Social Welfare at Berkeley - Fall 2013

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Social Welfare at Berkeley

the maGazine for alumni and friends

fall 2013

Tackling the

Grand Challenges for Social Work New speaker series examines the pressing issues confronting the social work profession – such as the future of aging services – to develop interdisciplinary curricula and scholarship that meet society’s emerging needs.


MAP’s 50th Anniversary Serving Latino Communities Haviland Hall’s New Look

a letter from the dean I’ve now completed my first year as Dean. This has been a year of renewal. We revised our Masters curriculum to better reflect our goal of developing the profession’s future leaders, strengthened our doctoral program to remain at the forefront of educating the next generation of social welfare scholar-educators and planned major changes in our undergraduate program to better focus on students most interested in social welfare. We want our School’s faculty and students to challenge conventional wisdom with the best information available and collaborate with our community partners to lead positive changes in our society. This was also a year of renewal for Haviland Hall. You might have noticed our new website at and that we have embraced the new identity, Berkeley Social Welfare. When I arrived last year I also noticed students sitting outside on the pavement because we lacked adequate informal meeting spaces. Among the many changes that have taken place thanks to our generous supporters are a wonderful new Haviland Commons meeting space on the first floor, a large new classroom on the ground level and an outdoor classroom and informal meeting area called the Ed Nathan Grove, in memory of one of our outstanding field faculty and community members. Now there are ample spaces for informal “collisions” where unexpected encounters can lead to innovative ideas. Please come visit Haviland and see the changes firsthand. We need our faculty, students and alumni to develop many new and innovative ideas to overcome the challenges facing our world in the coming decades. I launched a Grand Challenges series at our School to help lead our profession’s thinking about major issues before our communities and to think through how our School and our profession will be able to make a difference in designing and implementing solutions to those challenges. Several of our faculty took the lead to sponsor Grand Challenges events that you will read about in this magazine. Many of our faculty also participated in national meetings to discuss these challenges. The American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare is leading our profession’s national dialogue on Grand Challenges and Berkeley Social Welfare will be a strong voice in identifying these challenges and finding new solutions to them. Changes at our School will continue this next year with several new faculty joining our rank. We will also renew our focus in the School on understanding and overcoming chronic poverty and growing income inequality in our society. This year will mark the 50th anniversaries of the War on Poverty and Berkeley’s Free Speech Movement. The School will also mark 50 years in Haviland Hall as well as 50 years since the start of our Management and Planning concentration. The year 1964 was the spark for major changes in our society and our School. May 2014 be another vibrant year. Sincerely,


On the cover: Assistant Professor Adrian Aguilera shows Mrs. Irene Solis Berkeley Social Welfare’s new website.

fall 2013


table of con ten ts


Meet Berkeley Social Welfare’s new faculty and staff









New Spaces: Nathan Grove and Haviland Commons Celebrating 50 Years of Management and Planning Latinos in Social Work

uC Berkeley Center for Prevention research in Social Welfare Linking School Wellness Services and Student Assets Eileen Gambrill’s New Books

Tripodi Lecture in research Methodologies: Dr. Shenyang Guo Seabury Lecture in Social Welfare: Dr. Laura Abrams Friedlander Lecture in International Social Welfare: Lord Nigel Crisp



Faculty, Staff, Student and International Notes recent Publications CalSWEC updates In Memoriam: John Momper


HoNor roLL oF DoNorS rsity of California. All rights reserved.

© 2013 by the regents of the unive

Editor Francesca Dinglasan Assistant Editor/Design Allison Yates Photography David Schmitz Allison Yates

NEW FACES Jennifer L. Skeem, PhD Professor

Dr. Jennifer Skeem joins Berkeley Social Welfare in January. She has been teaching in uC Irvine’s Department of Psychology and Social Behavior since 2006 as well as the Department of Criminology, Law and Society since 2010. What are you most looking forward to in coming to uC Berkeley? I am excited about becoming part of a world-class intellectual culture. At Berkeley, the boundaries among disciplines seem especially fluid. There are rich opportunities to collaborate with scholars, students and practitioners on innovative research that can help address social problems. describe your research interests and your lab, risk reduction research. I have a long-standing interest in helping individuals with serious emotional and/or behavioral problems. During my training as a clinical psychologist, I learned that these individuals often have contact with the justice system – and that the reasons for justice system involvement are more complicated than clinicians and policymakers typically assume. I shifted focus from clinical work toward research, as I realized the power of rigorous studies for advancing understanding of the problem and informing large-scale solutions that improve public health and safety. My research team is a cohesive group of staff, graduate students and undergraduates. our studies typically involve both fieldwork (with high-risk individuals in hospital, jails/detention, probation or community settings) and lab work (with the data collected in the field). Generally, these studies focus on understanding why some people with mental disorder become involved in self-harm, violence and/or criminal behavior. To develop more effective prevention and treatment strategies for this group, we must first understand how individual and environmental factors interact to increase their risk of such harmful behavior. This understanding can also be used to inform legal decision-making about this high-risk, high-need group. What are your priorities for your first semester at the school of social Welfare? My priorities are (1) establishing connections with the terrific faculty, students and staff in the School and across campus, and (2) developing a plan for nurturing programs of high-impact research within the School.

Heidi Wagner

Assistant Dean for Administration Before assuming the role of assistant dean for administration at Berkeley Social Welfare, Heidi Wagner served as the assistant to the director of the university of Minnesota School of Social Work, where she worked on schoolwide issues related to administration. While in Minnesota, she also completed her master’s degree in arts administration. The Kansas native is additionally an alumna of the Wichita State university School of Music. “I never would have predicted when I was an undergraduate in the middle of Wichita that I would have ended up in Minnesota and then in California,” says Wagner. “It is very far from where I started, but I have had a lot of great professional opportunities and think that it is important to take advantage of those opportunities as they arrive.”



Jennifer Jackson & Luna Calderon Field Consultants, Community Mental Health Jennifer Jackson and Luna Calderon joined the School last fall. Calderon (MSW ’87) has more than 25 years of experience in child and family mental health. Her diverse roles and settings include managing an outpatient adolescent substance abuse program, working as a psychiatric social worker for Kaiser Permanente in child and family psychiatry and evaluating federal collaboratives addressing fetal alcohol syndrome.

photo Greg Merrill

Jackson has been highly regarded in her role as a field liaison for San Jose State university. She has more than 10 years of practice and clinical supervision experience, including positions in public mental health settings such as uCSF Citywide Case Management and Trauma recovery Center. Jackson currently teaches continuing education classes in intimate partner violence for NASW-CA.

Emerald Templeton

Career and Professional Services Advisor Emerald Templeton is the School’s first-ever career and professional services advisor. In addition to managing an all-encompassing career services program for current and continuing students and alumni, Templeton will oversee continuing education, including course sessions that enable people to get and maintain licensure. Her aim is to have strong alumni involvement, with School graduates participating in facilitating the continuing education courses. “I like working with graduate students,” says Templeton about her current role, “but I also like the piece about education, social work, reinforcing social justice and doing something positive for the community.”

Lauren Hill

Research Administrator

As part of the transition to Campus Shared Services, Lauren Hill has assumed the role of research administrator for the School. Her previous work includes posts at uCSF, the university of Tennessee’s office of research and the Friends of Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park. She also spent several years in Portland, ore., where she was extremely active in environmental causes as well as operated a massage practice. Hill says she is looking forward to meeting with more people throughout the School, especially the PIs. “I would like to talk with them individually about their research and studies and learn more about their funding,” she says of her priorities in the coming months.

