Spring 2004 - Challenging Obesity, Improving Health - Public Health

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University of California, Berkeley

Public Health Challenging Obesity I M P R O V I N G H E A LT H

p. 8

Improving Nutrition and Increasing Fitness in Schools and Communities

p. 13

Back to the Future

Dean’s Message From the Dean In her introduction to this issue, Dr. Julie Gerberding underscores the tragic consequences of obesity for our nation. Obesity is a major contributor to the epidemic of chronic illness sweeping across America. Currently, 125 million Americans have at least one chronic illness, and of these, 50 percent have more than one chronic condition. Many chronic illnesses disproportionately affect our nation’s minority populations. Chronic illness costs the country over $200 billion a year in both direct medical costs and indirect costs attributable to lost wages and productivity. Evidence from an interdisciplinary team of investigators within our School suggests that the health system does a poor job of managing people with chronic illness. For example, physician organizations provide, on average, less than half of 16 recommended evidence-based treatment practices for patients with asthma, congestive heart failure, depression, and diabetes. While greater implementation of effective treatment practices is necessary for secondary prevention and ongoing management of chronic illness, the real payoff lies in practicing “root cause” public health emphasizing prevention. This will require a comprehensive multi-level approach involving the regulatory environment, the community, organizations, and individuals. Dean Stephen M. Shortell

On the regulatory front, changes in our food production policies, as well as in advertising and labeling of food products, will be needed. At the community level, policies and practices that promote increased physical activity through better design and location of housing, parks, schools, and transportation systems are needed. At the organization level, there is great need to encourage schools, businesses, and restaurants to remove food and drink harmful to one’s health and to create an incentive for healthy food and drink. Finally, at the individual level there is need for education that promotes healthy eating and active lifestyles. But educational interventions at the individual level are unlikely to have much effect without simultaneous “interventions” recurring at the other levels; namely, expanded availability of healthy foods; increased access to sidewalks, parks, hiking and biking trails, and fitness centers; and public policy that provides a framework and incentives to make it easier to engage in healthy behaviors and more difficult to engage in unhealthy behavior. Much can be learned from our continuing efforts to combat tobacco, but obesity will provide a special challenge in that while we do not need to smoke, we do need to eat. The challenge is to create consistently positive “environmental cues” for healthy eating at every opportunity combined with a variety of opportunities for physical activity. A number of approaches and programs to address the obesity problem are highlighted in this issue. The challenge lies in accelerating the rate at which we learn about what works and what doesn’t work and in bringing those that work “to scale.” In particular we need to reach our children and young adults who represent the future of America. This spring I had the opportunity to run with student leaders, members of the women’s track team, and UC President Robert Dynes during his visit to campus. In response to a student question about what he did to cope with the demands of his job, President Dynes responded, “I try to eat well, but I believe one of the most important things a person can do in life is to remain physically active,”—a message for all of us.

Stephen M. Shortell, Ph.D., M.P.H. Cover: Dean Stephen M. Shortell (left) and University of California President Robert C. Dynes enjoy an early morning run at UC Berkeley’s Edwards Track.

Dean, School of Public Health Blue Cross of California Distinguished Professor of Health Policy & Management Professor of Organization Behavior

University of California, Berkeley

Public Health Features Confronting a National Epidemic


by Julie L. Gerberding M.D., M.P.H. ’90

The director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention describes the devastating impact of obesity on our nation’s health.

Obesity, Inactivity, and Chronic Diseases


by Johanna Van Hise Heart

More than 40 years of research by faculty and alumni of the School of Public Health has examined how physical activity and other factors affect weight and health. Food Politics: Q & A With Author Marion Nestle

Improving Nutrition and Increasing Fitness in Schools and Communities

p. 8 7 8

by Michael S. Broder

Berkeley public health alumni are leading intervention efforts to keep children, adolescents, and communities fit and healthy. Personalizing Communication for Better Health One Size Doesn’t Fit All

10 11

Departments Past, Present, Future Ruth Huenemann: An Extraordinary Teacher, Researcher, and Role Model The founder of the School’s public health nutrition program made early discoveries about teenagers and weight that blazed a trail for today’s research.

p. 13 12

Back to the Future: The New Undergraduate Program’s First Grad Meets a Kennedy-Era Alumna


Faculty News Faculty News and Notes


Meet the New Faculty The School welcomes two new members to its faculty: William Jagust and Ann Keller.


Partners in Public Health The School acknowledges those who have generously contributed their time and support.


Alumni News Alumna Spotlight: Marion Nestle 2004’s Public Health Alumna of the Year educates media, policymakers, and the public about the politics of the food industry.

28 29

Alumni Notes


In Memoriam

32 Associate Editor Johanna Van Hise Heart

Dean Stephen M. Shortell, Ph.D., M.P.H. Assistant Dean, External Relations and Development Patricia W. Hosel, M.P.A. Editor Michael S. Broder

pp. 4, 13–19, 25–29, back cover; istockphoto, pp. 2–3; Creatas, pp.2,3, & 10 (top); Getty Images, pp. 2 & 9; Design Corbis, p. 5; courtesty of Robbi Pengelly, Archer Design, Inc. The Sonoma Index-Tribune, p.6; Contributors Michael S. Broder, pp. 8 & 11; Baine Vivian Auslander, Michael S. Broder, Windham, p. 32 (Materna); and Julie L. Gerberding, Johanna Van Patricia W. Hosel, p. 33 (Maxwell) Hise Heart, and Linda Neuhauser Communications Advisory Board Photography W. Thomas Boyce, Patricia A. Buffler, Peg Skorpinski, cover, inside front cover, Margaret Cary, Brandon DeFrancisci,

p. 29

Helen A. Halpin, Meredith Minkler, Linda Neuhauser, Lee Riley, Stephen M. Shortell, Robert C. Spear, and S. Leonard Syme

UC Berkeley, School of Public Health Office of External Relations and Development 140 Earl Warren Hall #7360 Berkeley, CA 94720-7360 (510) 642-9572

UC Berkeley Public Health is published semiannually in the spring and fall by the University of California, Berkeley, © 2004, Regents of the University School of Public Health, for alumni of California. Reproduction in whole and friends of the School. or part requires written permission.

Public Health



Confronting a National Epidemic

By Julie L. Gerberding, M.D., M.P.H. ’90

The United States is facing an imminent public health crisis—the epidemic of obesity. The inexorable increase in the prevalence of this preventable health condition is an unintended and deadly consequence of our prosperity and modern lifestyles. As unprecedented numbers of Americans of all ages have become either overweight or obese, this epidemic will soon overtake tobacco as the leading cause of preventable deaths in the country.

Fortunately, this national tragedy is finally receiving the attention it deserves. Much of that attention remains focused on the obvious proximate causes—overeating, poor nutrition, lack of physical exercise. Solutions aren’t as easy. The science we need to inform public health policy and design effective interventions is lagging. This issue of UC Berkeley Public Health helps fill that gap. New research on risk factors and interventions, provocative discourse on size acceptance and food politics, and an overview of communication and education issues—these topics are critical to our capacity to combat obesity and its myriad consequences.


University of California, Berkeley


The impact of obesity on our nation’s health is truly devastating. Consider these facts:

• In the past 15 years, the prevalence of obesity has increased by over 50 percent among adults and 100 percent in children and adolescents. In 2003, 23.6 percent of Americans aged 20 years and older were obese, and it is estimated that nearly two-thirds of U.S. adults are now overweight. • Dramatic increases in the prevalence of overweight and obesity also have occurred in children and adolescents of both sexes, with approximately 15.3 percent of children aged 6 to 11 years and 15.5 percent of adolescents aged 12 to 19 years considered to be overweight.

• Overweight and obesity are associated with increased morbidity and mortality. An estimated 400,000 deaths per year may be attributed to obesity, and overweight and obesity increase the risk for coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. • The total economic cost of obesity in the United States is up to $117 billion per year, including more than $60 billion in avoidable medical costs, or more than 5 percent of total annual health care expenditures. In 2003, cardiovascular disease cost the United States an estimated $351 billion, and direct and indirect costs associated with diabetes ran to $132 billion.

• Obesity disproportionately affects many segments of our population. For example, although overweight has increased among all children, the prevalence of overweight and obesity is significantly higher among nonHispanic black and Mexican-American adolescents than among non-Hispanic white teens (12-19 years old). Today, a majority of non-Hispanic black women over 40 are overweight or obese. continued on page 4

The impact of obesity on our nation’s health is truly devastating.

Public Health



UC President Robert C. Dynes (far left) and Dean Stephen M. Shortell (third from right) run with student leaders and members of the Cal women’s track team.

Percentage of Adults Who Report Being Obese*, by State

*Body mass index ≥30 or about 30 pounds overweight for a 5’4” person. Based on self-reported weight and height. Source: CDC, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.

continued from page 3 It is easy to forget that these consequences have taken years to develop. There is no magic bullet on the horizon, no easy cure. Step by step, pound by pound, Americans must change behaviors. Where science is not available, we must use common sense and good judgment. Nearly 300 years ago, poet James Thomson wrote that “Health is the vital principle of bliss, And exercise, of health.”* With this common sense advice in mind, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is rapidly advancing the “Steps to a HealthierUS” initiative, which has identified four key health-protection objectives for a healthier America: increased physical activity, responsible dietary habits, increased use of preventive health screenings, and


University of California, Berkeley

healthy choices concerning alcohol, tobacco, drugs and safety. The initiative’s centerpiece, the “Steps to a HealthierUS” cooperative agreement, will award $44 million in FY 2004, and $125 million has been requested in the president’s FY 2005 budget. Involving local communities in comprehensive intervention strategies is the foundation for the Steps initiative.

contribute, but the heroes of this war will be the dedicated public health servants, many of whom have graduated from this School of Public Health, working one step at a time to get America back on a healthy footing. This battle promises to be a long and hard one, but it’s one we have to fight. The future of our nation’s health—and increasingly the world’s health—depends on it.

This battle of the bulge must be fought by parents in their homes, teachers in their schools, employers in their workplace, and scientists in their labs. Our best defenses are better science, better communication, better collaboration. Individuals, parents, clinicians, educators, employers, and policy makers all must

— Julie L. Gerberding, M.D., M.P.H. ’90, is director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and administrator of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. * The Castle of Indolence. Canto ii. Stanza 55+.


Obesity, Inactivity, and Chronic Diseases: By Johanna Van Hise Heart

Researchers Fit the Pieces Together

For more than 40 years, School of Public Health faculty and alumni have been examining the relationships among weight, level of physical activity, and risk for chronic diseases. School researchers have considered the significance of social factors, environmental influences, and body composition. They have looked at women and men; compared risk factors for African Americans and Caucasians; and worked with research subjects at every stage of life, from infants to senior citizens, to shed light on the causes and consequences of obesity and chronic diseases. Longitudinal Studies Provide Perspective

In the mid-1980s, as issues of women’s health and health disparities were becoming a growing concern on a national scale, professor of public health nutrition Zak Sabry, Ph.D. and researcher Patricia Crawford, Dr.P.H. ’94, R.D., began the National Institutes of Health-funded National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Growth and Health Study (NGHS), a 10year, three-site longitudinal study of 2,379 African American and Caucasian girls recruited from the Richmond, California, and Washington, D.C. areas and from Cincinnati, Ohio. “A strong association between obesity and heart disease had been established, but there was a lack of understanding of how this process progresses in women,” says Sabry. “Up to that time, most of the research on heart disease development had been on men.” Additionally, the higher incidence of heart disease and mortality from heart disease among African American women prompted a study design that allowed comparison between Caucasian and African American girls. Hoping to track the development of obesity and other biological, social, and psychological risk factors for cardiovascular disease, Sabry and Crawford chose to begin following their cohort from ages nine or ten. Earlier longitudinal studies at the School conducted by professors

emeritae Ruth L. Huenemann, D.Sc., and Leona R. Shapiro, M.S., had confirmed that an increase in body weight in early childhood did not necessarily translate into obesity in late adolescence or early adulthood. (See profile of Ruth Huenemann, page 12.)

“Probably the turning point is about age nine,” says Sabry. “It makes sense biologically in terms of what hormonal profiles you might get circulating in the blood stream affecting metabolism. And it also makes a lot of sense, particularly in women, in terms of the body’s deliberate effort to store additional energy in preparation for childbearing.” From 1987 to 1997, Sabry and Crawford and their team assembled an incredibly extensive database of information. Initially working with the Richmond Unified School District, the local study staff measured diet, physical activity, anthropometry, self-esteem and other psychological factors, blood pressure, lipids, glucose, insulin, health beliefs, attitudes, and family influences. Some initial

conclusions include recognition that while nutrient intake varies greatly from family to family, the main dietary factor associated with the development of obesity is the proportion of calories from dietary fat. Additionally, socioeconomic status bears a strong inverse relationship to the development of obesity for Caucasian girls, but not for African American girls. Thanks to an amazing retention rate of approximately 90 percent among participants, the study provides the most extensive and most reliable physical profiles of Caucasian and African American girls and young women available anywhere. Crawford, now codirector of the UC Berkeley Center for Weight and Health, and May Wang, Dr.P.H. ’93, R.D., visiting assistant professor of health policy and management at the School of Public Health, continue to procure funding to delve deeper into the data. They are considering such issues as the influence of community characteristics on obesity risk; the effects of teen pregnancy, poor diet, and inactivity on the normal course of continued on page 6 Public Health



Obesity, Inactivity, and Chronic Diseases...,continued development of bones; and the etiology of the development of eating disorders, especially among young African American women, for whom little data previously existed. While of much scientific value on their own, these ancillary studies will also provide opportunities for contact with the NGHS cohort and help maintain a high retention rate. Sabry anticipates that as the women near menopause there will be great interest in gathering more data that examine the relationship between weight and the development of metabolic syndrome and chronic disease. Discerning the Role of Physical Activity

In the first national-scale analysis of energy expenditure in this country, Linda Dong, M.P.H. ’02, and professor of epidemiology and public health nutrition Gladys Block, Ph.D., quantified the strikingly low levels of physical activity in which Americans engage. Using data from 7,515 adults who had given detailed reports on their physical activity in a 24-hour period, Dong and Block were able to calculate that, outside of sleeping, the most energy expenditure among the population was driving a car, office work, and watching TV. In fact, only about five percent of the population’s total energy expenditure was spent in moderate to strenuous physical activity. “This study provides a wake-up call for the nation, particularly in light of the rising obesity rates in this country,” says Dong. “A lot of people aren’t fully aware of how sedentary their lives are.” Yet physical activity alone can neither control weight gain nor preserve health, according to other studies at the School which focus on the issue of weight and physical activity at specific times of life. An eight-year study of 2,092 male and female senior citizens in Sonoma, California, conducted by professors of epidemiology Ira Tager, M.D., and William Satariano, Ph.D., has found that it is not just physical activity that helps maintain the physical functioning so essential to


University of California, Berkeley

Helen McKenna, a participant in Ira Tager and William Satariano’s study of physical activity and fitness among elders in Sonoma, undergoes an examination to measure the length of her reach.

good health and independence among elders. “We were specifically interested in looking at the relationship between physical activity and body composition, the ratio of muscle to fat,” says Tager. At each home evaluation, researchers obtained detailed information on medical history, social factors such as marital status and engagement in their community, income level, and past and current participation in physical activity. During subjects’ biannual visits to the laboratory, data were gathered on body and muscle mass and heart and lung function at rest and, if possible, while on a treadmill.

“A lot of people aren’t fully aware of how sedentary their lives are.” “It turned out that the preservation of a good balance between the amount of muscle you have and the amount of fat you have actually seemed to be more important than physical activity in preventing or protecting against functional limitations in the elderly,” says Tager. The researchers took into account the effect that physical activity has on fat and muscle mass. “This wasn’t just the result of the fact that people who exercised more

had less fat. In essence, we controlled for that,” says Tager. “So older people might go out and do strength training or take their brisk walks every day, but the implications of these data would be that, if they were still overweight, that was going to be potentially less useful to them in protecting them from future disability than it would be if they also had a more ideal amount of fat for their body size.” Although data collection, with the exception of mortality information, has ceased, analysis continues. Because they have exercise capacity data on upwards of a thousand people who were monitored closely while on a treadmill, the researchers will be able to look at the how their body composition is related to their exercise capacity, and then in turn how their exercise capacity is ultimately related to their future risk of becoming disabled or dying from cardiovascular disease. The Office of the U.S. Surgeon General has called for a broad approach to obesity prevention, comprising research and evaluation, communication, and action. By increasing our understanding of the roles of physical activity, nutrition, weight, and risk of chronic diseases, the School of Public Health is providing a much-needed foundation for successful interventions to improve our nation’s health.


