine Carpenter Children’s Discovery Museum of San Jose Claremont Hotel Eastwind Books of Berkeley Fat Slice Pizza Free House Funky Door Yoga Berkeley Grand Lake Theatre David Harrington & Denise Abrams Susan Jamerson Jodie’s Bar-B-Que Deniz Kursunoglu La Mediterranee La Note Restaurant La Peña Cultural Center Mariah & Franquel Lafleur Lair of the Golden Bear Lawrence Hall of Science Lindsay Wildlife Museum Rendez-Vous Café-Bistro Rick & Ann’s Restaurant San Francisco Cruises The San Francisco Zoo See’s Candies Semifreddi’s Bakery Shotgun Players Charlotte & Jim Smith Southie University of California Botanical Garden Wood Tavern

The School honors public health heroes at annual gala The UC Berkeley School of Public Health presented the Public Health Heroes Award to Dr. J. Michael McGinnis, a top health official who served under four U.S. presidential administrations, and Dr. David Satcher, former U.S. Surgeon General and former CDC director. Pictured (left to right): Policy Advisory Council chair Ken Taymor, David Satcher, Policy Advisory Council member Linda Clever, J. Michael McGinnis, Dean Stephen Shortell

Your bequest will help make the world a healthier place for generations to come By including a bequest provision to the UC Berkeley School of Public Health in your will or revocable trust, you can create a legacy that impacts the School’s future without depleting personal assets during your lifetime. Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime and are distributed according to your wishes. If you are fairly conservative and worry about maintaining sufficient assets during your lifetime, a bequest to Berkeley makes sense. For more information on including the School of Public Health in your will or living trust, contact the Office of Gift Planning at (800) 200-0575 or You can also visit to learn more about the benefits of gift planning.

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Around the School | Research Highlights

For more research highlights visit

Earlier onset of puberty in girls linked to obesity

Aging baby boomers and higher health care costs to impact long-term care

New research in Pediatrics shows that obesity is the largest predictor of earlier onset puberty in girls, a phenomenon that is affecting white girls at younger ages than previously reported. The multi-institutional study strengthens a growing body of research documenting the earlier onset of puberty in girls of all races. Researchers at centers including Kaiser Permanente in the San Francisco Bay Area, as well as sites in Cincinnati and New York City, examined the ages at the onset of breast development of 1,239 girls, and the impact of body mass index and race/ethnicity. Researchers found that the respective ages at the onset of breast development varied by race, body mass index (obesity) and geographic location. Breast development began in white non-Hispanic girls at a median age of 9.7 years, nearly a year earlier than previously reported. Black girls continue to experience breast development earlier than white girls, at a median age of 8.8 years. The median age was 9.3 years for Hispanic girls and 9.7 years for Asian girls in the study. Body mass index was a stronger predictor of earlier puberty than race or ethnicity. Although the research team is still working to identify other environmental and physiological factors behind the phenomenon, they conclude that the onset of puberty in white girls at an earlier age than before is likely caused by higher rates of obesity. Assistant professor Julianna Deardorff is a study coauthor.

In a study led by Professor William Dow, researchers in the School’s Health Policy & Management Division state that an unprecedented increase in seniors over the next decade could nearly double Medi-Cal long-term care costs, from $6.6 billion to $12.4 billion annually by 2023. An 88 percent increase in public expenditures for institutional long-term care is projected over the next decade. Since nearly 90 percent of long-term care is provided by family and friends, the growing demands not only impact state coffers, but family caregivers as well. Family caregivers, the study says, report higher levels of mental and physical health problems and are generally uncompensated for their services. For their employers, the demands of caregiving also hurt productivity and increase absenteeism. The study concludes that Californians should strongly consider planning ahead for their later years. At Students and parents overwhelmingly some point, they may require in-home approve of the sweeping changes to or nursing home assistance with basic, school meals instituted in 2012, accorddaily functions that are often taken ing to a study released UC Berkeley’s for granted. Without proper planning, Atkins Center for Weight and Health. paying for long-term care can be a The report, which examines how 10 California school districts have adjusted devastating financial burden. to the new rules, finds that parents and students agree that school meals are

Students prefer new, healthier school meals

improving. Nearly 90 percent of students say they like at least some school meal options, and some evidence suggests that students’ overall eating habits may be improving as a result of the school meal overhaul. The new nutrition rules are part of a comprehensive reform of the U.S. School Meal Program, which was required by the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. The U.S. Department of Agriculture developed the nutrition standards as part of that overhaul, which took effect in the 2012–2013 school year.


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California can do better counting homeless youth

Ozone linked to heart disease deaths Chronic exposure to ground level ozone, a powerful greenhouse gas and a widespread air pollutant in many major cities, is linked to premature death from cardiovascular disease, finds a new study led by Professor Michael Jerrett, published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. The analysis also found a strong link between nitrogen dioxide, a marker for traffic pollution, and increased risk of death from lung cancer. Numerous studies have connected air pollution to a higher risk of mortality, but until now, the extent of the impact had been uncertain. For the new paper, researchers developed individualized air pollution exposure estimates of more than 73,000 California residents. They used a combination of home addresses, government air monitors, and statistical models to obtain monthly averaged values of exposure to ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and fine particulate matter pollution. Researchers tracked mortality from 1982-2000 to link the deaths to air pollution exposure.

