The Live Love and Eat Magazine

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Live Love and Eat Health|Wellbeing|Nutrition


In This Issue:

Undefining the Relationship

A Thanksgiving Tradition

Goal Setting for December

Gratitude is

A New Gratitude Tradition

Good for us

Prevent the mid winter blah, by planning now! Benefits of Pranayama

Is Your Skin Communicating Stress?

Feel Better now

The Divorced Girls Guide™ To An Unapologetically Single Thanksgiving

Wabi Sabi Your Way through the holidays

How to Navigate

Meet our Spotlight Mark Semple

Grief and Stress During the Holidays

Thanksgiving Recipes for the whole Family

3 Easy Tools for visualizing more money


What is inside MEET OUR SPOTLIGHT Mark Semple

RECIPES Thanksgiving Recipes for the whole Family

MEET OUR CONTRIBUTORS Read all about what wonderful work they are doing


ARTICLES 03 Editor's Note 14 A Thanksgiving Tradition 16 Prevent the mid-winter blah, by planning now 19 Gratitude is good for us! 24 Undefining the Relationship 29 How to navigate grief and stress during the holidays 33 Wabi-Sabi your way through the holidays 36 A New Gratitude Tradition 38 Benefits of Pranayama 41 Feel Better Now 43 November Poems 49 3 Easy tools for visualizing more money. See money before it arrives 54 Is Your Skin Communicating Stress? 57 The Divorced Girls Guide™ To An Unapologetically Single Thanksgiving 62 Goal Setting for December


EDITOR'S NOTE New stories, new writers It is the month of November. November is all about gratitude! Gratitude is noticing and appreciating good things in the world. I am grateful for my family, my business and being healthy. I am also grateful for the challenges I had to face this year and turning challenges into success. And then as always, I am grateful for YOU as a reader! Thank you for all your support throughout the year and for making this magazine a success. My goal was and is to reach even more people that are interested in health, nutrition, and spirituality. We at Live Love and Eat strive to reach out and touch all people with a message of love and wellness. Throughout the year, people contacted us and ask if the magazine is out in print. We listened to you as a reader and I am happy to tell you that the Live Love and Eat Magazine is also out in print. You can order your printed copy on our website. You can still order your digital copy on Amazon. We have lots of amazing articles in our November issue, Healthy advice for a healthy and happy Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving recipes and more. Be sure to read every single one of them. Enjoy the Month of November.

Bernadine Otto Editor in Chief




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Managing Editor Bernadine Otto Contributor Judy Brown

Bernadine Otto

Judy Brown

Jace Jacobs

Dear Therapy

Lori Booty

Diane Letchworth

Mark Semple

Kim Klein

Sherry Parks

Kalpana Vasu

Dr. Danielle Litoff

Linda Cashman

Sarah Young

Wendy Sterling

Contributor Jace Jacobs Contributor Dear Therapy Contributor Lori Booty Contributor Contributor Contributor Contributor Contributor

Diane Letchworth Mark Semple Kim Klein Sherry Parks Kalpana Vasu

Contributor Dr. Danielle Litoff Contributor Linda Cashman Contributor Sarah Young Contributor Wendy Sterling Contributor Amberlin Harrison

Anisha Anand

Amberlin Harrison

Recipes Bernadine Otto Recipes Anisha Anand Spotlight Mark Semple Book Feature Michelle Brown

Michelle Brown 4497 Wyndtree Drive , West Chester 45069 513 275 8081 |

THANKSGIVING DAY Thanksgiving is celebrated each year on the third Thursday of November. Americans have the chance on this day to gather with friends and family over a big meal.

NOVEMBER FLOWER The flower for the month of November is the chrysanthemum. The word chrysanthemum comes from the Greek words chrys and anthemum, meaning golden flower. In the language of flowers, chrysanthemum is considered to symbolize honesty, joy, and optimism.

REMEMBRANCE DAY We honor those who have served in the United States Armed Forces, falls annually on November 11.

WORLD DIABETES DAY World Diabetes Day is on November the 14th

Tips for a Healthy and Happy Thanksgiving Incorporate activity on your Thanksgiving day. This will help you be energized throughout the day. Start your day off with a walk, run or any activity that you love.


BRING HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES Bring something healthy to your Thanksgiving gathering. It can be a healthy side dish, like a salad or favorite vegetable. This will set you up for success.

Stay Hydrated Thanksgiving is full of food, family, and drinks, we may be forgetting to drink water, which can leave us feeling depleted and de-hydrated. The best way to combat this is to have plenty of water during the day. If you drink a glass of wine, drink a glass of water afterward.

GIVE THANKS AND GRATITUDE THIS THANKSGIVING THE GRATITUDE BOX At the beginning of November, place a box or jar in a central location, along with strips of paper and writing utensils. Encourage your family to record the things they are grateful for and drop them in the box. Make it a game—can they record something every day or every time they pass by the box? Open the box at the Thanksgiving meal and read the statements aloud.

VOLUNTEER TOGETHER Provide a meal for those in need at your local Salvation Army or through a soup kitchen, where families can team up to serve dinner and welcome the less fortunate in for a warm holiday meal among friends...

FAMILY FOOTBALL GAME Start a friendly football game for the whole family outdoors. You can even make a pre-game activity out of making the Family Football Thanksgiving Championship trophy, which can become the prize during this tradition for years to come!



''Be the change you want to see in the world.'' ~ Gandhi. It reminds me that change begins within and that I must model that which I expect to experience.

"My father has been my greatest inspiration"

Mark is a Coach - Conscious Being Living and Loving and lives in Forest Hills, New York, USA

How did you get started in your career? In What Year? I actually started in early 2003 prior to any training or certification. My wife at the time got into Direct Sales. As I assisted her with events, I was surprised to see many women did not have supportive partners. I felt an urge to make a shift in this area and began writing on the topic. I discovered coaching and recognized the avenue where I could truly make a difference. I graduated from coach school in 2007. Who or what has been your greatest professional inspiration and why? My father has been my greatest inspiration. Although not a coach, his overall perspective on living life to the fullest, and not letting anything get you down, has been my constant inspiration.

What advice would you offer to someone starting out in your industry? Get quality training and associate with the right people. Take your time and do your due diligence. What professional challenges have you faced that have contributed to your overall success? I have impaired hearing. I initially struggled with speaking as I was concerned I wouldn't hear something from the audience. When I learned I'm there sharing a gift, it all shifted. Are there any specific contributions, you have made in your field which contributed to your success? (i.e. inventions/patents. Books authored or co-authored etc.) I have co-authored a few books. 1 a best-seller by the DSWA and 2 with fellow coaches. What do you do in your free time (volunteer, work, hobbies, etc.) I love to spend time with my lady, exploring this life journey with her. I spend time with my family and children when I get the opportunity. (They live all over the USA and in England.) My primary hobbies are yoga, reading, and photography. What do you want readers to know about you and why? My life has not been perfect. I have made my share of mistakes and have had stuff to overcome. Today, I have love, peace, bliss, and joy in my life. I have experienced first hand the transformation I wish to support others in. What is your favorite quote and why? ''Be the change you want to see in the world''. ~ Gandhi. It reminds me that change begins within and that I must model that which I expect to experience. What 3 tips will you give someone who is struggling to live healthy? 1. Get clear on what you wish to attain and commit to it. 2. Learn to live in the moment and choose that which truly feels most right for you. 3. Live more peacefully, so stress & agitation doesn't cause you to make poor choices. What kind of legacy would you like to leave the world? To know that I have made a profound difference in at least one life.

Connect with Mark Semple Here:


Around the table, after our blessing, we each in turn share one person, event, place, or thought we are grateful for. Over the years, this sharing sheds light on the changing times for our family and friends. Children grow older and wiser; circumstances change for better or for worse; adults share accomplishments and hopes and dreams; challenges are shared with sensitivity. With this simple thanksgiving ritual we learn more about each other in a deeper way and we rejoice and support in unity. The present moment becomes the table. It becomes the people around the table. The food is shared with love. This is simple abundance. It is restorative and life giving.

