The Live Love and Eat Magazine

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Live Love and Eat Health|Wellbeing|Nutrition

In This Issue:


Spare Time for Sale!

Slowing with the Season Learning from Children

Book Feature

Baby Steps

Top 7 Benefits of

The Moon I Love

Magnesuim Breast Implants The Struggle is Real

5 Simple Tools you'll love for Shifting Money

Feelings of grief


you may feel

Meet our Spotlight Craig McCloskey

when your child leaves for school Prepare Your Garden for a long winters rest!

Fall Recipes you will Love

Sit back and relax to a few seasonal poems


What is inside MEET OUR SPOTLIGHT Craig McCloskey

RECIPES Fall Recipes and Healthy Halloween treats

MEET OUR CONTRIBUTORS Read all about what wonderful work they are doing


ARTICLES 03 Editor's Note 15 Breast Implants - The Struggle is Real 18 Slowing with the season 22 When your child goes away to school or military and the feeling of grief you may feel 25 The Moon I love 28 Learning From Children 32 The 7 Benefits of Magnesium 37 Spare Time for Sale! 40 Baby Steps 45 Grab your gloves, roll up your sleeves and help your garden prepare for a long winters rest! 48 Sit back and relax to a few seasonal poems 53 5 Simple tools you'll love for shifting money emotions. How to avoid emotional contagion


Note From Editor


New stories, new writers It is the month of October. Fall always makes me feel like new beginnings, where I look back at what I can improve in my life and in my business.

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We have lots of amazing articles in our October issue, Health advice, Fall recipes, Healthy Halloween treats, fun facts, and more. Be sure to read every single one of them. We recently launched our new show The Live Love and Eat Show. Episode 3 is out, Check out our special guest Amberlin Harrison and read all about what wonderful work she is doing. Check out our Fall recipes in the recipe section. Our spotlight for the October issue is Craig McCloskey. Read all about the wonderful work he is doing in the world.

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Enjoy the month of October! Love and Wellness

P.S. If you love reading the magazine each month remember to leave us a review on Amazon

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Judy Brown

Jace Jacobs

Dear Therapy

Lori Booty

Diane Letchworth

Mark Semple

Kim Klein

Sherry Parks

Renai DuBois

Dr. Danielle Litoff

Linda Cashman

Bernadine Otto Managing Editor Bernadine Otto Contributor Judy Brown Contributor Jace Jacobs Contributor Dear Therapy Contributor Lori Booty Contributor Contributor Contributor Contributor Contributor

Diane Letchworth Mark Semple Kim Klein Sherry Parks Renai DuBois

Contributor Dr. Danielle Litoff Contributor Linda Cashman Recipes Bernadine Otto Recipes Lindsay Young

Lindsay Young

Craig McCloskey

Tracy Markley

Spotlight Craig McCloskey Book Feature Tracy Markley 4497 Wyndtree Drive , West Chester 45069 513 275 8081 |

BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH In Loving Memory of every cancer patient, family, and friends who have lost the battle of cancer and the ones who continue to conquer it.

WORLD SMILE DAY World Smile Day celebrates the ever popular yellow smiley. It also offers us an opportunity to do an act of kindness

HALLOWEEN Halloween is on the 31st of October. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

WORLD TEACHERS DAY Teachers deserve a little recognition, and appreciation. Teachers not only educate, but they help to shape and frame your child's beliefs, values, and behaviors.

Health and Food News Turn off aging and Inflammation, by eating foods like strawberries and blueberries. Berries have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Strawberries contain folate and are rich in vitamin B. Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants, which help keep free radicals under control.


They are also high in fiber.

DO YOU LIKE TO GO FOR WALKS IN NATURE? Walking in nature has so many benefits. Did you know that walking once a day gives you more energy to enjoy life? It reduces stress, gives you a deeper, restful sleep at night. It reduces depression and negative thinking. It also increases the feeling of peace, stability, and sense of connection.

Dry Skin Brushing Dry skin brushing is so good for our bodies. Did you know that the skin is the body's largest organ, it eliminates 25 % of the toxins in our body each day? Brush skin when it is dry 1 or 2 times a day. Use long sweeping strokes, always start at the feet. Always brush towards your heart, it is best for circulation and your lymphatic system.



'We aren’t perfect and I think I can speak for many others when I say we don’t expect you to be either. We just made a few different decisions along the way, that’s all. And you can make better decisions for your future starting right now because you are in control of your life.'. ''.

Craig is a Master Certified Health Coach and founder of McCloskey Wellness. He is also the Resident Nutritionist and Community Manager for The Model Health Show, featured as the #1 Fitness & Nutrition Podcast on iTunes. He lives with his girlfriend, Bethany and their Four-year-old husky/lab mix, Koda

Craig McCloskey How did you get started in your career? In What Year? I’m always just getting started. I’m constantly learning, reforming my hypothesis about what health really means, and figuring things out along the way. But as a 26 year old looking back, if I had to choose a particular point in time that really shifted my life’s purpose into the health space, I would say it was in 2015 at age 22 as a sophomore in college. I was commuting from my parent’s house to a local branch campus of Penn State at the time. My dad came into my bedroom early one February morning to wake me up with the news that completely changed my life’s trajectory. While I was still half asleep and tears in my dad’s eyes he proceeded to tell me that my uncle Nate died in his sleep the night before. He never woke up that morning. I found out in the weeks to come that he had a massive heart in his sleep. As a father-like figure to me, he left behind two kids and a beautiful family. He was only 43 years young. That moment fueled me to find out everything I could about health. As I was already a declared nutrition major and kinesiology minor in college, I started diving deeper into podcasts, books, live presentations, and even experimenting with biohacks on my own body. I let that moment in my life catapult me further into this space. I was not only letting my passion and love for my uncle fuel me, but my vision for my future was pulling me, as it still does to this day.

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Craig McCloskey

What advice would you offer to someone starting out in your industry? Always stay open-minded. I think starting out we want to share all of our newfound knowledge with the world and tend to believe we are going to change it overnight. That’s not how it works. Success takes time, hard work, and consistency, but maybe even most importantly, always staying open-minded. The minute we become close-minded is the minute we limit ourselves from learning and growing to our fullest potential. I believe that in this industry, in particular, we can get pretty dogmatic about our beliefs and recommendations. I’m firm in having standards and living by certain values, but I do my best to stay radically open-minded about being wrong, too. My knowledge and recommendations five years ago were drastically different than they are today. Five years from now, I can only hope they are different, for the better, too! Just remember, no one has all the answers and especially in this complex world of health and the human body, we are only just beginning to scratch the surface. As Albert Einstein once said, “A theory can never be proven as fact, for one never knows if future generations will contradict its conclusions.” With this mindset, I think it’s important to always do what we believe is right and lead with a pure heart, with the best science we have available at the time. But I think it’s also just as important to know that we can improve our recommendations and it’s all right to change our own opinions anytime we want. I also think it’s important to stay science-based, but not science-bound. I really tend to nerd out and read a lot of literature and stay up-to-date on fascinating science. But at the same time, I also try to approach health with a historical, ancestral, and commonsensical approach. I like to blend the two approaches and not get too dogmatic about being completely bound by science before forming my opinions.