Homeless youth are a hidden population and have been historically undercounted in local, state, and federal efforts to estimate the homeless population, according a report issued by the California Homeless Youth Project. The report highlights best practices for counting unaccompanied minors and transition-age youth experiencing homelessness. Researchers interviewed staff from 31 of the 43 Continuums of Care in California about their experiences conducting the 2013 Point-in-Time (PIT) count. Mandated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the PIT count is conducted in order to receive federal funds for homeless assistance and improve community planning efforts to end homelessness. From the interviews, researchers identified common challenges in accurately counting homeless youth, which helped guide recommendations for communities conducting future PIT counts. Authors of the report include Dr. Colette (Coco) Auerswald, associate professor and director of research training in the UC Berkeley-UCSF Joint Medical Program, and Jess Lin MPH ’10, a research analyst at UCSF.

Racial minorities live on the front lines of heat risk Some racial groups are more likely to bear the brunt of extreme heat waves because of where they live, according to a new study published in Environmental Health Perspectives. The findings highlight racial disparities at a time when the frequency and intensity of extreme heat waves is expected to increase with climate change. Researchers used satellite imagery data to identify areas where there is no tree canopy to provide shade, and

where half or more of the land is covered by heat-absorbing hard surfaces, such as pavement, concrete or roofing materials. Such land characteristics put residents at greater risk when the mercury rises because they exacerbate the heat, the study authors said. The authors used U.S. Census data to reveal that the heat-prone neighborhoods were disproportionately populated by African Americans, Asians, and Hispanics. Compared with their white

counterparts, African Americans were about 50 percent more likely to live in these communities, while Hispanics were 37 percent and Asians a third more likely to do so. Professor Rachel Morello-Frosch, the study’s principal investigator, noted that regional studies have identified similar trends, but seeing this residential segregation on a national scale was surprising.

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Around the School | Kudos

Ahern wins NIH New Innovator Award Jennifer Ahern, assistant professor of epidemiology, has been awarded a 2013 High Risk-High Reward Research grant from the NIH. Each year, the NIH distributes these grants to support exceptional innovation in biomedical research. Ahern is a recipient of the NIH Director’s New Innovator Award, which supports “exceptionally creative new investigators who propose highly innovative projects that have the potential for unusually high impact.” The award will fund Ahern’s work to develop and apply a new system to determine the health and disparities impacts of policies and programs. She plans to create a webbased simulation generator to identify the optimal study design and analysis approach, and to use a large database of over 10 years of population health data to estimate health effects.

Corburn honored by United Nations Association, East Bay For his collaborative work that has improved water, sanitation, and living conditions for Kenyan’s urban slum dwellers, associate professor Jason Corburn received the Global Citizen Award from the United Nations Association-USA East Bay Chapter. The awards are given for outstanding achievements in fulfilling the UN Millennium Goals of alleviating poverty, inequality, and disparities. Corburn has led a five-year ongoing initiative partnering with slum dwellers and local organizations in Nairobi to plan for and implement improvements to infrastructure that have saved and improved the lives of thousands of residents in the city’s informal settlements.


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Deardorff recognized for breast cancer research Julianna Deardorff, assistant professor of maternal and child health, won the 2013 Community Breast Cancer Research Award from Zero Breast Cancer for her work as a co-investigator of the CYGNET Study (Cohort Study of Young Girls’ Nutrition, Environment, and Transitions). She was presented with the award at the 2013 Honor Thy Healer awards program. The study team is investigating how environmental exposures and biological and socioeconomic factors influence girl’s transitions through puberty and potential breast cancer risk. Deardorff was recognized along with CYGNET Study co-investigators Dr. Louise Greenspan, Kaiser Permanente San Francisco, and Gayle Windham, California Department of Public Health. Pictured (left to right): Gayle Windham, Julianna Deardorff, Louise Greenspan.

Jagust wins Potamkin Prize for Alzheimer’s research Professor of public health and neuroscience William J. Jagust, an authority on brain aging and dementia, has been awarded the 2013 Potamkin Prize for Research in Pick’s, Alzheimer’s and Related Diseases by the American Academy of Neurology and the American Brain Foundation. Jagust received the prize for his research on beta-amyloid, or plaques in the brain, which are a possible cause of Alzheimer’s disease.

Jewell wins Berkeley Faculty Service Award Nicholas Jewell, professor of biostatistics and statistics, has won the Berkeley Academic Senate’s Faculty Service Award. The award honors a member of the Berkeley Division of the Academic

Senate who has given outstanding and dedicated service to the Berkeley campus, and whose activities as a faculty member have significantly enhanced the quality of the campus as an educational institution and community of scholars.

Minkler honored for community-based research and activism Meredith Minkler, professor of health and social behavior, was awarded the 2013 Tisch Research Prize for her work in CommunityBased Participatory Research (CBPR). The prize is awarded by the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service at Tufts University in recognition of a “career of academic research

on issues related to active citizenship.” Minkler’s work includes studying ethnic health disparities of midlife and older Americans as well as empowerment strategies to promote positive health outcomes in youth. Minkler was also recognized by LifeLong Medical Care with the Bobbie Singer Leadership Award for her role in the development of CBPR and her community-based research and activism in the San Francisco Tenderloin, Chinatown, the East Bay, and statewide.

