The Live Love and Eat Magazine

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Live Love and Eat Health|Wellbeing|Nutrition

In This Issue: Summer Reflections and Hello September! What is Soulwork?


Thyroid CancerWhat You Need to Know What's the Power of Words?

We all need our happy places

Fall is not time to call it quits on a beautiful garden


Fall Recipes

is Futile Back to Health Reset your body after summer indulgences Meet our Spotlight Lori Booty

Social Media Mission Healing Leaky Gut

Four Simple steps to find all the money you need Poems from Dear Therapy


What is inside MEET OUR SPOTLIGHT Lori Booty

RECIPES Fall Recipes

MEET OUR CONTRIBUTORS Read all about what wonderful work they are doing


ARTICLES 03 Editor's Note 16 Thyroid Cancer- What You Need to Know 23 Fall is not time to call it quits on a beautiful garden 25 What is Soulwork? 29 What's the power of words? 35 Summer Reflections and Hello September 38 Four simple steps to find all the money you need. Practical tools for everyone. 42 We all need our happy places 48 Back to Health-Reset your body after Summer Indulgences 50 Resistance is Futile 53 Social Media Mission 55 Healing Leaky Gut 58 Poems from Dear Therapy


Note From Editor


New stories, new writers It is the month of September. It is the last days of summer and the first days of fall. This is the favorite season for me, as the leaves on the trees change colors and going into a new season/new beginnings. We have lots of amazing articles in our Fall issue, holidays, Health

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advice, Fall recipes, fun facts, and more. Be sure to read every single one of them. We recently launched the very first episode of our new show The Live Love and Eat Show. Episode 2 is out, Check out our special guest Sherry Parks where she gives us tools on how you can change your mindset around money. Check out our Fall recipes in the recipe section. Our spotlight for the September issue is Lori Booty. Read all about the wonderful work she is doing in the world. Enjoy the month of September!

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Love and Wellness

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Judy Brown

Jace Jacobs

Dear Therapy

Lori Booty

Diane Letchworth

Mark Semple

Kim Klein

Sherry Parks

Amberlin Harrison

Dr. Danielle Litoff

Adrienne Klein

Bernadine Otto Managing Editor Bernadine Otto Contributor Judy Brown Contributor Jace Jacobs Contributor Dear Therapy Contributor Lori Booty Contributor Contributor Contributor Contributor Contributor

Diane Letchworth Mark Semple Kim Klein Sherry Parks Amberlin Harrison

Contributor Dr. Danielle Litoff Contributors Adrienne Klein Contributor Linda Cashman Recipes Lindsay Young Book Adrienne Klein Recommendation

Linda Cashman

Lindsay Young

Spotlight Lori Booty 4497 Wyndtree Drive , West Chester 45069 513 275 8081 |

THYROID CANCER AWARENESS MONTH Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month is an opportunity to educate the public about thyroid cancer and the importance of early detection, treatment, and lifelong monitoring. Read our article on Thyroid cancer in our article section.

LABOR DAY Labor day is on the 2nd of September. This is usually also the last day of Summer when all public swimming pools closes.

FIRST DAY OF FALL Get Ready for Fall on the 23rd of September.

GRANDPARENTS DAY Sunday, September 8, is Grandparents Day. Honor your grandparents today and every day!

SEPTEMBER 911 REMEMBRANCE DAY I doubt anyone will ever forget where they were on the morning of September 11, 2001, when they heard of the attacks on the twin World Trade Towers in NYC and the Pentagon in Washington. This horrible and tragic day is etched forever in our memories. On the anniversary of 911, we encourage you to spend a few minutes reflecting upon this event and praying for the victims who died, and their families and friends.

Health and Food News Should you take probiotics? Probiotics are "good" bacteria touted to help maintain digestive health and boost the immune system.


You can take them in a dietary supplement or get them from food sources, such as Kefir, Kombucha Tea, Tempeh, Kimchi, Sauerkraut, Pickles and Pickled fruits and vegetables.

WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PHYSICAL HUNGER AND EMOTIONAL HUNGER? Physical hunger comes hours after your last meal, this is real hunger, your body telling you I am hungry now. Emotional hunger is usually caused by negative or positive emotional triggers that can come at any time. Sometimes when you have eaten as well. This hunger is where we usually go for the wrong foods. This hunger can cause us to gain weight. Which kind of hunger do you have today?

The Plank Challenge Join a 30 Day Plank Challenge. Plank exercise works your core. The Plank strengthens your spine, your rhomboids and trapezius, and your abdominal muscles, which naturally result in a strong posture as they grow in strength


ALL ABOUT GRAINS There are dozens of types of whole grains. here are some of the most common ones.

OATS The oat, sometimes called the common oat, is a species of cereal grain grown for its seed, which is known by the same name. While oats are suitable for human consumption as oatmeal and rolled oats, one of the most common uses is as livestock feed. Oats are grown in temperate regions. They have a lower summer heat requirement and greater tolerance of rain than other cereals, so are particularly important in areas with cool, wet summers.

BROWN RICE Brown rice (or “hulled” or “unmilled” rice) is whole grain rice. It has a mild, nutty flavor, and is chewier and more nutritious than white rice, but goes rancid more quickly because the bran and germ — which are removed to make white rice — contain fats that can spoil. Any rice, including long-grain, short-grain, or glutinous rice, may be eaten as brown rice.

FLAXSEED Whole flaxseed passes right through your body. So ground (milled) flaxseed is best. You can buy prepared flaxseed meal, but because of its high fat content, the ground seeds can go rancid quickly. You're better off grinding your own, using a coffee grinder or mini food processor.



''The legacy I would like to leave the world is to support women in having the ability and confidence to listen to their own internal knowledge of what their body needs. So many of us were raised to be the good little girl or the responsible parent, and do what we are told to do. That has spilled over to all areas of our lives and we forget to listen to what we want. Sometimes we don’t even remember that we have desires of our own''.

Lori is a CTNC and the owner of Beautiful Immunity. She lives in Houston, TX USA with her husband Scott, and 4 children from 12-24. Her oldest son graduated from Texas A&M University and is working now. Her middle two are in College and her youngest daughter is going to be in 7th grade.

Lori Booty How did you get started in your career? In What Year? I started my health coaching certification after watching my mom go through a traumatic illness. I also had an autoimmune thyroid diagnosis and I was thinking about how I wanted to be around for my own children and grandchildren. I also did not want to go through an illness that was treated with medications whose awful side effects were worse than the actual disease they were used to treat. I thought there must be a better way to heal ourselves. In 2015, I graduated from the Institute of Transformational Nutrition and began my coaching company, Beautiful Immunity, to support other women who, like me, had neglected their own health in order to take care of their children and everyone else in their life first.

Who or what has been your greatest professional inspiration and why? I was first inspired by Oprah Winfrey because I loved how she brought family and life issues to the mainstream and inspired people to change their lives for the better. When I began wondering if food was causing my health problems and the health problems of others, I really resonated with the founder of ITN, Cynthia Garcia, because she had been in really poor health, physically and emotionally at one time. She pulled herself out of it and built a very successful company by using the strategies that she teaches in her school. She really made me feel like I could help others too. I have always loved to help others as a teacher, so this was just another way to do that. I felt it was super important to help other people see that there was another way to heal besides conventional medical treatment that often just masks the true problem and doesn’t address the root cause.