Are there any specific contributions, you have made in your field which contributed to your success? (i.e. inventions/patents. Books authored or co-authored etc.) I currently have a couple of ebooks authored that are on my website, as well as a unique customized coaching protocol where I’ve been able to help many people achieve their goals. But I would say a specific contribution I’ve made that has really set me apart and contributed to my current success is my current role at The Model Health Show, the #1 Fitness & Nutrition podcast on iTunes. This is my full-time job working directly for Shawn Stevenson. I am able to work with his audience each day as the resident nutritionist and help people from all around the world. I’ve taken on a major role with their company and it’s rewarding to be able to impact the lives of thousands, if not millions, of people on a regular basis. It’s also very rewarding to get to learn directly from him as my mentor. He has created a very successful business from the ground up, so I can avoid the mistakes he made and apply the same tips to my own business so I can contribute more to the world and build my own successful business as well. What do you do in your free time (volunteer, work, hobbies, etc.) As my business is really in the early stages, I spend most of my free time investing in that, researching, writing and finding ways I can improve each day. But I also like to play and have fun! I grew up as an athlete and played two sports in college (baseball and swimming), so staying active is a passion of mine. Lately, since I am so busy working and sometimes stress seems to pile up, I like to spend time just playing soccer and basketball with friends to unwind and stay healthy. I also do a lot of reading for fun and enjoy my alone time so I can recollect my thoughts and nurture my introverted tendencies! When I’m not playing sports or reading, I spend most of my time going out with my girlfriend of six years and four-year-old dog, Koda. What professional challenges have you faced that have contributed to your overall success? While this specific challenge may be a little unorthodox, it turned out to be one of my biggest blessings. I entered the Air Force on my 19th birthday right after high school and ultimately got medically discharged several months later due to a previous childhood medical history. With a little direction and no plan for my future, I decided to take another year off and work to figure out what I wanted to do. I soon decided to enroll at my local university (Penn State) at the age of 20. It took me over six years including 16 semesters to finally graduate at the age of 26. During these years I always felt like I was behind compared to my peers. I had many struggles throughout college financially and academically, but now looking back I realized they were all preparing me for this moment in my life. Those struggles qualified me for these moments I am experiencing now. If I would’ve entered college “on time” at the age of 18, I truly don’t believe I’d be where I’m at today running my own health coaching business. Sometimes the struggles we go through, whether we bring them on ourselves or not, are life’s way of qualifying us for the next stage in our lives. I’m grateful every day for those years of challenges and can’t wait to see what challenges I face next!

What would you like readers to know about you and why? I’m not perfect. Now before you make a snap judgment, I know what you’re thinking…” obviously you’re not perfect, Craig”. But, seriously! As a health professional, you wouldn’t believe how many people are shocked to see me eating a piece of cake or missing a workout from time to time. But the thing is, I’m human too and I’m all about enjoying the highest quality of life possible. If the highest quality life possible in that moment for me is to enjoy that piece of cake or miss that workout, then you bet I’m going to do it! But with that being said, I also know when enough is enough and when to say “no”. Especially in this world today with access to every single person’s life at the click of a button it can be so easy to compare our behindthe-scenes to someone else’s highlight reel and feel inferior. When, in reality, we all struggle. We all have moments of insecurity. We all have moments of self-doubt and scarcity. But not many people are going to have that level of vulnerability to share it with the world. So just know that you are perfectly imperfect just the way you are. If you are on a journey to improve your health, don’t compare yourself to me, another health coach, or anyone else for that matter. We aren’t perfect and I think I can speak for many others when I say we don’t expect you to be either. We just made a few different decisions along the way, that’s all. And you can make better decisions for your future starting right now because you are in control of your life. What is your favorite quote and why? “Find your uniqueness and exploit it in the service of others”

We all have a gift. We all have something special about ourselves (usually many things special and unique to who we are). When we can tap into that uniqueness and find a way to give to others while doing that particular thing, we will achieve a life of happiness and fulfillment.

What 3 tips will you give someone who is struggling to live healthy? Tip number one is to love yourself. This is hard for so many of us but it needs to be the very first thing we do when it comes to making a change in our lives, especially a health-related change. It’s so easy for us to compliment others and idolize our biggest role models but yet, it’s even easier for us to say the most hurtful things to the most important person in our lives - ourselves. We all come from some type of background and trauma, but it’s learning to embrace who we’ve been and eventually accepting it entirely and knowing that we are worthy of love, especially from ourselves. When we learn to be kinder to ourselves and forgive ourselves from the mistakes we’ve made, it will liberate us and allow us to walk a different, healthier path in life.

Tip number two would be to focus on eating local foods you can find particular to your area. This is probably the best way I can summarize the confusing world of nutrition in the matter of sentences. With so many fad diets in the culture nowadays, it can be easy to fall into a restrictive dieting blackhole. So while we are most certainly blessed to have access to grocery stores in most cities around us, this wasn’t always the case. We now have access to whole foods from all over the world, 365 days a year. This really goes against what our biology expects from a nutrition standpoint. And that doesn’t even begin to factor in all the processed, manmade food that has recently been ingrained into our diet. So the best way to think when it is just starting out is this...what food can I find from nature that is local to my area at this time of year? Farmers markets are a great resource for this and smart, pre-planned grocery trips can do amazing things for your health! After you get this basic, fundamental tip down, that’s when you can start fine-tuning all the micro-details like macronutrient ratios, what time of day to eat, and which foods work best for your individual health goals at this time. Tip number three would be to prioritize sleep. I know this one might not be a crowd favorite with the limited amount of hours in the day, but sleep really is that thing that can help you achieve your goals, fast! First things first, we all have the same 24 hours in a day, so it comes to prioritizing what it is we want most and if it’s health, we will never have the health we want if we don’t prioritize good quality sleep. I struggled to get good sleep myself for a couple of decades, but when I really understood what getting good sleep meant for my energy, productivity, and health, that’s when I started really making it the utmost priority in my life - even more so than my nutrition and movement a lot of the times. So having the self-love and willingness to put yourself and sleep first so you can better, in turn, serve others is the best way you can reach your goals and make a difference in this world. What kind of legacy would you like to leave the world? This is a powerful question. At this point in my life right now, I want to be remembered as the best health coach in the world. Long after I’m gone, I want people’s health and lives to improve because I have lived. It’s not necessarily that I want my name remembered, but rather my legacy to live on and know that something I have created can keep giving and giving. It’s as simple as that.