Neuhauser receives award for translational research scholarship Clinical professor Linda Neuhauser received the 2013 Charles Atkin Outstanding Translational Health Communication Scholar Award at the DC Health Communication Conference. The award is presented to a researcher for exceptional work in translating health communication research into successful programs and policies. Neuhauser, an international leader in applied public health and communication research, cofounded Health Research for Action, a research center at the School, to empower diverse populations through participatory interventions, primarily in heath communication. One of her most well-known accomplishments has been her leadership role in the development and extension of user-designed, largescale parenting education interventions in the United States.

Oxendine receives Irvine Leadership Award for strengthening California health workforce Jeff Oxendine, associate dean for public health practice, is one of six California leaders honored with the 2013 James Irvine Foundation Leadership Award. Oxendine is working at multiple levels to

help develop a robust, diverse health workforce to meet California’s growing health needs. As head of the School’s Center for Public Health Practice, Oxendine places more than 125 interns each year in health departments, community-based organizations, health care systems, and other public health organizations. He founded the School’s Center for Multicultural Health and Center for Health Leadership, and is cofounder and president of Health Career Connection, a nonprofit that has empowered more than 1,400 undergraduate students, 900 of them in California, to discover and pursue health careers. Oxendine also champions innovative policy reform at the statewide level, as co-leader of the California Health Workforce Alliance.

Portnoy joins National Academy of Sciences Daniel A. Portnoy, professor of molecular and cell biology and of public health, was named to the National Academy of Sciences in recognition of his excellence in original scientific research. Portnoy is one of the world’s leading researchers in understanding the spread of intracellular bacterial pathogens. His laboratory studies the foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes as a model intracellular pathogen for discovering the basic mechanisms of microbial pathogenesis and how host cells resist. The Portnoy lab was instrumental in the development of Listeria monocytogenes as a vector for cancer vaccines. Portnoy will be inducted into the academy in April 2014.

Shortell receives research scholar award from Academy of Management Stephen M. Shortell, Blue Cross of California Distinguished Professor of Health Policy and Management and dean emeritus, received the Distinguished Research Scholar Award from the Health Care Management Division of the Academy of Management. The research scholar award is provided annually to an individual who has an outstanding record of high-quality scholarship and research in the field, an outstanding record of external funding, and editorship of a major journal or book series. Shortell was cited for his pioneering work in applying the discipline of organizational theory and behavior to health services research and health policy issues.

Smith wins 2014 Alexander Hollaender Award Martyn Smith, professor of toxicology, was awarded the 2014 Alexander Hollaender Award by the Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EMGS) for his contributions to the field of environmental toxicology. The award recognizes outstanding contributions in the application of the principles and techniques of environmental mutagenesis and genomics to the protection of human health. Smith’s research has been focused on the mechanisms by which a variety of environmental agents—such as benzene, pesticides, and arsenic—exert genotoxic effects relevant to cancer. The EMGS is a scientific society whose mission is to foster scientific research and education on the causes and mechanistic bases of DNA damage and repair, mutagenesis, heritable effects, epigenetic alterations in genome function, and their relevance to disease.

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Around the School | New Faculty

Introducing Hector Rodriguez For Hector P. Rodriguez, who joined the School of Public Health’s faculty this year as an associate professor of health policy and management, Berkeley is familiar territory. He earned his MPH here and grew up in nearby Hayward and Union City. But the appeal of returning to the Bay Area was not the only thing that lured him back. “The University has a unique strength in the social sciences and the close collaboration of social scientists across the campus—that’s really what drew me,” Rodriguez says. “Berkeley encourages partnerships across disciplinary boundaries more than other universities.” Rodriguez’s current research focuses on organizational interventions aimed at improving primary care quality, including strategies to enhance interdisciplinary care team effectiveness. He is associate director of the School’s recently established Center for Health Care Organizational and Innovation Research—a role about which he is very enthusiastic. “I think the angle of my work is very synergistic with that of other faculty in organizational research. Being able to work with like-minded colleagues in the School of Public Health like Professors Steve Shortell, Joan Bloom, and Tom Rundall is a real treat,” Rodriguez says.

“ Being able to work with like-minded colleagues in the School of Public Health like Professors Steve Shortell, Joan Bloom, and Tom Rundall is a real treat.” Most recently, Rodriguez was an associate professor at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. He has published extensively on the measurement of patient care experiences and the impact of delivery system interventions on patients’ experiences of primary care, including the impact of performance-based financial incentives for physician groups and physician communication training interventions. Measuring the impact of primary care teamwork on the quality of chronic illness care is an important research focus across Rodriguez’s partnered research projects


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Hector Rodriguez

Associate Professor, Health Policy & Management PhD, Health Policy/Medical Sociology, Harvard University MPH, Health Policy and Administration, UC Berkeley School of Public Health BA, Urban Studies and Planning, UC San Diego

in community clinics and health centers, the Veteran Health Administration, and physician organizations. He also recently was the principal investigator of an Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality funded cluster randomized trial comparing the effectiveness of medical assistant panel managers and community-based health workers on improving diabetes care quality, patient self-management, and patients’ experiences of primary care in community clinics and health centers in four California counties. Prior to his academic career, Rodriguez served as a management consultant for The Permanente Medical Group at Kaiser Permanente, where he worked with leaders and clinicians in Northern California to implement major primary care practice redesigns and evaluate their impact on patient care. “The MPH degree from Berkeley opened the doors to training in health care delivery systems management at Kaiser,” he says, noting the School’s longstanding relationship with the organization. “The field studies program really provided a nice path for my career in health care management after I studied here.” Rodriguez serves as a board member of the Health Care Partners Institute for Applied Research and Education, a nonprofit research organization focused on improving clinical outcomes and patient experience through delivery system redesign, health policy, and education. He was the 2011 recipient of the John D. Thompson Prize for Young Investigators and was awarded Professor of the Year, UCLA Department of Health Policy and Management in 2012 and 2013.