Are there any specific contributions, you have made in your field which contributed to your success? (i.e. inventions/patents. Books authored or co-authored etc.) I have participated in The Transformation Summit and The Self-Worth Summit. I have also been a guest on The Grassfed Gingers podcast and guest on several Facebook Live health videos. I am working on my first book that will be about my own transformation from a shy, empathic magnet for people that take advantage of others to a much healthier, strong, confidant health coach. What do you do in your free time (volunteer, work, hobbies, etc.) In my free time, I spend as much time as possible with my family. They are my main focus. We like to try small hole-in-the-wall restaurants and unique individually owned shops in nearby towns. We love the water too. It could be a trip to the beach or a lake. Lately, we’ve gotten obsessed with collecting plants. It’s fun to watch them grow and to see all the different varieties and colors. What professional challenges have you faced that have contributed to your overall success? I really changed my mind a few times on who I wanted to work with. Actually, it was probably the same type of person the whole time, but I figured out who I didn’t want to work with and who I didn’t think I could really help. Now, after going through some months of confusion and uncertainty, I feel so much more clear with my messaging and brand. I was also terrified of doing live videos, but once I started practicing and doing them more often, it has helped my business become more visible. I think people can feel the emotion behind what you’re teaching when they can see and hear you. What would you like readers to know about you and why? Most of my career has been spent as an elementary school teacher, but I was always fascinated by what the school nurse was doing with my sick or hurt students. I loved collecting health facts from magazines or websites to share with my friends and family. Now, I get to research health and wellness for my business, and I love it! I research everything very carefully before I advise my clients to try something. I’m also conservative, trying to stick to the natural cures our ancestors have successfully used for centuries.

What is your favorite quote and why? “You are exactly where you’re supposed to be and whom you’re supposed to be to learn what you need to learn so you can become the person you need to be, who is capable of creating everything you’ve ever wanted.” By Hal Elrod in his book The Miracle Equation What advice would you offer to someone starting out in your industry? Starting a business is a marathon, not a sprint. There is a lot of learning and personal development that go into starting your own coaching business. Plan for it to take 3-5 years and continue to work your day job for a while if you are dependent on the income. But, don’t give up! Just stay consistent and continue your own personal growth. Hire a coach when you get stuck. There are just some areas you won’t be the expert in and you can shorten your learning process with the help of someone that knows what they are doing.

What 3 tips will you give someone who is struggling to live healthy? We all know the basic foundations of health, exercise, eat more vegetables, drink water, get enough sleep, etc. The problem is that we don’t do those things. If someone is really struggling to live healthy, I would advise them to: 1. Reduce stress- Stress is one of the major contributors to inflammation and in turn, disease. Practice self-care by spending time doing the things that help you relax. For me, that is my morning routine where I do yoga, journal, read and pray/meditate before everyone else in the house wakes up. Yours could be spending time with friends, walking your dog, cooking a new recipe or doing a craft. You can find lots of ideas online. 2. Get sleep- Studies show adults need 7-9 hours of sleep a night. In recent years, we have been told that people who get by on less sleep are more productive when in reality, the opposite is true. 3. Get a coach- If you are struggling with your health and have trouble staying accountable to yourself and your goals, a coach can help you stay inspired. A coach will help you find the foods and natural approaches that work best for your body and your ailments. What kind of legacy would you like to leave the world? The legacy I would like to leave the world is to support women in having the ability and confidence to listen to their own internal knowledge of what their body needs. So many of us were raised to be the good little girl or the responsible parent, and do what we are told to do. That has spilled over to all areas of our lives and we forget to listen to what we want. Sometimes we don’t even remember that we have desires of our own. What type of client do you typically work with? I work with women who are exhausted from raising their kids and taking care of aging parents. They’ve put their own health on the back burner, but now they are realizing that life is short and they are ready to reclaim their health and energy with natural cures. They don’t want to use medications and they are too busy for complicated diets. Where would you tell someone to begin if they are curious about your coaching style? I usually tell people to go to my website, and join my free Sleep Better Naturally Challenge at If they want help immediately, they can sign up for a free discovery call or coaching program at

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September brings us Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month. Despite the scariness of a cancer diagnosis, if found early, thyroid cancer is highly treatable. In the thyroid support group I facilitate, we have a significant number of thyroid cancer survivors. They are amazing, strong, and advocates for their own health. But that doesn’t make a diagnosis any less difficult. Some basic facts on Thyroid Cancer: Thyroid cancer is the most common endocrine cancer. Thyroid cancer is a malignant tumor or growth originating within the thyroid gland. It is also called thyroid carcinoma. Thyroid cancer is one of the few cancers that has increased in incidence over recent years. More than 53,000 people will be newly diagnosed with thyroid cancer in the United States in 2018. More than 300,000 people will be newly diagnosed worldwide in the same year. In the United States, more than 600,000 people are living with thyroid cancer. Thyroid cancer occurs in all age groups, from young children through seniors. About 2 of every 3 people diagnosed with thyroid cancer are between ages 20 and 55. Thyroid cancer is more common in women than in men. More than 7 of 10 people diagnosed with thyroid cancer are female.

People have a higher chance of getting thyroid cancer if they were exposed to large amounts of radiation during childhood, or received radiation treatment for medical problems in the head and neck area at a young age. The cancer may not occur until 20 years or more after the radiation exposure. However, most people with such exposure do not get thyroid cancer, and most people with thyroid cancer did not have such exposure. The prognosis for any individual with thyroid cancer depends on several factors. These include the type of thyroid cancer, the tumor size, whether the disease has spread (metastasized) to other parts of the body (especially distant sites), and the patients’ age at the time of diagnosis. (1) There are four types of thyroid cancer: Papillary thyroid cancer is the most common type of thyroid cancer. It accounts for about 80% of all thyroid cancers. Papillary thyroid cancer generally grows very slowly, but can often spread to lymph nodes in the neck. It also can spread elsewhere in the body. Follicular thyroid cancer accounts for about 10-15% of all thyroid cancers. Treatment will be discussed later in this handbook. Hßrthle cell thyroid cancer, sometimes considered a variant of follicular, accounts for about 3% of all thyroid cancers.

Medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) accounts for about 2 - 3% of all thyroid cancers. It develops in the C cells of the thyroid gland. Medullary thyroid cancer is easier to treat and control if found before it spreads to other parts of the body. Sometimes it spreads before a thyroid nodule is discovered. Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) is the least common type of thyroid cancer. It accounts for only about 1% of all thyroid cancers. (2) It’s essential to have a “neck check” at every yearly physical exam. The physician will palpate the thyroid and note any abnormalities. Thyroid nodules are common but should be subjected to further testing when found.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, consult your physician right away: Hoarseness that has no known cause and does not go away, or an unexplained chronic cough. Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. Difficulty swallowing or an unusual sensation (a “lump”) when swallowing. Nodule (lump) or growth in the neck. An abnormally large lymph node (a “swollen gland”) that fails to spontaneously shrink over a few months' time. (3) Treatment for thyroid cancer will vary depending on the type of cancer, age of patient, and whether or not the cancer has spread outside of the thyroid.