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Breast Implants – The Struggle is Real By Renai DuBois Have you ever looked in the mirror and didn’t like your itty bitty boobies? If you are thinking about or had breast augmentation this article is for you. Please continue reading! Breast augmentation is one of the most common types of cosmetic surgeries being done with around 300,000 surgeries done each year. Once the implant is placed in the body, the body immediately begins to form a capsule around the implant to protect itself from the foreign invader. Interestingly, what can form in between the capsule and the implant is bacteria & fungus. With that being said, I don’t feel enough is being talked about from the doctors doing these surgeries. This is a huge decision or it should be. Placing a foreign object into our bodies is going to have consequences. Understanding all the consequences is vital for your health and future. So, doing your own research is extremely important. Doctors are not talking about Breast Implant Illness or BII. This list of symptoms is extensive and you can find it over at this amazing resource:

Several of the symptoms are super common and doctors’ rule BII out completely and rarely believe that BII exists. For example, some of the symptoms are fatigue/low energy, brain fog, headaches, digestive issues, IBS, leaky gut, problems with adrenals, hypo or hyperthyroid, hormone imbalance, hair loss, yeast infections, heart palpitation’s, shortness of breath, burning in the chest around the implant, anxiety, depression, persistent bacterial infections, low libido. There are oodles more on the list, do you see just how “common” all of them are? Another topic that should definitely be up for discussion before ever getting implants is BIA-ALCL or breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma. This is not a breast cancer but rather a rare type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma which is considered an immune system cancer. Chances of getting this type of cancer is 10x greater if you have or have had implants! Women who have implants have had their health taken from them from complications associated with placing a foreign object in their body. If you have implants and are struggling with health-related issues like the ones on the list, considering to explant (removing the implant) would be your next step. Breast implants are a choice for women who struggle with body image, breast cancer mastectomy, change to body after child bearing age or loss of volume due to large weight loss to name a few reasons. So, getting them removed can be a difficult decision for many. From all of my research, getting them removed allows the body to heal and several of the symptoms go away once the invader has been removed. My question to you, can you love yourself the way you are without altering the appearance or if you have implants, at what point is your health worth the explant? I get it, the struggle is real! Ladies, we have to love ourselves so much that we aren’t willing to compromise our health! Breasts whether they are big or small, cleavage or no cleavage does not make us less of a woman. Claiming health above all else is claiming self-confidence, self-love and self-esteem to be yourself. You are worth it!

Renai specializes in working with those who have food intolerance and digestion issues to help regain their health and get their lives back. About 17 years ago, her 3 daughters and later herself, all had different food intolerances. She graduated from ITN, The Institute of Transformational Nutrition in 2015. Today she works with clients from all around through TeleHealth, a video platform.

Slowing with the Season BY KIM KLEIN

One of the things I miss most about where I live is witnessing the change of seasons. Living in Santa Barbara, the seasons change, but not too

Fall has always been my favorite season. I love the coolness of the air on my skin, the surge of


energy I feel, and the way I sleep like a baby under

Our seasons consist of Amazing, then comes May

and turtlenecks.

Gray, followed closely by June Gloom (referring to our two overcast months) and with any luck, another short season that consists of some light rain and nights cold enough to wear a heavy sweatshirt.

heavy blankets. I also adore boots, jackets, scarves,

Yes, turtlenecks.

It’s the time of year when things slow down, nothing seems as pressing; it's restful. A time and place where it's easy to get lost in an epic novel or hours of staring out the window, holding a steaming hot cup of tea. There is a peaceful hush to the world. Fall feels soft, nurturing, and safe. To me, it feels like cashmere and smells like freshly baked banana bread..

Even if the leaves aren’t turning orange and yellow where you live, there are subtle shifts happening outside and in us all. There is a communal slowing down. Fall helps us make the transition from the frenzied activity of summer to the deep quiet of winter. It can also remind us to pause, to be present, and to reflect on the past year. It's a time for us to look back on what we’ve achieved, on any unfinished business in which we need clarity or completion. It's a time to stop the fiery summer energy of running around, of trying to accomplish maybe too much at one time, and breathe. Relax. And just breathe. So, if the idea of the warmer weather being over brings you down and the thought of the cooler and colder months ahead already have you feeling a bit blue, try to relax and embrace the notion that we are meant to change, just like the seasons ~ enjoy this season of slowing down, and rest assured that spring will return and those hot summer days will come again.

Kim Klein is a Life Coach, Certified Holistic Health Coach, Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, and author. She is the founder of Kim Klein Life Coaching and Wabi Sabi Women and is the author of Damn, the Pusherman ~ Sugar, The Legal Drug that is Keeping you Sick and Fat, and Nine Degrees North, a young adult fiction novel.

When Your Child Goes Away to School Or The Military And The Real Feeling Of Grief You May Feel By Lori Booty

When your child goes away to either college or a branch of the military, there is a real sense of grief for the parents. You may

1. Realize that this is a normal rite

feel guilty about this grief and try to hide it.

of passage for your child.

After all, you didn’t lose your child and they are so happy to be

Be happy for the lessons they are

getting away. It doesn’t help that when you try to contact them,

learning in independence and

you get a one word return text of “fine” or “ok”.

becoming a true adult, while having

This is real grief and it’s okay to feel it. The first step to getting


over it is to acknowledge it. Go in their empty room and sit on their bed. Look at old baby pictures and reminisce. Allow yourself some time and space to feel sad. If your spouse is understanding, spend some time talking with him or her about the sadness. But, then take some of these next steps to help you move forward.

you at just a phone call away for

Our kids still need us, just in a different way.

2. Find other friends that are going through the same thing. Plan a dinner or party with them. One of my friends had an “Empty Nesters” dinner with about 10 women. My friends and I went to watch a band at an outdoor restaurant and commiserated during the breaks. It makes you feel so much better when you know you’re not the only one feeling this way.

3. Spend time on self-care. Eat whole, organic foods and get plenty of exercise. Spend time outdoors enjoying nature. Do things that bring you joy. Spend time in meditation or prayer. This is a great time to join that yoga class that you’ve never had time for, or whatever exercise class you’ve been wanting to try.

4. Go to the college football games or other sporting events and start a new tradition with your child if distance is not an issue. Another friend of mine has a son that joined the Airforce and she and her husband traveled to see him in another state when he had a few days off. They did some sightseeing while they were there. My sister-in-law and her husband bought a motor home to go see my nephew play in all of his college football games.