The size of the turkey does not matter.The thickness of the gravy can be thick or thin. The snow outside the window can come or go. What outfit you choose for mealtime is up to you. Bring a friend or two. There is always room for another place setting. You choose the music. I am open. The centerpiece can be mums or pumpkins. Cupcakes or pie, it is all delicious. Place a bowl of cranberry relish if you so desire. The baby crying is part of the beautiful landscape. The cat purring at my feet is heartwarming. As we sit before this feast, what I am most thankful for is your presence. Your endearing smile fills me to the brim. With simple words....I thank you.

As you gather with your loved ones, may you treasure each other’s presence and be bathed in the blessings of the moment.

Judy Brown has a BA in Biology from Connecticut College and is a Certified Holistic Health Coach trained by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She coaches women in their midlife years who want to reclaim their health and discover a more balanced and vibrant lifestyle. Judy provides individual and group coaching, workshops, smoothie demos, guided meditations for groups, and is an active blogger. She has two grown children. Judy loves to read, write, walk in the woods, sail, have afternoon tea, and explore the world with her husband.

Prevent the mid winter blah, by planning now! By Linda Cashman

Does mid winter ever have you sick of the cold

Well my friends, some years I get the mid winter

and snow?

blah by the end of January and here in Wisconsin, I've got at least two more months of winter!

Do you longing for spring? On the first warm sunny day do you run outside in your bathrobe

So what is a gardener to do? Why I plan ahead

looking for a hint of green to poke through the

and plant a few bulbs indoors so you can bring

ground just to give your soul hope that spring is

spring months earlier!

just around the corner?

As gardeners, we always seem to be looking ahead. We have to because it takes time for our dreams to come to fruition. Forcing bulbs to bloom in your house is easier than you think. You can force bulbs like Amaryllis, Daffodil, Crocus, Tulips and my favorite, Hyacinth. All of the bulbs except for the Amaryllis bulb need to be chilled (planting instructions for these bulbs will be on the package that the bulbs often are sold in.)

Today I'll be concentrating on the bulbs that need to be chilled. You want to select bulbs that are large, firm and free of blemishes. Choose a pot that is twice as large as your bulbs (note, I used bulbs in the plural as I love to have a big pot full of many cheerful blooms!) Add enough potting soil to the bottom of the container so that when placed in the container, about 1/2 inch of the tip of the bulb will stick out of the top of the container. Next, place the bulbs in the soil, flat end down, and cover with soil. Then, put the planted bulbs in an area with temperatures that stay between 35 to 50 degrees. If you are planting with several containers, try different locations and see what works best for your plants. Most bulbs will need to chill between 10 to 15 weeks. After this time, bring them out, give them a good watering, and in 2 to 3 weeks, you'll see big, beautiful blooms. I like to force several different bulbs at different times so that I have more flowers blooming throughout the winter. Don't let winter get you down! Plan ahead, plant some bulbs and in a few short months you'll have big, beautiful spring flowers to enjoy while you sip your hot chocolate and huddle under a blanket!

Linda has been in love with the written word as long as she can remember, and by the age of ten, wanted to write a book. Although she has not yet achieved her childhood dream of writing a book, she has written for television, as well as produced training and sales informational materials. As a strong believer in giving back, she has penned several articles for non-profit organizations. Linda is currently working on a made-for-television movie.


It really is funny to me how, ever since I started blogging and then writing for this magazine, Thanksgiving has become one of my favorite times of the year. It was never my favorite holiday – our family gatherings never seemed to focus much on gratitude. There seemed to always be arguments over unimportant things. My sister and I were the only children, and it was difficult trying to reconnect with people we only saw once or twice a year.

And then there was the fact that I have actually never really cared for the taste of turkey, except in very small doses…. (Which did NOT include leftover cold turkey sandwiches!! Ugh!) No, as a child, I definitely preferred Halloween and the Christmas season. My birthday in mid-December tended to be more of our unofficial holiday season kickoff than Thanksgiving. But things change, and if we are wise, we allow ourselves to change with them. And the thing is, now that there aren’t obligatory out-of-town trips to distant relatives with whom I have nothing in common, I can really focus on what Thanksgiving means – or should mean. Believe me, I am not one to spend my time “shoulding” all over myself or anyone else, but should we really be focused on rampant consumerism and bargain-hunting during the one holiday set aside for contemplating everything for which we should be grateful? I mean, I get it – it’s not something I ever really thought that much about back in the day either. If we weren’t off visiting family in another state, we were stuffing ourselves on Thursday and spending Friday at the local mall…. But now, every year, the month of November rolls around and the deadline for Live, Love and Eat approaches – and I ask myself “What should I write about this time?”

And I think, “I write about gratitude every single time. Maybe I should try to think of something different for a change….” Yeah … no. Why not? Because, honestly, I think we all (including me!) need all of the reminders we can get. Probably throughout the year, if you want to know the truth. But we don’t always contemplate our blessings throughout the year, do we? Some people do – they keep a “gratitude journal,” or make expressing gratitude part of their daily practice.

I, for one, am not very good at any kind of journaling. And my daily practice tends to shift and evolve over time, and doesn’t always include the same things. I do make an effort to practice gratitude as frequently as I can – I think it’s important to stop and appreciate what’s going right in our lives early and often, as the saying goes. If I’m being completely honest, I have to say I am over the whole “mindset” thing. I think a lot of it has to do with a lot of unscrupulous people preying on our insecurities and tendency toward wishful thinking. I know that it works for some people, and that’s great. But it hasn’t worked for me. (And yes, I know, there will be those who will want to tell me that that’s simply because I’m not doing it right, or my belief isn’t strong enough, or … whatever. Meh. You do you, okay?) That said, I do believe in expressing gratitude and trying to see things in their most positive light. I grew up in a household filled with negative energy, and it sometimes felt like being sucked into a black hole. (Or it would have, if I had had that level of understanding at the time. What I do know is that I spent a lot of time thinking everything was wrong.)

I don’t think you have to go through life wearing rose-colored glasses to acknowledge the good things in your life. I also don’t believe that it means you have to pretend that there isn’t bad stuff in your life, or in the world around you. It’s important to be realistic, and have a balanced view of the world. (Well, it is to me, anyway.) Maybe taking some time – even if it’s only one day out of the year – to stop and really focus on the positive stuff helps us deal with the negative better. I don’t know.

I know that I’ve managed to find a balance – I can watch or read the news and feel discouraged about the state of the world “out there,” but still find the bandwidth to see what’s working. Yes, it’s easy to get discouraged sometimes, with so many big problems facing us and so little will to tackle them – but keep looking: there are real people, making a real difference. And some of them may be people you know…. One of them may even be you!! I am grateful to have this opportunity to express these thoughts – LLE provides a forum for me to share my thoughts and views with all of you. I’m extraordinarily grateful to have this time, every year, to focus my thoughts on all of the wonderful people and experiences that have filled my life over the past several years. I love this annual reminder that I really do have so very much in my life for which to be thankful. And that is the main reason that Thanksgiving has shifted from one of my least favorite holidays into one of my most favorite times of the year. I still may not be overly fond of turkey, although I don’t mind it once in a while, but guess what? Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be about that. It doesn’t have to be about any one thing in particular. But I am … wait for it … grateful that, for me, it has become a time to focus on all of the gifts that bring joy into my life, year after year. Some of them change, some of them remain the same.

And I’m grateful for every single one of them. Now it’s your turn. Blessed be.