Thyroid cancer treatments include: Surgery—usually the first step for treating any thyroid cancer. For some people with very small papillary or follicular thyroid cancer, watch and wait may be recommended, with periodic testing to determine whether the cancer has changed in size. Watch and wait is called “active surveillance. ”Radioactive iodine ablation for many people with differentiated thyroid cancer (papillary and follicular). Thyroid hormone replacement therapy for anyone who has had their thyroid gland removed (or supplemental therapy for anyone who has had partial removal of the thyroid). External beam radiation – for some patients. Chemotherapy, including new targeted therapies for some patients, sometimes in a clinical trial. There are additional treatment modalities, such as radiofrequency ablation, and percutaneous ethanol (alcohol) injections, for selected circumstances. New treatments being studied for advanced thyroid cancer include immunotherapy through drugs called checkpoint inhibitors, and other forms of immunotherapy.

II recently asked members of my thyroid support group for feedback on their thyroid cancer experience. I wanted to know what they’d wish they’d known then and what was the most challenging part of the process. Below are quotes from thyroid cancer survivors: “Just because you have your thyroid removed, doesn’t mean that it can’t come back. Also, symptoms don’t just go away and this is a life changing disease. I wish there had been more information about how debilitating a disease this is and I wish the doctor had been more forthcoming and honest about this disease.” -Michelle M. “The most challenging thing is taking the thyroid medication correctly so it works well.” -Sharon K. “The most challenging was going through it without any support and getting people to understand the effects it has on the body.” -Jo-Ann S.

After the diagnosis and after the treatment, most thyroid patients will need to be on a thyroid replacement hormone for life. Survivors will need twice yearly exams with their physicians along with complete blood work to make sure the cancer doesn’t return. Joining a support group can be one of the most crucial elements of maintaining sanity, feeling less alone, and gaining education of thyroid health. There are several resources out there for thyroid cancer patients: My Facebook group: Thyroid Support Group Support website: Thyroid Cancer Survivor’s Association ( Advocacy and education website: Stop The Thyroid Madness ( Source: 1-3: Thyroid Cancer: A Guide for Patients (2nd edition, 2010)

Effectionately known as The Thyroid Whisperer, farm animal enthusiast, instant pot junkie, former cat wrangler and devoted Billy Joel Fan, Adrienne Klein is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Thyroid coach. As an Autoimmune Hypothyroid patient of 21 years herself, she’s been through the blood sweat and tears that is an autoimmune disease. She’s currently in a master’s certification program with completed certifications in Autoimmune Diseases, Digestive Health and Weight Loss. She works with thyroid patients to eliminate or decrease symptoms that persist even with medication.

Fall is not Time to Call it Quits on a Beautiful Garden! By Linda Cashman

A quick walk in your garden should show the spots that lack in color and bloom. Look at the colors of the surrounding plants and leaves. This will help you decide what color blooms will work well in the bed. For example, Mums come in all colors, from flashy, popping yellows to soft corals. You may want to put a bright yellow mum next to a bronze colored leaf for high contrast, or instead, a pink mum to create a soothing effect. Mums also come in a variety of sizes to fit into any area that may need to be fill, from blooms the size of your thumb to "football" mums. Now is also a great time to divide plants to share with friends. The rule of thumb is divide spring blooming plants in the fall, and divide fall blooming plants in spring. This allows the plant recovery time from the trauma of the division and allows the plant to focus it's energy on re-establishing itself to it's new home. Use a shovel that is clean to prevent any possible cross contamination of plant diseases. Push the shovel straight down onto the plant to make a clean cut, then dig out as much soil along with the roots as possible. Place it in your pre-dug hole and water thoroughly. Extend your garden by adding a little color and sprucing things up! Just a little time will give you added weeks of beauty.

Linda has been in love with the written word as long as she can remember, and by the age of ten, wanted to write a book. Although she has not yet achieved her childhood dream of writing a book, she has written for television, as well as produced training and sales informational materials. As a strong believer in giving back, she has penned several articles for non-profit organizations. Linda is currently working on a made-for-television movie.

What is Soul Work? BY KIM KLEIN

Your soul work could have everything to do with financial reward, or nothing at all. Are we all born creative beings? While some say we are born being creative, others say it is a trait that has to be nurtured. This argument has been going on for a long time, and theories and opinions have differed. But either way, we are all born with the innate ability and need to express ourselves. As a teenager, writing was my drug of choice. Sad, pathetic love songs that I could sing along my old Yamaha guitar. I wanted to be Joni Mitchell. I wanted to pour out all of my teenage angst in a song. I needed to be heard.

Soon after, the sad love songs turned into sad poetry. No beautiful flowers or love letters in my poems. No, I wrote more about the state of the world, or at least my view of it at the time. I wrote about homelessness, broken hearts, death of good friends, places lost in time. It was a great place for me to vent, to escape. To who? Maybe no one. But setting my thoughts and the words free to escape into the universe not only made me feel heard but also made me feel complete. It made me feel as though I had accomplished something. It was my creative outlet, though I never came close to receiving a recording contract or to becoming a Walt Whitman. I know many creatives who have put their art on the back burner. It either wasn’t making them money, it was costing them too much money, or they didn’t have time to pursue their “hobby” as their life was too busy with their “real” jobs. I heard a talk from Liz Gilbert once where she explained the difference between a hobby, a job, a career, and a vocation. In a nutshell she defined it as this: A hobby is something that you do for pleasure, relaxation, distraction, or mild curiosity. A hobby is something that you do in your spare time. A job is something you do to make money, to pay the bills, to make ends meet. Something most all of us have to have at some point in our life.

A career is something that you build over the years with energy, passion, and commitment. And a vocation is your calling. The word “vocation” comes from the Latin verb “vocare” — meaning, “to call.” Your vocation is a summons that comes directly from the universe, and is communicated through the yearnings of your soul. Your soul calling could have everything to do with financial reward, or nothing at all. Writing is my vocation. It has always been in my DNA. I could NOT not do it. It doesn’t matter if it is read, if my words are heard, or if they resonate with others. Even having one admirer can be enough. And mine was my mother. Years ago, I made her a little folder with all my poems and she loved them and proudly left the folder out on her coffee table for all to see. And at the time, that was enough for me. My point is this, if you are an artist of any type, a writer, painter, ceramist, cook, you name it, you have to create. There is no other way around this unless you want to live with a big empty hole inside you. A feeling that something is missing. So, what is your vocation? What is your soul work? Soul work is never insignificant. It doesn’t matter if others never see your work or buy your work. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t make you a dime. It is an expression of your being, no less important than the love you share, the mark you make, and the legacy you leave. It is in a sense, your duty to get it out of you and out into the world. Somewhere. Whether your passion has been to write a Family Favorites Cookbook to share with your siblings, write a New York Times best seller, or make a seaglass necklace, our gifts come in all shapes, sizes, and forms, and as they say, some of the best gifts come in small packages. Share your gifts, for everyone one of them is a little piece of your soul, and that is a gift worth giving.

Kim Klein is a Life Coach, Certified Holistic Health Coach, Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, and author. She is the founder of Kim Klein Life Coaching and Wabi Sabi Women and is the author of Damn, the Pusherman ~ Sugar, The Legal Drug that is Keeping you Sick and Fat, and Nine Degrees North, a young adult fiction novel.