5. Take up a hobby that you have always wanted to do but never had time for when your kids were younger. If you’re not sure what that would be, take a clue from what you liked to do when you were 10 years old. Horseback riding, painting, a musical instrument, softball, or you could even check out classes at the local community college. Community colleges often have continuing education classes available at a low price. 6. Start a side hustle or change careers. When my oldest son went away to college I began studying to become a Transformational Nutrition Coach at The Institute For Transformational Nutrition and I met so many friends and contacts through that program. Now I have many like-minded friends to collaborate with and share ideas with. It has been a beautiful and fulfilling addition to my life. Your life with your child is changing, but soon you will find a new way to connect and your relationship will be better than ever! Enjoy this time of your life for it is a small period of time and will go by in the blink of an eye.

Lori Booty is a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach with over 20 years of experience teaching elementary school and a Masters in School Counseling. She is the owner and creator of Lori began her health transformation after watching her mother battle a traumatic illness and she realized her own health was not as good as she wanted it to be. She found out that nutrition held the key to improving her symptoms and not medications with terrible side effects. Throughout her journey she's found that there are many natural remedies she could turn to for her family and not always have to rush to the doctor. One of the most surprising remedies she found was that her thoughts actually impact the quality of her health. She now works to support women who are exhausted from raising kids and caring for aging parents to get back their own health without using medications or crazy, complicated diets.

By Jace Jacobs

A new month is here and with it brings another lunar cycle to experience. With each new Moon, let's focus on what really matters and how you should move forward throughout the rest of the month. Here are three questions to consider as you begin a new lunar cycle — these questions may trigger some inspiration on your journey. Right now. What is the best and most rewarding self-care routine you consistently do each month? How does it feel? Are you delighted, or is there an opportunity for improvement? Right Now. What is the most positive thing in your life? Is it your career? Family? Are you delighted, or is there an opportunity for improvement? Right now. What is the most negative energy in your life? Do you have a clear plan for reducing or removing it? Now we move on to my favorite question you can ask yourself. What are you going to do about it?Let's keep it simple. If there is a positive in your life, then embrace it and move forward on your journey. If there is something negative in your life, then take positive steps to improve your situation? One step at a time. One breath at a time. You are moving towards a life that you love. I dig the Moon. I love it. I find the full Moon is the best time for me to ask those powerful questions mentioned earlier.

Namaste ☮ Jace Jacobs Appreciate Everything ~ Love Fully ~ Need Nothing

The Moon I Love YouTube link:

I stepped outside this evening I was howling at the Moon Like the tides in the ocean Getting crazy real soon The Full Moon is coming I feel the call inside of me I’m not the only one We all feel the energy Some think you’re a little crazy As they walk their crazy way For others it's an excuse Getting crazy when they play I’ll just keep on loving Whatever energies there may be Chilling with the Moon I love And loving it affects on me

Meet Jace Jacobs! Jace Jacobs is a Happy Mindset Poet, Performer, and Creator @ Jace is an author and spoken word poetry performer. His Happy Mindset Poetry books are available on Amazon or via Jace enjoys helping cool souls raise their vibrational state so they can experience more confidence and clarity in their life.Appreciate Everything ~ Love Fully ~ Need Nothing#HappyMindsetPoetryVisit the social media links below for video performances of spoken word rhyming happy mindset poetry.

Learning From Children BY MARK SEMPLE

One of the greatest blessings in my life is the

Like all, I have made my best effort to teach &

honour of being a parent. I actually, became a

guide my children so they are best equipped to

Dad before I became a Father which was, in itself,

venture out into this world.

a rather interesting experience. My children are all grown up now and are out living their lives.

Of course, I have made some mistakes along the way and rectified them as best I could. As I reflect

Periodically, they let me know that something I

on my parenting journey, it is readily apparent to

said was so on the money and they really wish

me that my children have been some of my best

that they had listened to me earlier.

teachers. It may seem a paradox, given that I was

(This is something I have said to my Father

in the role of being the mentor, albeit it is the

countless times.) Of course, we truly begin to


appreciate our parents when we become parents ourselves. We know that our young ones will

The things you say – and how you say them – are

have that same epiphany when they start their

of paramount importance in the raising process.

families and can thus be patient knowing that they will someday achieve a full understanding.

Even more important are your actions which must

(Even though they may never know all the

be in alignment with that which you speak. If they

sacrifices that were made on their behalf, or the

aren't you lose credibility and your children won't

struggles to support them in the best possible

know what to believe.


This is the first learning experience from them. I had to up my game and ensure I was modeling & reflecting that which I was imparting to them. In alignment with my values & beliefs, of course. Striving to present that which I'm not would be inauthentic and would create discord of some sort in the future. I always felt I was a rather patient person yet being a parent helped me learn patience at a level I never knew existed. One of my fondest memories is when I was heading into my office with my youngest son, who was around 7 at the time. Chris was a charming child who had a lightness & innocence about him that was endearing to all. We arrive at the Chase building in downtown Indianapolis and entered the elevator to go to the 25th floor. Chris, of course, took care of all the necessary button pushing, which greatly delighted him. When the door closed, he promptly sat down on the floor. I instantly said “Chris! Stand up!”. He looks up at me, smiles and asks “Why?” To which, I replied “Because you can't sit down in an elevator!” ( I had visions of the door opening and a horde of senior executives strutting in and blowing a gasket over the sight of someone sitting in the elevator.) Chris, once again, looked up at me and asked “Why?” I opened my mouth to provide the litany of reasons why you don't sit in an elevator and … I could not think of a single valid reason to give my son. I could have given the standard parental “Because I said so!” response, but I never cared for that as it just doesn't respect the bond between us. So, I sat down next to him and had the most fun elevator ride ever. To be honest, I occasionally still do sit down. In this instance, my 7 year-old taught my 37 year-old self how to lighten up, not take things so seriously and to enjoy the experience as it is happening. What have you learned from your children?

Mark Semple is a Certified Comprehensive Coach, Energy Healer, Yoga Teacher, Author and Speaker. He has supported many clients in releasing that which was impeding them from fully enjoying their life journey. Mark utilizes a variety of intuitive coaching & energy clearing techniques to identify and resolve the root causes of his clients opportunities. Mark is also passionate about sharing the gifts of yoga and essential oils and co-creates empowering transformational retreats. Mark lives in Queens, NY and loves to explore the city and surrounding areas with his lady.

Top 7 Benefits of Magnesium BY DR. DANIELLE LITOFF

Are you Deficient? Knowing the signs of magnesium deficiency can make a huge difference in your health and your mood!

Here are just a few signs that you may be magnesium deficient: -

Anxiety Depression Muscle cramps High blood pressure Hormone problems Sleep issues Low energy Low vitamin D Low vitamin K

Depression Magnesium is essential for proper brain function and mood regulation. Research indicates that without enough magnesium, you are more prone to depression. According to the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, major depressive disorder impacts 14.8 million American adults. In one study of over 8,00 people, researchers found that those 65 years old and under with the lowest intake of magnesium had a 22 percent increased risk of developing depression. In a randomized controlled trial including older adults suffering from depression, a 450milligram magnesium supplement improved mood just as effectively as an antidepressant drug.

