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Class Notes


George Church III jayneme3@gmail.com

Jon Miller writes: “I have been having a lot of my comments on world affairs and nuclear matters published in ‘Quota’ on the internet recently, both as Jon and Jonathan Miller. At times I am not so sure that they don’t think of me as two separate persons.”

1949 75 th

Robert W. Doyle, Sr. robertwdoylesr@gmail.com

Howard Esquirol writes: “After 30 years as a pharmaceutical sales rep, I’m now spending six months in Florida and six months in Minnesota with most of my time spent on the golf course.”


John B. Hull III (413) 528-1528


John G. Cluett jcluett34@gmail.com

1954 70 th


Frederick C. Twichell ttwichell@thacher.org


Daniel C. M. Crabbe crabsail@icloud.com


Thomas B. Anderson III reno_retired@yahoo.com

Walter S. Henrion walthenrion@gmail.com

Walt Henrion writes: “Page and I are in the midst of an interesting travel schedule—an 18-day driving trip to California, five days in Jamaica with the grandchildren, a 10-day boat trip in Norway, and five weeks at Snowmass Village, CO. Come September, we will be ready to ‘put our feet up.’”

Bill Kirtz writes: “Carol and I enjoyed seeing Lois and Dick Case, and had visits from Jon Romero’s widow, son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren, and from Walt Henrion’s daughter and granddaughter.”

1959 65 th

G. Alexander Creighton lifeosunshine@gmail.com

Sandy Creighton writes: “I am stepping in to be ’class communicator’ for the Class of 1959 class notes.”


Joseph D. Bodak, Jr. jdbodakjr@hotmail.com

Stephen P. Norman steve@spnormanco.com

Joe Salembier writes: “After graduating from Penn, I worked in ad agencies and corporations in New York, NY, and Phoenix, AZ. I was the director of marketing for Doubletree Hotels, now owned by Hilton. After I retired, I wrote songs, poems, and plays. One play is scheduled for a staged reading at a theater in Fresno, CA. Maybe I’ll see you there!”

Steve Smith writes: “Berkshire still ranks at the top of my personal list for ‘most formative’ influences in my life education over the many decades of my career. Currently, with homes in the Berkshires (Lenox, MA), and the Americas (Miami, FL), it is still my pleasure to enjoy the full gamut of life experiences that Berkshire so well prepared me for. Always my pleasure to compare notes with other Berkshire grads.”


Peter R. Kellogg pkellogg@iatre.com

remember being in a very small art class with Anthony Goldschmidt and recall painting scenery with Tim ‘Hass’ Warrener in the Drama Club. Back then the Camera Club had its very own darkroom. I didn’t know we had squash courts until I went down to one of the wrestling workout rooms my senior year and discovered it was really a squash court. I got Pete Sammis, Len Grace, and others from the tennis teams and we played ‘club’ games against some of the nearby schools.”


Andrew S. Berkman aberkman@cpny.com


Peter V. K. Parsons pvkp2@msn.com

1964 60 th


Tristam Johnson writes: “After years of avoidance and denial, I decided to go back to Vietnam to meet the people, witness their everyday lives, their health, and their attitudes. As a

Vietnam veteran, I was not interested in a ‘Battlefield Tour.’ Wendy and I booked our trip through waytovietnam. com. It was very well organized with drivers and guides for each of the four cities we visited. I came away from that trip regretting that we did not stay longer. The Vietnamese have turned their backs on the war and are living fully for today and tomorrow. I had some warm wonderful ‘forgiveness’ contacts that will remain with me forever. I would go back and encourage anyone considering a trip to contact the organization we used. Finally, some peace is possible, and life is good!”


Harlan J. Swift, Jr. timswifty@gmail.com


F. Woodson Hancock III woods1949@gmail.com


L. Keith Reed lkreed.mt@gmail.com

Henry Mendell writes: “In May 2022, I fully retired from California State University, Los Angeles. Since then, I have held a brief research fellowship at Bochum University and an extended visiting professorship at UCLA (through 2024). My latest work, begun while on a celebratory retirement trip to Sicily, Italy, with my wife, which should be published this summer, reconstructs the history and algorithm for the area of a circle segment from 5th century, BCE Uruk to Hero of Alexandria (1st century, CE). So I’m not really retired.”