Nancy Nelson

Adminstrative Director, CalSWEC Nancy Nelson is a uC Berkeley veteran, having worked for the campus for the past 19 years, including her most recent position at the Botanical Garden. In her new role as CalSWEC’s administrative director, she manages financial and administrative functions. “My interest in social welfare was spurred by my daughter,” notes Nelson. “She is a public defender who cites the need for social workers as much as for attorneys for many of her clients.”



renovated exterior and interior encourage community building at the school of social Welfare


While the majority of Berkeley Social Welfare students and faculty were away from the uC Berkeley campus for their summer break, Haviland Hall was undergoing its own rejuvenation. As part of the first phase of construction on the longtime home of the School of Social Welfare, groundbreaking was initiated both in- and outdoors, with the ultimate goal of creating improved spaces that encourage informal interactions and a sense of inclusiveness among the School’s many constituents.

corner, an empty, forlorn dirt patch has been replaced by a newly landscaped, inviting seating area overlooking and directly beneath some of the campus’ tallest California redwoods. Dubbed the nathan Grove after former field education consultant and alumnus ed nathan (see sidebar), the picnic-style area is the first exterior space for the social welfare community to gather, talk, have a meal and enjoy the sunshine – or even the Berkeley fog – in immediate proximity to Haviland.

right outside of Haviland Hall, on the building’s northwest

Located inside the building directly across from the main

school news


Nathan Grove established in honor of former field education consultant, social worker and innovative grantmaker Inscribed on a plaque that has been mounted to the retaining wall that demarcates the School of Social Welfare’s newly created outdoor space is the message:

“A Place to Learn from Each Other” Edward A. Nathan 1919 - 2010 The late Edward Argé Nathan was an alumnus of the School as well as a former fieldwork consultant. He served as the longtime executive director of the Zellerbach Family Foundation and the co-founder of the Bay Area Social Services Consortium (BASSC). interior staircase is the new haviland Commons. The former closed-in classroom has been greatly opened up with glass walls that provide sightlines to the large windows on the building’s eastern side. With much more natural light flowing into the room, the large, colorful, communal space is ideal for individual or small-group study, informal get-togethers as well as intimate- to medium-sized events. In addition to the two major community spaces, changes large and small — from a classroom on the lower level outfitted with updated technology to an extremely popular new touch-operated water fountain that quickly refills full-sized bottles — continue to improve the learning, meeting and socializing spaces of Haviland Hall.

Nathan deeply valued community involvement and believed strongly in the notion that innovative results happen when different people come together to exchange ideas. “Ed’s modus operandi was, ‘Let’s bring people together to share their different understandings and find ways to collectively address a problem,’” says Professor Michael Austin. The outdoor project, which was overseen by UC Berkeley campus landscape architect Jim Horner, is a fitting tribute to its namesake for many reasons, notes Austin. “To me the Grove will be honoring not just Ed Nathan, but all of field faculty,” he explains. “They are the unsung heroes of the School.”


Upcoming event: MAP 50th Anniversary Celebration January 28, 2014 International House UC Berkeley campus

CELEBRATING 50 YEArS oF maP In 2014, as the nation honors the 50th anniversaries of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Johnson Administration’s War on Poverty, Berkeley Social Welfare’s management and Planning program is celebrating its own five-decade milestone. Introduced at the School of Social Welfare as the Community Organizing and Administration (CO&A) concentration, and eventually undergoing a name change in the mid-1970s to Organization, Planning and Administration before becoming Management and Planning – or MAP, for short – the program has produced generations of social work leaders and professionals seeking to improve the systems and influence the policies affecting society’s most vulnerable members. To help prepare students who were eager to promote social change through community organization, School of Social Welfare Professor Emeritus and doctoral alumnus ralph Kramer (Phd ’64) was hired by longtime Dean harry specht to run a program tailored to meet the demands of agency operation and community work. In addition to Drs. Kramer and Specht, School Professor Emeriti Bob Pruger and leonard miller as well as Professor neil Gilbert taught core courses in the program. According to Berkeley Social Welfare Professor, MAP alumnus and current Program Director michael austin (msW ’66), Dr. Kramer’s goals in helping establish the School’s first formal community organization program was to work “with faculty to develop a macro practice concentration that would complement the direct service focus of the MSW program,” which at the time included psychiatric social work, medical social work and juvenile corrections. In its initial iteration, CO&A was a second-year program with practice courses in community organization and administration as well as field placement service three days per week.


Dr. Ralph Kramer establishes the Community Organization & Administration program in the School of Social Welfare; Barbara Weiss serves as fieldwork consultant


Distinguished alumna and founder of the pioneering human services agency the Unity Council, arabella martinez (msW ’66), who, like Dr. Austin, was a graduate of the program’s second cohort, distinctly recalls the “focus on community and administration.” “The School of Social Welfare is where I first learned how to write proposals and work with boards of directors,” she says. “People in our group were very much interested in systems change,” remembers Dr. Austin. “Community organizing was part and parcel of the learning. My classmates had connections in the different communities and maintained and grew them.” As the political radicalism of the late 1960s settled into the 1970s and early-1980s Reagan Era, the social work field similarly evolved, as did Berkeley Social Welfare’s graduate program. “Social work began to move towards a more established space, and there was a curriculum shift to management and planning,” notes Dr. Gilbert. “The idea was that agencies would need people with management skills. Our academic program began to focus more on social planning and technical, research-oriented aspects of community practice.” During this period, the School also started prioritizing diverse professional experiences. “The School began to institute a ‘preference’ in our admissions by asking incoming students to have at least two years of some kind of paid experience in the field,” explains Dr. Gilbert. “The idea was that if students came in with a ‘real-world’ understanding, their expectations of their graduate education and professional training would better align.” anne Wilson (msW ’79), CEO of the United Way of the Bay Area and a graduate of the CO&A program, was one such example of a student seasoned with real-world experience. Wilson had spent three years as a probation




Civil Rights Act; Economic Opportunity Act (War on Poverty)

Free Speech Movement established in Berkeley; Voting Rights Act

Equal Rights Amendment passes Congress

— MANAGEMENT & PLANNING officer after completing her undergraduate degree before deciding to pursue her MSW. “I learned a lot from my classmates, who almost all had come from jobs in the field and could draw from their experiences for classroom discussions,” she says. The interactions and shared discussions within cohorts have continued to be cited by successive generations of program alumni as one of the most important aspects of their graduate education. “My cohort was an incredible group,” says andrea duBrow (msW ’98). She notes that among her MAP class are high-level administrators in the City and County of San Francisco Human Services Agency; the State Department of Corrections; CASA, Alameda County; and the Contra Costa County Employment and Human Services Agency. DuBrow, herself, is field consultant for the MAP program. Like her predecessors – Bari Cornet, who filled the role from 1990-2010, and Barbara Weiss (1963-90) – DuBrow provides the all-important service of matching MAP students with challenging field placements and ensuring that they are maximizing learning opportunities and goals through internship experiences. As for today’s MAP program, Dr. Austin explains that the ever-changing context and evolving complexity of managing human service agencies and nonprofits – along with the students’ understanding and anticipation of those realities – have strongly influenced classroom learning. “In the last 20 years, the nature of student expectations have helped to shape the reformulating of the curriculum,” he says. Dr. Austin notes that in looking to the future, themes centering on the use of technology to manage and improve organizational operations as well as an orientation to database decision-making and evidence-informed


Barbara Weiss retires; Bari Cornet joins MAP as fieldwork consultant


Dr. Kramer retires

management practice will continually grow in importance in MAP curricula. He also hopes to further emphasize the increasing need for inter-agency collaboration in human services – a point echoed by program alumni. “Inter-agency collaboration is hugely important,” insists Martinez. “That’s fundamental because you can’t have silos. They don’t work.”

“Boundary busting is really important.”