Anxiety No one likes being anxious. If you find you are frequently in this state, you may want to try increasing your magnesium. Low magnesium levels have been attributed to an increase in anxiety. According to research, a diet low in magnesium changes the types of bacteria present in the gut and alters anxiety-based behavior.

Heart health Studies indicate that even having a slightly reduced level of magnesium can cause severe changes in how the heart, blood vessels, blood cells and other tissues function. Magnesium is critical for proper electrical and mechanical functioning within tissues such as nerves and muscles (such as the heart), and blood vessels.

Migraines Research has shown that low brain magnesium is evident during a migraine attack. One study found that a regular intake of magnesium reduced the frequency of migraine attacks by just over 41 percent. Another study found that taking a magnesium supplement daily can help prevent menstrual-related migraines.

PMS According to Dr. Carolyn Dean, a magnesium expert and Medical Advisory Board member of the Nutritional Magnesium Association, magnesium could be the answer to a host of premenstrual symptoms. These include such things as mood swings, fluid retention, depression, breast tenderness, headaches, poor sleep and sugar cravings.

Brain power Research has shown that mice given extra magnesium had better working memory, long-term memory and a greater ability to learn. According to head researcher Dr. Liu, “Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of many tissues in the body, including the brain and, in an earlier study, we demonstrated that magnesium promoted synaptic plasticity in cultured brain cells.”

Good dietary sources of magnesium Magnesium-rich foods are found abundantly in nature. Try these delicious options:

Spinach Spinach is rich in many key nutrients for your health, including magnesium, protein, vitamin E and B vitamins. Raw spinach only has about 78 milligrams of magnesium per cup, but one cup of cooked spinach contains over 760 milligrams! That’s twice the amount from kale and collards, with only Swiss chard beating spinach as the top source from leafy greens.

Seeds Pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, chia, hemp and flax seeds are all great sources of magnesium. Seeds are also rich in anti-inflammatory fats and high in protein. Try sprinkling a couple tablespoons of seeds onto salads, add them to a green smoothie, or toss a few in with some berries and organic Greek yogurt for a high protein, magnesium-rich breakfast or snack.

Cocoa ad cacao Raw nibs and cacao powder are incredibly high sources of magnesium, along with dark chocolate and even cocoa powder. While you shouldn’t rely on chocolate alone for your magnesium intake, having a small square of dark or raw chocolate (or a couple tablespoons of cocoa) is certainly an enjoyable way to add more magnesium to your day!

Almonds Almonds are high in protein, vitamin E and the highest source of magnesium among all nuts, with cashews being a close second. Almonds contain roughly 76 milligrams per ounce (about 23 nuts), or 15 percent of your daily needs. For the best anti-inflammatory option, choose raw almonds (unroasted) or raw almond butter.

Bananas Bananas are often avoided for their high sugar content, but this fruit is actually the best source of magnesium among all common fruits. Bananas are also a great source of vitamin C, potassium, fiber, vitamin B6 and manganese. A medium-sized banana contains 32 milligrams of magnesium. blend a ½ a banana with an avocado, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, spinach, hemp milk and a pinch of salt for a ‘pudding’ that will decrease the speed of the sugar entering the bloodstream.

Coffee Your morning cup of java just got a bit more exciting — coffee is the highest source of liquid magnesium you can consume! It’s also higher than any food source — just in case you were wondering. Espresso has a higher magnesium content, but all coffee comes in around 1000 milligrams or more in just one eight-ounce cup. Do keep in mind that calcium from milk and refined sugar can interfere with magnesium absorption, so drink your coffee black. Also use a raw, whole-food sweetener like honey instead of sugar.

Dr. Danielle Litoff DPT is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Health Coach at Battle Born Health in Reno, NV. Her practice focuses on the principles of modern, proven medicine, delivered with an old-fashioned commitment to patient care and one-on-one relationships. For more wellness tips, visit her blog where she writes about various topics of nutrition, health, and physical therapy. "

Spare Time for Sale! BY JUDY BROWN

If you have spare time consider yourself fortunate. If time were a commodity, I wonder how steep the price would be.

"If you have spare time consider yourself fortunate"

Do you remember learning how to tell time in elementary school? I recall my fascination with clocks but also remember being disturbed by the two twelves; one for a.m. and one for p.m. It confused my young mind. We plan our lives by the sun and moon and by the rotation of the earth. Or do we? Around the clock is the name of the game now. I am a recovering watch person. My life was dictated by schedules, deadlines, and routines. I am almost embarrassed to admit that in my youth I slept with my watch on. While being timely and organized creates efficiency, being a slave to time can diminish overall wellbeing.

Faster with less time is now the accepted pace of life. Just look around. People are hunched over staring at phones and iPads and computers, attempting to race with the clock. We are always rushing, as if the deadline for living was dependent on it. How ironic that this very pace could be harming us. I don’t wear a watch anymore. Of course I have a phone but it is not attached to my physical body. My circadian rhythm still works best with a schedule. But, I like flexibility and surprise now. I still prefer to arrive on time. And, I routinely add in deep breaths to my schedule. Ask yourself this question: what do I fill my time with? Ponder and evaluate. Do you like your answer? Imagine if there were more hours for serendipity, synchronicity, and surprise. Imagine more minutes for creative thought. Imagine more seconds for daydreaming. Now, I leave you with these familiar lyrics from The Wizard of Oz…...

I could while away the hours, conferrin’ with the flowers Consulting’ with the rain. And my head I’d be scratching’ while my thoughts were busy hatchin’, if I only had …… (insert my words) more time! I hope this tune sticks in your head today! Fall is here and it is a perfect time to be outdoors. Save extra minutes to take in the fall colors and fresh air. Lie down in the crimson leaves and stare at the sky. Let time be forgotten, if for only a few minutes or hours. Time is a most precious commodity. I don’t want to pay the price for not having enough of it. Don’t you wish we could take some time and wrap it up in a pretty box with a bow and gift it to each other? A precious offering indeed!

The above quote is from AIME, a non profit mentoring program. Wise words.

Judy Brown has a BA in Biology from Connecticut College and is a Certified Holistic Health Coach trained by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She coaches women in their midlife years who want to reclaim their health and discover a more balanced and vibrant lifestyle. Judy provides individual and group coaching, workshops, smoothie demos, guided meditations for groups, and is an active blogger. She has two grown children. Judy loves to read, write, walk in the woods, sail, have afternoon tea, and explore the world with her husband.