Diane Letchworth is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach, and a Certified Reiki Master/Teacher. She has been a regular contributor to the Live, Love and Eat magazine from the beginning. Diane (under the pseudonym Diana Bastine) is also an awardwinning author of YA fantasy fiction, and co-edited the steampunk faerie tale anthology Gaslight and Grimm, to which she also contributed a story based on "Rapunzel." She can be reached at, or

Undefining the Relationship By Mark Semple

Relationships are one of the greatest blessings of this experience we call life. When they are in a space that is pleasing and fulfilling to us, of course. There are times when they can be a source of discomfort, frustration and pain. In my experience, relationships offer the most profound lessons and enlightenment. If we are open to learning them. Â For many of us, the majority of what we initially know about relationships is gained from the environment of our parents. We gain perspective on how to represent our gender and how to interact with our counterparts.

Ideally, that would be a parental relationship that modeled respect, understanding, compassion, etc. Unfortunately, for too many, undesirable qualities were demonstrated and learned. We form our perspective of how a relationship should be. How we are supposed to show up, interactive with and respond to each other. We have expectations of how disagreements would be handled, who is expected to do what and what we should receive in return. If parents opted to not have any disagreements in front of the children, they grow up with this unrealistic impression that a relationship /marriage is idyllic and does not have any conflict. Which, of course, gets shattered when the first conflict happens, followed by confusion as one doesn't know initially how to respond to this. Conflict is always going to happen and it is often a sign that something is needing to come into awareness to be healed and resolved. Early in relationships, this understanding isn't prevalent, allowing dissent and resentments to fester, which can ultimately dissolve the relationship. If this does happen, and the right lessons are learned, it means this relationship was not a failure. Rather an essential learning experience. Having had some such relationship experiences, I came to the awareness that it is the practice of defining relationships that is one of the major roots of relationship problems.

Traditionally, there is a socially accepted norm of the sequence and progression of a relationship. Ie: We meet, court for a period of time (or dating in the more modern context), get engaged, get married and then start a family. Within each of these phases, each are expected to uphold specific roles & responsibilities. Then, you're supposed to permeate the bliss that everyone expects is the inherent product of following the game plan. The single, most important aspect for a fulfilling relationship is to take care of you in the highest possible way. To many of us, this contradicts our learning to not be selfish and to put other people first. It's actually the most loving thing you can do as you are ensuring the best version of you is showing up for the one that matters most in your life. In a true loving relationship, you will have the freedom to continue to honor yourself in the highest way. Of course, what is beneficial for one must be beneficial for the other and each must support each other in choosing that which is best, even if it differs. My personal philosophy on relationships is: Each of us is a distinct bundle of energy. When we connect meaningfully with another person, the relationship will then be the product of your two sets of energy combining. Thus, it's basic physics that, if one set of energy shifts, the resulting combination – the relationship – must shift also. All too often one partner attempts to compensate for the energy shift of the other. While this may be necessary periodically, ie: if one is sick, it is not a viable long-term strategy as this will spread you too thin.

It has been said that the only constant in life is change. You and your partner must have the freedom to evolve as each of you feel compelled to do. This space you hold for other will allow each to grow while concurrently allowing to become closer. The traditional sequence of a relationship is akin to specific status or levels. Why do we feel it necessary to quantify the status of a relationship? Is it for our own comfort or to appropriately convey it to others? What about the expectation of what level you should be on at this period of time? If you're focused on such details, how can you possibly be enjoying the actual blessing of your relationship in this current moment? My lady and I have connected for almost 3 years. Starting out, we just simply enjoyed being in each others company. At a particular event in New York City, a mutual friend observed we were together and asked if we were dating. To which, we both answered “No.” What actually is the meaning of dating? For us? For them? If we had answered “Yes”, what would they have perceived that to mean? Of course, it's all rhetorical and pointless to ponder, as the only people our relationship has to mean anything to, is us. This spawned the concept of the undefined relationship. As we don't have an attribute for the current status of our relationship, there is no clear definition of the next step, nor the timeframe in which it should be achieved. Which frees us up to simply enjoy the connection that we have in this moment – which is all that really matters. We are deeply committed to what we have, plus supporting each other in our personal evolution. I told my lady at the beginning that I hold one expectation of her – that she will do whatever is best for her.

This space that we hold for each other allows us to show up authentically and to speak our truth. (Which is something that I have not been good at and have previously not felt safe to do so.) There is, of course, occasional conflict that is allowed to be expressed and then lovingly released. I can honestly say that my undefined relationship has allowed me to fully step into who I am and the more I do so, the more amazing my love & connection becomes. I am completely committed to my love and am excited for all that which will unfold for us. Even though it cannot be defined. To fully enjoy that which you have, let go of the definition, the status and the past. Appreciate and commit to what you have right now in this moment. Focus on honoring yourself in the highest way and support your partner in the same. Commit to it, feel it, love it, cherish it. And suppress the urge to define it.

Mark Semple is a Certified Comprehensive Coach, Energy Healer, Yoga Teacher, Author, and Speaker. He was supported many clients in releasing that which was impeding them from fully enjoying their life journey. Mark utilizes a variety of intuitive coaching & energy clearing techniques to identify and resolve the root causes of his client’s opportunities. Mark is also passionate about sharing the gifts of yoga and essential oils. Mark lives in Queens, NY and loves to explore the city and surrounding areas with his lady.

How To Navigate Grief And Stress During The Holidays By Lori Booty

For someone who has experienced a difficult loss, the holidays, especially can be a time of sadness and stress. Whether you’ve lost a loved one, experienced a divorce or lost a job, the holidays will most likely look a lot different than they usually do. When you’ve been through trauma, your body has a rush of cortisol, the stress hormone. This may affect people in different ways. Some of us feel so tired and have a lack of focus. Some of us go into overdrive, trying to stuff down feelings by staying really active. It’s really important to give your body time to rest and recuperate. It’s a time to rely on the support of your friends and loved ones. It wasn’t that long ago that people practiced a time of mourning loved ones by wearing black and staying home. Society understood that they would not be required to fulfill normal duties. Today, we push right through and head back to work and regular activities, as if we can forget by staying busy.

My mother passed away in October, 2009. The holidays were quickly approaching and my family were all dreading the typical celebrations without my mom. My brother and I had kids though, and they were still excited about Christmas. We couldn’t let them down, and we didn’t want to. We knew they needed to have some sense of normalcy. The first year, it felt good to let our friends and other family members take care of us and do all the planning. We went to my mothers-in-law for Thanksgiving dinner and our family friends had us over for Christmas Eve. The second year, we missed some things that were personal to our own celebrations and we were ready to plan for ourselves again. We missed our traditional chicken and dumplings for Christmas dinner and spending time with our immediate family.

The holidays can be just as difficult to navigate after divorce. I separated from my husband when my kids were 1, 3, and 7. It was devastating to not be able to spend time with my in-laws and to feel a part of their family anymore. It was worse to have to send my children away with their father for part of the day and be alone. Of course, I had my own brothers and my parents, but it felt like a death in many ways. It was the loss of the dream that I had about having all of my family together under one roof.

For me, the time after my divorce was a time of shame and not feeling enough. I imagine the loss of a job that you dedicated a lot of your life and resources to, may feel similar. Not only do you have these feelings of shame and not being good enough, but now you have the stress of worrying about finances.

So what can you do if you have been through a traumatic loss and the holidays are approaching?

Allow friends and family to take care of youThe people that love you want to help you feel better. Give them the gift of letting them do nice things for you. Let them have you over to their house, watch your kids for brief periods, cook meals for you or whatever else they offer. If no one offers, it is okay to ask for some help.

Get support- This can be a therapist, a coach, or a group support program. As much as your family loves and supports you, they may not have been through what you are going through. Sometimes, it is a relief to hear that others have been where you are and have made it through to the other side, finding happiness again. Sometimes, you just want someone who can commiserate with you or will listen to you talk.

They may not realize how difficult this time is for you. Do something different than your usual celebrations- This could be a new tradition, like collecting ornaments, going to a festival, The Nutcracker ballet, or even a trip. My husband, Scott’s father passed away a few years after my mother and we wanted to have a new fun experience over the holidays with our blended family. We decided to leave the day after Christmas for a family ski vacation. It was something we could look forward to after the sadness of missing our loved ones during the holidays. The kids had never seen snow before, so they were very excited for that.