Alumni Notes | For more Alumni Notes visit Berkeley Health Online at

1950s Barry Karlin DrPH, MPH ’59 published a book, Choosing a Career in Development: My 5 Decades in International Public Health. He writes, “It is intended for people interested in public health who may wish to know about international health careers. The book reviews my various roles in Thailand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, and elsewhere. It offers definitions of ‘public health,’ challenges being faced, successes and failures, and how to get started, including contact information for leading international public health organizations.”

1960s Richard H. Seiden PhD, MPH ’64 writes, “Hello to all my friends, former students and colleagues at SPH, where I earned a postdoctoral MPH in 1964 and then was a faculty member until 1983. At that time I changed direction and became a financial planner/stock broker, which allowed me to indulge my travel dreams. This fall I journeyed to Los Angeles, North Carolina, and Azerbaijan to visit my widespread network of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In January I will embark on a three-month journey throughout S.E. Asia, where I hope to put my public health training to good use as an international volunteer. I continue to be self-employed when my travel plans permit, and I am looking forward to the 2014 reunion, which will be the 50th anniversary of my MPH degree.” Corwin Strong MPH ’64 writes, “Greetings from North Carolina. Received an MPH in environmental health from Berkeley in 1964 and accepted a commission in the U.S. Public Health Service, advancing to Captain (06). Retired in 1989 and moved to wonderful North Carolina. Became active in the

Navy League and eventually became the N.C. state area Navy League president. Upon a second retirement, my wife and I traveled extensively throughout the world and finally settled down to a life of gardening and golf. Upon my wife’s death, I became a serious golf nut, recording five hole in ones followed by a recent event of shooting my age (86). I believe in the adage that ‘looking down at the grass’ is far better than being a couch potato. Join me for a round of golf here at New Bern, N.C. Go Cal!” Javed S. Ahmad MPH ’65 writes, “I want colleagues to know I am alive and well. I live in New York. I retired from the United Nations doing various field jobs in health communication. After retirement have been involved with population aging projects, and have been teaching and involved with social research program of the University of Gujrat, Pakistan. Early this year decided to promote health education in Pakistan, specifically organizing a Society of Public Health Educators, Pakistan. However, I failed to elicit serious response. (My website: sophePakistan. I suspect medical community’s resistance is too strong, which is typical but in Pakistan it’s like a stone wall. Have almost given up unless colleagues show me a better way to advocate health education in Pakistan. Please contact me at” Lucy Johns MPH ’67 has been elected to the board of directors of Direct Trust, a national nonprofit organization that provides standards and accreditation for entities engaged in health information exchange.

1970s David Dornan MPH ’70 writes, “Even though I had been retired from public health for six years, in 2009-10 I spent a year in Viet Nam teaching at Can Tho University and working on a community health project in the Mekong Delta. This is to say that even at 75 years old, one can still contribute to improving the health of people through public health education

and the practices learned at Berkeley many years ago. My experience in Viet Nam was a fitting conclusion to a career that began in Malaysia in 1971-72, and involved many years of reproductive health work in Michigan.” Fred Ottoboni PhD, MPH ’63 writes that he and his wife Alice Ottoboni have just published the second edition of their book, The Modern Nutritional Diseases and How to Prevent Them. They are pleased it has gotten several five-star reviews. Both of them are “long retired from the California Department of Public Health.” Robert Miller DrPH ’72, MPH ’66 writes that he worked for the School of Public Health and the Ford Foundation in Dhaka, East Pakistan, in 1966 and ’67 under the direction of William Griffiths, Beryl Roberts, and “Gus” Gustafson at what was called at the time the East Pakistan Research and Evaluation Center (EPREC). In October and November 2013, he returned to Dhaka to evaluate a health project funded by the State Department’s Global Women’s Issues Division through a contract with DevTech Systems and the Public Health Institute. “Ali Mahbub MPH ’65 and his spouse Gule Afruz Mahbub MPH ’65 held a dinner in Dhaka and invited all the old EPREC staff they could contact. The marvelous dinner and reunion, held after 45 years, was a once in a lifetime experience.” Also, he writes, “On my way to Bangladesh, on a personal basis, I stopped in Hai Phong, Vietnam where for the third year, I assisted two orphanages and a school for blind children. One orphanage, Thanah Xuan, for HIV+ children, wanted jackets, jeans, blankets and insulated flooring for the winter. Red Flower, another orphanage on the SOS Children’s Model, wanted large desks and bookcases to aid home study, and the school for blind children wanted a TV, a sound system, and wireless microphones.” Stephen Redmond MD, MPH ’72 has published a book titled The Doorway to Longevity: New Wisdom to Living Longer: Self-Hypnosis to Increase Your Sense of

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Alumni Notes | For more Alumni Notes visit Berkeley Health Online at

the Oral Health Section of APHA. He completed his MPH studies and residency training at UC Berkeley where he also served as president of the Public Health Alumni Association.