Anne Wilson (MSW ’79)

“Boundary busting is really important,” says Wilson. “MAP students have to know that if they want to work in the community organizing or policy- and systems-changing spaces, the private sector is a part of that, and it needs to be at the table. The public, nonprofit and private sectors working together – that’s the future.” “Our field is in need of smart and creative people who understand policy, program development, systems issues and social justice,” adds DuBrow. “The School of Social Welfare can help by offering the most current and rigorous internships and classroom experiences that draw on existing and anticipated future needs of the communities we serve.” Berkeley Social Welfare congratulates the MAP program and faculty on 50 years of educating and training outstanding and visionary leaders in the field. For more information on the MAP 50th anniversary celebration and reunion, please contact Joshua may at


Dr. Michael Austin appointed as head of MAP program


Dr. Julian Chow joins MAP program


Bari Cornet retires; Andrea DuBrow joins MAP as field education consultant

school news



impacting Community through advocacy, neighborhood revitalization and health disparities research

Long before she became the nation’s first Latina appointed by a u.S. president to a subcabinet level position or put into action her forward-thinking vision as CEo of the unity Council of transforming East oakland’s largely Hispanic Fruitvale District by creating a thriving cultural, mixed-used center, arabella martinez (msW ’66) was simply someone who cared deeply about her community. “As a result of the civil rights activity that was going on during the sixties, I had become very involved with the Mexican-American/Chicano movement,” she explains. “But one of my mentors, evilio Grillo (msW ’53), said to me, ‘If you’re really going to help your people, you need to get your professional degree.’” It was that advice, says Martinez, that influenced her decision to pursue an MSW at the uC Berkeley School of Social Welfare. Grillo, a prominent activist in the African American community as well as himself an MSW graduate, having earned his Berkeley Social Welfare degree in 1953, also heavily influenced the educational direction of another person Martinez cites as a mentor: herman Gallegos (msW ’58), an early leader in the civil rights advocacy group, Community Service organzation (CSo), where he worked alongside fellow organizer Cesar Chavez. “At the time, I had no real grasp of how far a degree in social welfare might be of benefit in solving complex problems, especially since many activists, including myself, viewed social welfare systems as handmaidens to power, instead of agents for social change,” explains Gallegos. Grillo, he says, helped redirect his thinking about graduate school. During his time at Berkeley, Gallegos feels he expanded his outlook from local and state levels to a national and international perspective, broadening his ideas about pluralistic solutions to society’s problems. Equipped with the community organization-focused training they received at the School, Gallegos and Martinez each forged a professional path driven by a strong commitment to social justice. Gallegos’ many subsequent roles included national president of the CSo; founding executive director of the National Council of La raza; and one of three founders of Hispanics in Philanthropy, an organization whose mission is increasing philanthropic support for Hispanic causes through grantmaking and by encouraging diversity on boards and staff. Gallegos was also often the first and only Hispanic to sit on foundation boards, including the rosenberg Foundation, the rockefeller Foundation, the San Francisco Foundation, the Dole Foundation, the Hogg Foundation and the Poverello Fund. Martinez began her post-MSW career as the executive director of the anti-poverty agency Valley Communities Economic opportunity organization. In 1969, she decided to take on the challenge of leading oakland-based unity Council, which was one of the very few Latino nonprofits in the nation at that time.

In 1977, President Carter nominated Martinez as assistant secretary for the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. She eventually returned to the unity Council in the late 1980s and is credited with not only saving the agency, which was on the verge of financial collapse, but rebuilding it and the surrounding community to award-winning success. By adopting an integrated approach, including the construction of affordable housing and recreational facilities, providing services for starting small businesses and organized trash clean-ups, the unity Council invigorated the Fruitvale District. The community development corporation is now widely recognized as a model in place-based development. Today, Berkeley Social Welfare faculty, Professor Kurt organista and Assistant Professor adrian aguilera, carry on the tradition of working to improve conditions for Latino communities by conducting research and seeking solutions for health and mental health disparities affecting the country’s fastest growing population. Dr. Aguilera’s clinical research focuses on the uses of health information technology in improving mental health services, especially among low-income and ethnic minority populations. He is interested in understanding the roles of culture and socioeconomic status, and his goal is to use that knowledge to develop effective interventions. Among his recent projects is an automated text-messaging adjunct to improve depression treatment. Funded by the robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s New Connections program, Dr. Aguilera’s project targets low-income, primarily ethnic minority outpatients, including Spanish speakers, suffering from depression and at least one additional chronic physical illness. Dr. organista has a long-standing interest in social work practice within the Latino community. Among his concerns are psychosocial problems within the Chicano and Latino communities, minority mental health, depression in Latinos and HIV prevention with Mexican migrant laborers/Latinos. His research on the latter takes special consideration of the environmental factors influencing individual behavior, such as harsh living and working conditions, as well as intense social stigmatization of undocumented Latinos in the u.S. Additionally, Dr. organista serves as the vice chair of the board of trustees for the San Francisco Foundation – a role that Herman Gallegos would appreciate, having been one of the first Latinos to serve on that very board. “Diversity on boards and staff increases the knowledge base from which decisions are made, potentially making those decisions better decisions,” Gallegos once reflected. Top left Leaders of the United Farm Workers: Street art in Los Angeles photo by Kenny Chang Bottom left to right Arabella Martinez, Kurt organista, Herman Gallegos, Adrian Aguilera

school news


GRAND ChALLENGEs for social Work Berkeley Social Welfare examines issues ahead for the profession and society

This past year, Berkeley Social Welfare launched a colloquia series to examine the “Grand Challenges for Social Work.” Initiated by dean Jeffrey edleson, Phd, as part of a national effort being led by the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare, the presentations serve to facilitate dialogues among social welfare scholars in identifying the pressing issues facing the social work profession and the larger community in the coming decade and beyond. By pinpointing these challenges, schools of social work throughout the country can better shape curricula and scholarship to meet the emerging demands of the field and needs of our society. Last fall, Dean Edleson moderated the first Grand Challenges event, “Promoting the nation’s health and mental health,” which focused on the context of social work practice in the changing landscape of the nation’s health systems. Speakers included California Association of Deans and Directors (CADD) of Schools of Social Work President dr. david Cherin; longtime social worker and the founder and director of oakland-based Prevention Institute larry Cohen; Marin County Department of Health and Human Services Director dr. larry meredith; and Mack Distinguished Professor in Mental Health and Social Conflict dr. steven segal.


cover story: grand challenges

Assistant Professor adrian aguilera moderated the second Grand Challenges event in November. “harnessing technology to enhance Behavioral interventions and improve service delivery” panelists explored the impact of emerging technologies — such as the Internet, social media and text messaging — in client outcomes, particularly among underserved communities, and how those vehicles are shaping social service delivery. The panel was comprised of leading thinkers and innovators in the technical arena, including esther Crawford, the founder of Lifebook, a website that assists “teams,” such as families caring for elderly loved ones and child welfare agencies, coordinate care efforts; margaret laws, mPP, director of the California Healthcare Foundation’s Innovations for the underserved program; and ricardo munoz, Phd, uCSF professor emeritus and Palo Alto university professor, whose research interests include evidence-based Internet interventions for health in Spanish and English. Professor michael austin moderated, “Poverty and the empowerment of Women: lessons from developing Countries for the u.s.,” which featured an international group of panelists involved in issues that


“Our School’s faculty, staff, students, alumni and partners can play a major role in helping define the grand challenges for our profession.” — Dean Jeffrey Edleson

included the role of NGos in Bangladesh, the challenges faced by women in India because of patriarchical structures and the policies and perceived effectiveness of micro-lending. Presenters included London School of Economics and Social Policy Professor david lewis as well as Berkeley Social Welfare Postdoctoral research Fellow dr. lalima srivastava and Mack Center Doctoral Fellow sirojudin. “the Challenge of an aging society,” focused on the unprecedented growth of the senior population in the united States – a group that is expected to surpass 71 million in the next 20 years. The panel also examined the issues, or – as moderator Professor andrew scharlach framed it – “the opportunities,” presented by the significant demographic shift. The invited speakers collectively provided an overview of aging services and policymaking in the Bay Area, California and the nation, along with their visions for policies and services to improve the quality of life for our aging population. Panelists were Institute for the Future Distinguished Scholar richard adler, on Lok Lifeways Executive Director and CEo robert edmonson and San Francisco Department of Aging and Adult Services Executive Director anne hinton.


cover story: grand challenges

Berkeley Social Welfare is continuing to lead conversations about our communities’ most pressing social issues in the 2013-14 academic year. In September, a special Grand Challenges event for first-year MSW students explored social work through the lens of community and policy-level interventions. larry Cohen of the Prevention Institute, dr. tony iton of California Endowment - Healthy Families and anne Wilson (msW ’79) of the united Way Bay Area, each shared their respective “broader perspective” in approaching social work service. Planned discussion topics for upcoming Grand Challenges will focus on poverty as well as the impact of social movements. “our School’s faculty, staff, students, alumni and partners can play a major role in helping define the grand challenges for our profession and, more importantly, provide the big and bold ideas to solve them as well as the leaders and scholars to help us reach these solutions,” says Dean Edleson.