Don’t forget self-care- When we are under stress, it’s really easy to throw out our self-care practices, but this is when we need them the most. After I lost my mother, I didn’t put any effort into planning meals or exercising. I pushed my feelings down and didn’t talk to anyone about them. Eventually, my whole life started to spiral out of control. I gained weight, my health suffered, I wasn’t sleeping and my family and job suffered.

- Take some time to walk in nature. - Drink lots of water and eat healthy foods. - Take a bath filled with epsom salts and lavender essential oil. - Spend some time in meditation/prayer - Journal - Play music or work on an art piece. - Do things that bring you joy. It’s important to know that, even though things will never be quite like they were before your loss, they will get better. Things will get better faster by you taking the time to process your emotions. It’s okay to feel sad and to let others in to offer you support.

Lori Booty is a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach with over 20 years of experience teaching elementary school and a Masters in School Counseling. She is the owner and creator of Lori began her health transformation after watching her mother battle a traumatic illness and she realized her own health was not as good as she wanted it to be. She found out that nutrition held the key to improving her symptoms and not medications with terrible side effects. Throughout her journey, she's found that there are many natural remedies she could turn to for her family and not always have to rush to the doctor. One of the most surprising remedies she found was that her thoughts actually impact the quality of her health. She now works to support women who are exhausted from raising kids and caring for aging parents to get back their own health without using medications or crazy, complicated diets.


Some people can’t wait for the holiday season — for them it truly is the most wonderful time of the year. For others, it’s a time of dread and just something to get through. But in whichever camp you fall, there’s no better time to put into practice the Japanese philosophy of Wabi Sabi, which I roughly translate as, the art of acceptance and finding beauty in imperfection. It seems during this time we demand so much of ourselves, wanting everything to be perfect, that we can’t help but set ourselves up for disappointment. As a one-time pastry chef, I have to remember that even if the chocolate soufflé falls, it will still taste just as good. But truly, one of my best and most memorable Thanksgiving holidays was spent years ago with a group of friends. The woman that was hosting had unfortunately broken her back in late October but she still wanted to host, so her husband agreed to do the cooking. When we all sat down at the table and he began to carve the turkey, it was not only raw inside but the cavity was void of any savory bread stuffing and instead was filled with the plastic bag containing all of the turkey organs. After his wife apologized profusely and her skin returned to its normal color, we all started laughing that belly aching kind of laughter that ends in tears, and then calling for Chinese take-out. The holiday, though not all that traditional, was nothing if not memorable. The food was good, the wine flowed, the company was divine, and the store-bought pumpkin pies that our host placed right on the table in their plastic containers along with the normally looked down upon Cool Whip, was absolutely delicious.

Expectations around the holidays run high and so do emotions. We want everything to be perfect. We want everyone happy, the food cooked to perfection, and the table setting beautiful enough to rival one in Martha Stewart Living magazine. So, what’s the solution? How can we adopt a Wabi Sabi attitude? First, recognize that the stress of the holidays affects everyone, even small children. You can’t expect everyone to be on their best behavior all of the time. Know that this is an emotional time, filled with excitement, joy, and at times, unhappiness. Try to keep your schedule as open and flexible as possible. Go ahead and skip your weekly book club or piano lesson. This alone takes a lot of the pressure off and will give you more time and a feeling of ease throughout the holidays. Don’t assume all of the responsibility. If we do this, not only will we not enjoy the holidays, but we can end up exhausted and depressed when they finally come, or shortly thereafter. This year, enlist the help of your family. Divide up the activities evenly or do them all together. Make it fun, not a chore to be done. It’s always important that we stay healthy, but it’s especially important at this time when our bodies can easily get run down. If you have a holiday party in the evening, make sure you eat a nutritious breakfast and light lunch and limit your alcohol intake. For every cocktail or glass of wine you have, drink at least 8 oz. of water in between. You’ll thank yourself in the morning! Treat yourself to a bath with lavender, pine, rose, or tangerine to help you relax and calm down. Do this before bedtime to help with a good night’s sleep. Remember to BREATHE. Deeply. Start each morning out sitting still, eyes closed, breathing. Do this for only a couple of minutes, if that is all you can spare. End each night doing the same thing. A good Feng Shui remedy is to take an orange and cut 9 small round circles out of the peel. Citrus is known to lift our energy and help with stress and anxiety. Place them in a baggie and take along with you when you are out shopping or out in a crowd. Inhale when you are feeling tired and fatigued. This will invigorate you to keep you going a little longer! Or, you can also bathe in orange peels at the end of the day if you need to regain energy. Most importantly, keep your sense of humor, relax, release your expectations– and enjoy the holidays!

Meet Kim Klein! Kim Klein is a Life Coach, Certified Holistic Health Coach, Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, and author. She is the founder of Kim Klein Life Coaching and Wabi-Sabi Women and is the author of Damn, the Pusherman ~ Sugar, The Legal Drug that is Keeping You Sick and Fat, and Nine Degrees North, a young adult fiction novel.


N E W G R A T I T U D E T R A D I T I O N B y

A m b e r l i n

H a r r i s o n

The past few years I have been putting up a fall tree and decorating it with homemade ornaments that showcased as a list of things we were thankful for. This year I have slimmed the house way down, its contents specifically, in order to free up more time for myself and less time managing possessions. I am not sure where that tree is‌it might have gotten pruned out in the process.

Instead of a tree this year, I opted to decorate with a clean, white pumpkin (my favorite fall color is pumpkin white). By the inspo of Facebook and Pinterest and no creative genius of my own, I used a sharpie and listed the things in life that I am grateful for. This was so easy, cheap, and didn’t need a dedicated amount of time and space to complete. It reflects my new practice and heightened appreciation for simplicity and “keeping the main thing, the main thing” as the cliché goes. It's a clear and clean reminder of what blessings are present in my life, things to pray grateful over, things to share and bless my loved one with too. After all, the beauty of plenty and a heart of gratitude is sharing it all, right? Perhaps, this could be the sentimental hostess gift you have been searching for this year. What a lovely gesture, to bring a token of the reasons why you are so thankful for the hosts you visit this Thanksgiving, or if you are celebrating solo, why you love your beautiful life!

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Anonymous “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie

Meet Amberlin Harrison! Amberlin is the author of The Complainer’s Journal, and The Complainer’s Workbook (which is being re-released this fall). The Complainer’s Workbook is a self-guided study on the markers of a Christian life of gratefulness and faith and combats the damaging doctrines of the prosperity gospel within the Church. To stay current on releases and other info,follow Amberlin on Instagram - @amberlinbooks.


The word Pranayama is a compound of two individual Sanskrit terms, “Prana” means vital energy or life force. “yama” means control. Pranayama is one of the 8 limbs of yoga. It is usually done at the beginning or the end of a physical practice or the asana practice. It has been proven that the root of all disease and mental imbalance go back to the life force not being able to flow freely through the body. Controlling the breath is very powerful in allowing the life force to flow without any imbalance. Therefore Pranayama is a very powerful tool in being able to attain good health.

There are many different types of breathing techniques that are known to help with sleep, improve digestion, help reduce stress. The best time to do Pranayama is early in the morning and ideally on an empty stomach. Some of the most practiced types of Pranayama are: Naadi Shodhana : Nadi is a Sanskrit word that means “channel” and shodhana means “purification”. The technique to do this is: Take a full breath in and full breath out. Fold the tips of the index and middle fingers to touch the base of the right thumb. You will use the thumb and the ring finger. Use the right thumb to close the right nostril. Keeping the right nostril closed, inhale through the left nostril all the way up into the third eye (the area between the 2 brows).Pause briefly and then close the left nostril with the ring finger and exhale through the right nostril. Keeping the left nostril closed, inhale again through the right nostril. Then again use the thumb to close the right nostril as you exhale through the left. The left nostril is said to be calming, cooling and feminine. The right nostril is associated with heat, force and masculinity. Taking this breath helps balance the hormones in the body, reduces stress, clears and releases toxins, balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain, balances the masculine and feminine energies. I usually start teaching my yoga class with the alternate nostril breath.