WHAT’S THE POWER OF WORDS? By Amberlin Harrison

With so much information to be considered and absorbed through all modes of media today, I always feel that there is not much information I can share that is new or thrilling, but rather it is important to clarify and highlight truths within the myriad of opinions we confront each day. (Side note – I really appreciate our Editor of LLE – there are so many diverse opinions in the magazine, especially around the very important subject of spirituality, ranging from universal ideas, leaning New Age, and Christian voices). One idea that spans over many faiths and lifestyle anchors is the practice of affirmations. From my own experience, (which is southern, protestant Christian) I was first introduced to the idea of speaking blessings into existence by naming those things, or “name it and claim it”. I look back at the history of televangelism of the 80’s and 90’s, and I understand now what exactly was up (greed). I was a little child, thirsty for truth, and so I watched the preachers on TV sometimes as a grade school kid and even was reading the Prayer of Jabez and such works about prosperity in middle school. The authors and pastors were older (than me) and in positions of church authority – they must be trustworthy (so I thought). I look at the culture of belief today, and I see the echoes of what I would call the “name and claim” gospel within both religious and secular circles. And it’s no wonder! How many countless teens and maybe even kids like me were taking this info in and believing that simply having the correct mindset and spoken words would usher in power, prosperity, and perfect health?

How many well-intentioned people echoes these hopes within the powers of positivity into our budding little consciences? Perusing down the lifestyle isles of a Christian bookstore and the self-help section of a Barnes and Noble will offer many similar sounding options for desired success. The focus is about having the right mindset, having the right attitude, words, keywords, and habits for monetary success, stature, and pants size (as opposed to the spiritual blessings Jesus presented in the Beatitudes that are for everyone faithful, regardless of their morning routine or checking account). According to these works, geography, socio economics, genetics, government, and other factors shouldn’t ever inhibit a person’s ability to will other-worldly success and continual health for themselves.

You just gotta believe and receive and ignore the naysaying losers. Unfortunately, I perceive that, our self-help in affirmations culture echoes the sermons of the televangelists of 90’s. We’ve just secularized it (and recorded it in every multi-level marketing referral pamphlet). I don’t write all this to knock the power of words and strong will completely; the idea is older than Benny Hinn (who has recently retracted some of his teachings and confessed false doctrines of prosperity within Christianity). After learning about different religions, I see definite links to the idea of words having great power within Kabbala, defiantly New Age and magical practices (what else is an incantation, but powerful words?), and the affirmations of Eastern religions (Buddhist prayers). I see this theme in all these faith points, but I wonder what is the real power of words? It is certainly not the ability to claim down blessings from God or harness power to materialize matter from words in any faith system – our experience, and inventory of our friends experiences, of the world’s shared story disproves that (for clarification on the power of prayer, please see my blog at, or review the February article, “What’s the power of prayer?”).

What is the power of words? Why does this idea of being able to control our destinies with our mindset and speech trickle down different faiths and even into secular self-help? Personally, I think the truth and value in the content is just matter of who is delivering it, their motives, what can be gained (for tv pastors it’s tithes, for some Instagram influencers its followers and sales, etc.), and the maturity of the person teaching. I myself have a book about complaining and using words correctly (for my case it is what words glorify God by loving others in our speech). Words do have power, for sure.

Affirmations or proclaimations can:

~ Validate truths – “I am beautiful, I am loved, I am supported”. Sometimes we do forget the truth, or we

~ Shed clarity on our goals – just

can be slapped with the eye-opener, “I am NOT

saying “I am kind, I am patient, I am wealthy”,

supported, and I want to be!” and this revelation will

or proclaiming those things by the “blood and

cause us to shift or relationships into healthier ones,

name of Jesus” (as I often heard from well

or revaluate if our practices and goals honor the

intentioned, but doctrinally lacking preachers

families we are responsible towards.

and believers growing up) doesn’t move the

For example, I may find that I am not supported in

gears of the universe to work that out for us,

my dream to go to grad school, and in reality it is a

but it does give us a reference point for our

dream that does not prioritize my family at present

personal goals or prayer focus.

young children, working husband) and that goal needs to be put on the blackboard for a later visit. Affirmations can either validate truths or make unhealthy ideals surface so we can appropriately skim them off the top and save that cream for later when all the people we love can enjoy it as well.

~ Care for your family and friends – Speaking words of love and support over your family heals emotional wounds. We can speak life into their dry bones (Ezekiel reference there) and give them the environment their spirits need to thrive. We also obey God in using our words to build up good things, and tear down bad things (against abuse and oppression of all sorts). Our words can heal and defend. Cultivate gratefulness – gratefulness is a sort of spiritual food that we are created to thrive on. I believe that God ordained our souls to be nourished by it as intimately as our bodies are nourished by food and water. Each religion has its own teachings on being grateful, because it is just that powerful. Buddhism explains, "The Blessed One said, 'Now what is the level of a person of no integrity? A person of no integrity is ungrateful and unthankful. This ingratitude, this lack of thankfulness, is advocated by rude people. It is entirely on the level of people of no integrity. A person of integrity is grateful and thankful. This gratitude, this thankfulness, is advocated by civil people. It is entirely on the level of people of integrity.'" Katannu Sutta, Thanissaro Bhikkhu translation.

In the Bible’s New Testament, Paul writes in Philippians 4:11-12, “Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.” And again Colossians 3:16, and throughout many passages of the Bible, “Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” Gratefulness springs from of posture of maturity that can grow into other positive attributes within a person in progress.

Will speaking abundance into a situation really harness the powers of God, or the universe, or even our own primordial powers into granting our desires? No, but it may be a good compass and measuring stick for the trajectory and span of our goals. We should always be sure to understand that the most outwardly effectual power of our words are the good or bad seeds words plant and water within the hearts of other people we speak too. There is so much to be said about this subject (I am even doing the finishing touches on a book that explains prayer vs. proclamation within Christian faith even further), but I would like to share the verse I reflect on when I need guidance or refreshing on what my mind and conversations should be wandering into for the most gain in general: And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable— if anything is excellent or praiseworthy— think on these things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me, put into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. (Philippians 4: 7-9)

Amberlin is the author of The Complainer’s Journal, and The Complainer’s Workbook (which is being re released this fall). The Complainer’s Workbook is a self-guided study on the markers of a Christian life of gratefulness and faith and combats the damaging doctrines of the prosperity gospel within the Church. To stay current on releases and other info, follow Amberlin on Instagram - @amberlinbooks.

September came quickly. I am sure your summer flew by too. I had the opportunity to slow down this summer and here are a few of my reflections:


~peaceful moments are peaceful because they are flashes of time scattered between the many chaotic and busy hours of our day. I am so grateful for my many peaceful moments. Sometimes they must be intentionally planned. They nourished me.

September daydreaming can provide opportunities to feel the change of season.