MPH Nutrition Class of ’73 reunion Brenda Wong and Robert Seymoure write that the MPH Nutrition Class of ’73 held a reunion in Hawaii this past October. The 40th reunion was hosted by local residents Alma (Suzuki) Kagimoto and Ian Kagimoto. “Alma, one of the classmates, had casually thrown out an invitation a couple of years earlier not realizing it was leading to something messier than the swamps on top of mount Wai’ale’ale. Residents of Waimea breathed a sigh of relief as the happy gang left town, but business was way down at Jo Jo’s Shaved Ice in the aftermath. According to municipal authorities no arrests were recorded, not one call to 911, and not one helicopter rescue. ‘Unbelievable!’ reported the local vicar. ‘Nothing this wild since the arrival of Captain Cook!’ Seven out of 13 members of the class attended, including Connie Johnson, Pam McCoy, Janet (Jue) Talsky, and Kathie (Albert) Westpheling, in addition to those named above.”

Coherence. This e-book available on Kindle, Nook and ePub, provides a succinct review of various methods of self-hypnosis including Emile Coué’s methods of waking suggestion and auto­ hypnosis. The author also provides his own method of self-hypnosis. He muses that as we expend trillions on health care, a simple, effective method to improve the health of vast numbers of people around the globe has been ignored despite the overwhelming scientific evidence of its importance. Jared I. Fine DDS, MPH ’75 was the 2013 recipient of the John W. Knutson Distinguished Service Award in Dental Public Health presented by the American Public Association Oral Health Section


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at the 141st APHA Annual Meeting in Boston. The Knutson Award is presented to honor an individual who has demonstrated sustained and exemplary accomplishments and made an outstanding contribution to improve oral health in the United States. Fine has served as dental health administrator for Alameda County’s Public Health Department since 1975. He has also served as board member and chair of the California-based Dental Health Foundation, president and board member of the Alameda County Dental Society, and chair of

Carlessia A. Hussein DrPH ’77, RN, MS has been director of the Maryland Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities since 2004. She assisted with drafting the Maryland Health Improvement and Disparities Reduction Act of 2012, signed by the governor in April 2012. The Office was listed in the Act to provide consultation on implementation of health equity principles. In November 2013, she was honored by The 1,000 Maryland Women Organization for her work in moving health disparities among the top priorities of the Maryland agenda for the sitting administration. She also led the publication of the Cultural Competency and Health Literacy Primer in March 2013. This was distributed to health professional academic institutions to provide a framework for incorporating cultural competency in the curricula.

1980s Jim Carpenter MD, MPH ’80, FAAP writes, “I have worked with Contra County Health Services since 1981, where I have helped to develop the child maltreatment program and in the process became the first board-certified child abuse pediatrician in the county. Our child advocacy center prosecuted 70% of cases presented to it with a 100% conviction rate in 2012. I was recognized by the American Academy of Pediatrics Section of Child Abuse and Neglect earlier this year and received the Outstanding Service to Maltreated Children Award for 2012. I received my MPH in maternal and child health in 1980.”

Linda Rudolph MD, MPH ’81 was honored by the White House as one of 11 “Champions of Change” working on the front lines to protect public health in a changing climate. She leads the Public Health Institute’s Center for Public Health and Climate Change. A nationally recognized public health physician and expert on climate change and public health, Rudolph works with people across a broad spectrum of public health activities to incorporate health considerations into climate change action, and climate change considerations into work to promote healthy communities and health equity. The White House recognized the 11 Champions for raising awareness about the health consequences of climate change and helping their communities prepare for climate-related health impacts. William Gross MPH ’82 was inducted as an honorary member of the University of North Carolina Charlotte Delta Omega Beta Phi chapter. A founding member of the UNC Charlotte Public Health Advisory Board, he helped set the vision for the program’s eventual growth into a school of public health. He has precepted UNC public health student internships; served on master’s thesis/project committees; hired graduates; and now serves as an adjunct faculty teaching graduate community health courses. Gross has been a staunch advocate for integrating practical training and experiences into the UNC Charlotte public health curricula and ensuring the program’s graduates bring the culture of evidence-based practice to the field. He joined the Gaston County, North Carolina Health Department as allied health services administrator in 1988 and became special projects manager in 2007. Shoshanna Sofaer DrPH ’84, MPH ’77 was recently elected to the board of directors of AcademyHealth, a leading professional association for those working in health services and policy research. She is currently the Robert P. Luciano Professor of Health Care Policy at the School of Public Health, Baruch College.

Elaine (Moquette) Magee MPH ’85 writes, “I have been the wellness and performance nutritionist for Stanford University (don’t hold that against me please) for four years now. I still do consulting and writing though and after all these years, I still love this field! Over the years I’ve written 25 books, including Food Synergy. The fourth edition of my best-selling book, Tell Me What to Eat If I Have Diabetes, comes out in January. I would love to hear from any of my old classmates (” Tammy Pilisuk MPH ’85 was recognized by APHA colleagues in 2013 for “excellence in health communication initiatives.” She just passed her 13-year anniversary at the California Dept. of Public Health, Immunization Branch. She’s also a champion of health literacy and an active health policy volunteer with the National MS Society, “fighting the good fight for health care rights.” She stays connected to the School by being a preceptor for MPH grad student interns. She lives with her husband Mark in Richmond, Calif. Evelyne de Leeuw PhD, MPH ’86, MSc has moved from Deakin University (Geelong), where she taught public health to medical students, to Latrobe University, Melbourne, Australia, where she is a professor of public health and health policy. She is assisting WHO Geneva to progress “The Helsinki Statement on Health in All Policies” in publications and a World Health Assembly resolution. She recently published a book with professor Carole Clavier (UQAM, Montreal), Health Promotion and the Policy Process (Oxford University Press). Vivian Lin DrPH ’86, MPH ’79 has been appointed director, Health Sector Development Division, at the World Health Organization for the Western Pacific Regional Office.