Kapalbhati: “kapal” is the Sanskrit word for forehead and “bhati” means shining. The regular use of Kapalbhati gives you an illustrious forehead. The technique to do this is: Sit comfortably closing the eyes. Take a deep inhale in. Then exhale, putting force on the exhales. The inhales are very subtle. Do repetitions for at least 15 minutes. Start at 2 mins and then work your way up. It is best to do this pranayama on an empty stomach in the morning. This pranayama helps with weight loss, digestion, stress relief; helps remove blockages in the body.

Bhramri Pranayam: This is also known as the humming bird breath. To do this: Sit comfortably. Lengthen the spine.Take a full inhale and then for the entire length of the exhale, make a low to medium pitched humming sound in the throat. Notice how the sound waves gently vibrate your tongue, teeth and sinuses. Imagine the sound vibrating the entire brain. This pranayama helps lower blood pressure, Relieve stress, induce sound sleep, calms and quiets the mind, strengthens and improves the voice.

Kalpana is a certified life coach (ICF) , a certified eating psychology coach certified at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating and a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC).Her main goal in her coaching practice is to help people to love themselves "now" as opposed to waiting to do that only when they "get there." Getting there could mean different things for different people: Getting the perfect job, reaching the perfect weight, finding the perfect life partner. By loving themselves unconditionally, they are placing the key to their happiness in their own hands.She has a true passion for helping people cultivate unconditional love for themselves, and helping people to form healthy relationships with food. You can learn more about Kalpana at her Facebook page: Next Step with Kalpana

By Jace Jacobs

If I only had... I would be happy. Have you ever caught yourself saying those words? I think we have all been there before hoping for something better to come along. Experience sheds new light. Eventually, we learn that all of our emotions are available to us at any time. You don't have to wait for the feeling of the new car, new job, or a new relationship. Instead, go for the feeling right now.Life is waiting for you to step up to the plate and swing.

Namaste ☮ Jace Jacobs Appreciate Everything ~ Love Fully ~ Need Nothing

Feel Better Now YouTube link:

Let me ask a question Do you like the way you feel And if all your dreams come true Would those feelings still be real And how about that car Looking good and smelling new How long will the feeling last Will it still be happiness for you It could take days or years Buying how best you feel Why not name it and claim it And make that feeling real It’s not the new Tesla Or some fancy bling You can feel better right now Get in the game and swing

Meet Jace Jacobs! Jace Jacobs is a Happy Mindset Poet, Performer, and Creator @ Jace is an author and spoken word poetry performer. His Happy Mindset Poetry books are available on Amazon or via Jace enjoys helping cool souls raise their vibrational state so they can experience more confidence and clarity in their life.Appreciate Everything ~ Love Fully ~ Need Nothing#HappyMindsetPoetryVisit the social media links below for video performances of spoken word rhyming happy mindset poetry.


Here are some fun facts of November. - November is the last month of the fall season. - Elections are held in the US of Tuesday, after the first Monday in November. - Leaves finally have fallen from the tree's. - November 11th is remembrance day. - November babies have 2 birthstones. Topaz which brings strength and Citrine brings healing. Topaz is believed to be associated with Egyptian Sun God, Ra. - November's birth flower is the Crysanthemum. Which stands for cheerfulness and love. According to Feng Shui, Chrysanthemums bring happiness and laughter to the house.

Meet Dear Therapy! Meet Dear Therapy! Dear Therapy is a Poetry and blog writer. Aspirations to study Forensic Psychology as a degree.

The final leaf to fall:-Fall changingBy Dear Therapy

Fall is changing, Leaves are falling, Flowers begin rearranging, For the next season is calling, November is the last month of fall, The weather changes from warmth to a cold breeze, Enjoying chestnuts at the market stall, The last leaf has fallen from the tree's. Â

The future:-ElectionBy Dear Therapy

It's that time of year for dedication, An election can change the nation, Giving sick people the right medication, It's always good to have the chance to vote, Changing the future so you needn't gloat, All it takes is that one vote note.

Always remembered:RememberanceBy Dear Therapy

November 11th is remembrance day, A poppy in our hands as we pray, For all the lives that have gone away, Silence for the moment,show our respect, For those that were there to love us and protect, They were heroes that we'll never forget.

Strength and healing:November gemstone, Topaz and CitrineBy Dear Therapy

Topaz brings strength and Citrine brings healing, Crystal's in your palms that are worth feeling, Negative thoughts fade through the ceiling, Remembering your one amazing human being, November has two gemstones and that's rare, Crystal's bring strength, healing and self care, To all the clothes that you'd wear, Following, protecting you, everywhere.

November's beautiful flower:-Birth flower, ChrysanthemumBy Dear Therapy

Chrysanthemums are November's birth flower, Spreading love and happiness is it's power, Joy and laughter throughout the hour, They're really quite beautiful flowers to keep, Sending positive vibes as we speak, Giving you strength to enjoy the week.


I’m going to be honest here and tell you that whenever someone suggests to me that I should visualize, I literally have an immediate resistance. In fact, I’ve said on more than one occasion that I am a horrible visualizer. Here is an example for you. Not long ago, I was taking part in a class where the instructor asked if anyone considered themselves bad at visualizing. I was happy to see I wasn’t the only one! He led a group of us self-proclaimed “bad visualizers” through a guided visualization. He asked us to see ourselves sitting in our car. We were to look over and see our glove box, open it and notice a “surprise” inside. Well, literal-minded me had no problems seeing myself in my car, seeing my glove box and opening it. After all, I’m in my car daily. So totally something I could see. The struggle came when I looked for a surprise. Like, I was thinking, a surprise in my glove box, what the heck could it be? I couldn’t see anything surprising or unexpected. All I could see what was actually in there the last time I opened the box.

When I complained to the teacher, he said. Wait. You just said you could see yourself in the car, you could see the glove box and you could even see what was in there. Oh yeah. I did that! His response was “Now all you have to do is make something up”. Duh, big red truck! For those of you who don’t know that reference it comes from a blonde joke I heard many years ago. I don’t really remember it, but it had something to do with a firetruck and the blonde’s response was “Duh, big red truck”. That is all I can remember of the joke. Let me get back to the subject. There are lots of ways you can use visualization to reach your goals, and even your goals around money. Here are a few examples for you: - Create a vision board of your dream bank balance - Create an online vision board focused on what that

"“If you want to reach a goal, you must ‘see the reaching’ in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal.” — Zig Ziglar

money would bring. - Use a vision board/flash card type software with custom pics of your money goal.

There are so many ways to visualize. And it is a

- Think about how much money you want and see

and life that you want. Here are three of my

yourself with it. - Use a guided visualization where someone guides your through the steps of seeing the money you want.

super powerful tool in creating the money story favorite ways to make visualization work for me, even when I feel like I’m bad at it. Use your imagination and make something up.