Food Politics: Q & A With Author Marion Nestle

In her book, Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health (UC Press, 2002), Marion Nestle, Ph.D., M.P.H. ’86, describes how the American social environment presents special challenges to our ability to make wise food choices. Earlier this year, Nestle took a moment to further explain how our free-market economy places the $1.3 trillion food industry at the center of the greatest public health challenge since the war on tobacco. How does promoting eating translate into promoting overeating? MN: Oh, it’s very simple. The big dark secret of the American food system is that there is too much food. It’s actually a worldwide problem. It’s not that there isn’t enough food in the world. There is far too much food; it just

isn’t distributed very equitably. And, in the United States, we have available to us 3,900 calories per day for every man, woman, and child in the country. That’s roughly twice what the country needs.

the companies will actually do what they say they’re going to do and whether they will make any difference remains to be seen.

So, food companies have only two choices in that situation. They either can get people to eat their food instead of somebody else’s, or they can get people to eat more, in general. They aren’t sitting around a conference table saying, hmm, how can we make Americans fat? They are saying, how can we sell more of our foods in a highly competitive marketplace?

There’s just been an analysis of advertising that shows that the food industry also tries to establish the third area: they want kids to think that kids are supposed to eat special food. They aren’t supposed to eat that icky, boring food that parents eat.

With great fanfare, McDonald’s, Burger King and other chains have been touting changes they are making on behalf of our health—eliminating the “supersizing” of their meals, adding more nutritious choices. Do you see this as a true movement in the right direction, or merely a marketing smokescreen? MN: It is certainly a marketing strategy. Whether it’s going to be successful or not isn’t clear. What needs to be understood is that it’s not just anti-obesity advocates who are complaining about food industry marketing. It’s also very serious investment analysts in some of the largest investment firms in the world who are saying that if companies don’t clean up their act, they are going to be in big financial trouble. Every major food company has seen these reports—company-by-company analyses of their vulnerability should people start to eat less. If people ate less, it would be very bad for business. So these big companies are taking action, partly in response to lawsuits, partly in response to public policy, partly in response to the fear of public backlash against their product. Whether

You point out that the industry takes advantage of the vulnerability of children. MN: Companies really, really want to be in the children’s market for three reasons. First, they want the kids to recognize brands early in life. McDonald’s, for example, advertises on Teletubbies. They start really early. The second reason, actually the biggest, is what’s called “the pester factor.” They want kids to pester their parents to buy the products, so advertising and marketing are designed to get kids to pester their parents.

So there are three things: you want brand loyalty; you want pester; and you want special foods for kids. If you look at food marketing with that in mind, you can immediately see that that’s what they are trying to do. How do you answer people who say that no one is forcing children or their parents to eat the junk food? MN: Any number of ways. First of all, you assure them that if personal responsibility worked, it would have worked by now and that there is no evidence that people’s feelings about personal responsibility or concern about their kids has changed within the last ten years when the rates of obesity have gone up so high. This goes way beyond personal responsibility. We currently have a food environment that is enormously conducive to people overeating. It is now socially acceptable for people to eat all day, for kids to eat junk food every day, and for people to eat larger and larger portions. All of these are raising caloric intake and making people heavier. For more on Marion Nestle, 2004 Public Health Alumna of the Year, see page 29.

Public Health



Improving Nutrition and Increasing Fitness in Schools and Communities By Michael S. Broder

Over the past 15 years, the prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents has doubled according to the CDC, and numerous studies have documented that overweight adolescents are likely to become overweight or obese adults. To meet this alarming public health problem head-on, alumni of the UC Berkeley School of Public Health are leading intervention efforts to improve nutrition and increase physical activity in children, adolescents, and teens. While some programs are based in the schools, others are geared toward after-school programs and community organizations, and still others work with government agencies and policymakers. Improving Food Offerings At School Pat Crawford, Dr.P.H. ’94. R.D., is co-

director of the Center for Weight and Health, a UC Berkeley center that links researchers and the community to solve weight, health, and hunger-related problems. Crawford has led or co-led many programs aimed at preventing child obesity. One such program is the Sodas Out of Schools (SOS) study, a pilot research project for which Crawford is principal investigator, funded by the NIH and The California Endowment. Project leader Suzanne (Barkshire) Rauzon, R.D., M.P.H. ’86, launched the study last year in four high schools—two intervention schools and two control schools. In the intervention schools, highly sweetened drinks have been replaced by other beverages in vending machines, cafeterias, and school stores. “We’re capturing information on the opinions of the stakeholders—the students, school food service, teachers, administrative staff—and we’re collecting cost information. Nobody seems to know how much money the schools will lose if they stop selling sweet drinks in the 8

University of California, Berkeley

school,” says Crawford. “We’re also measuring the students to look at their BMI [body mass index] change over two years. We know that kids drink on average one to two sodas a day—so if that is reduced even by one or two per week, we should see a change in the BMI.” Working with Crawford and Rauzon on the SOS study is Sarah Samuels, Dr.P.H. ’82, president of Samuels & Associates, Inc., a public health research, evaluation, and policy consulting firm. Samuels is looking at the stakeholder attitudes and environmental changes. In addition, Samuels & Associates is conducting cases studies in 10 school districts that have already adopted policies eliminating sweetened beverages from their campuses. In 2000, Samuels & Associates conducted a survey of fast food sales on California high school campuses. “We found that more than 90 percent of the schools had fast food sales on campus,” says Samuels. The resulting report led to the introduction of California Senate Bill 19, the Pupil Nutrition, Health, and Achievement Act, sponsored by Sen. Martha Escutia, which set minimum nutrition standards for foods and beverages sold on elementary and middle school campuses in the state. Although signed into law by the governor, the bill has not yet been funded. “The bill was supposed to provide each school 10 cents more per school meal served in that school,” says Crawford. “If the schools made all the choices more healthy, the state of California would give them more money for the meals that they served. Unfortunately, there wasn’t the money to do that, and it was never implemented. So the NIH funded a project to look at the effects of implementing this bill, and The California Endowment offered to provide that 10 cents per meal. Now we can see what happens.” Indeed, Samuels & Associates, the UC Berkeley Center for Weight and Health,

WestEd, and UCLA are collaborating to evaluate the SB 19 nutrition standards in 28 elementary and middle school sites in California. They will measure the impact on students and schools by looking at body composition, aerobic capacity, blood pressure, and selected diet, physical activity, and weight control behaviors. Can these school interventions really make a difference? Crawford believes so. “In this work, we have observed schools with a plethora of fast foods and snack foods, no cooking facilities, snack breaks, snack carts at the entrance to cafeterias, and no nutrition education,” she says. “But we have also observed how a school food policy can create a positive movement within a school, how the media can be a potent stimulus for change, and how important leadership is from the school’s food service director and principal.” Partnering With State Government

Government agencies are another venue


for making changes to improve children’s health. Crawford was principal investigator for the recently completed FitWIC Five-State Child Obesity Intervention Project, which looked at how state WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) agencies and local WIC sites could be more responsive to the problem of childhood obesity. Researchers developed a “how-to” manual for addressing pediatric obesity that was distributed to WIC programs in all 50 states, developed from model projects in California, Kentucky, Vermont, Virginia, and the Intertribal Council of Arizona. Samuels & Associates evaluated the FitWIC California Project. Samuels & Associates has also been involved in a number of youth-oriented projects conducted for California Project LEAN (Leaders Encouraging Activity and Nutrition), a statewide initiative led by the California Department of Health Services and the Public Health Institute. Samuels developed a teen policy tool kit, Playing the Policy Game, which identifies key policy areas for youth action and provides a step-by-step guide to changing nutrition and physical activity related policies. California Project LEAN originated from a program developed by Samuels when she was a program officer at the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. The Kaiser Family Foundation’s project, which included advertising using food professionals as spokespersons, was the first privately funded social marketing program in nutrition. Samuels is currently examining the impact of marketing and advertising aimed at children, such as commercials that use popular television characters. “The whole area of reducing and regulating advertising to kids is an important issue. Kids watch 20,000– 40,000 commercials per year,” says Samuels. “That’s quite a lot of exposure.” Engaging Communities and Building Capacity

The California Adolescent Nutrition and Fitness (CANFit) program is a statewide

nonprofit organization that works to improve the nutrition and physical activity status of California’s low-income African American, American Indian, Latino, and Asian/Pacific Islander youth ages 10–14. At the helm of CANFit is executive director Arnell Hinkle, R.D., M.P.H. ‘90, C.H.E.S., who started the organization in 1993 and was honored last year with a Robert Wood Johnson Community Health Leadership Award. CANFit began as the result of a lawsuit against a cereal company that had advertised a sugared cereal as being healthy for children. “After 17 years, the lawsuit was settled out of court,” says Hinkle, who was hired to build the organization from the ground up using the settlement

funds. “There was a needs assessment, a set of recommendations in terms of age group and ethnic breakdown, and a check for $2 million—that was it.” Hinkle drew on her public health training, as well as her experience as a nutritionist, a chef, and an organic farmer to develop CANFit. The organization’s work has four major components: It provides training and technical assistance to youth providers; awards academic scholarships in the fields of nutrition and fitness for students studying in California; funds innovative community projects in nutrition education activity; and advocates for policies that enhance nutrition and physical activities at the national, state, and local levels. continued on page 10 Public Health



Personalizing Communication for Better Health

Public health is a paradox: it seeks large-scale population change but must achieve it personby-person. Chronic diseases, such as those related to overweight, poor diet, inactivity, and smoking, can only be prevented or managed if people change their behaviors. In fact, the World Health Organization estimates that over half of the global burden of disease is related to people’s behaviors.

Communication has been public health’s primary strategy to encourage people to make healthy changes and reduce chronic disease. Unfortunately, many of these communication efforts have had disappointing outcomes. Almost all adults have heard the messages to lose weight, exercise, and eat more vegetables—and yet Americans are becoming larger, more sedentary, and increasingly fond of fast food. Research at the School of Public Health is uncovering inherent weaknesses in approaches to communication interventions and is pointing to better strategies. Traditional health communication consists of generic one-way messages from experts to the public. While the messages are scientifically based, they fail to engage people to change within the complexity of their lives. They tell people what to change, but not how to do it. The challenge is to personalize information so that it works within people’s specific values, culture, habits, and media preferences. Over the past 16 years, the School’s Center for Community Wellness has developed such an approach in

which consumers develop their own communication resources. The Wellness Guide series, in multiple languages, has now reached more than 10 million people with successful results. Likewise, the UC Berkeley Wellness Letter has helped millions by translating complex scientific advice into easy to follow steps. Modern technology makes it possible to personalize health communication by giving people access to information about their bodies and ways to measure their own progress. For example, pedometers now allow people to measure how many steps they walk in a day. Other “ehealth” tools being tested by the School of Public Health help people monitor their chronic conditions daily and report results over the Internet to their physicians. The new era of personalized communications holds great promise to improve public health—one person at a time.

—Linda Neuhauser, Dr.P.H., is a clinical professor at the School of Public Health.

Interventions...continued from page 9 grants, scholarships, and training and technical assistance,” says Hinkle. Over the years, CANFit has worked with about 60 organizations. “Through that experience, we’ve been learning what works with different ethnic groups, what works with kids, and what doesn’t,” she says.

P.H.A.T., a program developed by the California Adolescent Nutrition and Fitness Program, uses elements of hip-hop culture to communicate with African American youth about the importance of healthy eating and exercise.

“The model we use in terms of intervention is one of community empowerment. That’s why we chose to take the money 10

University of California, Berkeley

from the settlement and also the money that we raised, and put it back out into the community in the form of mini-

In addition to supporting organizations and students, CANFit has developed some original campaigns. Promoting Healthy Activities Together (P.H.A.T.), a project geared toward African American youth, uses music, dance, emceeing, and other elements of hip-hop culture to deliver important messages about healthy eating and physical activity. CANFit developed a follow-up multimedia package in which youth, hip-hop artists, and deejays discuss why it is important to eat healthy and be active. “People all over the world are using it,” says Hinkle. continued on next page


One Size Doesn’t Fit All Although the nationwide trend toward weight gain has raised much concern about public health, not all health professionals are convinced that health promotion efforts should focus on reducing body mass. A growing number believe that programs should focus on improving health without regard to a person’s size. Proponents of this approach, called “size acceptance,” point out that long term weight loss is, for most people, nearly impossible to maintain, while improved health is an achievable goal.

Patricia Crawford presented data from UC Berkeley community-based intervention programs at “Confronting Obesity: Science, Health, & Society,” a conference held this past April at the Berkeley City Club. The meeting was cosponsored by the UC Berkeley Center for Health Research, the UC Berkeley Center for Weight and Health, and the Kaiser Permanente Institute for Health Policy.

Interventions...continued from page 10 Another CANFit initiative was the development of an African American-specific curriculum for the 100 Black Men of America, a national mentoring organization with many chapters across the United States. The curriculum incorporates nutrition and fitness into the organization’s existing mentorship program. The curriculum has also been adapted for use with a variety of after-school programs and will soon be printed by the USDA Food and Nutrition Services. “By working with community-based organizations, staff are trained, youth and parents are trained, and that expertise stays in that community,” says Hinkle. “You start to build a social norm around eating well and being active, and you start to build a constituency for the issue that’s local and community-driven instead of imposed from the outside. That’s why we have chosen to work this way.”

“Size acceptance means saying that a person is okay at the size she or he is right now, and that one does not have to lose weight in order to be healthy or to become healthier,” says Joanne Ikeda, M.A., R.D., a Cooperative Extension nutrition education specialist and codirector of the Center for Weight and Health at UC Berkeley. She and others assert that becoming healthy means improving aerobic capacity and metabolic fitness — not attaining a predetermined weight. Ikeda, together with other health professionals, crafted a document called “Tenets of Size Acceptance,” which affirms the diversity of human body size and shape, the importance of self-esteem and positive body image, and the benefits of healthy lifestyles for people of all sizes and shapes. Size acceptance advocates note that the pressure to conform to unattainable ideals sets people up to feel discouraged and have low self-esteem—and when people feel bad about themselves, they are less likely to engage in healthy behavior. “Our current challenge is to develop programs that celebrate the benefits of a healthy way of life: programs that promote body satisfaction and the achievement of realistic and attainable health goals without concern for weight change,” says Ikeda. One alumna who has taken on this challenge is Chaya Gordon, M.P.H. ‘00, who started an aerobic dance class for large women called AbunDANCE. She estimates that hundreds of women participated over the five years she led the class.

“Large people in this culture experience discrimination in many ways,” says Gordon, “and most women in this culture, regardless of their size, have terrible body image, because we get the message every day that no woman can ever be satisfied with her body.“ Gordon, who studied community health education, found that much of what she learned at the School of Public Health was directly relevant to her work in the area of physical activity for large women, as well as her work as research manager at the American Society on Aging, where she promotes physical activity for older adults and elders of color. “There are connections between barriers to participation in physical activity for large women and other groups of people, such as older adults,” says Gordon. Many women responded to her flier advertising AbunDANCE, and she had long talks with them over the phone. Her greatest challenge, she says, was getting them to actually come to the class.“ A lot of them could not overcome the various barriers to get themselves there, but many did.” The sense of community created in the class allowed the women to network with one another, talk about issues that concerned them, and become empowered in other aspects of their lives. “Part of the problem is that most large women have never had the opportunity to connect with the joy of movement in their life,” says Gordon. The supportive environment of AbunDANCE helped the participants realize that they were entitled to experience that joy. The class involved a thorough, headto-toe workout that worked every major muscle group. Gordon encouraged each woman to work at her own pace, enjoy the music, and have fun. “The wonderful thing I found in my classes was that the more women moved, the more they could move,” says Gordon. “And they loved it.”