Visit to watch videos of the Grand Challenges panel presentations.

clockwise from top: Event guest with Dr. Larry Meredith and Dean Edleson; Dr. Adrian Aguilera, Dr. Lalima Srivastava; Larry Cohen.


Berkeley Social Welfare is dedicated to serving the needs and advocating on behalf of our society’s most vulnerable members. Support our uncompromising commitment to this critical mission and help us remain at the forefront of producing the future leaders, educators and researchers of the social work profession.


modernizing library services

restoring the classic exterior

increasing student support

The Social Welfare Library has been a central study space for generations of social welfare students. Assist us in improving their learning environment with updated research and communication tools.

Designed by famed campus architect John Galen Howard, Haviland Hall turns 90 in 2014. Help us bring back the historically significant building’s original Beaux Arts splendor.

By financially supporting graduate fellowships, you provide MSW and PhD social welfare students the ability to pursue careers that advance social work practice, research and leadership.

If you would like more information or to donate to these projects, please contact Director of Development Tess Chandler at or 510.778.3010.

IN rESEArCH Paul Sterzing and Valerie Shapiro

UC Berkeley Center for Prevention Research in Social Welfare

photo whitney curtis

Assistant Professors Valerie shapiro and Paul sterzing recently established the uC Berkeley Center for Prevention research in Social Welfare (CPrSW), where they serve as co-directors. The newest addition to Berkeley Social Welfare’s Center for Social Services research seeks to “serve as the intellectual home for researchers intending to intersect the aims of prevention science with the mission and opportunities of the social work profession.” CPrSW’s primary areas of focus reflect the faculty’s own expertise, including emotional, behavioral and mental-health problems in children; violence and bullying among vulnerable adolescent populations; and children’s exposure to family violence. CPrSW affiliates convey the breath of prevention research in social welfare. Current faculty affiliates include Jeffrey Edleson; university of Denver’s Yolanda Anyon and ramona Beltran; State university of New York, Buffalo’s Patricia Logan-Greene; university of Southern California’s Jeremy Goldbach; Bryn Mawr’s Cindy Sousa; and university of Illinois, urbana-Champaign’s Karen Tabb Dina. recent CPrSW activities involved nurturing the skills of semester planning, developing a daily writing practice and holding peer-review workshops that support the submission of conference proposals, manuscripts and grants. CPrSW also hosted a Qualitative Analysis Institute facilitated by the university of Washington’s Dr. Taryn Lindhorst this past summer. Additionally, summer stipends were provided to students Sarah Accomazzo, Kelly Whitaker and Jennifer Lawson to collaborate with Center faculty on peer-review manuscripts. The CPrSW also celebrated the completion of Christina Jeffrey’s MSW/MPH capstone project as well as Mary Mykhaylova’s undergraduate thesis. upcoming activities include a workshop on designing curricula vitae, a methods training on latent class analysis conducted by Dr. Aaron Fisher as well as an additional peer review of conference abstracts, manuscripts and grant proposals. Dr. Shapiro, whose research looks at the ways in which communities select, implement, monitor and sustain evidence-based prevention practices, notes, “We are creating this Center to bring together scholars producing and disseminating knowledge at the nexus of prevention and social work in order to share ideas, pursue professional development and conduct collaborative projects.” Dr. Sterzing, whose current research involves understanding the familial typologies and mental health factors that increase risk for polyvictimization – the experiencing of five or more unique forms of victimization per year – among sexual minority youth, adds, “our aspirations for the Center are to create a mechanism that accelerates excellence and productivity for all its members and draws doctoral students with a prevention focus to Berkeley Social Welfare.” The National Institute of Justice has recognized CPrSW’s work through the recent award of a $465,404, three-year grant to Dr. Sterzing, who will serve as co-PI with Dr. Edleson on the Speakout project, which will examine the familial pathways to polyvictimization for sexual minority youth. The project launches in summer 2014 and will involve interviews with approximately 800 sexual minority youth about their experiences with more than 32 unique forms of victimization.


developments in research

Susan Stone

New Research Finds Positive Links between School Wellness Services and Youth Assets Berkeley Social Welfare Catherine Mary and Eileen Clare Hutto Chair for Social Services in Public Education susan stone’s latest research indicates that the utilization of school wellness services is significantly and positively linked to “youth development assets” – characteristics in school settings that contribute to students’ health, attendance and academic success. Her study, The Relationship Between Use of School-Based Health Centers and Student-Reported School Assets, conducted in partnership with the university of Denver School of Social Work, ETr and the San Francisco Wellness Initiative – a collaboration of the San Francisco unified School District, the Department of Children, Youth, and Their Families and the Department of Public Health, was published in the october 2013 edition of the Journal of Adolescent Health. In the report, Dr. Stone examines student-reported data compiled from surveys administered to 8,466 students across 15 high schools in the San Francisco unified School District. Her findings show that students who use any wellness service – when compared with those who do not participate – report increases in development assets. Encouragingly, the study also reveals a correlation between the frequency in Wellness Center visits and higher assets, as well as the most vulnerable and high-risk youth reporting the biggest effects from service use. one SFuSD high-school student noted, “Whenever I come into the Wellness Center, I feel safe and calm in an environment where I know people care about me. It’s like a house and we are all family.” Another student remarked, “I am relieved to finally be able to have a caring adult who I can talk to honestly and someone I can rely on for help.” “There is an urgent need to clarify how school-based wellness services support student academic functioning, and this research represents an exciting step in the process,” said Dr. Stone. “It is gratifying to work with the Wellness Initiative to build knowledge about how their practices link to student academic success.”

Eileen Gambrill

Propaganda in the Helping Professions and Social Work Practice (Third Edition) Berkeley Social Welfare Hutto Patterson Charitable Foundation Chair in Child and Family Studies eileen Gambrill’s Propaganda in the Helping Professions and Social Work Practice: A Critical Thinkers’ Guide (Third Ed.) were published by oxford university Press in 2012. Dr. Gambrill’s interest is in drawing on research and theory regarding propaganda, cognitive biases, evidence-informed practice and critical thinking to address ongoing problems in integrating research, practice and policy and honoring ethical obligations to clients. uCLA’s David Cohen, PhD, notes of Propaganda, “This book should be required reading for all helpers and would-be helpers, their clients, and those who aspire to be critical thinkers.”



dr. shenyang Guo, “Shaping Social Work Science: What Should Quantitative Research Do?” uNC-Chapel Hill School of Social Work Professor shenyang Guo visited Haviland Hall in September to serve as the first Berkeley Social Welfare Tripodi Lecturer in research Methodologies. Dr. Guo’s discussion touched on recent theories developed to help expand social work’s scientific knowledge base. He identified “three tasks that will help quantitative researchers in their work to form a social work science,” which include following the principles and tradition of positivism; incorporating the latest developments from econometrics and statistics; and addressing the most pressing and challenging issues of social work research and practice. The new lecture series was established through the generosity of School alumnus Tony tripodi (Ba ’54, msW ’58). Dr. Tripodi, who was in attendance at the inaugural presentation, explains that he established the series to provide the School of Social Welfare with an ongoing venue to explore “major areas of concerns, techniques or philosophies related to research.”


