HAVILAND BRIEFS faculty appointments We are proud to announce our faculty promotions and appointments with tenure. Adrian Aguilera Associate Professor
Paul R. Sterzing Associate Professor
Valerie Shapiro
Associate Professor
Susan Stone
Professor Catherine Mary and Eileen Clare Hutto Chair of Social Services in Public Education
FACULTY NOTES Associate Professor Adrian Aguilera was a visiting scholar in Mexico City at the Mexican National Institute of Psychiatry. He presented a talk entitled “Design Considerations for mHealth Interventions with Low Income, Ethnic Minority Patients” at the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions in Auckland, NZ in February, and published two papers with colleagues: “Effectiveness of a Multimodal Digital Psychotherapy Platform for Adult Depression: A Naturalistic Feasibility Study” in JMIR Mhealth Uhealth and “A Seat at the Table: Strategic Engagement in Service Activities for Early Career Faculty From Underrepresented Groups in the Academy” in Academic Medicine. Professor Jill Duerr Berrick’s book The Impossible Imperative: Navigating the Competing Principles of Child Protection has received an honorable mention for the 2019 Outstanding Social Work Book Award, conferred by the Society for Social Work and Research. She has given numerous book talks, including at the University of Tampere (Finland), the EUSARF conference in Porto (Portugal), the University of Washington School of Social Work, and the Mississippi State Child Welfare Conference. Professor Berrick was also selected to participate in the UC Women’s Initiative, a systemwide program of professional development for University staff and faculty, as well as the Chancellor’s Strategic Initiative Working Group on Inequality and Opportunity. Assistant Professor Yu-Ling Chang received the 2019 W.E. Upjohn Institute Early Career Research Award to carry out her new research project, “The Gendered Effects of Unemployment Insurance Modernization on Benefit Receipt and Employment Patterns among Unemployed Workers.” Professor Julian Chow received the 2018 Model Alumni Award from the Alumni Association of Tunghai University in Taiwan. The award recognizes alumni with records of accomplishments and contributions made to the social good.
Dean Jeff Edleson and PhD student Laura Brignone had their article titled “The Dating and Domestic Violence App Rubric: Synthesizing Clinical Best Practices and Digital Health App Standards for Relationship Violence Prevention Smartphone Apps” accepted for publication in the International Journal of HumanComputer Interaction. Dean Edleson participated on a panel with other deans on hiring and retaining Latinx faculty at the National Association of Deans and Directors (NADD) of Social Work Programs at its Spring meeting in San Diego in April. Last fall, Dean Edleson was interviewed for a series of radio segments and articles exploring the Hague Convention on child abduction as it relates to cases involving domestic violence and New Zealand courts. Professor of the Graduate School Eileen Gambrill’s latest book, Critical Thinking and the Process of Evidence-based Practice, was published by Oxford University Press. Two additional publications, “The Promotion of Avoidable Ignorance in the British Journal of Social Work” and “Criticism and its Critics: Reply to Holloway and Golightley,” appeared in Research in Social Work Practice. Professor Neil Gilbert presented his report “Towards Family Sensitive Social Protection,” at the 57th Session of the UN Commission for Social Development in New York City. In addition to co-chairing the Fifth Annual Meeting of the International Network for Social Policy Teaching and Research in Bergen, Norway, Gilbert gave lectures in Norway as well as France, Italy, Qatar, and Spain. Assistant Professor Anu Manchkanti Gómez published an article entitled “The Misclassification of Ambivalence in Pregnancy Intentions: A Mixed-Methods Analysis,” and her research was cited in a California Health Report article, “Pharmacists Can Now Prescribe Birth Control, but Few Do.” Another Kind of Madness: A Journey through the Stigma and Hope of Mental Illness, affiliated faculty member Stephen Hinshaw’s account of his family’s experience with his father’s bipolar disorder, won the American Book Fest’s 2018 award for best autobiography or memoir. Assistant Professor Erin Kerrison spent a year on leave as the Vice President of Research at the Center for Policing Equity (CPE) housed at the CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice, where she led an interdisciplinary team of social scientists, legal scholars, and data technicians. Kerrison’s featured commentary, “Prison Drug Treatment Programs are Failing People of Color,” was published in the Center for American Progress project TalkPoverty, and she has also published three forthcoming peer-reviewed articles: “On Creating Ethical, Productive, and Durable Action Research Partnerships with Police Officers and Their Departments: A Case Study of the National Justice Database” (Police Practice and Research: An International Journal); “The Mismeasure of Terry Stops: Assessing the Psychological and Emotional Harms of Stop and Frisk to Individuals and Communities” (Behavioral Sciences & the Law); and “When Policing Causes Crime: The Criminogenic Effects of Police Stops on Adolescent Black and Latino Boys” (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America).