— Michael S. Broder

Public Health


Past, Present, Future

Ruth Huenemann: An Extraordinary Teacher, Researcher, and Role Model The word "pioneer" aptly describes professor emerita Ruth L. Huenemann, D.Sc.—a woman who grew up on a farm in rural Wisconsin, began her teaching career in a one-room schoolhouse during the Great Depression, and watched as the once-fertile topsoil of her beloved prairie blew away during the Dust Bowl era. From these rough beginnings germinated an extraordinary teacher who built one of the country’s premier programs in public health nutrition. When she was recruited in 1953 to join UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health faculty by Jessie Bierman, M.D., M.P.H., professor of maternal and child health, and Agnes Fay Morgan, Ph.D., head of Berkeley’s nutrition science program, she had a stellar set of credentials and experience: degrees from University of Wisconsin at Madison, University of Chicago, and the new nutrition program at Harvard University. She had also worked with the World Health Organization in Peru and taught nutrition to mill workers and students at the University of Tennessee. Once at UC Berkeley, Huenemann created the public health nutrition program at the School of Public Health. Huenemann’s research asked the emerging question: Are obesity and lack of physical fitness possible contributing factors toward cardiovascular disease? To this end, she worked with professor emerita of public health nutrition Leona R. Shapiro, M.S., to design the Berkeley Teenage Study of 1961–1965, which followed 984 boys and girls from ninth through twelfth grade, periodically collecting anthropometric measurements and records of food intake and physical activity. They hoped to determine the time of onset, prevalence, attitudes, and contributing factors related to the development of obesity. Huenemann’s team noticed, with some surprise, that socioeconomic status and obesity in teenagers showed an inverse relationship. Previously it had been thought that overweight was a problem of the more well-to-do, indulged children, but the study’s results were a first glimpse at a trend that gained momentum in the latter part of this last century. “This was really quite a finding about low-income children and has become increasingly a real issue of health disparities in our public health field,” says Pat Crawford, Dr.P.H. ’94, R.D., codirector of 12

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Left: Ruth Huenemann. Right: The purpose, methods, and findings of the Berkeley Teenage Study of 1961–1965 were published as a book.

the UC Berkeley Center for Weight and Health and a former student of Huenemann’s. Another surprising view into the future was the low levels of physical activity among Huenemann’s subjects. We attribute today’s teenagers’ reluctance to move to the mesmerizing lure of television, video games, and the Internet, but already in the 1960s, Huenemann’s team found that only 5 percent of time for girls and 10 percent of time for boys was spent in moderate to strenuous activity. Ultimately, the Berkeley Teenage Study determined that by 14 or 15 years of age, the tendency toward overweight was set. “Those who started off heavy, ended up heavy. The correlation from year to year is very strong,” explains Crawford. So, for their next effort, the Berkeley Preschool Nutrition Study, Huenemann and Shapiro became interested in following a cohort from birth in order to identify the juncture at which overweight became a lasting issue. The Berkeley Preschool Nutrition Study initially ran from 1969 to 1973 under Huenemann’s guidance and was continued by Shapiro from 1975 to 1984 as the Berkeley Longitudinal Nutrition Study (BLNS). Using nine years of anthropometric measurements and interview records concerning food intake, physical activity, overall health, opinions and beliefs, and socioeconomic status, the data were able to contradict the common belief that

overweight babies become overweight adults. In fact, early activity level, not calorie intake, was more significantly related to subsequent overweight, though there were some indications that weight at two years for girls and three years for boys was predictive of later overweight. Huenemann’s research into the origins of weight gain still informs efforts to understand the current epidemic of obesity-related chronic illnesses. And although she is now retired, her legacy continues to inspire her former students. “She stood proud, she had such high standards, she was so knowledgeable, and she always represented the field in such a professional way,” says Crawford. “She was simply a role model.”

— Johanna Van Hise Heart

The Ruth L. Huenemann Fellowship was established in 1995 to honor the founder of the School of Public Health’s public health nutrition specialty area. If you would like to contribute to this fellowship, which supports graduate students studying in the field of nutrition, you may make your tax-deductible contribution payable to “Ruth L. Huenemann Fellowship Fund” and send it to the Office of External Relations, School of Public Health, 140 Earl Warren Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-7360.

Past, Present, Future

Back to the Future: The New Undergraduate Program’s First Grad Meets a Kennedy-Era Alumna

This year the School of Public Health reestablished an upper-division undergraduate major in public health. Daphne Ling ’04 is the first to graduate from Berkeley with a bachelor’s degree in public health in more than 35 years. Recently she met with Carol Clazie, B.S. ’62, a member of the Public Health Alumni Association’s board of directors and a graduate of the original undergraduate program. The two compared notes on their Cal experiences, their career goals, and their passion for public health.

Carol Clazie: How did you decide to major in public health? Daphne Ling: I was majoring in biology on a pre-med track. I don’t think my heart was in it. Then one day, Professor Steve Selvin came into my epidemiology class and talked about this new major, and I got really excited. Public health addresses the social issues and political issues that health care is involved in, and those are my interests. CC: I always think of public health as a bigger picture. DL: Absolutely. Have you been involved in public health since you graduated? CC: I would say so. Public health is really broad to me. After I finished school, I worked for four years at the Department of Health Services as a microbiologist. Then I became pregnant, and my husband had finished his Ph.D. work here, and we moved away. So I couldn’t have that job any longer, and I became a fulltime mother. Then in the 90s I was ready to go back to work in public health, and it was a much different era. I looked at coming back as a microbiologist, but I would have had to retrain. The technology had really come along.

So I broadened my outlook, and I got into something that I really believe is public health education, which is dental hygiene. What appealed to me was that I could interpret to my patients what I knew from my education to help them take better care of their own dental health. I was amazed how many people like me—intelligent people, college-educated people—still didn’t pay attention to the germ theory and avoiding infection. That kind of very basic stuff is education and heightened awareness that people really need. DL: I think I was interested in public health even without knowing it. My first job in college was working with health insurance outreach for two low-premium health insurance programs—MediCal and Healthy Families. So that takes on the health policy side of medical care. And then I also had a short-term job at the School of Public Health in the Department of Epidemiology. Then I went to the state health department to work in the TB Control Branch. I work in a lab at the School of Public Health now, but I’m still continuing a project with one of the epidemiologists at the state. We’re working with very good

data, looking at recurrent TB—why patients get TB a second time. So even without realizing it, I’ve been interested. CC: Even when you were in biology. DL: Even in biology. People who know me say that they could see it coming. CC: We’re true to ourselves; there are no accidents. Like for me, the dental hygiene was the form that it took, because it was what was close to me, where I could act locally in my community and work with people in a way that built on my public health microbiology background. DL: One of the issues that people with low income face is that they don’t have the money to afford having their teeth cleaned every six months. I wondered, what kind of clientele have you worked with? CC: In fact, I chose hygiene because it was a skill that could be donated. There were groups from my school where I was trained that would go to Mexico to work with Indian tribes there. Also, in our continued on page 14

Public Health


Past, Present, Future

Back to the Future,


schooling, we serviced the clinics and a prison population and a VA population. A little dental hygiene anecdote: We took in underserved patients. One day I had a woman who was, I believe, from India. She was in my chair, and I started to check her mouth. She had a coughing fit and she spit sputum into her handkerchief—and I had to make a public health decision. Her greater need at that time was what was going on with her, and I was her primary caregiver. That happens when you serve the underserved—somebody like a dental hygienist in a clinic is the primary caregiver. So because I knew what I knew, I recognized both the threat to my health and her greater need. DL: She had TB? CC: It was suspicious. I think she didn’t know that she did. So we didn’t do dental hygiene that day. I told her, “I think it would be very good for you to go to your clinic and ask for a tuberculosis culture.” I think that was a public health decision.

DL: How did your upbringing influence your desire to go into public health? CC: Oh gosh, I think from junior high school I saw myself in a white coat in a laboratory. Some brilliant teacher had us do a career paper. And that’s when I first picked bacteriology. And that’s why I came to Cal—for bacteriology. When I was in the Department of Bacteriology, my advisor interviewed me and found out what I wanted to do with it, which was clinical laboratory science, and he directed me over here to Warren Hall. At that time, 1960, the School of Public Health had lab science as an undergraduate degree. So I came to the Public Health Microbiology curriculum and was introduced to the concept of public health. Looking back, I can clearly see how this broadened my horizons and showed me a greater stage for using my lab science skills. DL: What was it like going to Cal in the 1960s?

At Commencement 2004, Daphne Ling (right) presented Carol Clazie with a special souvenir showing both women’s years of graduation.

I would encourage you to get your master’s. In my day, if you really wanted to go on, you needed a master’s. The heads of labs have master’s degrees. Do you see yourself doing lab work? DL: I do, but after gaining exposure to producing data in the lab, I feel like I’m leaning more toward working with data. However, it’s also important to understand the lab techniques at a simpler level, and if need be, actually perform some tests. So I would like to go on to study epidemiology rather than something like infectious diseases.

DL: I think the essence of public health is best represented by a quote from the former surgeon general, C. Everett Koop. It’s one that I have written everywhere in my apartment. It goes, “Health care is vital to all of us some of the time, but public health is vital to all of us all of the time.”

CC: Well, that was the great old age of public programs. It was a democratic era; there were public health programs that are now being done just by private organizations. Those kinds of programs were more available then. The 60s was a great era of civil rights—an exciting time to be here.

I was thinking that if I could sum up my college experience, it would be that I entered college wanting to be a general surgeon, and I left college wanting to be the surgeon general.

CC: It’s almost like we’re in a special fraternity, that we think that way.

DL: I wish I could really go back in time to set foot in that atmosphere. I feel like some of the activism has been lost.

DL: I have one more question. I believe you can tell a lot about someone by the people that they look up to. Who have been your heroes?

DL: People don’t really rank public health very high sometimes compared to medical doctors, but I feel that people who have a career in public health are actually more confident in that they can deal with not always taking the credit CC: It’s a deeply felt vocational pull. I think nurses are another group that has that. Even in dental hygiene, most people said, “Ugh, how can you do that work?” And it’s just, that’s the work that you do. It’s not for everybody. 14

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CC: Well, who knows what’s coming? We’ve got a pretty interesting era we’re in right now. DL: What advice do you have for recent graduates in public health who want to follow a career that is related to public health? CC: Collect information. You’ve begun already to know things about yourself. There are just all kinds of branches in public health, and so you’re really information gathering to see what draws you.

CC: That’s great. Go get it!

CC: Marie Curie, and all the people who made the early discoveries in infectious disease, like Jenner and Pasteur and Koch. It’s harder to find heroes now. John Kennedy was our age’s hero. It was a different era, with less press and less invasive communication. It was easier to be a hero then. Kennedy wouldn’t have been left alone today. But where we’ve come now is not a bad thing. What it says is, we have to be our own heroes.

Faculty News

Faculty News and Notes Barbara Abrams, Dr.P.H., R.D., professor

of epidemiology and public health nutrition, will serve as the School’s new associate dean for student affairs effective July 1. Abrams recently received funding from the James B. Pendleton Charitable Trust for “Safety of Heat-treated Breast Milk to Prevent Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV.” The study aims to investigate the virological, nutritional, and antimicrobial safety of heat-treated breast milk as an infant feeding option for HIV-positive mothers in developing countries, where access to safe formula is limited. The study will compare the ability of two simple heat treatment methods to denature HIV while maintaining the nutritional and immunological properties that are critical in breast milk. This is a proof of concept study which will open the way to field trials and the full application of heat-treated breast milk as an option to reduce postnatal mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Patricia A. Buffler, Ph.D., M.P.H.,

professor of epidemiology and dean emerita, co-edited a book, Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis: Contributions of Molecular Epidemiology, published by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The book reviews the use and potential of biomarkers in cancer epidemiology research. It originated from a workshop, “Mechanistic Considerations in the Molecular Epidemiology of Cancer,” held in Lyon, France, in November 2001 and organized by Buffler while on sabbatical as a visiting scientist at IARC. Ralph A. Catalano, Ph.D., M.R.P., professor of health policy and management, authored “Sex ratios in the two Germanies: a test of the economic stress hypothesis,” which was published in the journal Human Reproduction. The study looked at the ratio of male to female births in East and West Germany from

1946 to 1999. Catalano found that in East Germany in 1991, a time when the region was reeling from the collapse of Communism and the transition to a free market economy, the ratio of male to female births dropped to its lowest levels since World War II.

The Center for Community Wellness and The California Endowment released the first statewide bilingual health and wellness guide for the more than one million Chinese-speaking people in California. The Chinese/English edition of The Wellness Guide: Ideas for Living and Staying Well in California links thousands of Chinese-speaking households to health and wellness information and services. Chinese families in California can use the 152-page guide to get important information on a range of topics, including legal issues for immigrants, traditional medicine, discipline, finding a school, teen issues and nutrition. The Chinese/English Wellness Guide was developed with an advisory team of Chinese community leaders and health professionals. The W.K. Kellogg Foundation has granted $200,000 to expand and enhance the Doctorate in Public Health Degree Program through a Dr.P.H. Leadership

Program. By further developing the program’s structural ties and active partnerships with local public health communities, the grant will enable the Dr.P.H. program to substantially expand its efforts to complement scholarly education and research with hands-on experience and skill-building in solving real world problems.

S. Katharine Hammond, Ph.D.,

professor of environmental health sciences, traveled to the Republic of Ireland on a lecture tour at the invitation of the country’s Western Health Board and the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG), to speak about passive smoking in anticipation of Ireland’s workplace smoking ban. Included in her tour was a presentation at the Western Health Board’s seminar, “Going Smoke Free: Preparing for the workplace smoking ban,” and a wellattended public lecture, “Who’s Blowing Smoke: The Health Benefits of Going Smoke Free,” delivered at the NUIG. While in Ireland, Hammond assisted in designing and implementing a study of secondhand smoke in the pubs before and after the ban. Joyce C. Lashof, M.D., professor and dean emerita, chaired a group of scientific experts convened to devise approaches to establishing an environmental health surveillance system in California. Professors Thomas McKone, Ph.D., and William Satariano, Ph.D., were among the group’s members. The group formed as a result of the passage of California Senate Bill 702 (Escutia), which declared the legislature’s intent to establish a surveillance system and required state officials to form a working group. Overseen by the University’s California Policy Research Center, the group released a report in February urging state officials to set up a statewide surveillance system to track diseases and possible links with environmental hazards. The report recommends the diseases, environmental hazards, and exposures that should be tracked in California; discusses community needs with regard to tracking; and concludes with policy recommendations.

Lashof has been featured in an interactive, multimedia exhibition entitled Changing the Face of Medicine: Celebrating America’s Women Physicians, which honors the lives and achievements of women in medicine, past and present. The physicians’ contributions are showcased in artifact, textile, and digital portrait galleries, as well as in Public Health


Faculty News

interactive installations. Located at the National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, the exhibition will be open until April 2005. Thomas McKone, Ph.D., adjunct pro-

fessor of environmental health sciences, received the 2003 Constance L. Mehlman Award from the International Society of Exposure Analysis. McCone was recognized for his contributions to exposure analysis research that have provided new approaches for the reduction or prevention of exposures and have helped shape national and state policies. McCone developed the CalTOX model, which assesses the risk of hazardous waste and air pollutants and is widely used by state and federal agencies in the United States and Europe. Meredith Minkler, Dr.P.H., professor of

community health education and health and social behavior, received a grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation for her new national study documenting the impacts of CommunityBased Participatory Research on healthpromoting public policy. Doctoral candidate Victoria Breckwich Vasquez, who serves as project director, will also use some of the findings from this study as the basis of her dissertation. Linda Neuhauser, Dr.P.H., clinical professor, epidemiology, and S. Leonard Syme, Ph.D., professor emeritus of

epidemiology, are principal investigators for the School’s new Center for Health Communication. The center opened this past fall with funding from regulatory agencies including the California Office of the Patient Advocate and the California Department of Managed Health Care, and from international groups including the Pratt Institute in Australia. This effort responds to requests


University of California, Berkeley

from HMOs, other health organizations, and regulatory agencies who wish to improve the quality of their information for the public. The center trains these organizations in the development of communication to fit the literacy, cultural, language and other special needs of California’s diverse populations. David Ragland, Ph.D., M.P.H.,

adjunct professor and director of the Traffic Safety Center, is lead author of “Driving cessation and increased depressive symptoms,” currently in press in the Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences. He also coauthored “Oakland Chinatown Pedestrian Scramble: An Evaluation,” which was presented as a poster at the annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, and “Child Passenger Safety Initiative Evaluation: A Public Hospital-based Research Project,” presented at the American Public Health Association’s annual meeting. Zak Sabry, Ph.D.,

associate dean for student affairs and professor of public health nutrition, is retiring at the end of the spring ’04 semester. Sabry will remain with the School as professor emeritus. The School has established the Zak Sabry Mentorship Award for public health faculty to pay tribute to his eminent legacy of mentorship and his skill in fostering creative and productive facultystudent collaborations. A plaque in the School of Public Health lobby will list the name of each year’s faculty awardee who exemplifies Sabry’s qualities as teacher, guide, coach, and supporter. If you would like to contribute to the Sabry Mentorship Award Fund, you may make your tax-deductible gift payable to the “Zak Sabry Mentorship Award Fund,” and mail it to Office of External Relations and Development, 140 Warren Hall #7360, Berkeley, CA 94720-7360.