Bottom photo: Dr. Tony Tripodi and Dr. Shenyang Guo

SEABurY LECTurE IN SoCIAL WELFArE dr. laura abrams, “Compassionate Confinement: A Closer Examination of the Juvenile Corrections System” Laura Abrams (MsW ’92, PhD ’00) returned to her alma mater on october 12 to deliver the School of Social Welfare’s 2013 Seabury Memorial Lecture. The associate professor and doctoral program chair of social welfare at the uCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs shared findings from her recent book, Compassionate Confinement: A Year in the Life of Unit C, which is based on more than one year of fieldwork conducted at a boys’ residential facility. Compassionate Confinement, co-authored by Dr. Ben Anderson-Nathe, “situates the stories of young men, residential staff and the institution in the larger context of political debates about the value of juvenile corrections in changing the course of young men’s lives,” explains Dr. Abrams. Dr. Abrams noted that from what she observed in her fieldwork, involuntary treatment and “therapy” tended to be delivered in a punitive context, resulting in “paradoxical outcomes,” despite even the best of intentions. Many of the male youth she interviewed conveyed that, if anything, their time at the facility taught them how to improve their manipulation skills. photo Helmand PrT

Dr. Abrams, however, does not dismiss the need for juvenile corrections, but suggests instead that incarcerated youth be given the opportunity to open up without fear of punishment. She also expressed her hope that more social workers become interested in the juvenile corrections setting. She reminded the Berkeley Social Welfare students and alumni in the audience that it was “our social work foremothers” that first established correctional services for youth. keystone presentations


Upcoming event: February 20, 2014 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Haviland Hall UC Berkeley campus

FrIEDLANDEr LECTurE IN INTErNATIoNAL SoCIAL WELFArE lord nigel Crisp, “Turning the World Upside Down: What Rich Countries Can Learn from Poorer Countries about Health” Serving as Berkeley Social Welfare’s 2013-14 Friedlander Lecturer is nigel Crisp, a member of the uK’s House of Lords whose special interests include international development and global health. Lord Crisp has served as chief executive of the uK National Health Service, the world’s largest health organization, as well as permanent secretary of the uK Department of Health. He is the author of Turning the World Upside Down: The Search for Global Health in the 21st Century, and his latest book, 24 Hours to Save the NHS: The Chief Executive’s Account of Reform, 2000 – 2006. Please join us at Lord Crisp’s special presentation, “Turning the World upside Down: What rich Countries Can Learn From Poorer Countries About Health,” in which he will discuss both the striking similarities and sharp differences in the challenges facing health systems around the world. Noting that “populations of emerging and growing economies are demanding universal health coverage at the same time as the countries of the developed West are struggling to find ways to maintain coverage for their citizens,” Lord Crisp contends that in order to address these challenges, we need to “turn the world upside down,” which entails changing our mindsets, abandoning many of our preconceptions and learning from people outside the health establishments of high-income countries. The Berkeley Social Welfare Friedlander Lecture in International Social Welfare featuring Lord Crisp takes place on February 20, 2014 in Haviland Hall, uC Berkeley. The event is free to the public, and all are welcome to attend. Email socialwelfare@ for more information.


keystone presentations

Recognizes our Field Instructors for 2012-13 Sharon Abram Laurie Ackerman Norma Aguilar Angelina Ahedo Faymeeza ‘Fay’ Ali Lisa Amico Tuere Anderson Shira Andron Jamie Bachman Steven Baisch Jennifer Baity Shelly Ball DeEtta Barnhardt Daniel Barrows Michael Baxter Melanie Bien Sara Bisikirski Natasha Boissier Eleanor Boldrick Lynne Bornheim James Brennan Adrienne Brooks-Mahvi Mieke Bryant Cortne Bui Carol Burton Erin Butler Gretchen Cabrera Lauren Calderon Tessa rouverol Callejo Patty Campbell Jeremy Cantor Laura Castro Maria Cedeno Cory Chechile Giselle Clark-Ibanez Corey Cohen Jessica Colvin Denicia Cormier Evelyn Crespo Tara Croan Cindy Dominguez Maggie Donahue Bill Dorsey Anne Dudley Steve Eckert

Kristen Edmonston Kevin Edwards Stefanie Eldred Karen Erickson Letteria Fletcher Crystal Fong Cynthia Fong Elena Foshay Marta Friedman Andy Gaines Missy Gallo Michael Gammino rebecca Gates Jon Gilgoff Janet Gillen Kerby Ann Gleeson Shari Gleicher Brenda Goldstein Eveline Gonzalez Hasani Gough Abbie Gregor Nalani Griffin-Dunn Sara Grunstein Anna Gruver Daniel Gunther Donaji Gutierrez Cindy Gyori Shelley Hamilton Eric Hamm Margaret Hering Mathew Higgins Suzanne Hitchman Matt Holt Virginia ‘Vicky’ Huezo Jill Interrante Joy Jacobs Kathie Jacobsen Gloria Jenkins Karen Jensen Christina Jimenez Anne Job Jason Johnson Tamiko Johnson Izumi Jones Tracy Jones

Alice Jordan Jennifer Kaley Patrik Karlsson Lucy Kasdin Lindsay Kennedy Lauren Kenney Jennifer Kenny-Baum Melissa Kertz ronald Kimmons Carolann Kinzel Mary Kjosness David Knopf Jack Komejan Molly Koren Jeanine Kwan Ann LaFevre Mariah Lafleur Saul Laird Mary Lam Jodie Langs Cathy Lapid Miriam Levine-Alcala zoe Levitt robin Lewis Margaret Libby James Lin Perry Lisker Tammy Liu Kelly Lo Yanhui Luo Marty Lynch Alma Madison Suzanne Maggio-Hucek Brenda Mandac Susanna Marshland Jon Martin Samuel Martinez Melissa Martin Mollard Neely McElroy Matt McGinley Allison McManus Marian Meadows Cherina ‘CJ’ Medina Cynthia Mienert rebecca Milliken

Lilli Milton Sean Moller Erin Monahan Jennifer Morrish Erin Mounts Sandra Murcia Melissa Murphy Ayannakai Nalo Kristin Nelson Toni Nestore Ari Neulight Karen Newton Angela o’Brien Ben o’Meara regina osbeck Carol osmer Lorraine otero Juhye Park Tina Paskert Veronica Peinado Emily Perez Patricia Perez-Arce Arlene Pruitt Lisa Polacci Hannah raiden-Wright Chandra ray Miri regev Colette A. reid retha robinson Max rocha Ana rodriguez Jessica rose Shoshana rosenberg Erika rubinstein Irby Muang Saephan Phyllis Sakahara Vida Sanford Lisa Sapiro Tracy Schrider Judy Schwartz Linda Shak Beverly Shalom randi Shaw Yasaman Shirazi Jane Shisgal

Carol Shobert Neal Simon Monica Soto Courtney Spencer Annika Sridharan Tara Stafford Cris Stahl Sarah Swensen Laura Swope BulmaroTamayo ElizabethTarango Grace Telcs Nathan Thomas ColleenTimpane John Tinloy Jane Tran Marcy Trinidad Lisa Tsai Kristin urbinati Christy Vaile Amanda Valceschini Diana Valentine Hans Van de Weerd Sandy Vaughn Hugo r. Vazquez Cindy Vogl Derek Wang Amy Warner Barbara Watkins Karen Weaver George Wennerberg rachel Wilson Denise Winkowski rebecca Woodruff Deborah Wyman-Dixson Karen Xavier Ilene Yasemsky Lily Yee Mina Yen-Sadoff Tenzin Youdon Gloria Young Heather zarrilli Theresa zighera Jane zimmerman Leila zwelling

Thank you for your service to our profession. Funded by Berkeley Social Welfare’s Field Instructor Recognition Fund, established by Shaaron L. Gilson.

hAVILAND BrIEFS faCultY notes Professor michael austin has been named the editor of the journal Administration in Social Work, which will undergo a name change in January to Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance. Professor Jill duerr Berrick participated in the presentation, “Recommendations to identify and support at-risk families prior to intervention and to achieve family reunification,” at Improving Outcomes for Foster Youth in California. Professor eileen Gambrill delivered the plenary for social welfare, “Avoidable Ignorance and the Role of the Campbell and Cochrane Collaborations,” at the International Campbell Collaboration Conference in Chicago last May. Several of her articles also have been recently published, including “The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as a Major Form of Dehumanization in the Modern World,” Research on Social Work Practice, September 2013; “Birds of a Feather: Applied Behavior Analysis and Quality of Life,” Research on Social Work Practice, March 2013; and “The Value of Ellul’s Analysis in Understanding Propaganda in the Helping Professions,” Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, August 2012. Professor neil Gilbert was invited by Social Policy and Society to serve as an international editorial advisor. His recent published articles and chapters include, “Public Attitudes and Gender Policy Regimes: Coherence and Stability in Hard Times,” with Jing Guo, Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare (2013); “The American Challenge in Cross-National Perspective” in Jacob Hacker and Ann O’Leary’s Shared Responsibility, Shared Risk: Government, Markets and Social Policy in the 21st Century (Oxford UP); “What Poverty Means” in The American Interest (July/ August 2012); and “Anomalies in European Measures of Poverty and Social Exclusion” in Douglass Besharov and Kenneth Crouch’s Counting the Poor: New Thinking About European Poverty Measures and Lessons for the United States ( Oxford UP). Professor Jim midgley and alumni sam fitzgerald (Phd ’13) and sirojudin (Phd ’13) completed a new entry for Oxford Bibliographies Online on the topic of social development. Dr. Midgley also co-edited a special issue of the development studies journal, Development Southern Africa, on the theme of “Social Protection in Southern Africa: New Opportunities for Social Development.”