~Just leave your phone behind! As a culture we are seriously cultivating an addiction to our phones. Sociologists and scientists are proving this. It is a tempting little box that is attached to our bodies…. and minds. Leave it behind; store it away. I do this for dinner outings and other social activities. Wow. How nice to connect with loved ones and friends instead. No distractions. It soothes the soul much more than this small device. The solution can be simple if only we would allow it. Don’t bring it to the table. ~Scale it back. Summer is a good excuse. When is the last time you sat on your porch and daydreamed? Try it. You can actually feel and hear your mind slow down. Breathe. Listen to the sounds of summer. September daydreaming can provide opportunities to feel the change of season. New sounds and new thoughts. ~Some things in life are so reliable. The hummingbirds always arrive in spring; the butterflies always find our butterfly bushes; waves always crash on the shoreline; the moon cycles monthly; my eyes always open when I wake up; my tummy tells me when I am hungry. While spontaneity frees the spirit, reliability is comforting. ~Since I freed up some time for myself this summer, I was able to enjoy one of my favorite pastimes…..looking at new and old cookbooks and trying new recipes. Time flies when I spend an afternoon in the kitchen exploring new cookbooks. It nourishes in more ways than one! I look forward to sneaking in a few afternoons this month and creating more fall like dishes. ~Complacency is an easy state to slip in to. Everywhere. Personally and collectively. One option off that path is gratitude. Every night I list my many blessings. It has changed me.

~Have a beginner’s mind. Look and see and do with fresh eyes. It can remove ego from the equation. I had a challenging family issue to reflect on and a beginners mind gave me new perspectives. Experience isn’t always what it is cracked up to be! ~Dusk has become my favorite time of day. I wind down. My body sighs. The sun sets and it seems the world settles. Birds find their perches; butterflies find a protective leaf; and the colors in the sky change. Regardless of the time of year, dusk is a predictable cue to return to home, settle in, and await the moonlight and stars. It is a reminder to gather in and reunite with family and friends after a busy day. Reflections come naturally if we pause at dusk. ~Oh no. I never got my salty swim time in the ocean. Other summer adventures came along though. I missed my yearly beach trip and these family traditions are always important. But, opening up to new summer activities and adventures is also refreshing. There still might be time for a swim in the sea! September is a special month, much like dusk. While we begin to say goodbye to summer, we can anticipate fall. New seasons allow for fresh beginnings. No matter what season it is, there is always time to reflect. Best wishes for a special September!

Judy Brown has a BA in Biology from Connecticut College and is a Certified Holistic Health Coach trained by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She coaches women in their midlife years who want to reclaim their health and discover a more balanced and vibrant lifestyle. Judy provides individual and group coaching, workshops, smoothie demos, guided meditations for groups, and is an active blogger. She has two grown children. Judy loves to read, write, walk in the woods, sail, have afternoon tea, and explore the world with her husband.

Four Simple Steps to Find All the Money You Need Practical Tools for Everyone By Sherry Parks

Have you ever wanted or needed something, but just didn’t have the money in your bank account? What did you do? Did you just give up and throw up your hands in despair? Or did you find a way to get the money? I think often the answer to these questions is driven by desire. It comes down to how badly you want or need the money. For example, if you need $10k for a life saving medical procedure, your desire is probably going to be the strongest. But if you needed a new pair of shoes but still like your old comfy pair, then your desire may be pretty low.

When something is super important to us, we generally find a way to do it. But what about all the things that aren’t on that life or death level? What about the things that come up that are important to life, but don’t have that added emotional tie? These are the things that we can easily push back and ignore. And often are the things that lead us toward feelings of despair, sadness and discontent about money and our financial situation. The good news is, you can create all the wealth you want and need. Yes! I truly believe that. You can develop the skills to “find” money in ways and places you least expect it.

One of the most amazing things that I’ve seen in my life time and time again is money coming to me in unusual, unexpected ways. This has allowed me to cover a tax miscalculation, buy things I want and even purchase training and coaching. Today, I want to share with you the actual steps I go through to draw the money to me, right when I need it. Write down the exact amount of money you need. It’s really quite a simple step, but it is super powerful. The act of simply writing it down, makes it real. It also gives your mind a definite problem to solve with clear parameters and a clear goal. If you keep it vague, then likely it is never going to happen. Be as specific as you can be and write down the amount of money that you need and the date you need it by. Make a list of every possible way you can think of to get the money. When I say write down every possible way, I mean every possible way. A couple of years ago, I wanted to take a course on hormones that was a new offering with my coaching certification. I knew I didn’t have excess cash in my bank account for this $1000 course. So, I sat down and wrote out a list of things that I could do to get the money. The first on my list was “raid my stash”. I keep stashes of cash money in my home for a rainy day. So, I went to look at my stash and found I had $580. Great! That left $420 for me to get to take the course.

I continued my list and wrote down things like: - Raid my stash - Have a yard sale - Sell five cleanse - Packages - Take on 8 extra shifts at my part time job - Sell my body Okay, totally wasn’t serious about selling my body. But the point is, I wrote down everything that came to my mind about how to get $420. Again, this is an important step and not one to be skipped. Because this is you taking ACTION. Any kind of action, even the action of writing a list reinforces to your mind as well as the universe that you are serious. You really want this thing.

You are willing to think outside the box and do what is necessary to get that money! Walk away. Yes, you heard me right. Now put your list away and walk away. Try to put it out of your mind and definitely stop obsessing over it. I almost never find my solution by making my list. Yes, there are solutions there but often they just don’t feel right. They mean me making sacrifices I don’t want to make (working 8 extra shifts, hello!) or doing something I don’t want to do (selling my body, ummmm no!). The thing is your mind is going to continue to work on solving that problem and finding you the money. So put the problem aside and walk away. I promise the answer will hit you when you least expect it! In my example above I received a letter the very next day from my bank. They had made a $300 error 8 years before and were putting the money back into my bank account along with $120 for my trouble! The exact amount I needed was being deposited into my bank account. Talk about exciting! Be open to the unusual or unexpected. My final tool is to be open to whatever comes your way. Often the solution comes to you in a form that you may not expect. And sometimes you may not even like it. But the truth is, you won’t see it even if it lands right in your lap unless you are open and willing for it to come into your life. In my own life, I’ve seen this happen in so many ways. Here are a few examples: Bank error in my favor, plus interest. Asking my mom to buy back something I had purchased from her so that she wouldn’t have to sell it to a stranger. Taking a part-time job that I thought I didn’t want, but doing it gave me freedom to do exactly what I love. Being approved for a zero-interest credit card that allowed me to finance coaching without paying extra in interest. These are only a few of the ways that money has come my way to meet a need. The key was that every single time, the answer AND the money came after I had taken the above steps. Every. Single. Time. What about you? Have you experienced anything like this? I’d love to hear about it.

Sherry Parks is a Money Mindset Coach who helps women escape feeling stuck and trapped by their finances, so that they find more joy and wealth for their lives. Check out her 5 Steps to a Better Money Story workbook here. ( Here’s what people are saying about the workbook. “I am amazed how much insight I got after completing the workbook” - Nicole E. “Your workbook is great!” Nancy R. To connect with Sherry, join her women-only Facebook group Lives in Balance.