Richard M. Scheffler, Ph.D.,

Distinguished Professor of Health Economics and Public Policy and director of the Nicholas C. Petris Center on Health Care Markets and Consumer Welfare, is principal investigator for a $900,000 grant awarded to the Petris Center by the NIH. The award supports an economic and policy analysis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and use of psychostimulants. Of the 3.5 percent of school-age children in the U.S. who have an ADHD diagnosis, more than half take psychostimulant medication regularly. Use of these drugs varies considerably across and within states. The main goal of the research is to understand the sources of the variations. The researchers will test hypotheses regarding the effects of economic, demographic, state regulatory, school policy, health system, and other educational variables on the supply and demand for psychostimulants. The results have the potential to help policymakers, health professionals, educators, and other interested parties evaluate whether the current disparities are acceptable—and if not, how they can be changed. Other School faculty working on the study are Teh-wei Hu, Ph.D., professor of health economics, and Ying Qing Chen, Ph.D., assistant professor, biostatistics. Martyn T. Smith, Ph.D., professor of

toxicology, received funding from the National Cancer Institute for “Genetic Susceptibility to NonHodgkins Lymphoma” (NHL), to study the role of genetics in the etiology of lymphoma, which should also yield important clues to important environmental factors. The project will evaluate the role of genetic polymorphisms in two large case-control studies that form part of the International Consortium of Investigators Working on NHL Epidemiologic Studies. Researchers will investigate the relationship between functional polymorphisms in key candidate genes/pathways and their effect on the

Faculty News

risk of developing NHL. The analyses will constitute one of the largest NHL molecular epidemiology studies to date. The Sichuan provincial government of the People’s Republic of China has honored Robert C. Spear, Ph.D., professor of environmental health science, with its inaugural Jin Ding Award for his contributions over the past decade to controlling schistosomiasis—the second most common parasitic disease in the world. Spear received the prestigious honor at a conference in Chengdu. S. Leonard Syme, Ph.D., professor emeritus of epidemiology, authored the inaugural essay, “Social Determinants of Health,” published in the first issue of the CDC’s new peer-reviewed electronic journal, Preventing Chronic Disease: Public Health Research, Practice, and Policy. The journal is at http://www.cdc.gov/pcd. Lawrence Wallack, Dr.P.H. ’82, professor emeritus, has been named dean of Portland State University’s College of

Urban and Public Affairs, effective July 1. An alumnus of the UC Berkeley School of Public Health, Wallack served on the School’s faculty for 17 years. He has been at Portland state since 1999 as director of the School of Community Health. Julia Walsh, M.D., D.T.P.H., adjunct pro-

fessor of maternal and child health, received a grant from Population Services International to support a project by the Berkeley International Health Group (BIG) to assess priorities for the prevention of heterosexual transmission of HIV in the developing world. BIG, a campus research group directed by Walsh and Professor Malcolm Potts, focuses on assessing economics and finance of health systems in developing countries. Following an extensive review of the literature, the group will expand the resource allocation model for HIV prevention that they developed several years

ago to test different combinations of interventions. They will use their findings to establish priorities that will likely have the greatest impact on curtailing the HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa and other resource poor regions. Harvey Weinstein, M.D., M.P.H.,

clinical professor in the Joint Medical Program and associate director of the Human Rights Center, and Professor Sarah Freedman of the School of Education have been awarded a grant from the United States Institute of Peace to work within local communities and with the Ministry of Education and the National University of Rwanda to develop a history curriculum based on human rights and tolerance. There has been a moratorium on the teaching of history in Rwanda since the genocide and war of 1994. The award is twice as large as any the United States Institute of Peace has made and reflects the importance of schools in the rebuilding of a society after mass violence.

Buffler Named to Kenneth & Marjorie Kaiser Endowed Chair Patricia A. Buffler, Ph.D., M.P.H., professor of epidemiology and dean emerita, has been appointed to the Kenneth Howard Kaiser and Marjorie Witherspoon Kaiser Endowed Chair, a new chair dedicated to the study of cancer epidemiology. The donors, Kenneth and Marjorie Kaiser, are avid hikers who are very interested in public health, with a particular focus on population studies of cancer. The Kaisers have had a long association with the Berkeley campus. Marjorie, in particular, worked many years on campus in various departments and is a cousin of Alberta Parker Horn, professor emerita at the School of Public Health. Marjorie is also possibly the oldest living member of the Women’s Faculty Club.

Buffler, who is world renowned for her work on childhood cancer, says the endowed chair is “intended to support, facilitate, and enrich the research environment” by providing flexible funding for activities that government grants cannot support. For example, the Kaiser endowment makes it possible for her to send graduate students to workshops and meetings to present their work, host visiting scientists, and travel to scientific meetings. Buffler’s research examines the role of genetic and environmental factors in childhood leukemia and brain cancer. She and her colleagues have recently received a five-year grant renewal from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) to continue studying the genetic and biologic factors associated with the risk of childhood leukemia. To date, their study of childhood leukemia has yielded more than 26

FPO Marjorie and Kenneth Kaiser

publications. Buffler and her colleagues are currently studying the role of parental smoking in childhood leukemia risk and will publish their results later this year.

Public Health


Faculty News

Meet the New Faculty “How are these two processes—aging and disease—the same, and how are they different?”

William J. Jagust, M.D. Professor of Public Health and Neuroscience Even in high school, William Jagust was fascinated by the workings of the human brain. “I thought the question of how we perceive, how we understand, and how we remember was absolutely key and fantastically interesting,” he says. Later, in medical school, he found that courses dealing with the brain were the ones that appealed to him most. While a resident in neurology at Boston University, he observed many older patients who had dementia, memory problems, and Alzheimer’s disease. Jagust wanted to know more about which changes in the brain occur with normal aging, and which occur with brain degeneration. “I talked to my professors and teachers, and I learned that no one really understood it very well,” he says. “How are these two processes—aging and disease— the same, and how are they different? This knowledge will help diagnose these diseases earlier and better, and it will help us understand the biology of aging and what it means.” Upon completing his residency, he came to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, where a group was using a technique called PETscanning to study the chemistry of the brain in aging. “PETscanning is a way of mapping particular chemicals by radiolabeling,” Jagust 18

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explains. “A PETscanner takes a very high resolution picture of the brain. You can see how the radiolabeled compound, such as glucose, is distributed, what brain regions it’s going into, where the brain is using it, what parts aren’t using it, and what parts are using it faster than others.” Jagust and the team at Lawrence Berkeley Lab were involved in some of the first studies that used PETscanning to find changes in glucose metabolism in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. “This kind of research that was going on in a number of labs paved the way for a whole series of inquiries that began to apply imaging technologies to understanding aging and dementia and degenerative diseases,” says Jagust. “Out of these first observations, my whole career grew. We’ve subsequently been able to use PETscanning to develop ways of looking at different chemicals in the brain, and we’ve been able to develop MRI scanning to look at brain structure and how that changes. When you start to pair changes in the structure of the brain with changes in the chemistry of the brain, you can get a real window into what is going on.” Along with his professorship in public health and neuroscience at UC Berkeley, Jagust is a faculty senior scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He has been working with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory since 1987 while holding a faculty position in the Neurology Department at UC Davis. During his service as chair of the Neurology Department from 1998 to 2003, his physical home base was at Davis. His new position on the Berkeley campus means a return to the Bay Area. Jagust appreciates that his move to Berkeley allows him to combine his interests in public health and neuroscience and his work at Lawrence Berkeley

National Lab. In recent years, he has become increasingly interested in studying large cohorts of people using epidemiologic techniques and thus is eager to collaborate with others interested in epidemiology. He also looks forward to working with his neuroscience colleagues who use imaging as a research technique. In addition, he has access to the resources and people at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. “Having all those things together is tremendously appealing,” says Jagust. “The other thing is, I love Berkeley. I’ve missed the Bay Area and it’s very nice to be back.”

Education Residency, Boston University Affiliated Hospitals, Training Program in Neurology, 1980–83 Internship and Residency, St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Boston, 1978–80 M.D., State University of New York at Stony Brook, School of Medicine, 1978 B.A. in Psychology, Reed College, 1974 Selected Experience Professor of Public Health and Neuroscience, University of California, Berkeley, 2004-present Chair, Department of Neurology, School of Medicine, University of California, Davis, 1998–2003; Professor, 1995–present; Associate Professor, 1991–1995; Assistant Professor, 1986–1991 Faculty Senior Scientist and Head, Center for Functional Imaging, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2004–present; Associate Faculty Medical Scientist, 1987–2004 Attending Neurologist, David Grant Medical Center, Travis Air Force Base, 1993–1997 Director, UC Davis Alzheimer’s Disease Center, 1991–present

Faculty News

“Experts have a list of things that they think are risky, and people who are not experts have another set of things they think are risky.” of human activities—yet we also value people’s thoughts about their own environment, and they don’t often have expert ways of describing them. So how do we incorporate both perspectives into environmental policymaking?” Ann C. Keller, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management Ann Keller is no stranger to the Berkeley campus. She earned her Ph.D. in political science at UC Berkeley; then, after joining the political science faculty at the University of Colorado, Boulder, she returned to Berkeley as a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in Health Policy Research at the School of Public Health. This year she accepted a faculty position at the School as assistant professor. Keller feels that her position at the School will allow her the flexibility to consider the theoretical issues that motivate her research. “People have asked me about what it’s like to leave a disciplinary political science department and move into a school of public health,” she says. “Part of what attracts me to the School is that the faculty here are very concerned about being part of their communities and doing applied work and having relevance in terms of what’s happening with health policy and public health in the United States—but they also have very strong ties to their disciplines.” One of her primary research interests is the tension between expertise and democratic decision making. “That interest is what led me to environmental politics as a graduate student,” says Keller. “There’s so much science that goes into how we protect the ecosystems and the function

“Experts have a list of things that they think are risky, and people who are not experts have another set of things they think are risky,” she continues. “Because of where you are socioeconomically when you are an expert, you don’t necessarily have an unbiased perspective on how people live. In some instances, what people believe is risky is what matters to them and what they care about, and you have to take that seriously.” Keller is greatly interested in how the federal government’s environmental standards relate to local practices and concerns. “The ability to enforce national standards is a bit hit or miss depending on where you are,” she says. “A lot of people are trying to find ways to build up environmental protection from more of a local level, but creativity and innovation at the local level can be constrained by national standards. I think it is a major challenge: how to maintain national standards and maintain minimum levels of protection but allow for better problem solving that fits with local communities and local needs.” As a Robert Wood Johnson scholar, her interest in these challenges led her to study the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and its interactions with local communities. With her existing ties to Berkeley, Keller anticipates opportunities for collaboration with researchers across the campus. In addition, she is excited about the courses she’ll be teaching. “I think I’ll be teaching

one of the master’s seminars on health policy and politics that Helen Halpin is teaching, and my hope is that we can do complementary versions of it,” she says. “And I’m going to teach a course in environmental health politics, of course. I’m also hoping to get a chance to work on a seminar on technology and health policy and medicine.”

— Michael S. Broder

Education Ph.D., Political Science, University of California, Berkeley, 2001 M.A., Political Science, University of California, Berkeley, 1993 B.A., Mathematics and Political Science, Indiana University, 1991 Selected Experience Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, 2003–present (on leave 2003–2004) Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in Health Policy Research, University of California, Berkeley, 2002–2004 Assistant Professor of Political Science and Environmental Studies, University of Colorado, Boulder, 2001–2003 Research Assistant, Center for Nuclear and Toxic Waste Management, University of California, Berkeley, 1994–1997 Selected Honors Dissertation Fellowship Award, Department of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley, Fall 2000 1999 Best Paper Award, Science, Technology and Environmental Policy (STEP), American Political Science Association, August 2000 Continuing Student Fellowship Award, Department of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley, 1997–1998

Public Health


Partners in Public Health

Partners in Public Health Donor Honor Roll 2002–2003 The School of Public Health gratefully acknowledges the following individuals and organizations for their generous contributions from July 1, 2002, to June 30, 2003. $10,000–$99,999 Patricia & Richard Buffler Elizabeth Calfee Marcia & Sergio Gerin Stephen Luczo J. Michael Mahoney Edward & Camille Penhoet Darwin Poulos & D. Chang Allan & Meera Smith $5,000–$9,999 Peter Carpenter & Jane Shaw Sylvie Griffiths Daniel Perlman Denise & William Watkins $1,000–$4,999 Gina Bendy Carl Blumstein & Janet Perlman Alice Chetkovich Alfred & Eunice Childs Irene & Hung Chow Linda & James Clever Robert & Susan Crane Margaret Deane Garold & Joyce Faber Elizabeth Fray Wallace Gee Ranu Grewal-Bahl Frances Ann Hamblin Jay & Kip Hudson Nancy Hult Ganis & Sid Ganis Julia Klees Joan Lam Edward & Helen Levin Frank & Virginia Lew Esther Quirolgico William & Mary Jane Reeves Shirley Roberts Rosalind Singer Maury Spanier Patricia & Kenneth Taylor Eric Vittinghoff $500–$999 Pamela & Roderick Alston Meg & Robert Beck Seiko Baba Brodbeck Mardelle Buss Ignacio Camacho Farah Champsi Bernard Cordes Julie Craig-Chang & Po-Shen Chang Abla & Frank Creasey Ursula & Jeffrey Edman Sanford Elberg Lorraine & Gerald Factor Mark Finch Michael & Sandra Fischman Benjamin & Marianne Fraticelli Robin Gillies Annette Goggio Lawrence Green & Judith Ottoson Joan & Bruce Hamilton D.J. & Barbara Hansen James & Patricia Harrison


University of California, Berkeley

David & Katharine Hopkins Willa Jefferson-Stokes & James Stokes Daniel & Yvonne Koshland Nancy Lusk Arnold Milstein & Nancy Adler Dominic & Jean Montagu Penny & Edward Morimoto Anjali Morris Gary & Peggy Noble Mary & Craig Noke Lisa & Roger Ota Marjorie Plumb Stephen & Susan Shortell June & Aaron Shwayder Mary Skeen Kirk Smith & Joan Diamond Shoshanna Sofaer Paul Swenson Kenneth Taymor & Beth Parker May-Choo & Lingtao Wang $250–$499 Lillian & Dudley Aldous Ramona Anderson Andrew Benson Joyce Berger Joan & Howard Bloom Carol & Ronald Clazie Douglas & Jacqueline Corley Kathryn De Riemer Robert & Barbara De Riemer Ronald Dieckmann & Patricia Gates Gary & Beverly Dimercurio David Donovan Kathryn & Niels Duke John & Marlene Eastman Susan Eckhardt Helen Fracua & F.R. Pintz Dava & Donald Freed John Garamendi & Colleen Denny-Garamendi Cindy Gok & Brian Wong Orville & Ellina Golub Mary Beahrs Grah Hildegarde & Edward Greene Nelden & Victoria Hagbom Thomas Hazlet John Hillman Alberta Horn Marjorie Hughes Nicole Janison Carl Lester Robert Lowe & Michelle Berlin Robert & Katherine Manson Elizabeth Martini George & Joanne McKray Mary & Raymond Murakami Jeffrey & Lydia Oxendine Artist Parker Urbano Quintero Jeanne Raisler & Jonathan Cohn Arthur Reingold & Gail Bolan David Rempel & Gail Bateson Kenneth Renwick & Trish Rowe Edward Reyes Kathleen Ries & Stephen McCurdy Shirley Roach Martha Roper Donna Seid Nancy & Robert Shurtleff Barton & Kathy Simmons

Jacqueline & William Smith Joanna Smith Robert & Patricia Spear Richard Stephens & Sherrill Cook Virginia & William Taylor Ashley Stiles Turek Michael Weiss & Sarah Cox Lynn & Eddie Whitehead Donna & Philip Wright Susan Yeazel & Richard Seegers $100–$249 Jean & Robert Abbe Denise Abrams & David Harrington Nancy Altemus Adele Amodeo Mercedes Anderson Richard & Carlene Anderson Kristin Arrandale Berna Atik Howard Backer Richard Bailey Dean Baker Walter & Nancy Ballard Ann Banchoff & Christopher Grover Hoang Banh Clara & Joseph Barbaccia Carol & Samuel Barboo Howard Barkan & Annette Blackman Marina Baroff Cheryl Barth & Tom McCurdie Maria Bautista Kevin & Lori Beagan John Beare Gale Berkowitz Linda Besant & Martha Goetsch Chhaganbhai & Sarojben Bhakta Caroline Bowker Lois Brady & Daniel Phillips Judith Bramson Russell Braun Wendy Breuer & Charles Crane Claude Brown James & Judith Brown Jeffrey & Cathleen Brown Katherine Bryon & Todd Kotler Merrill Buice Linda Burden Thomas & Louise Burns Evelyn Caceres-Chu & Albert Chu Phillip Calhoun Marianne Campbell Louie & Glennda Campos Gerri Cannon-Smith Charles & Gretchen Carlson Patricia & Fritz Carlson Carol & Robert Carter Margaret Cary & Adam Darkins Diana Cassady Adela Castillo Sally & David Chambers Peggy Chan & Rick Gladstone Raymond & Grace Chan Nancy Chapman Helen Chase Melody & Richard Chasen Susan Chen & Gail Husson Chin Long & Fu Chen Chiang Nilda Chong William Clark & Florence Morrison Clark Dolores & Samuel Clement