If you’re like me and have a literal brain that wants to be in control, I have to physically give myself permission to use my imagination. I remember when I was a kid, I had a great imagination. I’d imagine myself on my bicycle chasing bad guys with Ponch and John from Chips (that old TV show of motorcycle cops). Or I’d imagine my Barbie doll had the most fabulous, exotic and privileged life ever. So, when I give myself permission to use Imagination, it’s like Hello Eunice (Eunice would be me in this instance), you have a great imagination! USE THAT! Literally, imagination opens up so much more space to SEE what we want. Use Visualization to look at “what if” the BEST happens. Have you ever caught yourself thinking about what you would do if the worst happened? For example, have you thought about what you would do if you or your spouse lost a job? Have you found yourself envisioning what you would do if it happens? It is super easy to get stuck in this cycle of creating a plan for when the bad stuff happens. It seems like a good thing to be prepared for the worst right? But the thing is, the more vivid it becomes, the more stuck we get. Wouldn’t you rather spend that mental energy on creating the exact, vivid, beautiful money story you desire? I know I would! And the thing about using visualization… will empower us to grow and change. If things are going to change, let’s change them to what we want, not what we don’t want! Get and keep that CLEAR vision in front of you. “Action is not driven by the past, but pulled by the future.” — Dr. Martin Seligman I love this quote so much. It reminds us that our actions are driven by what we envision. Having a clear vision of what we want our future money situation to look like, is like we are being magnetically pulled toward it. There is no escaping the pull of that vision. That is why it is so important to focus on the right vision. Seeing the good and not the bad. If we have a clear vision in front of us, it is like the strongest magnetic force all around us pulling us toward what we want. Nothing is going to stop you, your mind, or the universe from creating the vision.

When it comes to money I often see with my clients and others I talk to, that there is a block around visualizing money. Maybe they don’t feel worthy of money, or they think that money is inherently evil, or possibly they believe that only certain types of people have money. No matter what the block is, it can keep us from bringing money to the forefront of our dreams and visualization. That’s where I come in, I help them uncover those blocks and begin to create the money story and situation they want. You can have that too. Start with these three easy steps and if you find yourself still feeling stuck, reach out for some help. I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. Let’s change the world’s view of money together!

Sherry Parks is a Money Mindset Coach who helps women escape feeling stuck and trapped by their finances so that they find more joy and wealth for their lives.Check out her 5 Steps to a Better Money Story workbook here. ( ). Here’s what people are saying about the workbook. “I am amazed how much insight I got after completing the workbook” - Nicole E. “Your workbook is great!” - Nancy R.To connect with Sherry, join her women-only Facebook group Lives in Balance.


We all know chronic stress ages you but how exactly does it do that? Stress and anxiety both inflame your body. Even dwelling on past stressful experiences will cause C-reactive protein (CRP- the marker of inflammation) to rise. Here’s the fascinating part about our bodies:When our neanderthal ancestors experienced the stress response, they were normally at threat from actual physical attack. Their bodies primed their immune system just in case it needed to fight injuries. Today, most of the stress each of us face isn't necessarily going to cause actual physical danger (sadly, there are exceptions to this). However, our bodies don't necessarily know that and create the same inflammatory response. If you experience bouts of stress here and there, this isn't a problem. Stress itself isn’t necessarily BAD for us. Some stress is good. It’s how you manage the stress. It’s what you do with that stress and how you deal with it. Stress is not the problem. It’s the response or lack of response to the stress that either promotes growth or trauma. What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.

However, if your stress becomes chronic then problems occur. The stress hormone, cortisol, normally shuts down the inflammation but during prolonged stress, it fails to do so. Instead, your immune cells will become resistant to the signals your cortisol is sending out and therefore fails to switch off your inflammatory response. The result from your chronic stress ends up setting your body up for chronic inflammation. Here, we experience all the joys (insert sarcasm here) of chronic inflammation that often lead us to believe we have more health issues than we actually do. Though, they often RESULT in other health issues. Moderate to severe body pain. Constant fatigue and insomnia. Depression, anxiety and mood disorders. Gastrointestinal complications like constipation, diarrhea, and acid reflux. Weight gain. Frequent infections.

How does stress affect your skin besides obvious premature aging? Whatever your genetics, environment, or both make you susceptible to for certain skin-related ailments, inflammation can also make them flare up. Even mild to moderate stress is a general trigger that can make the skin misbehave in whatever way it’s prone to misbehaving. For example: If you already have certain skin conditions, inflammation from the stress can cause flare-ups or make your skin hypersensitive. Don’t be confused though. Stress won't cause skin conditions if you aren't already prone to them in one way or another. During highly stressful situations, it’s common for people to experience an unknown skin condition just from dealing with way more stress than usual for a significant amount of time. Your immune system becomes hyperirritable. Something that doesn't normally bother your skin may make it suddenly freak out. I once heard a perfect example given: Imagine you’ve had a week from hell and then someone cuts you off in traffic and you’re already running late for work. You might be much more likely to let forth a stream of expletives than if the same thing happened during a week when life’s been tolerable. The easiest way to manage stress outbreaks on your skin is to be familiar with your own skin. Be your own skin expert. Implement a proper skincare routine and make it your daily ritual. As you spend time nourishing your skin and your soul, you’ll familiarize yourself with what feels normal to you and you’ll better recognize the signals your skin puts out as an indicator change needs to happen. And what better way to start and end the day than some much needed self care?

Sarah Young is a Natural Skin Practitioner, LE, CTNC, who specializes in acne, anti-aging, and hormonal health. She owns a holistic skin studio in Southern California and where she strives to help people become more self in tuned with their own skin. She gives clients the education they need to become their own skin expert and self-advocates. She focuses on skin science where she helps others weed through an overwhelming skincare industry where products and invasive treatments are continuously being pushed. She believes everyone deserves to feel confident and have healthy, glowing skin without risk. She is her children’s biggest fan, she loves God, her husband, and family, large dogs, and continues to grow a business based around bullet-proof integrity.


For many of us, Thanksgiving brings up feelings of anxiety, loneliness, and sadness – especially those of us going through or recovering from a divorce. Instead of looking forward to leaves falling from the trees, baking, and the smell of pumpkin spice, we feel the dread of knowing this is the year they will spend the holiday with their Dad. That will be me this year. A divorced mom with two kids who will create a new Thanksgiving tradition… and the way I feel about that might surprise you.

When you hear a parent is divorced and this is not their holiday year with the kids, you immediately hear some version of “Oh, I’m sorry”. Truth alert, my friends. Divorce doesn’t mean we are unable to enjoy the holidays without our kids. It doesn’t mean we are alone. Loneliness is simply an attitude and a temporary state that you have the power to change. Dr. Wayne Dyer, author of the book No More Holiday Blues, says, ““If you allow yourself to indulge in selfpity or fantasies of how your holidays ought to (or used to) be and then permit yourself to become depressed, you’ll be defeating yourself and bringing on the holiday letdown.”

Instead, we have the opportunity to design what Thanksgiving looks like. A concept foreign to many as we go through life on autopilot. I get it Thanksgiving is a holiday that skywrites across the sky – FAMILY TIME FOR ALL! It means obligation to others. It also means crowded airports, travel delays, road trips, or seeing some family you don’t like. That kind of anxiety is the exact opposite of how many of us want to feel and what Thanksgiving is all about! Don’t get me wrong, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Warm sweaters and UGGs, cuddling in bed, watching the Macy’s parade and, of course, football. It also conjures up the smell of turkey cooking in the oven, fresh cranberry sauce brewing, and sipping warm apple cider. But it is also a day of thanks and giving. Two words that mean a lot to me and enrich my life every single day. It is a holiday to share and practice gratitude for the abundance in our lives. Grateful for our family and friends, for the food we are given, for the air we breathe, and for the freedom this country brings. We take for granted all that we truly have access to – and don’t take advantage of it enough. Even if your life isn’t exactly where you’d like it to be right now, the good news is that we all have choices about how and where we spend our holidays. I encourage you to look at it as an opportunity: by being proactive and exercising these choices, you can create new and meaningful traditions for you and your family.

That is why I am unapologetically looking forward to Thanksgiving without my kids and seizing the opportunity to do something I’ve never had the opportunity to do. Think about myself and what I want. How? Attitude is everything! For years we have been told what the holidays “should” look like. Or perhaps you say to yourself “this is how we have always celebrated Thanksgiving.” We do what others expect of us and do not allow our minds to design how WE want the holidays to look and feel for ourselves. And if we do not act in that way, we will feel disappointment and embarrassment that we chose a different tradition. If that is your attitude about it, then that is where you will continue to sit. I’m here to say you have the power to shift your attitude and design the holiday around what is best for you, regardless of your marital situation. A redesign of what family looks like does not mean you are sentenced to “death” (otherwise known as loneliness). It simply means you have the freedom to do whatever you would like, regardless of what others think!