We All Need Our Happy Places BY DIANE LETCHWORTH

I love this time of year – I know that, here in the

But I also think this “back-to-school” energy can be

desert Southwest, it will still feel like summer for

applied to other endeavors. For example, I have –

a while longer, but it’s still back-to-school” season.

finally!! – gotten back to using the TRX exercise equipment. This has got to

And why should we stop learning or changing just

be one of the most brilliant inventions in the

because we haven’t been to school in a while?

history of fitness! A simple series of straps that allow you to use your own body weight to

I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m a huge

strengthen and tone.

fan of The Teaching Company’s “Great Courses.” What I love the most is the security – because I’m These are college-level (and some high school)

gripping the straps, I can achieve far greater depth

lecture series taught by a roster of professors on

to my squats than if I’m simply standing in the

a variety of subjects. The most recent one I viewed

middle of the floor. I swear, using the TRX, my

was on the ancient world and it was fascinating.

butt nearly touches the floor! And I can’t get down that low on my own without feeling like I’m going

I don’t think we should ever stop learning, and

to fall on my tail!!

clearly I’m not alone – the explosion of online learning doesn’t seem to be showing any signs of slowing down anytime soon. And students of all ages are signing up for these courses, whether for professional or personal reasons. Some of us just like to learn new things to please ourselves.

Big difference, at least to me….

And something I recently discovered (because I haven’t used this equipment since I found out I have arthritis in one foot), is that it is a whole hell of a lot easier to perform a nice, deep lunge. I already have small feet for my frame, and with arthritis added to that … well, my lunges kind of sucked. But now … I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to take a big stride forward and … lunge!! One of my favorite ways to exercise used to be simply walking. And even that could sometimes be made difficult when the arthritis flared up. (I recently invested in an awesome pair of supportive walking shoes, which has helped immensely.) So over the past few years, most of my attempts at exercise had left me feeling more discouraged than anything else. But lately I’ve been feeling far more upbeat about it. Of course, in all honesty, there have been quite a few positive changes, and I think they’ve all come together. I had already started making healthier changes to my diet, after a long stretch of stagnation and frustration. (For a long time, no matter what I tried, I just kept gaining weight – I had all but given up.) Over the hot months of summer, it’s been easier to stick to a vegetarian diet – yes, going against the currently fashionable keto grain, ironic pun intended. I just don’t have much enthusiasm for meat when the temperature hits triple digits….

We’ve discovered a couple of nearby restaurants, one of which has a marvelous Mediterranean style “pizza” which uses hummus instead of tomato sauce. It’s basically a salad on a pizza crust, and it’s delicious. We’ve even figured out how to adapt the ingredients and make it at home. The other place has a fantastic veggie sandwich which piles all sorts of crisp, fresh veggies on your choice of bread (including gluten-free). We’ve been eating more salads, or plain Greek yogurt with added (by us) fruit, nuts and ground flax seed. Yum!! Basically keeping meals simple. We also just invested in a combination toaster oven/rotisserie/air fryer/dehydrator … something like 9-in-1 functions. This is great because … who wants to turn the main oven on during an Arizona summer, am I right? We’re looking forward to experimenting with it – especially as an air fryer and dehydrator. Not to mention the occasional cauliflower crust (hot) pizza … which will fit in it. Oh, and of course the biggest change – our new residence! I’ve addressed the (numerous) problems with our previous home in earlier articles, so I’m not going to bore anyone with the details. Let’s just say – this is a major step up!! It’s brighter, quieter (by a ridiculously huge margin), and management/maintenance is far more responsive. One of the guys who needed to fix something minor told us that “we have to take care of you.” What a drastic change…. I think just that one thing really gave both of us such a different (and so much more positive) outlook on everything.

We feel good about our living space, which makes us want to feel healthy and make choices that will help us arrive at a better place physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. All of this makes me wonder how much of an effect living space might have on our overall health. I mean, I think we all know that, generally speaking, people with more wealth (and therefore better access to high-quality health care) are also more likely to be healthy. Obviously this doesn’t mean that rich people never get sick, or don’t suffer from chronic health conditions, but in general, wealth and health seem to be fairly closely connected. This isn’t really news to most of us, I don’t think – toxic environments (whether physical or emotional) can seriously damage our health. I think a lot of us would file that fact under the “Duh” heading. All I can say is that my health seems to thrive a lot more in a peaceful, bright environment than the alternative. I lose interest in taking better care of myself when I’m miserable or unhappy. What’s the point, if my living situation isn’t going to get any better??? Instead, now I feel like I’m in my happy place. I wake up to the bright morning sun, I care about the ways I’m fueling – and moving!! – my body … and everything feels so much better. I might even be ready to go back to school….

Diane Letchworth is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach, and a Certified Reiki Master/Teacher. She has been a regular contributor to the Live, Love and Eat magazine from the beginning. Diane (under the pseudonym Diana Bastine) is also an award-winning author of YA fantasy fiction, and co-edited the steampunk faerie tale anthology Gaslight and Grimm, to which she also contributed a story based on "Rapunzel." She can be reached at, or


It’s back to school time for the kids. I always loved going back to school shopping and getting new clothes, a new lunch box and new school supplies. I always think of this time of year as a time for new beginnings. There are new teachers, new students and friends in your classes. Why should the kids have all the fun? We can have new beginnings too! It’s a great time to assess your own wardrobe, get new office supplies and set new goals. It is also a great time to get back to your foundations of health.

As our kids get back into a routine schedule of sleep, we can get back to making sure we are getting those 7-9 hours of sleep a night as well. Getting enough sleep helps to increase your focus and build your immunity so you can fight off those nasty colds and viruses that also like to thrive this time of year. Take a look at your diet. Where can you clean that up a little? Often, over the summer, we relax and tend to drink more alcohol and eat foods that we normally don’t eat with the excuse that we are on vacation. Did you let more sugar creep into your diet? How about too many carbohydrates? Instead of continuing that way and being sorry as we head into the holiday season, we can reset and add more fruits and vegetables into our diet. Aim for 5-7 servings of mostly vegetables in a day, with some fruits. If you crowd your plate with mostly fresh vegetables (raw, lightly steamed, stir fried in healthy fats or roasted in the oven), you will begin to get rid of the bloat and inflammation caused by too many saturated fats and processed foods. This is a great time to monitor your water intake as well. Usually, during the hot summer, it is easy to get lots of water in. When the months begin to get cooler, we have to be a little more aware and make sure we are still being hydrated. Reusable water bottles are often on sale this time of year, so take this opportunity to get a new one that you will enjoy carrying with you and is easy to use. Aim to get half your body weight in ounces of water a day. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, you would drink 70 ounces of water a day. Summer is usually a time when most people get lots of exercise. For those of us that live in hotter areas, the Fall can be a great time to get exercise because the mornings and evenings begin to get a little bit cooler. We can walk or run outside. We can go for a hike or do an outdoor exercise class. One of the benefits of getting outside to exercise is that you also get vitamin D from the sun. Studies show that going outdoors and looking at green plants and the blue sky or ocean help to reduce stress levels. So, don’t let the kids have all the fun this fall! Get back to your best health. Lori Booty is a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach with over 20 years of experience teaching elementary school and a Masters in School Counseling. She is the owner and creator of Lori began her health transformation after watching her mother battle a traumatic illness and she realized her own health was not as good as she wanted it to be. She found out that nutrition held the key to improving her symptoms and not medications with terrible side effects. Throughout her journey she's found that there are many natural remedies she could turn to for her family and not always have to rush to the doctor. One of the most surprising remedies she found was that her thoughts actually impact the quality of her health. She now works to support women who are exhausted from raising kids and caring for aging parents to get back their own health without using medications or crazy, complicated diets. Visit the social media links below to connect with Lori.