Kenneth & Ashley Coates Nancy Collins & Frances Adinolfi Margaret & Charles Conrad Carol & S. Bruce Copeland Lawrence & Constance Cowper Michael Crair & Pamela Petersen-Crair Edwin & Naomi Curtis Peter & Gwen Dailey Helena & James Daly Dale Danley Gary & Martha Davidson Robert & Merle Davis Amy & Mark Day Sigrid Deeds Doris & Carl Disbrow Deborah Dobin & Scott Robinson John & Betty Donnelly Barry Dorfman & H. Leabah Winter Toby Douglas Sandra & Jerry Dratler Jacquolyn Duerr & Alberto Balingit Leonard & Lisa Duhl Kent Dupuis & Lynette Sawyer Marta & Leland Ehling Joseph Engelman Susan Erickson & Thomas Daniel Patricia Evans Donald & Charlene Faber Heidi Fancher Marian & Glenn Farrell Julie Fishman Carol & James Floyd Neil Flynn Patricia Fobair Mary Foran Orcilia & Richard Forbes William Foster Karen Franchino Jonathan Frisch Katharine & Daniel Frohardt-Lane Daniel Funderburk Michael Gallivan Javier Gaona Laura Gardner Nicole & Jack Geiger Liliane Geisseler & Svein Rasmussen Carol Giblin Nancy & Sasha Gilien Virginia Gladney Christine Glogow Katharine Go-Ang & David Ang Brenda Goldstein Barbara & Ron Gordon Wendi Gosliner & Michael Pierce Alan Gould & Diane Tokugawa Sharon & Barry Gray Nina & Richard Green Linda Greenberg & Hiroshi Motomura James Griesemer & S.K. Ruzek Gail Gullickson S. Katharine Hammond Jean Hankin Doris Hawks & John Torbeck Ruth Hembekides Daniel Hernandez Suzanne Herron Alfred & Stella Hexter Glenn & Jan Hildebrand Helen & Frank Ho Carolyn Hoke-Van Orden & Frank Van Orden

Partners in Public Health

Karen Holbrook Patricia & Harry Hosel John Hough Charles & Kathleen Howard Susie Huang Estie & Mark Hudes Priscilla Ilem Katharine Iskrant Robert & Beverly Isman Anthony & Myrna Iton Olive Jack Loisann Jacovitz Jon Johnsen Alma & Ian Kagimoto Kathleen Kahler & Brian Stack Amy Kalkbrenner Soo-Hyang Kang A. Arlene Kasa Kiyoshi & Irene Katsumoto Marjorie Keck Olivia & Richard Kendrick Maria Kersey & Michael Wilson Kenneth & Marchelle Kesler James & Sarah Kimmey Barbara & Robert Kirshbaum Sonia Klemperer-Johnson Arlene & David Klonoff Nancy & Kenneth Klostermeyer Arthur & Laura Kodama Masako Koga & Richard Murakami Jean Kohn Thomas & Shirley Ksiazek Ruby Kuritsubo Clement & Donna Kwong Amy Kyle Darwin Labarthe Dennis & Dale Lachtman Rebecca Landau Huy Le Kelvin Lee Melisse Leung Donald Lewis Tracy Lieu Suzanne Llewellyn Rae Lindsay Marjorie Lollich Nellie Lomprey Kate Lorig Donald & Elaine Ludwig Robert Lund Clare Mahan Patricia Malicoat-Becks & Godfrey Becks Nancy & J. Hodge Markgraf Carol Marquez Grayson & Sally Marshall Michael & Jeanee Martin David Matherly Sarah McCarthy Gary McCauley Margaret & John McChesney Marian McDonald Kevin McGirr Ruth McHenry-Coe Margaret & Alan McKay Marta & Lawrence McKenzie Lou McLaren & Randall Gates Sara & Joel McMenamin Florence & John McNamara III Jennifer McNary & Mark Nicas Rosa Medina

Vincent Meehan Robert Meenan Mark Mendell James Meyers & Kate Heumann Carlo & Sylvia Michelotti Joan Milburn Susan & Douglas Milikien Margaret & John Miller Robert Miller & Paula Shadle Ronald & Lisa Miller Walter & Gwendal Miner Meredith Minkler & Jerry Peters Lucy Mize Hilbert Morales Walter & Lela Morris Frank Mycroft & Sue Tsang Ralph & Jane Myhre Patricia & George Nakano Suzanne Nash & Christopher Horsley David Nelson Lindy & John Nelson Harold & Marilyn Newman Jeffrey Newman Harlen & Beata Ng Elizabeth & Robert Nobmann Mary O’Connor & Emil Brown III Afolabi & Mojirola Oguntoyinbo Christina O’Halloran Larry Orman & Anne Ashe Ralph Paffenberger & Joann Schroeder Gargi Pahuja John Palmer Valentine Paredes Catherine & Roderic Park Carol Parlette Ronald & Marie Pasquinelli Richard & Martha Pastcan Marie & Roy Pearce Karen Peifer Rita & Kenneth Perkins Leland & Kristine Peterson Andrew & Myrto-Xeni Petreas Mary Philp Malcolm Potts & Martha Campbell Denise & Michael Prince David & Verna Pryor Antonio Puga Betty & Reimert Ravenholt Kathleen Regilio Joseph & Nancy Restuccia Deborah Ridley & Richard Nenoff David & Mary Riese Frances Riggs Jean & Francis Riley Maria Roberts James Robinson & Juliann Sum Ricki & Joel Robinson B.D. Rodgers & Audrey Lau Mary & Carl Rodrick Margaret Romeis Anthony & Barbara Rooklin Allan & Ellen Rosenberg Thomas Rundall & Jane Tiemann Elva Rust Amy Ryken Z.I. Sabry & Ruth Fremes Sidney & Sally Saltzstein Gopal & Andrea Sankaran Richard Scheffler Janet Schilling

Gregg Schnepple Betty Seabolt William Seavey Donna Shelley Zeheria Shifa James & Jo Shoemake Yasuko & Sei Shohara Sharon & Scott Shumway Elizabeth Shurtleff Frances Siebe Robert Simon Phoenix Sinclair Karen Sokal-Gutierrez & John Gutierrez Malcolm & Helen Sowers Jeanette Spangle & Alan Walfield Bruce Steir & Yen Aeschliman Howard & Virginia Stiver Roberta Sung Janet Taylor William & Judith Taylor Irene & Marsh Tekawa Corinna & William Tempelis Ronald Thiele Richard & Mary Thompson Shirley Timm Jean Ann Todd John Troidl Kenneth Troutman Laura Trupin Feng Tsai Sandra Tsai Kenneth & Mary Jane Tuckwell Sandra & Dennis Tye Clarence & Judith Ueda Gail & Kazuo Unno Jack Vermillion Robin Vernay-Light & William Light Linda & Russell Vincent Barry & Susan Wainscott Lesley & Carlene Walter William Warner Rhona & Harvey Weinstein Andrew & Bernadine Weir Morris & Audree Weiss Ardyce Wells Jason Wells & Jennifer Armstrong-Wells David & Kathryn Werdegar Leland & Lene White John Williams Michael & Danelle Williams Warren & Veva Winkelstein Sharon Witemeyer Carol & George Woltring Channing Wong Otis & Teresa Wong Walter Wong T. James Lawrence & Kara Wright Theodore Wright & Susan Standfast Eileen Yamada Linda Young Richard Younge & Yukiko Umemoto Zachary Zimmerman & Carol Boyd $1–$99 Barbara Abrams & Gary Root Mary Ahrens Carolyn Albrecht Melinda Aldrich Nancy Allen

Stevan & Catalina Alvarado Frank & Yolanda Alvarez Richard & Sue Ames Ronald Andersen Henry & Virginia Anderson Russell Anderson Bradley & Elizabeth Appelbaum Joyce Appelbaum Margaret Bradford Aumann & Donald Aumann Ahsia Badi Katherine Baer Janos Balog Martha Baptie John Barker Philippa Barron & Jeffrey Pilsuk Elaine Base Michael Bates Robert & Linda Bates P. Robert Beatty Gerald & Pamela Beck Robin Bedell-Waite & Thomas Waite James & Lisa Behrmann Catherine Bender Lesley Bennett Lester & Evelyn Bennett Muriel & Paul Beroza Harvey & Bonnie Bichkoff Michelle Bieber Sheryl & Timothy Bird Annette Blackman Jean Blalock Virginia Blatchford Karen Bloch Barbara Blumenthal & Josiah Wilcox Tanya Bobo Nora Krantzler Boothby & John Boothby Elizabeth & James Bowe Frances Bowman Tom & Jill Boyce Patricia & Marcus Boyd Joyceen Boyle Anne Bracker & Jefferson Singer Lynda Bradford Joan Bradus & Dale Friedman June & George Hyde Ellen & Nelson Branco Eleanor Bried & Glenn Boyce Megan Briggs Claire & Ralph Brindis Donna & Kenneth Briney Iris & Howard Britton Sandra Broad Rachel Broadwin Coralie & Matthew Brown Sharon Brown & James Vale Theodore Brown Marcia Brown-Machen & Terry MacHen Tim-Allen Bruckner Jeremy Bruskolter & Elizabeth Klein Hayley Buchbinder Jeffrey Burack Alexandre Bureau Kathleen Burroughs Gloria & Walter Burt Lisa Butler & Jim Slotta Lee & Michael Callaway Barbara Campbell Public Health


Partners in Public Health

Raul Campos Edith Canfield Ann Capriotti-Hesketh & Peter Hesketh Betty & Ralph Carpenter James Carpenter Ralph & June Catalano Edward & Joann Cavenaugh Anand & Michelle Chabra Jayshree Chander Shawn Chandler Jeffrey Chang Patricia & Scott Charles Matthew & Mei Cheung Jessie & Jesse Chico Ellen Chien James & Anne Chin Roland & Sophie Chin Mary Chisholm Erica Choi Eric Chow Joyce Chung Frank & Mary Jane Churchill Birgit Claus Margaret & Louis Coccodrilli Deborah Cohan Seymour Cohen Henry & Jean Conserva Maria & J.T. Corral-Ribordy Martin & Diane Covitz Marguerite Cowtun & Henry Terrell Patricia & Roger Crawford Alice & Arthur Crouch Amy Bassell Crowe & Jeffrey Crowe Dorothy Crouch Loring & Ann Dales David Dassey & Mark Zellers Harry & Laurie Davis Stacey Davis Marlene Dehn Alma Deleon-Nwaha Elizabeth Dell Helen & Orville Deniston Melissa Diehl Maureen Dion-Perry & Edward Perry Sandra & Richard Dixon Hellan & Bradley Dowden Joseph Driskill Erin Dugan & Brian Purcell Lea DuRard Kathleen Earnhart Molly & Kevin Efrusy Jose Eguia Eric Elkin Arline Erb Rochelle Ereman Evelyn Ericson Shannon & Andrew Erstad Yvonne Esler Nancy Facher Barbara Famularo Judith Feinson Katherine Feldman Tamar Fendel Flora Fernandez Maryann Field Mark & Robin Fine Linda & Gerald Finer Hugh & Mary Finley Jennifer Flattery & Mark Vickness 22

University of California, Berkeley

Janet Fogel & Robert Schlegel May & William Fong Marion Fowler Marian Franklin Constance Fraser Jonah Frohlich & Elizabeth Payne Charles & Marilyn Froom Barbara Fuller Kathleen Fullerton Catalina Garcia Joan Gates James Daniel Gentry Robyn Gerdes Neil Gesundheit & Eleanor Levin Marie Giarratana Young & Howard Young Philip & Geneva Gillette Renee Gindi Alan & Sharonn Gittelsohn Betty & Larry Goldblatt Tina Goloborodko Erica & Barry Goode Jenckyn Goosby & Dean Preston Philippa Gordon & Stephen Talbot Joan Gorrell Laurel & Michael Gothelf Jeffrey & Benina Gould Jill & Larry Granger Doris Grasshoff Jennifer & Shelton Gray Marian & Roger Gray Rivka Greenberg & K.A. Stanton Nathaniel Greenhouse Valerie Gruber Robert Gulay Corazon Halasan Beverly Halford Nora Hall Rebecca & Steve Hambright Mary & Paul Hamer Jovine Hankins Lynne Haroun Robert & Martha Harrell Joan Harris Robert Harrison Roger Haskell Susan & Stephen Haskell Mary & Richard Hedrick Janet & Al Heins Kathleen Hellum & W.R. Alexander Maureen Henry Leon & Janet Heon Dorith Hertz Donald Hewitt Elizabeth & David Hibbard Doris & George Highland Marisa Hildebrand Barbara Hill & Tim Liverman Warren & Miriam Hill Arnell Hinkle & John Wolfe Donald & Marie Hochstrasser Karen & Guenter Hofstadler Lee & Charlotte Holder Nina Holland Arthur & Olivia Hollister Susie Osaki Holm Ernest & Noreen Hook Ralph Hornberger Robert Hosang & Joyce Yap Rita Hose Sumi Hoshiko & Stuart Ozer

Lois & William Hoskins David Hoskinson Peggy & Jeffrey Hsieh Teh-wei & Tien-hwa Hu Colin & Jacquelyn Hubbard David Hughes Steve & Irene Hui Constance Huye & Lance Smith Deborah & Martin Inouye Ellen & Donald Irie Kiersten Israel-Ballard Betty Izumi & Geoffrey Koch Mary & Kraig Jacobson Nidhi Jain Brennan & Fitzgerald James Roland & Reona James Marie Jenkins Anthony & Violet Jew Sarah Jewel Steven Joffe Bruce Johnson Linda & Paul Johnson Kenneth Johnson & Nina Grove Iain Johnstone Frank & Linda Jones Rachael Jones Venita Jones David Kaisel Irene Kan Jane Kaplan & Andrew Condey Leanne & Richard Kaslow Anne Katten Mi Khin Khin & Douglas Kaufman Susan & Daniel Keller Donald Kemper & Molly Mettler Jane Kenyon Sarah & Karl Klontz Kathryn Kotula Atsuko Koyama Niklas Krause Mark Kutnink Andrew Lan Bruce & Phyllis Lane Joyce & Richard Lashof Diane Lattanzio Audrey Lawrence Sofia Layarda Frances & Ronald Ledford Anita Lee Mei-Yu Lee Philip Lee Richard & Christine Lee Sharon Lee Vanessa Lee R. Cullen & Karen Leesman Michelle Lesar Margaret Leung Shelley Levine Sylvia & Bernard Levinson Virginia Lew Arline Lewis Wendy Leyden Shi Liaw Leesa Linck David Lindquist Henry & Eve Linker Sibylle Lob & Robert Badal Shanon Loftus Geoffrey Lomax Peggy Loper & Michael McShane Katherine Lorber

Cheryl & Clyde Lovelady Ying Lu & Weizhao Zhou Nancy Lum & George Cuan Joan Lunneborg Merle Lustig & Ronald Glass Claudia & Robert Lutz Marion & James Lyon Charles & Elissa Maas Lincoln & Flora Maclise Shirley Main Jun & Katie Makishima Lynne & Bruce Man Anne & David Manchester Ethel Mann Rita Manzelmann David Mark Elliot Marseille James & Thelma Martin Karen Martz Rani Marx & Jim Kahn Margaret & Joseph Masters Nancy Masters & Paul Cohen Brigid McCaw Mara McGrath & George Pugh Chad McHugh & Sara Kerr Mary McRae Nancy & John Meade Valeria Mecham Raymond Meister & Mary Miller Lisa Marie Meneses Carianne & Mark Miller Elaine Miller Kelly Miller & Denise Sanchez Marlene & Thomas Miller Roy & Frances Minkler Peter Minkow Patrick Mitchell Seema Mittal Janet Mohle-Boetani & Mark Monasse John & Lisa Monteleone Margaret & Talmage Morash Anna Morben & Deane Merrill Walter Morgan & Marlene Kramer Pat & Ray Morris Ghassem Motamedi Altrena Mukuria Elenor Mulkey Marian Mulkey & John Powers Marta & David Munger Larry & Rita Murillo Jann Murray-Garcia & Jorge Garcia Michael Musante Katherine Nammacher Lori & Brent Nelsen Richard Neumaier Joel & Phyllis Nitzkin Kristin Nobel Audrey Nolte Audrey & James Nora Barbara Norrish Charlotte Noyes Helen Nunberg Ann & John Nutt Henry Ocampo Somao & Maye Ochi Marcellina Ogbu Roberta O’Grady Luna Okada & Wynn Sheade Beatrice O’Keefe Victor Olano

