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4. Proposal in Detail

The development application received is for the partial demolition of an existing single storey dwelling and garage for the construction of first floor additions to both the main and ancillary structures. More specifically, the proposal includes;


Ground floor level

Main Dwelling ● Demolition of the back 3 quarters of the roof of dwelling structure ● Demolition of internal wall and window bounding existing kitchen ● Demolition of the metal roofing of existing back extension ● New metal roofing for back extension ● Interior alterations to accommodate new staircase in proposed kitchen and living area ● Interior alterations to existing/retained bathroom Garage ● Demolition of existing roof of garage ● Removal of rear garage wall and garage door

First floor level

Main Dwelling ● Addition of first floor atop the back 3 quarters of existing dwelling structure ● First floor proposes to contain a bedroom, master bedroom, study and two ensuite bathrooms ● South West Face partially offset from the boundary line to accommodate for a window with a fire shutter for the bedroom ensuite as per BCA regulation ● Timbre looking aluminium framed windows to be along the north east side and south east rear of the building - includes a high window and bay window ● Front portion of the proposed roof slants on a diagonal to disguise first floor addition, meeting the first floor wall and will be tile roofing to match the existing roof that is retained. The overall roofing of the first floor will take the same form as the existing dwelling which is the hip roof form. ● First floor external walls proposed to be rendered and paint finished with a grey colour. Garage ● Addition of first floor for studio space (loft and non-habitable space) and internal staircase ● Two sets of new windows to be included in the first floor addition, one facing the private space of the property and the other facing Stanmore Lane. ● The proposed garage and loft roof design is to be an asymmetrical gable form with the south east window (which has been deemed by this assessment as a contemporary dormer window) protruding from the main garage roof face.

External works

● There are no external works in the proposal. Landscape plan shows retention of the front lawn landscaping, planter boxes and paving.

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