Resistance is Futile By Mark Semple

Although my favorite season is Summer, the Fall (or Autumn as my British heritage prefers) is a wonderful time. As I live in the Northeast, I'm blessed to be able to observe the transition in all it's colorful splendor with just a short drive into the Catskills.  There are so many important messages that Nature provides in her simple journey. One of the most significant for me is effortlessness. Everything just happens when it is supposed to – and with complete ease. When the summer is waning and it is time to commence the transition toward the dormant winter state, each plant and tree heeds the call and allows the transformation to begin. There is no hesitation, no objection and no resistance to the shifting of the season. Everything that grows operates in alignment with it's divine purpose and does exactly what it was created to do. With each individual tree heeding the call, the collective panorama of the transition is breathtaking.

Each one of us has a purpose also. A unique calling as to how we can contribute to the amazing journey of life on this planet. The simple aspect of fully blossoming into our individual purpose will be our unique contribution to the tapestry of life. You are constantly receiving guidance in various energetic forms as to what is right for you, or not right for you. Some are subtle, some not so subtle. The more you resist them, the more substantial they can become until they finally get your attention. Unfortunately, this modern society with all it's distractions, messages, noise & clutter is making it more difficult for you to discern the signals your physical, emotional, energetic & spiritual bodies are conveying. When you do get a vibe or a hit, do you intuitively act on it, or does it go through the myriad of processing & dissection where it ultimately gets resisted and not heeded? Your resistance can become a part of your conditioning and an automatic response to any input – regardless of how optimal or beneficial it is for you. (Ever resisted going to a yoga class then realize how phenomenal you felt after?) My spiritual journey & evolution began almost 30 years ago, when a long-term problem I had been resisting for decades couldn't be ignored any more. When I stopped resisting and surrendered to the fact I did indeed have a huge problem and I needed to redefine my life and chart a new course, it was both a huge relief and, paradoxically, terrifying. I was leaving a world I have known for a long time to step into a foreign land – uncharted territory – where I didn't have a clue what would unfold for me.

It became apparent that, in order to fully embrace this new journey and live in the most fulfilling way, I had to become willing to release everything I had ever known, thought, felt and believed. Some heavy resistance came up during that process also albeit I was committed to my path and was willing to do whatever it took. Note that it was the willingness that mattered most here. The amazing part is that, just like the transition of the trees in Fall, the process was relatively effortless. It became arduous and painful when I resisted and attempted to shift things my way. Of course, that which is right for you is not going away. It will get your attention sooner of later, when you may no longer have the option of resisting. To some, non-resistance may feel like a weakness – a giving up of your power. I deem it to be the opposite. It takes courage, commitment and inner strength, not to mention great faith & trust, to stop resisting and to stand up in this world as your true divine self, living as who & what you were created to be. You will find yourself truly living and knowing bliss & fulfillment in all aspects of your life experience. Resistance is indeed futile.

Mark Semple is a Certified Comprehensive Coach, Energy Healer, Yoga Teacher, Author and Speaker. He was supported many clients in releasing that which was impeding them from fully enjoying their life journey. Mark utilizes a variety of intuitive coaching & energy clearing techniques to identify and resolve the root causes of his client’s opportunities. Mark is also passionate about sharing the gifts of yoga and essential oils. Mark lives in Queens, NY and loves to explore the city and surrounding areas with his lady.


You cannot hide your values. Life will show them in time. Your actions are always your journey and how I respond to them is mine. This one stanza sums up my social media mission statement. It's all about taking ownership and personal responsibility for my values and actions. We all have freedom of choice when it comes to how you want to show up in the world. What do you choose? More importantly, do your actions align with your values?

Poem YouTube link:

Meet Jace Jacobs! Jace Jacobs is a Happy Mindset Poet, Performer, and Creator @ Jace is an author and spoken word poetry performer. His Happy Mindset Poetry books are available on Amazon or via Jace enjoys helping cool souls raise their vibrational state so they can experience more confidence and clarity in their life.Appreciate Everything ~ Love Fully ~ Need Nothing #HappyMindsetPoetry Visit the social media links below for video performances of spoken word rhyming happy mindset poetry.

THE JOURNEY By Jace Jacobs

I love to help cool souls Raise their vibration every day Just a little nudge from the Universe Authenticity along the way I appreciate the good vibes And the lighthouse in my why Welcoming your positive content Across my entertainment sky As I embrace love And work on myself within I appreciate the lessons Even before the lessons begin You cannot hide your values Life will show them in time Your actions are always your journey And how I respond to them is mine What would be in your social media mission statement? Namaste ☮


You’ve probably heard of the elimination diet, but maybe you’re wondering how you’d ever do this type of diet. There are many reasons for doing an elimination diet. If you have any type of autoimmune disease, thyroid issues, adrenal insufficiencies, or digestive problems like Crohn's, Celiac's disease or SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) you might find this diet beneficial. When patients begin the elimination diet, we're really trying to heal the gut. Leaky gut is a digestive condition that decreases the ability to absorb food. When we can’t digest and absorb our food the nutrients don't get to the rest of our body. This is when our body breaks down. Many of us try to fix the symptoms we are experiencing with medications, but the true cause could be that the gut is not functioning properly. Over time, the gut lining can become damaged by several things such as:

● Stress ● Emotional Issues ● Environmental Toxins ● Processed Foods ● Lack of Sleep ● Inflammation

These types of things are going to decrease our guts’ ability to function and thrive. Ideally, the lining of the gut is designed to be very tight. When we have a really tight system, we have the digestive enzymes and the ability to digest our food and those chemicals pass through the bloodstream. Since the lining of the gut is very thin, added stressors that cause inflammation make the cells swell causing permeability or gaps in the gut lining. This is when food doesn’t get digested and can slide out into the bloodstream. Our immune system then sees this food as a full protein, which is also how it sees a virus. At this point, it goes into full attack mode. Stressors and inflammation in our body create a cascade of illness. We find ourselves getting more colds, having asthma, and digestive problems – gas, bloating, stomach pain. These things are all coming from not having the appropriate immune system or appropriate function in the gut. With the elimination diet, we can heal this issue. Basically, you are letting things rest and repair by removing stressors. In my practice, I have brought many patients through the elimination diet. I feel that people do much better and are able to get the outcome they’re looking for when they have guidance throughout the diet. The diet itself is not difficult, however, there are pitfalls that can occur. By working with someone trained in this you have the support and advice you need to succeed. Would you like to learn more about the elimination diet? Are you looking for someone who can guide you along the way? If so, please contact me at I’d be happy to teach you the easiest way to get through the diet, and how to heal and seal your gut. Let’s work together so that you can get back to the life you enjoy and be stronger than yesterday! YouTube Video Link:

Dr. Danielle Litoff DPT is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Health Coach at Battle Born Health in Reno, NV. Her practice focuses on the principles of modern, proven medicine, delivered with an old-fashioned commitment to patient care and one-on-one relationships. For more wellness tips, visit her blog where she writes about various topics of nutrition, health, and physical therapy."