Partners in Public Health

Cynthia & Brian O’Malley Mary & David O’Neill Alan Oppenheim & Alice Salvatore Laurie & David Ordin Regina Ortiz Stan Oshinsky & Lynn Levin Charles & Barbara Osicka Ruth Osuch Beverly Ovrebo Nitika Pai Lyn Paleo Irma & James Papai Alice Park Tyan & Manuel Parker-Dominguez Monique Parrish Afshin Parsa Carol Patterson Mildred Patterson John & Mavis Peeples Kristine Penner Tanya Pham-Neff & Ralph Neff Amanda Phipps Alta Picchi Julie Plagenhoef Ruth Plagenhoef Lawrence Plaskett Parvez Pohowalla Ann & Donald Porcella Linda & J. Winston Porter Nancy Puttkammer Patricia Quinlan & Kevin Costello Gerald Quinnan & Leigh Ann Sawyer Richard & Julia Quint Barbara Raboy Savitiri Ramcharan Florence & Paul Raskin Lester Reichek Kyndaron Reinier Patricia Brown Reyes & Pedro Reyes Robina & Timothy Rich Rene Ricks Lois Rifkin Alice Ring & Robert Diefenbach Karen & Marc Rivo Annette & Wilfrid Roberge Beverly & Richard Robertson Jocelyn Rodrigues Hector Rodriguez Judith & Paul Rogers James Rogge Romina Romero Dawn & Kenneth Rook E. Scott & Shirley Rosenbloom Nancy & Jason Rosenthal Elizabeth Rottger-Hogan Alice Royal Linda Rudolph & James Bellows Elizabeth Ryan Lisa Sadleir-Hart & Thomas Hart Susumu & Setsuko Saito Linnea Sallack Sarah Samuels & Joel Simon Denise Sanchez & Kelly Miller Saul Sandoval Rhonda Sarnoff Clea Sarnquist Andrea Saveri & Robert Gunier Linda Smith Schermer & Harry Schermer Skai Schwartz Steven Schwartzberg

Harry & Monika Scott Regina Scott George & Linda Sensabaugh Shira Shafir Marian Shannon Paul Shen Takeo & Maye Shirasawa Vivian & D. Scott Showalter Stephen & Carolyn Sidney Jessica Siegel Jennifer & Joel Silberman Anna Robbert Silvestre Jennifer Slotnick Esmond Smith Kathryn & James Smith Margot Smith & Robert Purdy Paula Smith & Marsha Epstein Lorraine Smookler John & Rosemary Snider Cynthia & Arden Snyder Krikor & Caline Soghikian Toho Soma Lina Somsouk Connie Spain Bharat & Usha Srinivasan Dorothy Stacey Kathryn Stambaugh & Thomas Mazzotta Nannette Stamm Alan Stein & Laura Peck Katherine Steiner Edith & Guy Sternberg Marilyn & William Stocker Denise Stockman Corwin & Adrian Strong Frances & Mark Sturgess David Su & Katherine Yu Seiko & Lloyd Suehiro Eiko Sugano Tricia Swartling & Chris Williams John & Gail Swartzberg Louise Swig Esther Tahrir Sandra Tanamugsukbovon Elizabeth Tapen-Sieverdin & John Sieverding Maxine Tatmon-Gilkerson & David Gilkerson Coralyn & Peter Taylor David Taylor Marni Temple Marilyn Teplow June E. Thomas Suzanne & Piri Thomas Lisa Thompson Pamela Thompson Beth & Robert Thurlow Linwei Tian Laura Tollen Claudine Torfs Patricia & Scott Tschirgi Michael & Barbara Turell Stephen & Jenifer Turnbull Verna & V.E. Unger Kevin & Hiromi Urayama Katherine Van Leuwen & Robert Young Julie & Dan Van Winkle Elizabeth & Steven Varga Janet & Curt Vaughan Maria Villa

Varsha Vimalananda Richard Emmons & Barbara Voorhees Donald Waite Hazelle Junker Walker Kay Wallis Julia Walsh & Stephen Dell Mary Wampler & Philip Bierman Frances Washington Martha Waters April & Timothy Watson Gordon Werner Gwendolyn & Robert Werner Patricia & Phillip West M. Donald Whorton & Diana Obrinsky John & Elizabeth Anne Wikle Margaret Wilson Marilyn Winkleby & Michael Fischetti Terry Winter Barbara Wismer Sallie & Steven Wisner Lynne Wittenberg & James Feathers Kathleen Wolf Ellen Wolfe Brenda & Vincent Wong Sharon Wong Pita Wood George & Helen Woods Gloria Wrice & Marlin Griffith Lee & Alan Youkeles Suzanne & John Young Susan Zahner & Leon Olson Allison Zaum Mark Zellers & David Dassey Yun Zhou Hanjing Zhuo Class Gift 2003 Melinda Aldrich Lesley Bennett Tanya Bobo Coralie Brown Ted Brown Tim-Allen Bruckner Hayley Buchbinder Jayshree Chander Ellen Chien Birgit Claus Stacey Davis Melissa Diehl Carey Eberle Tamar Fendel Sara Frank Robyn Gerdes Tina Goloborodko Ramya Gopalan Rachael Jones David Kaisel Atsuko Koyama Anita Lee Sharon Lee Vanessa Lee Michele Lesar Melisse Leung Lisa Meneses Elaine Miller Seema Mittal Mike Musante

Kate Nammacher Helen Nunberg Henry Ocampo Nitika Pai Lyn Paleo Kristine Penner Amanda Phipps Cheng Qin Romina Romero Paul Shen Sharon Shumway Jennifer Slotnick Sherry Smith Toho Soma Lina Somsouk Nannette Stamm Eiko Sugano Sandra Tanamugsukbovon Lisa Thompson Sandra Tsai Julie Van Winkle Michael Wilson Sharon Wong Hanjing Zhuo Organizational Donors Alloy Ventures American Lung Association Fred H. Bixby Charitable Remainder Trust Blue Cross of California Boundroids Inc The California Endowment California Healthcare Foundation The California Wellness Foundation Chiron Corporation Del Pueblo Jewelers Dextra Baldwin McGonagle Foundation Discoteca Exitos Latinos Dole Fresh Vegetables Company Dover Communications Inc HR Dowden & Associates Driscoll’s Charitable Fund Empirical Data Analysis Services Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Leland Fikes Foundation Inc FMC Foundation Freed & Associates Ragnar Frisch Centre Gaona’s Fotos Harvard University Healthtrac Foundation Howard Hughes Medical Institute IBM Corporation Indoor Air 2002 JLN MD Associates Robert Wood Johnson Foundation The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Kaiser Permanente Kellogg USA Inc Levi Strauss & Company Eli Lilly & Company London School of Hygiene and Tropic Medicine Lopez Photography Malicoat Becks & Associates Inc

Public Health


Partners in Public Health

Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc Medstat Group Inc Merck Company Foundation Microsoft Corporation Mid Peninsula Ophthalmology Morris Family Fund National Kidney Foundation Nepheli Foundation Noke Charitable Foundation Nova Fisheries Inc Novartis Pharma AG Occupational & Environmental Health Analysts Lucile Packard Foundation Don Roberto Jewelers The Rockefeller Foundation Salinas Athletic Club Samuels & Associates The San Francisco Foundation Saul’s Mens Wear Scheffler & Associates The Schwab Fund Sharp Corporation Standard Process Inc Starbucks Coffee Company Sutter Health Taqueria Jalisco Target Corporation Telecare Corporation U.C. Chinese Alumni Foundation V I Technologies Inc Vicky’s Boutique The World Bank World Health Organization Gifts In Kind Leanne Aboumrad Baja Fresh Mexican Grill The Bakeshop Jimmy Bean’s Berkeley Bowl Blake’s on Telegraph Seiko Brodbeck Chouinard Vineyards Nancy Dent Downtown Restaurant, Berkeley George-Ann Garms L. Martin Griffin and the Hop Kiln Winery Hafner Vineyard Patricia Jenkins Carl Lester Maria Lucero Louis M. Martini Winery Colleen O’Meara Kathrynn Plott Reel Video Saintsbury Vineyards Nancy Shim Starbuck’s Coffee Trader Vic’s James Tremont and See’s Candies Yali’s Oxford Street Café In Memory of Henry Abrams by Barbara Abrams & Gary Root Rae Barall by Sylvia & Bernard Levinson


University of California, Berkeley

Harry Bliss by Howard & Virginia Stiver David Carpenter by James Carpenter Eugene Chisholm by Mary Chisholm Judy Dod by Suzanne & Piri Thomas Edward Donnelly by John & Betty Donnelly Ramón Feliciano by Marian McDonald Eli Glogow by Christine Glogow Abraham and Leah Glück by Estie & Mark Hudes William Griffiths by Martin & Diane Covitz Lore Grove by Kenneth Johnson & Nina Grove Sue Haiby by Lois Rifkin Roderick Hamblin by Virginia Anderson Jane Armacost Pamela Beddoes Andrew Benson Joy Bessac Jean Blalock Louise Burns Kathleen Burrough Marilyn Capener Carol Carter Mary Louise Chapman Jessie Chico Helen Chow J. Ruth Colley Alice Crouch Gifford Dickel Dr. Joseph Driskill Lea DuRard Donna Eadie Arline Erb Barbara and Richard Ernst E.E. Fineran Hugh Finley Harold Fitzsimmons Marian Hampton Martha Hartmann Arthur James Elizabeth James Linda Johnson Lillian Kline Albert Lilienthal Kenderton S. Lynch Rita Manzelmann John R. Martin Daniel McGough Sally Montgomery Sumi Murashima Kimi Narita Elizabeth Neubacher Glenda O’Connell Kathyrn Offermann June Parsons Charlotte Peck Mavis Peeples Rita L. Perkins

William Peterson Katyrn Pratt Jean Price Beverly Robertson Deborah Ruth Susumu Saito Elizabeth Sell Marion Shannon Kathryn Kelly Smith Connie Spain Karen Swam Paul Ward Baird Whaley Dorothy Williams Suk Tsing Wong Arlene Young Marie and John Hatherell by Alice Ring & Robert Diefenbach Tehman Kan by Irene Kan Nelly Kwong by Clement & Donna Kwong Patricia Lazarus by June & Aaron Shwayder Connie Long by Linda Burden Michael & Sandra Fischman B. D. Rodgers & Audrey Lau Stan Oshinsky & Lynn Levin Shirley Roach Claudine Torfs Katherine & Stewart Madin by Richard Bailey Sanford Elberg Elva Rust June & Aaron Shwayder George & Helen Woods Walter Mangold by Carol & Samuel Barboo Lawrence & Constance Cowper Mary & Marianne Monteleone by John & Lisa Monteleone My father by Nitika Pai Our late parents by Chhaganbhai & Sarojben Bhakta Donald Ovrebo by Beverly Ovrebo Nicholas Parlette by George & Joanne McKray Jean Puffer by Frances Hamblin Ambrosio & Esperanza Quirlogico by Esther Quirolgico V. Ramakrishna by Mildred Patterson Beryl Roberts by Elaine Base Sanford Roberts by Maria Roberts Shlomi Shafir by Shira Shafir Norman Siebe by Frances Siebe

Richard Timm by Shirley Timm C.O. Walker by Hazelle Junker Walker Paul Wellstone by Hellan & Bradley Dowden Sylvia & Bernard Levinson Holman Wheritt by Bradley & Elizabeth Appelbaum Jodie Whitehead by Lynn & Eddie Whitehead Jacob Yerushalmy by William & Judith Taylor Rose Zinkin by Noreen & Ernest Hook In Honor of Erma Anderson by Ramona Anderson Henrik Blum by Arnold Milstein & Nancy Adler Meredith Minkler & Jerry Peters Patricia Buffler by Linda & James Clever Shirley Roach Chin Long Chiang by Margaret Deane William & Judith Taylor Alfred Childs by Nelden & Victoria Hagbom Elizabeth Shurtleff Lawrence Green by Judith Ottoson Patricia Hosel by Linda & James Clever Ruth Huenemann by Kathryn Stambaugh & Thomas Mazzotta Ephraim Kahn by Henry & Virginia Anderson Joyce Lashof by Adele Amodeo Shirley Roach Sheldon Margen by Olivia & Richard Kendrick Kathy Mincola by Mary Beahrs Grah Donald Minkler by Nelden & Victoria Hagbom Meredith Minkler by Amy Ryken Rosalind Singer William Reeves by Lorraine Smookler Robert Robinson by Jacquolyn Duerr & Alberto Balingit Stephen Shortell by Cindy Gok & Brian Wong Bruce Steir & Yen Aeschliman Helen Wallace by Walter & Nancy Ballard Claude Brown

Partners in Public Health

The names listed in this 2002–2003 Donor Honor Roll have been carefully reviewed. However, if your name has been inadvertently misspelled, omitted, or otherwise listed incorrectly, please accept our apologies. We request that you bring any such errors to our attention by calling (510) 643-2556 or e-mailing trini@berkeley.edu, so that we can correct our records.

Decade Club Recognizing Alumni and Friends Who Have Given for the Past 10 Years Consecutively Lillian and Dudley Aldous Nancy Allen Judith Bramson Claude Brown Patricia and Richard Buffler Linda Burden James Carpenter Alice Chetkovich Alfred & Eunice Childs Martin & Diane Covitz John & Marlene Eastman Michael & Sandra Fischman Katharine & Daniel Frohardt-Lane Charles & Marilyn Froom Wallace Gee Carol Giblin Virginia Gladney Sylvie Griffiths Jean Hankin Glenn & Jan Hildebrand Patricia & Harry Hosel David Hoskinson Estie and Mark Hudes Olive Jack A. Arlene Kasa Nellie Lomprey Joan Milburn Meredith Minkler & Jerry Peters Mary & Craig Noke Mildred Patterson William & Mary Jane Reeves Shirley Roach Nancy & Robert Shurtleff Rosalind Singer Robert & Patricia Spear Bruce Steir & Yen Aeschliman Carol Woltring

Students Ebbin Dotson and Jessica Garcia-Kohl meet at the Career Café, an event where alumni and preceptors discuss career and internship opportunities with current students.

Investing in the Internship Experience The School of Public Health gratefully acknowledges the following internship preceptors, who generously devoted their time and experience during the 2002–2003 academic year to the training of future public health professionals. Acción Médica Cristiana, Managua, Nicaragua: Hernaldo Lara AIDS Project East Bay, Oakland, CA: Hazel Wesson Alameda County Public Health Department: Community Assessment Planning and Education, Oakland, CA: Mia Luluquisen Division of Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Oakland, CA: Barbara Green-Ajufo, Allison James

California Department of Health Services: California Nutrition Network, Sacramento, CA: Andrew Fourney Environmental Health Investigations Branch, Oakland, CA: Rick Kreutzer, Alyce Ujihara, Judith Grether, Peggy Reynolds HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Branch, Office of AIDS, Sacramento, CA: Juan Ruiz Immunization Branch, Berkeley, CA:Howard Backer

Every Child Counts, First Five Alameda, San Leandro, CA:Janis Burger

STD/HIV Prevention Training Center, Berkeley, CA: Joan Chow

Health Care Services Agency-School Based Health Center Coalition, San Leandro, CA: Yvette Leung

Vector-Borne Disease Section, Berkeley, CA: Stan Husted

Alcohol Research Group, Berkeley, CA: Nina Mulia Alta Bates Medical Center, Berkeley, CA: Warren Kirk American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, DC: Jenny Everett

Viral & Rickettsial Disease Lab, Richmond, CA: Bagher Forghani California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, CA: Maria Bautista

Amgen, Inc., Thousand Oaks, CA: Larry Anderson

CDC/Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kenya: Pauli Amornkul

Asian Pacific Islander Bay Area Health Council, San Francisco, CA: Alice Chen

Chevron Texaco Energy Research and Technology Co., Richmond, CA: Gayle Hunting

Berkeley Youth Alternatives, Berkeley, CA: Kevin Williams

Child In Need Institute, Kolkata, West Bengal: Rumeli Das

Blue Shield of California, San Francisco, CA: Deborah Schwab, Elizabeth Clark Boston Scientific Corporation, Fremont, CA: Katherine Mack Building Opportunities for Self Sufficiency Urban Gardening Institute, Berkeley, CA: Daniel Miller

Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute, Oakland, CA: Deborah Dean City of Berkeley Health & Human Services Maternal Child Health, Berkeley, CA: Vicki Alexander

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Partners in Public Health

continued from page 25 Diabetes Research Center Medical Clinic, Inc., Tustin, CA: Arthur Charles DKT India, Andheri (West) Mubai, India: Andrew Pillar Genencor International, Inc., Palo Alto, CA: Amy Boas Genentech, South San Francisco, CA: Becky Foster Guidant — Cardiac Surgery, Santa Clara, CA: Jieun Choe Guidant Corporation, Santa Clara, CA: Martin Kaufman Hyde Miller Owen & Trost Government Relations, Sacramento, CA: Maureen O’Haren IBM, San Jose, CA: Jim Mason John Muir Medical Group, Walnut Creek, CA: Mike Kern Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, Geneva, Switzerland: Peter Ghys Kaiser Permanente, Oakland, CA: Care Management Institute: Jodi Joyce Institute for Health Policy: Robert Crane National Contracting & Purchasing: Skip Skivington, Trish Hackemack Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA: Maurice Pitesky Les Centres GHESKIO Institute National Laboratoire, Cite de L’Exposition, Port-au-Prince: Jean Pape Los Angeles County Health Department, Injury Violence Prevention Program and Violence Prevention Coalition: Billie Weiss, Max Factor Family Foundation Fellowship Marin County Department of Health and Human Services, San Rafael, CA: Rochelle Ereman, Suzanne Lea, Sandra Rosemblum McKesson, San Francisco, CA: Stanton McComb