BABY STEPS By Diane Letchworth

Sometimes you really do just need to take that first small step…. Let me backup a little bit. Somewhere around the end of 2017 or the beginning of 2018, I realized I needed to reevaluate a lot of things: my life, my nearly non-existent business, my health. Before I could move forward, I needed to take a few (okay, several) steps back. Basically, I was feeling really out of alignment with my True Self, and even some of my original goals. I wasn’t having any luck with my diet or exercise – no matter what I ate, I gained more weight, or (at best) couldn’t lose the weight I’d put on in recent years; no matter what type of exercise I attempted, I either had to quit due to pain or didn’t see any results. I felt like I was spinning my wheels in an endless loop of negativity. So I quit. News flash: Quitting isn’t always a bad thing. Sometimes we need to walk away from something we thought we wanted, or were told we needed. Sometimes continuing to push forward – even though we’re constantly told to “Never give up!” – is the worst choice we can make.) I decided it was time to let go of building an online wellness business, and go back to what I loved the most: writing, editing, creating. The whole “entrepreneur” thing just didn’t suit me. There were far too many things I didn’t like about it, and my sister and I had poured so much money down the drain pursuing one “bright & shiny” thing after another. And none of it worked. At least not for us. My creative urges weren’t being satisfied, and I felt like I didn’t know who I was anymore. I’d spent the past two or three years pretending to be someone I wasn’t.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m still very much invested in my own health and wellness, and I’m happy to help others who look to me for advice. But there is so much more to me than that one single issue…. Full disclosure: I thought I would be taking a few months off, maybe a year at the most. Here I am, going on two years, and I’m just barely starting to get my feet wet again. What took so long? To be honest, I’m not sure I know. But I suspect there’s a lesson to be learned here, about burnout, expectations, and who knows what else? So where did I start? My first baby step was to remind myself of who I am, what’s important to me, and how I want to represent myself in the world. I’m a creative type – I love to read, write, and edit. I love music and art. I’m also a free spirit. I don’t like to follow anyone’s dogma, and I don’t want to obey the “experts’” rules. In fact, it was trying to juggle everyone’s “step-by-step” plans for business success (not to mention “perfect” health) that was making me crazy. What else did I do? A few counterintuitive things, if you’re steeped in the “Health & Wellness” community – I stopped being so rigid about my diet, and forgave myself for not exercising. For months…. Guess what happened? I started eating less. It seemed as though, now that I no longer obsessed about every morsel I was putting into my mouth, I didn’t need to eat as much to feel satisfied. Before too long, I noticed that my clothes were starting to feel ever so slightly looser.

Even before we moved a couple of months ago, I had started (very slowly) incorporating some gentle exercise back into my weekly routine. Nothing strenuous, just some walking, stretching and weight resistance training. After we moved, we pulled out the TRX Suspension Training system. Just hang the strap over a (sturdy) closed door, and literally use your body’s own weight to provide your workout. And the best part is (for me at least) that I get much better range of motion using the TRX. I can achieve a deeper squat, as well as a fuller lunge. Lunges are particularly difficult for me because I have small feet for my frame, and arthritis in one foot besides. I’ve been using the TRX for a few weeks now (twice a week), and I’m already starting to notice a difference. I’ve started seeing signs of improvement in my “push-ups,” as well as the number of repetitions I can do for some of the other exercises. And my clothes have gotten ever-so-slightly looser…. As far as the creative end of things, I’ve even gotten a start on our new website. Oh, it’s bare-bones at best, but it’s still a start. Now it’s simply a matter of continuing to build. And we all know that the hardest part is always just getting started. I’ve got some sketch books and pens, some drawing manuals (as well as an online course), and several ideas for new (and some old!) stories to tell. And the thing is, with every passing day, I’m feeling more motivated. I’ve got things I want to say, to show! I know everything won’t come together overnight, but I am over that mindset.

I don’t need to have it all figured out. I just need to let go of expectations – my own, as well as others – and allow myself to take my time and work it out as I go along. (What I call “Nightwinging” it. I wrote an article several months ago discussing exactly that, for this very magazine!) This is why – this time – I’m taking baby steps. I’m not trying to do everything all at once. I’m not expecting to get everything right the first time, and have it ready for the world yesterday. You know, if it weren’t for baby steps, none of us would ever learn to walk, now, would we? Let’s be a little bit kinder to ourselves from now on, and allow ourselves the luxury of slowing down every once and a while, to reassess and refocus. I’m not there yet, not by a long shot, but at least now I have a good idea of where I want to go. And I’m happy to arrive there in baby steps….

I Diane Letchworth is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach, and a Certified Reiki Master/Teacher. She has been a regular contributor to the Live, Love and Eat magazine from the beginning. Diane (under the pseudonym Diana Bastine) is also an award-winning author of YA fantasy fiction, and co-edited the steampunk faerie tale anthology Gaslight and Grimm, to which she also contributed a story based on "Rapunzel." She can be reached at, or

Grab your gloves, roll up your sleeves, and help your garden prepare for a long winters rest! BY LINDA CASHMAN

Clean up, clean up, everybody clean up, everybody help. It's a little diddy I made up and sang to my children when they were little to make chores more fun. Truthfully, looking back I just roll my eyes, but if you haven't done so already, October is the month to clean up your flower beds! Whether to clean up a flower bed in the spring or fall, has been a hot topic among gardeners since Adam and Eve. Myself, I've tried it both ways and tend to do a bit each season. In the fall removing leaves that even remotely look like they could have a disease is an absolute must. Not only should disease leaves on a plant be removed, but the ones under the plant. The leaves or even the whole plant must be disposed of and never composted so the disease doesn't spread to other plants in the spring. Here in Wisconsin and other colder areas of the country, it's always good to leave some of the leaves that have fallen from your trees for winter protection of your plants, especially the tender perennials that may be just out of your growing zone. Don't make them thicker than an inch or two or it can smother the spring plants when they come up. In spring, just take the leaves and break them up a bit so they make a nice mulch to help the ground retain moisture during the summer.

When it comes to getting my roses ready for winter, I just cut the canes back to about 6 to 12 inches. Some years I toss a few leaves on them and just let them be. Some people prefer to use rose cones, but I could never seem to take them off at the right time in the spring, so now I just don't use them and if the rose isn't tough enough to make it on it's own, well, I'll go shopping in the spring! I should also make note, that I only buy roses that are hardy for my area and make sure the root ball is 15 to 18 inches deep. I tend to leave plants like Astilibe, Mums and Hydrangeas to clean up in the spring. I like to leave them for winter interest and the birds seem to like them for protection. Some years I'm so busy with my family I really don't get anything cleaned out other than anything that might have a disease. There is nothing that I look forward to more in spring than getting my hands into my gardens, and some years it's just takes me a bit more time to clean my gardens than other years and that's ok with me. So get out to the garden for one last clean up, then sit back, grab your favorite warm beverage and wait for spring! Happy gardening!