Professor Kurt organista recently presented, “The Urgent Need for Structural Environmental Models of HIV Risk and Prevention in Latino Communities: The case of Latino Migrant Workers,” as part of a speaker series sponsored by the UC Center for Latino Policy. Dr. Organista also served as a panel speaker on the topic, “Prevention, Protection, and Personal Power: New Perspectives on HIV,” at the 2013 West Hollywood Book Fair. Professor andrew scharlach recently presented, “The Village Model: A Social Innovation,” at the International Conference on Age-Friendly Cities. He also delivered the Annual Friedman Memorial Lecture for the George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis, as well as the keynote address at the annual meeting of the Massachusetts Gerontology Association. Additionally, Dr. Scharlach was awarded a grant by the Archstone Foundation for April 2014 - March 2015 in support of “Creating Aging Friendly Communities through the Expansion of Villages.” Professor steven segal contributed to the California Healthline “Think Tank” series’ invited article, “Should California Be Model for National Mental Health System?” earlier this year. Assistant Professor Valerie shapiro was a recipient of the 2013 Child Intervention, Prevention & Services (CHIPS) Fellowship, a program funded through the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Early this year, Assistant Professor Paul sterzing won a national honorable mention from SSWR for his outstanding dissertation on bullying of vulnerable youth.

staff notes

Longtime CalSWEC Program Evaluation Specialist sherrill Clark and retired Field Director Bart Grossman contributed the chapter, “The Children’s Bureau’s Influence on the Social Work Curriculum: One State’s Experience,” in Women & Children First: The Contribution of the Children’s Bureau to Social Work Education. After three years as the School’s communications assistant, Gabriel Cortez has taken a position as the volunteer outreach coordinator at College Track Oakland. Additionally, he and Natasha Huey, co-recipients of UC Berkeley’s Stronach Baccalaureate Prize, are working with the Suitcase Clinic on the Write Home Project, which connects homeless youth with poetry workshops.

California Child Welfare Indicators Project (CCWIP) Principal Investigator Barbara needell presented “Overview of California’s Child Welfare Indicator Data” using data from the CCWIP website at the event, Improving Outcomes for Foster Youth in California. emily Putnam-hornstein (Phd ’10), CCWIP researcher and USC School of Social Work Assistant Professor, has received several significant research grants, including a $10,000 grant from the Orange County Alliance for Community Health Research; a one-year, $100,000 award from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Maternal & Child Health Branch; as well as a sixmonth, $73,542 grant from First 5 LA. CCWIP Project Director daniel Webster delivered the invited presentation, “Trends in Child Welfare Outcomes,” to the California Blue Ribbon Commission on Children in Foster Care. Dr. Webster also co-instructed an “Advanced Analytics” training for child welfare staff from 10 counties at UC Davis and made invited presentations on longitudinal outcome data to staff from the Nevada Department of Children and Family Services and from the California DSS Outcomes and Accountability Bureau this past summer. Claudia Waters retired after decades of service as the computing manager. She is still lecturing at the School.

student notes

Doctoral candidate Clara Berridge (Phd ’14) presented “Subjecting one’s self to monitoring: Decision making about the option to use remote monitoring technologies in low-income independent living residences,” based on her dissertation research at the conference, Planning Later Life: Bioethics and Politics in Aging Societies, held at the University of Göttingen in Germany. Graduating MSW student minh dang (msW ’13) was named a White House “Champion of Change” for her efforts to stop sex trafficking of youth in the United States. Dang’s extraordinary commitment has also earned her a place on UC Berkeley’s Wall of Fame, which includes the names of campus graduates whose “visions and talents have changed the world.” Second-year MSW student lauren Gonzalves’ (msW ’14) journalistic piece, “Bred in Abuse,” was published in several Bay Area news outlets, including the East Bay Express,

which featured her work as the August 7, 2013 cover story. Her article looks into the life of Oakland former foster youth Moses Kamin, who murdered his adoptive parents in 2012. PhD candidate Colleen henry (Phd ’14) was a recipient of the Jim Fahey Safe Homes for Women Fellowship, which provides support for UC Berkeley graduate students with a deep commitment to combating domestic violence against women. leah Jacobs (Phd ’16) was selected to receive the 2013 University of California Human Rights Fellowship as well as the 2013 Berkeley Human Rights Center Fellowship. The awards will support her qualitative investigation of the experiences of forensically-involved individuals with mental illness living in San Francisco. Phyllis Jeroslow (Phd ’14) contributed a chapter titled, “The Earned Income Tax Credit as an antipoverty programme: palliative or cure?” to Social Policy Review 25: Analysis and debate in social policy, 2013, edited by Gaby Ramia, Kevin Farnsworth and Zoe Irving (Policy Press, Bristol, UK). mimi Kim (Phd ’14) was an organizer for Race, Domestic and Sexual Violence: From the Prison Nation to Community Resistance last spring. She presented her paper, “Contesting Feminisms: The Anti-Domestic Violence Social Movement and the Pursuit of Criminalization, 1973-1986,” at the event. Social welfare major sadia saifuddin (Ba ’14) was confirmed as the 40th student regent to sit on the University of California Board of Regents. She currently serves as an ASUC senator in UC Berkeley and will assume the UC student regent position in July 2014, following a one-year term as student-regent designate. As a voting member of the UC board, the student regent represents the perspective of the entire student body of the University of California system. Saifuddin is just one of two undergraduates to hold the position over the last decade.

haviland briefs


international briefs Professor Jill duerr Berrick was in Sydney, Australia to give the keynote address, “Poverty, Disadvantage, and Social Exclusion,” at a national conference on child welfare services. Her talk highlighted the economic concerns facing Australian families and the ways child welfare agencies can be responsive to low-income families’ needs. She also presented, “A cross-country comparison of decision making in child welfare services” as well as the poster, “Parenting Plus,” with an international group of collagues at the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse conference in Dublin, Ireland. Delegates from China’s Qingdao Municipal Government came to Haviland Hall to hear Associate Professor Julian Chow speak about domestic social work history, development and administration. The visit from the 20 delegates was facilitated through the nonprofit agency US-China Exchange Council. This past year, Professor neil Gilbert delivered the plenary address, “Social Policy Reform in the United States,” at the Conference on Social Development and Social Policy: International Experiences and China’s Reform in Guangzhou, China, as well as the lecture, “Transformation of the Welfare State: Implications for Private Responsibility,” in Seoul, South Korea, sponsored by Social Science Korea. While in South Korea, Dr. Gilbert joined with the research team to plan for the three-year project, Quality of Governance and Social Well Being. The mack Center on nonprofit and Public sector management hosted a Nordic Work Group on campus this past summer to explore efforts to involve service users in the improvement of public social services. The primary focus was an analysis of the Norwegian HUSK Project reflecting six years and a $10 million investment in service innovations. Oslo and Akershus University College’s Professor Asbjorn Johannessen and Professor michael austin served as event co-hosts. Professor Jim midgley was in London last winter to work on a joint research project at the London School of Economics on social protection in countries experiencing rapid economic growth. The findings of