San Francisco Department of Public Health: AIDS Office, San Francisco, CA: Steven Tierney San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco, CA: Anne Chang Sonoma County, Department of Health Services, Santa Rosa, CA: Norma Ellis Thailand Ministry of Public Health-US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Collaboration, Nonthabur, Thailand: Frits Van Griensven

School of Public Health Policy Advisory Council Anne L. Bakar President and CEO, Telecare Corporation Peter F. Carpenter, M.B.A. Founder, Mission and Values Institute

Towers Perrin, San Francisco, CA: Elizabeth Knape

Margaret Cary, M.D., M.B.A., M.P.H. (Chair) Deputy Chief Business Officer for VA+ Choice, Veterans Health Administration

University of California Office of the President: California Program on Access to Care: Susan Carter

Alfred W. Childs, M.D., M.P.H. Physician

California-Mexico Health Initiative: Norma Martinez-Rubin University of California, Berkeley, Office of Environment Health & Safety: Philip Maynard University of California, San Francisco: Blood Centers of the Pacific: Edward Murphy

Linda Hawes Clever, M.D., M.A.C.P. Chief, Occupational Health, California Pacific Medical Center Founder, RENEW Robert M. Crane, M.P.A. Senior Vice President and Director, Institute for Health Policy Kaiser Permanente

Center for Aging in Diverse Communities: Anna Napoles-Springer

Abla A. Creasey, M.P.H. Vice President, Product Delivery and Development, Chiron Corporation

Center for AIDS Prevention Studies: Kim Shafer, Jay Newberry

Lauren LeRoy, Ph.D. President and CEO, Grantmakers in Health

Center for the Health Professions: Susan Chapman Center for Tobacco Control: Stanton Glantz Coordinating Center Prevention Sciences Group: Doug Bauer

Nancy K. Lusk Chairman of the Board, The Lusk Company Arnold X. C. Perkins Director, Alameda County Public Health Department J. Leighton Read, M.D. General Partner, Alloy Ventures

World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland: Paul Kowal

Kenneth S. Taymor, Esq. Managing Member, Synexis CG, LLC

Zambian Integrated Health Programme, Lusaka, Zambia: Lamba Simpito

Barbara S. Terrazas, M.P.H. Executive Director, Catholic Charities of the East Bay

Ministerio de Salud Virology Laboratory, Managua, Nicaragua: Angel Balmaseda Ministry of Health & Child Welfare, Causeway, Zimbabwe: E.K. Wilson National Center for Drug Screening, Shanghai, China: Ming-Wei Wang NICOS Chinese Health Coalition, San Francisco, CA: Kent Woo OPS/OPH Indian Health Service, Rockville, MD: Phillip Smith Orange County, HIV Planning & Coordination: Bonnie Birnbaum Prevention Institute, Oakland, CA: Leslie Mikkelsen Roche Molecular Diagnostics, Pleasanton, CA: Angus Hastie, Emily Winn-Deen Samuels & Associates, Oakland, CA: Sarah Samuels

2003–2004 School of Public Health Scholarship recipients gathered at the Women’s Faculty Club to meet their sponsors at the annual Scholarship Tea.


University of California, Berkeley

It’s Time to Give Back to Berkeley

Support the Annual Fund “The longer I am in health care, the more I see the benefits of an M.P.H. from Berkeley. At our medical center, we have Berkeley M.P.H. graduates in medical social services, administration, strategic planning, clinical laboratory, cancer screening, and physician leadership. I witness their contributions on a daily basis. “I am grateful for the learning and mentoring opportunities associated with my Berkeley education and now want to work with the Public Health Alumni Association to ensure continuation of the Berkeley experience for future health care leaders. “It is time to give back to Berkeley.” Jim Devitt M.P.H. ’78 Associate Hospital Administrator Alameda County Medical Center

Your tax-deductible contribution to the School of Public Health Annual Fund ensures the viability of valuable School of Public Health programs, such as student scholarships and recruitment efforts. Support the future of public health. Give to the Annual Fund. Give online at https://colt.berkeley.edu/urelgift/public_health.html or mail your gift (payable to the “School of Public Health Fund”) to: University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health External Relations & Development 140 Earl Warren Hall #7360 Berkeley, CA 94720-7360

For additional information about making a gift to the school, call Patricia Hosel, assistant dean, external relations and development, at (510) 642-9654.

Public Health


Alumni News

President’s Message Dear Colleagues, I’d like to take this opportunity to review the progress made during the ’03–’04 year by Public Health Alumni Association (PHAA) board of directors. This year the board embarked on important new collaborations with the School’s Center for Public Health Practice (CPHP) and the California Public Health Association–North (CPHA–N).

John W. Eastman

Public Health Alumni Association Board of Directors John W. Eastman, Ph.D., M.P.H. ’80 (President) Carol Patterson, Dr.P.H. ’97 (Vice President) Corinna Tempelis, M.P.H. ’83 (Secretary/Treasurer) April Allen Watson, M.P.H. ’98, R.D. (Immediate Past President) Maria Bautista, M.P.H. ’94 Babette Bloch, M.P.H. ’67 Carol A. Clazie, B.S. ’62 Brandon DeFrancisci, M.P.H. ’96 James H. Devitt, M.P.H. ’77 George A. McKray, M.S., M.P.H. ’57 Lisa Tremont Ota, M.A., M.P.H. ’90 Myrto Petreas, Ph.D. ’90, M.P.H. ’85, M.S. ’79 Sarah Samuels, Dr.P.H. ’82 Krikor Soghikian, M.D., M.P.H. ’58 John Troidl, Ph.D. ’01

Public Health@cal A Web-based community for UC Berkeley School of Public Health alumni. sphalum.berkeley.edu

The CPHP links the practice of public health in the community with the School’s teaching and research programs. Under executive director Jeff Oxendine, the center organizes and administers student internships and continuing education courses. This year, our organizations cosponsored the popular Career Café, the fall Professional Development Workshop, and the spring lecture/student recognition event. In our last alumni survey, more than a third of the respondents expressed a need for professional development. To meet this demand, the board has organized annual professional development workshops. After much discussion this year, the board approved a partnership with CPHA–N that will expand our alumni professional development opportunities. Starting in fall 2004, we will work with CPHA–N to offer public health continuing education workshops and courses. Our organizations have mutual representation at board meetings; we look forward to a meaningful collaboration in the coming year to identify the most efficient ways to provide alumni with professional development. Did you know that 40 Public Health Alumni Association scholarships were awarded this year? Choosing the scholarship recipients from among our talented graduate students was one of our most challenging and rewarding activities. Students were scored on a number of criteria including a brief essay about their aspirations in the field of public health. Committee members evaluated more than 60 applications this year; it was often a difficult task to select the winners. The campus continues to develop the @cal website, where you can search the alumni directory and sign up for our own SPH jobs e-mail list. This new e-mail job list has turned out to be an active site, with 160 alumni participating. You can post job listings or receive notices of the open positions in the field of public health. If you are not already enrolled in @cal, I would encourage you to do so, in order to take advantage of its career networking features. Visit http://sphalum.berkeley.edu to enroll. The end of the academic year in June marks the transition to a new PHAA board of directors. We commend seven remarkable individuals w ho have served the alumni energetically for a number of years. They have earned our most heartfelt thanks: Vice President Carol Patterson (HPA ‘97), Secretary/Treasurer Corinna Tempelis (Behav ‘83), and directors Maria Bautista (HPA ‘94), Babette Bloch (HEd ‘67), Myrto Petreas (EHS ‘79, Epi ‘85, EHS ‘90), Sarah Samuels (PHN ‘82), and Krikor Soghikian (Admin ‘58). There is no space here to enumerate the unique contributions of each one. They’ve accomplished a lot, and we’ll miss them! In closing I’d like to wish everyone a happy and healthy summer season, and remind you that we always welcome your comments. (Contact the associate director, external relations, at 510-643-6382.) Sincerely,

John W. Eastman, Ph.D., M.P.H. ’80 President, Public Health Alumni Association


University of California, Berkeley

Alumni News

Alumna Spotlight

Marion Nestle, Ph.D., M.P.H. ’86 Every day, Marion Nestle speaks to reporters, business people, or government officials, doing her best to make the public aware of the ways in which the food industry’s advertising machine and political lobby create national nutritional trends, and, in some cases, affect national policy. A professor and director of public health initiatives in the Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health at New York University, Nestle draws on her own research and analysis of scientific, social, cultural, and economic factors that influence dietary recommendations and practices. Her two recent books established her as an advocate for public health nutrition and a food industry gadfly, alerting people to the unethical practices of this enormously powerful lobby. Engagingly written with the lay reader in mind, Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health describes how, much as Big Tobacco perpetuated the myth that smoking wasn’t harmful or addictive, the food industry contributes to the nation’s struggle with overweight and obesity. The industry’s marketing practices undermine dietary advice (including the structure of the USDA’s famous food pyramid) and exploit consumers’—especially children’s— vulnerability to misleading messages about our changing food predilections and eating practices. Safe Food: Bacteria, Biotechnology, and Bioterrorism, continues the debate by exposing how economics and government figure into issues such as food-related bioterrorism, genetically modified foods, and food irradiation. How did this UC Berkeley-educated Ph.D. in molecular biology develop her expertise in nutrition? Serendipity played a major role. As part of her first teaching job at Brandeis University, Nestle was charged with teaching botany, zoology, and nutrition to pre-med students. While the concepts and jargon of cellular and molecular biology were abstract and off-putting for the students, the nutrition class was a hit. “Everybody eats; everybody is interested in nutrition; everybody relates it to his or her own personal life immediately,” Nestle remembers. “It was the most exciting teaching experience I’d ever had.” When the opportunity arose at UCSF’s School of Medicine to teach nutrition to medical students, residents, and practicing physicians, Nestle eagerly accepted. She was able to build a comprehensive and successful program, which hosted a popular lecture series and inspired the insertion of nutrition sections into several clinical specialty rotations. After a decade of working in the medical community, she learned much about clinical nutrition. She also realized, however, that she was in a very difficult position. “I was at a medical school without an M.D. And I wasn’t doing basic biomedical research. I didn’t quite fit,” she explains. Various people suggested that, with public health degree credentials, she would be in a much better position to teach nutrition. Once she started work on her M.P.H., many opportunities opened up for her. She ultimately joined the Department of Health and Human Services as senior policy advisor and managing editor of the 1988 Surgeon General’s Report on Nutrition and Health. The experience offered a prime view of the political aspects of national policymaking. It is this understanding that provides authenticity to her writing and practical knowledge to her participation in many governmental and private sector advisory committees.

Marion Nestle and Dean Shortell at the School’s 2004 commencement, where Nestle, as Public Health Alumna of the Year, delivered the keynote address.

But Nestle’s expertise truly gelled when she came to NYU as a professor and chair of the Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health. “I’d done clinical nutrition while at UCSF. I did public health while I was at Berkeley. I did top public policy in Washington. Then I came to NYU, where I was able to put it all together,” she says. Nestle became an educator of not just future public health professionals, but also policy makers, the media, food industry decision makers, and ultimately the public. Noting the parallels between the food and tobacco industries, she says, “Tobacco’s simpler, in a way. The relationship of one product to disease is much better defined. And the message about tobacco is much simpler: ‘Don’t smoke!’ Battling the food industry will be much more complicated, she anticipates. “There are more than 300,000 food products in the American marketplace. And the message has to be, ‘Eat this instead of that,’ or ‘Eat less in general.’ These are much more complicated messages…and not messages that have ever been advertised or promoted in any way with money behind them. We’ve never had a nutrition education campaign in this country that focused on real messages.” In recognition of her accomplishments as an academic, an author, and an authority on food, Nestle has been named UC Berkeley School of Public Health’s 2004 Alumna of the Year. — Johanna Van Hise Heart

Public Health


Alumni Notes 1930s Viola H. Craig, B.S. ’39 “Married George Craig UC ’39 Forestry. We have seven great grandchildren — all prospective UC students.”

1940s Harold Van Coops, B.S. ’49 “Walter Mangold was my major professor at UC Berkeley after my WWII service in Army Medical Corps. Worked in public health field as a sanitarian in Wyoming and California for 40 years. Retired in 1982 and now live in retirement home in Lompoc, California.”

1950s Dan Funderburk, M.D., B.A. ’50 “Will always remember and admire Bill Griffiths and Dorothy Nyswander for their special attention.” William F. Taylor, Ph.D. ’51 “Team research on medical subjects was fascinating and highly satisfying to me as a public health statistician.” Lawrence T. Cowper, M.P.H. ’53 “Retired to family home in Santa Cruz after a career with the USAID, Dept. of State for 35 years, with assignments in Nepal, Ethiopia, India, Sri Lanka, Burma, and of course, two assignments in the real hardship post — Washington, D.C.!” David Gan, B.S. ’56 “Retired public health microbiologist; with Calif. State Health Services 26 years. Helped UC Berkeley students’ mission to Mars exobiology and feasibility of liquid water on Mars projects. Jan. 2004, attended NASA workshop on first steps in terraforming Mars.” Roland Hong, B.S. ’56, is doctor of the Dharma and assistant director of the annual bilingual play at the Buddha’s Universal Church in San Francisco. Chhaganbhai B. Bhakta, B.S. ’58 “Since retiring in 1995, enjoying travel to South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, England, India, Panama, parts of U.S.A., Yellowstone Park, cruise to Alaska. Enjoying grandchildren, yoga exercise, being vegetarians....Just completed 73rd happy birthday.” Shirley A. Main, M.P.H. ’58 “I retired in 2001. I get up when I want, do what I want, and the check comes in the mail. You can’t beat that!” Mary M. (Wittman) McRae, B.S. ’58 “My husband of 43 years, Dr. D. Michael McRae, a pathologist and dermatopathologist, passed away unexpectedly on Sept. 5. Leaves three children and four grandchildren. He was 68. Graduate of UCSF.”

1960s Ellen Alkon, M.D., M.P.H. ’61, became president of the Southern California Public Health 30

University of California, Berkeley

Association this year. She encourages Berkeley Public Health alumni in Southern California to become active members of the organization. John C. Greene, D.M.D., M.P.H. ’61, was honored at a ceremony at the University of California, San Francisco, where his portrait was unveiled and later hung in the entrance to the dental clinics building. Greene served as dean of the UCSF School of Dentistry from 1981 to 1994. Carolyn (Chapin) Blackwood, M.P.H., ’65, volunteers with three theaters, three singing groups, the Freedom Forum Foundation’s “Newseum,” and the Lifetime Learning Institute, participating in classes, forums, and overseas trips. Her daughter and grandchildren live nearby. Carl Lester, M.P.H. ’65, and Rebecca Mammo, M.P.H. ’96, were both honored as health care humanitarians at the 2004 Humanitarian Awards Gala Benefit, held this past April at the Allen Temple Family Life Center in Oakland. The event benefited the Bay Area Consortium for Quality Health Care, the AIDS Project East Bay, and Allen Temple’s AIDS Ministry. Rosalind “Bobbie” Singer, M.P.H. ’65, was honored by the Northern California chapter of the Society for Public Health Education with the Dorothy B. Nyswander Award for Leadership in Health Education. “Bobbie Singer exemplifies the characteristics of her friend and colleague, Dorothy Nyswander,” said the award presenter. “Over the course of her own life and career, Bobbie has demonstrated courage, vision, commitment, and the willingness to take risks for an open society.” Mildred F. Patterson, M.P.H. ’65 “Attended 70th reunion with four classmates at Randolph-Macon Women’s College, Lynchburg, VA. Enjoy many activities at retirement home, including quilting.” Pat Evans, M.P.H. ’66, retired in March from her position as executive director of the Council on Education for Public Health. She worked with the organization for nearly 23 years, helping to shape the course of graduate public health education toward more professionalism and greater relevance to the field. Catherine B. Park, M.P.H. ’66 “Retired from public health and now working with my husband on the “Rockpile,” a beautiful mountain vineyard in northern Sonoma County.”