1990s Susan Kunz MPH ’90 received the inaugural Rosemary McKenzie Legacy Award from the Multiracial and Multicultural Health Council of the National Rural Health Association. The award recognizes her work or the past 30 years with American Indian and Hispanic/Latino communities in Arizona and along the U.S.-Mexico border. She is currently chief of health and wellness at Mariposa Community Health Center in Nogales, Ariz., and chairs the National Community Committee that advises the CDC Prevention Research Program. Rupali Das MD, MPH ’91 was appointed to the position of executive medical director of the California Division of Workers’ Compensation in June 2012. She is responsible for overseeing all functions of DWC’s Medical Unit in order to provide prompt and efficient medical care to ill and injured workers, including implementation of the medical components of Senate Bill SB 863, the monumental workers’ compensation reform signed by Governor Brown in September 2012. In September 2013, she was awarded the Jean Spencer Felton Award for Excellence in Scientific Writing by the Western Occupational and Environmental Medical Association. Susan J. Penner DrPH ’92, MPH ’89 is the author of Economics and Financial Management for Nurses and Nurse Leaders (Springer Publishing Company, 2013), and is a contributing author to Financial & Business Management for the Doctor of Nursing Practice (K.T. Waxman, editor, Springer Publishing Company, 2012). She teaches graduate health care finance courses in nursing programs and has developed traditional and on-line health finance curricula. She contributes to the SpringBoard Springer Publishing Company blog at, updating nurses on health finance and health policy. In addition, she teaches graduate courses in community health and is a contributing author to the Disaster Management Handbook (Jack

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Alumni Notes

Pinkowski, editor, Auerbach, Taylor & Francis, 2008). Paul B. Hofmann DrPH ’94, MPH ’65, BS ’63, FACHE writes, “After serving in a variety of administrative positions, including director of Stanford University Hospital and Clinics, executive director of Emory University Hospital, and executive vice president/ chief operating officer of the Alta Bates Corporation, I have spent the balance of my career in health care consulting. In addition to assisting health systems and hospitals with accelerating their clinical and operational performance efforts, I have enjoyed teaching, writing, and working with organizations on issues related to clinical and organizational ethics. Although I also continue to serve as an adviser to health care companies and as an expert witness, the majority of my time is now devoted to pro bono activities, such as serving on committees of the American Hospital Association and the Joint Commission International as well as on the boards of Operation Access, MedShare International, the Education Development Center, and the newly developing Alliance for Clinical Global Education.” Bruce Kieler DrPH ’94, MPH ’88, MBA, MA served on the Nuclear Uniform Curriculum Program Effectiveness Evaluation Committee of the Nuclear Energy Institute (Washington, DC) during 2013. The evaluation committee is conducting a nationwide assessment of the effectiveness of the Nuclear Uniform Curriculum Program (NUCP) that is being implemented at nuclear technology training programs in the United States. In November 2013, Kieler presented a report on the implementation of the NUCP at colleges in southeast Texas at the Nuclear Engineering Science and Technology Conference, which was sponsored by the European Nuclear Society and held in Madrid, Spain. In April 2013, Kieler, who is a former Fulbright


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Senior Research Scholar (India 2007–08), presented a Fulbright exhibit at the 10th International Education Conference held in Houston. Linda Elam PhD MPH ’96 was appointed state Medicaid director for the District of Columbia in May 2011, and she is also the senior deputy director at the DC Department of Health Care Finance. Previously, she served as policy director for the agency, and, before joining District government, she was with the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation for 10 years. She was a 2012 fellow in the Centers for Health Care Strategies/ Robert Wood Foundation Medicaid Leadership Institute, and in 2013 she was inducted as an alumni member into the Alpha Chapter of Delta Omega, the public health honor society. She received her BS in zoology from Howard University, her MPH in health policy and administration from UC Berkeley, and her PhD in health policy and management from the Bloomberg School of Public Health at the Johns Hopkins University. Kay Wallis MPH ’96 lives in Richmond, Calif., and has been active in several community-based efforts there to promote public health and social justice. Campaigns include a ballot initiative to tax sugary drinks; a groundbreaking plan for the city to seize distressed mortgages from banks to protect homeowners from foreclosure; opposition that prevented a casino from being built at Pt. Molate; and ongoing demands for the Chevron refinery to operate more cleanly and safely, and for the Chevron Corporation to pay its fair share of taxes. She and her husband, Juan Reardon MD, MPH ’89, are founding members of the Richmond Progressive Alliance (RPA), a grassroots organization of community activists. The RPA regularly utilizes media advocacy principles and techniques taught at the School of Public Health.

