Acne Scar Guide - Acne Scars Treatment And Reasons

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Berkowis Hair & Skin Clinic

Acne Scar Guide | Acne Scar Treatment Type, Causes, Clinics & treatment

Meenakshi 12/5/2017

Acne Scars Acne is a chronic skin disease that results in whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, cysts, and nodules as the side effects of it. It is not dangerous, but it can leave skin scars. In present age, you can remove acne scars, pimple and stretch marks by professional dermatological acne treatments at Berkowits Clinic.

Categories of Acne  Non Inflamed Acne  Inflamed Acne

Skin Care At Berkowits For Acne Skin care is one of the most important regimes in a person’s life. It totally evolves the skin texture and helps in making skin breathe. Who doesn’t know the current status of the environment? Just like it is dynamic, our skin too keeps changing with the weather. It is the largest organ of the body and never remains the same. It ages too as we age and in order to age gracefully; we should take proper care of it.

Our skin bears a lot of things everyday whether it is pollution, harsh chemicals in the form of creams and stress. Stress also affects our skin a lot. In fact, it shows on our skin and our skin starts facing the negative effects of it. These days skin care products which are produced from natural ingredients do not have dangerous chemicals. They do not have side effects also if they do not affect the skin. Pigmentation on the face has affected many people. Pigmentation happens when our body produces too much of a

chemical which is known as melanin. Pigmentation on the face is the most prominent though it can also occur on other parts of the body. Acne scars are one of the most major types of scars that become very difficult to cover up. In fact, our face starts to look ugly when they get worse. Today, markets are bombarded with plenty of acne scars treatment and help treating various conditions. Don’t go for the miracle cures when we talk about acne scars treatment as even worsen the condition. Today, with the advent of technology and science many treatments are available. Laser treatment, dermabrasion and face contouring are one of the most renowned acne scar treatments. Apart from skin problems, one condition which is inevitable is ageing. We all will age at a certain age and its effects starts showing too. Wrinkles, freckles and fine lines are one of the most apparent signs of aging. But, don’t be scared! Today wrinkle removal treatments are available to get rid of the signs of aging. Wrinkle removal treatments include laser treatments and wrinkle creams. The best part of using them is that they take less time for the results to show and are pain less. Moreover, these treatments give a young and bright looking skin. Our face is the most visible part of our body and bears a lot of things every day. Harsh sun rays increases pigmentation on the face and makes it look dull and pale. Avail advanced treatments and make your skin look a decade young!

Causes Of Acne One of the reasons teens eagerly awaits adulthood is, you guessed it, freedom from acne! Let’s face it Zits and blackheads (other names that acnes are ‘dis-affectionately’ called!) be really annoying for anybody be it teens or adults. Between dealing with acne scars and dealing with the stretch marks they leave behind, they tend to eat up lot of one’s confidence. People suffering from adult acne shy away from situations - be it canceling their meetings or dates because they are embarrassed to face people while dealing with acne.

What causes acne? 1. Hormonal imbalance Women tend to suffer from fluctuating hormones during:*Periods *Menopause, pre menopause, during pregnancy *Discontinuing or starting birth control pills These are one of the primary causes of acne. 2. Dietary imbalance Consuming a lot of junk and sugary food is not the only cause of acne. Eating an imbalanced diet, ignoring the nutrient value while having a meal and consuming lot of refined carbs can also trigger breakouts. 3. Stress Stress is a big cause of acne. What it also does istrigger the already persisting issue and make it worse. So keeping yourself calm and stress free in any situation is important to keep the acne away. 4. Family history Some people may have a genetical disposition for acne. People with parents, siblings or any close genetically related family member with acne have a higher chance of having the breakouts themselves. 5. Unknown medical condition There could be a possibility that the underlying root cause is an undiagnosed disease. Once the disease is diagnosed and treated - the acne may start to disappear. 6. Side effects of a medication Acne may get triggered as a form of side effect of a medicine that one is taking. So always take the advice of a doctor before starting any medication.

Acne Scar Treatment There are a few steps you may follow while treating acne:1. Cleansing your face and removing oil and dirt from your face at least twice a day. 2. Have a balanced diet that is rich in fibre and eat lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. 3. Increase your water intake as that would flush out the toxins. 4. Use cosmetics that are non-comedogenic (don't clog pores) or non-acnegenic (don’t cause breakouts).

5. Have adequate sleep of 8 hours everyday to relax and rejuvenate your body and mind and will help you curb stress. 6. Take treatments that suit your problem. Skin clinics like Berkowits Hair & Skin Clinic offer a range of services that can help you curb the acne issue. Their panel of experts can examine your skin and suggest a suitable service.

Remove Acne Scars with Professional Treatments We all know that skin clinics are there to help us with our skin problems. Visiting a skin clinic helps you in getting rid of those unsightly blemished and also improves the texture of the skin. Complete skin care starts from within but when home remedies and other medications are not helping, then it is better to seek a professional treatment.

Acne is a common problem that most people suffer from these days especially teenagers and young adults. Acne is caused by increased hormones and clogged pores or bacteria. Most people treat it by cleansing, using topical ointments or even oral contraceptives. But when your acne becomes severe, it leads to scars that are not good in appearance and can become dark with time. When you visit a skin clinic, the skin care practitioner will identify your scar type and take steps accordingly. There are many acne scar removal techniques present and not all treatment procedures may work for you, your skin care provider will choose the best procedure for you. Basic skin care starts at home where you can wash your face twice a day with a mild face wash. Keep in mind that whenever you step out of your home in day, sunscreen is a must. It will not only protect you from harsh UV rays but also protect you

from aging fast. Glowing skin comes from healing your body from inside by eating nutritious and healthy food everyday that is full of proteins and vitamins. If you are facing severe acne scar problems, then it is best for you to visit a professional skin clinic and get yourself a laser or a light treatment.Laser treatment for scar removal is considered the best these days as it requires half an hour or so and leaves no scar after the treatment. During the treatment, laser goes deep in the skin to remove the scar from inside and out which is quite effective. It has only temporary side effects which away after sometime but you will have a healthy skin anyway after it. We should also exfoliate our skin to remove the dirt settled in the pores and provide it a clean and refreshing look. Skin care is all about giving proper attention to our skin and we should keep it in mind that by using every treatment or every cream will not nourish our skin rather make it rashed and pale. Thus, a little care with proper regime is enough to have a glowing skin. Always ensure that you take out time to make out what kind of treatment and repair your face requires.

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