FOOD You can make homemade Applesauce. Apple butter. Poached apples. Apple pie. Apple muffins. Apple cake. Caramel apples. Apple stuffing.

HOW TO STORE APPLES The ideal storage temperature is 30 to 35 degrees F. with 90 to 95 percent relative humidity. Store them in the refrigerator. Place them in the crisper drawer in a plastic bag with holes in it or cover the apples with a damp paper towel.

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF EATING APPLES Apples are rich in important antioxidants, flavonoids, and dietary fiber. The phytonutrients and antioxidants in apples may help reduce the risk of developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.

HEALTH Apples are a soluble fiber that promotes weight loss and gut health. A medium apple equals 1.5 cups of fruit — which is 3/4 of the 2-cup daily recommendation for fruit.

Get Creative with Apples


Summer is important just as much as school. It is time to live real life experiences. Summer is also important as it allows teenager's to take a break from from school life and to just enjoy life.

Dear Therapy is a Poetry and blog writer. Aspirations to study Forensic Psychology as a degree.


She was napping in a hammock and I, Around her I swear I could fly, Beach, sand, sea and happiness, Built from a fortress of forgiveness, The hammock was the shade of blue, I turned around and she was gone too, Now it's time to travel and to behave, Be strong and resielient as a sea wave.


The breeze was cold and the nights are long, A bonfire was lit just before the storm, The tents were rising in a place of song, Reminding you that your happy you were born, Toasting marshmallows with a smile upon your face, Surrounded by nature, a warm kind of time, Your welcomed to enjoy life at it's pace, Enjoy the moment when your feeling fine.


We enjoy some of the freshest fruit, Loving vegetables we all follow suit, A dazzling salad is set before your eyes, Clouds are forming above you in the skies, A fresh meal of nutritious food, Nature is calming and soothes your mood.

Stuffed Acorn Squash Makes 4 servings




METHOD Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.


2 acorn squash, cut in half and seeds removed - Olive oil, sea salt, black pepper - 1 lb. ground turkey - 1 cup onion, diced - 1 cup celery, diced - 1 bunch swiss chard, washed, destemmed and chopped - 2 tsp. minced garlic - 1 tsp. sea salt - 1 tsp. garlic powder - 1 tsp. ground cumin - ½ tsp. paprika - 2 tbsp. tahini

2) Place the acorn squash cut side up in a large baking dish and add 1 cup of water to the bottom of the dish. Drizzle a little olive oil in each acorn squash and sprinkle with salt and pepper. 3) Cover the dish tightly with aluminum foil and place in the oven for 45 minutes, or until fork tender. 4) While the squash is cooking, heat 1 tbsp. olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat for 2 minutes. 5) Add the onion, celery and garlic and cook until the onion is translucent, about 5 minutes. 6) Add the ground turkey, breaking up with a wooden spoon. Add the sea salt, garlic, cumin and paprika. Cook until the turkey is browned and no longer pink. Add the chard and cook for 1-2 minutes, until softened. 7) Turn the heat off the pan and stir in the tahini until well combined. Taste and add more salt and pepper if needed. 8) When the acorn squash is finished cooking, divide the turkey mixture evenly among the squash halves. Save leftovers for later on in the week.

Lindsay Young is a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach and Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist living in sunny Southern California. She’s a wife, mama of 3, food enthusiast, and embracer of imperfection. Lindsay specializes in helping busy women develop a nutrition and lifestyle plan that fits into their real life, so they can gain health without losing their minds. She believes eating healthy can be simple, beautiful, and easy. Lindsay’s approach to wellness focuses on real food in a real-life context, helping her clients develop a modern approach to a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable and joyful, in their homes and out in the real world. She believes living well can mean eating chocolate and enjoying happy hour, learning to trust your body, and embracing food freedom. Website: Instagram: @lindsay.lives.well

Homemade Apple Sauce






3 lbs. apples ½ c. water ½ tsp. ground cinnamon

Slice and core the apples no need to peel, unless you want to. Place the sliced apples, water and cinnamon in a large pot over medium heat. Cover and cook for 15-20 minutes or until tender. Use an potato masher, blender or food processor to "puree" the apples, keeping it slightly chunky. Let the applesauce cool to room temperature, then store in the refrigerator for up to one week.

This is my favorite recipe, especially for Fall. The kids will love this Apple Sauce.

Bernadine Otto is a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach & an EFT Practitioner and the Managing Editor of The Live, Love and Eat Magazine. She helps women to make peace with food, cravings, and emotional eating by using a technique called The EFT Tapping Method for Weight Loss and Cravings. She also works with women who are tired of dieting, and women who have a negative body image. My approach is not to focus on calories or the scale but to find the root cause so my clients can have a happy, healthy life that they deserve.

Warm & Welcoming Chili Makes 4-6 servings






1 lb. ground grass-fed beef, turkey or bison - 1 tbsp. olive oil or coconut oil - 1 onion, diced - 2 stalks celery, chopped - 4 medium carrots, chopped - 2 zucchinis, chopped - 1 tsp. minced garlic - 1 tbsp. chili powder - 1 tbsp. ground cumin - 1 tsp. dried oregano - 1 tsp. sea salt - 1 6-ounce can tomato paste - 1 15-ounce can fire-roasted, chopped tomatoes - 2 cups broth, chicken, beef or vegetable

Heat the oil in a large, deep pot over mediumhigh heat for 2 minutes. Add onions, celery, and carrots and cook until the onions are translucent about 7 minutes. Add the zucchini and cook for 2 more minutes. 2) Add the garlic and stir. Crumble the ground meat into the pot and mix with a wooden spoon to combine. Continue to cook the meat, stirring often, until it’s no longer pink. 3) Add the chili powder, cumin, oregano, and sea salt to the pot. Stir thoroughly to combine. Add tomato paste and stir until well combined, about 2 minutes. 4) Add tomatoes with their juice and broth to the pot. Stir well, bring to a boil, then reduce to a gentle simmer for at least 20 minutes. The longer you allow the chili to simmer, the more flavorful it will be.

Lindsay Young is a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach and Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist living in sunny Southern California. She’s a wife, mama of 3, food enthusiast, and embracer of imperfection. Lindsay specializes in helping busy women develop a nutrition and lifestyle plan that fits into their real life, so they can gain health without losing their minds. She believes eating healthy can be simple, beautiful, and easy. Lindsay’s approach to wellness focuses on real food in a real-life context, helping her clients develop a modern approach to a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable and joyful, in their homes and out in the real world. She believes living well can mean eating chocolate and enjoying happy hour, learning to trust your body, and embracing food freedom. Website: Instagram: @lindsay.lives.well

Book Recomendation By Adrienne Klein

Hair Loss Master Plan: Health and Beauty Hair Loss Solutions by Mary J. Shomon

Adrienne Klein explains why she recommends this book to our readers: ''Hair loss can be devastating and she goes into detail of why it might be happening and steps to eliminate or improve the condition''

 ''By all these lovely tokens September days are here, With summer's best of weather And autumn's best of cheer''. Helen Hunt Jackson

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