1969 55 th

Kent S. Clow III ksc3@msn.com


Robert L. W. McGraw blackrockfarm@hotmail.com


Kevin J. Bruemmer kevin.bruemmer@gmail.com


John Y. G. Walker III jwalker2353@gmail.com

Jack Bacon writes: “I retired from NASA in September and I’m busier than ever. I have been selected by Viking as a scientist/specialist aboard their exploration class ships. I began assisting in research in the Great Lakes in June, and I will be sailing from Ft. Lauderdale, FL, to Antarctica, October through November, via the Panama Canal and the Chilean Fjords. In between, I will be conducting research aboard a NASA observation aircraft over Utah on September 24, documenting the fastest-ever entry of a spacecraft into Earth’s atmosphere during the return of NASA’s OSIRISREX asteroid sampling mission. Additionally, I’ll be lecturing aboard Viking ships all over the world for the next several years.”

Hayward McKee writes: “It was really wonderful seeing so many at our 50th in June 2022. If not for a few that at the last minute couldn’t attend, we would have had the record. Also, as an actual side benefit of the pandemic, it was the 50th for the classes of 1970 and 1971. So good seeing many of them too. Unfortunately, due to the cramped plane travel, I had a weeklong bout of sciatic leg pain that limited my mobility and kept me off the Mountain. The golf carts were a blessing, though not used a lot unless happened to be nearby. I wish I’d known in advance how many went to the 45th ... Maybe do the 55th, too. The 60th might be starting to push it. ;)”


Rex S. Morgan, Jr. rexsmorgan@gmail.com

Michele Robins michele.robins@gmail.com

Leon J. Weil, Jr. jerryweil.tennis@gmail.com

Chip Perkins writes: “Best news of the year. My son, Sam Perkins ’14, joined me at our firm Perkins Fund Marketing in February. He and his wife, Georgia, moved from Austin, TX, to North Palm Beach, FL, and our office is in Jupiter. Come for a visit Bears.”

Stowe Shoemaker writes: “My third book was published by Indigo River Publishing and distributed by Simon & Schuster. It is titled ‘Hospitable Healthcare: Just What the Patient Ordered.’ It examines how the principles of hospitality can help healthcare organizations improve the patient experience.”

Alec Wyeth writes: “Hello friends! I retired from private and public education in June after 45 years in the greatest of all professions. As I look back over my career, I was indeed blessed to work with so many wonderful and dedicated educators—all nation builders—who genuinely care about helping students grow toward adulthood, possessing strong character and skills. What next, you may wonder? Advocating for world peace, followed by stump grinding, playing Wordle with Rex, and supporting Trillium consumption with Chris Groves, Jerry Weil, and the debatably ’good’ Tom Mullany are viable options after traveling with my wonderful wife Billie and seeing my two extraordinary daughters get married. Then hopefully, I will be a teacher again!”

1974 50 th

Louise A. Clement luluinsf2005@yahoo.com

Ted Collins writes: “Glad to be reconnected with Berkshire alumni. Fond memories of the ’70s. Celebrating this entire year, our 50 years of marriage. To God be the Glory.”

Jamie Garard writes: “I recently moved to Florida. It was great to catch up with Alex Carlisle and Jeffrey Harris Looking forward to next year’s 50th.”

Peter Lindstrom writes: “Spring is bursting out here in Great Barrington, MA! I’m keeping things simple by walking, biking, and playing music. One more year till our 50th. Let’s all try to reunite. Peace.”


Joe Fusco writes: “Several classmates attended the excellent online conference on the history of the Berkshire School Mountain Cabins hosted by Archivist

Bebe Clark Bullock ’86: David Peck, Gerry Katz, Gordon Harris, and Chris Petersen ’74. Enough time has elapsed so that a (somewhat sanitized!) account of our adventures on the Mountain can be committed to the historical record.”

Jon Kessler writes: “While other members of my class are probably approaching retirement, I became an assistant professor of clinical practice at Merrimack College in the undergrad and graduate school of social work. I presented a lecture in Riga, Latvia, at Riga Stradins University. My lecture focused on brain development, attachment, trauma, and addiction. My wife is a Fulbright scholar doing research in Latvia for six months.”


Richard M. McGivern rmcgivern@msn.com



Case Casey writes: “My wife, Barbara, and I had the pleasure of hosting former faculty Bob and Iona Brigham for lunch at our home in Southern Vermont in February. It was great to see them and talk about Berkshire days, along with the many other schools lucky enough to have had the Brighams working with students. I also commended Bob for his ability to deal with the emotional expectations of teenage ski team members. This was driven home to me with our daughters’ Nordic competitions in Vermont.”


B. Boehland bbboehland@gmail.com

Lily Leonard Goodale writes: “I divide my time between Jupiter, FL, and Cuenca, Ecuador. I am a Montessori teacher and own Academia Montessori in Cuenca. My husband and I have a small farm there as well. We have two children, Adrianna Goodale (25), who is also a Montessori teacher, and Jesse Goodale (23), who works and lives in NYC.”

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