airtight: “no problem.” Also: a sawmill
gorm: food
put in on: to court
applehead: girl, girlfriend
greeney: a fit, a temper tantrum
ricky chow: sexual intercourse
grizz: old bachelor
ridgy: backwoodsy
bahl: good barlow: pocketknife belhoon: a dollar bilchin: having sex with bloocher: one who chatters aimlessly or masturbates boarch: Chinese male booker tee: Black man bookers: Black people bow for: have sex with
(“bow” as in “violin bow”)
heisted: pregnant highgun: shotgun high shams: thick brush hobbin: dancing hoot: laugh horn and chiggle: food and drink (the verb “horn” means “to drink”)
ink-standy: tired
roger: storm rooje: cheat (pronounced like “rouge”)
rout: scold Schoolch: short for school teacher scottied: hungry shike: beat someone in a deal (rhymes with “like”)
silent seeker: quiet, unobtrusive seducer
jackers: young men who masturbate
burlap: have sex with
jape: drive
buzzchick: baseball
jenny: snitch
can-kicky: angry
jimhead: confused
chucks: dull or unruly children
Joe Mack: to beat someone up
cocked darley: habitually angry
jonnems: tall tales
comb’s gettin red: puberty
lews ’n larmers: gossip
cut cabbage: a Black woman, the feeling of her vagina
ling: Boontling lizzied: pregnant
tarp: pudendum of either sex
daming: womanizing
locked: married
teet lipped: angry
madges: prostitutes
that’s earth: that’s the truth
mink: woman (usually of easy
tidrey: a little bit
dish: cheat doolsey boo: sweet potato dove cooey: lonely
morals, well dressed enough to afford mink)
dubs: double
moldunes: breasts
ear settin: a lecture
moshe: automobile
fiddlers: delirium tremens (“the DTs”) flag’s out: menstruating
heel scratchin: sex
Bulrusher: foundling, illegitimate child
dehigged: broke, without money
flattened: sick flories: biscuits Fourth of Jeel: Fourth of July geechin: penetration golden eagles: underwear (made from Golden Eagle brand flour sacks)
harp: talk
skee: whiskey somersettin: to become emotionally upset sneeble: Black person stringy hair and wrinkle socks: an unkempt woman sulled: angered
tongue-cuppy: nauseous, to vomit toobs: two bits, a quarter
(rhymes with “gauche”)
tuddish: mentally disabled
mossy: change the subject
(same vowels as “rubbish”)
Navarro: Bulrusher’s river; main waterway west to the ocean nonch harpin: dirty talk pearlin: raining pike: road Philo: a neighboring rival town (pronounced ”FY-low“)
tweed: child upper-cuttin: fist fight warblin: singing weese: infant wess: exaggerate whittlin: politicking yink: young man