Linda has been in love with the written word as long as she can remember, and by the age of ten, wanted to write a book. Although she has not yet achieved her childhood dream of writing a book, she has written for television, as well as produced training and sales informational materials. As a strong believer in giving back, she has penned several articles for non-profit organizations. Linda is currently working on a made-for-television movie.


There are a few days for celebration such as international coffee day and national hair day. Remember that even in these months changing, to always have self care and self love. October is the second month of Autumn. Do you see the leaves on the tree's changing colours? Enjoy each moment that life presents to you. You are wonderful, just as mother nature intended.

Meet Dear Therapy! Meet Dear Therapy! Dear Therapy is a Poetry and blog writer. Aspirations to study Forensic Psychology as a degree.

-The leaves fallBy Dear Therapy Welcome to Autumn, it's really quite cold, Chestnuts fall and are sold, The leaves fade from evergreen, Now they're brown and crunchy inbetween, The soft air becomes still for a minute, Seasons change, we wonder who did it, It's that time of year you should know, Take a coat and scarf wherever you go. Â

-Hair dedicatedBy Dear Therapy

It's just another new hair cut, Putting down his cigarette butt, Hair that is fresh and clean, Fresh hairstyles all around to keep us keen, Having your haircut can make you feel at your very best, New hairdresser, always putting them to the test, We still leave never feeling a mess, A haircut every now and then can eliminate stress. Â

-HalloweenBy Dear Therapy

It's just another new hair cut, Putting down his cigarette butt, Hair that is fresh and clean, Fresh hairstyles all around to keep us keen, Having your haircut can make you feel at your very best, New hairdresser, always putting them to the test, We still leave never feeling a mess, A haircut every now and then can eliminate stress. Â

-Pumpkin dramaBy Dear Therapy

Placing pumpkins outside the house, they're carved, Food scooped out and given to the starved, Decoration of ghosts are hung upon the walls, A shadow like figure lurks within these halls, A simple skeleton holding some wine, The skeleton looked like he was having a good time, The party is almost over soon, As we gaze up at Halloween's moon. Â


Changed. My fierce, brave and friendly Bella has changed and not for the better. When I got her almost six years ago, she was fearless. She wasn’t afraid of settling into my house, in fact she NEVER hid, not once. She wasn’t afraid when company came over. She wasn’t even afraid of noises outside. Fast forward four years and I brought home Adso. From the very beginning this little guy was afraid of his own shadow. When I moved him to FL, he became even more afraid and frankly he hasn’t gotten any better even after a year in the new house. He hears a noise outside and he runs and hides. If I make a noise in the kitchen, he runs and hides. If I move unexpectedly, he runs and hides. This little guy is literally the most frightened cat I’ve ever owned. And the bad news is, emotions are contagious. Even for cats. And boy let me tell you what this means for my calm, relaxed and fearless cat. Bella now hides when I have company, runs from noises outside and spends lots of time in the laundry room. All because she has picked up the contagion called fear. From her brother. It’s the same for humans. Have you ever gone into a space and felt a negative energy? Or found yourself feeling sad after being around people who are crying? Or how about when you can’t stop yourself from smiling when you are in a room full of laughing and smiling people? This is because of mirror neurons. These are neurons that fire when we do something (like smile or frown) as well as when we SEE someone else do something ( like laughing or crying). With these neurons, there is no distinction between seeing and doing. They are what help us socially interact with others. So our brains pick up on what we see from others and imitate it. Amazing!

Understanding this can help us manage our own emotions too. I always encourage my clients to cultivate positive emotions around money. There can be so much negativity around money (especially when there is struggle and stress involved), that it is super easy to get sucked into some negative emotions about money. And for sure, we aren’t going to shift our money situation, money mindset or money patterns when we get sucked into negative emotions; especially if they are from someone else. This could look something like this. You see your spouse paying bills and frowning about the bank balance, and find yourself frowning and feeling uncertain about your money. You are watching a news report on the economy, not only is the newscaster talking about how bad it is, but he also has a sober or sad expression on his face. The next thing you know, you are feeling scared for what might happen. You are talking to your best friend and she’s telling you about her concerns about her credit card debt; maybe she is even crying. And you find yourself feeling a deep sadness. These are just a few examples of how you might pick up on someone else’s feelings about money and start to mirror them for yourself. Today, I want to share with you a few of my favorite tools to use when I find myself “mirroring” someone else’s emotions.

Surround yourself with the right people Yes! First and foremost you have to surround yourself with people who feel about money the way you want to feel. Find friends who are mostly relaxed and positive about money and spend as much time as you can with them. Start mirroring their positive emotions and carry those with you into your interactions with more negative people. That way they can start mirroring you instead! Make high quality connections If you find yourself sucked into the fear or stress of someone else’s money mindset, reach out to someone you trust that has a positive money mindset. Making those high quality connections are what can fuel your own improvements to mindset around money. These interactions can improve both your energy as well as the person you connect with. Spend a few minutes in nature Spending even just a few minutes in nature can shift the energy you are picking up from others. Go for a walk, or admire some flowers or leaves. Just a few minutes in nature can help you find a reconnection to yourself and your goals. When you feel that reconnection, you can begin to feel your own emotions more readily and not those of others. Smile Yes to this! If you are smiling, then others’ mirror neurons are going to pick up on those and they will want to reciprocate. It can go a long way to shifting the energy and emotion for yourself as well as those around you. I would even go so far to say that your smile may even have a positive affect on people that you don’t even know are seeing it.

Watch some children playing Now don’t be stalkerish, but you know what I’m saying here. There is nothing in this world like some happy kids who are playing, having fun and interacting with each other. All. The. Joy. Right there wrapped up in a noisy bundle of kids. I may not be able to get my cat’s on board with this program, but I know these things all work for me. And they will work for you too. The next time you find yourself picking up on someone else’s emotions, remember that your mirror neurons are firing. Then try out one or two of these tools to see if you can shift back into a more positive feeling around money.

Meet Sherry Parks! Sherry Parks is a Money Mindset Coach who helps women escape feeling stuck and trapped by their finances so that they find more joy and wealth for their lives. Check out her 5 Steps to a Better Money Story workbook here. ( ). Here’s what people are saying about the workbook. “I am amazed how much insight I got after completing the workbook” - Nicole E. “Your workbook is great!” Nancy R.To connect with Sherry, join her women-only Facebook group Lives in Balance.


TANGERINE PUMPKINS Ingredients: 12 whole peeled tangerines 2 celery stalks cut into strips to make 12 sticks Method: Put a stick of celery on each tangerine to simulate a pumpkin. Serve.

BANANA GHOSTS Cut bananas in half and use raisins to create eyes and a mouth. For icy-cold fun, insert sticks into the bottom of the bananas and freeze until firm before serving..