2000s Jessica Chun MD, MPH ’00, writes, “After working at Kaiser Permanente for six years until 2006, I attended Michigan State University for medical school, graduating in 2011. Am now in my third year of residency in obstetrics/gynecology at Kern Medical Center in Bakersfield, Calif.” Christopher Roebuck PhD, MPH ’00 writes, “I am an SPH alumnus (2000; Community Health Education). In May 2013, I received a PhD from the Joint UCB-UCSF Medical Anthropology Program. Currently, I am an assistant professor of anthropology and health studies at Haverford College. I have just completed a manuscript entitled Workin’ It: Trans* Lives in the Age of Epidemic. It is a long-term ethnographic investigation of social factors shaping HIV-AIDS vulnerability among transgender and immigrant communities in San Francisco’s Tenderloin. I began formative research for the study while an MPH student under the guidance of Meredith Minkler.” Linda Kincaid MPH ’01 presented two posters at the 2013 American Public Health Association conference in Boston. The posters focused on elder abuse by public guardians and private conservators. She writes that she left her safety consultant career after her mother was taken from her home, isolated, and imprisoned by an abusive conservator. “Law enforcement, government agencies, and the court failed to protect the victim’s rights. The district attorney said the situation was ‘nothing out of the ordinary.’ Many other families tell similar stories of loved ones taken from their homes, imprisoned and isolated, and estates rapidly depleted.” Kincaid is now a full-time advocate for civil rights of the elderly and disabled. Helen Nunberg MD, MPH ’03, founded Monterey Bay Mind & Body Medicine in 2011. She writes: “I’m enjoying my mental health practice while

Public Health Alumni Association Board of Directors 2013–2014 PRESIDENT

Rob Tufel MPH ’90, MSW

Catherine Carpenter PhD, MPH ’87


Myrna Cozen MPH ’89

Deniz Kursunoglu MPH ’11

Jacob Eapen MD, MPH ’85


Rosa Vivian Fernandez MPH ’91


Michelle Loya-Talamantes MPH ’04

Baljeet Sangha MPH ’10 Lucinda Brannon Bazile MPH ’94 BOARD MEMBERS

Mary Adèr MPP, MPH ’98 Sheila S. Baxter MPH ’10 Trula Ann Breuninger MPH ’91, MBA

Brian Raymond MPH ’83 Erika Schwilk MD, MPH ’09 John J. Troidl PhD ’01, MBA Evaon Wong-Kim PhD, MSW, MPH ’90

also practicing my mental health. An aside, there have been 663 downloads, to date, of my medical marijuana studies, posted on bepress SelectedWorks.” Olako Agburu MBA, MPH ’07 writes, “Recently moved from London to Lagos, Nigeria, to be the first Market Access Manager at GlaxoSmithKline. Engaged to my best friend Osahon Kevin Akaharoh. We will marry five years from the first date we met—September 6, 2014 in Atlanta.”

2010s Jacqueline Barin BA ’10 was awarded a Fulbright U.S. Student Program scholarship to the Philippines in public health. She is one of more than 1,700 U.S. citizens who will travel abroad for the 2013– 2014 academic year through the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. Recipients of Fulbright grants are selected on the basis of academic and professional achievement, as well as demonstrated leadership potential. The Fulbright Program is designed to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. The program operates in more than 155 countries worldwide.

Public Health Alumni Association board members Myrna Cozen (left) and Sheila Baxter mingle at the School’s Alumni Spring Celebration held last May at HS Lordships.

Beini Shi B.A. ’10 writes, “I’ve switched jobs four times since I graduated. I don’t use the skills I acquired in college directly, but the critical and creative thinking tracks were founded while I was at Berkeley. Since graduation, I’ve been an operations manager, an administrative assistant, a product manager, and now a senior account executive. The last three jobs were all at the same company. I’ve also traveled to Guatemala, Munich, Salzburg, and Venice since graduation. Thailand is on the horizon for 2014.” Kathryn Hall MPH ’11 is a consultant within Deloitte’s Strategy & Operations Service Line. She is specifically aligned to the Provider Performance Improvement practice in the Western Region. She is interested in clinical effectiveness, value-based care, and population research outcomes. Her role at Deloitte allows her to have a meaningful impact on large health care systems, particularly as providers continue to navigate legislation changes in accountable care. Tim Buisker MPH ’12 writes, “I had a very productive 2013! On June 8 I married my girlfriend of five years, who is in nursing school. We had our ceremony in Freeport, Ill., the small Midwestern town where I grew up, and had a mini-moon in

San Diego. In August, I came back to the School of Public Health and started the PhD program in epidemiology.” Justin Rausa MPH ’12 graduated with an MPH in health and social behavior and a public health nutrition specialty. For the last year, he has worked at The Greenlining Institute as the health program manager, advocating for equitable, public health policies. He is also part of the 2013–14 Boards and Commissions Leadership Institute at Urban Habitat, and was just sworn in as an At-Large Commissioner for the Alameda County Public Health Commission. Coral Rudie BA ’13 writes, “I graduated in May 2013 with a BA in public health and a BS in nutritional science. After graduating I went on to complete a one-year dietetic internship at Stony Brook University in New York, and am now a Registered Dietitian. I am currently doing a pediatric nutrition fellowship at Boston Children’s Hospital with an emphasis on the neonatal intensive care unit.”

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In Memoriam | For more obituaries visit Berkeley Health Online at

Patricia A. Buffler

Professor and Dean Emerita the Dean’s Policy Advisory Council and the establishment of the School’s annual Public Health Heroes Awards. She was an enthusiastic and talented educator, teaching both graduate and undergraduate courses.