Holiday memories are selective! When we are divorced we tend to go down memory lane a lot. And when that happens we glorify the memories of our life, which exacerbates the pain we feel. And suddenly the memories we have of our married life are “perfect” and you feel loss. For some reason our mind decides to wipe away or conveniently forget the not-so-great times or family holidays. We do that out of fear. Fear of admitting life and family may not have been sunshine and roses. All this does is set us up for failure. Why do this to yourself? It is impossible to duplicate when you are divorced or separated. Making yourself feel resentful and creating a longing for a past that didn’t exist will not serve you. Instead, love yourself enough to create a new memory for the holiday and reclaim your power to what the holidays mean to you.

Put an end to being a people pleaser! This leads me into what I believe is one of the greatest (yet hardest) things to do over the holidays. Embrace the freedom to design the holiday for yourself and don’t worry about what others think! Did you just take a big gulp or feel a tightness somewhere in your body? Just the thought of being “selfish” during the holidays feels uncomfortable. Why do we put others ahead of ourselves? Who does that serve? For me, overlooking my own needs ends this year. Right now. This holiday I am giving myself the gift of doing what I want. I am going to give thanks to myself, others and not feel guilty about it. I have the opportunity to give something I’ve never given to myself. I choose what I want this Thanksgiving looks like. And that means redesigning Thanksgiving for this year. It means creating new traditions along with the new chapter of my life. While it feels foreign and daunting, I am tackling it with grace, gratitude and fearlessness! And it forces me to answer questions I don’t normally ask myself… what do I really want to do this Thanksgiving, who do I want to spend time with, and how will I bring myself joy? Don’t over think your answers – nor apologize for them.

It is so easy to give in to the feelings of sadness and loneliness during the holidays, especially when your kids are with your ex. I encourage you to recognize those thoughts and instead of dreading and fearing change, embrace a new attitude. That is the choice I’ve made this Thanksgiving. To dive into the discomfort and fear of the unknown. Exploring the depths of the abyss and emerge with a new Thanksgiving tradition – giving thanks to me.

Establishing her career as a top-level advertising sales executive in the digital space, at the world’s most progressive social and lifestyle website brands (such as Who What Wear and Refinery29), Wendy Sterling had it all… successful career, two beautiful children, and a (seemingly) devoted husband. But after enduring a traumatic and unexpected divorce along with her mother’s cancer diagnosis, Wendy’s entire world was rocked to its core. It was in that dark moment when she decided to screw the “poor me” attitude, and allow her sass to emerge alongside her class. Leveraging decades of experience as a mentor, leader, problem-solver and strategic thinker, Wendy followed her heart and rebooted her career. After becoming a CPCC and ACC certified coach through the Co-Active Training Institute, she transformed her mission into being a Divorce Recovery Specialist with the goal of helping divorced women boost their confidence and sense of self, while releasing their guilt, anger and fear. Wendy uses a tough-love approach through her proven, first and only The Divorce Rehab™ program, alongside the supportive community she’s built, to help countless women feel and push through the pain of their divorce as they end their pity party, mourn the loss of the marriage and begin to build their next chapter. Wendy currently lives in Los Angeles with her two boys, Adam and Sam, and mini bernedoodle dog, Max. Facebook: @wendy.sterling.7 Instagram: @youtwopointo


What/ where do you want to be January 1st? How do you imagine your New Year’s Day to be? Waking up with a hangover or a food coma? Or maybe waking up with relief and/or regret that the holidays are over? Or wake up feeling just as good or even better than you do now? The holiday season is supposed to be fun and time for joyous congregation. But unfortunately for many, it can turn into a frenzy of parties, food gluttony, increased drinking, decreased sleeping, poor attempts at self-care, and feelings of unworthiness and lost expectations. Not to mention all the family dynamics that seem to magnify 1000 times in this season of togetherness. New Year’s Day 2020- The holiday season is still in swing but winding down. Do you believe you can feel good in your body, maybe a little tired but not DONE AND FRIED!

Make your intention into a reasonable objective goal: I will continue along my chosen path of health. I will not be derailed by parties, foods that don’t make me feel good, or feel overwhelmed due to lack of self-care. Now that you have YOUR goals written, sit with them for a few minutes. Do they evoke an emotion? Can you feel the excitement of your goal becoming reality? Maybe think about what happens if you do not achieve these goals. Do you feel anger or disappointment if you do not achieve this goal? If you do not have any emotional response, then this is not the goal for you and go back to the drawing board. When your goal is deep inside of you and your desire is strong, you don't need will power to push you. Your desire will pull you towards your end goal.

Structure your life to enable success. A goal is just a dream with a plan and a deadline. Break down your goals How to feel good? Think about what makes you feel good now. Maybe it’s exercising outside, running with a friend, cooking and eating a nutritious dinner with your family, self-care like yoga, or meditation? Try and schedule the things that support you and make you feel good on your appointment calendar NOW, before it’s too late and the things you enjoy become a stress factor that you’re trying to squeeze in. This should be your non-negotiables. We know crazy is coming. You may have to reduce the frequencies, cost, or durations of your workouts, spa dates, self-indulgences... but DO NOT reduce them to zero. Make yourself appointments at reasonable times for you. Realistically there will be winter music shows, school events, parties etc. If you schedule yourself to be home to cook every night at 6pm after your 5 o’clock work out, most likely you will fail and possibly give up completely by Nov 29th. Be reasonable and kind to yourself. ow look at what you are required to do. Block out times for Christmas shopping, work parties, fun parties, cooking for parties, then prioritize which will bring you joy, which will bring resentment or overwhelm you with a desire to drink an entire bottle of spiked eggnog Put these commitments into the calendar NOW so you can see what you are up against for the next 2 months.

Time to get your support team together. That may mean your partner has kid duty on Sundays from 12-5 so you can meal prep, find friends you trade kidcare with on Wednesday evening so you can go to your favorite class. Schedule Camp Grandma one night a week for some quiet time with your partner. Find your tribe-the friends and family who ‘get’ and support you. Seek them out at dinners and parties to help support your success. Give yourself space from the friends/family that try to get you to eat the things that do not make you feel well, don't support, or maybe even try (not maliciously) to thwart your efforts. Then do not feel guilty about it in the least! Your health comes first. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. No matter what anyone says, believe that your goal is possible and create your ‘belief bubble’ around you so that when you encounter negativity, you have a place to go- tap into your heart, your wants, your desires. You are allowed to follow your heart no matter what others think, do, or say. COUNT ALL OF YOUR WINS. Each workout, each terrific meal, each party where you dodged the pizza and 7-layer bean dip. Write it down every day. No win is too small as they are all steps to our goal. Be kind to yourself when it’s not perfect. Life throws curve balls all the time. There is only so much we can control and take it from me, a recovering control freak, life is not fun when you can’t let go of the plan there are times when you must. Remember time flies quickly and before we know it the holidays will be behind us. Where do you want to be? How do you want to feel? You have the control and the power to determine all of it. But it just doesn’t happen. Failure to plan is planning to Fail. Here’s to you in 2020. Make your dreams come true. If your goals are like mine and include surviving the holidays with a restricted diet, please check out my website for more recipes and tools to be successful and enjoy!

Meet Dr. Danielle Litoff. Dr. Danielle Litoff DPT is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Health Coach at Battle Born Health in Reno, NV. Her practice focuses on the principles of modern, proven medicine, delivered with an oldfashioned commitment to patient care and one-on-one relationships. For more wellness tips, visit her blog where she writes about various topics of nutrition, health, and physical therapy."