haviland briefs

this study have been published in Social Protection, Economic Growth and Social Change: Goals Issues and Trajectories in China, India, Brazil and South Africa (Editor with David Piahcaud, Elgar, 2013). He also gave the keynote address at the International Symposium on Social Development and Community Welfare, held at Nihon Fukushi University in Nagoya, Japan, to mark the 10th anniversary of the creation of the Graduate School of International Social Development, which he helped to found. PhD candidate meghan Brenna morris (Phd ’14) – with the encouragement of AVEGA, the national association of widows of the Rwandan genocide – recently traveled throughout the central and eastern regions of Rwanda in an attempt to speak with women about their rapes. The project’s goal, notes Morris, is “to identify factors in the women’s lives related to their decision to take their cases to the transitional courts.” California Child Welfare Indicators Project (CCWIP) Principal Investigator Barbara needell and CCWIP researcher and USC School of Social Work Assistant Professor emily Putnam-hornstein (Phd’ 10) presented their research involving data linkage and predictive risk modeling at the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse (ISPCAN) conference in Dublin, Ireland. They also traveled to the Netherlands’ University of Groningen to give the invited lecture, “The Use of Integrated, PopulationBased Data to Identify Children at High Risk of Maltreatment.” Berkeley Social Welfare alumna Xiulan zhang (Phd ’99) was honored in the spring with the UC Berkeley Haas International Award. Dr. Zhang established Beijing Normal University’s Institute of Social Development and Public Policy in 1999. The Institute is now the School of Social Development and Public Policy (SSDPP) and one of the country’s most influential research centers focused on developing social service policy. Dr. Zhang is the School of Social Welfare’s second graduate to be presented the Haas International Award. Cambodian human rights activist mu sochua (msW ’81) recieved the honor in 2006.

recent publications Professor Andrew scharlach Kazumi Hoshino Healthy Aging in Sociocultural Context Routledge 2012 Dean and Professor Jeffrey Edleson Taryn Lindhorst Battered Women, Their Children, and International Law: The Unintended Consequences of the Hague Child Abduction Convention Northeastern University Press 2012 Professor James Midgley Social Development: Theory and Practice SAGE 2013

Professor Michael Austin Organizational Histories of Nonprofit Human Service Organizations Routledge 2013 Professor Kurt Organista HIV Prevention With Latinos: Theory, Research, and Practice Oxford University Press 2012 Professor Neil Gilbert Paul Terrell Dimensions of Social Welfare Policy (8th Edition) Pearson 2013

Lecturer Juliet Rothman From the Front Lines: Student Cases in Social Work Ethics (4th Edition) Contributors include natalie aragon (msW ’12), Colette hottinger (msW ’12), Kari Kientzy (msW ’09), rosa lutrario (msW ’12), maria melendez (msW ’09), Kylie Pedersen (msW ’12), sarah thibault (msW ’10) and Catherine turnbull (msW ’12). Pearson 2013 Professor Michael Austin, Editor Social Justice and Social Work: Rediscovering a Core Value of the Profession SAGE 2014 Social Justice and Social Work contributors (pictured below, left to right): Christina Branom (Phd ’13), megan moore (Phd ’12), sam fitzgerald (Phd ’13), amanda lehning (Phd ’10), anupama Jacob (Phd ’15), Jennifer Price Wolf (Phd ’12), rhonda Williams, Jenny Ventura (msW ’12), richard smith (Phd ’10), Kelly leroux, mary Caplan (Phd ’13) Social Justice and Social Work contributors (not pictured): leah Jacobs (Phd ’16), sarah accomazzo (Phd ’14), Jaclyn Grant (msW ’11), Bryn King (Phd ’14), hyun soo Kwon (Phd ’16), Katherine ray (msW ’12), Juliene schrick (msW ’10), Jasmin serim (msW ’12), sirojudin (Phd ’13), Kelly Whitaker (Phd ’17), elizabeth White, Wendy Wiegmann (msW ’07)


CalsWEC updates the California social Work education Center (CalsWeC) – the unique Berkeley Social Welfareadministered coalition of California schools and departments of social welfare/work, statewide human service agencies and other related professional organizations – continues to provide professional education opportunities, student support, in-service training as well as workforce evaluation and research. In keeping with its mission to continually improve public service delivery throughout California, CalSWEC engages in multi-faceted and ongoing projects with its numerous partners and stakeholders. Its recent activities include the following: • retooling of Common Core: Training and Curriculum Specialist melissa Connelly leads CalSWEC’s efforts with the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), counties, and other stakeholders on the Common Core 3.0 project — a reworking of the California Common Core Curriculum first introduced in 2005 for the state’s newly hired child welfare workers and supervisors. After extensive planning and stakeholder review of the concept for the revision, CalSWEC has begun gathering stakeholder feedback on the curriculum content. The curriculum will be developed and piloted in 2014 based on this feedback, with the new Common Core slated to roll out in 2015. • research/Practice Partnerships: CalSWEC’s Research and Development Committee continues to fund two Research/Practice Partnerships and plans to fund a third partnership in 2014 with a rural child welfare focus. The two currently funded innovative partnerships, one involving San Jose State University and Santa Clara and Santa Cruz Counties and the other with UCLA and Los Angeles County, bring research faculty together with county leadership and staff to improve practice as well as conduct applied research and evaluation. MSW students are involved in the partnerships, working with faculty to assist in the evaluation process. Barrett Johnson has coordinated the work of the Research/


Practice Partnerships, and their work will be integrated into CalSWEC’s larger research and evaluation activities by the recently hired Evaluation Manager, sandhya rao hermon. • mental health/Child Welfare learning Collaborative: Training and Curriculum Specialist Phyllis Jeroslow coordinates CalSWEC’s collaborative efforts to assist the CDSS and the Department of Health Care Services in implementing a new Core Practice Model designed to improve collaboration between mental health and child welfare agencies. The model, part of the Katie A. v. Bonta settlement agreement, is currently being rolled out statewide. CalSWEC, in partnership with numerous mental health and child welfare partners, including Rady Children’s Hospital/ Chadwick Center, the Regional Training Academies and the Child and Family Policy Institute of California (CFPIC), is coordinating a Learning Collaborative process with 17 counties that will allow them to learn together, strategize and exchange information. The Learning Collaborative process begins with the first statewide leadership team meeting for participating counties on October 28. • multi-system Collaboration against CseC: Barrett Johnson, CalSWEC’s director of the Child Welfare InService Training Project, has been named to the California Child Welfare Council’s Task Force on Ending the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC). The council’s Commercially Sexually Exploited Work Group was established under the auspices of its Child Development and Successful Youth Transitions Committee. It is calling for a statewide multi-system comprehensive and collaborative approach to combat the epidemic of commercial sexual exploitation of children in the state. In addition to participation by youth survivors and foster parents, the Work Group is comprised of public and private agency representatives from social services, mental health, probation, law enforcement, courts and child advocacy groups. • CalSWEC moved from its location on San Pablo Avenue to 2850 Telegraph Ave., Suite 215, Berkeley, CA 94705-1169 and also launched its newly redesigned website at calswec.

in memoriam John Momper (1948-2013)

John Momper, who served as Berkeley Social Welfare’s management and services officer, passed away on May 6 in Oakland. He was 64. Born in Pittsburgh, Pa., Momper was the third of six children. He went on to study political science and education at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania. He dedicated most of his professional life to public service, with a significant tenure at the Community Food Bank. He joined the UC Berkeley Labor Center in 2001. Momper remained with the campus for the rest of his career, taking posts in CalSWEC and the School of Social Welfare’s administrative office. An athlete and outdoor enthusiast, Momper was very involved with the Lake Merritt Joggers and Striders. He was also an avid tap-dance student and performed with his class at the Berkeley Repertory Theatre and the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco. He was active in helping save Studio One, the local community arts center in his Temescal neighborhood in Oakland. Momper’s hobbies included photography and watching films, and he held a particular fondness for foreign, silent and pre-1960s movies. Some tidbits shared by his wife Jeanette: He had an excellent ability to diagnose and fix all types of cars (until they became computerized) as well as a huge affection for cats and dogs. He also “identified with his Slovenian maternal side a bit more than his Irish/ Alsatian paternal side.” Momper happily became a first-time grandfather a couple of years ago and visited his son and infant granddaughter in Pennsylvania whenever he had the opportunity. He is greatly missed. On September 18, 2013, Momper’s colleagues, friends and family gathered at the Nathan Grove – the School of Social Welfare’s new outdoor space – for a special tree-planting ceremony. During the afternoon event, individuals shared stories and fond recollections before each helping shovel earth and dirt to plant the memorial Momper Tree.

in memoriam


hONOR roLL JULY 1, 2012


The Honor Roll lists donors who contributed in July 2012 to June 2013, with the following representing gifts made to the School during the 12-month period. We apologize for any inadvertent name omissions or other errors and ask that you contact the School’s development department. Berkeley Social Welfare thanks you for your generous support.

dean’s leadership circle

The Dean’s Leadership Circle is comprised of distinguished alumni and friends who have made an annual leadership gift of $500 or more in support of the dean’s vision of access and excellence in social work education.