1970s Howard M. Stiver, M.P.H. ’71 “I am 84 and still do downhill skiing, am in the 80+ unit of the 70+ Ski Club.” Sylvia Levinson, M.P.H. ’72 “Retired. Last position, 1980, New York State Department of Mental Hygiene, based at World Trade Center Tower II, NYC. Served as volunteer in disaster relief.” Alice Royal, M.P.H. ’72 “Continue to volunteer in Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park as a descendent of pioneers. Working toward the completion of the park’s progress. Visit to the park gives the historic essence of the African American vitality in early California history.” Claude H. B. Brown, M.D., M.P.H. ’73 “Retired from the University of New Mexico. I fly fish as much as I can with my wife Satyra.” Jared I. Fine, D.D.S., M.P.H. ’75, dental health administrator for the Alameda County Department of Public Health, is the local project director for a national demonstration program to increase access to dental care for 0–5 year old Medicaid children—with state principal investigator—fellow alumnus Robert Isman, D.D.S., M.P.H ’72. Jack Geissert, M.P.H. ’75, is director of environmental health and safety and site services at Wyeth BioPharma in Andover, Massachusetts. Debra (Klohs) DeZarn, R.D., M.P.H. ’76 “I’m a consultant to long-term care facilities in metro Denver. A colleague and I are doing a study of resting metabolic rate of longterm care residents with a variety of diagnoses.” Sarah Berkowitz, M.P.H. ’76, has begun working at the Fort Vancouver Regional Library District in Vancouver, Washington. She coordinates “Everyday English @ Your Library,” a project which sets up English conversation circles for non-English speakers. Mark L. Carlson, M.D., M.P.H. ’76 “I appreciate how my training helps me care for addicts and alcoholics.” Linda Smith Schermer, M.P.H. ’77 “Retired, living and hiking in Sedona, Arizona.” John A. Sunkiskis, M.P.H. ’78 “I retired from the New Jersey Department of Health in July 2002 and now teach photography at Mercer County Community College.”

1980s Steven Englender, M.P.H. ’80, has joined the Cincinnati Health Department as an epidemiologist. He will be investigating reasons behind the city’s high infant mortality rate, which is routinely higher than state and national averages, especially among

Public Health Alumni Appointed to Key California Posts African Americans. He will also work with the newly created Center for Closing the Health Gap, an agency that studies ways to eliminate racial and ethnic health disparities. Mary Foran, M.P.H. ’80, is associate director of Contra Costa Health Services. She develops new programs and policies with a focus on reducing health disparities, increasing access to services, and serving on the First 5 Contra Costa Commission. Jeanette Louise Spangle, M.P.H., ’80 “I am still doing public health nutrition — working at Cornell Cooperative Extension Nassau — in Long Island, N.Y. — overseeing EFNEP [Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program] and senior nutrition education.” Merle Lustig, M.P.H. ’81, is consulting with Native American tribal public health departments. Jeffrey M. Davis, M.D., M.P.H. ’83, has been appointed to the newly created position of vice president, medical affairs and national client services, at LifeMasters Supported SelfCare, Inc., one of the nation’s largest providers of disease management programs and services. Angela Browne-Miller, Ph.D., D.S.W., M.P.H. ’83, has written more than a dozen books and hundreds of articles in the social and health policy and program fields. She currently works as program manager at Transforming Communities and Marin Abused Women’s Services in Marin County, California. Victoria McEvoy, M.P.H. ’83, “Stephen Sullman, my pharmacology professor from my Yale days, and I reconnected last summer after each of us had divorced…We’ll be living in Phoenix for the foreseeable future….The American Public Health Association’s Public Health Student Caucus, which Michael McDonald, Dr.P.H. ‘95, and I cofounded in 1982, is alive and well. I served on their board of advisors from 1996–97, while teaching temporarily in the Department of Public Health at Southern Connecticut State University.” Marla (Nahmabin) Pardilla, M.P.H. ’83, M.S.W., is cochair of First Native Research Network, Inc., a new organization to recruit Native researchers and to promote responsible and sensitive research among Native American and minority populations. Jacob Eapen, M.D., M.P.H ’85, received the first-ever Physician Recognition Award from the Medical Board of California in honor of his career devotion to improving public health for the underserved worldwide and his work as a pediatrician for Alameda County Health Services. Melbourne “Mel” F. Hovell, Ph.D., M.A., M.P.H. ’81, was named the 2004 Albert W. Johnson University Research Lecturer at San Diego State University. He

joined the faculty there in 1982 as founding head of the Division of Health Promotion and Behavioral Science in the Graduate School of Public Health. Bruce S. Steir, M.D., M.P.H. ’86 “Reelected for second term as senior senator for San Francisco for the California Senior Legislature, proposing legislation pertaining to public health issues for seniors.” Susan D. Desmond Hellmann, M.D., M.P.H. ’88, has been named president, product development, at Genentech, Inc., the South San Francisco-based biotechnology drug company. Previously she was executive vice president and chief medical officer. In 2003 Hellman was named to Fortune’s list of “50 Most Powerful Women” in corporate America. David Nelson, M.P.H. ’88 “My morning children’s radio show promotes happiness and peace to kids of all ages across northern Arizona!” Heather Roselaren, LCSW, M.P.H. ’88, is in private therapy practice specializing in psychosocial issues of reproduction and aging.

1990s Karla Pearcy, M.P.H. ’90, M.S.W., transitioned from more than eight years of international health work with Mercy Corps International, Save the Children, and other private voluntary organizations, to a state job as outreach coordinator with the Oregon Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program. She and her husband, Stanley, had a daughter, Emeli, in March 2003. Florence Reinisch, M.P.H. ’91 “I have been working on occupational health and safety for over ten years now. This career has been exciting and rewarding.” Susan J. Penner, Dr.P.H. ’92, is author of Introduction to Health Care Economics & Financial Management: Fundamental Concepts with Practical Applications, published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. The book is designed for students and professionals new to the areas of health care economics, finance, and budgeting. She is part-time faculty in the Nursing Department at California State University, Hayward. Lynne Wittenberg, M.P.H. ’92 “I’m the project/ research coordinator for the Peer Navigator Program, a collaborative research study by Stanford University and WomenCARE, a grassroots organization serving women with cancer in Santa Cruz. The randomized study involves women with newly diagnosed breast cancer and their peer counselors (‘navigators’). I live in Santa Cruz.”

Appointed secretary of business, transportation, and housing by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in November 2003, Sunne Wright McPeak, M.P.H. ’71, directs the state’s largest government agency. Her 15 departments include Caltrans, the California Highway Patrol, the Department of Motor Vehicles, and the Department of Corporations. The Business, Transportation & Housing Agency has a collective budget of $12.4 billion and more than 47,000 employees. Previously McPeak was president and CEO of the Bay Area Council, a nonprofit organization of the region’s top business executives. Before that, she was president and CEO of the Bay Area Economic Forum. In March 2004, Schwarzenegger named Sandra Shewry, M.S.W., M.P.H. ’81, director of the California Department of Health Services. Shewry oversees more than 5,000 employees working in Sacramento and in 60 field offices throughout the state. The department administers a broad range of public and clinical health programs that provide health care services, including the Medi-Cal Program. Shewry has worked in the health care field for more than 20 years, primarily in California state government. Most recently she served as the director of the Health Division for the National Governor’s Association Center for Best Practices in Washington, D.C. Previously she was deputy director and then executive director of the California Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board. Her earlier positions include assistant secretary at the California Health and Welfare Agency and health planning and policy analyst for the Department of Health Services. Appointed state public health officer by Schwarzenegger in March 2004, Richard J. Jackson, M.D., M.P.H. ’79, provides leadership and oversight of the Department of Health Services’ public health-related activities. Most recently Jackson was senior advisor to the director of the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention and was previously director of the National Center for Environmental Health. In these capacities, he was actively involved in issues of bioterrorism preparedness and provided expertise on environmental health issues. Before joining the CDC, he held a number of positions at the Department of Health Services, including chief of the Division of Communicable Disease Control. During his medical residency, he was a special epidemiologist with the World Health Organization, working towards smallpox eradication in India, and an epidemic intelligence officer with the U.S. Public Health Service.

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Alumni Notes continued from page 31 Barbara Materna, Ph.D. ’92, has been named chief of the Occupational Health Branch of California’s Department of Health Services (DHS) after a decade as California’s point person for preventing lead poisoning in the workplace. She oversees activities conducted by the branch’s three key programs: the Hazard Evaluation System and Information Service, the Occupational Health Surveillance and Evaluation Program, and the Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. Edmund Pezalla, M.D., M.P.H. ’95, was appointed vice president and medical director for Prescription Solutions, a national pharmacy and medical management company. Robert S. Brown, Jr., M.D., M.P.H. ’96 “Work has been busy with a growing liver program, but maintaining an active clinical research program (always need help for young graduates moving east). Family keeps growing too with Jake (born 8/6/03) adding to Jacqueline (6) and Dylan (4). All is well.” Daniel Gentry, Ph.D. ’96, M.H.A., associate professor of health management policy, St. Louis University School of Public Health, has been granted a sabbatical for 2004. He will be completing several case studies on HIV prevention evaluation capacity, taking advanced evaluation coursework and immersion Spanish, and writing a practical “how to” book on managing large research projects. He also serves as director of the university’s Center for HIV/STD Policy Studies. Karen L. Peifer, Dr.P.H. ’96, M.P.H. ‘92 “Working on early childhood interventions, program planning and evaluation.” Peter D. O’Hanley, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H. ’96, has been appointed senior vice president of clinical development and regulatory affairs at AVI BioPharma, a biopharmaceutical company that develops drugs to treat life-threatening diseases using third-generation antisense technology and cancer vaccines. Carol H. Patterson, Dr.P.H. ‘97, M.B.A., has been named CEO of Marin Community Clinic. Her immediate goals for the organization involve team building for the staff and a greater focus on patient service. In the longer term, her vision is to relocate the clinic to improve access for the community and the clinic’s current patients. She has also started an ongoing project to increase community awareness of the clinic. Diana Wolfe, M.P.H. ’98, recently completed a clerkship in international health and medicine as part of her final year as a medical student at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Faculty of Health Sciences 32

University of California, Berkeley

In Memoriam Medical School for International Health, in collaboration with Columbia University Medical Center. She worked at Hospital Apoyo in Iquitos, Peru, where she observed patients with a variety of tropical diseases.

Diana Wolfe (right) conducted interviews in Peru as part of her study of health knowledge among women in remote villages.

2000s Jerome Adams, M.D., M.P.H. ’00, is in his second year of residency. He and his wife, Lacey, are expecting their first baby in June. Marisa Hildebrand, M.P.H. ’01 “The UCSF Women’s Options Center recently completed its first year of quality comprehensive abortion services. Financial— and strategic—planning knowledge gained at SPH continue to come in handy!” Shannon Mitchell, Ph.D. ’01, is associate research scientist at Yale University School of Public Health and research associate at the New York Academy of Medicine. Gwen Rowe-Lee Sykes, Dr.P.H. ’01, M.P.H. ’81, M.S.W., was appointed to the Alameda County Medical Center’s board of trustees, which oversees three hospitals and three freestanding clinics in the county. Sykes is executive director of the Bay Area Consortium for Quality Health Care, an Oakland nonprofit. John J. Troidl, Ph.D. ’01 “Am enjoying contributing to the SPH Alumni Board. Using my Berkeley education to pursue consulting, teaching, and research challenges.” Nitika Pai, M.D., M.P.H. ‘03, Ph.D. student, “It was a pleasure to serve as a voluntary student representative of the Alumni Association. Thanks!”

Friends Arthur C. Hollister, M.D., M.P.H. “My beloved wife of 61 years, Olivia, died Aug. 10, 2003, after a long illness with progressive supranuclear palsy. She often attended UCB SPH events with me and we had many friends among them. I hope stem cell research will help defeat PSP!

John Wendell Behrman, M.P.H. ’71, died January 30, 2004 at Washington Hospital in Fremont, California at age 59. Born in Sacramento, Behrman worked for 24 years in hospital administration, including six years as assistant administrator for Washington Hospital. He is survived by his wife and two sons. Sally Bellows, manager of student services for the School of Public Health and a longtime member and leader of the Berkeley Staff Assembly, died October 22, 2003, at her home in Albany, California, at age 53. She had worked on campus since 1986, including more than four years at the Center for Health and Public Policy Studies, and had managed the Office of Student Services and Admissions at the School since 2001. She is survived by her husband, two daughters, her parents, two brothers, and a sister. Bellows’s friends and coworkers planted a Japanese red cedar tree in her memory on the lawn near Warren Hall. In addition, her parents have established the Sally Bellows Endowed Fund to support international students with financial need. Those interested in making a gift to add to the fund may send a check payable to the “Sally Bellows Endowed Fund,” to the attention of Pat Hosel, Office of External Relations & Development, 140 Warren Hall #7360, School of Public Health, Berkeley, CA 94720-7360. Mary Ann (Martinez) McKale, M.S.W., M.P.H. ’75, died November 30, 2003. She had retired earlier that year from her position as executive director of Lincoln Child Center, an Oakland-based nonprofit residential and day treatment center for emotionally disturbed children, following an 18-year tenure. Under her leadership, the organization grew from a residential program to community-based services reaching roughly 2,500 emotionally troubled children every day. To honor her pivotal role, the Lincoln Child Center board created the Mary Ann McKale Center for Education along with an endowment fund to help support it. McKale arrived in San Francisco in the mid 1960s, at which time she worked as a social worker for the city, assisting low-income persons, the elderly, the abused, and neglected children. She is survived by her daughter, parents, and three sisters. Hugh Patterson, professor in the UC Berkeley-UCSF Joint Medical Program, died October 22, 2003, in Davis, California, at age 61. Patterson taught gross anatomy and embryology to medical students at UCSF and the Joint Medical Program at UC Berkeley. In addition to teaching, he was an active researcher and worked with colleagues at UCSF to revamp the medical school curriculum. He received four Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation awards for excellence in teaching, the Kaiser Career Achievement Award, and

the UC Berkeley-UCSF Joint Medical Program Award for Humanistic Teaching. Born in St. Charles, Illinois, Patterson earned his master’s degree in psychology from Northeastern University in Boston and his Ph.D. in anatomy from Boston University. He is survived by his wife and three children.

Brian Maxwell, a former Cal track star and coach who, along with his wife, founded the PowerBar sport snack, died March 19 of an apparent heart attack near his home in Ross, California, at the age of 51. Maxwell graduated from UC Berkeley in 1975 with a degree in architecture and was honored with the Brutus Hamilton Award for his achievements on the school's track team. He went on to coach the Golden Bears in distance running and in 1977, was ranked as the No. 3 marathon runner in the world. Maxwell grew up in Toronto, represented Canada in a number of international competitions, and was part of the 1980 Olympic team that boycotted the games in Moscow. Maxwell and his wife, Jennifer, were pioneers in the field of energy supplements. The idea for the PowerBar came after Maxwell “bonked” at the 21-mile mark in a marathon—the point at which the body has completely burned through its stored carbohydrates. Maxwell worked with Jennifer, a nutritionist who was his girlfriend at the time, to come up with an energy bar that athletes could eat before and during events. In 1986, they began making PowerBars in their kitchen. By the time they sold the company in 2000 to Nestle SA, its annual revenue had reached some $30 million. Both Brian and Jennifer Maxwell have been longtime members of the Cal community. Jennifer graduated from UC Berkeley in 1988 with a degree in nutrition and food science. Over the years, the Maxwells have been generous contributors to the Berkeley campus, donating to the Haas Pavilion renovation, the Athletic Department's Academic Study Center, and the renovation of Kleeberger Field, which was renamed Maxwell Family Field. In 2002, the Maxwells—parents of six children— established the Brian and Jennifer Maxwell Endowed Chair in Maternal and Child Health at the School of Public Health, demonstrating their deep commitment and concern for the health of mothers and children.

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Public Health


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Reflections on Public Health On March 19, Larry Brilliant, M.D., M.P.H., founder of the Seva Foundation, was among those honored at UC Berkeley’s 8th Annual Public Health Heroes Awards Ceremony. Following is an excerpt from his acceptance speech:

When I first went to Europe 20 years after World War II, America was loved. In 1968 I drove in a VW from Finland through Russia to Istanbul. As soon as Russians found out I was American, I was greeted by love. After World War II, Americans were often a symbol of what was good in the world. What might be. Of course, not everywhere, and not every time. There was Vietnam. Cambodia. Central America. There was America’s callous indifference to HIV and AIDS in Africa. But on balance, America was loved. So different from today. Yes, Americans were loved as beacons of light, of hope, and it is that quality of love that will stop the 9/11s, the 3/11s of the world. Hatred sufficient to cause such inhuman carnage cannot survive in an atmosphere of love. Al Qaeda cannot recruit and plot in secret in a small village. Hatred evaporates in the presence of love. International public health—and our love—can help us get out of this dilemma. Public health is synonymous with social justice and caring. This community always rises above selfishness, above the sense of separateness, and reaches out with love to the poor, the sick, the disadvantaged. William Foege, M.D. (right), senior medical advisor for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, presents the International Public Health Hero Award to Larry Brilliant , M.D., M.P.H.

Thank you so much for this award, but you here are—and must be—the next generation of heroes.

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