Book Feature The Thyroid Hair Loss Solution Book By Michelle Brown

Thyroid problems come with a whole host of frustrating symptoms, from fatigue and weight gain to mood and cognitive issues. But perhaps no symptom of thyroid dysfunction is as obvious, or as devastating as hair loss. Hair loss can take a HUGE toll on your self-esteem. While topical treatments might help for a while, they don't restore your hair to the fullness you know is possible. They don't address the dry, rough texture that many women experience with hair loss, either. What's worse, these topical products only work as long as you use them. Once you stop, your hair starts thinning again. And because these products are expensive, your wallet takes hit right along with your hair. Even “natural” products aimed at improving hair growth and texture only give limited results, at best. Why? Because unless you address the real reasons behind your hair loss, you're destined to continue struggling with thinning hair. What most women struggling with hair loss don’t know is that the problem isn’t their hair. Instead, hair loss has its root in impaired nutrient absorption, sluggish digestion, and hormone imbalance. In The Thyroid Hair Loss Solution, you will learn which nutrients play the biggest role in hair loss and how to correct a deficiency for good (hint: it takes more than popping a Hair, Skin, and Nails vitamin and hoping for the best!) The Thyroid Hair Loss Solution teaches you to pinpoint your specific type of hair loss, identify the biggest factors that are interfering with beautiful hair growth, and shows you how to address the underlying causes of thinning hair so you can ditch hair loss for good. Imagine finally having full, healthy, shiny hair that you can feel confident about- instead of hiding behind a messy bun and hoping no one notices. The Thyroid Hair Loss Solution is the only book on the market that teaches women how to truly deal with hair loss at the root, so they can finally regain the healthy, shiny, beautiful hair they’ve been longing for. You can grab a copy of The Thyroid Hair Loss Solution here:

If sipping jasmine green tea and reading books about hormone balance and detoxification constitute an exciting life, then Michelle is one wild lady. Thankfully, she’s also got three fun, crazy kids and one sweet kitten that keep life interesting. You can usually find them doing something outside from camping, to playing at the park (Michelle swears the best workout is chasing her kids around the playground!) Michelle uses a functional nutrition approach to help women address the underlying causes of their fatigue and hormone imbalance. When she’s not researching about how to balance hormones and detox for health and beauty, she’s usually writing about it on her blog at or working on her next book.

Sauteed Cow pea greens and squash




INGREDIENTS 1 Delicata squash sliced up into round or semi circles ( or 2 cups of your favorite squash) A sprig of rosemary 1 tablespoon pecan oil or avocado oil or any high temperature cooking oil 1/2 cup finely sliced red onion 1 bunch Cow pea greens or 1 small bunch of collard greens 2 handful pine nuts (Am I sounding like Jamie Oliver?, if you ever read his recipes he uses bunch, handful and dash of this and that in places!) Salt and pepper to taste 2 table spoons olive oil 2-4 cloves garlic minced ( I used 3! Make it as “garlicky” as you wish) Some balsamic vinegar (this will be drizzled on top of your dish and maybe a few dashes on the greens too)

METHOD Preheat oven to 390 F. Toss the squash, onions, avocado oil, some salt, and some rosemary and roast in the oven for about 20-25 minutes or until the squash is cooked well but not limp. Cooking time will vary based on the thickness of the slices and the size of your squash too. In a pan add 2 tablespoons olive oil and the minced garlic till fragrant but not browned. Then add the washed and roughly chopped cowpea or collard greens. (For this dish I removed all the larger and hard stems, you may save for stock or bone broth in your freezer or compost). Saute for about 5 minutes or till tender. You may need to also add a few tablespoons water while sauteing to prevent the greens from drying out. Add a few dashes of balsamic vinegar. and plenty of fresh cracked pepper and some salt to taste. Once the greens and squash are both ready, plate the greens, top with squash and the onions. Drizzle some balsamic and extra virgin olive oil, maybe another bit of cracked pepper and the pine nuts. Serve warm.

Extra virgin olive oil to drizzle on top of the dish as well

As a Personal Wellness Chef, Anisha strives to inspire and empower people to promote their health and wellness with food. She creates, cooks and teaches nutritious recipes and meals in your home. Her goal is to bring back the power to reach your wellness goals back into your hands with food as medicine in your own kitchen. Anisha believes that nutritious food can help us stay healthy and can also help us heal and recover. By working with individuals and families on their health goals, she incorporates key nutrients and ingredients in her custom recipes, workshops and menus for each client and family to focus on their individual health needs. For daily inspiration and healthy eating and tips follow Heartful Earth Cuisine on Facebook at join the inspiration circle at

ONE minute sauce! Snack Attack!




INGREDIENTS 2 tablespoons almond butter or nut or seed butter of choice 1/4 teaspoon raw honey or maple syrup


Mix all ingredients with a fork in a small bowl. Dip your veggies and crunch away!

1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar 1 drop ginger essential oil (You can always use 1 teaspoon of fresh grated ginger instead as well, however this may add another minute to this recipe :), (And to learn more about essential oils and the oils I use please message me on facebook!) A few squirts of Sriracha or any hot sauce to make it spicy, add more if you like it hotter! Salt and pepper to taste A tablepoon or two of water as needed to get a sauce consistency Always adjust any of the ingredients to your taste and liking! As a Personal Wellness Chef, Anisha strives to inspire and empower people to promote their health and wellness with food. She creates, cooks and teaches nutritious recipes and meals in your home. Her goal is to bring back the power to reach your wellness goals back into your hands with food as medicine in your own kitchen. Anisha believes that nutritious food can help us stay healthy and can also help us heal and recover. By working with individuals and families on their health goals, she incorporates key nutrients and ingredients in her custom recipes, workshops and menus for each client and family to focus on their individual health needs. For daily inspiration and healthy eating and tips follow Heartful Earth Cuisine on Facebook at join the inspiration circle at

Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes






1 medium head of cauliflower, cut into florets 3 cloves of peeled garlic, 1 tbsp unsweetened coconut milk (or milk of choice) 1/3 cup parmesan cheese, grated or use nutritional yeast 1/2 tsp sea salt 1/4 tsp ground black pepper

Heat a large pot over high heat until boiling. Add the cauliflower and garlic cloves to boiling water. Cover and cook until cauliflower is soft when poked with a fork, about 6-8 minutes. (Tip: If you let the cauliflower cool down a bit after it will dry out a bit, which makes it much easier to get a good texture on the mash. Add the cooked cauliflower and garlic to a food processor (or mix in a large bowl with an immersion blender or a potato masher). Add the parmesan cheese, salt, and pepper. Pulse the food processor until all contents are mostly smooth. Add some coconut milk. Try not to use too much as this will make the mixture to get watery. You want to keep it as thick as possible (like mashed potatoes). Serve hot. Garnish with fresh chives

Bernadine Otto is a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach & an EFT Practitioner and the Managing Editor of The Live, Love and Eat Magazine. She helps women to make peace with food, cravings, and emotional eating by using a technique called The EFT Tapping Method for Weight Loss and Cravings. She also works with women who are tired of dieting, and women who have a negative body image. My approach is not to focus on calories or the scale but to find the root cause so my clients can have a happy, healthy life that they deserve.

FOOD You can use acorn squash in quiches or frittatas In muffins In salads. In soups. In curries. In quesadillas or tacos In pasta dishes

HOW TO STORE ACORN SQUASH You can keep fresh acorn squash in the refrigerator but it will only last for 1-2 weeks. Try to keep it in a storage area between 50-55 Fahrenheit. Cooked acorn will last for 3-4 days.

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF EATING ACORN SQUASH Acorn Squash contains vitamin A, niacin, folate, thiamine, vitamin B-6 and Vit C.

HEALTH - Boost Immunity - Improves vision - Controls Diabetes - Regulates Blood pressure

Get Creative with Acorn squash

 ''There is always, always something to be thankful for'' - Unknown

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