Patricia A. Buffler PhD ’73, MPH’65, an internationally esteemed researcher known for her work on some of the world’s largest studies on childhood leukemia and environmental health, died on Sept. 26, 2013. She was admired and respected for her research contributions, and she was loved for the way she mentored and advised junior faculty, colleagues, and students at the School of Public Health. One of her major contributions to public health was the California Childhood Leukemia Study, which she launched in 1995 to investigate the relationship between diet, genes, infections, and environmental exposures and the development of leukemia. She was also principal investigator of the Center for Integrative Research on Childhood Leukemia and the Environment, founded in 2010 to study the role of prenatal and early life exposures to carcinogens in the development of leukemia. In 2006, she established the Childhood Leukemia International Consortium, a widely acclaimed international consortium for studies of childhood leukemia. Professor Buffler, who earned both her master’s in public health and PhD in epidemiology at the School of Public Health, served a distinguished 22-year tenure at UC Berkeley. She joined the faculty as professor of epidemiology and dean of the School of Public Health in 1991. She was a creative and energetic dean for seven years. Among her long-lasting contributions to the School’s legacy were the formation of

Among Professor Buffler’s long list of career achievements were membership in the Institute of Medicine and the American College of Epidemiology and being named a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She was also president-elect of the International Epidemiological Association. The family asks that memorial donations be sent to the Patricia A. Buffler Memorial Fund at the UC Berkeley School of Public Health. Checks should be made payable to the UC Berkeley Foundation and mailed to the Office of External Relations and Development, UC Berkeley School of Public Health, 417 University Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-7360. Please write “Patricia A. Buffler Memorial Fund” in the memo space on the check. Those wishing to donate online may do so by going to

The following alumni deaths were reported to the School of Public Health between July 1, 2012 and October 31, 2013: Julius Amsiejus MPH ’50 Eugene Averkin MS ’62 Lona Barham BS ’55 Herbert Bauer MPH ’48 Gordon Belcourt MPH ’80 Dorothy Bengal MPH ’49 Robert Brueckner MPH ’66 Patricia Buffler PhD ’73, MPH ’65 Nimrod Bwibo MPH ’65 Deon Carroll MPH ’80 Julie Carroll DrPH ’94 Florence Morrison Clark DrPH ’79, MS ’59 Lela Cline BS ’54 Barbara Clites BS ’49 Joe Creisler MPH ’51 Robert Darter BS ’54

Stephen Dippe MPH ’68 Barbara Dittmann MPH ’57 William Drum MPH ’68 Ward Duel MPH ’59 Taira Fukushima MPH ’68 Liliane Geisseler MPH ’61, BS’60 Richard Grant MPH ’67 Charlotte Guymon BS ’50 Jocelyn Guynes MPH ’65 David Harris MPH ’59 Charles Hawkins MPH ’63 Calixto Hernandez MPH ’63 David Hoskinson MPH ’83 Florence Howard BS ’40 Felix Hurtado MPH ’69 James Jackson MPH ’80 Mary Jacobs MPH ’91

Roland James MPH ’76 William Johnson MPH ’47 Eleanor Knudson DrPH ’66 Rodney Lamb MPH ’54 Michael Lebowitz MS ’65 Henry Leighton MPH ’71 John Lollar BS ’55 Howard Long MPH ’60 Mary Marquez MPH ’66 Margaret McChesney MPH ’75 Edward Melia MPH ’76 Memry Midgett MPH’78 Thomas Milby MPH ’66 Ruth Morse MPH ’49 John Moyer MPH ’63 Carl Munding MPH ’68 Muriel Paley MPH ’58

Matthew Rivard MPH ’08 Gordon Robbins BS ’53, MPH ’60 Harry Robinson BS ’52 Lesli Sachs MPH ’80 Lawrence Schmelzer MPH ’64 Caroline Smith BS ’32 Rachel Smith B.A. ’38 Allen Steinmetz MPH ’60, BS ’54 Anabel Stenzel MS ’97 Susan Stokes MPH ’89 Joseph Taylor MPH ’56 Kazuko Tu BS ’50 Hendrika Van Drunen MPH ’76 Lynn Vanhart BS ’51 Patricia Vartanian MPH ’86 Audrey Veregge BS ’51 Suyenori Yamada BS ’52

If you would like to make a donation in someone’s memory, please make your check payable to the School of Public Health Fund and include a note indicating the name of the person you are memorializing. Mail it to the Office of External Relations and Development, UC Berkeley School of Public Health, 417 University Hall #7360, Berkeley, CA 94720-7360. You can also make your gift online at


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Photo Gallery

New graduates prepare to enter Zellerbach Hall at the School of Public Health’s 2013 Commencement.

Dean Stephen Shortell and associate dean Arthur Reingold are joined by keynote speaker Susan Desmond-Hellmann MD, MPH ’88.

Students help Friends of Five Creeks pull invasive, fire-prone plants in Tilden Park as part of Volunteer Mobilization Day, an annual event in which incoming public health graduate students spend an afternoon giving back to the local community.

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“ I remember a little Syrian girl, a spitting image of me at five years old, rushing to play with me one day in Domiz camp. This girl, already a veteran of a brutal war, wanted nothing but to be a child again.” Jesse Berns, second-year MPH student

“ W hen bus service is cut, an individual’s access to their job, to a grocery store to buy health food, or even to a hospital to get medical services is directly impacted.” Abhinaya Narayana BA ’13

Riding the Bus for Transit Justice

“ W hat the ACA does here in California and most other states is come close to closing the gap in access to quality health care.” Dr. Mark Horton

Affordable Care Comes to California Page 20

page 23

From UC Berkeley to a Syrian Refugee Camp page 26

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