Vera Dalenberg

Ruth and John Ackerman

Dorothy and Michael Dasovich

Opeyemi Ajimatanrareje

Margit David

Sarah Allphin

Ruth Davis

Claudia Armendariz

Bernard Davitto

Michael Armijo

Arletta Dawdy

Robert Ayasse

Bronwyn and John Manuel


david and muriel Kears

anne-therese ageson

ralph and hadassah Kramer

Erica B Baum

sandra auerback and Victor scheinman

seymour lapporte

George and Anne Benker

John and Carrie lee

Jill Duerr Berrick

richard Barth and nancy dickinson

Anthony Barreiro

Marilyn Benson

milton and florence Krenz mack estate

Evelyn and Behram Barucha

heidi Chu

Judge James and rita mize

Chevron Corporation

national association of social WorkersCalifornia Chapter

Deborah Bock

abigail nichols

Ann Branham and Philip

lavonne Peck

Bristol-Myers Squibb

Barbara Bradner Cornet Christopher and lynn Crook Peter and diana Crook Jo anne and terry dale evan B. donaldson adoption institute

Cheryl and Gerald


Catharine ralph Paul and stephanie reisz arthur rock and toni rembe rock

Wayne and leslee feinstein

miriam shein

sue anne Gershenson estate

sherry and david smith



Catherine hutto Gordon

Bruce and susan stangeland

rudolf f Greulich

the Whittier trust Company

Cynthia hecker

Wallace alexander Gerbode foundation

ernest and sylvia hirose

Patricia and raymond Williams

De Figueiredo Lolita Doppelt-Dixon and John Dixon Andrea DuBrow and Paul Buddenhagen Melanie Duckworth Diane and Thomas Dugard Evelyn and Loren Dwyer Walter Earnest and Nancy Littlefield Jacqueline Ensign Barry Epstein Alejandra Escoto Juan and Martha Escoto

Lauren Britt

Kristin Farese

Sarah Brown

Judith and Donald Feiner

John Brown

Elena Fernandez

Judith Brown

Lillian and Stewart Fong

Shirley Buxton

Norma Fong

Luna Calderon

Rose Fong

Maximiliano and Patricia

Stephen Forkins and


Suzanne MacDonald

Edward Campana

Barbara Forrest

Carole Chamberlain

Risa and John Foster

Tess Chandler

Gwendolyn Foster

Mark Charns

Martha Frank

daniel ikenberg

Charns & Charns Attorneys

Karie Frasch

Jewish Community foundation

Julian Chow

Herman Gallegos

Stephanie Cuccaro-Alamin

Susan Garbuio and William Nern Jr

James Cunniff

Elizabeth Gemberling

At Law

save the Date Dean’s Leadership Circle Dinner, February 20, 2014


Anonymous (13)

Information to follow.

Gabrielle Fuchs

Harry and Ann Gin Rachelle Goldenberg

Linda and Stephen Lazzareschi

Charlotte Ranallo

Susan and Oscar Sung

Mahika Rangnekar

Timothy and Christine Taich

L. Christina Gonzalez

Robert and Leslie Leighninger

William and Janet Reger-Nash

Laurel Telder

Nadia Gonzalez

Tram Le-Nguyen

David Reiss and Rufina Lee

Mark Thibedeau


Judith Levin

Constance and Stanley Rinne

Elizabeth and Robert Throop

Steven and Donna Gothelf

Joyce Lewis

Robert Roberts

Rowena York-Ching Tong

Janice and Robert Green

Lawrence Liese

Irma Rodriguez

Lenda Townsend-Williams

Mary Greenberg

Cynthia Lim and

Roger Roffman

Wilma Greenfield

Perry Landsberg

and David Mullens

Dennis Romano

Karen Toy

Marilyn Griffin

Jeanine Lim and Greg Chan

Jessica Romm

Carol Trust

Neil Hamilton III and

Gordon Limb

Mary Rosales

Maxine and Kenneth Tucker

Betty Lin

Deborah Rosenberg

Paula and Carl Ulrich

David Lindeman and

Susan Rosenthal

Andrew Ulvang

Sarah and Lawrence Rowen

Radiana and Earl Vasconcellos

Raquel Haber Ruiz and

Panangattur Venkatachalam

Janet Gusukuma-Hamilton Meekyung Han Joslin Herberich

Mary Pittman

Monica Hernandez

Brittani Lindman

Rachel Herndon

Emma Lucas

Ariel Hershcopf

Terrie Lyons

Leslie and Kenneth Salonen

Phyllis Ward

Sylvan and Marjorie Heumann

John Joseph Magruder

Susan Sanders

Daniel Webster II and

Donald Hildenbrand

Ronald and Coralie Matayoshi

Falesoa Sao

Art and Edna Hom

Christian McDaniel and

Teryl Schneider

Bonnie Lou Weisel

Margaret and

Robert and Nessa Lerner Wilk

Larke Huang

Katherine Vogel

Mariah Hudler

Catherine McKenzie

Morgen Humes

Gregory Merrill and

IBM Corporation

Roger Daniels

Stephen Haber

Michael Sheldon Peg Shemaria-Hedman Henry and Delfina Shoane

Helen Walter

Erika Klemperer

Alice Wilkins Robert and May-Blossom Wilkinson

Susan Jacquet

James and Khadija Midgley

Cassandra Simmel

Diane Wong

Harriet Jernquist

John Momper

Rachel Sklar

Carol Yang

Deborah and Terry Hayes

Richard Montantes

Janice Smith

Gary and Ruth Yeatts

Kathleen Jones-West

Ruth Moreno

Irene Solis

Kelly Yun

Karen Jordan

Susan Murray

Soos Family Trust

Ruth Kaplan

Gerald and Joyce O’Connor

Sylvia Soos

Catherine Kessler

Jonathan Pannor

Jacquelyn Stanley and

Jason and Celia Kimbrough

Patricia Paul

Mikyong Kim-Goh and Francis Goh

Payne Family Trust

Jane Stavenau

Glenna Kong

Charles and Robin Payne

Martha Stebbins

Evelyn La Torre

Julie Peck

Elizabeth Stone

Louis Labat

Enid Pritikin

Paul Stretch

Peter Langhoff and Gay Searcy

Rainbow Grocery

Sally and Neill Sullivan

Kudret Oztap

For more information about giving or becoming a Dean’s Leadership Circle member, contact Tess Chandler at 510.778.3010 or

Cathy and Patrick Lapid

2012-13 honor roll


Berkeley Social Welfare 120 Haviland Hall, #7400 University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720-7400


prehensive web-based vices manager is a com the haviland Career ser opment to connect De eer & Professional vel Car of ce Offi the for on soluti -art features have employers. Its state-of-the with students, alumni and dents than ever before vide more services to stu enabled our office to pro free of charge. to build a dynamic e round-the-clock access Students and alumni hav documents to build a er oth er, transcripts and lett er cov a oad upl e, resum workshops and ly for jobs and RSVP for professional portfolio, app ectly to our students, s can easily post jobs dir yer plo Em ns. sio ses n informatio s, sign up to host the system in their inboxe m fro ns tio lica app e eiv rec more. information sessions and

visiting sign up for havJobs by https://socialwelfare-berke

Visit Berkeley Social Welfare’s new website:

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