1 minute read
Prologue from the Artistic Director
The state of our Union has always been precarious. American history is the history of constant struggle, between those trying to foment change and those trying to maintain some version of the status quo. The very nature of our democracy, straddling the line between giving voice to every opinion while maintaining civility and respect for the law, is always exposed to discord and upheaval. It is a precarious balance at best, and when that balance is undone, when the Marginalized are ignored or oppressed to the point of despair, polarization sets in, unleashing waves of hatred and violence.
Never more so than now. Led by our President, who seems hell-bent on destroying that balance, expressions of generosity towards our political opponents seem to have all but evaporated. Every new tweet from the White House brings a new outpouring of bile, accusing anyone who disagrees with the administration of being a liar, a cheat, or a traitor. Fueled by this behavior, a seismic political and cultural shift is underway, an attempt by ultra-conservative forces to assert their worldview over the entire country. Not only are the progressive ideals and legislative gains of the last 80 years under attack, but truth itself. “Fake news” has become part of our lexicon. There is no objective truth, these people tell us, save for what serves the individual. Every transaction—political, economic, sexual—is fueled primarily by the ruthless code of self-interest and the correctness of their old world order. Amidst the chaotic, day-to-day fights over various issues, another, larger struggle has emerged…a struggle over the definition of human nature: whether we see ourselves through the prism of our basest animal instincts or the “angels of our better nature.”
Which brings me to Angels in America. My favorite play by my favorite writer. One Tony Kushner: True Great Vocalist, Knowing Mind, Tongue-of-the-Land, Seer-Head!
With its fierce dissection of America’s political power, its championing of democracy, and its embracing of all things human, Kushner’s play is a spectacular, visionary portrait of our country. Its vast assortment of themes all emanate from the central, animating question: Can we change? In time. Before it’s too late.
Do we have the vision necessary to re-imagine our democracy, the will to sustain a society built on equality and inclusion, the courage to look at our prejudices, to look beyond our personal experience and commit to the greater good? These questions are more pressing than ever. We can only hope that our answers approach the transcendent optimism of the play.
It is a great gift to present Angels to you. We have tapped the full measure of our resources and skills to realize its astonishing, imaginative reach. Thank you for supporting our efforts, for actively participating in the conversation, and for being open. We love you for that….
Tony Taccone