PUMPKIN CARROT JUICE Ingredients: 1 small pumpkin 3 medium carrots 1 medium apple ½ inch ginger root ½ teaspoon cinnamon powder Method: Prepare the pumpkin as directed Wash and peel the carrots, remove the stem, and cut into chunks that fit in your juicer.Wash and peel the ginger.Run everything through your juicer.Add the cinnamon powder, stir well, and enjoy.

Halloween decorations don't have to be scary. If you want to have a decoration that is warm, friendly and festive, you can paint a cute face on your pumpkins. You don't need to be an artist. All you need are a washable marker to draw an outline of the eyes, nose and mouth on your pumpkin. If you make a mistake, or don't like the way your pumpkin is l ooking, you can simple wipe it away and start over. Also use colored poster paints and brushes..

G E T C R E A T I V E No Halloween is complete without some fun pumpkin carvings and Jack-o’-Lanterns ready to greet trick-ortreaters and party guests. And you don’t have to be an expert with a carving knife or spending too much money on decorations, BE YOUR OWN CREATIVE SELF

N I S I T A H R W O F N O S SEA R E B O OCT Apples Avocado Pumpkins Bananas Beets Bockchoy Broccoli Brusselssprouts Carrots Cauliflower Celery

Kiwi Okra Pomegranates

Potatoes Raspberries

Strawberries Sweet Onions Sweet Potatoes Turnips Winter Squashes

Pears Corn Cranberries Egg plant Grapes Greens Leeks Lemons/Limes Mango Melons Mushrooms

Beef & Snap Pea Stir Fry Makes 4 servings






1 lb. beef steak (sirloin, strip, flank or top round will all work), thinly sliced into ¼ inch slices - 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil - 1 lb. snap peas - 2 large carrots cut into ribbons with a vegetable peeler or 10 oz preshredded carrot - 4 tbsp. coconut aminos, divided - 1 scallion, dark green part only, diced - 1 tsp. grated fresh ginger (I buy jars of minced ginger and keep in the fridge) - 1 tsp. minced garlic (I buy jars of minced garlic and keep in the fridge) - Sea salt and black pepper

Heat the olive oil in a large skillet or wok over medium-high heat for 2 minutes. Add the beef to the pan and cook, undisturbed for 1-2 minutes. Sprinkle with sea salt, pour in 1 tbsp. of coconut aminos, stir, and cook for another 1-2 minutes. Transfer to a plate. Add the veggies to the warm pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and stir-fry until they are tender, 1-4 minutes. Push the veggies to the side of the pan and add the ginger and garlic. Stir-fry for about 15 seconds, then mix the veggies, ginger, and garlic together. Add the meat back to the pan and toss with the veggies. Add the remaining 3 tbsp. of coconut aminos and diced scallions. Toss to combine and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes. Serve!

Lindsay Young is a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach and Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist living in sunny Southern California. She’s a wife, mama of 3, food enthusiast, and embracer of imperfection. Lindsay specializes in helping busy women develop a nutrition and lifestyle plan that fits into their real life, so they can gain health without losing their minds. She believes eating healthy can be simple, beautiful, and easy. Lindsay’s approach to wellness focuses on real food in a real-life context, helping her clients develop a modern approach to a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable and joyful, in their homes and out in the real world. She believes living well can mean eating chocolate and enjoying happy hour, learning to trust your body, and embracing food freedom. Website: Instagram: @lindsay.lives.well

Instant Pot Butternut Squash Soup






- 2 cups of vegetable stock/bone broth - 4 cloves garlic, minced - 1 carrot, peeled and diced - 1 Granny Smith apple, cored and diced - 1 medium (uncooked) butternut squash - 1 white onion, diced - Salt and Pepper to taste - 1/8 teaspoon of cayenne pepper - pinch of ground cinnamon - Pinch of ground nutmeg - 1/2 cup (unsweetened) coconut milk - 1 or 2 Bay leafs

Add the vegetable stock/bone broth, garlic, carrot, butternut squash, apple, bay leaf, onion, salt, pepper, cinnamon, cayenne and nutmeg to an Instant Pot. Toss to combine. Close lid securely and set the vent to Sealing. Press Pressure on your instant pot until the light on “High Pressure” lights up, set time 8 minutes. Cook. After 8 minutes very carefully, turn the vent to “Venting” for quick release, and wait for all the steam to release and the valve has dropped. Remove the lid. Remove and discard the bay leaf. Stir in the coconut milk. You can use a immersion blender to puree the soup until smooth or a normal blender. Serve warm and Enjoy!

Bernadine Otto is a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach & an EFT Practitioner and the Managing Editor of The Live, Love and Eat Magazine. She helps women to make peace with food, cravings, and emotional eating by using a technique called The EFT Tapping Method for Weight Loss and Cravings. She also works with women who are tired of dieting, and women who have a negative body image. My approach is not to focus on calories or the scale but to find the root cause so my clients can have a happy, healthy life that they deserve.

Book Feature The Power of Your Back and Spine Muscles By Tracy Markley

In The Power of Your Back and Spine Muscles, Tracy shares illustrations of many important spine and back muscles and how they power the body. She shares the physical movements the spine and back muscles perform to move the body, as needed for everyday activity. Tracy feels if one has the knowledge of their muscles and movements it guides us to stay injury-free during our daily activities and exercise programs. Having knowledge of the muscles and movements in your body will help fight against declines and weaknesses that often come with aging and/or disease, as well as assisting in recovery and rehab from injuries, stroke, surgeries and rebuilding walking abilities. This anatomy book is a fabulous resource for all ages, including students, fitness fanatics, athletes, fitness professionals, physical therapist, chiropractors, and medical professionals. You can purchase the book on Amazon or on her Website:

Tracy L. Markley has been working and studying in the fitness industry for over two decades. She is the owner of Tracy’s Personal Training Fitness, Pilates and Yoga Studio. She is a certified Fitness Specialist, Personal Trainer, Biomechanics Specialist, Pilates and Yoga Instructor, BOSU® Master Trainer, and more. She has written the books: The Stroke of An Artist The Journey of a Fitness Trainer and A Stroke Survivor, Tipping Toward Balance A Fitness Trainer’s Guide to Stability and Walking, Stroke Recovery, What Now? When Physical Therapy Ends, But Your Recovery Continues, and the book, Your Brain, The software of Your Body, a Fitness Trainer's Guide to Brain Health. She is on the Fitness Education Advisory Board at Medfit Foundation and has written a CEC Certification Course on Stroke Recovery and Exercise. Her work and books have been nationally recognized. Tracy has been recognized as a specialist in the fitness industry with stroke survivors and those with balance, stability and walking challenges.

 ''Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn." —Elizabeth Lawrence

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.